When pressing START at the starting menu, by pressing L or R you can change the visibility of the screen to choose the
contrast of the screen. After choosing it, choose your save file for the new game and the game starts!
= [Introduction
+ Tutorial] = After the awesome opening movie, Sora & Co. are talking about they can feel the presence of
Riku and Mickey within Castle Oblivion. After this a black-robed unknown appears. Donald and Goofy charge in to attack
this Unknown, but fail as their magic is useless. The unknown then tells Sora that he lost all of his spells and his
abilities. As the game starts, you'll see Traverse Town, to access it click the "A" button. You'll see a small
scene in Castle Oblivion, the Unknown will fade and you'll appear in Traverse! The unknown reappears and Sora seems
to notice he can't leave the place. Get ready for your battle tutorial...
================= BATTLE TUTORIAL-1
================= A Donald card hops around until it stops in front of the Unknown. It then goes to you and you
can use it. Now at the bottom-left you can see the Donald card to be chosen. Press the "A" button to summon Donald and
he'll cast a fire spell, which the unknown blocks. By pressing B, you jump. If you hold B you jump a bit higher. By
clicking a left/right directional arrow TWICE, Sora will dodge roll. Then, by pressing the A button multiple times you
will attack, the chosen card will go on the middle and disappear once it's executed. Do it 3 times. After a small
talk, attack until you RUN out of battle cards. You'll see a card with the number "1" on it. Press A until that black
card is filled up and you'll regain a new set of cards to use! By clicking the L or R button you can switch cards.
Do it 6 times. After this, click SELECT and you'll see an EMPTY card. This changes your card's category. Before this,
you were at the first one, [attack/item/magic], this second one is the [enemy cards] category. So after switching
back to your previous category, the current battle tutorial will end and a conversation will start. After a while it will
tell you your in-game commands while you're NOT in a battle. A = swing keyblade B = Jump Directional pad =
Move sora
==================== BATTLE TUTORIAL END- ==================== Okay, so now you're free
to go, get used to the in-game commands and then when you're ready (you are by now right?), go towards the door and press
the A button (attacking a door... lol)... and guess what... new room synthesis tutorial!
=============== ROOM
SYNTHESIS- =============== The commands are pretty easy, you can guess them really:
Control Pad: Select a card A
Button: Confirm B Button: Cancel Simple nay? Thanks to Jack for translations of the tutorial. "Each Room
has a criterion, e.g. this room has a criterion of 1+, a card with the value of 1 or greater will allow you to enter the
room" "Cards have values from 0-9" "Zero value cards, meet all criteria" "There are cards without any value at all,
called Keycards. These are used to open special doors" "To proceed to the next room, you'll need a map card. Map cards
are used to synthesize new, unexplored rooms. First select the map card you want to use." Okay, understand a
bit more? Anyways you'll have two cards... which to choose... only the left one works :P So choose it, and you'll
get to hear the awesome (sort-of) TT music and you're in a new place!
=================== ROOM SYNTHESIS END-
= 1. [Floor 1] [Traverse
Town] =
-Hints- =When playing through traverse town, hit the lamps or step on houses since you will get hp balls
or Moogle points (really important) even (cards also!) Hitting a lamp will turn it on or off.=
-Leveling up- =When
you level up you can raise three stats: MAX HP (more Health Points) MAX CP (more Card Points) SLEIGHTS (Special
card moves - choose it and click R and L for description)
-Battle Hints- =When in the in-game field you see a heartless,
attack it from then, and the battle will start. One difference, the heartless/enemies are frozen for some seconds.=
I still miss traverse town... oh wait I won't annoy you with that lol, anyways if you jump and go a level higher in front
of you, you'll see a hexagon shaped crystal, which is the save point! Get near it to save if you still remember doing
that each minute in KH1 since you thought a tough boss would appear out of nowhere... which never happened... So if you
save or not, you can't after this for a moment, after one movement a barrel crashes on the ground... intact! So
get over it and smash it with your keyblade (A button) and a keyblade card (cv = card value) with a cv of 1! And guess
what appears behind you... your first REAL battle! A heartless! Be warned though, you only see one heartless outside
but there's more... IN the battle! Anyways I hope you paid attention to the tutorial so get ready for some ass-kicking
action! Walk over to him to engage battle! =Battle hints=
Attack the first one in front of you with a three
hit combo, that should do it. Anyways attack the others and you're done! You know you can get some variety and use
other cards by switching them (L and R) ;P If you attack at the SAME time as the enemy, the winner(highest CV) gets
to card break the opponent ^^
Anyways after the battle, you will learn about Quick Save and what it does, you
can roam around if you want, if you JUMP on the sort of house opposite of the save point, you'll get some health from it.
So now, go for the door at the far right and attack it. Room synthesis I smell! Thanks to the awesome Heartless card,
use it and you get into a new part of the Town! Wow it sure did change meh... So this is the difficult and weird part,
the rooms you go to are TOTALLY random! The only thing that's the same are Where the doors are! So I won't be able to
tell you 100% but I'll tell where each door is at and such. For more help on it, press START, then choose WORLD MAP(2nd option).
So anyways, go north in this room (fighting as needed if you want) and synthesize this room.
New room, you have
two doors, one north, another at the left. I say, GO TO THE LEFT. In the world map it's a yellow one, meaning? Special!
Doors with keyblade are special doors, same for a heart or heartless card. So go there and synthesize it. To do it,
you'll need to use your YELLOW card and another one, then an event will start. Leon has completely forgotten about you
and co, saying he never saw you in his life. After some confusing scene and Yuffie appearing (making it MORE confusing)
you'll get a battle tutorial on how to battle.
================= BATTLE TUTORIAL-2 ================= Each
cards have a card value ranged from 0 to 9. When both you and the enemy play a card at the same time, the higher valued
card wins which is called a "card break". Try it out.
The card with lowest card value will be card broken, so even
great cards can be card broken. When card broken you (or the enemy) becomes open to other attacks. Cards with 0 as card
value are SPECIAL. The 0 card can card break ANY cards the opponent plays, but it can be card broken by any, sorta like
a double edged sword. After this is how to STOCK.
You don't need to use each card individually one by one, you can
stock them until three (maximum) and use it. This is much more powerful and the card value of the combo is all numbers
added together. To stock press L and R at the same time, then to use it after stocking three cards press L and R. Special
abilities can be used by stocking, they are called "sleights", but when using a SLEIGHT, you will lose the first card for
the entire battle but getting it back at the end only, losing everything is bad luck.
==================== BATTLE
TUTORIAL END- ====================
So, had fun? You'll get a new yellow card (key of guidance) for another special
room for the world, and get a Simba summon card ^^. Anyways now you'll be leaving this room and appear in the previous
one, and it has it's chances of NOT being the same as before :P
So now, go to the north room, and hopefully you
can synthesize it, or else just fight until you can. In the third room, again head to the left fighting until you reach
the door. This time, synthesize a yellow card again, with a card with a cv of 3 or higher.
This time, the conversation
is of Leon, you, aerith and yuffie. This isn't helping a lot to understand what's going on but you'll leave anyways.
get a yellow card (Key to the Truth) for the last special room. Anyways go up north and synthesize this room as always,
after this, guess what, just find the door on the left/up area! This time by synthesizing it, you need a GREEN card,
and the yellow one... and with this... you'll get... into... another room! Cid is here (alone) and you'll engage into a
convo... anyways you'll see the camera showing the clock tower place Gizmo shop remember? From KH1? So now, the screen
will shake as the bells are ringing... and I hope you've been waiting for this... your first BOSS!
BOSS: Guard Armor- ================== Recommended Level: Any, but for security 4 or higher. _________ Attacks: 1.
Footsies: Sends the feet stomping at you. Slow and easily walked around. 2. Claw spin: spins the claws around the center
torso. 3. Clawing: uses the claws to hit you, if sandwhiched between it and the edged can do continous damage with multiple
cards, dodge roll to escape this situation 4. Jump: jumps and lands on you, just try to get out of the way 5. Torso
spin: after the other parts are defeated this is the attack it will use. Not exactly dangerous _________ Strategy: Keyblade
cards: Since this is what your deck mostly comprises of use them.
Just attack him when you can and stop to dodge his attacks.
