1-1. The Elfsong Tavern -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
entering the tavern, you speak to the half-elven bartender, Lady Alyth. She tells you about the eerie song being sung by
the elf maiden spirit. You ask her about the thieves that attacked you in the streets. She says they might be members
of a new thieve's guild in Baldur's Gate. It seems this new thieve's guild is at war with the old thieve's guild. She warns
you about them. You insist on finding them. She suggests you try the sewers. She thinks they are using them to move
around the city and that maybe that's why there are sewer rats being driven to the surface. She says there's a gate in
the cellar of the tavern but that the door that leads to it is locked. She proposes a deal. If you help her clear out
the rats that are infesting the cellars of her tavern, she'll give you the key that leads to the sewer gate and a few gold pieces
to help you get back on your feet. You accept the deal. The door to the cellar is locked and she says you can get the key
from Ethon.
Ethon ----- Go talk to the guy standing next to Alyth near the bar. His name is Ethon and he's
a regular of the Elfsong Tavern. You ask him to get the key that leads to the cellar, telling him about the deal you made
with Alyth. You ask him about the thieves that attacked you in the streets. You insist that you wish to find them, even
after he warns you to stay away from them. He also warns you about the rats in the sewers. He gives you the key to the
cellar and a dagger. He asks that you don't stay down there too long or he'll have to come get you.
Lortimer -------- Sleeping
at a table, you can try talking to him but he won't respond.
Nebbish ------- This man is standing near the door
to the cellar. You ask him about the thieves that are in Baldur's Gate. He tells you about Alyth cutting him off from spending
gold at her bar. With the cellars locked, he can't get a bottle to tide him over. He asks you to find a bottle for him.
He says he'll make it worth your while.
Bartley the Shop Keeper ----------------------- Bartley has set up
shop inside of the tavern because of the thieve's guilds war. You can buy weapons, armor, potions and other equipment from
Bartley. You can also sell off excess equipment to him to get gold to purchase better weapons and armor. However, you
have no gold to start with.
Head down to the cellar by unlocking the door next to Nebbish and going down the ladder.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1-2.
The Cellars -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIP:
The first act of the game is extremely straightforward. If you ever get lost in the cellars, sewers, crypt or thieve's
guild, I pity you, very much. ;) This game features one of the best auto-map features I've seen in recent memory. Use
it often whenever you're not sure about where you are and where you are going. I suggest you put the map in the top right
corner of the screen because having the map over the main screen can get distracting after a while. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
through the cellars, killing rats, breaking every barrel and urn you encounter, looking out for gold pieces and potions.
Keep an eye out for treasure chests containing among other things, gold pieces, a Rusty Short Sword, a Ruby and a Worn
Wooden Shield. After killing all of the rats, you can either go back up to the tavern to collect your reward from Alyth,
sell some stuff and buy new equipment or you can continue exploring. You'll encounter kobolds further into the cellars.
Be on the lookout for the wine bottle for Nebbish. You find a Rusty Long Sword and a Rusty Battle Axe in treasure chests along
the way. You'll also encounter some spiders down in the cellar. Be careful to not let them swarm you. You should eventually
reach a locked door that leads to the sewers. Before heading back up (either by walking back or by using a Recall potion),
make sure to search for the secret passage in the north of that room. It leads to a room with loot inside. Go back to the
Talk to Alyth. She asks you if you saw Ethon down in the cellars. He followed you down there not long ago
to look for you. She's worried that he might be lost or that he even wandered down into the sewers. You tell Alyth that
you'll look for Ethon down in the sewers. She gives you 75 gold pieces for the reward and the key that leads to the
sewers. You also gain 200 experience points for completing her quest.
Talk to Nebbish. Give him the wine bottle
you found in the cellars. He gives you an Extra Healing Potion in thanks. You also gain 100 experience points for completing
this quest.
Finally, before heading to the sewers, sell off your excess equipment and jewels to Bartley and purchase
better weapons and armor, if you can. I suggest you sell off all your Rejuvenation Potions for extra money, unless you're
using the Sorceress.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1-3. The
Sewers -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIP:
If you head back down the cellars on your way to the sewers, keep an eye out for any left over barrels, crates and urns
you might have missed during your first trip. Also, there are some random gold pieces lying on the ground. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
you first enter the sewers, you see a cutscene with Karne, the thief that attacked you in the streets. He has captured
Ethon. Karne orders a thief to take an orb to the shrine of Ilmater.
-------------- Sewers Level 1 --------------
encounter rats when you first enter the sewers. Beware of the kobolds in the next room. Some of them wield spears. To proceed
further, you'll need to push a lever in the adjoining room. This will slide open the door, allowing you access to the
next room. There will be four kobolds throwing spears at you behind some crates. Head into the waterway and you'll encounter
some more rats and kobolds. Watch out for the bugbear leading a small group of kobolds in one of the rooms. Beware the
large group of spear-wielding kobolds waiting for you at the end of the big hallway. Retreat back into the safety of the
crates and boxes if you need a breather. Pull the 3 levers in this room to open the door to the next area. Battle some
rats in the shallow water. Climb up the crates and jump to get to the crate pile with two chests on top. There's also another treasure
chest atop a crate pile further on. Climb up the crates again to get to the next area. There will be a bugbear and a few
kobolds waiting for you. Continue in the sewers, fighting kobolds along the way. You'll arrive in a big room with shallow
water. Spear-throwing kobolds are in the middle of the pool. Get to them quickly. From there, head east, pushing the crates
out of your way. You'll find your way to a small complex filled with kobold bodies. In one of the rooms, you'll encounter
a giant rat. Make sure to loot all of the bodies of the dead kobolds on the way. Head back to the big room, save your game
and go north, pulling the lever to open the door. You'll encounter another bugbear. In the next big room, you'll encounter
the bugbear chieftain you saw conversing with Karne in the previous cutscene. He orders his kobolds to attack.
