First World
--- "The Mysterious Meteorite" ---
The game begins at Tycoon Castle, where a young girl named Reina is talking with
her father, the king of Tycoon. It seems that the wind hasn't been quite normal lately, and the king is heading to the
Wind Shrine to find out the reason why. The two talk for a while, then the king climbs on his dragon and flies off,
telling Reina not to follow him. You'll then see various scenes of Faris, a pirate; Galuf, an old man in a cave; and Princess
Reina again. Eventually, the scene will change to a forest where a man and a chocobo are resting around a campfire.
At this point, an extremely pixellated meteor (yes, even in the PSX version) plummets from the sky and crashes near
Tycoon Castle. Curious about the 'earthquake', the man jumps on his chocobo and runs out of the forest towards the fallen
meteor to investigate.
- Tycoon Meteor - Treasures: Phoenix Down
You now have control of the man
(whose name is just "?" for right now) on the world map. There are no random battles, as you're riding on the chocobo, so
just head for the meteor to the east. Once you arrive there, the man will tell his chocobo, Boko, to wait at the entrance
while he goes in alone. Follow the path until you come to two goblins who are holding Reina hostage. The man surprises
the goblins, and they attack him. This is an easy battle, as neither of the goblins have more than 20 HP, and they can't
do more than 3 or 4 damage to you. After beating them, Reina introduces herself to the man, who reveals that his name
is Bartz. (Actually, you can rename him whatever you'd like at this point, but Bartz is the default, so I'll refer to
him by that name.)
Reina then joins you, and the two then start to leave the meteor site, but stop when they hear
a sound coming from the other side of the meteor, and decide to investigate. It's Galuf, the old man from the intro. However,
he seems to have amnesia, and can't remember anything except his name... After talking for a while, Reina says she's
leaving for the Wind Shrine, and Galuf suddenly remembers that that's where he was headed, too, and asks her to let him
come along. She hesitates for a moment, but ultimately agrees, and the two of them head off, leaving Bartz alone.
leaving the meteorite area, walk down and right through the trees just below where you met Galuf to find a Phoenix Down.
Now leave the crater and Bartz will automatically hop back on Boko, then you'll be back on the world map.
"The Silent Wind" ---
Well, it's not much fun being alone, so...why not follow Reina and Galuf? After all, it's
not like you've got anything better to do, right? :)
Head northwest to the narrow path in the mountains. Here, the
scene will change to that of a narrow valley, where you'll see Reina and Galuf being attacked by more goblins. Run
through the valley, defeating the goblins along the way, and rescue your two friends-to-be. After this, there's a scene
where Bartz decides to go to the Wind Shrine as well. He claims his father's dying wish was for him to travel the world,
but Galuf knows the truth. :) Unfortunately, the meteor's shock has blocked the way leading to the village of
Tule, but the travelers are determined to find a way through.
Back on the world map, head north. It seems a new cave
has been formed in the mountains, so save your game, then enter. Once again, Bartz will tell Boko to wait outside
while he and the others go in.
- Cliffside Cave - Treasures: Leather Cap
Upon entering the cave, just
keep heading forward until Bartz points out a healing spring. This is a good place to stop and fight some enemies to gain
levels. The only things here are Steel Bats, and the crab-like Diablos, neither of which are much of a threat. Build
your members up to level 3 or 4 (using the spring to heal when necessary), then enter the upper door. Here, you'll fight
Stropers (weird plant-like things), but they're not any more difficult than the other two enemies. Walk around the room,
then climb the stairs where you'll see a pirate flip a switch to open a door in the cliff. After he leaves, you can
do the same. First, though, grab the Leather Cap from treasure chest on the left ledge. Now flip the switch, and open
the cave, which leads deeper into the cave. As soon as you enter, Bartz will rush through the opening in the upper
wall and you'll see a ship sailing into the cove... but the wind has stopped... How can a ship move without wind?
Hmm... Worth investigating. After you re-enter the cave, continue through the cave to the left and enter the upper door.
(By the way, don't bother with the lit cave opening Bartz ran through earlier, since it just leads to that small mountainous
dead end on the world map. You can save here, but otherwise, there's no reason to come out here.)
You'll now be
in a pirates' base, which means that strange ship you just saw was a pirate ship... Since they need a ship to reach the
Wind Shrine, Reina suggests that they ask the pirates to give them a ride on theirs. Bartz reminds her that these're
pirates they're dealing with, and that he doubts they'd agree to something like that. Galuf, however, has a 'better' idea... Just
steal the thing! Anyway, since there doesn't seem to be anyone around now (that's awake, anyhow), feel free to explore
the base. There's another skull switch on the lower-left wall of the base, but it doesn't do anything for right now.
There are also two 'houses' here, both of which are guarded by sleeping pirates, which you have no way of awakening. Just
ignore these distractions, and cross the long wooden bridge on the right, which leads to the ship. Once onboard, you
can climb down the stairs and look around if you'd like, but there's nothing of interest there, so just examine the ship's
wheel at the far north end.
Well, you've succeeded in stealing the ship...or so it seems... Try as he might, Bartz
is ultimatly unable to get the ship to move. To make matters worse, the pirates pick this moment to return, and you end
up captured by Faris, the captain. At this point, Reina, in hopes of persuading the pirates to take her to the Wind
Shrine, shows Faris a pendant, and reveals to the group that she is actually the princess of Tycoon. This doesn't faze
the pirate captain much, though, as she decides that Reina would fetch a nice ransom. She then has you thrown in the
After some dialogue, the scene changes to Faris, who has the same type of pendant as Reina... Having a sudden
change of heart, Faris releases you, saying she decided to bring you to the Wind Shrine. Reina asks how they intend
to get there, since the wind has stopped. Faris then shows the princess the secret of her "Windless Ship"...to everyone's
surprise, it's actually being pulled by a huge water dragon hamed Hydra! Faris then joins the team, and you're
returned to the world map, where you can now control the ship! Sail out of the small channel, and a pirate will stop you
and ask if you want him to show you where the shrine is. If you want a guided tour, say yes, and you'll sail there
automatically. Whether you agreed to this or not, before entering the Wind Shrine, sail west to the small village of Tule to
get some supplies.
- Tule - Treasures: Tent x2, Tonic x2, 150 GP, 100 GP, Ether, LeatherShoes x2,
Phoenix Down x2
As soon as you enter the village, Faris and the pirates, true to their nature, run off into the
pub. Faris will leave your party, but will rejoin when you leave.
Anyhow, the first thing you should do here is
to talk to the old man wandering around near the entrance of town. He offers to take you to the Beginner's Hall, which,
if you're a first time player, you should definitely accept. (Actually, you could just walk here...it's the house on the
far lower left corner of town.) Enter the house near where he 'drops you off', and talk to the woman at the desk;
tell her you're a beginner, and she'll let you in. (If you tell her you're not, she'll kick you out. Literally. =P) This
place is something of a no-brainer. Talk to everyone for tips and info on most of the various gameplay features, and be
sure to take the items (Tent, Tonic, Ether, Phoenix Down, and 100 GP) out of the barrels, boxes, and jars. Upstairs,
there are more people with more advice for you. The treasure chest here contains a monster, but it's just a single goblin.
After defeating it, you'll receive a pair of Leather Shoes that you should give to Bartz. Ok, that's all that's here,
so talk to the lady at the front desk again to leave. With that out of the way, feel free to explore the rest of the
When you enter the weapon and armor shops, Faris momentarily rejoins, to make sure she's not left out in
the equipment upgrading process. :) The leather equipment at the armor shop is pretty weak, but it's all you can
get for now, so you might as well outfit your team with it. Also, be sure to buy enough Broadswords for everyone. (If
you don't have enough money now, build up a little bit and buy the rest.) Since your characters can currently equip anything,
there's little reason to buy the weaker Staffs and Wooden Rods now. There's also a magic shop in town, but since no one
can use magic yet, don't buy any of it unless you have some extra cash. If you'd like some treasures, there's 150 GP
in a barrel to the right of the inn, and a Tent and Tonic are in some boxes near the bridge. Get the items, then cross
the bridge and enter the house on the other side. Reina will explain that this house belongs to Zok, the man who built
the waterway connecting the east and west oceans, but he doesn't seem to be home, and there's nothing of interest in
his house, so just leave for now. Now, pick up a Phoenix Down and another pair of Leather Shoes by examining the box and
bush on either side of his house (you'll have to walk through the woods to get to them). The only other thing
to do here is visit the pub, so do so. Talk to all the pirates, then stand on the left side of the stage where the dancers
are. They'll begin to dance, then jump off the stage when they're done, allowing you to reach (and play) the piano
there. Since there's a nice reward later for doing this later on in the game, by all means, go play it! Finally, go upstairs,
where you'll find Faris, asleep in one of the rooms. A quick peek in the captain's room drops some rather obvious hints
that the mighty pirate is actually a woman!
Anyhow... After talking to everyone and taking everything, leave Tule,
and Faris will rejoin you. From here, you have a choice of actions: You can either head directly for the Wind Shrine,
or you can return to the pirates' cave to check on Boko. If you don't feel like going to the back to the cave right
now, just go down to the Wind Shrine section; if you want to look for Boko, check the sub-quests section ("Boko").
Wind Shrine - Treasures: Tonic x5, Tent, Leather Cap, Broadsword, Staff
When you feel you're ready, sail northeast
to the Wind Shrine. Upon entering the shrine, head for the left room and talk to the people there first. You'll learn
that the King Tycoon went to the crystal room on the top floor, but that he hasn't come down yet... You'll also learn that
when the wind stopped, monsters effectively took over the shrine. When you regain control, examine the pot at the bottom
of the room and you'll be fully healed. Now talk to the man standing to the left of it to get five Tonics, then leave
this room, head right, and enter the door.
At this point, I suggest building your levels; you'll probably want
to be on about level 5-7 before moving on. Don't worry if you get hurt, though, since you can go back downstairs and
use the pot to heal anytime.
But anyway, when you've had your fill of building up, go back down and heal, then
return to the second floor. Here, head left and take the chest to get a Tent, then backtrack slightly and enter the door
you just passed. This leads to a small room with a column of light in it...this is a save point. Save your game, then
go through the lower door.
In this next section, take the door on the right to collect a Leather Cap, then take
the left door to a winding room with two doors and a big eagle-type monster blocking another door. There's also a secret
shortcut in the left wall below the door you can see from the entrance...take it if you want. Anyway, before confronting
the "eagle", examine the two side-rooms. The one on the right is empty, but the one on the left (near where the secret
passage is) has a treasure box containing a Broadsword. Get the sword (and equip it if you didn't buy enough at Tule),
then 'talk' to the eagle; it will jump forth and attack you... It's not really an eagle, but rather the Wingrapter,
an eagle-like dinosaur.
- Boss Battle - Wingrapter - Lv: ?? HP: <500> (Don't have
Scan/Check yet)
Well, if you've played just about any other Final Fantasy game, you'll probably already
know its typical "First Boss" strategy. Well, it applies here as well. Basically, the boss can only be attacked when it's
not in its 'defensive stance', or not only will your attack fail, but you'll get counterattacked. In this case, if
Wingrapter's wings close, don't attack him. You should probably be strong enough to beat it before it even closes its
wings, though, if you're on at least level 5 and have a Broadsword equipped on everyone. Just watch out for "Air Wing",
which does about 40 damage to the whole team... (Well, if you wanna get technical, it does damage equal to 25% of
Max HP. Bleh.)
After beating this foul fowl (ok, unnecessarily bad joke =P), continue up through the door it was
blocking and you'll come out in a room with vines all over the walls. Before entering the center door, push against the
wall in the lower right corner and follow the invisible path to claim a staff. Now go in the door and you'll be at
the room with the Wind Crystal. Unfortunately, though, it seems you're too a bit too late, as the crystal has already
shattered, and King Tycoon is nowhere to be found... The following scene shows the four crystals lending their essences
to Bartz and the group, then an image of King Tycoon appears and explains the power of the crystals, and tells you
that you're the four "chosen warriors"; the keepers of the four essences. Reina doesn't understand, and asks her father
what he means. He explains that a great evil is trying to return, and urges you to protect the other three crystals...
After talking, the image vanishes and the shards of the crystal grant you their powers...that is, they allow you to
access the job system! You're given a set of basic jobs: Knight, Thief, Monk, Blue Mage, White Mage, and Black Mage, then
you regain control. You're finished here, so walk around to the back of the room and touch the swirly tile, which will
warp you back to the beginning of the shrine.
This is is a good time to start using jobs. I suggest turning Bartz into
a knight, Galuf into a monk, and the remaining two should alternate between thieves and the various mages, but feel
free to use whatever you'd like.
--- "To the Eastern Land" ---
Now leave the shrine, and return to Tule.
Start by buying all the magic from the shops here if you haven't already done so, and head for Zok's house; he is now
home, so go talk to him. Reina will explain to the old man that they need the key to Torna Canal so they can pass through
to eastern Walz in order to protect the crystal that lies therein. Unfortunately, Zok seems to have lost the key,
but he insists that you stay at his house for the night. In the middle of the night, Bartz wakes up and walks outside
and has a flashback about his late parents talking about the crystal. He then goes back inside and talks to Zok, who
apparently had the Canal Key all along, but didn't want to give it to you out of fear for Reina's safety. Having seen
her determination, however, he reconsiders, and decides to give you the key. Leave town and board the ship again, there
will be a short scene in which Faris leaves her pirate crew, and you'll regain control. Before heading east to Torna
Canal, however, there's something you might wanna do. If you have a Blue Mage, you can learn Aero from the Mauldwin enemies
at the Wind Shrine, Gob Punch from the Goblins on the world map, and Red Feast from the Steel Bats inside the first
- Torna Canal - Treasures: None
When you arrive at the Canal, use the key to open the gate, then
fight the monsters for a while to build up your new jobs. After you've had your fill, sail through the waterways until
you come upon a whirlpool, which threatens to suck your ship in! As you draw closer, you discover that the whirlpool isn't
natural... It was created by a giant scorpion monster called the Karl Boss...
- Boss Battle - Karl Boss - Lv:
5 HP: 650 Weakness: Lightning
This is a pretty routine battle. If your monk has learned
Store, use it for a quick 200+ damage. Lightning and Fire magic also work well, so if you have a Black Mage (or someone
with Black magic), use them. In general, Karl Boss' attacks are pretty weak, but watch out for its Tentacle attack, which
can paralyze you, and Tail Screw, which reduces one member's HP to the single digits. Overall, though, you should
win without too much trouble, and you'll earn yourself a Tent when you win.
After defeating the thing, it gets its
final revenge on you by pulling Hydra into its whirlpool! It then vanishes along with your sea serpent friend, and
without him to guide it, the ship then begins to drift... After a few days, the ship finally comes to a halt at a rather
unpleasant spot... The graveyard of ships...
- Ship Graveyard - Treasures: Flail, Tent, 990G, Phoenix Down
x2, Antidote x2, Tonic, World Map
Unfortunately, there's no place to save your game here, but if you need to restore
your HP, you *can* rest in the bedroom on Faris's ship. Do so if you get weak. As for enemies here, they're mostly undead,
meaning Fire and Cure magic is effective against them. The non-undead enemies (CrystSlugs and LumbrBeasts) are also
of little threat, and give you a *lot* more Exp and GP than the enemies you've been fighting. In addition, the CrystSlugs
sometimes drop Elixirs!
Anyway, enough about general area features... Leave Faris's ship, and head down along
the broken boards until you come to a rock. Press against it a few times and more rocks will appear in a chain below it.
Jump across them to reach a chest containing a Flail; if you have a White Mage, equip it, then return and rest in
Faris's ship again. Now go back to the wrecked ship and enter the door. Climb down the steps and go in the center door
to get a tent, then go down through the door on the right and climb down into the water on the left side.
this next area is easy if you're using a console, but it's extremely difficult if you're using an emulator. There's a transparent
layer of water over the screen in the next couple of areas...this is no big deal if you're using a console, but when
using certain Emulators, all that appears is the water. I'm aware that most emulators have button functions that disable
certain parts of the background, but unfortunately, if you disable the water, the ship itself also disappears, meaning
you'll have to stumble around blindly in the darkness... For this such reason, I've included two seperate walkthroughs
for this area: A basic one for those playing the console version, and a step-by-step (literally) walkthrough of the
area for those playing the ROM.
PSX/SNES Version: You'll now be in the hold of the wrecked ship. First, climb down
the stairs and examine the crate with the skull on it to get 990 GP, then go up until you see two doors. Take the upper
one, then climb down the stairs and go under the wooden platform to get a Phoenix Down. Leave this room and take the
lower door, then climb down the steps in front of you and go down the stairs in the corner of the room. In this next room,
go right, then up to get a Tonic (yay), then go right and through the door (watch out for the pitfall near it), and
keep going until you reach a room with a few beds. <Note: Unless you're curious, or for some reason want a super-detailed
walkthrough here, skip the next section and go straight to "Both Versions".>
Emulator Version: Keep in mind
before reading this, that this walkthrough leads to all the treasures, as well as the end. And a big note here...do *not*
count the square you're standing on as a step, as if you do, the directions will come out wrong, and you'll end up lost.
Thus, when I say "down 1, left 3", it means press down once, and left three times. Anyway, with that out of the way...
From the stairs leading down into the water, take 6 steps down, 6 steps left, and two steps down. You'll enter a staircase
leading down to the flooded hold of the wrecked ship, which is where it gets *really* dark. (Note: I don't feel like
repeating the word 'steps' over and over again, so when I say "down 6, up 1" I mean go six steps down, and one step up.)
From the entrance to this room, go left 3, down 3, and left 3. Now face up, and press A. You'll get 990 Gil from a
crate that you can't see. Now go left 1, up 3, left 1, up 5, right 1, up 5 more, and right 3. This puts you between two
doors, an upper one, and a lower one (Neither of which you can see). Head up 2, and you'll enter another room. This one
is mostly above water, so you should be able to see where you're going for the most part. Despite what appearances would
suggest, though, there *is* something in that dark water, so walk down to the little staircase sticking out of the water
on the left side of the room. From here, go down 1, right 1, up 6, and right 1. You should be facing an invisible chest.
Press A to get a FenixDown (Phoenix Down), then follow the previous directions in reverse (left 1, down 6, left 1,
up 1, for the lazy) to get out of the water. Since that chest is all that's here, just leave the room and return to the
darkness (ok, that sounded weird...). Now go down 3 and enter the lower door. In this next room, go down 12,
and right 3 to go down another staircase you can't see. Go right 2, and up 5. At the end of this path, press A to get a
Potion (yay), then go left 2 and up 5, and you're almost finished. This last room is only partially underwater, so
I'm not sure whether or not you're able to see where you're going... Anyway, go left 1, down 2, right 1, and down 6, and you're
finally at the exit! Just watch out for the pitfall directly left of the exit...
Both Versions: In the "Bedroom",
the group will split up and talk for a while... During the following scenes, your suspicions are confirmed, Faris *is*
in fact, a woman! After drying off, the group will decide to rest. In the morning, go up into the room where Reina
went to change her clothes earlier. There's a save point here (which...I don't remember seeing in the ROM)...it's been
a while since you last saved, so do so, then keep going up the stairs until you reach the exit. Now cross the fallen
mast, and instead of jumping on the rocks, head down across the series of half-submerged wooden platforms. Now jump
on the wrecked ship on the right and enter the door. On the floor is the World Map, a valuable special item that, for
some unknown reason, functions in all three worlds. =P Take the map, then go down the seaweed covered staircase
on the right, collect the three chests to get a Phoenix Down and two Antidotes. There's nothing else in here, so leave
the ship, and jump across the rocks on the right side. There's a treasure chest on this sunken ship, but when you open
it, the rest of the ship rises out of the water! (Wow...that's some chest! O_o) Walk across the newly-risen ship
and jump across...yep, you guessed it...*more* rocks at the end!
After the jump, you'll end up on a beach, where
something rather odd happens... Bartz's mother...or rather, someone who appears to be her... appears and puts Bartz
in some sort of trance. The same thing happens to Reina and Faris when "King Tycoon" appears. Finally, a little girl calling
Galuf "grandpa" shows up, but since Galuf has lost his memory, he doesn't remember who the girl is, and thus, isn't
affected by her hypnosis. At this point, a strange woman calling herself the Siren appears and attempts to steal the
souls of Galuf's three unconcious friends... Galuf then wakes up his friends by shouting at them (and slapping them =P),
which causes the three illusionary family members dissappear. Disappointed by Galuf's actions, Siren attacks you.
Boss Battle - Siren - Lv: 2 HP: 900 Weakness: Fire (When undead)
No, that's not a typo.
Siren really *is* on level 2. O_o I'm not sure if the low level has anything to do with it, but this is probably
the easiest boss battle you've fought so far. Siren almost never attacks, preferring to cast stat enhancing spells
such as Protes and Haste on herself. She'll also occasionally waste her turns casting Scan on you. =P As for a plan
of attack...well, initially, magic doesn't really work very well on her, so just stick with physical attacks. The entire
battle pretty much changes after you do enough damage, though, when Siren becomes undead. In this palette-shifted form,
Siren stops wasting time with worthless spells, and attacks more often. She also has a higher defense, but is susceptable
to fire and curative magic. Thus, adjust your strategy accordingly, and you should have no problem here. When you
defeat Siren, you'll get 5 ABP and a BronzeShield.
After the battle, walk up through the crack in the cliffs and
you'll be back on the world map! The first thing you should do is save...it's been a while since you've been able to
do so. With this horrible place now just a memory, head southwest to the town of Kerwin.
--- "Dragon Quest"
- Kerwin - Treasures: Ice Rod, Antidote, 1000 GP
When you arrive at Kerwin, everyone is talking about
either the wind having stopped and ships being unable to sail, or the dragon that was seen on the North Mountain. After
you've spoken with everyone, buy some supplies and new equipment at the stores. The only new weapon you can buy is the
Long Sword, so if you have a Knight or Blue Mage, buy some. As for armor, buy a Bronze Helmet and Bronze Armor for your
Knight (you should already have a Bronze Shield from the battle with Siren), Bronze Plate for lesser fighting characters
(Monks, Thieves), and Cotton Robes for the magic users. Finally, there're two new spells for sale: Sleep (Black) and Protes
(White). Buy them both.
Anyhow, with shopping done, search the town for treasures! You can find an antidote
by searching the barrels in the lower section of town, and an Ice Rod can be found in a box behind the item shop also
in the lower section of town. (You'll have to go through a hidden passageway between two sets of boxes to be able
to reach it.) Finally, a quick 1000 GP can be found in a barrel in the pub. Walk through the wall below the two jars in
the lower left corner of the room to find it. Oh, and speaking of the pub, there's also another piano there that you
should play. After taking the items and talking to everyone, just leave town; there's nothing else here. Next stop? The
North Mountain!
- North Mountain - Treasures: Phoenix Down, Soft, MythrilHelmt
>From Kerwin, head
to the northeast through the woods until you come to the mountain; enter it then go straight up and into the opening in
the cliff wall. In this first section of the mountain, there're two things of note: the first being the two chests
in plain sight that contain a Soft and a Phoenix Down, and the other being the Blue Magic "Flash" that the 'Stones', big
headstones with faces, use. The only problem is, Stones don't start with enough MP to use Flash, so you'll have to use
an Ether on them before you can actually learn the spell. Sort of a waste if you ask me, since you can easily get
it later, but it's there if you wanna learn it. Oh yeah, you can sometimes steal SilvrGlasses from Stones...get a few if
you can, since they're a bit better than LeatherShoes. Anyway, after getting these goodies (or not =P), exit through
the lit passageway on the left side of the room, and you'll end up outside, on an upper ledge of the mountain. Continue
up to another small cave entrance, which is just a small tunnel leading to the other side of the mountain. Back outside,
cross the bridge and go inside the next tunnel, but be careful of the purple flowers. As someone in Kerwin said, these
are poisonous, so if you step on one, your whole team will end up poisoned. The only thing in this cave is a save point,
so save your game, then take the south exit.
Here, head left for a little ways, and Reina will spot her father's
headgear and rush over to pick it up. No sooner does she take it, however, then she gets shot by an arrow and poisoned,
and the cliffs start to crack. To make things worse, a female poacher named Magissa appears, claiming that she came here
for that dragon, but that the princess of Tycoon would be a much better 'trophy'. This angers Faris, who then attempts
to jump across the crack, only to have it widen on her, making her fall in! Magissa taunts you, but her humor is short-lived,
as Faris actually manages to climb back up the cliff! She then throws a rope across the chasm so Bartz and Galuf can join
in, and with the team back together, Magissa attacks.
- Boss Battle - Magissa - Lv: 8 HP: 650 Faltzer
- Lv: 8 HP: 850 <Shows up later>
This is a pretty ordinary battle, but Reina starts out
poisoned, so cure her immediately, then focus on Magissa. Since her Drain and Bolt spells hurt pretty bad, it'd be
a good idea to have a second healer on hand just in case. Magissa also uses Aero from time to time; it's pretty tough
to learn it here, but you should already have it. Anyway, after a few rounds of fighting (and assuming you didn't
already defeat her), Magissa will call her husband, Faltzer, into the battle. Now things start to get interesting... Keep
attacking Magissa, who'll likely cast Regen on Faltzer (don't worry, it only restores his HP by like 4 points), and she'll
fall pretty quickly. Once she's out of the way, attack Faltzer with everything you have. Like his wife, Faltzer has
a powerful attack (Tackle) that really hurts you, so be sure to keep healing. Since Faltzer has no real weaknesses, just
attack him physically, and he'll eventually fall as well. Upon winning, you'll receive 6 ABP, a Whip, and a Power
Drink. (The latter will only be obtained if you *didn't* defeat Magissa before she called Faltzer.)
After the battle,
the first thing to do is equip the headgear that Reina picked up a moment ago...it's a Mythril Helmet. Now climb up to
the top of the mountain, where you'll find the injured dragon... Fortunately, there is some Dragon Grass growing nearby,
so Reina goes over and picks it, even though it means crossing the poisonous purple flowers... Reina uses the precious
herb to cure the dragon, then passes out. Thankful for what she did for him, the dragon returns the favor and heals Reina,
then allows the team to fly on his back! There's a rather amusing scene where Bartz shows a "disinterest" in heights,
then you gain control of the dragon! It can fly over land and water, but not mountains, so you can go back to anyplace
you've been previously, plus two new areas: Walz, and Tycoon Castle. If you want to explore Tycoon, look down at the
sub-quests section ("Quick Stop at Tycoon"), but if you just want to continue the game, head south to Walz.
"Water Crystal Crisis" ---
- Walz Town - Treasures: SilvrGlasses
When you arrive in Walz, head for the town
first. There's not that much here, but talk to everyone and be sure to upgrade your equipment -- the Iron Armor is
a good buy for Knights, and the Kung-fu Suits are a good buy for everyone else. Battle Axes are the only new weapon for
sale here, but none of your current jobs can equip them, so don't bother buying one. Likewise, the magic shop here
sells Time and Summon magics, but since you don't have a Time Mage or a Summoner yet, there's no need to buy these, either.
Aside from the stuff at the shops, the only item to find here is the SilvrGlasses in the jar that's inside the lone
house on the left side of town; take them, then leave for the nearby castle.
- Walz Castle - Treasures: Phoenix
Down, Tent, 490 GP
Inside Walz Castle, head immediately for the throne room. Reina warns King Walz about the crystal,
and urges him to stop using the machine to amplify its power out of fear that might shatter. The king, of course, refuses, giving
the old "There's no proof it'll happen again" speech. Before he can even finish, however, the ground begins to shake, and
another meteorite falls from the sky, crashing down east of Walz Tower! The king and several soldiers then rush off
to investigate, leaving you alone in the castle.
After they leave, feel free to explore the castle. There isn't a
whole lot here, but you can get a Phoenix Down, a Tent, and 490 GP from the storage room, and there're two small side
areas here: the basement, and the water tower. You're probably not strong enough to tackle either of these areas yet,
but you can try if you'd like (see the sub-quests section; "Treasure of Walz"). Oh, and *don't* release Lone Wolf from
prison, or it'll return to haunt you later... (Though releasing the other prisoner results in a rather amusing scene.
:) Besides these few things, though, there isn't much else to do here now, so just leave and head for northern Walz Tower.
Walz Tower - Treasures: Silk Robe, Maiden'sKiss, SilvrArmBand, Ether
Once you arrive in Walz Tower, you'll learn
from a couple wounded soldiers that a normally tame monster called Garula (you might have seen him in Walz Town) has
gone berserk and is trying to destroy the crystal... After talking to the soldiers, climb up the tower, which until the
fourth floor, is very linear. On the fourth floor, you'll find King Walz, who says he was attacked by Garula, and begs
you to save the crystal. Now, instead of going in the upper door, walk into the water on the left side of the room and
climb the vine covered pillar. You'll end up in a room with a treasure chest containing a Silk Robe; get it, then
jump back in the hole, and enter the door. Use the save point in this room if you'd like, then take the nearby treasure
chest to get a Maiden'sKiss, and enter the next door. In this room, you'll encounter groups of RicardMages and IceSoldiers,
which are a fairly easy to defeat, and are a good source of Exp and ABP (a group of three RicardMages, for example,
is worth 3 ABP). In the next water-filled room, you'll fight "Y Burns" (can you say "mistranslation"? =P). They give a
lot of Exp as well, and you can steal Mythril Knives from them; just watch out for their damaging Air Wing attack.
Generally, the tower is again pretty straightforward from here, so just keep going until you reach a water filled room
with three ivy-covered pillars in it. Like the one you encountered earlier here, you can climb these. Don't bother with
the center pillar, since it just leads to an empty dead end, but be climb up the other two. On the left, you'll find
a chest containing a SilvrArmBand, and on the right, you'll find a chest containing an Ether, and the door leading to
the crystal room.
In the crystal room, you'll find a foreign-looking soldier trying unsuccessfully to protect
the crystal from Garula. He's easily taken down by the beast, however, which then turns and attacks you...
- Boss
Battle - Garula - Lv: 5 HP: 1200
Despite what his appearance may suggest, Garula isn't all that difficult. He
usually attacks several times in a row, though he doesn't do all that much damage unless he uses the Charge. This attack
averages about 80 damage, and slowly reduces HP. A barrage of normal attacks is all you really need to do to defeat
Garula, but if you wanna get cheap, you can exploit his one major weakness...he can be turned into a frog! =P If
you've learned it, cast Toad Song on him (if it misses, just try again until it hits). If you decide to do this, be
sure to also cast Mute on him, which prevents him from casting Toad on himself to reverse the effects. When you defeat
Garula, you'll get 5 ABP and a Potion.
Despite that fact that you defeated Garula, the overworked crystal still
shatters, and the orange-garbed guard who seems to know Galuf dies... Pick up the pieces of the crystal to acquire
a whole set of new jobs, which includes Summoner, Sorcerer, Red Mage, Time Mage, and Berserker. However, there is
one piece you can't get. Don't worry about this, you'll be able to get it later. Once you've gotten all the accessable
crystal shards, Walz Tower begins to sink and your characters are thrown in the ocean! All looks hopeless, but suddenly,
out of nowhere, who should appear but your old friend Hydra! Hydra picks your team up and drops them off at a nearby beach,
then, having used up the last of his strength, goes out to sea to die...
Return to Walz Castle and talk to everyone.
You'll learn that a soldier from far off Karnak was found in the meteor near Walz Tower, and he claims that he was
warped there while investigating a similar meteor that fell near Karnak Castle. Speaking of Karnak... The bedridden king
tells you that this is the very location of the Fire Crystal, which is also in danger! Leave Walz and return to the
meteorite crater near where the tower used to be, there's now a small opening -- enter it and pass through the small meteoric
tunnel until you come to a warp tile. Touch it and sure enough, you'll be warped to another meteorite! Now head outside
and proceed northwest to Karnak...
--- "The Dying Flame" ---
On your way to Karnak, try to learn the
'????' Blue Magic from the Wild Dogs. They rarely use this, but even worse is that its name doesn't appear when they
*do* use it. Since ???? does damage equal to the amount of HP the user has lost, my advice here is to turn all your members
into Blue Mages, then just sit around, not attacking, until one of them uses an attack that looks slightly different,
and seems to so nothing.
Anyway, whether or not you learn this strange Blue Magic, proceed north until you
come to a field, then turn left and go south through the forest to find the town of Karnak.
- Karnak - Treasures:
When you arrive at Karnak, you'll find that there's surprisingly little to fo here... Before shopping, talk
to the people, and you'll learn that a man named Cid created the machines that amplified the power of the crystals. They
say that he tried to get the Queen of Karnak to shut off the one powering the Crystal of Fire, but she refused, and he
was thrown in jail as a result. You'll also hear from the townspeople that monsters are trying to get the crystal,
including a strange werewolf, which was seen coming out of the nearby meteorite... The last thing of note that you'll
hear from the people is that people from the Ancient Library in the south kept coming up to Karnak for the same reason
as Cid: to get the queen to shut off the crystal amplifier. She eventually got so sick of them, that she built a wall west
of the castle to keep them out...
Hmm...the only other things of note here are the piano at the pub (be sure to
play it), and the fact that the magic shop is temporarily closed. You'll also notice that the items in the shop are mysteriously
inexpensive... It'd be great if you could buy all the stuff you need at these insanely low prices, but unfortunately,
when you try to buy something (or even if you cancel out of the window without buying anything) you'll be caught by some soldiers
and thrown in jail, being accused of being...a monster? Well, at least you get to keep the one cheap item you bought. ^_^
Karnak Castle - Treasures: None (Actually, there're a bunch of chests here, but they're all
blocked in one way or another.)