Magic cards: You can only use these on his lower portion
parts (feet) and when he's knocked to the ground
from a card break or green Mickey card. The higher
lvl spells (e.g. blizzara, firaga, etc) can hit
higher enemies but you most likely dont have the cards
to support these moves yet.
Summmon/partner cards: use goofy and donald together in stock combos to
insure against card breaks. Since these cards dissapear
after use any way using them in stock moves doesn't
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
So, after the cutscene of Aerith
explaining to you a warning that memories can be dangerous and some talking, are we done with Traverse Town? Yes! Go to
the upper-right room (if you look at the world map). Climb the ladder until the top. Save then enter the... door! Why
not go to the other rooms we didn't visit? Wondering? There's a special yellow card bar to unlock it which we DON'T currently
have. So sorry for any disappointments =P
So now that we're back to Oblivion Castle... The
unknown comes back. Someone comes to the rescue! ... Wait... that's another unknown... nvm >.> So he summons two
weapons... and a fight starts!
=========== BOSS: Axel- =========== _________ Attacks: 1. Normal attack:
hits you with his weapons a few times about 3 not much damage though. 2. Wheel Throw: throws his weapon at you and teleports
to other side and catches it. 3. Fire wall: sends a wall of fire at you, not exactly that fast and can be dodged
if you move behind axel at the last second or dodge roll through it. _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards: Just slap
him with them when your close enough and have the
Magic cards: Blizzard will do tremendous damage to axel use it as often as
Summon/partner cards: Goofy can do a "bit" of damage but hes not exactly
useful. donald isnt that great since he likes to use
fire more often then his other spells (IMO) and that
will heal axel.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
You'll get "world cards"
deck which contains 5 worlds: Agrabah, Wonderland, Olympus Coliseum, Monstro and Halloween Town. Axel will appear and some
more conversation will start. After this, going up the stairs will give you a warning that if you go back to the previous
level the world's rooms will be resetted. So continue. They'll talk some more mentionning Hollow Bastion but they forgot
the name, proving they're forgetting memories.
"Oh for Pete's sake!" -Donald
After convo save and go up the
stairs to choose Agrabah!
= 2. [Floor 2] [Agrabah]
-Hints- =The barrels that are very light light light brown (close to white) can't be destroyed. So don't bother.
But sometimes hitting them gets you an item or hp, moogle points so still try your luck.=
You get in Agrabah pretty
early this time of the year... Anyways directly as you arrive there, you'll need to help Aladdin fight some heartless.
Easy as cake... Anyways once you're done, more heartless will appear... do not fear! The genie is there! After he rescues
you (even if you'd come out alive) you'll be able to play. So now, go to the upper-left section to open a key door. It's
random what you need but for me I needed a green card and the key card.
So after synthesizing it, you'll see a short
cutscene. Nothing important. So leave and go up to the north room. This time, take a left and enter this room. Enter
the key door (simple as that!) by adding multiple cards together to get 15 or higher, and use your key card. Jasmine is
surrounded by Heartless! Go and save her!... not... the Genie takes care of them. I know, you're all sad that you didn't
get to fight the heartless... right? Well don't worry! More just came from delivery! Now go teach them a lesson! After defeating
them, Jafar comes and just takes the Genie and Jasmine, just like that! I mean, come on, can you believe that! He has noooo
matters! I think someone needs a good "getting-killed" lesson!
Ok just head south twice until you can get to the
last locked room, to your right. I needed a red card and the key card, so if you have it, no problem. Open the door...
and get ready for a boss fight!
============ BOSS: Jafar- ============ Recommended Level: I easily beated
Jafar on level 7. _________ Attacks: 1. Molten fire ball: goes into the lava and picks up a meteor and tosses it
at you. Cards can easily be broken but the damage is quite good if it doesn't happen. 2. Ground smash: smashes the front
panel and makes the panels change position. 3. Laser eye: Jafar will shout and then make a laser that goes across the screen
just jump because only the front bit of the laser can hurt you. _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards: Since your main
goal here is to hit the lamp that Iago carries
keyblades are the only way to go up to a certain point which
you're either on platform that is completly raised or you use
a green mickey card.
Magic cards: Only useful when on a high platform or after a green mickey card
is used. Healing of course - you need 1 or 2 cure cards.
Summon/partner cards: Donald is decent but dont expect too
much from him.
Goofy is yet again a waste of your time. Simba is an OK
choice, but like donald dont expect too much from him.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
defeating Jafar, Genie will join you; equip him when you can since he's pretty useful. So just climb the ladder to your
right, save on top and enter Castle Oblivion again.
Nothing much here to do, just follow the conversations and go
up the stairs. You'll see a small scene of Namine drawing. If you're not paying attention, you'll see it again in two
floors or so I think. So after more conversations save if you want, and go up the door and choose your location... Olympus Coliseum!
3. [Floor 3] [Olympus Coliseum] =
-Hints- =If you see three boxes (small) together, you can't do anything to them,
so don't bother XD=
As you enter the Olympus Coliseum, I know you'll realize one VERY sad thing, no more coliseum
matches!! *whimpers*... ok maybe not THAT sad but I enjoyed them... atleast... guess KH2 needs to be waited for >.> So
after the discussion, Hades and... CLOUD (yay!) appearing, you'll be enjoying yourself, at the beach... hmmm at the coliseum
beating heartless and stuff... just like the good ol' days...
In the first room, just kill any heartless if you're
in the mood for that. If not, open up the door to the right ^^ Next room, you can't open the key door in the right of
the room just yet, so open the one that is up. This key door needs a gold bar so it won't work neither, go up again. Next
room, the key door is the last one this time, so not this one, go to the right into (again) a new room. Then the south
door is FINALLY ours! Synthesize it (battle if needed for cards) and open it up. Herc and Phil! Anyways after Cloud
comes in and they... do a... race (?) you're playable again. Guess what? Go back ALLLL the way to the start! Where the
first key door you saw is! So after a long (or short) and tiring (or easy) journey (or walk)... oh wait! You're transported
to the room just above it! How nice of them =P So go to the first key door (door to the south) and open the door.
is there and challenges you to a battle to death (I think)!
================= mini BOSS: Cloud- ================= Recommended
Level: 10 is good. _________ Attacks: 1. Normal attack: Cloud just attacks you normally 2. Triple air slashes:
His stock move, and the move you get by using three cloud cards in stock combo. He goes in the air, comes down and slashes for
three times. Card break with a 0. _________ Strategy: ALWAYS keep a 0 (cv) card on yourself, and never let it card
breaked. Use it only when it's the triple air slashes, so never use it in a stock combo neither. For his normal attacks,
it's easy so just dodge, he has some pretty decent card value in the attacks so he might card break you once or twice. Just
use stock combos SOMETIMES (not always) and attack normally and you should be having no problem!
======================== END
OF mini BOSS BATTLE- ========================
After this easy (mini) boss fight, next room is... Hades (big) boss
============ BOSS: Hades- ============ Recommended Level: 14 _________________ Recommended Deck: 1
card: 0 card value 2 Blizzard (or 1 if you can't get a 2nd) Simba can help 2 Cure spells (very important) Keyblades:
over 4 Card Value
DO NOT take Genie, he is useless here. Fire HEALS Hades. _________ Attacks: 1. Fire finger:
Shoots a small puff of flame that doesnt even travel across the screen (visibly) it can be dodged but doesnt do much any
way 2. Flamethrower: Puts his hands forward and shoots flames, this is his most lethal move. this will do continuous
damage and is very annoying and almost impossible to get out of after being caught in it. 3. Fire Ball: Throws a fire
ball at you _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards: If you use keyblade cards you want to stay behind Hades as
often as possible. Don't go on the defensive in this battle
or you'll end up dying. Slap him with your key as often as
possible. He does have 0 cards so be careful of card breaks.
Magic cards: You want blizzard cards here big time. One
blizzard can take a huge chunk from his life.
If you have 2 or more combine them together using
the stock move and you'll perform the next level
of the spell. Be careful not to miss or you'll have wasted a good
magic move and one of your cards will dissapear for the entire
battle (the first one of the combo). Also have a Cure or two and
combine them if you think you'll be card broken or need a lot of
health back.