--------------------------- |
BOSS: Bugbear Chieftain | ---------------------------
Actually, the biggest threat to this boss are his kobold lackeys.
Don't let them swarm you. Just hack away at the kobolds, taking shelter if they outnumber you too much. Once the kobolds
are out of the way, hack away at the bugbear chieftain and he'll eventually die. Keep an eye on your Health Bar at all times,
drinking Healing Potions when necessary. You'll find a prison cell key on the chieftain's body.
After defeating
the bugbear chieftain and the kobolds, loot the room. Head to the east and you'll find cells. Ethon is in the middle cell.
Open the cell door with the key you found on the chieftain to rescue him. He's grateful for the rescue. He felt guilty
about you heading down in the sewers so he decided to follow you down. No sooner did he enter the sewers that he was knocked
down by kobolds and brought to this prison cell. He used the entrance to the sewers in the city to reach the sewers.
He admits he was once a thief in the old guild but has long since retired. He managed to pick a key on the bugbear chieftain that
might lead deeper into the sewers. He also overheard a conversation between some thieves about something they're planning.
He doesn't know what but he says you'll have to head deeper into the sewers to discover what. He says he'll meet up
with you in the Elfsong Tavern and that you should come back to him once you learn what the thieves are up to.
this point in the game, you should have achieved level 3 of experience. However, you might be carrying a lot of loot that
you could sell off. Climb the stairs in the room where you fought the chieftain and the kobolds to head back to the
city and go back to the Tavern to sell the stuff to Bartley.
-------------- Elfsong Tavern --------------
to Ethon and he'll offer you 100 gold coins and an Amulet of Dexterity +1 for rescuing from the sewers. You also get 200
experience point as a quest reward. Talk to Alyth and she'll also offer you 200 gold coins for your troubles. You'll
also get 300 experience points as a quest reward. Finally, you'll notice two new patrons in the tavern.
Talk to
Ipswitch. He came to Baldur's Gate to pay his respects at the Shrine of Suffering, the Temple of Ilmater. He came to find
the temple sealed. He fears that something bad has happened but he doesn't know what. He wanted to visit the shrine
to pay his respects to his brother and to take his medallion back with him. It was always his brother's intention to pass
the medallion down to the family and since Ipswitch has a son now, he wishes to hand him the medallion. However, since
the temple is sealed, he doesn't know what to do. Offer your help in retrieving the medallion.
Talk to Osala. She
wants to be left alone. She seems distraught and is waiting for someone, her man, Keissen. He left for an expedition to
a place called the Battles of the Bones, in the North, but he hasn't returned. He'd been asked to retrieve an orb by
someone and was getting paid handsomly for it. She said that before he left, he acted strange around her, almost hypnotized,
like he was charmed or something. He was obsessed with finding his orb for his new employer. She says they agreed to
meet here, in the Elfsong but she hasn't heard from him. She fears that orb he recovered might have done something horrible
to him. You offer to tell her about Keissen should you see or hear of him.
When you are ready to proceed, go back
to the room in the sewers and open the door leading north. You'll find stairs leading to the second level of the sewers.
-------------- Sewers
Level 2 --------------
Head north and you'll encounter some bugbears. In the water-filled room, you'll fight
some gelatinous cubes, which usually bear some good items worth looting. Head east and you'll fight some bugbears and kobolds.
You'll also encounter green slimes for the first time. At the save pedestal, head east, passing by steam pipes. You'll
fight more green slimes. Pull the lever in the room at the end. Head back west and go north, watching out for the steam
coming out of the pipes again. At the crossroads, head west and fight a gelatinous cube. Back at the crossroads, head
north. More green slimes and gelatinous cubes. You'll reach a circular room with a pool of water. Green slimes and chest.
Exit room and head east. At the end of the hallway, watch out for the room filled with green slimes. Retreat if low
on health to drink healing potions. Pull the lever in the small room. Go back to crossroads. Head west. Even more of the
slimey creatures. You'll notice a save pedestal to the north with closed doors. Head east to find yet another circular
room with a pool. More green slimes that surround another lever. Pull it and head back to the save pedestal to go north, through
the now opened doors. You'll reach a staircase that leads to a crypt. Climb down.
You'll see another cutscene with
Karne discussing with his employer. They discuss the magical orb that the thief is bringing to the crypt. His employer asks
to bring him the prisoner. Karne admits that the prisoner has been rescued and his employer isn't happy. He orders Karne
to have his men search the sewers.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1-4.
The Crypt -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE:
After playing for a while, you should now be accustomed to using the map feature in the game to find where you are where
you need to go. Therefore, to not bog down this document too much, I'll skip giving directions unless some are absolutely
needed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIP:
Try to avoid using slashing or piercing weapons in the crypt since the skeletons are strong against those types of weapons.
Use blunt weapons like maces, clubs or morningstars. Also, if you've found a good blunt weapon that has the Disruption
magical ability, equip it now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------- Crypt
Level 1 -------------
Explore the rooms in the crypts, watching out for the zombies and skeletons. You'll encouter
a priest of Ilmater named Fayed. He tends the crypts and performs burial rites here at the Shrine of Suffering, the Temple
of Ilmater in Baldur's Gate. He's distraught about a strange set of tracks he found that lead to a strange magical orb.