Well, you monsters, you're now you're in jail... There's not much you can do to
escape, so just wait until the old man in the next cell blows up the wall next to you. He complains, saying that he used
the last of his gunpowder, and only succeeded in blasting into another cell. =P He then introduces himself to
you...he is the legendary Cid, and he explains to you pretty much the same thing you heard about him back in town, but
he goes into greater detail. He says that he read in a book that the crystals used to be much more powerful than they
are at present, and that he built the amplifier machines in order to emulate that power. Unfortunately, overpowering the crystals
only caused them to shatter, and when he realized this and tried to get the queen to shut off the machine in the castle,
she threw him in jail. After talking for a while, the chancellor shows up and tells Cid that a crack has formed in
the Crystal, then releases him, who refuses to do anything unless Bartz and crew are also set free. The chancellor reluctantly agrees,
and sets "the monsters" free. The chancellor tells you that they shut off the crystal amplifier machine, but the power
of the crystal is still being drained! Cid then realizes that the fire-powered steamship outside must be draining
the power, and rushes off to try and fix it.
You'll now regain control. There are a few treasures in the prison, but
you can't get them, as the Fire Crystal has been going nuts and is spewing fire everywhere, and the flames seem to
be convieniently blocking your way. Leave the dungeon and you'll be in Karnak Castle. All the treasures and most of the
doors are being blocked by more flames, so ignore them and leave the castle. On your way out, you'll meet the werewolf
everyone was talking about, but the guards set off a small explosion, scaring him off.
Back in Karnak City, you'll
see that without the crystal, the item prices have skyrocketed! Oh well, it's good stuff, so be sure to buy new equipment here.
There's also one new item at the armor shop: Plumed Hats. Buy whatever you need, then head to the Magic Shop, which is
also opened now. The new Time Magic isn't all that special, but the new white and black magic is! The White Magic
store has Cure2, Raise, and Muddle, and the Black Magic shop has Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2, and Poison...buy them all! With this
new magic, you should be strong enough to defeat Shiva at Walz Castle ("Treasure of Walz"), or you can just head for
the Fire-powered Ship.
- Fire-Powered Ship - Treasures: Cottage, Elixir x3, Phoenix Down, Thief'sGlove, MythrilGlove
Green Beret, Moonring, World Map (if you didn't get it already)
As soon as you board the ship, Cid will greet you and
tell you the situation of things. He says that he was right, that the engine *is* still draining the crystal's power.
Unfortunately, monsters appeared in the machinery, and they're unable to do anything at present, so he asks *you* to go
down and stop the engine. When you regain control, enter the upper door on the ship, then climb down the stairs. You'll
be in a high-tech looking room full of passages. There are monsters here, though none of them are very tough, and you
can learn a couple of low-level Blue Magics from some of them. You can learn Flash from the shadowy Cool Dust enemies
if you didn't get it earlier -- they'll use it when they're alone. You can also learn Exploder from a Mottletrap by
casting Bolt on it. To find a Mottletrap, just defeat a Defeater (that sounded weird ^_^), and it'll leave two Mottletraps
in its place.
Anyhow... Start by going in the silver door (it looks like a box, but it's really a door) near
the entrance to get a MythrilGlove, then take the ladder to the upper level where a chest containing a Cottage lies in
wait. If you'd like a couple of Elixirs, go up the left ladder, and down the right staircase to get two. After getting
the items, take the uppermost door, which leads to an elevator. Flip the switch, and the elevator will rise, bringing
you to an upper part of the ship. As soon as it stops, exit and take the Phoenix Down from the nearby chest, and if you
didn't already get the World Map in the Ship Graveyard, you'll find one by the chest. Head left through the next door;
it's another elevator, this time, going down. After riding it, you'll come out on an upper ledge with a pipe line and
a treasure chest that you can't get because the conveyor belt leading to it is running in the wrong direction; ignore
it and go in the pipe. Follow it until you reach a ladder, then climb down it and keep going until you reach a room with
three doors and four pipes. Depending on which pipes/doors you enter, you'll get different results...
Pipe 1: Going
in here just drops you back to the room you just came from. In other words, there's no real reason to jump in this one.
2: This is where you want to go, but be sure and collect the other treasures in the other pipes first. This pipe will
bring you to a room with a staircase and a door. First, go up the staircase and flip the switch, then go in the door
that appears and grab the Moonring fron the chest. (Note: This item has no icon, and such weapons will be classified as
'other' weapons.) This is a fairly powerful weapon, but only Thieves (and Ninjas) can equip it, so give it to your
thief for a much needed attack power boost. Now go back and enter the door you passed earlier; you'll be faced with two
more doors. The one with the one-way conyevor belt leads back to the pipe room, so only take it if you missed something
there. The other door leads to a room with a save point. Save, then continue through the door behind it. (See below)
3: This will drop you on the ledge with the treasure chest you saw earlier, but couldn't reach. Open the box to get a
Thief'sGlove, which increases your chances of stealing something, plus gives you a nice defense boost; give this to
your thief, if you have one. All in all, the item you get here is nice, but you have a long walk back to the pipe room...
4: Go in this pipe and you'll end up in a room with a door, a staircase, and a treasure chest you can't reach because
of a conveyor belt. Climb down the stairs and loop around in the pipes, eventually you'll come out on the ledge with
the treasure box you just saw, it's a Green Beret. Take it, then go in the door, which leads back to the room with the
four pipes.
Door 1: This is where you came in. You can also leave via this door if you'd like. ^_^
2: This is where you come from if you jumped in pipe 4 and went in the door.
Door 3: You come out of here if you
take the door with the conveyor belt in front of it after jumping in pipe 2.
After jumping in pipe 2 and passing
through the save point room, you'll be in a room full of switches and floating platforms. Start by flipping the first
switch, which moves the platform you're standing on up to the next set of switches. Pull the first one and it'll move a
small platform over to a ledge with a treasure box on it; you can't reach it yet, but by doing this, you'll be able
to shortly. Go down and flip the next switch, which extends the platform you're on over to the left, creating a bridge.
On the other side of the bridge, flip the two switches; one of them will break the bridge you just crossed (you have
to do this), and the other one will pull a small platform up so you can walk down to the lower switches. In order for
either of the switches here to be of any use, you *must* be standing on the wire platforms. The lower one will bring
you back to the start of the room, the upper one will bring you up to the ledge with the treasure chest and a door. If
you flipped the switch earlier, you can now take the treasure chest to get an always needed Elixir. Take it, then go through
the door to the ship's engine room. Here, you'll meet the missing Queen Karnak, who seems to be controlled by someone
or something... Whatever the case, she sics the Liquid Flame on you...
- Boss Battle - LiqudFlame - Lv: 19
HP: 3000 Weakness: Ice
This battle is pretty tough. Liquid Flame has three different forms, each with
its own set of attacks: A humanoid form, a tornado form, and a 'hand' form. The humanoid is probably the most dangerous
of the three, as its Blaze attack does damage equal to 25% of *max* HP to the whole team! Use Cure2 after this happens.
The tornado form is rather weak...it has a high evade rate, but low defense, and its Magneto spell isn't very dangerous
(all it does is pull members that are in the back row up to the front row), but it will cure itself by using Fire2.
The hand also has a high evasion rate, and its attacks are also weak. Its "Shock" attack paralyzes you, and it can
cast Fire2, which does about 250 damage to one member. The Liquid Flame seems to change form everytime it's successfully
attacked, so keep this in mind. All three forms are weak against ice, so use Ice 2, Shiva, and the Sorcerer's Ice 2
Sword to inflict massive damage, and, as usual, Store also does a lot of damage if it connects. When you defeat the Liquid
Flame, you'll get 6 ABP, and a fire-related item which depends on which form it was in when it fell: A Fire Rod if it
was in humanoid form, a Fire Bow if it was in tornado form, and a lowly Fire Skill if it was in hand form.
beating the flame, the queen tells you that she was being controlled by a demon, who is the *real* cause of the shattering
crystals. She explains that a demon is trying to resurrect himself by shattering all the crystals, then tells you to
try and protect the Fire Crystal. The engine of the steamship has exploded, so go in the pipe behind it to get to the
room where the crystal is.
- Karnak Castle - Treasures: 2000 GP x3, Elixir x6, Shuriken, LgtningSkill, HuntingKnife,
Elf Cloak, Esna (White Magic), Ribbon
When you reach the crystal room, the werewolf that everyone in Karnak fears shows
up and greets Galuf; it seems that he's not your enemy at all, but is actually rather friendly. The werewolf explains
a bit about the crystal, and talks about a demon. As they talk, an obviously possessed soldier enters the room, turns
the amplifier machine to full power, babbles something about breaking some kind of seal, then disappears (I guess he dies),
leaving the crystal to shatter! Bartz runs up and tries to shut off the machine, but it's no use...the guard has effectively
jammed the switch, and it can't be stopped! Since the machine is now at full power, and is rapidly sucking the power
from the crystal, there's no way to prevent it from shattering! The werewolf goes over to try and stop the machine manually,
but fires burst out and all hell breaks loose! Your team tries to save him, but fails when the room becomes completely
engulfed in flames, and the floor beneath you collapses. No sooner do you fall through the floor than the crystal shatters,
and the werewolf dies... To make matters worse, without the Crystal of Fire to power it, Karnak Castle begins to weaken,
and will explode! You have 10 minutes to escape from the doomed castle before it is completely destroyed, but numerous
treasures and monsters will *not* make escaping an easy task! Of course, if you're a coward, you can just escape from
the castle, but brave warriors don't fear death, and will seek out the goodies, regardless of the danger.
You start
the escape in a room with a save point, save if you want (do *not* use your main save, though, or you may end up being
trapped here), then quickly run to the previous room and examine the jar to restore HP & MP. After being healed,
run to the right and climb the stairs to return to the prison where you and Cid were held earlier. The fires are all out
now, so you can collect the treasures in the other cells. The one on the left contains 2000 GP, while the other one
holds an Elixir. (Note: All the treasure chests except for the ones containing 2000 GP contain monsters, and you'll
win the afformentioned item after the battle. You will occasionally fight Gigas enemies here- they can use both Aero and
Aero 2, which are Blue Magics, and when defeated, they *always* drop useful Giant Drinks.) Take the right staircase
up to the next floor. There're two more chests here, one contains a Shuriken, and the other contains a Ribbon. Be sure
to, at the very least, get the latter! There are no treasures on the next two floors, so just rush through them to
the main room. Here, enter the nearby door and you'll be in a room with several treasure boxes. Two of them contain monsters
and Elixirs, while the other one holds 2000 GP. Take the items, then climb the upper staircase, which leads to a treasure
chest containing a valuable Elf Cloak. After getting it, return to the treasure room and take the lower door, which
is just a quicker route to the next treasure room. This room has three Elixirs, 2000 GP, and a staircase leading to a
treasure room, which contains a HuntingKnife. Whether or not you want to risk getting these items, go back to the main
room of the castle and head down. (There is absolutely nothing in the throne room, so ignore it.) There are two treasure boxes
here containing a Lightning Skill item and the valuable Esna spell; collect them both (or at least Esna), then rush outside,
where you'll be attacked...
- Boss Battle - Sergeant - Lv: ?? HP: 1000 Karnak - Lv:
19 HP: 140 Karnak - Lv: 19 HP: 140 Karnak - Lv: 19 HP: 140
seems exactly like an ordinary battle...that is, until you realize that this isn't an ordinary sergeant... After inflicting
about 500 damage to him, he'll reveal his true form, a multi-limbed demon called Iron Claw...
- Boss Battle - Iron
Claw - Lv: ?? HP: 1000
Yes, this is actually the same battle, and it's fairly easy, although I hope you
have more than a minute remaining. Iron Claw uses the Doom Claw skill on you a lot, which lowers your HP to single digits,
plus paralyzes you as well! You can (and should) learn this, though, as it's one of the Blue Magics. (And you won't
get another chance at it until much later.) Besides that one spell, there is nothing in this battle that you haven't seen
many times before, so just hurry up and beat this loser before you run out of time.
After beating Iron Claw,
quickly escape from the castle. No matter how much time you had left on the clock, the castle will explode, taking out
part of the wall to the west of the castle as well. After the explosion, you'll end up in a field south of Karnak,
where three pieces of the fire crystal will come down and lend you their powers. You can now use the Ninja, Trainer, and Geomancer
jobs. Before moving on, though, return to Karnak.
- Karnak - Treasures: Fire Rod
Back in town, the fires
that once burned here are all gone, and the people are devastated by the loss of the crystal and the castle. The queen
managed to survive the explosion, and is resting at the inn, but she seems to be out of it, and doesn't say anything
important. You're also told by some people at the Pub that Cid returned to the Fire-powered ship. Before leaving town, there's
something of note you might wanna investigate. You might've noticed earlier that there was a staircase north of the inn
that was blocked by flames. Well, since they're gone, you can climb up it and explore the top of the wall around town.
You can get a Fire Rod by checking the lone barrel at the end of the left path, but that's...about it. Get it if you want,
then return to the Fire-powered ship.
Here, you'll find a very depressed Cid. He talks for a moment about how it's all
his fault that the crystals shattered, then retreats. You can find him back in Karnak, on the second floor of the pub,
but he just tells you to leave him alone... Since there's not much you can do to cheer him up, just do as he says...
There's nothing more to do in Karnak, and since the wall leading to the Ancient Library has been destroyed, I guess it's
time to move on.
--- "Knowledge and Mystery" ---
>From Karnak, head to the southeast. I urge you not
to go through the desert, as the Quadrharpies there are *very* strong. They can cast Aqua Rake, which your Blue Mage
can learn, but it does a lot of damage, and can wipe you out if you're not strong enough. Go around the desert, then head
southwest until you find a small forest with a shrine in it. This is the Ancient Library, but instead of going in,
fight around in the forest for a bit, as the Mithril Dragons (yes, they spelled it correctly here...don't ask why) can use
Pep Up, a Blue Magic. Since it's a healing spell, they obviously won't cast it on you willingly...you'll have to control
or confuse them. =P Anyway, once you have this skill, head inside the library.
- Ancient Library - Treasures:
Ether, Phoenix Down, Ninja Suit, Ifrit (Summon Magic)
The first thing to do here is talk to everyone. You'll learn
that Cid's grandson, Mid, has gone to the basement to look for something, but hasn't returned yet. They wouldn't really
be worried, though, if it weren't for the fact that many of the books down there are possessed by monsters, so they ask
you to go down and search for him.
Before going down, though, go upstairs and examine the pot to restore your HP,
MP, and status. If you'd like, you can also go up to the roof and fight a possessed book, but it's not necessary, since
you don't get anything for doing so. When you decide to go down to the basement, you'll have to go through a series
of strange puzzles, and fight some rather bizarre enemies. There're several Blue Magics you can learn here, as well. First,
'Page 32' can use Aero 2, which you can learn if you missed it back at Karnak. Second, 'Page 256' uses Moon Flute, and
if you use the Cntrl command, you can make them use Guard-Off. Finally, the Page 64 enemies use L.5 Doom. The biggest problem
with learning this skill, though, is that unlike in FF6 and FF7, you have to get *hit* (and killed) by it in order to learn
it... Since all of your team members are probably on the same level (and will consequently all get killed by the spell),
this is rather difficult to do...well, unless you go about it the right way. Kill off a character whose level is a multiple
of 5 (probably 15 at this point), then build up the rest of your characters until they gain a level. (If you're picky
about keeping your characters close, wait until they're close to gaining a level anyways.) Now revive your last character,
make him/her a Blue Mage or equip the Learning ability, fight a Page 64, let it cast the spell, and proceed to win the
battle. Ta-da! Trust me, it's a lot less complicated than I just made it sound, and learning this spell will be a
*big* help later on...
Anyway, you won't fight any enemies in the first room, but there's a puzzle of sorts here.
Start by just walk straight up to the first bookshelf, and it'll slide away, allowing you to pass. Now walk over to the
left and step in the small opening in the bookshelf, and the first bookshelf will slide back into its original position,
creating a small passage that you can walk under on the right side of the room. Go under the small holes and climb the
staircase up to the top of the shelves. Walk to the right and keep following the narrow path until you reach the edge,
and the same bookshelf will slide over again, creating a 'bridge' you can walk on. Go to the right, but before climbing
down the staircase, walk to the far end of the platform -- the bookshelf will slide over one last time, allowing you to
pass. Now go downstairs and examine the loose brick on the floor, a secret passage leading further down will appear.
This lower floor is dark, and you can only see a short distance around you, but it's not a very big area, so it's
not a problem. Head right to get a chest containing an Ether, then go through the south exit. Here, go down the ladder
and through the next door, where you'll be blocked by a sentient bookshelf. O_o Since there's no way to get by it
now, leave this room, and climb the ladder next to it. Though it appears to lead nowhere, examine the shelf at the
top, and a secret passage will appear -- go through it and walk along the top of the shelves to reach a small empty room
with just a book in it. When you go to read it, however, it bursts into flames, and Ifrit pops out of it, saying that
he'll only answer the call of those who can defeat him in battle...
- Boss Battle - Ifrit - Lv: 22
HP: 3000 Weakness: Water, Ice
A rather uneventful battle. Ifrit only has two attacks: Fire2, which hits one
member for 250-350 damage, and Blaze, which is the same thing Liquid Flame used. Ifrit is weak against water, so Aqua
Rake is effective against him, doing about 500 damage, but it's hardly worth the ludicrous casting cost, especially
since he has a much bigger weakness: Ice. Both the Black and Magic Sword versions of Ice2 do upwards of 700 damage to
him, and are considerably cheaper, too! Overall, he's not that difficult to beat, and when you win, you'll get 5 ABP,
a Fire Skill, and the Ifrit summon spell.
With Ifrit as an ally, return to the previous room where that bookshelf blocked
your way. Seeing that Ifrit is with you, though, it moves aside and allows you to pass. Before proceeding forward, though,
pass under the bookshelf on the left (the one with the ladder behind it), and grab the chest from the balcony to get
a Ninja Suit. Equip it, then go back and enter the upper door. This next room is also dark, but it doesn't make navigating
any more difficult. Climb down the ladder, then turn left at the fork (there's no reason to go right, since it just
leads to a dead end), and you'll come to another fork. Go south first to get a Phoenix Down from the chest, then go
right and through the door. Right next to the door you come out of is another door, which leads to a miniature version
of the "Puzzle" room from the beginning of the basement. All you have to do here, though, is stand in front of the upper
bookshelf, which causes to slide away, then climb up the small ladder and search the shelf behind it, which causes the shelf
you just moved to slide back. Now, on the other side of the room, ignore that obvious door (which leads to a dead end balcony),
and climb the small ladder near it. Examine the shelf at the top, and a possessed book jumps out. After defeating it,
a secret passage will appear where it was, leading to a room with a save point; save your game, then take the right exit.
Enter the only door in this next area, and you'll finally find Mid. Unfortunately, before you can actually reach him, the
king of all possessed book monsters (or something like that) jumps out and attacks. Oh well, we needed another boss
battle here. ^_^
- Boss Battle - Biblos - Lv: 24 HP: 3600 Weakness: Holy, Fire
This is one hell of an annoying battle! First off, Biblos starts the battle by casting Protes, rendering physical attacks
nearly useless. Second, he absorbs all elements except Holy (which you don't have yet) and Fire. Finally, he has a whole
mess of annoying attacks, including a low hit-rate, rarely used, hard to find, and single targetting blue magic (MagHammer).
This reduces MP cost by 1/2, but he rarely uses it...still, this is the only place you'll be able to get it for a while.
His other attacks include "Wind Slash", which does about 250+ damage to the entire team; "Thread", which causes Slow
status on one member; and the rarely used "Dischord", which drops the target's level by 1/2. Fortunately, this has a very
low hit-rate. Oh, and for those who've played FF6...No, this isn't a Blue Magic, and it can't be learned, so don't
waste time trying. Anyway, as for attacks to use against it...well, you don't have much of a choice here... You don't have
any Holy magic yet, so stick with Fire2, which does ~700 damage. (Fire2 Sword and Ifrit don't work as well, though...)
This works fine, but as the Biblos starts to lose HP, he'll counter with Drain (~300 damage) when hit with magic. After
this happens, you seem to be screwed, but you actually still have a trump card left...Poison. Yes, Biblos *can* be poisoned,
and it does like 300 damage to him everytime it takes effect. The best part is that he won't counter with Drain when
losing HP, so just sit around for a while, healing when necessary, and the Biblos will eventually just die on its own! When
you win, you'll get 7 ABP and a Hard Body (chemist item).
After the battle, talk to Mid, who apparently didn't even
realize you were fighting behind him... (Talk about being out of it!) Before you even get to say much, Mid tells you
that he's finished down here, and opens up a secret passage leading back to the second floor of the library. When he emerges
from it, all the scholars are surprised by his sudden appearance, and thank you for finding Mid (who apparently didn't
even realize you were looking for him =P). Mid acknowledges you, but is rather preoccupied with a book he found that
has something amazing in it...a way to repair the Fire-powered Ship! (How'd he even know it was out of commission? Guess
news travels fast here...) He says that Cid could easily put these plans into effect, since nothing ever stumps him.
Faris, however, tells Mid that he must be talking about the old Cid, since the one they met seems to be making a habit
out of being stumped. Shocked to hear this, Mid runs off to have a word with him. Might as well follow him.
"The New Ship" ---
Back at Karnak, pay another visit to Cid. It seems Mid hasn't arrived yet, and Cid just gives
you the brush-off once again. As you're about to leave, however, Mid shows up and smacks some sense into the old fool,
lecturing him about not giving up just because of one failure. Cid realizes that his grandson is right, and regains
his confidence. Mid then pulls out the book on repairing the Fire-powered Ship and shows it to Cid, and the two of them
rush off to make the repairs.
Back onboard the ship, you'll be met by Cid and Mid, who suggest that you go below
and get some rest while they finish up the repairs. Bartz agrees, and automatically goes below deck. Almost immediately
after entering, Galuf complains that his head hurts again, then, remembering the exchange between Cid and Mid back
in town, has flashbacks of similar events between him and his granddaughter, Krile. (Who's actually the girl Siren created
an illusion of back at the Ship Graveyard, if you'll remember. =P) The others ask Galuf if he's alright, and he
says that he is, and that he suddenly remembered something important...that he's not from this planet! Obviously, Bartz,
Reina, and Farisare shocked at hearing this, but after it wears off, Galuf continues, saying he also remembered why
he came here. He says that he doesn't remember all the details, but through a series of flashbacks, explains what
he *does* remember. Thirty years ago, he and three others came here by meteorite, and used the power of the crystals to
seal away the evil Black Mage, X-Death. He goes on to say that if all the crystals shatter, that X-Death will revive...
Fortunately, one crystal still remains, and if they can protect it... After Galuf finishes talking, you'll regain control. Now
head back above deck, where you'll find both Cid and Mid catching a few Z's. =P When you wake Cid up, he says that
the ship's as good as new, and that you can use it to find and protect the Crystal of Earth. With that, he leaves for
the Ancient Library along with Mid, and you gain control of the Fire-powered Ship! Once again, the oceans are yours for
There's a lot you can do now, including two sub-quests ("Wizard of Thunder", and "Jacohl Cave"), but
watch out, as unlike the safe waters of the inner sea, there *are* monsters in the waters of the outer sea. Explore the
ocean if you'd like, but ultimately, you'll want to head south to Jacohl Town, which the southernmost dot on the left
side of the world map.
- Jacohl - Treasures: None
Wow. There's a whole lotta nothing in this town, and
I'm not even sure if you have to come here... Heck, I don't even think the *game* knows what the point of this town
is, as it can't seem to get the name straight. I've seen it called both "Jacohl" and "Jachol" at different times. I'll
just use the spelling I prefer. =P
Anyway, aside from the piano at the pub, and some good items for sale
at the shops, there's nothing to do here. There's a lot of talk of Jacohl Cave, which you can explore later (see sub-quests;
"Jacohl Cave"), and of Crescent Town in the far east.
Since it's obvious the Crystal of Earth isn't in this remote
hamlet, let's see if it might be at this Crescent Town. To get there, return to the ship and just sail to the east
until you find a crescent-shaped island with a town on it. Not too difficult to guess what this is. =P
Before entering,
though, and assuming you don't mind fighting a few random battles, there're a few things you can get here. First, the pirate/hunchback things
called "Crescents" occasionally drop Death Sickles. Since items are dropped fairly reliably in FF5, it shouldn't take
long to get one, either. While not the greatest Axe available, Death Sickles randomly cast Doom while attacking, and
have a pretty good attack power. Also, you can learn Blue Magic "Black Shock" from the BlackFlames, though you'd already
know this if you did the Easterly sub-quest. Anyway, after getting the goodies (or not), enter the town.
Crescent Town - Treasures: Str. Song (Song)
As soon as you enter, the village gets rocked by a violent earthquake.
As the townspeople run around in a panic, Bartz notices something happening outside... Try to leave town, and there'll
be a scene in which a whirlpool appears, sinking your ship! Since you're stranded here (and consequently have nothing
better to do), you might as well have a look around... In the house at the southeast corner of town is another piano,
and a bard who'll teach you Str. Song if you talk to him. Several people in town are also talking about a Black Chocobo
having been seen in the forest to the south. Black Chocobos can supposedly fly...... Hmm...worth investigating.
town, and head for the small circular forest in the immediate south. There, you'll find the chocobo everyone was talking
about, and Bartz decides to catch it! It runs faster than you do, but it's actually not that hard to catch. When Bartz
commands the chocobo to fly, however, it tries, but ends up crashing back in the forest, and the reason for this is soon apparent,
as it coughs up two crystal shards. =P Bartz then picks up the shards, which grant you the Bard and Hunter
jobs, then jumps back on the chocobo for another try at getting it to fly. This time, he succeeds, and you gain control
of the flying bird! It's pretty much the same as the flying dragon, except it can fly over low mountains, and can only
land in forests. With it, you can easily reach Easterly if you decided not to bother going there by ship, and you can
also do one new sub-quest ("Hometown Memories").
When you're ready to move on, return to the Ancient Library, where
you'll be greeted by Cid and Mid. Bartz tells them that the Fire-powered Ship sank, but they don't seem too concerned,
especially since they have some good news. It seems that King Tycoon was found! According to local reports, he was
sighted in Karnak, then headed southwest through the Desert Sand Tides, a strange place where sand currents flow like water,
towards the "Town of Ruin" (Gorn, actually). When asked how the king made it through, Cid explains that those who
saw him said he was floating... Though the group doesn't have an immediate way of getting past this area, they decide
to follow him through the tides anyway...
--- "Shifting Sands and Ancient Ruins" ---
Now leave the library
and head along the narrow trail to the west. At the end, you come across a huge desert...this is the Desert of Sand Tides;
- Sand Tides - Treasures: None
You can try to move forward all you want, but ultimately, the
currents of the shifting sands just shove you back. After trying once, Cid and Mid arrive and urge you not to give
up, as they have a plan for how to get through. It's a risky one, but it's a plan nonetheless. If they were to call one
of the giant sandworms that live here, then kill it, it should form a bridge across the sand. They then ask if you're willing
to try this; if you aren't, say no, and go back and stock up or whatever. Otherwise, say yes, the scientist duo uses
a bell to call a sandworm. As it approaches, Bartz and the team attack!
- Boss Battle - Sandworm - Lv: 18
HP: 3000 Weakness: Water
This is probably the easiest battle in the entire game if you learned Aqua Rake,
as it does about 4500 damage to the worm, killing it instantly. If you don't have this spell, however, it'll take a while
longer. The Sandworm peridocally pops in and out of three holes, and if it changes its position before you attack,
you'll swing at empty air. Just time your attacks, and use Ice2 and other magic, and it should fall fairly easily. You'll
get 5ABP when you win, but for the first time, no cheap item. =P
After the worm goes down, it'll die in a position
which conveniently lets you enter the desert. There're actually many ways of getting through the Sand Tides, and there're
probably easier ways than what I have, but here's one way of handling this place.
Walk all the way to the end
of the bridge, and step into the currents on the right. When you stop, walk (avoiding all currents) to the left, then down, and
to the left again until you see a long stream running down. Step into it, and you'll be swept onto a one-square "island"
with a cactus on it. From here, cross over the one-square current to the right, then continue to the right and stop
at the currents. Now turn and go south, where you'll find a long, narrow stream heading down. Ride it, and at the end,
head left and step into the south-moving currents once again...just a little further, and you'll be finished! Walk
left a little ways, until you spot three one-square currents leading down. Step on any of them, and you'll be pulled to
the right, towards the exit. Walk south a bit, and...voila, you're outta here!
Back on the world map, head south
until you reach a small town. This is Gorn, where King Tycoon was supposedly headed...
- Gorn - Treasures:
Hmm...this town is sorta...dead, and there doesn't seem to be anyone around. However, when you start to walk
up the stairs in the center of town, King Tycoon appears and runs off! There seems to be no pattern in where he runs to,
so just keep chasing him around until he eventually ends up inside the house on the hill. When you approach him, both
Reina and Faris will call out to him ("Father"...), but before you can actually reach the King, a pit opens below the
team and swallows them!
After the fall, the group ends up in some strange ruins, seperated from Galuf. (Actually,
he just landed in a walled-off section of the same room, but they don't know that. ;) Having heard Faris call King
Tycoon "Father", Reina realizes that Faris really *is* her lost sister; Faris admits this, and apologizes for not
doing so sooner. After their 'reunion', Bartz notices that Galuf is missing. Figuring they'll meet up with him later,
the group starts to walk out. (Check out Galuf's actions at hearing this. =P) The old man then jumps in a hole
below him, and climbs out through another one right below your team. He rants at you for trying to leave him behind, then
rejoins. =P
Back in control, leave this room through the only door here, and keep going until you reach a room
with a suspicious square tile on the floor. When you step on it, your team is teleported far across the ocean, eventually
ending up under Crescent Island! During this time, there's also a short scene in which Cid and Mid return the Black
Chocobo to the nearby forest.
- Underground Ruins - Treasures: Shuriken x2, Mini (White Magic)
No sooner
do you materialize, then the device you used overloads (most likely from age and lack of use) and breaks apart. The group
manages to make their way out of the room before it completely collapses, but are left with no way back... The only
option now is to find another way out. Start the search by climbing up the stairs, and making your way into the big opened room
with the statues in it. Here, take the lower door, which leads to something that would appear to be living quarters. The
room on the right is a lab of sorts, the room in the middle is a bedroom (which you can rest in), and the room on the
left is a library. You'll probably also notice a small room with three chests hovering below the bedroom. There's a switch
in the left room that opens it, but it doesn't seem to work at first. There are actually two ways to use it:
hard way: A note below the switch directs you to the flowers in the middle room. Examine the far right section of the
flowerbed, and you'll receive another note, which mentions a paper in the left room. This said paper initially makes
Bartz think this is a waste of time, but then he finds *another* note. This one just says "Check the urn". ...Yeah, this
is getting old, but follow the directions, anyhow. The urn the note means is the one on the far right in the left room.
Check it, and a surprised frog jumps out, runs into a bookshelf and knocks a book off it, then disappears out the door.
From the book, you'll be told to go six steps down, four steps right, and pull. These instructions lead you...back to
the switch where you started. Pull it and the wall opens.
The easy way: When you first examine the switch, it
asks if you want to push it. Say "No". Then you get a message asking if you want to pull it. Say "Yes". The wall opens
without all that running around. =P
Grab the three chests to get two Shurikens and the Mini spell, then return to
the previous room. The upper door here is locked; the switch next to it will open it, but it also does something else...
When you press it, the scene shifts to the Chocobo Forest, which begins to shake. A hole then opens in the ground,
swallowing Cid and Mid. =P The scene then shifts back to the team, and the locked door opens. The room above it has
a save point in it. Save, then continue up, and down the long staircase, where you'll find...the Fire-powered Ship!
Yep, it was actually dragged down here during the earlier earthquake. =P You can't actually use it, though, so cross
over it, and you'll come across a second ship. This one, with propellors on it! As soon as you board it, Cid and Mid
arrive, and are absolutely astounded by this craft. Realizing what this is, they run downstairs to get a look at the mechanisms...follow
them. In the lowest room of the ship, you'll find the two messing with the machinery. They explain that it's an ancient
airship, and after they get it working, everyone returns to the deck for grand launching!
Before they can move,
however, something goes terribly wrong...something seems to be pulling the ship back down! Bartz walks over to the side
of the ship to take a look, and discovers that a monster is actually hanging from it! Fight time!
- Boss Battle
- Clay Claw - Lv: 43 HP: 2000 Weakness: Lightning
Don't be intimidated by the higher than
normal level -- this palette swap of Karl Boss is easy. Sure, it has that annoying "Tail Screw" attack, but given its
major weakness to lightning and very low HP, it probably won't even be able to use it. Just use Bolt 2, Ramuh, or attack
it using the Coral Sword or Lightning Bow; all do over 700 damage. Three hits, and bye-bye Clay Claw! Note that if you
don't have any magic users in this battle, nor did you buy any lightning-elemental equipment, you can still win this battle
via lightning. How? Simple. If you have someone with the Steal/Mug skill, you can steal a Coral Sword! Anyway, when
you win, you'll get 5 ABP and an Ice Bow.
With the beast dead, Bartz lands the airship back in the ruins. It sustained some
minor damage during the battle, but Cid and Mid quickly patch it up using parts from the now defunct Fire-powered Ship.
The two of them then leave, saying they plan to use the materials in the ruins to continue their search for the Earth
Crystal. After they leave, Bartz takes control of the wheel, and *you* gain control of the airship! This is truly the ultimate
in transportation! In addition to having a new view of the world while riding it, you're now able to pass over even
the tallest mountains! Furthermore, compared to previous vehicles, this thing is blazingly fast! It can also land on
either plains or water (it turns into a normal ship if you do this). With the airship, there's simply *no* place you can't
get to! Well...except for one enigmatic location... West of Tycoon lies a small island with a temple on it. A temple
completely surrounded by mountains. None of your vehicles will get you inside, but don't worry, as you'll be able to visit this
place much later on.