Summon/partner cards: Don't use Goofy at all hes a waste of time against
bosses. Donald should only be used if you put him in a
stock combo as the first card. If you have multiple
cards of the same summon (e.g. 2 or 3 simbas) combine
them to get the full effect. Simba though isn't much use
here due to the fact that his lvl 1 summon (1 card)
doesn't do much damage and the lvl 2 doesn't either and
only adds a mediocore stunning effect that doesn't last
long at all. Lvl 3's stunning effect doesn't last on
Hades very long either.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Whoo! Now that was
fun! I think... anyways you'll get a Cloud card now! One of your greatest ally, if not first (Cure spell is better lol).
So climb the latter as always, and on top save then enter the room to Oblivion castle. In it, after a small discussion,
go up the stairs and you'll see the first UNKNOWN discussion scene. They're very interesting I suppose... too bad I don't
understand a WORD they say =P After this choose your next location...
4. [Floor 4] [Wonderland] =
-Hints- =The flowers you'll see and meet with, when attacking them they give you
HP balls, Moogle points or even cards I think. So don't forget to wack them!=
Oh joy... like I wanted to go here anyways...
>.> Eugh! A talking RABBIT! I thought we killed him in KH1... oh wait... that wasn't it... beh... anyways after
the talking cutscene enjoy your stay at WONDERLAND! (unlike me...)
Anyways go to the left, hitting heartless and
flowers as you go. Synthesize the door to open it and enter the next room. In this one, go to the upper part of the
room, a key door room is to the right but the door to it is somewhere else = not here. Open the door at the upper part
and enter the next one. The 2nd key door is at the right here so don't forget it. The upper door leads to the room just
before the LAST key door. So go to the left one since it's the last one. Here, open the south door with a numbered card
that is required and the key door card. So after some discussions... cards come jumping at you... MINI BOSS FIGHT!
================= mini
BOSS: Cards- ================= Recommended Level: any level and it's easy really. _________ Attacks: 1. Normal
attack: attacks you. _________ Strategy: Just hack and smash and heal when needed. This is just really easy.
======================== END
OF mini BOSS BATTLE- ========================
More cards come towards you after the battle but you run away...
no you're not scared but you've got some... ehh family problems yea! Anyways now go to the 2nd key door. If you remember,
good ^^ If you don't... Go to the room to the north and open the key door at your right and you're there! Anyways Chesire Cat
makes it's appearance! Now that's something that is... better than a... talking... rabbit >.> Cutscene finished -
moving on.
"Try too hard to remember and your memories might lie to you." (Sora daydreamed of Kairi earlier and
remembering her she changed to Namine, meaning he tried hard to remember so his memories of her appearance lied.)
after this, go back to where the 2nd key door was (in which room) since you are back at the start, so normally you should
find your way, if not: Left, up. Then open the upper door to enter a new room, here go to your left and open the last
Key door... get ready for a boss fight!
================== BOSS: Trickmaster- ================== Recommended
Level: 14 works easily _________ Attacks: 1. Flame twirl: twirls his little flaming things around as he walks arcross the
screen. not much damage 2. Floor smash: smashes the floor damaging all who touch it 3. Fire/ra/aga: crosses arms and
throws/shoots it at you 4. Flame twirl vertical: twirls the flames at his feet then raises them in the air damaging
you if your in its path _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards: Keyblades are nice here since magic doesn't aim any higher
than sora (well most of it). Use keyblades for most of this
Magic cards: Only use magic cards after using a green mickey card to raise the
table in the center of the room. But if you do get a chance to
shoot him on the table the damage from magic is very high. Also
if you use a lvl 2 or 3 spell that could work but remember about
using 3 card combos. You'll lose cards like nuts.
Summon/partner cards: Don't use goofy he doesn't do crap to bosses
and further
more dont use him on any boss at all. Donald is ok since
his magic tracks and he can heal you. If you use
multiple donalds in a stock move his magic will be lvl 2
spells. simba is not a boss summon at all since he's lil
damaging and meant for regular heartless. Genie will
typically use Gravity and Stop the most and that doesn't
effect Trickmaster at all so don't use Genie either.
Cloud will pwn (properly own) the trickmaster but only
if the table is raised or if lucky: when he's kneeling.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
the end, climb the wine to reach the top and save. Then enter the door. Well whaddya know? Same Namine drawing cutscene!
I told you it'd happen! Anyways after all the conversations. Save again if you're bored and get to the big man-eating-flying-in-space-world...
which is a WHALE! Heh...
= 5. [Floor 5] [Monstro] =
for Pete's sake."
Pinoke and Gepetto are still inside Monstro (not in TT like the end of KH) so after some talking
follow Pinocchio. Anyways when you can move, there are two paths: East and north. The east path leads to the room previous
of the 2nd event room so remember the location. Go to the east door still but open the north door, then east one. The
special door is the 1st event door so go to it. Try synthesizing it (or else battle for map cards) and enter it.
some discussions you'll leave the room and appear at the previous one. Make your way back to where you found the first
key door leading to the 2nd event room, and prepare for a boss fight.
==================== BOSS: Parasite Cage- ==================== Recommended
Level: 17 _________ Attacks: 1. Tentacle Smash: Pretty obvious hell smash at you with his tentacles the CP on
this card isnt to high usually so its not much of a problem to card break but if you get hit by it youll be knocked into
the slime for extra damage 2. Poison bubble: this attack takes a while to perform and is not very strong. He basically
sucks up some air and spits a large bubble at you. _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards: When the panel you're on moves
to the front use keyblade cards
to deal quick damage and land safely back on the panel. Also
use keyblade cards to card break it's attacks so you dont get
knocked into the acid.
Magic cards: Use when the panel moves to the back. Aim right and don't use
gravity magic since it wont work as is the case with most bosses.
Summon/partner cards: Dont use Goofy as always and
only use donald in a stock
combo as the first card. Simba has no use here, Cloud if
you have a high CP one or combine it with other cards is
quite good here but only in front line. Genie is almost
useless do to the fact that 2 out of his 3 spells
doesn't have any effect on the Parasite Cage.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
more event room and your donneeeeeee... Monstro is sure long... so much rooms.... Anyways go to the north/west way or west/north
way (leads to same room). I recommend fighting enough to get a Teeming Darkness with a card value that matches the last
event room's door card value. Next go north and then east for the room just before the last event one.
===================== mini
BOSS: Heartless- ===================== Recommended Level: whichever you want... _________ Strategy: This is
a very different battle, you have to kill Shadows until the upper- right bar is completely filled up, and before the battle
is over, with Teeming Darkness there will be much more heartless so more chances to win. So this is basicly a very fast
hack&slash mini boss fight.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
This might
have taken several tries but that doesn't really matter, just don't give up. To know if you won, the bar won't drop down
when it's full and when you defeated all the shadows you'll see a Dumbo card which you need to get.
So after the
conversation go up the... bone ladder and save, get back to Castle Oblivion. Larxene and Axel will be discussing an important
matter about Sora's memories and their "plan" to take the Organization...
Save, go up the stairs and choose the
last world of the first set: Halloween Town!
= 6.
[Floor 6] [Halloween Town] =
After Jack Skellington's introduction (good thing that he's back) finish the conversation
and you'll start HT. Go to the east room right away. Wow, if you look at the map card you'll see LOTS of rooms... guess
Monstro was easy compared to such thing... anyways here's how to access each event room from the START:
event- East North
You'll be at the Dr. Finkelstein's laboratory. He'll explain his experiments. Then you'll tag along Jack to
find Sally.
2nd event- East North
North East
Sally is there and has the potion, saying to Jack that it's dangerous, before anyone could do anything Oogie
took the potion, talked then ran away and for you to follow.
3rd event- East
East East
East South
=================== BOSS: Oogie Boogie- =================== Recommended
Level: 21 _________ 1. Dice Roll (Regular): While your down below him he will throw 3 dice always at a CP of 7 you
need to Card Break them to get the spikes lowered so you can get to Oogie. if you don't Card break any they will summon
either blades that come to slice you up or a spinning top of death. 2. Dice roll(Drop Down): This will drop when you
are up with Oogie too long and will knock you back down. _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards: Use them in either
of two ways or both: 1. to card
break the dice 2. to attack
oogie when you get up to him.
Magic cards: Exactly the same strategy as keyblade cards. And gravity
doesn't do anything as usual.