He escaped when he noticed undead walking around. He sealed off this level. However, undead creatures still lurk on this level.
He mentions the way he barricaded this level by knocking off urns from their pedestals to seal off the lower levels of
the crypt. He believes the undead are coming from that strange orb down in the crypts. You can ask Fayed to heal you.
You agree to seek out and destroy the foul orb that's raising all of the undead in the crypts.
Continue exploring
the crypt, watching out for the skeleton archers along the way. You'll notice some tracks on the crypt floor at regular
intervals. Seems someone has passed through here recently. You can follow the trail if you wish but you'll lose it sometimes.
Explore all the rooms and passages of the crypt, cleaning out every undead creature you find. When you get to the large
room with the save pedestal in the middle, save and head east. You'll find another large room with undead creatures.
Go to the end of the room and keep an eye out for the medallion for Ipswitch on top of a stone coffin lid. Go back to the room
with the save pedestal and head north. Watch out for the large group of skeleton archers in the next room. You'll notice
three urns lying on the ground which you can push. For now, climb the stairs leading back up to town. The stairs will
come out near the Temple of Ilmater, on the surface. Head to the Elfsong Tavern.
-------------- Elfsong Tavern --------------
the medallion to Ipswitch and he'll offer his thanks and a very potent weapon to use against the undead, a Lt. Mace of
Disruption +1. You also get 300 experience points as a quest reward. Sell off your extra stuff.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIP:
If you have enough money, buy the suit of Scale Mail. The undead creatures will have a hard time hitting you if you're
wearing Scale Mail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Once back in
the crypt, push the three urns onto the stone squares at the north end of the room. You might need to place them in a certain
order. The order is random (apparently) so place each urn one by one on the squares. You'll hear a faint clicking sound
when you've placed an urn on the right spot. The stone disk covering the stairs leading to the second level of the crypt
will slide open, allowing you access. Climb down the stairs.
------------- Crypt Level 2 -------------
the stairs, head west then north. You'll pick up the trail again. Destroy the undead creatures in your path. At the intersection,
go east and west to small alcoves with undead, then head north. Another large room with more undead creatures. Keep
an eye out for one of the chests at the end of the room, near the save pedestal. It contains a very useful Morning Star
of Disruption +1. Continue heading north and reach the next save pedestal. Boss fight coming up. Head north. You'll
enter the Chamber of Ashes that Fayed talked about. In the middle of the room, there lies the strange orb that seems to
be animating the undead in the crypt. It rises up and suddenly, skeletons surround you...
--------------------------- |
BOSS: Orb of the Undead | ---------------------------
First, attack the orb while it's low on the pedestal. Eventually,
it will rise up into the air and summon skeletons to attack you. Defeat the skeletons and the orb will lower itself
again. Attack it again. It will summon a few waves of skeletons. After hitting the draining the orb's energy by attacking
it, it will shatter. Just make sure not to let the skeletons gang up on you, moving away if need be.
Once you've
destroyed the orb, Fayed enters the room. He wonders where that orb came from. You search the body of a thief that's lying
on the ground. You find a map of the sewers on him. You swear to Fayed that you'll find those responsible for this horrible
act. He appreciates your help, offers you an Amulet of Protection +2 for your efforts and says he'll consult with his colleagues
concerning this matter. He says to watch for a messenger at the Elfsong Tavern if they ever find out more info. You gain
750 experience points as a quest reward for destroying the Orb of the Undead. You can either walk back to the stairs
leading up to town or use a recall potion to return to the Elfsong Tavern.
-------------- Elfsong Tavern --------------
go talk to Osala and mention the body of the thief you found in the crypt. She'll thank you for putting her soul at ease
and offer you a Ring of Protection +1 as thanks. You get 750 experience points as a quest reward.
You'll notice
a new male patron standing next to Ethon at the bar and another female patron on the other side of the bar, near the save
pedestal. Talk to Alyth first. She says the man has been waiting to speak with you and that he's been talking to Ethon
for hours. Talk to Ethon. He says the man's name is Jherek and that he wants to speak with you. He's worked with him in
the past and says you can trust him. Talk to Jherek. He's intrigued by your bravery and efforts in the sewers and in
the Shrine of Suffering. He admits that Ethon and he are members of the Harpers, a group of good-aligned people sworn to
protect the Realms against evil. He invites you to join the Harpers. You can refuse, of course, but you won't be able
to get any further if you don't, so accept his offer. Jherek has a task for you. He says the orb you encountered was put
there for a reason, to cause chaos, to distract the city watch so that another group could act freely. The new thieves'
guild which has declared war on the old thieves' guild. He asks you to infiltrate this new guild and to find out who or what
is behind it. He says another agent tracked down a secret door on the first level of the sewers that might lead to this
guild. He says it's locked magically and that they haven't found a way to open it yet. You show the key you found on
Keissen's body. Jherek takes the key and places an echantment on it. He says to bring the key close to the secret door
in the sewers and the key will open it.
Talk to the new female patron, Keaira. She mentions the thieves plaguing Baldur's
Gate. She's part of a merchant caravan that got attacked by thieves outside of the city. They killed off most of the guards
and stole most of the goods of the caravan, including a rare box of spices from Amn. She has tried to track down the
guild but with no luck. You offer to keep an eye out for the box of spices, since you are looking for this guild yourself.
out into the city and enter the sewers via the grate. From the stairs, head east, past the cells where you freed Ethon.