This is a great opportunity to go back and build levels, finish sub-quests (this makes the
Jacohl Cave sub-quest a breeze, as you can bypass the puzzles if you land in the mountains), and pick up missed Blue Magic.
When you feel you're ready, head back to Gorn. Before you arrive, though, you'll witness a strange scene... The town
itself explodes, and a *huge* building rises up out of it and begins flying in the air!
To find out just what this
is, return to the underground ruins. As soon as you try to leave the ship, you'll be stopped by Cid and Mid. Bartz starts
to tell them about what just happened at Gorn, but they say they already know, as they saw it happen through their telescope.
Cid then pulls out a book, and explains to you just what those ruins are... It seems that those're ruins from the
ancient Ronka civilization, and that the Crystal of Earth is inside! What's more, he says that it's what's being used to
make them fly! Apparently, the flying machine there was disabled because cracks started to form in the crystal, but
Cid says that someone must've restarted it... Reina and Faris consider for a moment that it might've been King Tycoon,
but quickly dismiss this theory, and Bartz asks the scientists how they can reach the ruins. Without a moment's hesitation,
Mid responds, saying they need Adamantite to allow the airship to fly that high. Fortunately, it just so happens that
Galuf knows where to get some -- the meteorite he used to get here! The others question just how Galuf, an amnesiac, knew
that, but decide not to debate it, and fly off to get the mineral.
- Tycoon Meteor - Treasures: Adamantite
(Story Item)
Back at the old meteor site, head straight for the meteorite, and examine the front of it. Galuf walks
over and messes with something on the side of it, and a passage opens.
Inside, all you have to do is take the
blue stone, the Adamantite, off the back wall. Wow, that was easy. However, the story gods intervene, and you're attacked
on the way out...
- Boss Battle - Adamantaim - Lv: 20 HP: 2000 Weakness: Ice
this boss has a high evade rate, high defense, and attacks twice, you'd almost think it was difficult. And if you said
that, you'd be wrong. Notice his level? Yes, it's a multiple of five. Can you say "L.5 Doom"? =P However, if you don't
have the spell, it's still easy to win -- use Ice2 for about 600 damage. It's not quite as fast, but it gets the job done.
Victory earns you 5 ABP and a Turtle Shell.
Once the stupid turtle is out of the way, return to the underground
ruins, and Cid and Mid will use the Adamantite to enhance your airship. After resting, you'll be told that you can
increase altitude by pressing the X button during flight, then pressing "up" when the arrows appear. However, Cid
warns you that getting inside the elusive ruins won't be easy, as they're protected by powerful cannons. Nevertheless,
if you hope to protect the Earth Crystal, you'll have to get rid of them...
Back in the air, follow Mid's directions
to reach the ruins. As Cid said, before you can actually enter, the cannons must be dealt with. Fortunately, there aren't
all that many -- just two on each side of the ruins, for a total of four. Also, despite the warnings, they're not *that*
- Boss Battle - Rocket Gun - Lv: 23 HP: 2500 Weakness: Lightning FlameThrow
- Lv: 22 HP: 2400 Weakness: Lightning
This isn't actually one fixed battle, I just classified
the enemies together because they're so similar. When you attack each cannon, you'll fight either two Rocket Guns, or
two FlameThrowers. Flame Throwers are easy to defeat, as their only attack seems to be Burn Ray (a Blue Magic), which does
a measley 200 or so damage to a single member. Rocket Guns are a bit more dangerous, since their chief attack is Missile
(another Blue Magic), which takes 3/4 of your HP away. They'll also occasionally use Rocket Punch, which does a bit less
damage (about 1/3 HP), but causes Confusion. Since both types of cannons are weak against Lightning, hit them with Bolt2,
Ramuh, Lightning Skills, and Lightning-based weapons. Overall, these battles aren't really that difficult at all.
all four cannons are out of commission, the "Main Gun" emerges from the front of the ruins... You're probably beat up from
fighting the lesser cannons, so go back and rest, then return and attack!
- Boss Battle - Soul Gun - Lv: 36
HP: <9000> Weakness: Lightning Launcher - Lv: 50 HP: <1500> Launcher - Lv: 50
HP: <1500>
Ugh. This is an annoying battle. Initially, the main gun doesn't do anything except "charge up",
while the two launchers shoot missiles at you. These cut your HP in half, and cause Old status. Since neither of the launchers
have more than 2000 HP, it's best to deal with them early on. This is easily accomplished by using L.5 Doom. After
they're gone, blast the main gun with your most powerful lightning attacks, and hope you destroy it before it finishes
charging. If it succeeds in doing so, it'll fry you with "Beam Cannon", a devastating attack capable of doing over 500
damage to the entire team! Fortunately, after using it, it takes a few more rounds for the main gun to charge back up,
in which time, you should be able to finish it off. There's no way to know exactly how much HP it has, but I estimate
it's about 9000. (Note: From here on, whenever you see an enemy's HP in <brackets>, it means that it showed up
as "????" when scanned, and what I have is a rough estimate.) When you win (and it may take a while), you'll get 7 ABP,
a Dark Matter, and two Potions.
After scrapping the cannon, all that remains where it once was is a huge hole,
which you can now use to *finally* get inside the ruins! Fly in it, then get off the ship, and you'll be at the entrance
to the Ronka Ruins...
- Ronka Ruins - Treasures: Potion, Phoenix Down, Elixir, Gold Armor, Gold Shield, 5000 GP,
Shuriken, AncientSword, Moonring, Power Wrist, Ether, Cottage
Once inside, start by going down through the door, then
loop around the path and go down the stairs. In this next room (as well as most of the ruins in general), there're "invisible
bridges" over the holes. You can try to find these on your own, or you can use a Thief (or the "Secret" ability), which allows
you to see them. Anyway, head all the way to the right, then cross the bridge leading to the lower platform; grab the
chest here to get a strong suit of Gold Armor, then go down the nearby staircase. This is where the ruins start to
become something of a maze...
Before going anywhere, though, there're two vital Blue Magics here that I *strongly*
urge you take the time to get! First off, it's important that you have the Trainer's "Control" ability, as you'll need
it to get both of them. In other words, if you don't know it, learn it! The first of these spells is Blow Fish, which
is learned from Lamias. They never actually use it on you, but you can force them to if you control them; just make sure
you revive the victim before the end of the battle, as they'll likely get killed by it. (That, or just heal them, if
they somehow had more than 1000 HP.) The other Blue Magic here is White Wind. The Fan Wizards use it, but since it's a
healing spell, you have to control these guys, too, to get them to cast it on you. Now you're probably wondering why
these spells are so valuable... Well, I'll tell you. White Wind restores the HP of all allies equal to the current
HP of the user, so if the user has high HP, it guarantees full healing for the entire team! As for Blow Fish, its fixed
1000 damage may not seem like much in the grand scheme of things, but it *can't be blocked*! Yes, this spell can even
take out super-armored enemies (like Harpies and SkullEaters) in one hit! If you miss either of these spells, I can almost
assure you that you'll end up struggling later on, so by all means, take the time to learn them!
After learning
both spells, head left across the small hidden bridge, then continue in the same direction until you come across four
narrow walkways. Skip the first and third ones (which lead to dead ends), take the second one to get a chest containing
an Elixir, then take the fourth one to reach the other side of the chasm. Walk to the right a bit, and you'll see two
flights of stairs. Don't take the upper one yet, but feel free to go up the ones in the lower wall, which leads to
small room with just a Save Point in it. Save if you'd like, then leave and continue to the right. Along the way, grab
the chest to get a Phoenix Down, then proceed down the long, narrow path, and go down the stairs at the end. Go up the
other staircase in the small room you end up in, then follow the path around the room, and pick up the Gold Shield from
the chest at the end. Once you have it, backtrack to the stairs I told you to skip a moment ago, and take them up to the
next floor. Now pass through the series of small rooms this leads to, then, in the first one you come to where you
can't immediately see the next staircase, head right and through the door, then up the stairs in this room. Now go straight
up and get the Potion from the chest, then bypass the lower door and go down the stairs, which eventually leads to
a treasure room. In the direct center of this small room, as well as the space to the immedate right of it, you'll find
a hidden pitfall. Avoid these by going around to the left, and claim the chests to get 5000 GP, a Shuriken, an AncientSword,
another Moonring, and a Power Wrist. Equip the new goodies if you can, then return downstairs and go in the door directly
next to the stairs. Just go south here, and climb down the stairs. Ignore the pitfall in the next room, since it seems
to have no real use, and loop around to the left to the next staircase. Man, this place is monotonous. ^_^
doing anything else, take the lower staircase to reach another save point; save, then go through the door and up the stairs
in the previous room. Now walk down through the door and down the steps to get two chests containing an Ether and
a Cottage. There's also a Blue Magic you can pick up here, though not quite as essential as Blow Fish or White Wind. Aquaus,
those nasty dark blue hydras, use L.4 Quarter when you kill them. Pick this up if you can, but it's not necessary to
build levels if you're unaffected by it. After getting these things, go back upstairs, enter the door next to the
staircase, and flip the switch on the wall to make the final staircase appear. Yes, you're *finally* at the end! ...Well,
almost. In this garden area, you'll find the missing King Tycoon confronting a strange winged snake monster. Though
Reina and Faris are overjoyed at seeing their father, the feeling doesn't seem to be mutual, as he just orders you to
defeat the monster blocking the path...
- Boss Battle - Archeoavis - Lv: 21-24 HP: <7500>
Weakness: Wind (Changes randomly)
Ok...this is a weird battle. First, Archeoavis can change his weak point at will.
It starts out as Wind, but almost immediately changes. His level seems to fluctuate randomly, as well -- it starts at level
21, but I've seen it go as high as level 24. Anyway, on to the actual battle... This weird serpent has a lot of powerful
attacks, which include Air Wing and Blaze -- two attacks you've likely already had the 'pleasure' of being pelted with
-- as well as an alternate version of Blaze (same name, different animation). This new "dark" version still hits the
entire team, but it seems to cause even more damage than the original, and it also slowly reduces their HP... Since Archeoavis's
weakness changes so frequently, casting spells is generally a waste of time, though I suggest trying to sneak in an Aero
2 early on if you can, to do a quick 1000+ damage. Other than that, just use Monks or Berserkers, and attack physically.
After the serpent goes down, for no reason I can see other than to make an already annoying battle even moreso, it
gets revived by the power of the Earth Crystal!
- Boss Battle - Archeoavis - Lv: 20 HP: <3000>
Fortunately, this second stage of the battle is considerably easier. You can beat up the "reborn" Archeoavis normally,
or you can get cheap and just blow it away in one hit with L.5 Doom. =P Either way, once you defeat it, it'll (thankfully)
stay dead, and you'll get 10 ABP and a Hero Drink.
After the guardian of the ruins is out of the picture, King Tycoon
runs right past you into the Crystal Room, laughing the whole time. Inside, as the king messes with the crystal machine,
it becomes quite apparent that he's being controlled... Bartz and Galuf step forward to try and stop him, but Reina
and Faris run in front of them, refusing to let them hurt their father. Bartz orders the girls to get out of his way,
but they again refuse. At this point, the possessed king turns around, walks towards you, and threatens to kill you.
The rather shallow threat is cut short, however, when the ground begins to shake, and *another* meteor plummets to Earth!
Immediately afterwards, the wall in back blows opened, and Galuf's granddaughter Krile runs in and fires a bolt at
King Tycoon, knocking him back. She then runs over to Galuf, who upon seeing the child, completely regains his memory!
As Reina and Faris run over to the injured king, Krile tells them he should be fine, as she just used a weak spell on
him. As Krile finishes speaking, King Tycoon wakes up, and is overjoyed to see Faris, his lost daughter. The reunion
ends abruptly, however, when the sound of shattering crystal is heard; yes, the poor overworked Earth Crystal finally explodes,
and with all four crystals gone, the seal is broken... The scene shifts to the "Sealed Forest" on the world map, which
begins erupting with lightning. As the fireworks end, a ball of light slowly rises out of the woods and flies off...
Back at the ruins, the ball of light appears atop the machine, and materializes into a mysterious caped man --
the evil Black Mage: X-Death. It was a valiant effort on your part, but alas, his revival attempt was successful...
After laughing in Galuf's face, X-Death commands the crystal shards to destroy you! Bartz tries to go against the evil
mage, but only succeeds in getting blasted back. X-Death laughs at his feeble attempts, then mocks Galuf, saying that
the crystals of this world are gone, and that his world is next. That said, he disappears, and the possessed shards once
again prepare to attack. Sick of this abuse, and wanting to protect the others, King Tycoon then steps forward and
begins to 'duel' with the shards! Though he takes quite a beating, the king urges you to stay back as he continues
this strange psychic battle. Eventually, he manages to defeat the crystal shards, but unfortunately, the 'battle' has taken
a great toll on him... He collapses, and realizing his end is near, apologizes to Faris for never being there for her,
then asks Bartz to take care of his daughters. Sadly, despite the pleas from Reina and Faris, the brave King Tycoon passes
away... Afterwards, the crystal shards begin to sparkle, then float over to Reina, and grant the team their last ounce
of power... Samurai, Lancer, Dancer, Chemist...
Following the tragic scene, the ground begin to shake once again...without
the crystal to power them, the ruins are beginning to fall apart! After a close escape, the ruins crash to the ground
and explode, and the team regroups aboard the airship. Reina and Faris mourn for their father, and Bartz confronts
a worried Galuf. He asks the old man what's wrong, and Galuf simply says that they gotta make their move now. Bartz is
confused, but Galuf fills him in... He explains that X-Death is an evil Black Mage from his home planet that came to
here 30 years ago to destroy the crystals. Galuf continues, saying that he and three other "Dawn Warriors" used their
power to trap X-Death here, and they thought everything was fine...until recently, that is, when Galuf realized that
something strange was happening to the crystals, and traveled to this world by meteorite. He says that he was too late,
though, as X-Death succeeded in destroying the crystals, and has headed back to the other world. Bartz hangs his head
in shame, and asks Galuf if this is all because they overused the power of the crystals. Galuf says that it's really
the Dawn Warriors' fault, as they're the ones who sealed him here, instead of returning him to their planet, as he begged...
the conversation, the scene fades to Krile's meteorite, where Galuf says he and his granddaughter are following X-Death
back to their world. He bids his friends farewell and starts to walk away, when he's stopped by Bartz, who announces
matter-of-factly that they're going with him. Galuf sternly declines, as this is the last meteorite, and if they went,
they could never return home! He and Krile then step inside the meteorite, and the two of them disappear into the sky
in a flash of light...
Regaining control of the airship, just land. As soon as you do so, Faris and Reina walk over
to Bartz. After discussing the recent events, the three of them agree that Galuf is one of the team, and that they should
go help their friend in his battle against X-Death. Unfortunately, there's still that little problem of how to reach
Galuf's home planet, since the meteors no longer have enough power... With only one option left, Bartz and the crew
decide to seek help from Cid.
--- "Last Minute Details" ---
If you return to the underground ruins, you'll
find the place deserted -- Cid and Mid aren't even there, and I don't believe the game gives you any clues as to their
whereabouts, either. You can wander around the world aimlessly until you happen to find them, or you can just go to the
Tycoon Meteorite site, which is where they currently are. =P
- Tycoon Meteorite - Treasures: None
the meteor, you'll see the Black Chocobo. Since this bird seemed to be Cid and Mid's main mode of transportation, it would
stand to reason that they're nearby. Go inside the rock, and you'll find the two. Bartz asks them what they're doing,
and Mid explains that the adamantite was emitting abnormal levels of power. Cid finishes, saying that they just wanted
to return the stone to where they found it. He then pulls it out and shoves it across the floor, but upon crossing
the warp tile, there's a strange reaction, and the tile begins absorbing power from the adamantite! Realizing that
this could be used to their advantage, Reina asks Cid if they could use the stone's power to help them get to Galuf's home
world. Mid tells her there's not enough adamantite left to completely repower one meteor, but if they could power
up all four of them a little bit, then maybe...
With that, everyone exits the meteor, and the scientist duo mounts
the chocobo, and flies off in the direction of the next meteorite: Karnak.
- Karnak Meteor - Treasures:
Titan (Summon Magic)
At this next meteor site, just talk to Cid. He and Mid step inside, but quickly retreat, exclaiming
that it's become a den of monsters! They leave it up to you to clear the place, and just wait by the entrance. Fortunately, I
don't believe there're any random battles inside, so make your way back to the warp tile, where you'll find something sitting
on it! Upon closer examination, you'll find that it's actually a monster called Titan, which promptly attacks.
Boss Battle - Titan - Lv: 1 HP: 2500
Easy, even with only three members. Titan doesn't seem to have
any special attacks; the worst he can do is about 200 damage with "Critical". Whoopee. Just use whatever you want
on him, but keep your HP up, as when his HP hits 0, Titan uses Earth Shaker, doing ~450 damage to the entire team. Oh well, no
big deal. When you win, you'll get 5 ABP, a Potion, and the powerful Titan summon spell.
With Titan out of the
way, Cid and Mid are free to power up the meteor, and upon finishing, they fly off to the next site: Walz.
Walz Meteorite - Treasures: None
Here, all you have to do is talk to Cid and Mid, and they'll enter and power up
the meteorite. That's it. ...Or so it seems. Just as you're about to leave, you're ambushed by strange bomb-like creatures...
Boss Battle - Byurobolos (x6) - Lv: 22 HP: 1500
Well, I suppose I should warn you. From this point
on, FF5 is full of trick battles, and this is the first of many. It seems ordinary enough, until you defeat one of
the Byurobolos, and it casts Arise, which revives *all* the others you've killed! There're many strategies here, but the
one I prefer is simply to kill them all at once. This can be accomplished rather easily by using Aqua Rake, Water Skills,
or the Samurai's $toss. Just watch out, as if a full-strength Byurobolos uses Exploder on you, you'll die unless you're
on an obscene level. (I was on level 31, and they still killed me. :-/) When you defeat them all, you'll get
5 ABP, and...that's it. No cheap treasure this time. =P
This meteor is officially finished, so everyone now heads
for the final location: Gorn.
- Gorn Meteorite - Treasures: None
At this final meteor site, Cid and
Mid enter, but they don't come back out. Upon investigating, you'll find that something has captured them! When it spots
you, though, it releases the scientists, deciding that heroes would taste better. Or something. ^_^
- Boss Battle
- KimaBrain - Lv: 19 HP: 3300
Are you getting sick of these pointless filler battles? Well, this is
the last one, thankfully, but it's also the hardest. KimaBrain's chief attack is Aqua Rake, which isn't that damaging
anymore, but is still annoying. It also occasionally uses the "dark" version of Blaze. If you'd like, you can steal a
Dragon Fang from this mutant, but other than that, there's nothing particularly special about this battle. Just use physical
attacks, magic, or whatever, and you'll eventually win. When you do, you'll get 6 ABP and a Phoenix Down.
you're *finally* done powering up the meteorites... Cid shows you a map, and explains that a warp point leading to Galuf's
world was created at the point where the path of the four meteors intersect: the bird-shaped peninsula in the center
of the world. Bartz and the others thank the scientists for all their help, then head off...
I may as well warn
you now, once you leave this world, you won't be returning for a *long* time. Furthermore, you'll never have access to
Walz, Easterly, or Rikks again. With this in mind, I've made up a checklist of various things to do before jumping
into that portal...
- Did you get Shiva from Walz Tower? - Did you get the Elf Cloak, 2000 GP, and Speed magic from
Walz Basement? - Did you get all the treasures in Tycoon Castle? - Did you get Ramuh from Easterly Forest? - Did
you get Mini from the underground ruins? - Did you get Toad from Easterly Village? - Did you learn TemptSong at Rikks? -
Did you learn Str. Song at Crescent Town? - Did you learn Love Song at Easterly? - Did you stock up on the cheaper items
at Rikks? - Did you learn all the possible Blue Magic? - Have you seen all the scenes at Rikks?
Also, there are
some useful items sold in the shops here that aren't available in the second world, so stock up now. At the very least,
get four of each elemental rod before you go to the second world; they'll increase the damage done by elemental spells.
It may seem a bit excessive to get four of each, but hey... you never know when you'll want to mess around with a team
of four Black Mages. =P It might also be a good idea to get four of each elemental bow, but this isn't as important
as the rods. And don't worry about the rings sold in Easterly; while they won't be sold in the second world, you'll
be able to get by without them, and you'll have another chance to get them later, so don't feel pressed to get the huge
amounts of money needed for them right now. =P Other than that, buy whatever you feel you'll need.
you're done with everything, head into the portal. Bartz, Reina, and Faris say their goodbyes, then fearlessly jump into
the portal, which throws them into space... Farewell, Earth...
%%%Second World%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
"A Strange New World" ---
Following a brief flight, Bartz, Reina, and Faris find themselves alone on a tiny island
in the middle of the ocean... It doesn't seem like there's a whole lot to do here, but every few minutes, you'll be stopped
by Reina, who suggests you rest in the tent. Since you've nothing better to do...why not? Of course, if you don't *have*
a tent, you can get one by defeating a Pao, the only enemy on the island. Anyway, use the tent, and your team'll gather
around the campfire for a late night conversation. After a few moments of silence, Faris says she has a question for
Reina, and asks her why she risked her life back on the North Mountain to save the dragon. Reina asks her sister if
she remembers their mother, to which Faris says she remembers bits here and there. Reina explains that whenever she sees
ths dragon, that it reminded her of their mother. Faris asks Reina what she means, but before she can give an answer,
a winged demon swoops down from above, grabs the girls, then flies away. It returns a moment later to claim the last remaining
member of the group...
- Boss Battle - Abductor - HP: 22 HP: 1500
You may only have Bartz here,
but it's not that difficult of a battle. The Abductor has a nasty attack called "Hurricane" that drops your HP down to single
digits, but its attacks are otherwise relatively mild. If you're feeling either lucky or insane, you can try to steal an
Earth Robe, though it's not necessary, since you can buy these fairly soon, anyhow. Note that you don't *have* to
win this battle, since the outcome is essentially the same if you lose, but if you do, you'll get...uhh...1 ABP and an
Ether. Yay?
If you lost the battle, all that happens is Bartz gets knocked out, then wakes up in a prison alongside
his friends. If you won, the following scene is a bit more detailed. You'll be back in the forest with a chest in place
of the monster, but it doesn't contain treasure -- it contains gas, which knocks Bartz out. He then wakes up in a
prison alongside his friends. Gee, that certainly was useful. ^_^
After awakening in the dungeon, the group quickly
discovers where they've been taken... X-Death's Castle! X-Death walks up and 'greets' the group, but is interrupted
when one of his lackeys runs in with news that Galuf and his troops have already arrived at the Big Bridge. X-Death takes
the news in stride, and just orders the underling to "prepare the giant mirror". The lackey runs out, and after it returns
with the mirror, X-Death turns to his prisoners and exclaims that they're gonna help him "defeat" Galuf...
at the Big Bridge, Galuf, Krile, and a bunch of soldiers are preparing to strike. They're stopped cold, however, when
reflections of Bartz, Reina, and Faris appear in the sky, and X-Death's projected voice tells them to get back or
their friends die. Galuf takes the threat very seriously and orders his troops back. Back at the castle, X-Death orders a
strange ninja named Gilgamesh to watch over you, then leaves. Galuf tells Krile he needs to borrow her dragon, then jumps
on it and flies off towards the castle, landing on the roof.
- X-Death's Castle - Treasures: None
climbing down into the castle, Galuf immediately grabs the stolen crystal shards (which you never actually *see* get taken)
from the nearby chest, and you *finally* regain control!
There's actually not a whole lot to say here. The two
front doors are locked, but a Save Point and a pair of healing springs can be found by going through the door in the
back. Heal/Save if you want to, then go downstairs. This place is completely linear, but there *are* monsters here. Turn
Galuf into a monk and give him White Magic or Chakra as a second command, though, and he should be fine. When you reach
the dungeon, you'll be "caught" by Gilgamesh.
- Boss Battle - Gilgamesh - Lv: 26 HP: <2500>
Gilgamesh is a major wuss! I don't think he has any special attacks, and if you changed Galuf into a monk as I recommended
earlier, you'll be able to take out this cocky ninja in two or three hits. After doing enough damage to him, Gilgamesh
runs away. =P
With the "guard" gone, Galuf frees his friends, and after a brief exchange of dialogue, rejoins the
team. There's nothing else here, so just make your way back to the entrance. The lower of the two doors in the first room
-- the one that leads outside -- is now unlocked. The upper one can't be opened until quite a bit later, though, so
ignore it and go outside.
Once you leave the castle, you'll have a chance to learn Doom Claw and Black Shock if
you didn't already; wander around here in the plains until you fight a shadowy thing called a "Blockhead". They sometimes
use Black Shock, and if you control them, you can make them use Doom Claw on you. The tree stump-like enemies called
Trents also use Doom Claw occasionally, but since it's not available for use by the control command, learn it from Blockheads
instead. Other than that, there's not really anything to do here, so just head to the bridge. Save before you go in.
Big Bridge - Treasures: None
On the bridge, pass through the first small room, and Galuf warns you that it's
gonna be all monsters from here on. He's right, too -- as you run across the bridge, you'll be constantly attacked. Fortunately,
all the monsters here are simple, so just keep going until you reach the building in the center. As you try to leave
through the back, you'll be stopped by Gilgamesh, who says he was waiting for you.
- Boss Battle - Gilgamesh
- Lv: 28 HP: <5000>
Gilgamesh is a bit stronger this time, but he's...well...still a wuss. He still
only uses weak physical attacks, so there's little actual danger. The only thing you should know about this battle is that
L.4 Quarter will hit, but it does 0 damage, so don't waste a turn trying it. Other than that, just keep attacking him
with whatever you want (and Steal a Hero Drink if you'd like). Eventually, he'll start to ramble on about how you're "so
much stronger than he is", while casting Haste and Protes on himself, then says he was lying, and uses Jump on you.
Pathetic. ^_^ After this, just keep attacking until he again runs off.
After beating Gilgamesh for the second
time, keep running across the bridge (fighting more wussy monsters along the way), until you catch up with Krile. As
soon as you see her, though, she warns you about "the barrier", and as if on cue, a barrier appears around X-Death's Castle.
To make things worse, the initial force of it is so overwhelming, that it sends Bartz, Galuf, Reina, and Faris flying
into the air! After the power fluctuation ends, Krile steps outside to look for her grandfather, but finds no one...
the group lands on a small hill far away from civilization. Galuf immediately realizes that they're in "Guroceana", or
literally the middle of nowhere, and curses their luck at ending up in such a remote location. Bartz apologizes for
showing up here, since if it weren't for them, Galuf's attack on X-Death would've gone better... The group (minus Galuf)
then jumps down and walks away, and are followed by Galuf, who says he's glad to see you regardless.
Back on
the world map, you're...well...in the middle of nowhere, on a barren peninsula far north of X-Death's castle. As Galuf
noted, there's a whole lot of nothing around here, so just head right until you reach a small town in the forest.
Lugor Bordertown - Treasures: 100 GP x??
Well, this little country village doesn't really have all that much to
offer in the way of treasures, but there's a bunch of good stuff for sale. The stores sell powerful new weapons and
armor, the item shops sell Potions and Chemist items, and the Magic Shops sell level 4 White, Black, and Time magic.
The Earth Robes are a good buy, since they'll increase the damage done by Titan. Which is pretty good to begin with. =P
Buy what you can afford, then head for the pub. Inside, through a long secret passage in the left wall, you can reach
a small room with a piano in it. Also, if you're desperate for money, you can dance on the stage, which earns you 100
GP each time you do. =P It's also worth mentioning that there's a little girl in the armor shop who lost her
ribbon; while this has no real point now, it will later, so remember her location. Finally, if you stay at the inn (which is
free the first time you visit), there'll be a fairly pointless scene where Bartz again apologizes to Galuf for ruining
the attack on X-Death's Castle. Galuf tells him to stop apologizing, since if it weren't for them, he'd probably have
ended up getting killed, anyway. After the scene ends, you're pretty much finished here, so just leave and head further
Along the way, you'll pass by an old castle surrounded by water. If you talked to everyone in Lugor, you'll
know that this Kuza Castle. It's best to heed their warning and stay away from this place, but if you have the Cntrl command,
go ahead and enter. Inside, you'll encounter mostly Shield Dragons. They have a massive amount of HP, powerful attacks
(that can also confuse you), inherent Reflect status, and tend to run away when their HP gets low, but they're still
easily defeated. How? Control them! Once one is under your control, force it to repeatedly cast Blaze on itself, while
the rest of the team defends. After five hits with their own attack, the Shield Dragons die, and you'll get an incredible
2500 Exp! Definitely a great place to gain levels, but it's still a bit dangerous... Anyway, you can also find the twelve
legendary weapons (more about these later) on the top floor of the castle, but they're protected by magical seals, so you
can't take them now. Thus, aside from gaining Exp, there's not a whole lot to do here... Just leave here, and continue
When you run out of land, head east, then north until you come upon a small forest surrounded by mountains.
When you try to pass through it, you'll enter an area inside it, where you'll find a strange creature near one of the
trees. If you've played FF3, FF6, or FF9, you should know what this little guy is...a moogle! When you try to approach
it, though, it quickly runs off, and in its haste, steps on some weak ground and falls in a hole. Deciding to help
the cute little winged teddy bear, Bartz and the others jump in after it, and land in a large underground waterway...
Waterway Cave - Treasures: 4400 GP, Phoenix Down
This is a really annoying area, where you'll end up getting carried
from place to place by currents. Also, like the Sand Tides back in the first world, you'll actually be forced to fight
random battles while being dragged along!
Anyway, you don't exactly have much choice as of where to go from here,
so just step into the water, and you'll be swept east to a small ledge. Step off it, and you'll be swept east again
to another ledge. Before going back in the water, walk over and grab the chest for 4400 GP. It doesn't matter where
you re-enter the water, since both paths take you to pretty much the same place, and there aren't any chests along either
one. After riding these currents, you'll end up on a narrow cliffside with a chest on it. Grab it to get a Phoenix Down,
then head right and up the steps, where you'll find the moogle being assaulted by a skeletal monster...
- Boss Battle
- Tyrasaurus - Lv: 29 HP: 5000 Weakness: Fire
This thing can be a real pain. While its physical
attack and PoisonBreath aren't that bad, it can use Blue Magic "????" on you, which given the amount of HP it has, can
prove lethal... Fortunately, it's weak against fire, so use Fire2, Ifrit, Fire Skills, and other fire-related attacks
for quite a bit of damage. If you'd like, you can also steal a Gold Shield from Tyrasaurus, but if you're gonna try
for it, do it before you start attacking, so you won't get slaughtered by ????. When you win, you'll get 9 ABP, but
no treasure.
Though you protected it from the monster, the scared little moogle runs away from you. Reina walks
over and assures it that they're not gonna it, then the moogle dashes outside the cave and runs erratically across the
world map, eventually disappearing into a large forest.
Back on the world map, follow the moogle! While you don't
have to do everything he just did, try not to cross the desert. There're powerful monsters in it that have five-digit
HP, and are capable of using an attack (Maelstrom) that reduces the entire team's HP to single digits. Needless to say,
defeating a monster like this would take forever at this point, so just walk along the plains and forests to avoid them.
When you reach the forest where the moogle disappeared, keep walking around it until you get pulled into another area:
the Moogle Village!
- Moogle Village - Treasures: 1 GP, 10000 GP, Ether, Phoenix Down, Cottage, Dancing Dirk,
Elf Cloak
As soon as you enter the village, the timid moogles notice you and scatter. You can try to find them,
but they'll just run away if you do... Also, all the small treehouses are locked for right now. Just head to the east side
of the forest, and you'll find a moogle cowering behind the treehouse. This is actually the one you just saved, and
after talking to it, it realizes who you are and calls all the other moogles back (saying you're a friend, I guess),
then runs inside the nearby treehouse. Since the moogles now know you're not a threat, they give you free run of the village.
While they're not much for conversation ("Kupo!"), the moogles *do* have an assortment of useful treasures lying around.
In the house your moogle friend ran inside, there're six chests which he'll let you take. Open them all to get a Phoenix Down,
an Ether, a Cottage, 10000 GP, 1 GP (uh...yay?), and a Dancing Dirk. This is a weird weapon that randomly activates the
"Dance" command when attacking. O_o Now go back to the west side of town and enter the two houses here. In the
one on the left, you'll find a silent moogle and a locked chest, while in the one on the right, you'll find a moogle costume.
If you wear this, then talk to the silent moogle in the previous house, it'll mistake you for a girl moogle, and offers
you the contents of the locked chest, an Elf Cloak, as a token of its affection!
After getting all the chests here,
head back over to the treehouse with the six chests in it, and you'll find the moogle standing outside it. Talk to him,
and he jumps on the tree and starts acting weird. Meanwhile, at a distant castle, Krile is wandering around wondering
what to do, and a moogle runs up behind her, Kupoing like crazy. Krile then immediately runs upstairs to a tower where
her dragon is resting, and tells the soldier that her grandfather is in Moogle Village. The soldier is confused, but Krile
explains that moogles are telepathic, and can communicate with each other over great distances. She then stops, realizing
the dragon is injured, and wonders aloud how she's gonna get there. The dragon "speaks", and allows her to fly on it
once more... Krile mounts the dragon and flies off...
Back at Moogle Village, the moogles all appear to be doing some
strange dance, while Krile flies overhead looking for the village. Through telepathy, the moogles inform her that the
entrance is near "the nose", and an outline of a moogle's face appears over the forest. Now easily able to locate the
village, Krile lands, and is met by a very surprised Galuf, who asks her how she knew where they were. Krile explains simply
that the moogles told her, and says that they'd better return to the castle quickly. Everyone jumps on the dragon,
while the moogles wave goodbye as it flies off. :)
--- "Dragon Quest 2" ---
- Val Castle - Treasures:
Hero Drink, Telepo (Time Magic), RegalCutlass, Angel Robe,
Lamia's Harp
The dragon lands in the courtyard of Val Castle, Galuf and Krile's home. The team dismounts, and after
a brief bit of dialogue, Krile flies off to let the dragon rest. As she disappears from view, a group of soldiers run
over to welcome back their king... Galuf!