Summon/partner cards: Use these when you get up to Oogie; don't waste them on
the dices.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Wow that was soo easy... Especially
since I was level 26 (had to fight a lot for cards to get to event doors... it was hell) so anyways after the cutscene, everyone's
happy yay... Anyways go up the ladder, save, enter castle oblivion.
Whooo Larxene will talk to you telling you a lie,
that the paopu fruit was given to you by Naminé and not Kairi, anyways boss battle.
============== BOSS: Larxene- ============== Recommended
Level: 22 _________ 1. Physical Attack: Basic slash with the claws you can try to dodge but it's not a powerful
attack 2. Thunder/ara/aga: Thunder based attack 3. Forward Lightning: Shoot's the lightning out of her claw weapons
and straight at you 4. Claw Missle: Several missiles aimed and then shot at you, avoid using Dodge Roll. _________ Strategy: Keyblade
cards: Hate to say it but, you heavy Magic users are gonna have to
get used to keyblades for this battle. Magic is hard to work
with Larxene due to her high speed. You can't shoot magic
nearly as fast as she can move. Keyblades are probably the
best choice here.
Magic cards: Cures are really all you need. And maybe if your a magic marksman
you can use blizzara/aga to damage her since there attack is wide
spread and still powerful.
Summon/partner cards: Don't use Donald or Genie. Donald might cast thunder on
her and heal her and same thing with Genie and his other
two attacks don't have any effect at all. Cloud might
work if you can position him right.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
the battle, some more talking, go up the stairs and Vexen will make an introduction, anyways some more talking, save and
go to Atlantica.
= 7. [Floor 7] [Atlantica] =
hate this level, soooo boring... not much diff, between KH and KH:COM it seems... Some talking and you get the Key of Beginnings. These
all start from the FIRST room.
1st event- West South
Sebastian is here and explains that the trident was stolen, and that the kind was worried. Anyways after the
discussion you'll be leaving. You'll be from the first room (WEST - WEST). But the way is from the start.
2nd event-
West North
You'll find Ariel in her grotto, Ursula will show up and they'll talk about their "deal". Sora appears after
she left and explains that they'll help since she can't trust Ursula. You'll get a new temporary ally card, Ariel.
event- West West
West West
Prepare for you're worldly boss fight, Ursula, only after a conversation.
============= BOSS: Ursula- ============= Recommended
Level: 25 _________ Attacks: 1. BIG OL BEAM!: she shouts some weird phrase and then about 1 sec later will let
out a big beam from her mouth, just move to the opposite side of the way she's facing and you'll be fine. 2. Bubbles:
she will spit a few bubles from her mouth that sorta track you but arent that damaging, more of a delay than an attack. _________ Strategy: Keyblade
cards: These will probably do the most in this battle. You can use
them to get the tentacles down easy and damage the head after
they're down.
Magic cards: Not so useful in this battle. Magic cards can help for lowering
tentacles but hiting the head will be difficult without the green
mickey card. Thunder is damaging on her and can hit her easily so
if you're going to use magic get some Thunder spells.
Summon/partner cards: For partner cards use them as you see fit
none are
exactly a great help in this battle except Donald. For
Summon cards, Cloud can help get the tentacles down but
hitting the head won't work with exception of using a
green Mickey card. Genie is crap against bosses so don't
use him (until further notice don't use genie).
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
will excuse himself to Ariel. Some more talking, go up the ladder and enter Castle Oblivion to see Riku.
============= BOSS:
Riku I- ============= Recommended Level: 26 _________ Attacks: 1. Normal attack: 'nuff said 2. Jump strike:
Jumps and hits you. _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards: Use em as you see fit.
Magic cards: Use them as you
see fit.
Summon/partner cards: Use them as you see fit.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
defeating him, he'll run away, go up the stairs and save then choose your next location: Neverland.
8. [Floor 8] [Neverland] =
Tinkerbell will show up and lead you somewhere so you'll follow her. These all start
from the FIRST room.
1st event- East North
Peter Pan will introduce himself and you'll learn that you're on a Pirate ship. After some talking you'll be
leaving. From starting point you are : East-North, so go South once then west to be at the starting point, but you can
guess where to go just by going south once.
2nd event- East
East South
You'll find Wendy and start a conversation.
Peter Pan will leave and your temp ally card will be gone. Go north-west and your at the starting point.
3rd event-
East North
North North
You'll see Captain Hook which already has Wendy as a hostage, but Peter saves her. Boss battle will start.
=================== BOSS:
Captain Hook- =================== Recommended Level: 30 _________ Attacks: 1. Regular attack: pretty good damage
but just a regular attack 2. Slice and Dice: he uses this when he stocks cards of a certain order and if you are caught
on the edge of the screen you will take heavy damage 3. Fire bomb: throws a fire bomb and sometimes will stock and throw multiple
bombs that do heavy damage 4. Bomb presents: usually will launch in the middle of the screen that launches a bunch of
present looking things that explode on contact and after a bit of time. _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards: Until
he gets low in hp don't use them in stock moves. Once
he gets down to half the green bar start using them in stock
to lower his HP quickly. Or just attack as normal - either way
is fine but one is safer card wise.
Magic cards: Hook jumps around a lot and it's hard to hit him with magic. Even
a blizzaga with a wide attack range has a hard time hitting him.
Summon/partner cards: Don't use partner cards unless
you use them in stock
combos other wise it's a waist of time and you'll be
card broken. All summon cards except Genie have some
effect on hook but they're not that great (and Dumbo -
Dumbo is a waste of everyones time).
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
the battle is over, you'll get the Tinkerbell summon card, go up the ladder, save and enter the door to Castle Oblivion.
Riku is there, new boss battle!
============== BOSS: Riku II- ============== Recommended Level: 30 _________ Attacks: 1.
Attack: jumps and attacks normaly, it's not that strong 2. Energy ball: A stock move. after getting a full stock he'll
usually cast this. To dodge, dodge roll right through it. _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards: Use at your will.
cards: Use at your will; but be warned he's hard to hit.
Summon/partner cards: Use partner cards in combos especially
Donald since his spells track. Other
summons use at your will.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Geez Riku is really
aggressive towards Sora lately... Anyways go up the stairs and a convo, and now they're thinking that Naminé is Kairi!
Wow. Anyways get ready for a great level, Hollow Bastion!
9. [Floor 9] [Hollow Bastion] =
Poor ol' Beast... no luck with women right? =P These all start from the FIRST room.
event- North North
North North
You'll find Belle in the library and she'll explain that she's held captive. Maleficient will enter the room
while you hide and take away Belle again. You will be back at the previous room, go SOUTH four times to be back at the
start or just twice (and don't pay attention to the two Norths here).
2nd event- North
North East
South South
Maleficient and Belle are in a new room. Beast will show up, Belle'll lose her heart and everyone's mad at
Maleficient. Anyways Beast will join your party. To go to starting point: North, North, West, South, South.
event- North North
Maleficient is there and get ready for a boss fight after the convo!
========================= BOSS:
Maleficient Dragon- ========================= Recommended Level: 33 _________ Attacks: 1. bite: pretty obvious,
she bites at you 2. fire spit: spits fire on the floor. If your standing on the platform summoned by a green mickey
head card you wont get hurt. ++++++++++++ Sub Attacks: 1. The fire spit move creates lil fire things that run around
and can be a pain. Once again if you on the platform youll be ok from them. _________ Strategy: Keyblade cards:
These will get you through most of the health bar. Just attack
with them whenever you can.
Magic cards: If you use mostly magic then you're gonna have trouble. In order
for you to hit her with most spells you need to either get a
green mickey card by destroying her little flame minions or wait
for her to lower her head. The earlier of which being the more
favorable condition. You want quite a few healing cards for this
fight since she attacks pretty darn fast and is quite powerful.
Summon/partner cards: Goofy can't hit her unless she
lowers her head - same
with Beast. Donald can help a bit in this fight. Cloud
works nice against her but only use if he's high card
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
"There they go with the mushu stuff,
Goofy answers is all... anyways you'll be done with Dragon and be climbing some ladder! Save. Get into
Castle Oblivion and Riku... not... no Riku this floor!
"Terribly sorry, Vexie"
Riku was actually under Vexen's
orders. You'll be seeing Marluxia and convo will continue. Done? Good, save and choose your next destination.
10. [Floor 10] [100 Acre Wood] =
Weird little fella... anyways Thanks to Jack for a full guide on 100 Acre Wood.