Go at the end of the hallway and the secret door to the thieves' guild will open.
Another cutscene with Karne and
his employer. They talk about the destruction of the orb in the Shrine of Suffering. Karne mentions you to his employer.
His employer is revealed to be a beholder! The beholder says that if Karne fails, he'll see to the matter, personally.
~gulp~ Heh heh.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1-5. The Thieves'
Guild -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
---------------------- Thieves'
Guild Level 1 ----------------------
Head east and you'll encounter a trio of thieves. Search the weapon racks.
You will also encounter some kobolds and some more thieves along the way. You'll come to a room with a throne at the
end of the room with a treasure chest next to it. There's a Long Sword +1 inside the chest. In that room, there is also a
stairway leading back up to the city. Come back here if you need to restock your potion supply or sell stuff to Bartley.
exploring the rooms and hallways of the guild. Watch out for ambushes by large groups of thieves. Don't let them gang up
on you. Head north, past the save pedestal, searching the side rooms for loot. After the save pedestal, go east and
follow the hallway. Kill the beholder spores. In the room at the end of the hallway, there will be several treasure chests
and the box of spices Keaira is looking for. Among the weapons you'll find the chests are a Shortbow +1 and a Battle
Axe +1. Now would be a good time to head back to the Elfsong Tavern by using the staircase you found earlier.
-------------- Elfsong
Tavern --------------
Give the box of spices to Keaira. She'll be grateful and offer you an Iron Shield +1 as
gratitude for your actions. You'll also get a 500 experience point quest reward. Make sure to sell all your extra stuff
to Bartley and to stock up on potions before heading back to the guild. There's a stairway leading to the second level
of the guild at the north end of the hallway, north of the save pedestal.
---------------------- Thieves' Guild
Level 2 ----------------------
You'll enter a series of various traps and pitfalls on this level, including pillars
that throw fireballs and stone platforms that fall after you step on them. The level is thankfully spattered with save
pedestals so use them wisely. You'll encounter a group of thieves in some shallow water. Also, watch out for spiders
and a very large specimen later on in the level, after jumping across the large stone platform maze. I have it on good
authority from ffixeiko's husband (ffixeiko is a very good friend of mine that recommended the game to me , Hello! ^_^)
that this section 'sucketh mightly'...or worse! Just keep trying and you'll get by. Doing it alone is fairly easy. Doing
it when playing 2-player mode is rough. The very large spider can poison you so keep an eye on your health meter. You'll
fight some more smaller spiders along the way, some green slimes, a gelatinous cube, a large group of beholder spores,
a group of spiders lead by a very large spider again, a group of rates and finally, another gauntlet of pillars that
throws fireballs. Save at the pedestal. Make sure you have at least 20 healing potions in your inventory. If not, head
back to town to buy some. You'll fight Karne.
--------------- | BOSS: Karne | ---------------
out for the daggers he throws, they are fairly lethal. He'll eventually use smoke bombs to confuse you. Keep hacking away
at him with everything you have and keep an eye on your health bar. After you've defeated him, loot his corpse for some
nice magical items and proceed to the third level of the guild.
---------------------- Thieves' Guild Level 3 ----------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIP:
Make regular trips at the Tavern if you find yourself low on potions. Make sure you will have enough for when you'll face
Xantam, the beholder. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pull the lever
to lower the force field. In the next room, watch out for the rotating eye. If it catches you in its line of sight, it
will shoot some disintegrating rays at you that are lethal. Next, you'll face pillars that shoot arrows at you. Navigate
through, trying not to get hit too much, saving at each pedestal you find. You'll encounter more of the disintegrating
eyes. Pull the levers while avoiding their deadly gaze, taking cover behind some barricades when necessary. You'll also
encounter a room filled with levers that need to be pulled. There's a rotating eye at the middle. Time yourself well. In
the last room before the throne room, you'll face three bugbears. Save your game and enter the throne room.
----------------------------- |
BOSS: Xantam the Beholder | -----------------------------
Xantam uses the magical eyes he has at his disposal. Evade
their effects as best you can, occasionally moving in to hack away at the beholder with your weapons, arrows or spells.
You'll find that his bite isn't as lethal as his magical eyes. If you're wearing strong armor like Scale Mail, he'll have
a hard time hitting you.
After killing Xantam, Jherek enters the throne room and shows you the map hanging on
the wall. It shows Baldur's Gate, the Sunset Mountains and the Marsh of Cherlimber linked with black lines. There's a teleportation
gate in the throne room that Jherek says leads to the Sunset Mountains. He entrusts you to go through the gate to investigate
what is going on in the Sunset Mountains. He offers you a Flaming Long Sword +1, a Fine Shortbow +1, 2000 gold pieces and you
receive 2000 experience points as a quest reward. Whenever you are ready to proceed, head through the teleportation gate,
to the Sunset Mountains...
A C T 2 - T H E S U N S E T M O U N T A I N S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-1.
Wind's Walk -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
You emerge from the
teleportation gate in some kind of desolate place. Start walking along the path in the moutain, fighting gnolls, ogres
and yetis along the way. You'll eventually reach a mine camp.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-2.