The scene then fades to the throne room, where Galuf asks his soldiers
about X-Death's activity, and the status of the troops. They say that X-Death hasn't made a move since the barrier
went up, but that they lost a considerable amount of troops in the battles against him and Gilgamesh... After the status
report, Bartz walks over to the throne and asks Galuf if he's really a king. Galuf dismisses the soldiers, then turns
to Bartz and asks him if he's surprised. Bartz admits that he is, and jokingly asks the old man if he should call him
"King Galuf" from now on. Galuf laughs, and says it's not necessary, since before they knew he was king of Val Castle,
they just knew him as their friend: Galuf. After a bit more talk, Galuf rejoins the team, and you regain control.
in the throne room, the first thing to do is grab the Hero Drink from the chest on the left, and the valuable Telepo spell
from the hidden chest below it. Once you have them, head upstairs to the dragon tower, where you'll find a very despondant
Krile. She explains that the dragon is dying, since even though it was badly injured, it still tried to fly... Feeling
somewhat guilty about it having nearly killed itself to help them, Faris queries about how they can help the dragon.
Reina says that Dragon Grass could cure it, but that she's not sure if there's any on this world. Galuf tells her
that some might grow in the Valley of Dragons, but that no one has ever returned alive... Of course, Bartz isn't one to
let something insignificant like that stop him, and readily agrees to go! With your new mission, leave the castle interior
and head out to the courtyard.
First off, go into the pool of water below the shops on the west side of the castle,
and you'll get sucked into the moat. From here, go all the way around to the other side and search to find a "Great Sword"
(actually a RegalCutlass). This is a nice, strong weapon, so equip it on anyone you're using as a Knight or Sorceror,
then head back to where you got sucked into the moat and hit the switch to go back to the pool. Now, go into the shop
itself. With the exception of the Gauntlet at the armor shop, the stuff sold here is exactly the same as in Lugor.
Buy whatever you missed earlier, then head up the stairs to the roof. Head straight east, and you'll go down a second
set of stairs hidden behind the turret. Go downstairs again here, and you'll be in a small room behind the Weapon and
Armor shops. Open the chest for an Angel Robe, which only Chemists (and Travellers) can equip, then go to the south
wall. One of the sections (the one with the small switch on it) moves aside when you touch it. Go through, then head to
the counter. The merchants get annoyed with you, and one of them gives you a Lamia's Harp to get you to go away. =P
it for the treasures, but don't leave the castle yet! Instead, head for the basement in the east wing of the castle. The
RockStatue enemies here are a *great* way to get ABP and money; they're worth over 500 GP each! If you fight two of
them at once, you'll get 4 ABP, and if you fight five of them, you'll get 8 ABP. They're easy to kill, too; just cast
L.5 Doom on them. ^_^ If you don't have L.5 Doom, load up on Softs at the item store; using a Soft on one of
these things kills it. This obviously isn't as fast as L.5 Doom, since you have to kill them individually instead of all
at once, but it's still a *lot* faster than trying to kill them normally. If you *do* have L.5 Doom, start by getting
everyone to learn the "Blue" command who doesn't have it already; once that's done, give it to everyone as their secondary
command. Now start building up until you have enough abilities to satisfy you; you won't be able to come back here for
a while once you leave, but it's not *that* long, so you don't have to overdo it. Also, you can sometimes steal Double
Lances from them, which are good weapons for Ninjas and Thieves; actually, for a "rare" steal, they don't take too long
to get.
Leave the castle; the guards warn you that you won't be able to come back once you leave, and ask if you're
sure you want to go. If you still want to build up in the basement or do anything else here, say No; otherwise, say Yes.
Once you do, you'll be thrust outside...and immediately attacked by an Abductor. It's stronger than the one you fought
earlier, but still easily beaten, so I won't bother giving a strategy for it. ^_^ From here, you can go north
to a town, or northeast to find a cave; see the Gilgame's Hoard subquest for details on the cave, though you really don't
stand a chance at it right now. So head to the town unless you're insane. =P
- Kelb Village - Treasures: Tonic
x8, KornagoGourd, Requiem (Song)
Once at the village, Galuf mentions that the Valley of Dragons should be just
beyond the north gate, and you regain control. Strangely, with the exception of a few sheep, the village seems completely
deserted, and all the shops are locked... What's more, the gate at the north end of town is *also* locked... With no
other choice, Galuf says that they'd better ask Kelga for some assistance. Well, you're not gonna get anywhere without
opening that gate, so you'd might as well visit this Kelga person. He lives in the large house hear the center of
town, which by coincidence, happens to be the only one that's not locked. =P Inside, you'll find another deserted
house, and the back door is also locked. When you start to leave, however, a voice orders you to freeze, and three
werewolves 'drop in'. Bartz prepares to attack, but Galuf stops him, saying they're not their enemies. At this point,
a regal-looking werewolf walks in from the back door, and is greeted by Galuf, who introduces him as Kelga, one of the
Dawn Warriors! Kelga then notices the team, and asks who they are. Galuf explains that they're from the planet X-Death
was sealed on. Kelga takes this the wrong way -- mistaking you for X-Death's henchmen, he bitches you out for breaking
the crystals and freeing the black mage. Galuf tries to set things straight, but the stubborn warrior just knocks him
aside, and challenges Bartz to a duel. As the duel begins, the other werewolves leave, and Reina and Faris join Bartz,
only to be told by him that he'll take care of this one himself. The girls back off, and Kelga starts off with his special
"Pine Attack". It has no effect on Bartz, though, as he easily counters it and knocks Kelga back through the door before
an actual battle even begins. =P
The scene then fades to Kelga's bedroom, as Galuf gives the injured werewolf an
earful. Kelga seems to ignore the criticism, and just whines about how Bartz stopped his attack. Bartz just shrugs, and
says he learned it from his father. Galuf and Kelga ask what his father's name is, and facefault at the answer: Drogan.
When asked what the surprise is all about, Kelga explains that Drogan, along with himself, Galuf, and another man named
Zeza, was one of the Dawn Warriors!
A flashback is now shown of the Dawn Warriors on Earth, gathered around a defeated
X-Death. Unable to kill him, they assume he's immortal, and plan to seal him here. Drogan, however, is against it, as X-Death
is a 'criminal' from their home planet, and shouldn't be sealed here. The others convince him that there's no choice
now, and he reluctantly agrees. A scene is then shown of the crystals creating a magic seal in the forest near Tule, and
X-Death disappears. Afterwards, the scene fades to inside a meteorite, which the Dawn Warriors are using to return
home. Galuf asks Drogan if he's really going to stay on this planet, and Drogan says that he is. Galuf asks him why,
but he leaves without giving a reason... With that, the flashback ends, and the scene returns to Kelga's bedroom. Kelga
now apologizes for his earlier actions, and agrees to open the gate for you.
After the long sequence of events
is over, the villagers come out of hiding. The streets are bustling with activity, and all the shops are now opened. The
magic shop just sells the same old stuff you've been seeing since Lugor, but there're *two* Weapon and Armor shops here!
The first set just sell the stuff from Val and Lugor, but the second set sell new equipment. It's mainly for Monks
and Ninjas, but it's strong, so if you're using either job, buy it! You can buy Shurikens and Skills here, too. Before
leaving, there're a couple other things you can get. First off, you can learn the useful "Requiem" song by talking
to the werewolves to the right of the north gate. Second, if you're too cheap to stay at the inn, sit at the left side
of the table in the back room of the inn, and the werewolf there will prepare you a free HP/MP restoring meal. He'll
then throw in 8 free Tonics for dessert. I think you can do this as many times as you'd like, too. Finally, if you check
the well, an old man will pop out and start begging you for a frog. No, casting Toad on yourself won't impress him, so
go outside and catch a Kornago (one of the ugly orange frogs). This is a bit hard to do, since they run away when
their HP gets low; try controlling one, then casting Demi on it a few times. =P When you finally catch one, bring
it to the old guy, and he says that he'll give you a "pot" in exchange for the Kornago and 10000GP. Yeesh. Well, if
you decide to make the trade, he'll give you a KornagoGourd, an accessory that increases the success rate of the Catch
After getting everything in town, exit through the north gate, and head north through the forest until
you reach a mountain. This is the feared Valley of Dragons...
- Valley of Dragons - Treasures: 5000 GP,
7000 GP, Phoenix Down, Cottage, Coronet, Wind Sword, Bonemail,
Golem (Summon Magic)
Most of the enemies here are pretty weak; however, the PoisnEagles have a high evade rate.
Try using the Aim command to kill them easily. Also, DrgnZombies and Skelesaurs have high HP; however, they're also undead,
so the Requiem song does quite a bit of damage to them and doesn't cost anything to use. The DrgnZombies always drop
Dragon Fangs, too; keep this in mind if you like the Mix command. =P Also, if you missed MagHammer earlier, you can
learn it from the Drippys here. Control them, then just have them use it on you. =P The only other enemy of note
is "????", a strange stone robot that attacks you once and then immediately runs away. If you get the first strike
on one, you might be able to kill it, but it just runs away, anyhow.
As for the dungeon itself, the path is fairly
straightforward. On the first screen, go into the first cave entrance you see for a chest with 5000 GP. Then go back
out and continue along until you find another cave entrance. Go through the passage inside, and you'll come out on another
part of the mountain. There's nothing here except another cave entrance, so go in. You'll soon see a chest; open it
for a cottage, then continue along the path. You'll be back on the mountain; follow the extremely straightforward path
to another cave. Go through it, and you'll be on the mountain yet again. There are two things of note here: First, if
you examine the pile of bones that's directly below a rock, you'll get the Bonemail. This is powerful armor, but it
has the unfortunate side effect of making the wearer undead. What's worse, it usually gets optimum-equipped when you change
jobs... =P Unless you want to be thorough, don't bother getting it, as it's just a nuisance. You can't even sell
it for much. The other thing of note is that you can get the Golem summon spell now. Remember that annoying "stone robot"
that kept attacking you and running away? Well, in this area, you'll also randomly encounter him, only in a different
sort of scenario...
- Boss Battle - DrgnZombie - Lv: 37 HP: 4000 Weakness: Fire Skelesaur
- Lv: 37 HP: 3000 Weakness: Fire Golem - Lv: 3
HP: 2500 <He's an ally! Don't attack him!>
This is a weird battle. Initially, it appears Golem found
some help and is trying to kill you, but you'll soon learn that it's almost completely the opposite, as the monsters
turn and attack Golem! Despite that he probably annoyed you throughout the entire trip here, protect him...you'll see
why in a moment. First off, don't use Ifrit, Fire Skills, or anything else that hits all enemies, since they'll damage
Golem, too -- stick with Fire2 and Burn Ray. The Requiem song, if you learned it back in Kelb, is also useful here,
since it hits both monsters, yet won't hurt Golem.
If you defeat both monsters without killing Golem, you'll get the
useful Golem summon. If you did kill him, don't worry, you can just fight this battle again. =P You can skip
this for now if you want, but it'll make the boss much easier...
Anyways, keep going until you come to yet another
cave. There doesn't seem to be anything in here except a stone door that won't open and a switch you can't get to, but
if you wander around in the upper-right area, you'll find a hole. =P Open the nearby chest for a Phoenix Down, then
go through the metal door to the left. This leads to the switch, which opens up a passage outside the cave. Go back
to the room where you fell in, climb the stairs, and go through the doorway; you'll come out of the door that wouldn't
open. (It still won't; it's a one-way door. =P) Go back out and go along the new passage to find another cave. Don't
worry, this is the last one here. =P Inside the cave, there are passages to the left and right; the left path leads
to chests containing a Coronet and Wind Sword. The right path leads on. After following it a short distance, you'll find
a chest with 7000 GP. Shortly after, there's a small doorway in the south wall; go through it to find a Save Point.
Use it, then go back and continue along the path; you'll be back out on the mountain soon enough. The path is, as usual,
fairly straightforward. At the end of it, the party will approach the Dragon Grass. Reina will try to pick it... But
suddenly, it grows and tosses her aside. The party realizes that the grass must have mutated into a monster, which is
probably what killed off the Dragons. Since you need to get that grass, you'll have to fight it...
- Boss Battle
- Drgn Grass - Lv: 33 HP: 12000 Drgn Bulb (x5) - Lv: 31 HP: 100
<Appears Randomly>
The Dragon Grass doesn't seem to do anything except make Dragon Bulbs grow. The Bulbs,
however, are *extremely* annoying; though their "Dust" attacks don't do much damage, they cause various status changes,
including Blind, Poison, Aging, and Charm. If you've got Golem, use it right away, and it'll block all of the Dust
attacks, making this fight much easier. If you *don't* have Golem, it might be a good idea to bring a Dancer with a Ribbon
into the battle and use him/her to restore status for the other characters with Esna, or the "Recvr" command if you
have it. Aside from the status changes, there's nothing difficult about this battle; so use group attacks often to kill
the bulbs while still causing some damage to the main plant. Titan works well here. Winning this battle gets you 10 ABP
and an Elixir, and possibly some Phoenix Downs.
After defeating the mutant grass, it returns to normal, and Reina
immediately picks it. Well, you have what you came here for, but make sure to get the Golem summon before leaving if
you don't already have it. Once you do, walk or teleport out of the mountains, and return to Val.
At the gate,
Galuf announces his return, but is declined entrance, as the soldiers believe it's just one of X-Death's tricks. Being
left with no other alternative, Galuf decides to use his 'secret weapon'...he jumps in the moat! Nah, he's not losing
it; remember when you came down here earlier? Yep, he intends to get back inside by way of the drain! =P Reina and
Faris immediately jump in after the old man, and after a moment's hesitation, so does Bartz. When you regain control,
walk around to the left and pull the switch, which literally sucks you back inside. First thing you should do now is
talk to the gate guards. They apologize for not trusting you, and open the gate, which you can now use to freely get in
and out of the castle. Anyway, with this out of the way, head back to the dragon tower. The soldiers along the way
tell you that Krile began to feel sick and went to her bedroom to rest, so before actually going up to heal the dragon,
pay her a visit. The girl seems to be somewhat out of it, though, as she starts babbling something about how "Gill
is calling", and tells you to "hurry to where Gill is". A rather confused Bartz asks who Gill is, and Galuf explains that
he's a 700 year old sage who forsaw the crystals shattering... He continues, saying that Sage Gill might know of something
that can help them defeat X-Death. Krile starts babbling about how she "must visit Gill", and Galuf agrees to go instead,
then tells Krile that they managed to get the Dragon Grass. Excited at this, she urges you to hurry upstairs and cure
the dragon! Before leaving, Bartz asks Galuf where exactly they can find Gill, and is told that the old sage lives
in a cave on a small island across the ocean to the northwest of the Valley of Dragons.
After all the talk is finished,
head upstairs to the tower. There, Reina immediately tries to feed the Dragon Grass to the injured dragon, but it refuses
to eat it. Bartz says he isn't surprised, since it's what caused them to go extinct, but Reina's determination is too
strong, since if the dragon doesn't eat the grass, it'll die. In desperation, and despite the fact that it's poisonous
to humans, she takes a bite of the Dragon Grass to prove that it's safe. Seeing that there's nothing wrong with the grass,
the the dragon eats the rest of it and completely recovers. At this moment, Krile runs up to the tower and gives Reina
some medicine to cure the poison, and after everyone finishes repremanding Reina for that stupid move, Krile collapses.
Everyone (except Bartz) panics, but she insists that she's alright, and gets back up. Galuf tells Krile to go back in
and rest, and she thanks you for helping the dragon, wishes you good luck, then waves goodbye as the team mounts the
dragon and flies off.
"Twilight of the Dawn Warriors" ---
Well, now that you have the dragon, you're back in the air! Ok, so it's the same
type of dragon you had way back at Walz, meaning you can't fly over mountains, but hey, at least you can fly! The only
way off the Val continent is through a small opening east of the Valley of Dragons. If you continue north from here,
you'll find Gill's cave, but before you enter, do a bit of world exploration! You can return to everyplace you've previously
been, except X-Death's Castle, which is surrounded by a forcefield. There's also one new location you can reach: Surgate
Castle, which I'll get to in a minute. There's still, however, some land you can't reach...mainly, the two forests
in the west that're enclosed by mountains. You'll be able to the areas beyond them a bit later, but for now, don't worry
about them. Finally, much like that mysterious temple in the first world, there're two weird towers completely surrounded
by mountains. One is just south of the huge desert near Lugor, and another is on a small island in the southeast, near
where Crescent Town is in the first world. These *do* play a part in the game, but trying to get inside them now will
earn you little more than a headache, so just ignore them. =P
Just head for Gill's island. As soon as you try to
enter, however, the ground begins to shake, and the entire island sinks into the ocean! Afterwards, in a sinister
looking castle, X-Death gloats, saying that this is what happens to those who defy him.
You're then returned to
the world map, hovering just over where the island once was. Since it's obvious that you're not gonna be able to meet with
the sage, you're gonna have to find something else to do. Pay a visit to Kelga, and...well, this conversation is so
messed up, that it's hard to summarize. Here's everything that's said, exactly how it appears from the game:
Conversation] Kelga: "No Gill island?" Is X-Death to be blamed for this too?
Kelga: "Most likely. He knows
this will be his last battle
Attack his castle!" Kelga: "Impossible. You saw the barrier, nothing can get
past it!
(There's a brief pause and a blank box; it looks as though some dialogue was skipped.)
it!" Kelga: "We've got Zeza! He said he was taking his fleet to destroy the barrier tower!"
Galuf: That
right? He a friend of yours?" Galuf: Zeza is one of the Four Dawn Warriors. His castle is north of Dragon
valley!" [End Conversation]
I...have no idea why this conversation is so screwed up. My best guess is those 'out
of place' lines ("Is X-Death to be blamed for this?" "Attack his castle!", and "He a friend of yours?") are Bartz or Reina
talking, but that they forgot to include their names beforehand. As for the "......I@That's it!" line...Well, I have
no idea. Looks like some screwed up code. For the record, A similar 'conversation goof' happens in the Beginner's Hall
at Narshe on the FF Anthology version of FF6.
Anyway, from what I'm able to pick out of this conversation is that
you're supposed to go to Zeza's castle, Surgate. I mentioned this just a moment ago, so pay it a visit.
Surgate Castle - Treasures: 5000GP, Float (Time Magic), Song of Speed (Song)
When you try to open the gates, you're
stopped by some guards who demand that you identify yourselves. Before anything else is said, however, another soldier
shows up, tells the two gate guards that that's Galuf, King of Val, then escorts you inside. He informs you about Zeza's
fleet having left to attack X-Death's castle, then says you can take anything you need from the castle.
regaining control, you're given free run of the castle! There's not a whole lot here, but loot the place anyhow. Start
by taking the staircase on the right side of the room, which leads to the shopping area. The armor, magic, and item
shops don't carry anything new, but Knights, Samurai, Berserkers, and Lancers might appreciate the new weapons you can
buy here! When you're done here, go back upstairs, and head down the staircase on the lower left, which leads to Zeza's
bedroom. Here, examine the red book laying on the desk to learn the Song of Speed, then go back upstairs and take the staircase
just above you. This leads outside, then to a library. Some of the scholars here are examining a really old book of which
half is missing. Hmm. Wasn't there a similar book at the Ancient Library back home...? Well, there's nothing you can
do with this book, so go upstairs to the other part of the library. The old lady here grumbles about people not returning
books to the shelves...do her a favor and clean the place up. Simply examine the three books on the table, and return
them to the correct shelves. "Weird Ronka" goes on the "W-X" shelf, "Register of Monsters" goes on the "R-S" shelf,
and the "Forbidden Book" goes on the "D-F" shelf. Note that you can only carry one book at a time, so just pick up another
once you've returned one to the shelves. When you're finished putting the books away, talk to the old lady again. She
thanks you for saving her some work, says she's going to her room, then walks up and opens a secret door on the north wall
and leaves. Follow her, and you'll end up in another room of the library. There's a book on the table here that says
something about giving a lance to a mage, but I'm not entirely sure what it means. Go downstairs and grab the only chest
here to get 5000GP, then take the south door to go to the outer courtyard. Head left under the bridge, and enter the building,
which is another small storeroom. The chest here contains the odd Float spell. Get it, then leave the castle. You've
found everything.
Now, to actually continue, fly a little east of X-Death's castle until you see a bunch of ships
in the water. This is Zeza's fleet. You can land on the largest ship, so do so. Though it'd be a good idea to save first.
Zeza's Ship - Treasures: Genji Glove
When you land on the ship, you'll be greeted by Zeza, an old friend of Galuf's.
After some brief introductions, Galuf will ask if Zeza can get the party inside X-Death's castle. Zeza laughs and says
you're halfway in already, then you regain control. If you talk to the soldiers, you'll get a clue about what Zeza's
planning; when you talk to him, he tells you to get some rest. Since there's nothing else to do, you might as well. Go
down the stairs on the deck, then go down another set of stairs. There are two rooms you can enter here; there's not
really anything to do in the room on the left just now, so do what the soldier tells you and go in the room on the right.
Choose to rest.
You'll be woken up suddenly; the ship is under attack! Go above deck and talk to Zeza, and several
monsters will appear. Zeza will start fighting one, and their battle will carry onto another ship. When you regain control, you
can fight the monsters wandering around; they're Gobbldigoos, and they're very easy. Note that if for some reason you
haven't learned GobPunch yet, this is a good chance to do so. Fight or ignore them as you see fit; just head towards
the front of the ship. You'll *have* to fight a Gobbldigoo now; after you beat it, you'll get a quick look at how Zeza's
doing. Keep going forward, and you'll run into your old pal, Gilgamesh. No, I don't really know what he's doing here,
either. =P
- Boss Battle - Gilgamesh - Lv: 31 HP: 8888 Enkidoh - Lv: 29 HP:
4000 <Shows up later>
The single most important thing to do here is to steal from Gilgamesh. He has
the Genji Glove, the best gauntlet in the game! Furthermore, this is the only place you can get it! If you miss it, you're
screwed. Anyhow, Gilgamesh is a bit tougher here, if just for the fact that he can use the annoying Missile spell,
and the even more annoying Doom Claw. (Both are Blue Spells, so you might want to learn them if you haven't already.)
The rest of his attacks are fairly weak, however, so it's nothing you can't handle. After a while (I'm not sure whether
it has to do with the time, or how much damage you've done to Gilgamesh), Gilgamesh will summon Enkidoh, a palette-swapped
version of the Abductors you fought earlier. It immediately uses White Wind, which will probably heal all the damage
you did to Gilgamesh. Blah. After this happens, focus all your attacks on Enkidoh, and don't bother with Gilgamesh
until the irritating green demon is out of the way. Be careful, though; Enkidoh knows Red Feast, which may very well kill
a character if you've done a lot of damage to him. When he goes down, the battle will be easy again. Just defeat Gilgamesh.
You won't get any ABP for winning, but you'll get a Gold Shield.
After you beat Gilgamesh, he tries to drag you
into the ocean with him, but you grab onto the ship and he's the only one who falls in. =P He'll drift away, but
you'll start to lose your grip... Just as you fall, though, the Dragon saves you. It drops you back on the deck. Zeza gets
back on the ship and goes below deck; follow him. Go to the third level of the ship, where the beds are; use them if
you want, but to continue, go into the room on the *left* (where there was nothing before). Talk to Zeza, and he tells
you to go to the other side of the box. (You'll understand when you see it. =P) Do so, and examine the box; you and
Zeza will open up the box, revealing a passage. You'll automatically enter, emerging in a small room. Talk to Zeza and
you'll see that you're in a submarine! Zeza explains that you're going into the barrier tower through an undersea tunnel,
and automatically takes you there. When you arrive, leave the submarine and talk to Zeza. He'll blow a hole in the wall,
allowing you to enter the actual tower.
Note: If you go back in the sub and examine the steering wheel, Zeza will offer
to take you back. You can also go to the room down below to rest. Keep this in mind if you have trouble.
- Barrier
Tower - Treasures: 9000 GP, 18000 GP, Blood Sword, HairOrnament
Soon after entering the actual tower, Zeza will
explain what you're supposed to do. He'll go down below to the power room, while you climb to the antenna at the top
of the tower. When he cuts the power, you'll destroy the antenna. He gives you the "Whisper Grass", a sort of walkie-talkie,
so you can contact him when you reach the top. He then leaves. You can follow him if you want, but you won't get very
far. =P
Also, you can get a new Blue Magic spell here, as well as an old one you may have missed. The Traveler enemies
use Time Slip (you can control them and have them use it on you) and the Neons will often use Flash as a counterattack.
go up the stairs to find a Save Point. (There's a little alcove that looks like a door in the room you come in, but there's
nothing there.) In the next room are two chests. The near one has 9000 G, while the far one is a monster-in-a-box.
Usually, it has a Red Dragon, but you might end up fighting two Yellow Dragons instead.
- Battle - Red Dragon
- Lv: 30 HP: 7500 Weakness: Water, Earth, Ice
This battle is weird. For some odd reason, the
Red Dragon is considered undead. For this reason, despite that it *will* hit, L.5 Doom doesn't work. And don't even
bother trying to use Phoenix Downs or Life magic for an easy kill; they don't work either. Anyway...on the first round
of the battle, the Red Dragon usually uses Atomic Ray, which does about 700 damage to the entire team! Heal up immediately,
because it may use it again! The dragon's "Critical" is strong, too, doing about 700 damage to one member. Since you can't
take the easy way out, you'll just have to stick with normal attacks. In all honesty, Ice attacks like Shiva and Ice 2
aren't all that effective (maybe it's because they're so outdated...), so try Requiem (since the dragon is undead),
Titan, Water Skills, and $toss. Incidentally, you can Control the dragon; it has L.3 Flare (a Blue spell) in its command
list, but unfortunately, you can't target yourself with it, only the Dragon. To get around this, you have to give it
Reflect status; then when it casts L.3 Flare, the spell gets reflected to you, and you'll learn it if your level is a
multiple of 3. =P (Reflect works a little strangely with the Level spells in this game... If a character with Reflect is
targeted by the spell, it bounces whether or not that character is at an appropriate level. However, it only hits the
target it gets reflected to if *their* level is appropriate. With that out of the way, be warned that L.3 Flare *will*
kill whoever it hits at this point.) If you're going to try this, make sure all four characters are either Blue Mages/have
Learn (making them all Blue Mages is easier =P) and that their levels are all multiples of 3, since the spell reflects
to one of your characters at random. Unfortunately, you don't have the Reflect spell yet. But there *is* still a way to
learn L.3 Flare here. Give someone the Mix command, and have them mix Dragon Fang + Phoenix Down, then use it on the
dragon. The resulting effect, "Dragon Armor", gives it Reflect status. Now you can learn the spell. =P Also, you
might want to try to steal from it; usually, you'll get a Potion, but sometimes you can steal a Fire Ring. This seems
to be extremely rare, though; I've stolen a Fire Ring *once* in about 50 tries. =P If you *really* want to get one,
you'll need a *lot* of patience. If you steal a Potion, either escape the battle and check the chest again, or cast
Return. Either way, you can try again, but don't expect your luck to be much better. Sure is a lot to say for one enemy,
isn't it? =P
- Battle - YellowDrgn (x2) - Lv: 38 HP: 8500
You won't be able to learn L.3 Flare
or steal a Fire Ring if you get this battle, but you get more Exp, GP, and ABP than from the Red Dragon. It's really
rare, though; you might as well be trying for the Fire Ring. =P Anyways, these guys aren't undead, and absorb lightning.
They also have a ton of HP. There isn't a lot to say about them, just kill them. =P Try using the Earth command; you
might get Sonic Boom, which will do a lot of damage to whichever dragon it hits.
After either fight, you'll get
a Blood Sword from the chest. This is a strong weapon that also drains HP, but it has a very low hit rate, so I don't
recommend using it. Go south from the 9000 GP chest and you'll be on the outside of the tower.
>From here on,
watch for a new enemy, the LvlTripper; it uses L.4 Quarter fairly often, so try to learn this spell if you haven't already.
You can also make it cast L.2 Old and L.5 Doom if you control it, but as with the Red Dragon, you can't cast these
spells on your party. However, you can learn them using the same trick as for L.3 Flare: Use Mix with a Phoenix Down
and Dragon Fang to give them Reflect status. =P The spell bounces back to one of your characters, who will learn
it if they're at an appropriate level. This is a good way to learn L.5 Doom if you missed it.
Anyways, head up
the stairs on the left and go through the door. You're in a small room with nothing in it but some stairs. At the top of
the stairs is a door, which leads to the outside of the tower again. Take the stairs on the right and go in the next
door. There's a chest with 18000 GP in here; other than that, it's pretty much the same as the last one. Take the stairs,
go through the door, you're outside the tower again. Now take the stairs on the left, and go in the next door. Just
before you do, Zeza will contact you and say that he's almost ready. Go through the door; it's another boring room. Climb
the stairs and go through the door at the top, again.
You're outside, again, but this time there are stairs on both
sides. The one on the right leads to a Save Point, and goes further up the tower. The one on the left leads to a small
room with a chest. It's a monster chest, and again, you might fight a Red Dragon or two Yellow Dragons. After winning,
you'll get a Hair Ornament, a useful helmet for magic-users. It has 0 defense, but it halves the MP cost of all spells!
If you're using someone in a mage class, give this to them right away. Anyways, go to the Save Point room, save, and
head out the door. Yeah, you're outside again, but this is the last time. =P Climb up a bit more, and you'll be
at the top! As you attempt to destroy the antenna, however, the screen goes dark, and an ominous voice says that you'll
never leave here alive...
- Boss Battle - Atomos - Lv: 41 HP: 19997
This battle is, quite simply,
insane. =P Atomos will cast Comet on a character (sometimes twice) and often kill them, and will slowly suck dead
characters towards it. And in case you're wondering... No, you can't just use Mix to give everyone Reflect, you'll
*still* get hit by the comet. =P Anyways, once Atomos sucks in the dead character, they're gone for the rest of the
battle. You have two choices here; you can either try desperately to revive dead characters ASAP, or you can "sacrifice"
a character; let them stay down while Atomos sucks them in, and he'll be much less dangerous. The latter method is
easier, but the fight's still tough. The best attacks to damage him with are $toss and Titan (with Earth Robes equipped),
especially if you want to keep all your characters alive; try to make sure that everyone can use one of those abilities.
You might also want to cast Shell if you get the chance. Other than that, there's not a lot to say about this fight...
Atomos has an obscene amount of HP, and no real strengths or weaknesses. You'll get 12 ABP and a Dark Matter for winning,
which is kind of a rip-off considering how hard this guy is. =P
After beating Atomos, the antenna will blow up.
Now there's a fairly long story scene; I won't bore you with the details, but basically, Zeza is trapped in the power
room. He says the tower's about to explode, and that he'll meet you at the sub. You'll escape on the Dragon, despite Galuf's protests
about leaving Zeza behind; then the tower explodes, and X-Death's barrier goes down.
The scene shifts to the submarine
dock; Galuf is waiting. Talk to him a few times, and he'll eventually decide to leave. (Note: There's a small glitch in
this part; if you had Galuf leading the party when you fought Atomos, the party will use his sprite, even though he's standing
off by himself. So it looks like there's two of him. =P The party's sprite will change if you go to the menu and
return, though.) The scene shifts inside the sub; Bartz and Faris will decide to use it to go to Gill's cave. After a
little more dialogue, you'll be in control of the sub!
Note: Although the barrier is down, you still can't enter
X-Death's castle yet. The door leading upstairs is locked.
--- "The Underwater Sage" ---
If you use
the world map while underwater, you'll see three blinking dots. The one in the northwest leads to an underwater cave where
you can do a simple sub-quest ("Female Chocobos and Summoned Monsters"). The southwest one leads to a dead end, but
if you surface, you'll be near a village where you can buy powerful new equipment and spells (I'll cover this place later, but
I recommend coming here as soon as possible). Finally, the dot that's a little northeast from the continent Val Castle
is on is Gill's Cave, your next destination.
- Gill's Cave - Treasures: None
Dock the submarine and
follow the path. There are two kinds of enemies here: Radiators, which can probably be killed with one hit from Ifrit if
your levels are average; and Metamorphas, which change into various other monsters, use one attack, and change back,
then repeat the pattern. Some of the monsters I've seen are Ghilacats, Elf Toads, Y Burns, Fan Wizards, and DrgnZombies,
as well as Ifrit and Ramuh. O_o (They can probably turn into Shiva, too. =P) Note that these monsters are *not* the same
as when you fight them elsewhere; they're at different levels, don't have the same attributes, (Fan Wizards don't
absorb wind, and DrgnZombies aren't undead, for instance) and probably inherit the Metamorpha's HP. (I can't tell, because
they have ????/???? HP when you scan them.) These things have a whopping 7000 HP, and only give up 3 ABP when you beat
them, so you might want to run. However, you *can* pick up some Blue Magic here by waiting for them to turn into certain
monsters; Elf Toads use Toad Song (in case you missed it) and Fan Wizards use Aero 3, which you haven't had a chance to
learn yet. Speaking of Blue Magic, the Radiators can use Red Feast. Anyways... The easiest ways to beat the Metamorphas
are 1) Learn Aero 3 and cast it on them before they change, since they're weak against wind; 2) Wait for them to change
into something fairly weak, then use an instant-death move. =P
Anyways... You'll soon come to a room with four
empty treasure chests, one full chest, and four suspicious-looking sections of wall. =P Open the chest in the
center; Bartz will find a big stone in it, and you'll be given the choice to take the stone. Do so, and the door you came
in through will close. This should give you some idea of how this part works; put the stone in one of the chests,
and a door will open. The center chest just opens the door you came in through, so there's not much reason to bother with
it right now. =P The upper-right and lower-right chests open up dead ends, so ignore those, too. Instead, put
the rock in the upper-left chest and go through to find a switch. Use it, and a path will open up. Now go back, get the
rock out of the upper-left chest, and put it in the lower-left chest. Go through the door that opens up and follow
the path to the next floor.