Jump into rabbit's cart and lead pooh to climb in with you (with the R button). this will cause one of the wheels of the
cart to fall off.
- Stand next to piglet and lead pooh over to get a conversation to occur (gets you 'confuse').
Get pooh to grab onto the group of 5 balloons. This will get owl to bring him back down to earth (gets you 'Spellbinder').
- Lead pooh over so that he falls into the hole with the tracks leading to it. This will reveal roo (gets you 'elixir').
Skip past tigger for now, and lead pooh further down the path and speak with eeyore (where you'll find he's looking for
his tail). It's stuck in a tree branch near him, but you won't be able to get it just yet.
- Past eeyore, get
pooh to jump in a complete circle from stump to stump (on the 4 stumps which form a square-shaped pattern). this will
get tigger to appear and a conversation to ensue (gets you 'idyll romp').
- Lead pooh to the beehive (located on
the right side of the path, just prior to the 4 stumps that you got pooh to jump on). this will cause a group of bees
to chase him, running into the base of the tree and knocking eeyore's tail down from the branch where it was stuck (gets
you 'bind').
- Using your keyblade, pound the 12 posts into the ground (two groups consisting of: 7 posts and 5
posts). and then move back and forth in the area between where you pounded the 12 posts down. hit the cabbages as
they roll down with your keyblade. after you've "stacked" 14 of them, rabbit will appear and thank you for neatly stacking
his cabbages (gets you 'synchro').
- Lead pooh to the end of the path to get the card 'Bambi' and exit the 100 acre
After this new boss fight.
============ BOSS: Vexen- ============ Recommended Level: 35 _________ Attacks: 1.
Shield slap: his normal attack, not very powerful 2. Ice blast: stock move much like riku's 3. Freezer: stock move,
freezes you in an ice block rendering you helpless for the time being. Use the d-pad to get out of, hit buttons like mad
to break it. It also drains your HP the longer your in it so get out so QUICK! 4. blizzara: pegs you with ice. _________ Strategy: Keyblade
cards: Get behind him and smack him silly with those things.
These work just about as well as the other types of cards.
Magic cards: These work a little bit worse than keyblade
cards since you need to attack quick to get hits
in on Vexen. Fire magic works best since it moves
faster and does a LOT of damage to Vexen.
Summon/partner cards: All of them work just some better than others. Use
your own disgretion.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Vexen will make a card
from a memory at the 'other side' from your heart, and it's Twilight Town. Go up the stairs, conversation about Axel's
next mission: killing Vexen, save and next destination:
11. [Floor 11] [Twilight Town] =
Something diffrent now: Only one key door. But if you want you should visit everything
for EXP or just for fun, if not here's how to get to the event:
Key Door (start): East
North North
Geey Vexen is really pissing off Sora now isn't he? Nothing unexpected: boss.
============== BOSS: Vexen
2- ============== Recommended Level: 38 _________ Attacks: 1. Sheild slap: his normal attack not very powerful
(again) 2. Ice blast: stock move much like riku's 3. Freezer: stock move, freezes you in an ice block rendering you
helpless for the time being. use the d-pad to get out of hit buttons like mad to break it. It also drains your HP the
longer your in it so get out so QUICK! 4. Glacial Spike: stock move, a trail of glacial spikes starts erupting from
the ground tracing your every path just run as fast as you can to avoid 5. Ice puddle: freezes two spots on the ground
that if stepped on sora will slip and go into an upside down fetal position and be immobile for a second. 6. Recover:
Always uses this when about to die, only once I think. _________ Strategy: Vexen's been holding back till now hasn't
he? Really hes not that much stronger but his card using is faster, and the CP of the cards are decent so he may card
break you often. So basically just use the same strategy as before.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE-
After some whining of Vexen, Axel makes an awesome appearance, kills Vexen and goes (with
some talking of course). So cry on someone's shoulder if you were a Vexen fan (unlike me) and save, enter Oblivion. Major
plot discussion about the Unknowns, and Riku is teh back one, Riku III I might add.
=============== BOSS: Riku
III- =============== Recommended Level: 39 _________ Attacks: 1. Lightning Attack: jumps and attacks normaly,
it's not that strong 2. Energy ball: A stock move. after getting a full stock he'll usually cast this. To dodge, dodge
roll right through it. _________ Strategy: Mostly the same as before but his CP is again higher this time on his
cards and his attack can some times stun and are lightning based this time, really just stick to the same strategy as
before. If you dont remember what that is it's just a simple proccess of keeping your HP up if it gets low (if you have tinkerbell
that shouldn't be to hard). He is even tougher and faster but not by much so just heal and attack.
END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
After defeating Riku has he runs away as usual, Sora REALLY agressive
towards Goofy and Donald, Naminé runing away or something, Saving, DI!
12. [Floor 12] [Destiny Islands] =
Tidus, Wakka and Selphie are talking, etc. I can't make up my mind though, the
HER that the trio talk about is NAMINé or KAIRI? obviously Naminé but I've got a tiny doubt... meh nvm...
1st event-
West North
Riku is here, same spot as in KH1. He obviously doesn't know what Sora's talking about. The earth will start
shaking and surely for the 2nd and last event room... You'll start back at the first room.
2nd event- West
North North
North East
East East
=============== BOSS: Darkside- =============== Recommended
Level: 45 _________ Attacks: 1. Hearltess portal: same as KH one he sticks his hand in the ground and some heartless
pop up (shadows) 2. Ground smash: smashes the ground and may hit you 3. Energy rain: makes energy balls rain down 4.
Heart ball: sends energy balls out of his heart hole at you. _________ Strategy: For this long, easy, annoying battle,
only use offensive cards and one or two (or three) healing cards. Keyblades are your BEST bet. His pattern is VERY repetitive,
he'll smash his fist into the ground, being Ground smash or Heartless Portal, and the next one is Energy rain or Heart ball.
So the strategy is, first of all, a LOT of patience. His defense is amazingly gigantic so an attack barely hurts him. When
he does one attack, being one from his first pair (HP or GS), run towards his hand after dodging and just attack it
like crazy. Then for the one from the second pair, run around dodging it or just card break it if you can. It's really
simple but just really damn long.
(Alternate strategy by Ruby coming in next update hopefully)
END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
The calm before the storm as they all say, no? So after the awesome
cutscene, walk to the key door (after saving of course) to leave DI... and Riku's last (damn hard) battle starts.
============== BOSS:
Riku IV- ============== Recommended Level: 50 (higher) _________ Attacks: 1. Normal attack: stunning strikes
are still here. and his attack power is up a bit 2. Jump strike: this almost always tracks you and hits but can be dodged 3.
Energy blast: stock move, get behind riku when he fires and it wont track you but if your in front of him your getting
hit 4. Shadows of Oblivion: he warps through space and time slashing you continuously. The places he goes arent random
but he covers too broad an area and to quickly to dodge all of it... _________ Strategy: This guy is a pain in
the @$$. He constantly uses his stock moves and Shadow of Oblivion will take out a healthy chunk that actually aint so
healthy for you. You want to use stock moves here, because otherwise you will be card broken constantly and that will
make you lose most of your cards and in no time youll be down to 1 or 2 cards within minutes and no way of getting the others
back! If you have the sonic blade ability your in luck all you have to do is perform it and then hit A and you will do
another slash and it does HEAVY! damage it can take out from 1/3 to a lil more than 1/2 of a bar of Riku's health. Other
stock moves are ok but sonic blade is the best thing here. I suggest throwing in EVERY keyblade card you have into your
deck and instead of using them normally just smash L and R and stock and perform the moves to keep him busy and block
his stock moves at the same time and damage him. It may take several tries (took me all day to beat him literally). If you
cant seem to get that last bit of HP gone off of him and are getting frustrated take a break and play another game (may
i suggest KH1 pherhaps) Then when you come back you'll actually find your self playing better and in a better mood!
END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Wow, for me he was so easy with Vixen's strategy... anyways if you
used a Sonic Blade (back and forth) deck CHANGE IT IMMEDIATLY. Or else your dead against Larxene, then go to Riku and
Naminé, Naminé will 'kill' Riku which we'll learn is a puppet that Vexen created, Larxene will say other stuff and we
get to fight her for the last time.