The Mining Camp -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
This is a dwarven
mining camp. Head into the camp and talk to Branoch the Shop Keeper. You can sell your extra stuff to him and purchase
some new weapons and armor. Continue wandering in the camp and you'll meet Torrgeir. If you're playing as the Dwarven
Fighter, you'll recognize him as one of your clan brothers. He says a patrol of drow raided their mines and were forced
to establish this camp. They sealed off the mines and trapped the drow inside. You offer to enter the mines and drive
off the drow. Torrgeir tells you about some warriors led by their leader, Kolgrim, that went to the Burning Eye to light the
fire to signal their allies in Easting. He says he has heard no news of the warriors. The gate to the mines were closed
with the Key of Dumathoin. He says Kolgrim has the key that leads to the mines. You tell him that you'll try to find
Kolgrim and persuade him to let you use the key to enter the mines. Leave the village by going east, towards the Burning
Eye Base.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If you are playing
as Kromlech, the dwarves of the camp are a lot less suspicious about your arrival. Actually, Kromlech is part of this clan
of dwarves. If you're playing as Vahn or Adrianna, the dwarves will wonder who you are and what you're doing here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-3.
Burning Eye Base -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Travel in the forest,
fighting wolves along the way, following the trail. The trail will start climbing into the moutains. You'll find a gnoll
camp along the way. The mountain path will start getting icy. You'll fight some more wolves and some snow yetis. Before
continuing north to the Burning Eye Summit, head east and you'll find a cave. Inside, there are some wolves, some gold
and some healing potions.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-4.
Burning Eye Summit - Part 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
north and you'll find an Ice Cave. Inside, you'll find some chests, crates and exploding barrels. Head outside again and
continue north. You will fight some more gnolls and ogres in their camp. Continue north and you'll have three path choices
: east, west and north. Head east first.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-5.
Burning Eye Summit East -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Here, you'll
fight some wolves. Head down the path and you'll end up in a large camp site for some gnolls and ogres. Search all of the
camp site, killing every gnoll and ogre you find, searching chests, crates and weapons racks. In the southern part of
the camp, you'll find the remains of a dwarven fighter. Search his remains and you'll find a torch for lighting the Signal
Tower. Exit this camp and return to the crossroads to head west, this time.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-6.
Burning Eye Summit West -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
navigate the icy walkways, fighting gnolls, ogres and wolves along the way. Keep an eye on your map to figure out where
you need to go. This area is fairly vast so make sure to kill everything you can, for experience and gold. You will
eventually discover an Ice Cave. Inside, there will be yetis and the remains of another dwarf. Search his body to find
a slab of flint, for lighting the Signal Tower. Head back to the crossroads and go north.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-7.
Burning Eye Summit - Part 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
going north at the crossroads, you'll see two paths, one heading higher into the mountain and another one, heading west.
Take the one heading west first. You'll find another Ice Cave. You'll find Kolgrim inside. He's badly wounded. He says
you need to light the Signal Fire at the top of the Burning Eye mountain. You ask him about the key to the mines. He says
that one of the others has it. They were attacked by a dragon and most of the warriors were frozen solid. The one carrying
the key is frozen next to the signal fire. He says you'll have to light the signal fire to get to the key. To light the
fire, he says you'll need to find the fuel and tinder his comrades are carrying to light the flame. He offers you a
flask of oil to fuel the Signal Tower. His wounds are too great and he dies. Exit the cave and head back east, then head up
the mountain, to the Signal Tower. Make sure you have all three items needed to light the Signal Tower : the torch, the
flint and the oil flask.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-8. Burning
Eye Peak -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
At the peak of the mountain,
you'll find some gnolls bodies lying everwhere and you'll encounter some will o'wisps. Continue heading up the mountain.
You will reach the Signal Tower. Light it with the three items you found and the frozen body of the dwarf will melt
away, allowing you take the key to the mines. A cutscene will be shown. It seems the Signal Tower you've just lit has attracted the
attention of a white dragon... Anyway, head back to the mining camp, by either walking or using a recall potion.
--------------- The
Mining Camp ---------------
Back at the mining camp, go talk to Torrgeir. He says he saw the Signal Fire from
atop the Burning Eye Peak and that you've retrieved the key. He asks if any of the dwarves from the expedition survived.
You tell him that they fought valiantly but most were slain by a dragon. You insist on entering the mines to make the
drow pay for they have done. He says to hold the key in your left hand as you approach the door and push it inside the
door and the door should melt within itself, allowing you to enter the mines. Head east, towards the path to the Burning
Eye Base and you'll notice the entrance to the mines on the cliff side. Insert the Key of Dumathoin into the mine door.
Enter the mines.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-9. The Mines -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
----------------- The
Mines Level 1 -----------------
You'll fight some rats and you'll encounter some drows in the mines. Navigate around
the rooms and hallways. Watch out for the drow crossbowmen with poisoned arrows, they are deadly. At the second interesection
in the mines, head east to find some more drow and a shaft gear for a dwarven mine elevator. You'll need that later
on. Back at the intersection, head north to find another tunnel complex with drow and another shaft gear for the mine elevator.
Finally, head west from the intersection. You'll encounter some spiders and yet another shaft gear for the mine elevator.
At the north end of this western branch of the mine, you'll find the elevator shaft leading to the second level of the
mines. You'll need the 3 shaft gears before you can go down, since the elevator is broken.