On the next floor, go to the lower-left to find a path; it'll be invisible until you
get near it. Follow the path to a switch, which will make a staircase appear. Go down the stairs to the next floor. From
here, the path isn't too complicated; there's a few more "hidden" paths like the one on the previous floor, but they're
not hard to find. Just keep going until you reach a pond. Examine it, and you'll see a turtle, then you'll be given a
choice to jump in the pond. Do so, and you'll emerge in another pond. Go up and you'll meet Sage Gill.
Gill tells you that X-Death is looking for something in Moore Forest, just west of Surgate Castle. He explains that X-Death
was originally a tree in Moore Forest, transformed by evil spirits, then gives you the "Elder's Branch", which you'll
need to get in. That's all there is here, so just cast Telepo to leave.
--- "Into the Forest" ---
- Moore
Village - Treasures: HuntingKnife
The most notable thing here are the shops; the armor is great, the weapons aren't
bad, and you can buy Level 5 spells. Other than shopping, the only things to do here are play the piano (if you've played
all the other ones so far, you'll get the message "Just a little bit more, and I'll be Piano Master!") and get the
HuntingKnife in the upper barrel on the left side of the pub. There's a locked door on the southwest side of town, but
you can't do anything with it. Yet. The people here will also give you some hints about getting through the forest
to the east, which is your next destination.
- Moore Forest - Treasures: 2500 GP, 4900 GP, 9500 GP, Ether,
Phoenix Down, Cottage, Elixir, Giant Drink, Ash, Mace, Aegis
Shield/Flame Shield, Flame Saber
Go into the forest; the Elder's Branch will let you in. Unless, of course, you
haven't gotten it from Gill yet. =P At any rate, there are some new enemies here... The GalacJellies are somewhat
annoying, as they have a high evade rate and resist or absorb most elements. However they also have very low HP; use
Aim, Critt or Earth to kill them easily. Another enemy of note is the MiniMage; you can learn a new Blue Magic, Little
Song, from them. It's not in their Control list, so you'll just have to wait for them to use it on you. There's nothing
too special about the other enemies, except that they may take a little while to kill. =P The encounter rate seems
a little high, though, so this place can get annoying.
Anyways... A little north from the entrance is a chest with
2500 GP. On the east side of this area, there's a tree with a knothole in it; just beside it is a chest with an Ether.
Get the chest, then examine the knothole (someone in town gives you a clue about this) and a passage will appear. Go through
it to emerge in another section of the forest.
This area is quite big, and extremely empty. Head north for a while
to find a chest with 4900 GP, then go east and north a bit to find two tree with a chest between them. Open the chest
for a Phoenix Down. Now go back south and make your way to the east side of this area to find a chest with 9500 GP. Get
it, then backtrack to the west a little bit to find another tree with a knothole. Again, examine the knothole to reveal
a passage. That's all there is in this area, despite its size, so just go through the passage to reach another section
of forest. Thankfully, we're almost done. =P
When you emerge from the passage, there's a treasure to the west; you'll
probably see it right away. It's a Cottage. Get it, then go east until you see another chest, which has a Giant Drink.
Go north a bit, and you'll see a weird yellow ring, which is actually a Save Point. Use it, then go north and west a
bit to find a chest with an Elixir, then go a little further north for another chest with a Mace. Go back to the save
point and save. Then go back to where the Mace was and follow the path to the west; suddenly, the forest will burst
into flames! When you regain control, try to make your way around the flames towards the tree just north of you; then walk
across the tree's roots to find a chest with an Aegis Shield. However, you might want to leave this alone... you'll
see why in a minute. Anyways, wander around for a while until a Moogle pops out of a hole. Go into the hole after it... well,
*fall* into, actually. =P When you hit the bottom, you'll find a healing spring; however, a Moogle is blocking the
exit. Wait a little bit, and the Moogle will eventually move out of the way. Now go out to emerge from the hole. If
you didn't get the Aegis Shield before falling down the hole, examine the chest it was in for a Flame Shield; otherwise,
the chest will be empty. I'll leave it up to you to decide which shield you want.
Note that the path you came
here through is blocked off; in a way, this is a good thing, since you don't have to worry about whether you missed getting anything
special from the other chests. =P Anyways, head west a little bit and you'll come to a clearing. There's a chest
by one of the trees with Ash in it; this item is completely useless. It can be thrown, but the damage it does is pathetic.
=P On the west side of the clearing is a chest with a Flame Saber. If you take the south exit, you'll be on the
world map; take this opportunity to save. To continue, though, you'll have to go north from the clearing; it looks
like you're at a dead end, but the Elder's Branch will open up a path for you... Cast Float on your team, then go through
the path and go inside the tree. When you do, four crystalline monsters will attack you...
- Boss Battle - <Fire
Crystal> - Lv: 77 HP: 7777 <Wind Crystal> - Lv: 77 HP: 7777 <Earth Crystal>
- Lv: 77 HP: 7777 <Water Crystal> - Lv: 77 HP: 7777
(Note: None of these monsters
actually have names. The Fire Crystal is the one on the top, the Earth Crystal is the one at the bottom, the Wind Crystal is
the one on the left, and the Water Crystal is the one on the right.)
These guys are almost as annoying as Atomos, if
you don't do this the right way. At first, they'll just use physical attacks, which can be easily dealt with by summoning
Golem. When one of them gets low on HP, however, it starts using a powerful spell of its element. Cast Shell on all your
party members before you begin actually attacking, so you'll be in less danger. Note that Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth
are the *only* elements that will have any effect on them, and each of the crystals absorbs its own element. So don't
bother with Ice, Bolt, or Bio spells. Focus on one crystal at a time; if you get two or three of them casting spells
on you at once, this will be *really* hard. If you only have one doing it, though, things get much easier. The Water
Crystal will use Aqua Rake when it gets weak, and the Wind Crystal will use Aero 3; if you don't have these spells, use
a Blue Mage in this fight for a good chance to learn them. If you know all the spells, however, and are just looking
for an easy victory, just use $toss. Two of these will kill all four enemies. =P You'll get a nice 15 ABP when you
defeat them all.
After the battle, X-Death appears and said that you just did him a favor by destroying the
seals on the crystals! He takes control of the crystals and uses their power to bind you.
The scene shifts to Val
Castle; Krile senses that the party is in danger, and gets on the dragon to save them. Back in the forest, X-Death gloats
over you, then gets knocked out by something. Krile walks in and tries to help Galuf...but then X-Death appears and
traps her in a strange field. After playing around with the field for a while, he resumes zapping your party with
the crystals. However, after what happened to Krile, Galuf gets determined, and starts fighting back, shattering the crystal
in the attempt. He saves Krile from the field, which engulfs him, but that doesn't stop him. Then he attacks X-Death.
Boss Battle - X-Death - Lv: 63 HP: <10000>
X-Death uses lots of powerful spells, but you can't
possibly lose this battle, as Galuf keeps fighting even when he has 0 HP. =P Keep hitting him; after about 10000
damage, he gets angry and blasts you with Flare, Holy, and Meteo. After this, every hit will result in some more conversation
until the battle ends. If you have it, L.3 Flare is a good way to do the first 10000 damage quickly. =P
being defeated, X-Death takes the crystals and retreats. Bartz, Faris, Reina, and Krile recover, and turn to Galuf, who's
on the verge of death after fighting so hard. They try to help him, but nothing works, and he passes away... Krile is
upset. You'll regain control, but you can't leave; just wait around until Krile says she hears Galuf's voice. There will
be a short scene in which she talks to his spirit, then she'll inherit all the abilities Galuf learned and take his
place in the party. You'll automatically get on the dragon and fly out.
Krile now has all of Galuf's abilities,
and whatever he had equipped is in your inventory. Krile starts as a Traveler with no equipment, so fix that situation.
--- "Showdown with X-Death" ---
You're about to go to X-Death's Castle, but you'd better be ready. Build
up your jobs in the basement of Val Castle if you need to, buy whatever you think you'll need, and finish up the sidequests
if you haven't already. This is a big area, so stock up and prepare for a long trip, then head back to...
X-Death's Castle - Treasures: Ether x2, Elixir x2, 9900 GP, 8000 GP, DiamndShield, Ice Shield,
Partisan, Gale Bow, Blizzard, Kotetsu, Double Lance, Wall Ring,
MagiShuriken, Genji Helmet, Excalipur, Carbuncle (Summon Magic)
The locked door is now unlocked, so you can go through...
don't mind the wounded soldiers, just go through and up the stairs. But take a detour to use the healing fountain if
you need it.
Starting on the second floor, you'll meet some new enemies. I'm not sure just when all of them start
appearing, so I'll cover them all now. The Blind Wolves, Twinlizards, Magic Drgns, BlakWarloks, and Red Dragons can all
be affected by L.3 Flare if you have it. AdamnGolems can't be hit by L.3 Flare, but they can be destroyed instantly by
using Softs on them. Titan will be useful on most of the other enemies, especiallly RflecMages. If you encounter the
A Rage enemy, though, kill it first; it uses Arise on any other dead enemies when you kill it. You can also control it
and have it use White Wind on you to learn the spell if you haven't already. (Or just for some cheap healing =P)
You can learn L.3 Flare by Controlling a Red Dragon, casting Reflect on it, and having it use the spell on itself; the spell
will bounce and hit one of your party members if he/she is at a level that's a multiple of 3. They only appear on the
higher floors and the basement prison after the castle's "transformation", though. You can also learn L.2 Old and Aero
3 from Magic Dragons. One *extremely* nasty battle that you may see on the higher floors is against three Blue Dragons;
you'll only see one, but there's really three of them. They'll do *serious* damage to your team, and what's more, you
can only hit one at a time. If you manage to defeat them, though, you'll get 15 ABP, which is the most you've gotten from
any non-boss encounter up to this point. =P This battle is pretty rare, though, so just hope you don't get it. =P
That covers most of the enemies, but be warned: The encounter rate gets high in here, and the battles can be pretty
tough. If you thought Moore Forest was bad, this place is a lot worse. =P
Anyways, on the second floor, ignore
the stairs going up for now. Instead, go around the wall to the south to find two chests containing an Ether and a Diamond
Shield. Then go upstairs; you'll soon come to a dead end. Turn around and leave; Bartz will comment, then Krile will run
back. You'll follow her, and she'll say it's an illusion. The scene shifts to Kelb; Kelga, surrounded by his followers,
is getting weaker. He sees Galuf's spirit, who apparently fills him in on what's happening with your party. Kelga
dies, but uses the last of his strength to dispel the illusion... Back at the castle, you'll see the results. Ugly place,
isn't it? =P A stairway just appeared, so use it. (Note: After the illusion is dispelled, the *entire* castle
changes, lower floors included. The healing springs no longer work (as they're now lava), and if you'd like to find a
Red Dragon a bit earlier, they now appear in the very bottom floor, where you were held prisoner when you first arrived
The path is pretty linear here, with only one detour. When you see a chest, go towards it; you'll notice
it's blocked by a wall. There's a very suspicious gray thing on the wall just to the west, so examine it. It's a switch,
which takes the wall down. Now you can get the chest, an Ice Shield. Go back to the path, which will eventually take you
The path in this room is very linear here, too. Get the chest at the end (Ether), then go through the
door. This room has a path along the outside, and a small stairway leading into the lava; change one of your characters
into a Geomancer and the lava can't hurt you, so go into it. Head left, then go straight down at your first chance.
You'll see a chest in the wall; if you've got a Thief or the Secret ability, you should see how to get it, but if
you'd rather not set those, just head straight into the wall when you're lined up with the chest. It has a Gale Bow. Now
get out of the lava and go around. You can now get to the stairs, and a chest with an Elixir. Get it, then go upstairs.
there's a tile that looks like a skull, and a small bridge that doesn't go anywhere at the moment. Step on the skull tile,
and the bridge starts moving. You can stop the bridge with the X button (or, if you're using an emulator, whatever
button you're using for "confirm") to get to the chests and the stairs. The left chest has a Blizzard sword, while the
right has a Kotetsu katana. The stairs are the way ahead. Be warned, if you stop the bridge at the wrong place, you'll
be attacked, sometimes by a Harpy. Get the chests, then go upstairs to find a Save Point. Use it, and continue to the
next room.
First, head east; you'll see a chest in the wall. The secret passage is better-hidden than the last
one was, so you might want to use Secret or a Thief for this one. It has an Elixir. Follow the path all the way to the
west to find a chest with 9900 GP, then backtrack and go along the path over the lava. Go through the door at the end
and you'll be on a short stairway. There's nowhere to go but up; on the next floor is a short path leading to another
staircase going down. Hmm... That was pointless. =P You'll probably notice the green summon orb on a nearby platform;
you'll be able to get there soon enough.
Go down the new staircase; this room is filled with lava, so make sure
you have a Geomancer. You'll see a staircase blocked off by walls; ignore this for now and go all the way to the east
and up the stairs for a chest with 8000 GP. Go back down; there's only one other stairway you can reach right now,
so go up it. You'll see the summon orb again, but you still can't reach it. So, go east. You'll step on a skull tile,
which makes a path leading to another stairway disappear. Don't worry about this right now. Keep your Geomancer for
this part; the platform you're on has a ton of hidden holes under skull tiles, and the Geomancer will stop you from falling
in when you find one. The chest on the east side has a Double Lance. The skull tile on the south side makes the path
reappear; just be sure not to step on the first skull tile again when you go over there. =P Go down to find a save
point, then go back upstairs and make your way to the skull tile on the north side. When you step on it, you'll be
teleported right in front of the summon orb. Examine it, and as usual, fight the summon monster to get it.
Boss Battle - Carbuncle - Lv: 1 HP: 15000 Weakness: All
He has inherent reflect status,
but the fight's not too hard despite this; use Summons, physical attacks, or spells reflected off your own party members
to get around it. After a while, Carbuncle's reflect status goes down, and it becomes weak to *all* elements. At this
point, you should easily be able to finish him off, but if for some reason you don't, the reflect status goes back
up again, and Carbuncle starts casting nasty spells like Doom and X-zone on you. You can steal a Wall Ring from Carbuncle,
and when you win, you'll get 11 ABP and the Carbuncle summon spell.
After beating Carbuncle, go down the stairs.
You're now between those walls that blocked off a staircase in the lava room. Step on the skull tile and you'll warp
to another spot in this room. Now make your way back to the skull tile-filled platform and the save point below it. Save,
then go on to the next room. Make sure you have someone who can steal.
There's nothing in this room except an empty
chest in the middle. Ignore it for now, and take the staircase on the right, which leads to a room with two chests that
contain a MagiShuriken and a Partisan. Collect them both, then go back downstairs. Normally, nothing special happens if
you go up the stairs in the center, but if you tried to take the empty chest, Gilgamesh will make another appearance.
- Boss Battle - Gilgamesh - Lv: 53/67 HP: <15000>
Gilgamesh uses Little Song, Toad Song,
and Flash, so try to learn them if you haven't already. His physical attacks do around 400-500 damage, but that's
easily healed. Careful, though; he can use Hurricane to knock a character into single-digit HP. Still, pretty easy. What
else did you expect from Gilgamesh? =P After a while, he'll transform; however, he's actually *weaker* after
this. =P His physical attacks do only 30-50 damage, and I haven't seen him do anything else. =P Once he transforms,
start stealing to get the Genji Helmet, the best helmet in the game. Eventually, X-Death gets sick of his imcompetent
flunky and casts X-Zone on him. =P When this happens, the battle ends. When you win, you won't get anything except
the Excalipur sword, which does 1 damage with every attack. However, it has a high attack power, and thus usually
gets optimum-equipped. Bah. =P You can throw it to do a lot of damage, though, so you may want to hold onto it.
you win, go back to the save point and use it, then go through the door where Gilgamesh stopped you. From here on, there's
nothing of note until X-Death; however, once you defeat him, you won't be able to return to the second world. There
isn't as much here that's as important to get as in the first world, since you'll be able to return here soon enough, but
there *are* a few things you won't be able to get once you leave... Here's the final checklist for the second world:
Did you get Shoat from the north forest? - Did you get Carbuncle from X-Death's Castle? - Did you get all the treasures
in Moogle Village?
Don't worry about shopping too much this time; you'll be able to get back to all the shops soon
enough. Once you're ready, go and face X-Death.
When you meet X-Death, he gives the typical villain speech about how
you'll never be able to stop his plans, etc. =P Then the fight begins.
- Boss Battle - X-Death - Lv: 66
HP: 32768 Weakness: Holy
X-Death often casts Condemned at the start of the battle. If you want to learn
it, I recommend bringing a Blue Mage and someone with Time Magic. If X-Death doesn't cast Condemned on your Blue Mage at
the start, cast Return and try again until he does. =P As for the actual battle, X-Death has some *very* strong
attacks. However, if you cast Float, Golem, and Carbuncle, you'll be defended from his worst ones. With Reflect up, you'll
have to rely on items and White Wind for healing, but he probably won't be able to even *hit* you most of the time.
For actually damaging him, L.3 Flare is probably the best attack available; still, it's not too big a deal if you don't
have it. Just use whatever you can; long-range attacks are best, though, since he can use Rev.Polarity and switch
what row everyone's in. If you're at a decent level, this shouldn't be too hard. You won't get anything from this battle,
unless you happen to learn some Blue Magic here.
After the battle, the crystals suddenly shatter, then the screen distorts
and fades...
%%%Third World%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (Note: Please forgive my sloppy story summaries
here. I didn't take notes as I did in the past two worlds, so stuff may be inaccurate. Feel free to mail me and correct
any mistakes I may have made.)
--- "Celebration at Tycoon" ---
After the screen fades back in, your team ends
up in a field. After everyone wakes up, Reina and Faris notice something strange in the north... Tycoon Castle! Apparently,
you've somehow returned to your world... Sorta.
Back on the world map, you'll immediately notice that things have
changed somewhat... If you check the square-button world map, you should notice that the landmass has increased. Well,
we'll worry about that later. For now, just head north to Tycoon Castle.
- Tycoon Castle - Treasures: None
(But you can pick up some you may have missed earlier)
Upon entering the castle, head straight inside, and you'll be
greeted by the chancellor, who is overjoyed to see both princesses safe. Faris is a bit confused, but the chancellor
clears things up... Faris really *is* Reina's lost sister! (But I absolutely refuse to use that god-awful name they gave her
in the PSX version. ^_^) He then says that a banquet to celebrate their return is currently being prepared, and invites
Bartz and Krile to join in.
A bit later, as the celebration begins, Reina takes her place on the throne, and the
chancellor pulls a reluctant Faris out of one of the bedrooms...and she's wearing a dress! =P Bartz shows his obvious
'interest' in her, then a bunch of people in the room start dancing, and Krile walks out to the balcony. Ok, that was
actually sorta hard to summarize, but story stuff isn't that important in FAQs. Anyway, you'll now regain control, but
Bartz is alone... Start by following Krile out to the balcony, where a short conversation follows. She says that she
feels somewhat anxious, as if her grandfather's spirit was telling her that they have to hurry and stop X-Death *now*.
She shrugs it off, however, and rejoins. After this, start to leave the throne room. As you do, Krile steps forward and
asks what they're gonna do about Reina and Faris, and Bartz says that they've got no choice but to leave them here
for now.
Before leaving the castle, there're a couple little scenes you can see that explain a bit about Faris.
First, go to the east tower and talk to old lady Jenica to see a cute little scene involving Reina and Faris as children.
Afterwards, return to the king's bedroom and read the diary on the table to see another flashback of Faris as a child.
She sure has changed since then. If there're any other flashbacks here, I haven't yet seen them... Anyhow, if you missed
any of the chests in the castle earlier, get them now (though you can't enter the west tower, so if you missed any of the
items inside it, you're screwed now), then leave the castle. When you start to walk out the gate, though, a soldier
runs up and bowls Bartz and Krile over, then runs inside, saying he has to tell everyone that the bridge to the west was
finished. At hearing this, Bartz begins to wonder if Boko is still in the Pirates' Cave, and Krile asks "What's a
Boko?". Bartz tells her that it's his prized chocobo, but Krile starts to tease him about how he can barely ride a
dragon, so there's no way he could ride a chocobo! The two of them then have a little mock fight, and afterwards, you
regain control.
There aren't any monsters on the world map for the time being, so just head west across the new
bridge until you come to the Pirates' Cave. As soon as you try to enter, you'll be met by your old friend Boko, as well
as a female chocobo named Koko. Yep, not only has Boko completely recovered, but he's found himself a wife! After all
the introductions (via Krile's amazing chocobo language skills), Boko tells Koko to take care of herself and their coming
child (yep, Boko's gonna be a father, too =P), then gladly 'rejoins' you!
Being able to ride Boko allows you to
explore the world a bit more. Boko is just an ordinary yellow chocobo with no special abilities, but riding him is faster
than walking, he can cross shallow rivers, and you won't encounter any monsters while riding him. Head north along the
new road (which is actually part of the Guroceana wilderness from the second world) until you hit a small village,
Tule. You can enter and talk to the people if you'd like, and the woman at the front desk of the beginner's hall will
now tell you about the wonders of the "Traveler" and "Mime" jobs (er...you don't have the latter yet, do you? =P) if
you tell her you're not a beginner, but there's nothing overly important here, so you can skip it without missing much.
From Tule, head west across the lakes, and upon trying to pass through a narrow path between the cliffs, you'll be pulled
into a small area.
- Tule Canyon - Treasures: None
The only thing to do here is head south. After a bit,
the ground will begin to shake, then ultimately gives way, dropping Bartz, Krile, and Boko down to a small underground
cave. After hitting the ground, Bartz and Krile start getting into an argument over whose fault it was they ended up here,
but it's cut a bit short when a pair of pincers pop out of the ground...
- Boss Battle - Antolyon - Lv: 34
HP: 8100 Weakness: Water
Honestly, couldn't they have gotten this name right? It's supposed to be "Antlion".
^_^ Oh well, whatever. This battle would be easy if you had your entire team, but since it's just Bartz and Krile,
it's kinda tough. Physical attacks don't seem very effective, so stick with Ice3 and Aqua Rake. After the antlion takes
about 6000 damage, it'll run away, and you'll get 5ABP.
After chasing off the monster, Bartz grumbles about falling
in a monster's nest, then you regain control. After a couple seconds, a rope is lowered into the pit, but everytime
you try to grab it, it gets pulled up a little bit. After an amusing scene where Bartz tries a bunch of things to try and grab
it, the person at the other end decides that she's had enough fun, and allows Bartz and his friends to climb up. ^_^
At the top, you'll be met by none other than Faris. Yup, she was the one toying with you. Anyway, after she chews you
out for leaving her behind, she explains that being a princess isn't a life she cares to lead, then rejoins your party.
Just before leaving, Krile mentions having been pricked by a thorn...
After you're finished here, you'll automatically
be returned to the world map. Just keep heading west from here (you might notice your airship sitting on the bird-shaped
peninsula, but there's no way to get to it just yet), and you'll eventually come across a cave in the mountains. Enter.
New Cave - Treasures: None
This should seem familiar... Very soon after you enter this small cave, you'll find...Sage
Gill! After Bartz flips him over (he was laying on his back =P), Gill laughs, and says that the shock of the two worlds
melding together must've flipped him over, and that he can't do a thing when that happens! At this, Bartz realizes that
X-Death wasn't lying after all... Gill is also amazed by this, and explains that the legends were true...the two worlds
really *were* one. He then tells you the legend of how 1000 years ago, a demon called Enuo controlled the power of the
Void...the power of "Nothingness". After a long battle, the people were eventually able to defeat Enuo using the power
of the 12 sealed weapons, but they were unable to destroy the Void. As a desperate last resort, the people split the crystals
in two in an attempt to seal the void, which resulted in the planet being split in two as well, and the power of the Void
ended up sealed in a dimension called the "N-Zone", trapped between the two worlds. (Yes, this summary seems hurried...but
this really is pretty much all Gill says about the old legend.)
Bartz starts to mention something about the crystals
having been destroyed, but before he can finish, Krile collapses in pain, mumbling something about the thorns. Suddenly,
some splinters of wood rise from Krile, which float to the center of the room, then transform into...X-Death! (Hey, he
*was* a tree...so I guess he can transform into wood at will. It's not really explained that well, though.) X-Death
starts laughing about how his real goal is to control the power of the Void, which is why he merged the two worlds
together in the first place! He basically says that he intends to succeed where Euno failed, and with the two worlds reunited
as one once again, the N-Zone is also trying to return. To demonstrate his new power, X-Death begins by sucking Tycoon
Castle into the Void! A brief scene shows of the chaos there as Reina tries to escape, and a short while later, the entire
castle collapses into an ominous black hole... Bartz and the team, highly ticked off at what he just did, and very worried
about Reina, start threatening X-Death, but he just effortlessly blows them back across the room with a bolt of lightning
as they try to step forward. He then continues to gloat about his new power, and blows Bartz and the group back yet again
as they try a second time to attack him. At this point, Gill has apparently had enough of the arrogant mage, and literally
throws himself at X-Death, knocking him back. =P He and X-Death begin to duel, but after a while, deciding that
it's a waste of time to fight with a reptile, X-Death uses the power of the Void to cause a weird gravity reaction, which
sends your team flying... X-Death laughs again, and the scene fades.
--- "Secret in the Desert" ---
short while later, your team awakens in a field, and Gill asks Bartz what the building in the south is. Bartz takes a look,
and tells him that it's the Ancient Library. Gill gets excited at this, saying that the library was in the other world
all along, and now that they can put the two halves of the Sealed Book together, they just might have a chance at defeating
X-Death. He takes off ahead, and you're automatically brought to the library.
- Ancient Library - Treasures:
MP Song (Song)
Upon entering, Gill is greeted by scholars from Surgate Castle, and everyone enters the "study area"
in the back to discuss their next move. Gill turns the staircase into a table by flipping a switch, and after everyone
sits down, two scholars reunite the two halves of the sealed book, which Gill proceeds to read. It mentions the 12
legendary weapons sealed in Kuza Castle, and that the key to breaking the seals lies in four hidden lithographs. It
then gives clues as to the whereabouts of them...
- "With the spirit of the past, one is protected by the earth." -
"In an island temple, one is protected by wind." - "In a place deeper than the ocean floor, one is protected by flame." -
"Behind the place where the water falls, one is protected by water."
After revealing the clues, the book also reveals
that "their servants" were also sealed up, and that when the lithographs are moved, their power will be released...
Finally, it says to "throw this book into the gate, and the way to the seal will be shown to you", meaning you need the
book itself to break the seals at the locations where the lithographs are hidden. Gill and the scholars immediately
realize that the first of the clues likely refers to the pyramid in the nearby desert. Bartz and the others agree to look
for it, Gill gives them the Sealed Book, and you'll regain control.
The first thing you should do here is go up
to the roof, where one of the scholars will teach you "MP Song". I might as well warn you... You won't be able to return
to the library after completing the pyramid, so get this as soon as possible. Also, if you missed anything in the basement,
get it now. Finally, if you'd like to read the Sealed Book again, you can do so by talking to either Gill or the scholar
in purple sitting at the table in the lower right corner of the room. Anyway, when you're ready, head out to the west.
(Though should the need arise, you can buy supplies at Surgate, which is now located immediately north of the library.)
Isn't that new world map music just...depressingly cool? ;)
Before you actually reach the desert, you'll come across
a small circular patch of trees in the middle of the road, which is pretty much all that's left of Moore Forest. Here,
you'll find the Elder's Tree, and there'll be a bit of dialogue in which the team reminisces about all the lives that have been
lost... Now leave the forest via the the path on the left, and continue towards the desert. There's another short scene
when you first enter, in which Bartz and the others comment on how the Sand Tides have completely stopped, and that
without the crystal the Earth is beginning to weaken... Afterwards, you're returned to the world map. Since the Sand Tides
have stopped flowing, you can now just walk across the desert, which is, of course, where you'll find the pyramid.
(You can also walk across the desert if you'd like, and you'll find Moore Village on the other side. But there's no
real need to go there just yet.)
- Pyramid - Treasures: Dark Matter x7, Elixir x4, 8000 GP, 9000 GP, 10000 GP,
12000 GP, Ice Shield, Flame Shield, Ribbon, HairOrnament,
Protect Ring, Hex Ring, Thornlet, Crystalmail, White Robe,
Black Robe, BlackCostume, Earth Hammer, Cottage
you're here, but you're not exactly inside yet. Walk up and examine the door, and the Sealed Book will react. The two gargoyle
statues on either side of the door then come to life and attack!
- Boss Battle - Gargoyle (x2) - Lv: 33
HP: 5000
These demons are *really* irritating. They're easy enough to defeat, and use only moderate strength physical
attacks, but if you kill one, it just comes back to life with full HP! The only way to you can win is to defeat both Gargoyles
at once. This can be accomplished easily by using spells like the third level black magics, Aero3, Aqua Rake, or just $toss.
You'll only get 10 ABP for your reward, though...
After you've defeated the gargoyles, the pyramid door will open.
Step inside...
This has to be one of the biggest areas in the game. There're a total of 28 chests here, and more
than half of them also contain monsters. Definitely not a place you'd want to try and explore fully with only three characters. For
this such reason, I've included two walkthroughs here: a "quick run", which skips all treasures and side paths (which
I recommend using for your first trip through), and a detailed walkthrough leading to all the treasure chests, for
once Reina rejoins.
Quick Runthrough: >From the entrance, head left, enter the door, and head up the stairs to
the next room. Here, go down, and the doors will close behind you, trapping you in a room with a pair of snakes that
you have little choice but to fight. Once they're dead, flip all three switches to open the three doors, then go up
the next staircase. Ignore the three chests here (all contain monsters), and go up the stairs on the right side of the
room. Just be careful, as the staircase will occasionally change to a "slide", which dumps you down to the spikes below.
This next area is a small maze filled with sand and robots. If you can, try to avoid the robots, though they can be killed
instantly by the Sorcerer's Bolt3 sword, should you get caught by one of them. Ignoring the rest of the distractions
here, examine the coffin on the left side of the room. It'll open, but a mummy jumps out, which you have to fight in order
to proceed. In typical RPG fashion, you'll end up fighting three of them, but Fire3 will blow them all away. After they're
out of the way, walk through the passage behind the coffin and ascend the stairs. Use the save point in this next
room if you'd like, then move on. Go down the path to the right, ignoring the secret passages, and climb the stairs here
to reach a room with three "sand waterfalls". Press the buttons near them to shut them off, then climb the stairs in
the lower part of the room. In the next area, climb the stairs in the center of the room, and maneuvering your way through the
room with the moving holes, go down the stairs to the left. (Note: Even though this is a quick runthrough, you might wanna
go for the chests in this room -- none have monsters in them, and they contain a Protect Ring, Ribbon, and HairOrnament)
Finally, carefully climb the stairs here, and go through the door, which leads to an altar with the Lithograph on it.
Well, that's the quick way through the pyramid, but since there's so much treasure here, you're definitely gonna want
to return here once your team is back together. For now, though, just skip to the paragraph beginning with "After taking
the lithograph".
Detailed Walkthrough: I hope you've got a good hour or two to spare, because this place takes
a *long* time to fully explore. Before I actually get started, I'd like to note that the enemies here are, for the
most part, undead. For this reason, L.5 Doom won't work on the large number of Level 35/40 enemies here, but Requiem
(and the Excalibur) are very effective. Anyway, start by heading all the way to the left, bypassing the door for the moment,
then heading up until you come across three switches and a field of spikes. Press the switches on the left and right
(ignore the one in the middle), which forms a safe path through the spikes. (Note that you *can* walk over spikes, but
if you do, you'll take damage, and your entire team will get poisoned.) Now head down and right, but along the way,
you'll find a weird "sand waterfall" (which I'll refer to as a "sandfall", since you'll encounter more of these later)
blocking your path. If you step into it, you'll automatically be pulled down the pit near it into a basement. Since there's
no way around it for the moment, just jump in. When you land, immediately grab the chest. It contains monsters, but
when you defeat them, you'll get an Ice Shield. After getting it, head up a climb the stairs to get back to the main room,
except on the other side of that sandfall. Make your way down the long hall, and climb up the nearby staircase, which
leads to what appears to be a series of tiny rooms. Using the thief's "Secret" ability reveals some small secret passages
connecting the rooms, so make your way through here, and go down the stairs. You'll now be in a small enclosed area with
a single coffin in it. Open it, and you'll be ambushed by the king of all mummies!
- Boss Battle - GrandMummy
- Lv: ?? HP: 6000 Weakness: Fire
Heh. This isn't really much of a boss battle, but the GrandMummy
is a unique enemy, so... All you really need to do here is cast Fire3, which does about 5500 damage, then use a decent
strength physical attack to finish it off. You'll get 5 ABP and a Potion for your 'hard-earned victory'. =P
you've defeated the mummy, enter the coffin behind it and take the chest to get a Hex Ring, a cursed accessory with extremely
high defense, but with the side effect of putting the wearer in permanent "Condemned" status. Like the Bonemail, this
also frequently gets auto-equipped when changing jobs, etc. In fact, you might not wanna bother taking it at all. ^_^
Ok, you've got everything on this side of the pyramid, so return to the entrance now. (You can flip the switch near
the sandfall to shut it off, BTW.)
Ok, now go in the door nearest to the entrance and climb the stairs behind it.