================= BOSS: Larxene II- ================= Recommended Level:
50 (or higher) _________ Attacks: 1. Claw: she'll hit you with combos so watch it 2. Thunder: thunder spell 3.
Claw missile: lays out claw missiles that fire in order of being set 4. Warp claw: will warp around you and constantly
hit you up side the head and then finishes up with a claw missle. _________ Strategy: DO NOT. I repeat do not
let her sandwich you on the wall or she might perform her continuous claw, shes taken out an entire bar doing that to me and
she just keeps going and you can't attack or anything. Other wise she's all in all the same as last time and you can beat
her if you pay attention and dont make mistakes. Emphasis on DONT. Also dont use stock techs 'till she's on her green
bar you don't want to give up all your cards too soon.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
this, some discussion, go up the stairs and save, and get ready for Castle Oblivion.
13. [Floor 13] [Castle Oblivion] =
Something I like here is the music and battle themed music... Anyways, there's only
ONE event room, but if you look at the world map, it's pretty far off :P (starts from the room where u start after an event)
Door (start):
1= blue (I had it), 3= red (had two), 99 cv (had enough with only red). Nothing special only a LOT of boss fights
============== BOSS: Axel II- ============== Recommended Level: 55 _________ Attacks: 1. Teleport:
Name defines move 2. Fire wall: Sends a slow moving wall of fire. cant dodge it but you might be able to card break
it 3. Fire wheels: He throws his weapons at you after lighting them on fire and they spin around you. To get out of
this jump at the last second and the wheels can hit you more than once. This is a stock move so you probably cant card
break it without your own stock move or a "0" card. 4. Fire wheel 2: Same thing but the wheels just criss cross across
the screens 5. Fire wheel 3: Now they just randomly bounce around the screen 6. Teleport throw: throws a wheel weapon
at you and teleports to catch it on the other side. _________ Strategy: Dont use stocks for some reason they dont
do that much damage to him. Regular cards work best. Keyblades are good as always. Just try to dodge the Fire wheel
attacks as best you can there the most lethal and do a sizeable portion of your health.
=================== END
OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
He wasn't too hard really now, was he? Anyways after this, you'll see him dissapear
and you're playable again, in the room under the event room. Where to go?
Exit Door: East
North East
East East
After some conversations, Riku will make an awesome appearance and a boss fight commences!
=============== BOSS:
Marluxia- =============== Recommended Level: 56 _________ Attacks: 1. Slash Dash: dashes and slices you 2.
Slice Wave: Swings his weapon and wherever you are a slice in thin air will appear,drop down,and hurt you, 3. Petal
Storm: He summons a petal storm that cant be dodged. not much damage but kind corny for an attack if you get my meaning 4
Ground Wave: Taps the ground with his weapons tip (bottom) and a wave of energy spreads out. just jump or dont get close 5.Air
slash: Slashes in front and sends a small wave of energy towards you _________ Strategy: Marluxia is a bit on the
slow side compared to the last three bosses. His attack power makes up for that dramatically though. What you want to
do is use stock moves here. preferably quick ones to reduce the card break likeliness. His defense is Low so physically
attacks do a lot of damage. As I said before use stock moves but try not to get stuck using the one that makes a energy
feild or strike raid there damageoutput sucks. I stuck to just 3 strike stock moves and got his first bar down in less
than a miniute or two. He has a lot of 0 cards and those will always card break you but they will also always be card
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Whoo that was sure tireing. Anyways
as GHGB says, the hard parts over now. If you want, go back and save, and remake your deck or w/e, I took out meh Blizzaga
to put in Mega Flare ^^ Anyways, once you're ready, enter that door!
================== BOSS: Marluxia II- ================== Recommended
Level: 58 _________ Attacks: 1. Spike slam: he raises his vehicle out of reach and then slams down on where you
are (may repeat) 2. Charge: goes to opposite side of the screen and charges into you going across again. 3. Pedal
shooters: these things will shoot at you eventually not much damage and mostly just to throw your targeting towards them
instead of maruchia. _________ Strategy: If you were prepared for something difficult and overwhelmingly impossible then
go back to Riku IV (4): lol this guy is a push over. As in KH1 seems like the riku battle is the hardest battle in the
game even tougher than the final boss. On the first part he doesnt attack at all, just beat the crap out of his mech's
arms and then the real fun begins. every chance you get attack him (not other things, HIM) beacause some times it takes
a while for an oppurtunity to arise. The charge attack cant be dodged unless you card break it which isnt hard at all
seeing as he doesnt do stocks or have very high cards.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
you've finished KH:COM as I did, enjoy the beautiful ending and how Sora finally remember's Kairi's name! So watch the
credits to see a 5 seconds add- on, and click A when you see 'The End' to unlock.. Reverse Rebirth!
------------------------- VII. Reverse Rebirth
After the introduction cutscenes and discussion with a hidden
character, let's move on shall we?
= 1. [Basement 12] [Hollow Bastion] =
1st event- North
East East
You'll be in the library, nothing special.
event- North North
You'll be in the similiar room of the start and again, nothing special.
3rd event- North
North North
Maleficent is here and ready for your first boss fight.
======================== BOSS: Maleficent Dragon- ======================== My
Level: 07 _________ Attacks: 1. Bite: pretty obvious, she bites at you 2. Stomp: She stomps on the ground, jump
to dodge this. 3. Fire spit: spits fire on the floor. If your standing on the platform summoned by a green mickey head
card you wont get hurt. ++++++++++++ Sub Attacks: 1. The fire spit move creates lil fire things that run around and
can be a pain. Once again if you on the platform youll be ok from them. _________ Strategy: This time, the boss
is sooo much easier if you ask me. Just jump and attack, and when you can, defeat a green flame to get a green mickey card
to get a platform again. So just slash and... slash and you'll be done in no time!
=================== END OF
BOSS BATTLE- ===================
After the boss, no conversations so you'll be back in the previous room, just go
north and synthesize the last room. Go north and enter the last door to get back to Castle Oblivion.
After a small
starting discussion, Ansem shows up! After some "being-smashed- to-the-ground" scene, you'll get a Mickey summon-ally card
for your quest.
============ BOSS: Ansem- ============ My Level: 08 _________ Attacks: 1. Rock Shatter:
He goes from one side of the screen to another for a couple of times. Be on the lookout for this one, card break him. 2.
Submit: The dark guardian behind ansem just attacks you. 3. Ground wave: A light wave comes slashing the ground from one
side to another. _________ Strategy: I recommend just slashing like any other battles today, when you get a mickey summon
card, use it at the end of your deck since it completely restores and reshuffles it for you. Great at times, no damage
done though which is sooo sad... Anyways this battle hopefully won't be a problem :P
=================== END
OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Ansem will give you your set of world cards, and do a deal with you. He'll
also give you Dark Powers. To learn on how using it, check the Dark Riku guide before the walkthrough. Go up the stairs
and you'll start an unknown conversation, only difference now is that you'll encounter two different ones from Sora's
story, but stlil Vexen; they are Zexion (silver-haired) and Lexaeus (Brute-brown-haired). After they're conversation concerning
Hollow Bastion's event, Riku will meet Mickey's illusion and a tiny conversation will start and conclude. Save and choose
your next destination.
= 2. [Basement 11] [Agrabah]
No starting conversations, straight to the exploration! I recommend fighting in the first room, killing everything
to getting used to the Dark Powers.
Key event- North
East East
============ BOSS: Jafar- ============ My
level: 10 _________ Attacks: 1. Molten fire ball: goes into the lava and picks up a meteor and tosses it at you.
Cards can easily be broken but the damage is quite good if it doesn't happen. 2. Ground smash: smashes the front panel
and makes the panels change position. 3. Laser eye: Jafar will shout and then make a laser that goes across the screen
just jump because only the front bit of the laser can hurt you. _________ Strategy: This is very easy, just jump
and slash at the perrot Iago since Jafar can't be damaged by you. When you get a green mickey card, use it to get all the platform
to their highest and then smash Iago even more. After a while he should be going down.
=================== END
OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Here, after the boss batle go north-west or west-north (like Hollow Bastion). Synthesize
the north room here and enter it. Go north and enter the last door leading to Castle Oblivion. Back at our lovely castle,
just go north and up the stairs to trigger a new conversations between Vixen and Zexion.