----------------- The
Mines Level 2 -----------------
More drow inhabit this level of the mines, including some females that can cast
spells of poison and frost. Be careful, there are pits that will lead to your death scattered around this level of the
mines. From the elevator shaft, head north first to a small tunnel complex. Then, back the the shaft, head west, saving
along the way. The tunnel will turn north, eventually. There will be two narrow tunnels, one to the east and one to the
west. The western one leads to a dead end. Watch out for the exploding barrels along the way. Taking the eastern narrow
tunnel, you'll end up in another mine room. From there, an interesection runs east-west. The western tunnel leads to a
complex filled with spiders while the eastern tunnel leads to another large complex inhabited with drow including some
that are mounted on giant lizards. Head north from there, following the narrow tunnel, entering yet another large complex
with drow. At the north end of this complex, you'll find the elevator shaft leading to the Drow Underworld.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-10.
The Drow Underworld -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
In the first
cavern, you will encounter some umber hulks. These beasts can cause quite a lot of damage all by themselves so make sure
to keep an eye on your health bar at all times. Explore the tunnels and you'll encounter some more drow and some more
umber hulks. You'll end up inside a huge cavern with a drow camp site. At the eastern end of the cavern, you'll find some
cells with a dwarf trapped inside. Come back here when you've found the cell door key. Head to the north end of the
cavern. You'll meet a drow priestess of Lloth named Ilivarra. She will attack you.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE:
If you are playing as Adrianna, Ilivarra will say something different to you, mostly relating to the eternal blood feud
there is between the dark elves and the surface elves. I felt it added a nice touch to the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------- |
BOSS: Ilivarra the Drow Priestess | -------------------------------------
Ilivarra will use all of the spells at
her disposal to attack you. She might summon some undead minions to attack you, magic missiles, poison arrows, fireballs.
She can also teleport at will so watch your back. After defeating her, you'll find a horn with a cell key attached to it.
Loot the rest of her body and go back to the eastern end of the cavern to free the dwarf trapped inside the cell.
prisoner's name is Brogan. He asks you if you're of the Harpers. You ask him if he's one of their agents as well. He says
he was their eyes in the Sunset Mountains. He talks about the gnolls and ogres being banded together by the drow. He
mentions the dragon. The drows plans were to take over these mines and they enlisted the aid of the gnolls and ogres for
their attack. You mention the teleportation gate you found in Baldur's Gate that lead to the dwarven camp. You think
that someone might be intending to move the gnoll and ogre troops through the gate and attack the city. Brogan mentions
something about the drow talking about another teleportation gate that leads to the Marsh of Cherlimber. You ask him
where the gate is that leads to the Marsh. He thinks the gate is located within an ice cave in the mountains. He says he'll
mark the location of the cave on your map. He says the cave is sealed with a massive sheet of ice. He mentions the horn
the drow priestess carried. You tell him you have the horn and that you'll find this new teleportation gate to the Marsh
of Cherlimber. Use a recall potion, if you have one, to head back to the dwarven mining camp.
--------------- The
Mining Camp ---------------
Back at the camp, go talk to Torrgeir. He says he was worried about you. He asks
you if the drow still hold the mines. You say you have defeated the drow. He offers you 3000 gold pieces as thanks and
you gain 2000 experience points as a quest reward. You tell him about meeting Brogan inside the mines and the ice cave
in these parts. He warns you to be careful if you go looking for it. Take the northern path from the mining camp to head
into the Dark Forest.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-11. The
Dark Forest -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
You'll encounter some
wolves, kobolds, gnolls and ogres in this forest. This is an expansive area so I won't detail the directions this time.
Just keep a close eye on your map and explore every part of the forest thoroughly. Keep going in a general northern
direction and you'll eventually reach the ice cave entrance that's sealed with a sheet of ice. Blow Ilivarra's Horn of
Sahri to open the cave entrance.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2-12.
Ice Cave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
---------------- Ice
Cave Level 1 ----------------
You'll fight some yetis in the first part of the cave. You'll also encounter some
displacer beasts, that occasionally become invisible. You'll fight some more snow yetis before finally finding an entrance
down to the second level. This level of the cave is relatively short.
---------------- Ice Cave Level 2 ----------------
the second level of the Ice Cave, you'll encounter some more displacer beasts, snow yetis, frost wolves, frost spiders
and some very dangerous frost giants that will stop the living hell out of you if you're not careful. Also watch out
for the giant frost spider roaming this level. Make sure to save your game before heading down to level 3...
---------------- Ice
Cave Level 3 ----------------
The sole inhabitant of this level is a very big white dragon named Ciraxis. He doesn't
seem too happy that you've invaded his lair, so, he launches his attack...
---------------------------------- |
BOSS: Ciraxis the White Dragon | ----------------------------------
Ciraxis flaps his wings and takes off. Large
chunks of ice fall everywhere during the whole battle. Make sure to evade his frost breath because it can cause a lot
of damage. He occasionally settles on the ground, when he wants to use his breath weapon against you. Use that time to
go next to him and attack him. Be careful because he'll often try to stomp you, causing massive amounts of damage. Just
keep an eye on your health meter and Ciraxis will eventually die. Once you've defeated him, make sure to loot the treasure
chests inside his cave and when you're done, enter the teleportation gate.
A C T 3 - T H E M A R S H O F C H E R L I M B E R -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-1.
The Sunken Chapel -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
After exiting
the teleportation gate, you find yourself in an flooded room. You'll encounter some undead creatures, zombies and skeletons.