You'll end up in a room with three doors, all of which close once you enter the hall with the switches. Defeat the snakes
that pop out, then use the switches to reopen the doors: the one on the left opens the lower door, the one in the middle
opens the upper door, and the one on the right opens the central door. Continue up the stairs, and open the three chests
directly above you. They contain, from left to right, a Flame Shield, a Dark Matter, and a White Robe. All have monsters
in them, as well. After getting them, climb the stairs on the right side of the room, but watch out, as every so often,
the steps leading to the staircase will change into a slide, which causes you to slide down to some spikes below. Ouch.
In this next room, which is a small maze filled with sand and robots, smash or avoid the robots as you see
fit (Bolt3 does about 5000 damage, and Bolt3 Sword kills them instantly), and grab the two chests on the side altars to get
two Elixirs (one from each chest), then check the coffin on the ledge between them. You'll get attacked by three generic
mummies, which can be taken out easily with Fire3, and can be instantly killed by Fire3 Sword. Once they've been defeated,
take the chest in the back to get a Thornlet. Like the Bonemail and Hex Ring, this helmet has high defense, but it slowly
decreases your HP, and also gets auto-equipped often. Bah. Anyway, whether or not you want this, go to the lower left
side of the room and flip the switch to lower the spikes (watch out...it also releases a pair of snakes), and grab
the chest at the end of the path where they once were to find monsters and a powerful Black Robe. Give this to a mage
as soon as possible; it's really good. You're done with this room, so examine the coffin above it to fight three more
mummies, then take the staircase behind it to reach a small room with a save point in it. Save, then proceed forward.
This is long. And you're not even half done. O_o In this hallway, head left and through the door to find a pair
of chests containing monsters, which give up Crystalmail and Dark Matter when defeated. Get both items, then head back
out to the hall and head right. There's a door at the top of the right hallway, but it's locked from the other side, so
don't worry about it for right now. At the *bottom* of the hallway, there's a secret passage leading to two small rooms.
The lower one is empty, but the upper one has a chest containing monsters and a BlackCostume. Now head back to the left,
and climb up the lower staircase. Oh, one odd thing about this room is that occasionally, you'll encounter the "Bludgeoner",
a mini-boss of sorts, in random battles.
- Boss Battle - Bludgeoner - Lv: 41 HP: 6000
the GrandMummy, the Bludgeoner is more of a unique enemy than an actual boss. It has low HP and no real strengths, so just
beat it to death with physical attacks and magic. You won't actually get anything for winning, (well, you get small
amounts of Exp and GP, and 7 ABP =P) but before dying, the Bludgeoner says that you'll "never defeat his brother in the
tower". Um, ok.
This next room has three sandfalls in it, all of which can be deactivated by flipping the switches
next to them. Before doing this, though, let yourself be pulled down the first one, and you'll reach a previously inaccessable
room containing a chest with monsters and a Dark Matter. The secret passage to the left leads back to that locked door
you just passed a short while ago, so just make your way back to the room with the sandfalls. Don't bother falling
down the other two, since they just lead to an empty room and a room with a chest you should've already gotten anyhow.
(The rooms that the lower secret passage in the previous hallway lead to.) Instead, enter the door on the right side
of the room. The room behind the door has four chests in it, which are blocked by a wall with two switches. Pressing the
one on the right causes you to fall back to the room where you just found the Dark Matter, whereas the one on the right
causes the wall to slide back, allowing you to get the chests. On the left, both chests contain monsters and Dark Matter,
and on the right, the chests contain 8000 GP and 9000 GP, respectively. No monsters in these. =P Phew. You're
now finished in the sandfall room, so head down and enter the staircase at the bottom of said room.
You're almost
at the end... Have patience. Start by going up the staircase in the center of the room, which leads to a room with three
chests and some moving pits. Actually, the pits don't really move...the room just alternates between two 'phases'. It's
hard to explain...you'll understand when you see it. Basically, the best way to deal with this room is to look for tiles
that *don't* turn into holes in either phase, then use that opportunity to grab the chests and cross over to the two
staircases. The chests here contain three very valuable items: a Ribbon, a HairOrnament, and a Protect Ring, and surprisingly,
none of them have monsters inside! Before going down either staircase, however, let yourself fall down any of the pits,
and you'll land in an sealed room with a chest containing an Elixir. After getting it, go through the upper door,
and head right through the secret passage to get two chests containing 10000 GP and a Cottage, then head back to the left.
A chest in another secret passage this way holds monsters and an Earth Hammer, whereas another secret passage nearby
leads back to the area just below the room with the moving pits. Climb back up to the room in question, and first, take
the stairs on the right. One chest here contains a large sum of money (12000 GP, to be exact), and another contains monsters
and a Dark Matter. After getting them, return once again to the pit room, and this time, go left. The chests here contain
an Elixir and another Dark Matter (with...yep, yoy guess it, monsters). But these're the last of the chests here! Yaaay!
Head up the staircase here, and you'll find the Lithograph on an altar in the next room. Yes, you're *finally* done
with the entire pyramid! =P
After taking the lithograph, the floor begins to rise up, and you'll end up outside,
on the very top of the pyramid. As soon as you arrive here, the ground begins to shake, and you're shown a scene of the
bird-shaped peninsula sinking into the ocean, and a dragon rising from up from where it once was... This is Bahamut,
King of the Dragons... He flies to the pyramid, but instead of attacking you, he merely states that he'll be waiting for
you on the North Mountains, then flies off. After he's gone, Faris notices something in the distance...a ship! There's
a short scene of a ship sailing up and docking on the shore near Surgate, and back at the pyramid, you regain control.
done here (for now), so just leave, and head back towards the Ancient Library. Along the way, you'll pass through the Elder
Tree's Forest again, where you'll be stopped by a flying dragon, which lands, deposits an unconscious Reina on the
ground, then flies off. Your team immediately runs over to see if Reina is all right, but as soon as you approach her,
she stands up and states that "this body is mine"! Someone (I have no idea who) then shouts that Reina is possessed
by Mellusion, one of the demons that was sealed in the N-Zone! To make matters worse, your old buddy X-Death also picks
this moment to show up for his usual round of taunts. His first order of business is to "cook that turtle", which he does...by
sucking the entire Ancient Library into the Void! (See why I told you to get MP Song as soon as possible? ;) X-Death
then orders Mellusion to kill you, and taunts you about having to fight your friend. Fortunately, the little dragon returns
and apparently sacrifices itself, which causes the demon to leave Reina's body. Seeing an opportunity, Bartz and the
others attack!
- Boss Battle - Mellusion - Lv: 29 HP: 20000 Weakness: Fire (At beginning
of battle)
Mellusion is immune to physical attacks (even $toss does 0 damage) as well as any elements other than
Fire, Ice, and Lightning. She'll be weak against one of these, and absorb the other two; when she uses WallChange, her
weakness shifts. There are essentially two ways to win here. Either scan her whenever she does WallChange, then cast
a spell of the appropriate element (Fire 3, Ice 3, and Bolt 3 are your best options right now); or cast non-elemental
spells, like Comet and Blow Fish. Defeat her for 20 ABP.
Once Mellusion is dead, X-Death disappears. Reina then wakes
up, babbles something about "the darkness consuming her", then rejoins your party. You're then automatically returned
to the world map. Oh, and you might wanna consider doing something about Reina, who rejoins the party dead. ^_^
since you've got noplace left to report to, you're gonna have to find something else to do, so you might as well head for
the ship that docked near Surgate -- it belongs to you, anyway. =P As soon as you board it, the ship takes flight,
and the team begins talking about X-Death and the 12 sealed weapons, among other things. Meanwhile, in the heart of the
N-Zone, X-Death is having fun with his new little toy, and decides to test it further. He sucks Walz and Easterly in
the Void, and the scene shifts back to the airship, where Bartz screams for him to stop. If anything, though, X-Death
just gets more heartless, as his next two targets are Moogle Village and Rikks, Bartz's hometown! At this, Bartz completely
loses it, and starts flying the airship across the world at super speed for no particular reason. After a moment, his
friends are able to calm him down... Thankfully, X-Death doesn't suck anything else into the Void, so the world is safe...
But for how long...? You now regain control of the airship...
--- "The Land Unknown" ---
Why'd they have to add that irritating propellor sound? ^_^ Anyway, now that you have the airship, you've got pretty
much the full run of the world. You still can't get to a couple places, though (such as the huge desert on the east
side of the world and the cave near Easterly, neither of which have anyplace to land), and your submarine seems to have
mysteriously vanished, so there's no more underwater travel. For a while, anyway. Finally, your dragon and black chocobo
have also vanished, but you can get them both back really easily. Now down to the...err...good stuff. I guess. Most
of the areas from the previous two worlds are still here, but there're a few that aren't. Here's the lowdown of what's
no longer accessable, not counting areas that were already destroyed:
- As you already know, Tycoon Castle, the
Ancient Library, Walz, Easterly Village, Rikks, and Moogle Village were all sucked into the void. Nothing
remains of them except huge black holes where they once were. - X-Death's Castle is gone, but the N-Zone entrance is pretty
close to where it used to be. - The caves connecting Val and the Big Bridge seem to have mysteriously
vanished. Too bad, too, since the "Gilgame's Hoard" sub-quest would've been a lot easier in the third world. -
The little tunnel near Lugor where you rescued the moogle in the second world is gone, as is the small forest where
you first met the moogle. Actually, the forest is still there, you just can't enter it. - What remained of Moore
Forest is now gone; all that's left is a small forest west of the desert where the Elder's Tree is. - The Sand
Tides have stopped flowing, so there's no more need to enter. You can now just walk through the desert. - Speaking
of the desert, the Ship Graveyard has been covered by the one in the northeast. Good riddance, I say. - The north
entrance to Jacohl Cave (the one in the mountains) was covered up by Val Castle. Actually, this is to your benefit...
(See the "Cave to the Locked Basement" sub-quest.) - The underground ruins where you found the airship are covered
up by the appearance of a tower from the second world. You can open it again later, however. - Both
chocobo forests (the one near Crescent Town, and the one on the forest island north of Moore Village) are gone
without a trace. - The Big Bridge, while still in existance, can't actually be entered anymore. In fact, it
doesn't really even connect to anything now. - All the meteorites are now gone. They're not needed, anyhow.
now for some exploration. From here, pretty much everything is a sub-quest, but I'm considering the quests to find the
other three lithographs (and the 12 sealed weapons) to be mandatory, which is why they're listed in the main walkthrough.
If you want to beat the game right now, be my guest -- you can enter the N-Zone at any time by flying over the "Void
Hole" where Tycoon Castle once was, but you'll probably, to quote a friend of mine, "get your ass handed to you" if you
try it at this early stage. ^_^
If you'd like to gather some assorted items and spells, see the "Odds and Ends"
sub-quest. There're two other sub-quests you can also do right now ("Mirages", and "Cave to the Locked Basement"), and
with Reina back on the team, you'll probably want to loot the pyramid, but ultimately, you're gonna want to head for
Kuza Castle, which is located in the place where X-Death was sealed in the first world.
- Kuza Castle - Treasures:
Excalibur, Assassin, Sasuke, Holy Lance, Rune Axe, Masamune,
Yoichi's Bow, Fire Bute, Sage Staff, Magus Rod, Apollo Harp,
Earth Bell
When you enter, you'll find the group of scholars at the entrance hall, which are the same ones you met
*waaaay* back at the Wind Shrine. Most will give you clues as to where the other Lithographs are found, one will bring out
a jar of healing water he brought from the shrine (which you can use to restore HP and MP), and the head scholar in the
center of the room will read you the Sealed Book if you ask him to.
Head upstairs, through the halls, and you'll
eventually reach the room where the 12 sealed weapons are...well...sealed! Place the Lithograph on the glowing altar,
and you'll be told that you can unseal three of the weapons for each Lithograph you bring here. There're four total, meaning
you'll eventually be able to get all the items here. Have a look at all the sealed weapons (which are listed above),
then take the three that you like. I suggest that the first ones you take be Excalibur, Masamune, and either the Assassin
Knife or the Holy Lance, but it's up to you. (Note that "Apolon Harp" is really the Apollo Harp, and "Ninja Blade" is really
the Sasuke Knife...wonderful translation, no? Oh, and for the...ehem..."lazy", the Fire Bute is a whip. ^_^) After
you've picked out your three weapons, the Lithograph shatters, and you're finished here for the time being. As you start
to leave, there'll be a short scene at the N-Zone, where X-Death sends his monsters out to try and stop you from claiming
the 12 sealed weapons. (...Why bother? If I were him, I'd just suck Kuza Castle into the Void and be done with it.
But I suppose that'd be too easy. =P)
One last thing of note is that if you came here in the second world, you may notice
a bizarre new enemy here. It's not a mini-boss (since you can enounter them as random enemies), but it's...a palette swap
of X-Death! It's called an "X-DethSoul"; I'm not too sure if there's anything special about them, but they always
drop Dark Matter when defeated, and for some reason, the background music of Kuza Castle continues to plays when you fight
them. *shrug* Just leave the castle.
--- "The Forgotten Temple" ---
Back on the world map, your next
mission is to find the second lithograph. Your only clue to its whereabouts are in the Sealed Book, but it shouldn't be
too overly difficult to find. The clue states that it's "on an island temple", right? Well, remember back in the first
world, there was a temple on an island completely surrounded by mountains with no possible way in? That's where the
Lithograph is. Luckily for you, the Big Bridge happened to appear right over that very island, which gives you a way to
- Island Shrine - Treasures: 12000 GP, 9000 GP, Ether x2, Elixir, Razor Ring, Protect Ring,
CrystalHelmt, Beast Killer, Circlet, Dragon Fang, Dark Matter
Ugh. This place is almost as annoying as the pyramid.
It's not that it's particularly big, or that it's designed as a maze, it just has some incredibly annoying monsters
in it. The purple-robed Druids can use all four of the L.# spells. This can be beneficial if you haven't learn them yet,
but since this is *all* they use, they can mess you up pretty badly. The giant birds called "Tote Avis" are also noteworthy,
as they have over 30,000 HP (not a typo), and no weaknesses. If you encounter them, you're probably better off running
away. The one good thing about them is that you can steal Ab Splitters from them, which are fairly strong bows (though
not as strong as Yoichi's Bow). The other enemies here are pretty ordinary, but those two are enough to make this
place a chore. ^_^
Anyhow, at the entrance, walk up and examine the door. As with the pyramid, the Sealed Book reacts,
and the two nearby gargoyle statues rise and attack you. They're the same as the ones you fought at the pyramid, so it's
not necessary to give a strategy here. After you defeat them, the door opens, and you're granted entrance.
up through the door, and in the next room, follow a secret passage up through the wall on the right to reach a hidden
chest containing 12000 GP. After getting it, go back the way you just came, go down the stairs to the left, and stand
in front of the tube, which sucks you through a series of pipes until you eventually come out in a doorless room with
two switches. The switches here, when flipped, change the vacuum currents of the tube you came out of. Or something
like that. Whatever the case, there're four different places you can end up, depending on the positions of the two switches.
Needless to say, you won't get very far if neither of the switches are flipped, as this just causes you to get sucked back
to the room you just came from. If both switches are flipped, you'll end up in a room with a chest containing 9000
GP. If only the right switch is flipped, the tube spits you out in a room with another chest, this one containing an Elixir.
Finally, if only the left switch is flipped, you'll be sent to a room with a chest and a door. The door leads further
in, while the chest contains... monsters. Even better, it's a mini-boss! Yay! =P
- Boss Battle - Invisible -
Lv: 52 HP: 7000
A pretty normal battle. After a while, he splits into two; both attack, but only one
can be hit at a time. Still, not too tough; just stay healed and use whatever attacks suit you. You win 5ABP and no items.
Boss Battle - Pantera - Lv: 42 HP: 18000 Weakness: Fire
Once in a while, you'll fight this
thing instead of Invisible. It's much tougher; it splits into three images early on in the battle, and they keep hitting
you with Blaster, which can paralyze or kill you. Only one of them is the real one, and the other two can't be damaged;
however, the real one will stay in the same place throughout the battle. Don't waste time here; use a group attack
to locate the real one, then blast it with Fire 3. You get 5 ABP and no items; nothing more than you'd get from Invisible.
Since this fight is much harder, I recommend just running away and checking the chest again to fight Invisible instead.
defeating either enemy, you'll get the contents of the chest: a Razor Ring, the second of only two "icon-less" thief/ninja
weapons. It's basically a greatly upgraded version of the Moonring, so if you have any Thieves or Ninjas in your team,
be sure to give this to them.
Ok, enough talk about a single treasure. Head through the door, which leads to the
usual 'small room with a save point'. Save if you'd like, then proceed forward, and you'll end up in a big wide-opened
room. There're three chests here: The one directly above the entrance contains monsters and a Protect Ring, the one
on the right side of the room (through a secret passage) contains a CrystalHelmt, and the easy-to-get one on the left
side of the room only contains an Ether. Take them, then go around to the upper left and take the staircase. There's
a secret passage on the right side of this room that leads directly to the staircase, but unfortunately, you can't actually
*use* it, since there's a hidden pit directly in front of it that drops you down to an out-of-the-way place on the previous
floor. Just ignore it, and enter the nearby door, in which you'll find a single chest that has the Beast Killer, a strong
whip, inside it. After claiming the treasure, go back out and walk around the left side of the narrow room. There's actually
nothing at all on down the right hall, so just go up the stairs when you reach them.
The room you end up in
is empty, but the one that follows it has a couple chests in it. The one on the left has another Ether inside it, while
the one on the right contains a Dragon Fang. Both chests have hidden pits on the space directly below them, so if you
want them, take them from above or from the side. And don't bother with the two staircases on either side of the room,
as all they're for is a way out of an empty room you end up in if you fall in one of the pits near the chests. Just go
up through the door in the center. After another small save point room, you'll be in the room where the lithograph
is (though you could probably have figured that one out, considering the change in music. =P)
Instead of just rushing
in the central room, however, check the corridors on the sides of it to find chests containing a Dark Matter and a Circlet,
respectively. Once you've gotten them, go up through the door, and you'll find the Lithograph sitting on an alter.
When you go to take it, though, one of X-Death's servants appears to make things more difficult for you.
- Boss
Battle - Stoker - Lv: 7 HP: 20000
Depending on your luck, this battle could be very easy, or very hard.
Yes, there *are* four Stokers here, and at first, all are valid targets. However, after any of them are hit once, the
battle changes, and only one of them will take damage. Furthermore, this one vulnerable target changes *very* frequently...we're
talking it'll sometimes change three times in a row, before you can even *move*! =P (You'll know when it does this when
one of them 'flashes', but no attack follows.) So basically, you only have two choices: you can either use physical
attacks and hope you hit the right target, or you can try mass attacks, which guarantee a hit. The choice sounds obvious,
but watch out, as if hit with the latter, Stoker counters with the "Dark" Blaze, sometimes 2-4 times successively. While
it only does 250 or so damage per hit, this can quickly add up, especially considering it also slowly decreases your
HP. If you intend to fight Stoker this way, I suggest casting Shell on all allies first (or better, just cast Guardian
if you know it). As for the others of the Stokers' attacks...well, it doesn't have that many, and they aren't that
strong at all. Its only noteworthy attack is Mind Blast, and only for the reason that your Blue Mages can learn it,
since it isn't that damaging, either. The last thing of note here is that you can steal a Dark Matter from each of the
Stokers, and it's fairly easy to do so. It may take a while, but since all four Stokers share the same HP, you'll
eventually defeat it, and earn 20 ABP for your troubles.
Once this demon is out of the way, you're free to take the
lithograph. Upon doing so, however, there's a reaction. The scene shifts over to Fork Tower, (the southern tower from
the second world that ended up outside Crescent Town when the worlds merged) and the barrier surrounding the entrance drops. You're
then told that powerful white and black magics exist there, but that you must take them at the same time, or they'll explode.
(Actually, I think they meant "or the *tower* will explode". Love this translation. =P) Whatever the case, you'll
get the second lithograph after the dialogue ends. There's nothing else you need here, so use Telepo to escape, claim your
three sealed weapons from Kuza Castle, then head for that tower!
--- "Seperation and Reunion" ---
Tower is a strange place. Without any actual info, you may not make it very far, so it'd probably be a good idea to go
clue hunting at the nearby Crescent Town first.
- Crescent Town - Treasures: None
There's not much going
on around here now, but a couple old ladies tell you about some old legends about tower; they might be more helpful if
their dialogue was properly translated, though. One mentions that "the tower on the right is the tower of power", and
that "no amount of strength can save you". Another one mentions that the tower on the *left* is the "tower of power",
and that "no amount of magic can save you". These're clues to the tower, but I think the first "tower of power" should've
been the "tower of magic". You'll see why in a minute.
In addition to those 'helpful' old ladies, there's
someone else of note here. Somewhere around the east side of town, you'll find your old friend Mid, who appears to
be running around in a panic. Talking to him reveals that the tower appeared right over the entrance to the ruins, and
as a result, Cid is trapped underground! You'll be remedying that problem soon enough, though, so don't worry about
it. Just head for the tower.
- Fork Tower - Treasures: Ether, Potion, Wonder Wand, Defender, Holy (White Magic),
Flare (Black Magic)
If you tried to come here before
completing the Island Shrine, you were stopped cold by a forcefield. Now that it's gone, you're free to enter and search
for the powerful white and black magics said to have been sealed here. Head straight up towards the two portals, and your
team, knowing full well that the results will be disastrous if the two spells aren't taken at the same time, decide
to split up. Keeping in mind what the two ladies at Crescent Town said, send two magic users through the portal on the
left, and two fighters through the portal on the right. Once all your characters have been assigned a path, the game
switches to the team that went left.
This tower is really linear, and both sides are symmetrical, so you should have
no trouble getting through here. Heck, it's not too hard to get through either tower with only a single character. =P
On the "Magic" side, the enemies, as you'd expect, should *only* be attacked with magic. Physical attacks will damage
them, but most will counter with Meteo, which will almost certainly kill you. Anyhow, climb up the tower, collecting the
chests along the way to get an Ether and a Wonder Wand, and at the top, the scene will switch to those who went to
the right.
You should be familiar with this path...it's exactly the same as the one you just went through, only
a different color, and it's reversed. As you'd figure, the enemies here are also the opposite. Only physical attacks should be
used against them, as they'll counter spells with four strong physical attacks. Though it's nothing compared to the damage
of Meteo, it's still best not to screw around here. Along the way, you'll find chests containing a Potion, and a Defender
(nice strong sword!), and once you reach the top, there'll be a brief conversation between the two teams regarding the
timing. The right team goes up to take the magic, and they, of course, get attacked.
- Boss Battle - Minitaurus
- Lv: ?? HP: 19850
I guess this guy is the Bludgeoner's "Brother in the tower". Anyways, this battle
is harder than it seems. The Minotaur's attacks are strong (500 to 600 damage worth), and you're unable to use magic here
*at all*, meaning you're stuck using lousy non-magical healing methods (like Potions). Also, if you've got someone
equipped with the Excalibur, swap it with the Defender you just found. The Minotaur absorbs holy attacks, and the Excalibur
(which is Holy elemental) will actually heal it! Other than that, there's not a whole lot to say here... Just keep
attacking, and try to stay alive. Or, you can beat him the cheap way: Change into a Knight with the Counter ability, or
a Monk with Guard, and just keep using Guard for the whole battle. Since he only uses physical attacks, you won't take
any damage, and you'll counter his attacks. =P Be careful, though, since countering takes you out of Guard status,
so if he hits you again before your turn, you'll take damage. This is rare, though, and it shouldn't be a problem if you
equip a Protect Ring; if it happens a second time, you'll have regenerated enough to survive. With this setup, you
can beat him with a single character! =P At the end of the battle, Minitaurus will try casting Holy on you, but
he doesn't have enough MP. =P You'll get 20 ABP for winning.
After the battle, you'll obtain Holy, the ultimate
white magic, and the scene will shift to the team on the left, who, upon trying to take the magic on that side, *also*
gets attacked.
- Boss Battle - Omniscient - Lv: 53 HP: 16999 Weakness: Wind
to the previous battle, this one is actually *easier* than it seems. Magic doesn't seem to do much damage to Omniscient,
but the reason for that is simply because he starts the battle in "Shell" status. Dispel will fix this. ^_^ With
his defense back to normal, blast him with Aero3, as his weakness is wind; Fire3, Ice3, and Bolt3 are also effective.
Another reason this battle is so easy is because Omniscient won't actually start attacking for several rounds. Usually,
he'll just cast status enhancing spells on himself, which can all be removed with Dispel. The only things to watch
out for are that after he's done pumping himself up, Omniscient *will* start using powerful attack spells on you. And at
the end of the battle, he casts Flare, which, unlike the Minitaurus's attempt at Holy, *does* work. It does 2000+ damage
(if the target isn't protected by Shell), so it just might kill the one it hits... Again, you'll get 20 ABP for winning.
When the wizard is dead, you'll receive Flare, the ultimate Black Magic, and the tower will quietly disappear...
on the world map, Fork Tower and the little desert it was sitting in are both gone, allowing you to enter the underground
ruins again. Board your airship and head down there. When you arrive, take the staircase in the center of the main room,
and you'll find Cid, who appears to be "going for a spin" on one of the wheel devices. =P Bartz gets the old man
down off of it, and a moment later, Mid runs in. Cid then announces that he found a book with some new technology in
it...how to convert an airship into a submarine! Bartz gives them the thumbs up on this project, and the two scientists
rush off to do their job. There's another of those "Ten Cids and Mids are working on the airship in fast motion" scenes,
and a bit later, Mid walks up on the deck and announces to Krile (who's currently the only one here) that they're just
about done. There's a bit of dialogue between the two, where Mid says that Cid believes it's his fault that the world
is the way it is, and that he wants to make things right by using his inventions for peace. They talk a bit more, then
Cid and the others show up, and Cid tells them that he's finished with the upgrade. He then explains the controls of the
airship/sub transformation, which is pretty much the same as when you travelled to Ronka Ruins back in the first world.
The only difference being that the up/down arrows appear when you press the X button on the ocean, rather than in the
air. Afterwards, he wishes you luck, and the airship takes off, accompanied by some heroic music.
"The Ocean Floor" ---
Now that you have the Submarine back, you'll have access to several more areas. First off,
the Great Sea Trench, which is the lone dot in the middle of the ocean on the far east side of the world. (You may have
seen it in the second world, but were unable to enter it.) This is where the third lithograph is, but you might wanna
put that off for a second. Other areas you can go include Walz Tower (See "The Lost Shard" in the sub-quests section),
an undersea cave near Karnak (which is mentioned in the "Odds and Ends" sub-quest), and a cave in the north that you should
just ignore for the time being. When you've had your fill of undersea exploration, head for the Great Sea Trench.
Great Sea Trench - Treasures: Ether, Phoenix Down, Water Skill, Dragon Fang, Fire Ring,
KaisrKnuckle, Meteo (Time Magic)
A little ways inside the cave, you'll come to the usual sight: A door with two
gargoyles in front of it that attack when you try to pass. Defeat them, and the Sealed Book will open the door for you.
Compared to the Pyramid and the Island Shrine, the Great Sea Trench is actually fairly short, but the "Unknown"
monsters here are quite annoying. For one thing, they're all pretty resistant to physical attacks, meaning you'll
have little choice but to stick with magic. Holy is effective against them, as is Requiem (they're all undead). Also, under
no circumstances should you *ever* use physical attacks against one of the drooling pink demons! They'll counter with
"Possess", which kills them, but also removes the attacker from battle, preventing him/her from gaining Exp or ABP! Should you
encounter a group of them, try using Water Skills plus any third level attack spells to wipe them all out. A little ways
in, you'll also encounter enemies that appear to be hanging skeletons. These things can use Condemned, one of the Blue
Magics, so pick it up if you missed it earlier. They also have high HP and the same annoying defense, but can be killed
with a single casting of Holy.
Anyway, from the entrance, head all the way to the right until you come to a fork
in the road. Head south a little ways to get a chest containing a Water Skill, then continue to the right and go down the
staircase, which leads to a small room with a save point in it. Save if you'd like, then go on to the next room below.
Here, flip the nearby skull switch to make a bridge appear over the lava, then cross over and proceed to the right. The
skull switch here actually *breaks* the bridge above it, so don't push it, or you'll end up having to go all the way
around the room. There's nothing over there anyway, so just cross the bridge and go up the stairs.
This next room
has a bunch of skull switches in it, but all except one of them, the one in the upper right corner of the room, cause
pits to appear below you when pressed. The lone exception causes a bridge to appear in the upper left corner of the
room, which leads to a chest containing a valuable Fire Ring. After you get it, you have two options for reaching the floor
below. The first is to take the staircase in the lower right corner of the room, but this puts you on a cliff near
a river of lava, which you have no choice but to walk across. (You'll take *massive* damage, but it can be negated
with a Geomancer or his Antitrap ability.) The other choice is to flip one of the "pit" switches, which also dump you
to the floor below. The two on the right side of the room drop you into little pools of lava, but the two on the left
don't. Press either of them, and you won't have to set foot in the lava at all.
Whatever you decide to do, in
the room you end up in, grab the chest at the top of the room to get a Dragon Fang, then go down the staircase below it and
to the right. Even if you were able to avoid having to walk in the lava a bit ago, you'll have no choice here, as the entire
room is filled with it. Give someone the Antitrap ability (or put a Geomancer in your team), and trek out into it.
There's a chest on a ledge in the lower part of the room containing an Ether, but where you really want to go is up the
steps to the right. Cross over the raised platform, and you'll have to walk down through more lava. At the fork, going
left gets you a chest containing a Phoenix Down, while going right leads you to the next staircase.
Well, well!
This's a surprise! Instead of another annoying enemy and lava filled battlefield, you seem to have entered a small underground
village... the village of the dwarves! There's a save point in the center of the room, a shop selling powerful weapons
and armor in the room on the right (which is pretty much the same stuff sold at Mirage Village, minus a few things; talk
to the merchant from the front or back to buy armor, and from the sides to buy weapons), and some dwarves in the room
on the left that will inform you about the white water spring, which will allow you to recharge your Magic Lamp! Also,
if you go down the long tunnel to the left, you'll find a dwarf who mentions that there seems to be something strange
just above him. You're then shown a shot of the world map (the item), and the "location marker" is all the way over
on the long, thin continent west of Crescent Town. This is actually a clue to find Mirage Village. (Though you've probably
already been there if you're following this FAQ. =P) When you're done here, exit through the stairs in the central part
of the village, and you'll end up in a spring with white water. This is what those dwarves mentioned just a second ago.
If your Magic Lamp's power has been used up, stepping in these waters will recharge it instantly! Whether you need this
feature or not, though, you'll have to enter the water, as the cave leading deeper underground is behind the small
waterfall here.
You're almost at the end now, but there's still one more lava-filled room to deal with. As if that
and the monsters weren't bad enough already, this one also seems to be a *puzzle* room! The chest on the ledge just right
of where you came in opens the door next to it, but since the room behind it is filled with lava, you just end up getting
pushed back by doing this. To the right of this place is another chest, which is behind a closed door that can be opened
by flipping the skull switch on the cliff on the far right side of the room. It contains KaisrKnuckles, an accessory which
increases your hit rate. After getting it, head straight down, and flip the skull switches in this order: lower-left,
upper-left, lower-right. This causes the lava behind the door near the chest to drain. After doing this, you can open the
door without being pushed back, allowing you to enter the room with the lithograph in it.
In the lithograph
room, you won't even get a chance to *touch* the artifact before more of X-Death's henchmen show up...
- Boss Battle
- Triton - Lv: 37 HP: 13333 Weakness: Ice Nergade - Lv: 20 HP: 13333
Weakness: Fire Phobos - Lv: 39 HP: 13333 Weakness: Earth
Think of this as a variant
of the now-familiar Gargoyle battle. If you don't kill all three of the monsters at the same time, the dead ones will revive
at full HP. What's more, when they do, they'll use "Delta Attack" to turn a character to stone. Moral of the story:
Kill them all at once. Requiem is *extremely* useful here; if you give two or three characters the Sing ability, you'll
defeat them very quickly. Be careful, though; they have some powerful spells. Cast Guardian to make things easier. You'll
get the usual 20 ABP for winning.
Following the battle, you'll obtain the third lithograph, as well as Meteo, the
ultimate Time Magic (which the game mistakenly refers to as a monster). Unless you have some unknown reasons for staying
here, I suggest you leave as soon as possible. Isn't Telepo great? ^_^
--- "Behind the Falls" ---
Sealed Book's clue to the location of the last lithograph should be very obvious: it's at Easterly Falls. The way of actually
*getting* there, though, isn't quite so clear, as neither the airship nor the black chocobo have any room to land
in the small desert near the falls. So what do you do? Well, a bit ago, when you first got the submarine back, I mentioned
an undersea cave in the north that I suggested you just ignore. It's the same cave from a the second world which used
to lead to the Chocobo Forest, only now it leads up to the desert next to Easterly Falls. Since it was just used for
a sub-quest back then, though, you may not have actually come here. It's just a small tunnel with no chests or anything
in it that leads directly to the surface. The monsters here are fairly strong, but they really shouldn't be anything
you can't handle. Anyway, once you're back on the world map, walk behind the falls to enter the last of the lithograph
- Easterly Falls - Treasures: Ether, Phoenix Down, Turtle Shell, Giant Drink, 12000 GP,
Air Lancet, Rune Edge, Wall Ring, MagiShuriken, Double Ax,
Protect Ring, Aegis Shield, Enchanter, Artemis, Leviathan(Summon)
This time, the entrance is right in front of you.
By now, you should know the routine: Defeat the pair of gargoyles, and the door will open with the help of the Sealed
Book. Go inside.