3. [Basement 10] [Monstro] =
After the conversations of both Unknowns, go north and up the stairs and choose your
next destination: Monstro.
Here, just go to the first north room. If you look at the map then, you'll notice that
you can only go right the ENTIRE time, and guess what? That's what we'll be doing!
Key event- North
East East
East East
==================== BOSS: Parasite Cage- ==================== My
Level: 13 _________ Attacks: 1. Tentacle Smash: Pretty obvious he'll smash at you with his tentacles the CP on
this card isnt to high usually so its not much of a problem to card break but if you get hit by it youll be knocked into
the slime for extra damage 2. Poison bubble: this attack takes a while to perform and is not very strong. He basically
sucks up some air and spits a large bubble at you. _________ Strategy: Sorta same as Sora's time but a bit easier
in my opinion, try attacking him to get him to open his mouth for a green mickey card, and card break him until you
get into Dark Riku. After this, use your green mickey card and you can go wherever you want so ONLY use Dark Firaga, since
Dark Break doesnt touch the ground so green mickey is kinda useless. Once it runs out, then you can use as most often:
Dark Break. When you get a mickey card, use it if you need healing and reloading your cards.
END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Go back all the way to the intersection of south-north and choose the
north door, which you'll synthezise and enter. There, just walk/run/jump around north and enter the door leading to
Castle Oblivion... and you'll be meeting a familiar face...
============ BOSS: Vixen- ============ My Level:
14 _________ Attacks: 1. Shield slap: his normal attack, not very powerful 3. Freeze: stock move, freezes you
in an ice block rendering you helpless for the time being. Use the d-pad to get out of, hit buttons like mad to break
it. It also drains your HP the longer your in it so get out so QUICK! 4. Ice Storm: A new stock move of his, he'll summon
an ice storm which will slow you down. 5. Ice Needles: stock move, a trail of glacial spikes starts erupting from the
ground tracing your every path just run as fast as you can to avoid it. _________ Strategy: Vexen uses his sheild
to block his front constantly. To hit him you need to either walk around/dodge roll/ or wait for him to attack and miss
you, to get a hit in. Really he isnt that strong but he uses cards at a moderate to slow speed so he can cardbreak you
but he has a few low CP cards. Just keep your HP up and get a hit in whenever possible.
I'll let you say welcome
to a new stock attack of Vixen, an Ice Storm. Besides this he didn't change much, you can only attack him from behind.
I only used stocks to get to dark riku to card break him, or else I only attacked normally since I couldn't be bothered
running out of cards. When coming back to Riku's standart form, I'll usually use "0" cards to card break him and then get
back to Dark Riku.
Just keep using Dark Aura (27) and Dark Firaga, like all the time and you shouldn't have ANY
problem.Use Mickey when you need to reload.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
4. [Basement 9] [Neverland] =
When Vixen is defeated, go up the stairs. No unknown conversations so just save then
go to your new next world. Neverland.
=Current Level: 016 - Dark Points: 34=
This time, by looking at the map
you'll see this is MUCH more complicated than Monstro... too bad. But going to the boss is VERY easy... just go north until you
meet the key door, and synthesize it!
Key event- North
North North
=================== BOSS: Captain Hook- =================== My
level: 16 _________ Attacks: 1. Regular attack: pretty good damage but just a regular attack 2. Slice and Dice:
he uses this when he stocks cards of a certain order and if you are caught on the edge of the screen you will take heavy
damage 3. Fire bomb: throws a fire bomb and sometimes will stock and throw multiple bombs that do heavy damage 4.
Bomb presents: usually will launch in the middle of the screen that launches a bunch of present looking things that explode
on contact and after a bit of time. _________ Strategy: I would just use my usual process as always, stock or
use "0" cards to card break Hook and get into Dark Riku, then just attack like crazy. When I'd run out, I only use "0"
cards to card break him, or else I attacked normally since he only has one life bar to his command...
END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
After defeating Hook (geez only boss fights here!) go to the east and
synthesize the room. Do this step around two times in total then synthesize the north door to get to the room where
the door to Castle Oblivion resides. So just enter castle Oblivion. Go to the other side of the room, and up the stairs
to trigger a conversation of Lexaeus and Zexion. After this, save and choose your next destination : Traverse Town!
5. [Basement 8] [Traverse Town] =
Ahhh... wasn't this the first place for Sora? Heh, well nothing special. One problem
for me: I had a deck of 5 cards, reshuffling 4 times per second...
Key event- North
East North
North North
================== BOSS: Guard Armor- ================== My
level: 17 _________ Attacks: 1. Footsies: sends the feet stomping at you. Slow and easily walked around. 2. Claw
spin: spins the claws around the center torso. 3. Clawing: uses the claws to hit you, if sandwhiched between it and the edged
can do continous damage with multiple cards, dodge roll to escape this situation. 4. Jump: jumps and lands on you, just
try to get out of the way. 5. Torso spin: after the other parts are defeated this is the attack it will use. (not exactly
dangerous) _________ Strategy: This time, I got a very bad deck, so to my luck I only attacked as normal Riku. Reason?
The boss is pathetically WEAK. He praticly never attacked me. So just hack and slash at all his body parts, then at his
torso. The Green Mickey card will bring the poor guy crashing to the ground so you can torture him for some seconds.
END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
After the boss battle, go to the west chamber, twice and then north
to get to the room previous of castle Oblivion. Wow, a second Riku! I never knew Riku had a lost twin!...oh what? It's
a clone Vexen made? That sucks... Anyways after the introductions, get ready to fight Riku as does Sora 4 times... How many
times will you beat him?
================== BOSS: Dark Riku I- ================== My level: 18 _________ Attacks: 1.
Dark Firaga: Same as yours, sends a dark blast (homing) towards you. 2. Attack: Slashes at you. _________ Strategy: Wow,
this sure looks like fun! Anyways try getting Dark Riku early, then stock to get Dark Aura, it does ENORMOUS damage! One
full hp bar I can even add. Or else just attack normally, this battle shouldn't be ANY problem for the 'real' Riku.
END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Yeesh FAKE Riku sure is taunting, poor ol' little Riku... anyways go
up the stairs. Vexen is in the usual room and FAKE Riku'll show up. So seems like you're one boss earlier then Sora
concerning Riku, since Sora's his next victim. Ansem will stop Riku and after some discussion, will give you: new set of
world cards.
= 6. [Basement 7] [Atlantica] =
no like this level, sure very easy boss but... HORRIBLE DECK! Good thing we can use our enemy cards (Select) and Sea Neon
is just as fun if you have it, randomizes your cards' value... nice.. too bad it's only one turn!
Key event- North
East North
North North
============= BOSS: Ursula- ============= My
level: 20 _________ Attacks: 1. BIG OL BEAM!: she shouts some weird phrase and then about 1 sec later will let
out a big beam from her mouth, just move to the opposite side of the way she's facing and you'll be fine. 2. Bubbles:
she will spit a few bubles from her mouth that sorta track you but arent that damaging, more of a delay than an attack. _________ Strategy: Too
easy, just attack and destroy her tentacles then jump and attack her head. Use the green mickey cards AFTER a reload and
when shes on the screen, and her head visible.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
where to now? Go back the way you came from. At the four-way intersection go west then north until you meet Castle Oblivion.
You CANT go North since it goes to a dead-end, and thats not fun :P Simple at the castle, go forward to go upstairs
and unlock a conversation revealing Vexen, Axel and Larxene!
Wow, this awfully seems familiar... oh yea, this same
conversation happens in Sora's side of the game when you first see Vexen, except it shows Riku coming, in Sora's you
barely saw the head and in black. Poor Riku... the Organization is mean to him... /me is sad... Anyways after understanding
more of Sora's story, save and ready for the next world.
7. [Basement 6] [Olympus Coliseum] =
Eh? I didn't know Riku went to the Coliseum in KH1... bah... only thing... I
hate complicated worlds like this one... so boring... and more fighting needed to get map cards y.y 10 1 cards! WTF! Horrible
decks I may add... One advantage: Powerwild, reverses 1 to 9, 2 to 8 etc... wow 10 9s... in Dark Riku that WILL hurt...
Key event- North East
North East
============ BOSS: Hades- ============ My level: 22 _________ Attacks: 1. Fire finger: Shoots
a small puff of flame that doesnt even travel across the screen (visibly) it can be dodged but doesnt do much any way 2.