Search all the hallways and rooms of this flooded place and find your way to the exit, which leads to Adderspine Road
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-2. Adderspine Road West -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
find yourself in the Marsh of Cherlimber. You'll encounter some lizard men and some zombies that emit a toxious and deadly
poisonous gas when they are destroyed. Follow the path in the marsh and you'll eventually reach a small hut with a lizard
man in front of it. Talk to him.
Sleyvas ------- He says he has no wish to fight you and that he placed the vines
in the marsh to lead you here. He speaks Common via a magical spell. He asks why you have come to his land. He speaks
about an Onyx Tower and asks if it is your god. He says the arrival of that tower was like a poisoned spear. All their
tribes have joined forces with the tower. He doesn't know how the tower arrived in the marsh. He talks about a human
female inhabiting the tower. He says she rose from the marsh after dying. He says she enslaves his people to take human cities.
He speaks about the teleportation gates. She is the one who creates them. You tell Sleyvas that you will enter the tower
and stop this woman. He says he'll help you in any way he can. To reach the tower, he says you must first go through
the tribes of his people and make your way to a drowned city. Beyond the drowned city is the tower. He says you need to
find the King of his people, Sess'sth and kill him to cause confusion among the tribes. After getting all the information
you need from Sleyvas, you can sell him your extra stuff and purchase new weapons and armor.
After finishing your
transactions with Sleyvas, he opens up the vines that were barring the path in the marsh. Head towards that new exit.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-3.
Adderspine Road East -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
This area is
a very large place with scattered lizard men encampments along the way. Make sure to search this area entirely for experience,
gold and items. Keep an eye out for those pesky lizard men shaman. Once you've explored all of this area, head northeast
and you'll find a small network of wooden paths above the water. Take these paths towards the east and you'll arrive in
the drowned city Sleyvas spoke of, Cherlimber's Crown.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-4.
Cherlimber's Crown -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Make your way
along the brides and walkways on the rooftops of the sunken buildings, fighting off lizard men along the way. You'll eventually
reach a large area filled with more lizard men. Head north and you'll reach the Outer Keep.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-5.
Cherlimber's Keep Exterior -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
lizard men infest this area. Kill them all and search for weapons and armor in the weapon racks. Keep heading north and
you'll reach the Keep's Interior. This whole area is very straightforward.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-6.
Cherlimber's Keep Interior -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
the Keep's Interior, you'll encounter some more lizard men and some kobolds. You'll also encounter some umber hulks in
some rooms. Make sure to find the room filled with kobolds in the west of the keep. Keep heading north and you'll find
Sess'sth's throne room.
-------------------------------------- | BOSS: Sess'sth the Lizard Man King | --------------------------------------
out for that spiked club of his. It can cause massive amounts of damage. Like all bosses, keep an eye on your health bar
and retreat for healing when things get dicy. After defeating him, return to Sleyvas.
Sleyvas ------- He says
that the road to the tower is now clear. He says there is no gate to reach the Onyx Tower, however. He talks about a Sinking
Temple beyond the Rotting Bog. Inside that temple, he says there might be a way inside the Onyx Tower. He mentions something
about a Water Stair. It seems there's an entryway to the Elemental Plane of Water in this Sinking Temple. Sell off your
extra stuff and upgrade your equipment as needed. Return to Sess'sth's throne room and head down the stairs to the Rotting
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-7. The Rotting Bog -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
zombies infest this bog. There's nothing really interesting in this area so just keep on fighting zombies. Eventually,
you'll reach an area of the bog that is infested with bullettes, creatures that borrow in the ground. Watch out for
these, as they can cause an impressive amount of damage if engaged in melee combat. The entrance to the Sinking Temple
is guarded by a humonguous bullette. Defeat it and enter the Temple.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-8.
The Sinking Temple -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Inside this Temple,
you'll encounter some minotaurs. Watch out for their bull rush type attacks. It's no use using recall potions in this Temple.
Sleyvas is waiting for you inside this Temple, next to the Water Stair. Talk to him. He casts an enchantment on you
that will allow you to breathe in the Plane of Water. This will be the last time where you can buy/sell stuff so make sure
you have enough potions and equipment for the rest of the game. When you are ready, tell Sleyvas you're ready and head
down the stairs.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: You will
find many very powerful magical items in the Onyx Tower. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-9.
The Onyx Tower -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
------------------- Onyx
Tower Basement -------------------
You'll encounter some gargoyles and some iron golems down in this basement. Watch
out for the poisonous gas the golems spit out. Make your way up to the first level of the Onyx Tower. The stairs are in
the northwest corner of the basement.
------------------ Onyx Tower Level 1 ------------------
in this level include iron golems and minotaurs. Again, search every corner for powerful items on this level. Make your
way north and you'll find the stairs leading to the second level of the Onyx Tower.
------------------ Onyx Tower
Level 2 ------------------
Gargoyles assault you as soon as you enter this level. You'll also encounter another
variety of iron golems. These ones wield huge swords and come at you swinging them like madmen. You'll also encounter some
more minotaurs. Make your way north again and you'll find the stairs leading to the third level of the Onyx Tower.
------------------ Onyx
Tower Level 3 ------------------
You'll encouter some more gargoyles, iron golems and a new variety of iron golem,
a much larger one that wields a massive halberd to attack you. Make your way north, once again, and you'll find stairs
that lead to the Black Forge.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-10.
The Black Forge -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
First, you'll encounter
some black spiders. You will also encounter creatures known as fire mephits. These creatures are elementals from the Plane
of Fire. Make your way north again and you'll reach a very large room. Inside is a huge onyx golem. It is very powerful.