In my opinion, this is probably the least annoying of the four lithograph sites. It's long, sure,
but there're no weird puzzles here, and the enemies, with one exception, are all fairly simple to beat. Just about everything
here is weak to Bolt, so a Black Mage with Bolt3 or a Ninja with Lightning Skills will be able to make short work
of the enemies. The Mercury Bats have a high evade rate, but their HP is so low that a single Fire/Water/Lightning Skill
or a third level spell will instantly kill them. They can also use Red Feast, but I see no real reason why you shouldn't
already know this skill. =P The only enemy I can envision anyone having trouble with are Tonberries (which are
called "Dinglberries" in this game, for some odd reason O_o). They have just under 40,000 HP, and after a while, they'll
start using ridiculously powerful attacks which can kill a Monk at full HP in one hit. Furthermore, physical attacks
tend to be a bit unreliable against them. The best thing to do if you meet one of these things is just to run away. Either that,
or try Odin, which *can* kill them. =P They may drop Mirage Vests when you beat them.
But enough about the monsters.
From the entrance, climb up the steps just above you, then jump down either of the small waterfalls to get to the ledge below.
(Note that you can jump into *any* of the waterfalls here in order to reach lower ledges, but of course, it's a one-way
trip.) Now head left a little ways, then climb up all the steps to reach a chest containing a Turtle Shell. After
getting it, climb back down and go left, up, then down a waterfall to get the other chest in the immediate area, which
holds an Ether. There's no reason to go back to the left, as the long flight of steps there just leads to a dead end,
so climb the stairs on the far right instead. There's a door here, but skip it for a second and go over to the right
to grab the Air Lancet from the chest at the bottom of the staircase. Once you get it, backtrack and enter the door you
just passed. (Oh yeah... If you want to leave the cave, the waterfalls around here will lead almost directly back to
the entrance.)
It doesn't matter which route you take in this narrow passageway, but I suggest going right first.
The chest on the hill near there contains a Giant Drink, and by going through a secret passage just below the hill (which
you can see as you approach it), you can find a hidden chest containing a Rune Edge. After getting both items, go
back through the door you just came from, (ignoring the steps on the left for now) and this time, take left staircase, which
leads to what seems to be a dead end. Walk down a little bit, though, and you'll see a secret passage going down through
the rock towards a waterfall. Ride it down to a small lake, then walk left and get out of the water. (Note that there's
a flight of steps leading to higher ground on the right side of the room, but this path just takes you back to the steps
I told you to ignore a second ago. In other words, it leads right back to the chests where the Giant Drink and Rune
Edge were.) Back on dry land, walk up along the narrow path until you come across a skull switch and a chest blocked
by a waterfall. Pressing the switch causes the waterfall to stop, but it restarts again after only two seconds. The only
way to get past it in that time is to use the thief's "Dash", which will get you to the chest with time to spare. Open
it quickly to get a Protect Ring, then run back to the left before the waterfall restarts (or just let it sweep you back
down to the lake below and work your way back to land) and climb down the lower staircase to the next room.
gets a bit less complex here. Start by heading left until you hit a fork in the road, go up to get a Phoenix Down from
the chest, then go down until you reach a second set of crossroads. Going down the lower left path leads to a chest
containing a Wall Ring, while the one on the right leads to a staircase leading to one of those very familiar tiny save
point rooms. One thing of note is that you may have seen another chest on a distant peninsula when you picked up the
Wall Ring. You can't reach it from this room, but you'll be able to get it in a little while, so don't worry about it.
Save your game if you'd like, then continue on.
This next section is, for some reason, darker than the other rooms.
It shouldn't make exploration any more difficult, though -- it isn't *that* dark here, and there's a ring of light
around your character. (In fact, if the "dark room" bug still exists in emulators, you might not even notice the difference
if you're playing the ROM.) Anyway, head down until you come to a cave entrance just next to the edge of the cliff. It
leads to a small room with a single chest in it that holds the "Artemis" (Yes, just "Artemis"), the best bow in the
game. Its power exceeds even that of Yoichi's Bow...be sure to get it! Leave the room, and head left after climbing down
the cliff. Be careful of the hidden pitfall just below the long narrow hall to the north though. Use Findhole to locate
it, then just walk around it. At the end of this path, you'll come out near the chest you saw earlier, but couldn't
reach. It contains the Enchanter, a good sword. Get it, then go all the way back down and grab the 12000 GP from the chest
at the very bottom of the room. After getting all three chests in this area, either climb down the staircase near the
room where you found the Artemis Bow, or jump down the pitfall.
Whatever you decided to do, you'll end up in a
big empty room with a three more chests in it. Take the two upper chests to get a MagiShuriken and an Aegis Shield,
but *only* try to get them from the front, as when they're opened, spikes pop out of the ground above and on both sides
of them, and you'll take damage if you get impaled by one. The skull switches near the chests will momentarily make
the spikes pop up, though, so you can clearly see which sides to avoid. ^_^ Speaking of spikes and switches, notice
that the lower chest is completely surrounded by spikes? Well, you can lower them by flipping the skull switch near
the chest, but this also causes two holes to appear in the floor where they were. Grab the chest from the right side to
get a Double Ax, then jump in either of the holes to get to the lithograph room.
Here, walk around the "donut-shaped"
platform, and climb down the steps to get the lithograph. No, you won't get attacked...yet. Start to climb up the long
staircase above the altar, though, and you'll be stopped by yet another of X-Death's monsters. Before it gets a chance
to attack you, though, the waterfall behind the demon will part. The sea serpent Leviathan then swims out and kills
it for you. =P At this point, you'll regain control. You can leave now if you want, but go up and talk to Leviathan
first. He'll say that he's willing to answer the call of the ones who can defeat him, then challenges you to a fight.
- Boss Battle - Leviathan - Lv: 37 HP: 40000 Weakness: Bolt
This battle could be
considered a breather after the weird stuff you've been fighting. There's no special tricks here, and Leviathan only seems
able to do two things: Attack physically for about 800 damage, or use "Tidal wave" for 800 or so damage to the entire
team. Careful, though, as he frequently takes two turns in a row. As for what you should do...just cast Bolt3, or have
your Sorcerers use Bolt3 Sword. These attacks do more than 5000 damage, so it shouldn't take many of these to defeat Leviathan.
If you'd like, you can also steal an Elixir from Leviathan. When you win, you'll get a Wall Ring (the first "boss treasure"
in quite some time) and 20 ABP. Also, having defeated Leviathan, he'll keep his promise, and you'll get the Leviathan summon
Well, that's it for this place. Walk around the larger "donut-shaped" platform, and jump in the waterfall
you come to at the end of it to return to the world map.
--- "Final Battle" ---
You should now have
lithographs, so return to Kuza Castle and get the remainder of the 12 sealed weapons. You should have gained several levels over
the past few areas, and with all the new weapons and spells you have, you should be ready to settle things with X-Death
once and for all! Of course, should you desire to make your team even more powerful, you can pay a visit to Mirage
Village to buy some of the best weapons, armor, and spells in the game, and the Black Chocobo can help you get the last
two summon spells from the areas in the northeastern desert. (Sub-quests "The Eternal Phoenix's Flame", and "King
of the Dragons".) Also, if you haven't finished any of the other third world sub-quests, do it now.
Once you've
done everything, and when you feel you're ready, fly over the black hole where Tycoon Castle was. There'll be a Void reaction,
and you'll be sucked into the N-Zone. I hope you're ready, because this place is brutal! (Contrary to popular belief,
though, you *can* leave here. Just examine the airship's wheel, or cast Telepo.)
- N-Zone - Treasures: Ether,
Cottage, Elixir x2, Dragon Fang, Dark Matter, Blood Sword,
Thor'sHammer, Enchanter, Power Rod, Coral Ring, Winged Shoes,
Ribbon, Red Shoes, Prism Dress, Man-eater, Omega Badge
Being the final dungeon, it should come as no surprise that
this place is huge. Strangely, though, it doesn't seem all that "evil". In fact, it just seems to be made up of a bunch
of areas that're similiar to those which have either been sucked into the Void, or are in some other way off limits. I dunno
if it's intentional or not, but that's how it ended up. ^_^ Each 'section' also has its own monsters, which I'll
describe when I get to them.
- Area 1: "Sand Tides" The first part of the N-Zone appears to be a mixture of the
Sand Tides and beach where Hydra dropped you off just before dying back at Walz. There's nothing too special or difficult
about this place, though. The enemies here are all easy, so consider it a warmup. The Centipeelrs and Landsquids can be
dealt with easily by use of L.3 Flare, which will wipe out an entire group of either foe. The Landcrawlrs have a lot of
HP (22000 to be exact) and can use Maelstrom, but there're several simple ways of dealing with them. If you don't
mind the high casting cost, use Aqua Rake. It does over 8000 (!) damage, so three hits with this will kill it. If you decide
you'd rather save MP, though, Condemned will also work. (Of course, you'll have to be patient...) Finally, if you're
lucky, you might be able to steal a Defender from a Landcrawlr. That's pretty much it for the enemies here.
the monsters, the navigation here is also pretty simple. The currents of the shifting sand are little more than conveyor
belts here, and will usually pull you in the right direction. There're no chests here, either, so all you need to do
is make your way to the door at the end. When you try to open it, a bunch of monsters will appear and talk about how they've
been sealed in the N-Zone for centuries. Despite how they may talk, though, none of them actually attacks you -- they
all just disappear. Just go through the door, and you'll end up in an area that resembles nothing less than the Ronka
- Area 2: "Ronka Ruins" The difficulty of the monsters starts to pick up here, but they're still easy
enough to handle, and you can pick up several Blue Magics you may have missed. The DethDealers use Roulette, the Cycloskulls
use Aero 3, the LevelChekrs use all the L.# spells, and the Grenades use Exploder. You can also occasionally win "Rune
Chimes" (a decent bell) from the Cycloskulls. No special tricks are needed to defeat the monsters here; just use physical attacks
and spells, and if you meet an Aquaus, remember that it has inherent reflect status and uses L.4 Quarter when it dies.
You'll start this section in a small room with nothing but a couple of chains in it, which act as a ladder.
Climb down them, and you'll come to a room with four chests in it. The two upper ones contain an Ether and a Cottage,
while the two lower ones contain an Elixir and a Dark Matter. Nothing too special, but get them if you want, then exit
through the door at the bottom of the room. In the next room, climb down the two pairs of chains, then head right until
you come to three more pairs of chains leading back up. The one on the left leads further on, the one on the right leads
to a chest containing another Elixir, and the one in the middle leads to absolutely nothing. The chest on the far right
platform in the following room contains a Blood Sword, and that's pretty much it for this section. Go up through the
door in the middle of the room, then down the chains in the small room it leads to. You'll end up someplace really weird
after this...
- Area 3: "Mirage Village" Perhaps you'll remember a door in Mirage Village that turned the screen
blue, then just closed again? That's where you'll end up after passing through the Ronka Ruins. O_o No, it's
not a convenient shortcut back to the surface, but it *does* seem to be the 'true form' of the village. As some of the
people mentioned when you were there in the real world earlier, time stood still here while in the N-Zone. And sure enough,
it does. You're unable to talk to any of the people here (or play the piano), and the only thing that functions at
all is the healing pot in the basement. Use it if necessary, then just leave the village. There are no monsters or treasures here,
so this is a very short area.
- Area 4: "Moore Forest" Argh! You seem to have ended up in a twisted version of
Moore Forest! And just like in Moore Forest, the enemies here are quite annoying, and show up all too frequently. L.3
Flare is effective enough against the Jestrexes and the mushroom-like MossFungi. It doesn't work against the WhiteFlames,
though; try Odin to kill them quickly. Also, they can use White Wind, which you can learn if you control them.
the entrance, walk to the right, then go up and right again when you reach the tree to get a chest containing a Dragon
Fang. After taking it, head left, up, then right to reach a very big, and very confusing, grove of trees. Because
it's so wide-opened, it's kinda hard to give the *exact* locations of the three chests here, but I'll try. The one located
somewhere on the west edge of the grove contains a Ribbon, the one in the little "indent" in the south (where a single
tree is) contains an Enchanter (a good sword), and the one near southeastern corner contains a Power Rod. A little ways
to the southeast of this chest, you should be able to see a path that leads to a lone tree with a small hole in it. If
you remember what you did in Moore Forest, you should have no problem here. Examine the hole, and a passage will open
below the tree. However, as you try to enter it, the first of the monsters that taunted you upon your arrival will show
up and attack.
- Boss Battle - WoodSprite - Lv: 68 HP: 18000
There must be some sort of trick
to this battle, but I haven't been able to figure out just what it is yet. When attacked physically, the Wood Sprite counters
with Drain, restoring between 500 and 600 HP. Spells are effective, but if you cast any on her, she'll cast Reflect on
herself. Since you're screwed either way, your best bet is to try and get creative here. One way to handle this is
to use non-reflectable spells, such as Comet and Meteo, another way would be to use summons, and the third way would be
to bounce spells off of your own reflect-protected team members. =P Or you could have someone physically attack
with the Bonemail equipped, so that her Drain spell is reversed... =P You can also try using Dispel to get rid of
Wood Sprite's Reflect, but she'll probably just cast it again. Ultimately, this battle will probably proceed very slowly,
but since I don't think the Wood Sprite has any particularly nasty surprises, just stay healthy and you should eventually
win. Your only reward, though, is 20 ABP.
After the battle, proceed through the new opening, and you'll end up in a
dark cave.
- Area 5: "Waterway Cave" As far as the enemies here go, they're pretty annoying. Well, the Shoat
palette swaps called "Sybaritics" are, anyhow. They have a good amount of HP, an annoyingly high evade rate, and like
to use Demon Eye to petrify you. They can be defeated with magic, though. The odd-looking "Ocolus", the Gremalkins,
and the gold "Drgn Grands" are much less dangerous, and can be dealt with by normal means. These seem to be the only enemies
in this part of the N-Zone, so that's about all I have to say.
Unlike the last area, this cave is very linear,
with only one small side path. Climb down the two flights of steps at the entrance, then head all the way across the
narrow ledge to reach a door. Enter it, and you'll be in a small room with a chest on a raised ledge near the center. Open
it to get a valuable (and expensive) Coral Ring, then take the exit on the right, which leads to a small room with a
save point in it. You're *definitely* gonna want to save here, as you'll soon come across a robot that you *don't* want
to mess with! Yes, that little MechaHead-like robot wandering around this part of the cave is Omega, one of this game's
two optional super-bosses, and there's literally a 200% chance that you'll be completely torn apart if you get pulled
into battle with him now. Beating this guy is a sub-quest in itself, so the strategy will be listed there instead. (See
"The Ultimate Battles".) You'll win the Omega Badge, a useless decoration, if you can defeat him, but that just ain't
gonna happen now, so carefully avoid him and continue into the cave entrance on the right, and up through the door.
Area 6: "Ancient Library" I'm not sure why I'm classifying this as a seperate area...it's just one room, and there're
no monsters or treasures here. If you'd like, you can read the two books in the back of the room. One mentions something
about "Gigaflare", which I don't fully understand, and the other talks about Omega and Shinryu, the game's two optional
super-bosses. (Though Shinryu is mistakenly called "Dragon Lord" here.) When you're ready to move on, check the book
on the table. The room will grow dark, and a voice will ring out, telling you that you've activated the "dimensional shift".
You'll then be attacked.
- Boss Battle - Apprehendr - Lv: 59 HP: 22200 Weakness: Fire
guy is more annoying than dangerous. He can cast Mag Hammer to cut your MP in half, and he frequently counters with Drain
(which only did about 150 damage to me) or Toad. He may also counter by casting Protes on himself, so either Dispel
it or stick to magic; Fire 3 is especially effective. The fight shouldn't be too hard, just heal the Toad status when
he hits you with it. It has a tendency to fail, though, and he has low HP for a boss, so this shouldn't be too much
of a problem. =P You'll get 16 ABP and an Ash for winning, and you can steal another Ash from him during the battle.
Um... yay. ^_^
Once the battle is over, step outside the library room, and you'll be on some weird 'floating
castle'. Or something. (By the way, if you want to go back to the cave at this point, just check the book on the table
again and leave through the door. It acts as a 'switch', which affects where you'll end up when you leave the room.)
Area 7: "Suspended Towers" Only two enemies here. One easy, one annoying. The DragonAvises can use Air Wing, and have
7000 HP, but they can be defeated through normal means. You can rarely steal Artemis Bows from them. The Ninjas, on the
other hand, have a nice high evade rate, as well as 5000 HP. Magic works, but not too well, so you'll have to use at
least three spells to kill them. Blah. ^_^ You might like to give somebody Aim to make them a bit easier.
place might look intimidating if you can't see secret passages, but if you can, you'll see that it's a pushover. Completely
linear. Zig-zag across the ledges here, and at the end, you'll arrive at a...rather unusual castle.
- Area 8: "Dimensional
Castle" Lotsa monsters here. At least, compared to the past few areas. =P The SwrdDancers and Death Claws are
easy enough to defeat (and the latter uses Doom Claw), but you might have a bit of trouble with the Iron Giants. They have
quite a bit of HP and no readily exploitable weaknesses. They're worth defeating, though, as they give 2500 Exp, which
ties with the ShieldDrgns back at Kuza Castle for the most experience given by a single enemy. On the roof, you'll
fight more Ninjas, as well as Furies. They like to cast Doom on you, but ironically, they themselves can be killed with
Doom. Or more accurately, L.5 Doom. Finally, if you encounter an enemy called "Yojimbo", steal from it. Usually you'll
just get a Cottage, but if you're persistant or lucky, you may able to steal a Strato, the strongest katana in the game, from
it. (But IMO, Masamune is still better because of its special effect.)
Hmm... For such a small castle, this place is
surprisingly big (that didn't make sense, did it?), and it's home to a whole bunch of X-Death's more powerful minions.
Start your trek through this demon's nest by taking the lower doors on both the left and right halls, which both lead to
small towers containing a single chest. The tower on the left holds Thor'sHammer, the best axe in the game, while the
one on the right has a pair of Winged Shoes in it. (You can just ignore the two upper doors on the side halls, though,
as they both lead to empty dead ends.) The staircase in the center of the room can be ignored as well, since the door at
the top is locked from the other side. Go down the stairs in the back, and you'll end up in a prison.
lots of people here, but they're all a bunch of phonies. Before trying to pick fights, though, go over to the cell on the
lower left and talk to the guy who looks like a more exotically dressed X-Death. He'll ask you if you're the ones who
possess the crystal shards, and if you say yes, he'll decide that "you must die".
- Boss Battle - Azulmagia -
Lv: 57 HP: 27900 Weakness: Poison
He uses pretty much every Blue Magic, so if you've missed
any, you can try to get them here. Well, I don't think you can get White Wind, but you can learn Guardian by casting
Reflect on him before he uses it; then it gets reflected to one of your characters, and you'll learn it. =P Besides
learning Blue Magic, you can also steal from him; most of the time, you'll get an Elixir, but once in a while, you'll
get a Giant's Glove. If you want this, bring someone with Time Magic and cast Return if you steal an Elixir; it shouldn't
take too many tries. Anyways, for actually damaging him, don't cast any Aero spells; they won't do any damage. Try Bio
Sword or any of the big-damage attacks. Use Dispel if he casts Guardian. Speaking of which, if you already *have*
Guardian, use it! Haste 2 is good, as well. Try to kill him quickly; you don't want him to use White Wind and heal up
most of the damage you did to him, now do you? =P Also, if you use any of your Blue Magic on him, he'll "learn"
it and will start using it in the battle. If you're getting desperate, you can try to take advantage of this by using
Exploder on him and letting him learn it; when he uses it in you, he'll blow himself up, and you'll win. =P Other
than that little trick, there's not much to say about this battle... You'll get 22 ABP when you beat him.
Azulmagia is defeated, there'll be a flash of light, then a save point appears where he once stood. Save your game, then
head right. See those old men running around the cells with the chests in them? Predictably, they're monsters. And
unfortunately, if you want the chests they're guarding, you'll probably have to defeat them all...
- Boss Battle
- Alte Roit - Lv: 58 HP: 6000 JuraAvis - Lv: 61 HP: 15000 <Replaces Alte Roit
when his HP hits 0>
Kill Alte Roit fast; he can use Encircle to remove a character from the battle. Cast Return
when this happens. (Or reset if he used it on your Time Mage =P) After he transforms into JuraAvis, use Odin; even though
he's a boss, VengSwrd works on him. O_o There's not really much strategy here, just keep hitting him. Alte Roit just
has a Tonic to steal, while JuraAvis has a Turtle Shell. Although this is nice, there are easier ways to get them, so
don't worry about stealing, just end this quickly. You'll get 11 ABP and a Dragon Fang for each one of these guys
you defeat, so try to get them all.
Once the wizards are all out of the way (or if you can find a way around them),
take the two chests to get a Prism Dress and Red Shoes, some Dancer- exclusive equipment that, in addition to having high
defense, increases the chance of Sword Dance being the selected attack when using the "Dance" command. If you decide
that this stuff isn't worth the trouble to get, though, you can skip it. (You might already have these items anyway.)
you're finished playing around here, head over to the cell on the upper right and try to free the woman inside. Before
you can do much, though, a weird eyeball thingy appears and shoves you back against a wall before finally pulling
you into battle.
- Boss Battle - Catastroph - Lv: 71 HP: 19997
This guy has three main attacks:
Evil Eye, which petrifies a character; Earthshaker, which does about 900 damage to everyone on the ground; and Gravity
100, which dispels Float status on all your characters. He'll *always* use Gravity 100 while you're floating... which means
that you can have a very easy battle just by recasting Float whenever he dispels it, and thereby making him waste all
his turns. =P If you'd rather do this the hard way, cast Guardian and Haste 2, then hit him hard. Heal whenever he
uses Earthshaker, and use a Soft or Esna on whoever gets hit by Evil Eye. It shouldn't be too hard to win. You can
steal an Elixir from him, (if he has anything rare to steal, I couldn't get it, and believe me, I tried =P) and you'll
get 21 ABP and a Soft for defeating him.
Upon winning, return to the prison cell, and the woman will run up and thank you,
then gives you a kiss and runs off. Go up the stairs in the cell she was in, which eventually leads to an upper "balcony"
outside the castle. Before going through the door leading back inside, though, go all the way to the left and climb
down the stairs to get the Man-eater, a strong dagger that I believe does extra damage to human(oid) enemies. Once you
have it, backtrack to the door you just passed and enter it. In the center of this room, you'll find a staircase leading
down to the other side of the locked door near the entrance. Flip the switch and it'll open, but unfortunately, I think
it just closes and locks again if you leave the room. In other words, there's no real need to open it. Instead, go up
to the throne room, and try to go through the left door. The first time, you'll just be pushed back to the throne, but
when you try it again, that woman you just 'rescued' walks in. She says something about how she gave you her "Kiss of Death",
then reveals her true form: a very badly-dressed man. O_o Claiming to be "Harikalnasson", the king of this castle,
he/she/it attacks you.
- Boss Battle - Halycanos - Lv: 97 HP: 33333
Oooh...this is an interesting
battle. On the very first turn, Halycanos will turn your entire team into frogs, simply by laughing. O_o You can
avoid this, though, by turning your team into frogs before the battle. In this case, you'll be turned back into humans
by his laugh instead. =P For some odd reason, though, the "frog laugh" only seems to affect Bartz, Krile, and Reina,
not Faris... *shrug* After this, Halycanos will probably use Rev. Polarity, followed by a lot of weak physical attacks
and support magic such as Haste, Shell, and Dispel. No big deal. If he casts Holy, though, you *will* die. It does
well over 9000 damage, and I highly doubt anyone in your team has anywhere near that much HP. =P As for actual attacks,
stick with the basics: Physical attacks, Holy/Flare/Meteo, etc. Don't use Summons; he uses a *very* strong attack if
you do. Other than that, no special strategies are needed here, though you'll probably want to put your team members
back in their proper rows after Rev. Polarity is cast. If you'd like, you can also steal a Lumino-Staff from Halycanos,
and when he's defeated, you'll win 20 ABP and possibly an Elf Cloak.
With the...uhh..."king" out of the way, you're
free to go through the door. You may want to go back and save first, though, as the next battle may prove hard... Climb
up the stairs behind the door, and you'll come out on the roof, where yet *another* monster is waiting for you... It warns
you that beyond here is where the power of the Void is kept, and that you'll go no further.
- Boss Battle - Twin
Tania - Lv: 39 HP: 50000 Weakness: Water, Holy
Although he's not too hard, Twin Tania *does*
have a good chance of killing you if you're not careful. Cast Guardian and Haste 2 ASAP; (notice how I always suggest
this? =P) he can do a *lot* of damage with Tidal Wave and Megaflare if you don't. His other attacks aren't too strong,
but he can stun your whole party with Mind Blast. (I don't know if you can learn it here, though, since it's not quite
the same as the Blue Magic.) Stay healthy; sometimes he'll use Tidal Wave or Mega Flare *twice* before you get a chance to
heal. If you don't have Guardian up, this will be *deadly*. Offensively, use Holy or Holy Sword for a lot of damage, as
well as attacks with Excalibur or the Holy Lance. When he gets low on HP, he'll start charging up Giga Flare; at this
point, hit him *hard* and you should kill him before he unleashes the spell. You'll get 24 ABP for winning. You can steal
a Phoenix Down from him; I don't know if he has anything rare to steal, because I tried 10 times and only got Phoenix
Downs. I'd say, don't bother with stealing, because you've got to worry about surviving.
After the battle, Twin
Tania will float back and disappear from this world, leaving a long staircase in his place. Climb up it and stand atop
the tower. You'll be warped to the final section of the N-Zone... "The Void".
- N-Zone: "The Void" - Treasures:
MagiShuriken x3, Elixir, Genji Shield, Genji Armor, Dragon Badge,
Technically, this place is so small it shouldn't deserve its own section. However, it's so radically different
from the rest of the N-Zone that I figured it figured I'd give it some extra attention. =P
Anyway, aside
from the change in music and scenery, you'll also find that Telepo no longer works here. It doesn't mean you can't leave...just
step on the tile you ended up on when you warped here, and you'll return to the Dimensional Castle, where Telepo *does*
work. As for the enemies here... Well, they're all-powerful, basically. Not to mention very annoying. The Necromancers
like to turn you into zombies, the Crystelles absorb most elements, despite only having 3 HP, the gargoyle-like Belfagels
have lots of HP and no weakensses, and the Mind Flares (...Please...What's wrong with "Mind Flayer", anyway? Stupid
translators.) repeatedly use Mind Blast on you. (Though you can learn it if you missed it earlier.) The Maximus and BehemoKings
have a ton of HP, and the latter will counter magic with Meteo. Ouch. The best way to deal with these things is to summon
Odin, which will usually kill them both instantly with VengSwrd. Just be aware that there *is* a slight risk involved
there, as Odin may use Javelin instead, and if it hits a BehemoKing...you get hit back with Meteo. ^_^ A bit later
on in here, you'll encounter Crystal Dragons. They're strong, but what makes them noteworthy is that you can occasionally
steal Dragon Lances, the best spears in the game, from them. The last of the enemies here, the Movers, can only be
found in the very last area, and are very rarely seen. They have a lot of HP, and will try to run before you can defeat
them, but if you can, you'll earn an incredible 150000 GP and 199 ABP! Speaking of ABP, this is probably the best
place in the game to build up your jobs, as the average battle here yields between 20 and 35 ABP. (Not to mention the occasional
appearance of the Movers. =P)
Anyhow, this place, as I said, is pretty small. Climb down the steps and open
the chest to get a MagiShuriken, then loop around to the left and go up the stairs, where you'll find an old 'friend' blocking
the portal. Gilgamesh. ^_^
- Boss Battle - Gilgamesh - Lv: 59 HP: <15000>
it doesn't play Gilgamesh's cool battle theme here. Bah. Anyway, this battle is easy...but then, battles with this guy
always are. =P Gilgamesh's physical attack is actually pretty strong here, but on the other hand, it's all I've
seen him use, so if you're worried about it, just use Protes or Guardian. Other than that, there's nothing special about
this battle except that you can steal the best shield in the game, the Genji Shield, from him. After you've dealt
between 12,000 and 15,000 damage to Gilgamesh, he'll start rambling on about nothing in particular, and when he finishes,
the battle automatically ends. No rewards.
When the battle is over, Gilgamesh will just walk away, leaving you to enter
the portal. Do so, then head up and right, down the stairs to grab a chest containing another MagiShuriken, then down the
second set of stairs and under the ledge to a small set of crossroads. First, grab the chest from the lower path to
get an Elixir, then enter the portal. Here, just head up, but for heaven's sake...do *NOT* open the chest at the bottom
of the steps!! This is where you'll find Shinryu, the game's other optional super-boss, and like Omega, he'll tear you
apart with incredible ease now. You'll get Ragnarok (the best sword in the game), and the Dragon Seal, a useless decoration,
if you win, but again, that ain't happening now, so just ignore the chest. =P (When you *are* ready for the battle, though,
the strategy for it can be found in the "Ultimate Battles" sub-quest.) The chest above this is safe to open, though,
and contains a MagiShuriken. After getting it, head right and through the portal, and you'll be in the very last area of
the game. Pass by the steps for right now, though, and examine the sparkle of light on the far left platform. A monster
appears and attacks.
- Boss Battle - Necrophobe - Lv: 66 HP: 44044 Weakness:
All Barrier (x4) - Lv: ?? HP: <10000> (Scan/Check/View don't work) Gilgamesh
- Lv: 93 HP: ???? <Shows up later>
This is a very annoying battle for two
reasons. The first is that Necrophobe can't be hurt at all if the even one of the four barrier devices surrounding him
are up. Even worse is that they all have inherent reflect status. Your best bet is just to use Bahamut and $toss to wipe
them all out at once. The other reason this battle is annoying is because of what the four barriers actually *do*. Basically,
they like to cast Holy, Flare, and the third level elemental spells on themselves, which then bounce off and hit your team
instead. These attacks, especially Holy and Flare, *hurt*, and with four enemies throwing them at you all at once,
your team can get pretty messed up. Guardian is *definitely* a lifesaver here, and Haste2 is useful for cutting down
on the massive speed advantage the barriers seem to have. Once all four barriers are destroyed, the battle is by far easier.
Necrophobe starts off the actual fight by using his 'full power' on you... Flash. =P Needless to say, this isn't anything
to worry about. =P He doesn't seem to have very many other attacks, and is weak to all elements. Just use whatever (and
steal an Elixir from him if you'd like), and once his HP drops to below 10000, something weird happens... Gilgamesh shows
up, accompanied by his cool theme music! =P However, instead of fighting you, he turns around and starts fighting
*Necrophobe* instead. =P After this happens, Necrophobe can no longer be damaged (but he no longer attacks you, either,
choosing to focus on Gilgamesh instead), and Gilgamesh casts Cure3 on himself after most of his lines of dialogue,
so you can't kill him, either. Be sure to steal the Genji Armor from him, though -- it's the best armor in the game. After
blabbing for a while longer, Gilgamesh decides to "end this", then uses Exploder on Necrophobe. Necrophobe dies, Gilgamesh
dies, and the battle ends. You don't get anything for winning, though. =P
After the battle, there'll be a lot
of ground shaking, then a save point will appear on the small platform. Heal up, save your game, and make whatever
other last minute preperations you'd like, because at the top of the staircase in the center of this room, you'll find
a portal that leads to where X-Death waits... I won't go into detail about what happens here, but let's just say that
it involves the Void, and a lot of cool (and not so cool) stuff happens. When all the dialogue ends, you'll briefly regain
control. You can leave if you want (in which case, "time flows backwards", and everything that happened in the previous
scene is undone), but you've come too far to run away now! For the sake of the entire world, X-Death must be defeated!
Go for it!
- Boss Battle - X-Death - Lv: 77 HP: 49001
Surprisingly, this battle isn't all that
tough. X-Death can use Holy and Flare, and his physical attack is strong, but they all only hit one person, so they're
bearable, and can be protected against by Guardian. However, there *is* one particularly nasty attack to watch out for:
WhiteBall. This spell kills *and* petrifies a team member, and has a high success rate. If you have Redx2, though,
you can treat this in one turn by using Arise, followed by Esna. Or you can protect against the petrification part by
using Ribbons. Anyway, since this *is* the final battle, and consequently, ABP doesn't matter at all, I suggest that
you change all your team members back to Travelers. Even if you haven't mastered that many jobs, the simple fact that
they can use two commands and can equip anything will make them more useful than pretty much anything else here. Anyway,
start out with the usual routine: Guardian and Haste2. It's also a good idea to give yourself an edge by doubling everyone's
max HP through the use of Giant Drinks, or even better, the "Giant Drink" Mix combo (Elixir + Dragon Fang). After this,
just use your best attacks, since X-Death doesn't seem to have any special defenses, and once X-Death's HP hits 0,
there'll be a violent Void reaction, and he disappears, only to be replaced immediately by his "Ultimate Form"...
Boss Battle - Neo X-Deth <Top> - Lv: 81 HP: 50000 Neo
X-Deth <Lower Right> - Lv: 67 HP: 55000 Neo X-Deth <Center> - Lv:
83 HP: 55000 Neo X-Deth <Lower Left> - Lv: 86 HP: 60000
Nope, I'm afraid there's
no break between the two battles. In several ways, though, that's a good thing, since Guardian, Haste, and Giant Drinks
will still be in effect. If you need your HP and MP restored, just use Elixirs; it's the final battle, so who cares
if you use up all your items? =P Anyway, X-Death's final form is a good deal more difficult to beat than that silly tree.