Flamethrower: Puts his hands forward and shoots flames, this is his most lethal move. this will do continuous damage and
is very annoying and almost impossible to get out of after being caught in it. 3. Firaga Blast: Throws a fire ball
at you 4. Temper Flare: Gets him into RED Hades. _________ Strategy: This is a bit harder then random encounters...
lately I suck at keeping my HP up so this was a problem... just card break (dont use your 1 cards in stocks!) him until
you get into Dark Riku, then use PowerWild enemy card to get all your 1s into 9s! Now, guess what? Dark Aura fun! Yea,
three Dark Auras in a row = one full HP bar down... Too easy...
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
this, go west then north twice to get out of this world. Go up the stairs and Larxene, Riku and Naminé will talk a while
concerning ONLY Sora... beh... Anyways this done save and choose your next destination.
8. [Basement 5] [Wonderland] =
Bad deck... great start... meh... Just get ready for a long travel until the boss
fight. Even besides that the first two rooms I cleared all enemies to restock my map cards so I don't need to fight. And
get EXP of course ;P
Key event- North North
West West
West North
================== BOSS: Trickmaster- ================== My
Level: 25 _________ Attacks: 1. Flame twirl: twirls his little flaming things around as he walks arcross the screen.
not much damage 2. Floor smash: smashes the floor damaging all who touch it 3. Fire/ra/aga: crosses arms and throws/shoots
it at you 4. Flame twirl vertical: twirls the flames at his feet then raises them in the air damaging you if your in
its path _________ Strategy: VERY easy, just jump and slash, that's ALL. You don't need Dark Riku for this neither.
When he uses a card of higher Card Value (7 for example), don't stock , just wait it out or use all your enemy cards while
waiting. Simple.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
After this joke boss fight,
just go east then north twice and you're in Castle Oblivion. Good to be back! Go upstairs to start another conversation. Zexion
and Lexaeus, talking about Vexen's death (Sora just did Twilight Town it seems...) Seems like Riku will also be a puppet
but of the Dark... unlike Sora. Riku will say something then save and go to Halloween Town.
9. [Basement 4] [Halloween Town] =
Wow, we have a great deck this time, true we need to card break Oogie Boogie to
win but still, I'm so happy to get good cards finally ^_^! Anyways, Layout is a TINY bit long... but nothing to worry about...
Key event- North West
South West
North West
West West
=================== BOSS: Oogie Boogie- =================== My
Level: 26 _________ Attacks: 1. Dice Roll (Regular): While your down below him he will throw 3 dice always at
a CP of 7 you need to Card Break them to get the spikes lowered so you can get to Oogie. if you don't Card break any they
will summon either blades that come to slice you up or a spinning top of death. 2. Dice roll(Drop Down): This will
drop when you are up with Oogie too long and will knock you back down. _________ Strategy: Get ready with your
7 cards since you only use them for card breaking, then attacking of course. When you go under 7, stock to card break.
Only use green Mickey cards when you reloaded your deck and the gates are COMPLETELY up to bring them entirely down.
When the gates are down (when you card break his dices they progressively go down btw if you forgot) jump on his level
and attack like there's no tommorow and you'll come out victorious after three or four times.
=================== END
OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
To leave after this easy boss fight, go north, east, north, east, north. Before this
though, I battled the entire way a LOT since I needed to restock my map cards, and since I have a good deck the battles
would have been easier then in another world (with a horrible deck). Before entering the castle, get ready for an encounter...
Lexaeus! Yea it was a long time since our last conversation of Riku and a 'Nobody' inside this room :P
============== BOSS:
Lexaeus- ============== My Level: 28 _________ Attacks: 1. Rockshatter: A rock erupts from the ground infront
of Lexaeus and shatters into pieces while heading STRAIGHT towards you. Use 0 cards to card break. 2. Attack: Attacks
with that... very big and weird sword... 3. Smash: He smashes his sword on the ground making the screen lose balance. _________ Strategy: Wow,
he seems really tough now? But with your deck he's just unbelievably EASY and I mean it. I put this in phases. 1st:
Only use your 0 cards and ONLY card break his stocks, you'll get to Dark Riku in NO time ^^ 2nd: Dark Aura, and card
break him if you can at the same time. 3rd: No more dark aura's left? Even after recharge? He had only half a green HP
bar for me so just use Dark Firaga and he's down.
How easy was that?
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
level up here! Anyways after this fun battle, Lexaeus will die but put Riku into darkness where Ansem resides and talks.
Mickey will show up though and save Riku and put him back in Castle Oblivion. Ok, go up the stairs :P.
Zexion will
talk with Axel, who are dead: Vexen, Larxene, Lexaeus. Only three left! Anyways, back to Riku, Marluxia just died by Sora's
hands. Zexion gives you the world card.
= 10. [Basement
3] [Destiny Islands] =
Who can't love the beach and that sun? Riku loves it. Anyways after poor Riku remembering
what Ansem said about him only seeing figures of the dark... no friends conversations here like Sora...
Key event-
North West
West North
Kairi! Not... as the trio of Wakka, Selphie and Tidus she dissapears. Zexion will explain to him more precisly
why. He'll then explain to Riku the event of why the Island shattered in KH1. Boss fight.
=============== BOSS:
Darkside- =============== My Level: 35 _________ Attacks: 1. Hearltess portal: same as KH one he sticks his
hand in the ground and some heartless pop up (shadows) 2. Ground smash: smashes the ground and may hit you 3. Energy
rain: makes energy balls rain down 4. Heart ball: sends energy balls out of his heart hole at you. _________ Strategy: Card
break all his attacks except Heartless Portal and Ground Smash. Card break him Energy Rain and Heart Ball to get in Dark
Riku to ease your life and even in Dark mode continue card breaking it so you get to the 2nd set quicker and can win
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Wow, Sora! Fake one, it's just really
easy to see that yeesh, after all the actions and the awesome scene (not cutscene but its just great) you can control Riku
again. Go North, East, North and enter Castle Oblivion.
Go up the stairs and you'll see the replica of Riku under (now)
Axel's command killing Zexion. Back to Riku, Ansem tries paralyzing him but Mickey comes to the rescue and gives you
your next world card. Save and choose your next destination.
11. [Basement 2] [Twilight Town] =
Ansem will show up again, but Riku will tell him that he's not Ansem, Diz will reveal
his true identity then. After telling Riku something he'll leave you.
Key event- North
You'll be at the gates. Alternate Riku will come but pissed off. Get ready for a boss fight!
============== BOSS:
Riku II- ============== My Level: 36 _________ Attacks: 1. Normal attack: stunning strikes are still here.
and his attack power is up a bit 2. Jump strike: this almost always tracks you and hits but can be dodged 3. Energy
blast: stock move, get behind riku when he fires and it wont track you but if your in front of him your getting hit 4.
Shadows of Oblivion: he warps through space and time slashing you continuously. The places he goes arent random but he
covers too broad an area and to quickly to dodge all of it... _________ Strategy: Pretty easy, attack like crazy
and CARD BREAK HIS DARK AURAs. You can't heal in this battle so don't waste a single second and dodge his Dark Firagas
(jump behind him). In Dark Riku stock, in normal attack like crazy and so on until you win. Nothing too dificult.
END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================
Poor Riku... after the false Riku's death youll be back in the previous
Key event 2- West North
North North
You'll see Naminé and Sora (sleeping) here. After some discussion and Riku making his choice, you'll leave.
Now you need to go to the exactly opposite place! So I don't think you need directions :P
12. [Basement 1] [Castle Oblivion] =
Once you enter, you'll see Mickey and Diz, some talking. Go up the stairs and save,
and get ready to enter Castle Oblivion. The map is awfully small wow. You only need to go north! Once you're there boss
fight, Ansem II!
=============== BOSS: Ansem II- =============== My Level: 39 _________ Attacks: 1.
Submit: Guardian attacks. 2. Ground wave: Sends a very fast lightning wave on the ground from one side of the screen
to another. 3. Rockshatter: Goes from one side of the screen to another and so on. 4. Dark Shadow: Strong move, Darkside
comes from under you and goes up smashing you three times or more then redoes it again, MUST be card broken. _________ Strategy: Use
your Oogie Boogie card when your close to dieing.
=================== END OF BOSS BATTLE- ===================