Try not to get too close to it or it'll stomp you for massive damage. Make sure to pick up the Onyx Sword it drops when defeated.
Continue onward to the Hall of Rememberance.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3-11.
The Hall of Rememberance -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The only
creatures you'll encounter in this place are the ghosts of Eldrith's mercenary company, the Westering Sun. You'll find
stairs leading upwards but you cannot climb them. Go to the west and meet a ghost named Keledon.
Keledon ------- He
was the first captain of the company of the Westering Sun. Soldiers of the Westering Sun are imprisonned here, in the Hall
of Rememberance. He talks about Eldrith (see the Background Story section for info on Eldrith and how she betrayed Baldur's
Gate). Keledon also speaks about her wife, an elven maid he left in Baldur's Gate on the last day of the campaign against
the Black Horde. You mention to Keledon that you've met his wife and that she has passed on but still sings for his
return in the Elfsong Tavern. After Keledon's story, he says you'll find Eldrith at the top of the Onyx Tower. He says
he'll open the way to the top of the tower and that he prays you will kill her, for the second time and hopefully, the
last time. He mentions that maybe a blade constructed in the Black Forge and made of the same material as the tower may
be your strongest weapon against her.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE:
Although it may seem, according to Keledon's words, that only the Onyx Sword can harm Eldrith, that's not true at all.
While the Onyx Sword is a very potent weapon of itself, there are more powerful weapons in the game and they are just
as effective against her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
When you
are ready, save your game and head to the top of the tower.
------------------------------ | BOSS: Eldrith the Betrayer
| ------------------------------
With the Dwarven Fighter, just equip your strongest weapon, armors, rings and amulets
and hack away at her, taking pauses for health regeneration.
With the Arcane Archer, I used my Hail of Arrows feat
to cause massive damage at close range. Just be careful not to stick near her too long because one or two swipes of
her sword could kill you.
With the Elven Sorceress, don't try Ball Lightning, it won't have any effect on her at
all. I didn't really bother using any of my other spells and decided to just hack away at her using the Onyx Sword, which
works really well. Just keep an eye on your health meter at all times.
At certain parts of the fights, Eldrith will
become electrified and grow in size. When she is undergoing the transformation, your attacks will have no effect. Take
that time to rest and heal yourself, dodging the lightning bolts. Just keep at it and eventually, she will stand down on
one knee.
When you have defeated her, the Onyx Tower starts to crumble. Make your way to the teleportation gate
on top of the tower and enter it. The Onyx Tower is destroyed. It seems that Sleyvas has an unseen master and that your
quest to destroy the Tower was all a ruse... You emerge from the teleportation gate in an unknown place, surrounded
by dark creatures... but that, is for another tale and hopefully, another awesome game. ^_~
Congratulations! You've
beaten the game!
S E C R E T S -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4-1.
The Gauntlet -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
After completing the
game at least once, you'll unlock this special game mode. In this mode, you control probably the most popular character
ever in the Forgotten Realms, Drizzt Do'Urden, the renegade drow ranger. He wields his usual equipment, his twin magical
scimitars, Icingdeath [+3 Frost Scimitar] and Twinkle [+5 Defending Scimitar] along with a suit of Mithral Chainmail +4. Basically,
you go around in rooms, attacking various monsters. You have a 15 minute time limit as well.
I completed this mode
after about 50 different tries, maybe more.
Helpful strategies ------------------ * Attack very quickly and use
hit and run tactics. * Use potions only when absolutely necessary (for they are in limited supply). * Avoid getting
swarmed by enemies at all costs. Use Repulsion when enemies try to swarm you and things get too crowded. * I
beat the mode without using the Icy Sphere spell. It can be useful in slowing down enemies, though.
1 : Spiders ------------------- Watch out for their poison. Try and avoid getting swarmed by them. Lure them one
by one to a safe spot somewhere. I've noticed that they sometimes have the tendency to run circles around you. Use that
to your advantage.
Section 2 : Kobolds and Kobold Shamans -------------------------------------- Go for the Shamans
first because their spells, when combined with other Shamans can cause massive damage. Kill off the rest of the kobolds.
Believe it or not, I actually got killed here a few times. As always, be careful not to get swarmed.
3 : Umber Hulks ----------------------- Toughest section in this mode, IMO. Just one of these creatures can kill you with
two swift strokes. Make sure not to attack all of them at once. Try luring them one at a time in the southern hallway.
4 : 3 Spiders and 2 Huge Spiders ---------------------------------------- Watch out for the huge spiders for they can
pack quite a mean attack (similar to the Umber Hulks). Keep an eye on your health meter at all times, especially since
these creatures use poison. Again, lure them out in the previous hallway, one by one, if possible.
Section 5 : Gnolls
and Kobold Shamans ------------------------------------- The gnolls are wimps but still, watch out not to get swarmed.
Go for the Shamans at first, as always.
Section 6 : Gargoyles --------------------- Probably one of the toughest
sections in the mode. The gargoyles cause massive damage so be careful to not let them swarm you, as always.
7 : Spiders, Drow and Onyx Golem ---------------------------------------- Final section is fairly easy but watch out
for the Onyx Golem. It can kill you with a single stroke and end your try very quickly.
Once Gauntlet Mode is completed,
the game will ask you to save your game. It unlocks Extreme mode, which basically allows you to import any character you've made
in the new difficulty mode called Extreme. I haven't played it at all so far though. I think that after you've completed
this mode, you can import Drizzt in normal games.