^_^ First off, there are now four targets, each with a ridiculous amount of HP, and there also seem to be several
"dummy targets", which can't be damaged (or targetted normally, for that matter). They don't do anything, but they're
annoying for the simple reason that they absorb hits by 'random target' attacks such as Meteo and Sshot. In other words,
use them if you'd like, but expect to hit nothing sometimes. ^_^ I'm not really sure whether all four targets
can attack seperately, but if they do, they all have the same attacks...Which are *powerful*. For starters, "VacWave"
does about 2000 damage, and it's frequently used twice in a row! Other attacks include Fire3, Flare, Holy, Meteo, and
two more attacks: UltraGust and Grandcross. UltraGust (which...is supposed to be "Almagest") does about 1600 damage to
the entire team, and Grandcross is just...ugh...annoying. It does no damage, but causes random status ailments to your
entire team. Stone, Zombie, Frog, Silence...you name it. ^_^ Finally, X-Death can also use Dispel to cancel the
effects of Haste and Guardian. Re-cast the spells immediately if this happens! To defeat this miscellaneous being, stick
with the basics. Bahamut, level 3 attack spells, $toss, Holy, Flare, Sword Magic, and physical attacks with 2-swords
are probably your best bet here. The only one of the parts that has any sort of special defense is the one in the far
back, which seems to resist physical attacks. Thus, your best bet with this one is simply to stick with magic. This
battle will probably take a long time to win, even with a very strong team, but if you stay healthy, you'll eventually
Once Neo X-Death is dead, you've beaten the game! I won't spoil the ending, but let's just say it's very good.
Well, in my opinion, anyway. ;) Also, if you're playing the PSX version, leave the game on for a couple seconds at
the "The End" screen, and you'll see a bonus FMV. (Which includes the FMV version of X-Death, some cute FMV moogles,
and some very cool music. =P)
(Random question, though... Does anyone know what the heck Faris uses in that "Final
Stats" part of the ending? Looks like she throws a dragon or something. O_o)
But...just because you've beaten X-Death
doesn't mean you're completely finished! If you're up to the challenge, you can try defeating Shinryu and Omega now.
You may actually stand a chance with all the job-building you've probably done in the final areas. ^_^ If you don't
care to do this, though, then take a break. You've earned it. Congratulations, heroes. :)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.
Sub-quests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a section devoted to
non-essential side-areas. You don't *need* to visit any of these places or do any of the things here, but the rewards usually
make that worthwhile. Mostly, the reason for these is to obtain valuable items and spells, but some sub-quests exist solely
for the purposes of character development, whereas others are just for fun. But one word of note... With one lone exception
(Jacohl Cave), the sub-quests here can *only* be done in the respective world they're listed under. For this reason,
I suggest doing them as soon as possible.
%%%First World%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
--- "Boko" ---
Cliffside Cave - Treasures: Tent, Ether, 300 GP, Tonic x5
So you decided to go back to find Boko, eh? Well, head
back to cave where you left him earlier. He doesn't seem to be around, but Bartz spots Boko's footprints leading into
the cave, and decides to go after him. Just make your way back to the pirates' base, and enter the buildings, which are
no longer blocked. In the one on the left, you'll find a blocked cave leading to three treasure chests. To get these,
go back and flip the switch near the entrance to the base that didn't do anything when you were here before. The door
in the room with the treasures will open, allowing you to get them: a Tent, an Ether, and 300 GP. Also, if you've gotten
the Canal Key from Zok, and Faris has left the pirate crew, talk to the people in the main area, and one of them will
give you five tonics (though there's no message indicating so). Finally, in the house on the right, you'll find Boko,
who, sadly, is injured... There's an old man caring for him, however, and he says the Boko will fully recover if he
can just rest for a while. Since there's nothing else to do here, bid your chocobo friend farewell for now... You'll meet
--- "Quick Stop at Tycoon" ---
- Tycoon Castle - Treasures: Potion, Phoenix Down x2, Elixir
x2, Cottage x3, Ether x2, Maiden'sKiss, Healing Staff, Monster
Bell, Katana, Shuriken
This is a simple sub-quest you can do this anytime after getting the dragon. If you'd like
to return to Tycoon Castle, head back to the place where you first met Galuf and Reina at the beginning of the game; the
meteor crater near the cliffside cave. Now that you have the dragon, you can fly over it and reach the castle. Once
there, talk to the guard and he'll raise the gate. Now go into the castle courtyard and enter the big double door, you'll meet
the chancellor inside. He talks to the group for a while, then tells you to rest for the night. You later see a scene
where Reina has suspicions that Faris may be her lost sister, Salsa. (..."Salsa"? What kind of a name is *that*?! Her
name was Sarisa in the ROM...) In the morning, leave the bedroom and climb down the stairs. Search the jars to get
a Potion, then exit the room and go right and climb up to the tower where an Elixir, a Phoenix Down, a Cottage, and
an Ether can be found in the jars and barrels. Also, if you talk to the old woman there, she'll tell you a little bit
about Princess...uh...Faris. (I will *not* say that name again! ^_^) Leave here and go in the center door in the main
room. Don't bother going in either the left door, as it only leads to the bedrooms, or either of the lower doors in the
center of the room, as they just lead out to a balcony. Neither of these places have anything of interest in them. Instead,
go in the right door and climb up the stairs. On the 4th floor, there are pots that contain a Phoenix Down, an Elixir,
a Maiden'sKiss, and an Ether. Above the fifth floor is the dragon's tower, but it doesn't contain anything, so skip it
and go back downstairs. Now leave the castle and go back to the courtyard. Head left and go to the tower which was
previous blocked, and press the switch inside to open a passage in the wall. Follow the hidden path to a room with a bunch
of treasures and the chancellor. Talk to the chancellor to get the weird Healing Staff, then take the treasures to
get a Katana, a Monster Bell, and a Shuriken. Finally, check the wall near the pillar on the right side of the courtyard
to find a secret passage leading to a small storeroom full of chests, jars, and barrels. The chests both contain Cottages,
though surprisingly, the jars and barrels are all empty. Also, for some strange reason, if you leave and return, the
chests here closed; if you open them, though, you'll just be told that they're empty... *shrug*
Anyway, after getting
all the items and talking to everyone, leave and continue with your quest. After all, treasures and info are really all
that you'll find here. =P
--- "Treasure of Walz" ---
- Walz Basement - Treasures: Elf Cloak, 1000
GP x2, Speed (Time Magic)
This is a really small area, but it is inhabited by Harpies, seemingly invincible gargoyle-like
monsters. Since you seem unable to defeat them by normal means, you pretty much *have* to run away. To make this quicker,
just give someone the Thief's 'Flee' skill, or the Ninja's 'Dustb' skill. To get to the basement, first go to Walz
Castle (obviously), then go down the staircase in the first room, and go through two doors leading to another staircase.
When you arrive in the basement, head over and enter the door on the right. Check the jars to get 2000 GP (1000 GP in
two jars), and the Time Magic "Speed", which doesn't seem to do much of anything. Now go up the path to the left and
get the valuable Elf Cloak from the treasure box there...and be sure to equip it! Fortunately, that's all that's in the
basement in terms of treasure, so just get out of there! Well, unless you're one of those perfectionists who just *has*
to have everything as early on as possibly, you can also learn Moon Flute from the Harpies...but it's difficult...
Battle - Harpy - Lv: 20 HP: 666
As I said, these guys're near invincible, but they aren't *completely* invincible.
For one thing, Blow Fish kills them instantly, as does L.5 Doom. If you'd like to try your hand at defeating them before
getting either, however, it's considerably more difficult. First of all, you'll probably need to be on a decent level
(20 or so), and you'll need to make a team of four monks (make sure one of them has the "Learning" ability, obviously).
Since you usually end up in back attacks in this battle, start out by having everyone move to the front row, then simply
defend until it uses Moon Flute. In your berserked state, your attacks should actually be able to damage the harpy,
and you should defeat it with relative ease, picking up Moon Flute in the process. Of course, since there're easier ways
to learn this skill, I don't recommend even trying this. Also, despite what you may think, these enemies are *not*
very useful for building up. When defeated, they give no Exp, no ABP, and only 1 GP. Have fun. =P
- Walz Castle
Water Tower - Treasures: Shiva (Summon Magic)
This is a rather uneventful little area, but you can pick up a few
things here. First off, you can learn Toad Song, which will come in handy a bit later, from the Elf Toads -- they use
it if they're alone. Another thing of note is that you can steal Mythril Swords from the Ice Soldiers. If you're using
Knights or Blue Mages, be sure to swipe a few.
Anyway, as for actual navigation...well, there's really not much to
say, as the first three floors are completely empty...one of those towers where every floor looks the same, and all
you do is climb up the stairs. Yay. On the fourth floor, you'll see a glowing green orb on an altar. This is actually
the essence of the Ice Queen, Shiva. Walk around the small platforms here to reach the 'orb', and when you examine it,
you'll be challenged to a fight. While you *can* defeat Shiva as soon as you arrive at Walz, it's quite pointless (you
don't even have a Summoner!), and rather difficult, so I strongly suggest against trying until you return from Karnak with
Fire2, a better set of jobs, and a Summoner who can actually make use of this spell. ^_^ Still, if you wanna fight
her early on...
- Boss Battle - Shiva - Lv: 11 HP: 1500 Weakness:
Fire IceComandr - Lv: 4 HP: 600 Weakness: Fire IceComandr - Lv: 4
HP: 600 Weakness: Fire IceComandr - Lv: 4 HP: 600 Weakness: Fire
you did as I suggested and waited until you got Fire2, this should be easy. Just have your mages cast it on all the enemies,
and you'll clean up. If you don't have it, though, things are gonna get interesting... The best way to kill Shiva this
early is to make all your characters Knights with Black Magic. Put everyone in the back row so the soldiers don't damage
you as much. Don't bother healing; just cast Fire on Shiva every turn and ignore the soldiers. If you go all out, you
*should* be able to kill her (it takes about 10 hits unless you're at a ridiculous level) before any of your characters
are in serious danger. At this point, use a few Tonics to heal some of the damage you've taken, and then finish off the
soldiers with either Fire spells or regular attacks. Congratulations; you've just beaten Shiva before getting the
second set of jobs, and you don't really have anything to show for it. =P
Once you defeat her, you'll get the Shiva
spell. Now instead of climbing all the way back down the tower, take the door just below the altar for a quick exit.
And... that's it.
--- "Wizard of Thunder" ---
By now, you've probably noticed a lone dot in the northwest
part of the world map... Well, now that you have a way of crossing the ocean, you can find out just what it is. To
reach it by ship, sail south from Jacohl until you reach the end of the continent, then sail around it and head back north. Eventually,
you'll come to said location: Easterly Village. (If you have the Black Chocobo or the Airship, though, just fly here. =P)
Easterly Village - Treasures: Toad (Black Magic), Love Song (Song), Ramuh (Summon Magic)
To be truthful, there's
surprisingly little in this village. The armor shop sells special magic rings that block certain elements and status ailments,
but at 50000 GP each, it's highly unlikely you can afford them now... The *real* reason to come all the way to this
remote village is that there're three new spells you can get here. They're all somewhat hidden, but the people in town
give you clues to finding them if you're paying attention. The little girl wandering around near the armor shop says she
found something cool near the flowerbed, which is actually a clue to finding the first of the spells. The flowerbed
she's talking about, the one behind the armor shop, however, doesn't seem to have anything to examine... Don't give up,
though, as if you walk around it for a while, a frog will eventually jump out and run off, dropping the Toad spell in
the process. =P After getting the spell, head over to the east side of town. The old woman near the magic
shop mentions a monster disguised as an old man living in the nearby forests. This is a clue to finding another spell,
but you'll have to leave town to find it, and you're not finished here yet. Anyway, head north to the sheep pen and
talk to the girl there. She warns you not to bother the sheep in the upper left corner of the pen, but since she's actually
given you a clue to the last spell here, don't heed her warning. If you talk to this particular sheep from behind,
it'll kick you over the fence, where you can learn Love Song from the minstrel.
Well, that's everything that you
can find *in* the town, but there's still something else here... Remember the old woman who mentioned a monster disguised
as an old man that lives in the forest? Well, that's not a rumor. Wander around the forest outside of town for a while,
and eventually, you'll be attacked by this "monster"...Ramuh!
- Boss Battle - Ramuh - Lv: 21 HP:
There's nothing too overly special about this battle. Ramuh will probably open with Flash, and he can use
Bolt2, which does about 350 damage to a single character, and Shock, which is different from Liquid Flame's attack; this
one hits a single character for moderate lightning damage. He can also use Thunder, which is basically a lightning-elemental
version of Blaze, but it's pretty rare. Now for your strategy. Well, even though the game doesn't specifically say
so, Ramuh seems weak against water, so use Aqua Rake (if you have it) for about 700 damage. Aside from that, though, just
attack physically. If you wanna get really cheap here, wait until you're on level 21 before fighting him (which I was
at the time), and use Gob Punch on him for 4500+ damage. There, you just beat Ramuh in one hit. =P When you win,
you'll get 3 ABP, and a "Ramuh" item. Use this on the sub-screen to learn the Summon spell of the same name.
that you have Ramuh, you've gotten all the spells from this area. However, I think it worth mentioning that this area is
a *great* place to gain Exp and ABP. On the plains, you'll fight groups of five BlackFlames. These guys yield 800+
GP, 300+ Exp, and 3 ABP. Furthermore, they're *really* easy to defeat -- just use your new Ramuh summon on them, and bang,
they're all dead! Oh yeah, you can also learn Blue Magic "Black Shock" from BlackFlames. In the forests, you'll mostly
fight single Mithril Dragons. These guys aren't worth much, but occasionally, you'll come across a group of five dinosaur-like
MiniDragons. While they're somewhat difficult to defeat, you'll get 1125 Exp if you win! They have a high evade rate,
high defense, and resist most magic, though, but cast Aqua Rake twice, and you should be able to wipe them out.
"Hometown Memories" ---
You may or may not have seen it while you were there early on, but there's a small forested
village north of the Wind Shrine that's completely surrounded by mountains. Now that you have the Black Chocobo, you can
reach this elusive location: Bartz's hometown, Rikks.
- Rikks - Treasures: TemptSong (Song)
As far as
items go, there isn't much to offer in this small village. The real purpose of coming here is to learn some background
info on Bartz. Talk to the guy who looks like a scholar in the center of town, and there'll be a short flashback explaining
Bartz's fear of heights. Examining the music box in Bartz's former house (the one on the far left above the inn) leads
to another flashback, this one of the death of Stella, Bartz's mother. After seeing it, talk to the bard who now lives
there, and he'll teach you TemptSong. Finally, staying at the inn (which is free) results in another scene, where Bartz
and Faris talk about Drogan and Stella (Bartz's parents). The only other things of note in this town are that it's the
only place in the first world that sells Shurikens and "Skills", and that the item shop's prices are half that of normal.
Stock up while you have the chance, since you won't always have access to the village.
--- "Jacohl Cave" ---
reward for this sub-quest isn't all that great, but it's easy enough to get. Anytime after getting the Fire-powered Ship,
you can reach a small cave by heading north from Jacohl; the aptly-named Jacohl Cave. =P
- Jacohl Cave - Treasures:
Tent, Shuriken, Shock Whip
The cave itself is pretty small, but there're a few weird puzzles here... First, head
down and flip the lower skull switch, which moves the wall to the left aside. It also seals the entrance to the cave,
but if you wanna leave, flip the switch near the door to re-open it and return the wall to its original position. Anyhow,
with the wall out of the way, you can proceed to the south, where you'll come across a wall covered with skull switches.
You've probably noticed that none of them seem to do anything... That's because all but one of the switches is an illusion.
=P To find out which is the real one, stand in the hall for a couple seconds, and all but that one will
disappear; its location changes everytime you enter, though, so I can't tell you which one it is. After locating the real
switch, flip it, and the wall will slide back to the left, allowing you to reach the door on the right. (Just for the
record, should you desire to leave the cave at this point, flip the skull switch *on* the sliding wall and it'll move
over.) It's locked, but can be opened by flipping the switch hidden inside the opened chest next to it.
the next room, ignore that opened chest, and continue up until you reach a fork in the road. Head left first, which branches
off to two more paths, each containing a chest (Tent in the lower one, Shuriken in the upper one). After getting both
of them, return to the crossroad and head north, then south again when the path allows it. The chest here contains a powerful
Shock Whip, but if you released Lone Wolf from Walz Castle's prison, all that'll be here is a note saying the treasure
"was taken by Lone Wolf, the pickpocket"... Also, this is another one of those weird chests that closes if you leave
the room, and is "empty" if you re-open it. Well, you've cleared out the cave, so you can just leave if you'd like. I
think it worth mentioning, though, that if you head north from the chest with the Shock Whip, you'll come to a cliff
which you can climb. While it just leads to a dead end in the mountains now, it'll be important much later on, so remember
Aside from the few chests, it's also noteworthy that this is a decent place to gain ABP in the first world.
The Nut Eaters are really easy to defeat, and give 2 ABP. The SkullEaters are dangerous, though...they usually run away
immediately, and you still gain 5 ABP, but if they attack, expect to lose more than 1000 HP. Also, they have a high defense,
and only "Earth" and "Critt" attacks seem to damage them. (Well, Blow Fish does, too.) You can also Control/Confuse
them and make them attack themselves, or give everyone the Guard ability and just use it until they run away. =P
--- "Female Chocobos and Summon Monsters" ---
Just a simple little
sub-quest you can do anytime after getting the submarine. While underwater, check the map, and head for the dot furthest
to the northwest, which is a small cave.
- Undersea Tunnel - Treasures: None
This is just a small tunnel
leading to the surface. The path is straight- forward, and there're no chests or anything. Just make your way to the exit on
the right side of the cave. Oh, and watch out for the monsters here -- they're quite strong.
Anyway, after exiting
the cave, you'll be back outside on the world map, in that small forested area in the northwest, which is surrounded completely
by mountains. You may have seen place before while flying around on the dragon, but previously, there was no way in.
Since you're here now, you might as well have a look around! The small circular forest in the immediate south is home
to a chocobo, but unfortunately, it's a female, which Bartz says you're unable to ride. Bah. Like a lot of "useless" stuff
in this game, this bird has its role, but you can't do anything with it now.
Well, this may have seemed like a
waste of time so far, but there *is* a better reason for coming here. Remember Ramuh? Yep. Same story here. Wander around
the forest, and eventually, you'll get attacked by a strange "cyclops bull" called Shoat...
- Boss Battle - Shoat
- Lv: 38 HP: 5000
This is a pretty easy battle overall. Shoat's only attacks appear to be a physical
attack, which does ~200 damage, and Drain, which does about 500 damage. Since he has no strengths and fairly low HP, anything
will work on him, but watch out, as when he's attacked physically, Shoat will counter with Demon Eye, which has a high
chance of petrifying the target. This can be remedied by carrying a bunch of Softs, but if you're worried about it, you
might wanna bring a Dancer in this battle, equipped with a Ribbon. Anyhow, when you win, you'll get 3 ABP, and the "Shoat"
item, which like the "Ramuh" and "Golem" items, permanently teaches you the respective summon spell when used as an
After defeating Shoat, you're done here. Head back through the tunnel, and move on.
--- "Gilgame's
Hoard" ---
This side quest is *very* annoying, and all you get out of it is money, so feel free to skip it. If you're
feeling foolhardy though, go ahead and try... Make sure you have Float, though.
Go into the cave near the Big Bridge.
The enemies here have the powerful Earthquake spell; cast Float before you come in so it can't harm you. Anyways,
the straightforward path in the cave just connects the two entrances, but there's a slightly hidden side route near the
West entrance. If you follow this route, you'll come to a doorway; now comes the annoying part. Once you go through
that doorway, every step you take will give you money. The first step gives you 10 GP, (whoopee...) then 20, then 40,
then 80, and so on, doubling each step up to 40960 on the last step. (That's 81910 GP in total. =P) Okay, that part's
not annoying. What *is* annoying is that every few steps, you'll have to fight a *very* strong monster called Gilgame!
(Hence the name of this side quest. =P)
- Boss Battle - Gilgame - Lv: 51 HP: 32768 Weakness:
Just looking at this guy's HP should give you a hint about how long this fight is going to take, especially
with his high defense and evade. The fact that he does *strong* damage with every hit and his "Turtle" counterattack
hits twice (and can cause Poison and Blind) doesn't help, either. What's more, the usually powerful $toss won't hurt him
at all. (Not that it'd really be worth it, since the only reason to come here is for money... =P) The fastest way
to kill them is to bring someone with the Summon command and have them cast Golem; while Gilgame hits so many times that
Golem will usually be gone within two rounds, this saves a *lot* of time because you don't have to worry about healing.
It's a good idea to cast Protes on everyone; I don't know if this will make Golem last any longer, but at least it
means you won't take as much damage if Gilgame hits you while it's down. Haste2 is a good idea, as well. To damage him,
the best method I've found is to cast Ice 3 with an Ice Rod equipped; this will do around 3500 damage if your levels
are in the mid-30s, which means you can kill it in 10 hits. This probably goes without saying, but be sure that your main
magic user has a HairOrnament. When Gilgame dies, he uses Earthquake, which will almost definitely kill you unless you're
floating. If anyone dies in the battle, be sure to re-cast Float after reviving them. Defeating Gilgame gives you 5
ABP and 5000 GP, and the satisfaction of beating the damn thing! Of course, the last part is short-lived, as you'll fight
another one a few steps later... Bleah. =P
After beating a Gilgame, be sure to heal up for the next one. And once
you get the 40960 GP, cast Telepo and get out of there; there's one more step afterwards, but there's no GP on it,
and you *still* might fight Gilgame. (Believe me, I found this out the hard way. =P) Expect to fight 3 or 4 of them,
though if you're *really* lucky, you might get away with only two battles. However, it takes around 8-10 Ethers to recover
your MP after beating one, so you probably won't be showing a profit after this. =P In other words, this sidequest
isn't very rewarding; the only reason to do it is if you want a challenge or you want to be thorough.
%%%Third World%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
"Odds and Ends" ---
There're a lot of assorted little things you can do in the third world once you have the airship.
None of these are major enough to deserve their own section, so I'm just summarizing them here.
- You'll probably
have noticed that neither of your dragons are around. If you want one, simply return to the dragon tower at Val
Castle talk to the dragon. You'll be asked if you want to ride it. Say yes. There, you just got your
dragon back. =P Of course, the airship, black chocobo, and even Boko are better than a dragon at this point,
but it's there if you want it. =P
- Return to Crescent Town and play the piano at the bard's house. If you've
played all the pianos in the first and second worlds, the bard will teach you Power Song. If you've played *all*
the pianos around the world, which includes the one in Mirage Town (see the "Mirages" sub-quest), the bard
will also teach you LVL Song. So where *are* all the pianos? They're all noted in the FAQ, and none of the towns
that get sucked into the Void have a piano in them, but if you don't feel like searching for them, here's a
quick rundown of where they all are: Tule, Kerwin, Karnak, Jacohl, Crescent Town, Lugor, Moore Village, and Mirage
- Remember that little girl in Lugor Bordertown that said she lost her ribbon? Apparently, she's
since found it, and will give it to you if you talk to her from behind the counter. Yes, it's a Ribbon.
If you return to the Pirates' Cave, there'll be a short scene where the spirit of Faris's old friend Hydra shows
up. After a bit of dialogue, he disappears, and you get the powerful Hydra summon spell, courtesy of
Krile's amazing sea serpent language skills. ^_^
- With Boko's help, you can get a neat item from Easterly Falls, but
it takes a bit of running around. From Gill's Cave, which is where you more than likely left him, ride
Boko back towards Tule, up past Kuza Castle and Lugor Bordertown, across the plains to the west, and into the northern
part of the Karnak Region (if there's a small square-shaped lake with rivers leading into the ocean nearby, you're
in the right place). Here, walk through the winding mountain rivers, and you'll eventually come to the
top of Easterly Falls. Walk to the center of the falls to enter a small hidden area, which is basically just a
close-up of the top of the falls. Here, examine the waterfall directly below you, and you'll get the
Magic Lamp. When used in battle, it uses a summon spell; first it summons Bahamut, then the summon cast gets progressively
weaker each time you use it. Recharge it, and it starts back at Bahamut. See "The Great Sea Trench" for
how to recharge it. Also, once you have the lamp, the falls will act as a healing spring.
- Are you a brave
warrior who fights every battle, or are you a coward who escapes a lot? Well, in this case, it doesn't matter, as
both of you types can profit from this. Remember that locked door at Moore Village? It's now opened, and
going through the small house leads to an invisible path in the surrounding forest. Not even the thief's "Secret"
ability will let you see the actual path here, so just feel your way around, and eventually you'll come
to a small clearing (which is also invisible, and appears when you enter it). Here, an old man tells you that you
can take one of the two nearby boxes: The one on the left if you're brave, and the one on the right if
you're a coward. Taking the box on the left gets you the Brave Blade, which is an incredibly powerful sword, but
decreases in power every time you run from battle. Taking the box on the right gets you the Chicken Knife,
a weak dagger with the exact opposite effect of the Brave Blade: it gets *stronger* as you run away. Either way,
though, you're only allowed to take one item, then the clearing disappears. So what should you take? Well,
if you haven't run very much (or at all), take the Brave Blade. It should be stronger than Excalibur and possibly
even Ragnarok. If you prefer to run from battles, though, take the Chicken Knife. It's really a matter
of preference.
- Even if you managed to get most of the Blue Magic, you probably still have a blank spot
at the bottom of your list of spells. That's because only one enemy can use this elusive skill, and it's well-hidden.
Begin your search by flying to the ocean north of where Walz was, and landing on the water. There're a
lot of different types of enemies here, but the one that can use the spell you're looking for can only be found
in the northeastern tip of the ocean, where the mountains are. Usually, you'll fight wussy first world
sea monsters here (Fins, Cybis, Thunderpit, etc.), but after a while (and it probably *will* take a while, as it's
pretty rare), you should come across a Stingray. If you control this monster, you can force it to cast
"Guardian" (aka Big Guard or Mighty Guard) on your team, which your Blue Mages can learn afterwards! If you've played
any other recent Final Fantasy game, you should know the value of this spell. It casts Protes, Shell,
and Float on your entire team, and I can pretty much guarantee that it *will* save your life many times! Be sure
to get this spell as soon as possible!
- Well, this really isn't a sub-quest, but I didn't know where else
to put it, since it doesn't fit in with the "other stuff" section. Once you have the submarine, you can
find a small underwater cave near the hook-shaped peninsula south of Karnak. Inside, you'll meet a strange old
man who says he's "your psychic friend", and that he knows know why you're on this journey. He then
asks if you'd like to hear what he knows about you. Say Yes, and a box will appear showing the number of battles
you've fought, the number of monsters you've defeated, the average Exp. per character, the number of
treasures you've found, and the number of times you've saved your game. Of course, this is all trivial info, but
it's sorta interesting nonetheless. ;)
--- "Mirages" ---
When the two worlds split 1000
years ago, a town was trapped in the N-Zone. Since this realm of ancient demons has returned to the real world, so too has
this town. However, it's not actually on the world map, and you find it in a very weird way. Head for the small lone forest
at about the middle of the long, thin strip of land near the southern part of the world (it's far to the east of Crescent
Town, to be exact), and wander around for a bit, as if trying to fight random battles. After a while (it shouldn't take
very long), you'll be pulled into what appears to be a random battle, but will instead end up in the town! (This is
*very* obvious on the PSX version. The battle scene changer was changed to a swirling effect, but the effect shown when
you enter Mirage Village was left as the battle scene changer from the original SNES version. If that made any sense.)
Mirage Village - Treasures: Thief Knife, Mirage Vest
So what exactly is *in* this strange town? Well, there're a
couple useful items you can pick up, but the real purpose of coming here is probably the the shops, which sell some
of the best weapons, items, and spells in the entire game! In each of them, there're actually two shopkeepers, both of
who sell different items. The first set of shops are in plain sight, but the second ones generally take a bit of searching
to find. Here's a rundown of what's available:
* Item Shop: Both item shops are actually located in the same
place: the second floor of the inn. No need for any searching here. The items sold here are common, but it's worth mentioning
that you can buy Elixirs here. Of course, at 50000 GP each, you probably won't go crazy buying them, but they're here if
you need them.
* Weapon Shop: The main weapon shop sells powerful equipment. There's nothing especially worth
commenting on, but you may find some of it useful. The secret weapon shop is fairly easy to find, but I'll cover exactly
where it is in a second. You can buy ninja items here, including MagiShurikens and Double Lances.
* Armor Shop: The
Crystal stuff sold in the main shop is the best buyable equipment in the game, and the assorted robes are great for mages.
The secret store is a bit tricky to find. There's a secret passage in this room, but it's a dead end, so just ignore
it. Instead, examine the lone crate in this room, which causes part of the shop counter to slide back. Go behind it, and
follow the secret passage through to the next shop, which sells expensive accessories that stop certain elements and
status ailments. (The same stuff sold at Easterly Village.)
* Magic Shop: If you missed any of the low-level
magic scattered throughout the game, such as the summon spells sold at Walz, you can buy them at the main shop. The secret
shop, which can be found by walking around to the back of the left side of the building, sells some of the highest-level
spells for each of the three basic catagories. Truth be known, though, of these, Arise is the only one I've gotten much
use out of, but if you've got the cash, you may as well buy them all.
Ok, that's it for the shops, but there's
still some stuff here. If you go into the pub, you'll notice a door behind the counter; it's an alternate entrance.
You can get into it from the north side of the pub. (Obviously, you won't be able to see it, but it's easy enough to find.)
Aside from the shops, all the hidden stuff in the village is found through this door, so go through it!
For starters,
see that line of barrels near the counter? Check the second barrel from the bottom for a Thief Knife, a cool weapon that
lets you randomly steal while attacking. Now go downstairs. A guy here says he'll give you something good if you go
around the world by Chocobo. To do this, go back to where you left Boko, head off in one direction, and keep going until
you get back to your starting point. Now go back to the guy in Mirage. He'll be surprised that you actually did it, and
gives you a Mirage Vest. If you talk to him after this, he gives you a clue about the Magic Lamp.
There's still
more, though. Go past this guy and you'll be outside again. Keep going to reach the entrance to another building. There's
a healing pot inside; just past it is a staircase. At the bottom is a door, but when you open it, the screen just turns
blue for a second, then the door closes again. Ignore this, and go past the door to the right side. Go up the stairs
to find the second weapon shop.
Go back downstairs, and head left. Instead of going back up the way you came, though,
keep going left into the wall. You'll see another stairway, but just ignore it for now and go left into the wall again.
You'll find a piano! This is the last one, so you should be Piano Master now. If not, go back to the other towns and
find the one you missed. Anyways, remember that staircase I told you to ignore a minute ago? Go up it to find your Black
Chocobo! Talk to it, and you'll fly out of the village. That's it!
With your Black Chocobo, you're now able to
reach the desert in the northeast. It may be a bit early, but there're two sub-quests there you can try at any point.
("The Eternal Phoenix's Flame", and "King of the Dragons")
--- "Cave to the Locked Basement" ---
Jacohl Cave back in the first world? The north exit seemed to lead nowhere. Remember the basement of Val Castle? There
was no way to open that locked door. Now that the two worlds have merged, both of these "pointless" areas have a use.
To start this quest, go to Jacohl Cave, which is now just west of Val. I've already done a walkthrough of this
area back in the first world, so it'd be sorta pointless to do another one. See the "Jacohl Cave" subquest (above) if you
need any help here. Just head for the north cliffside exit, and climb up. Since the exit on the world map was covered
up by Val Castle, you'll come out in a different place...behind the door in the locked basement!
- Val's Basement
- Treasures: Odin (Summon Magic)
This place is in pretty bad shape...the pillars have fallen over, and there're
numerous cracks in the ground. In other words, the state of disrepair has caused this place to conveniently become a maze.
Fun. ^_^ Thankfully, it's easy enough to find yout way through here, so I won't bother saying much else. Before doing
any actual exploration here, however, I suggest going upstairs and saving your game. (Don't worry about the door. You
can unlock it from behind, and once it's opened, it stays that way for the rest of the game.)
Anyway, at the far
north end of the basement maze, you'll come across a now familiar sight: a green "Summon Orb". Examine it; the summon monster
speaks, asking if you want to challenge him, and that he'll give you only one minute to defeat him if you accept. Say
yes, and you'll be asked you if you're really sure about this. Say yes again, and you'll enter battle.
- Boss
Battle - Odin - Lv: 2 HP: 17000
The toughest thing about this battle is that you have only one minute
to win. There's not much to say here, other than to use your most powerful attacks and keep hitting him; $toss is
extremely good here. A note: You can steal a Protect Ring from Odin, but this is *very* hard due to the time limit.
If you're going to try this, you will *definitely* want everyone to have $toss so you have enough time to kill him after
stealing. Also, set the battle and message speeds to the fastest settings to save time. If you don't steal successfully
by the 30-second mark or so, you might as well give up. If you *really* want it, reset and try again; otherwise, just
$toss him to death.
It might take a couple of tries, but when you emerge victorious, you'll receive the powerful
"Odin" summon spell. This particular version of the familiar Final Fantasy Eidolon/Esper/GF/Whatever seems to have a slightly different
effect. Its main attack, VengSwrd, instantly kills all enemies, but if the enemy is immune to instant death, Odin will
instead use Javelin, a non-elemental attack against a single enemy. This sounds like the version used in FF7, but I've
noticed that on rare occasions, Odin will sometimes use Javelin even if he *can* kill the enemies with VengSwrd. I'm really
not sure why this happens, but don't worry, I've never seen him attempt to use VengSwrd on a boss. ^_^
after you've gotten the Odin spell, you're finished here (unless you want to build up more ABP fighting the RockStatues
down here), so head out.
--- "The Lost Shard" ---
Do you remember a long time ago, when the Water Crystal
shattered, there was one shard that you had to leave behind because you couldn't reach it? Well, now that you have
the submarine, you can go back and claim it! While underwater, check the world map, and you should see a dot in the sea
north of where Walz used to be. This is where Walz Tower, which is still fully intact, ended up after it sank. Sail
over it to enter.
- Walz Tower - Treasures: None
Since the tower is completely filled with water, you obviously
can't stay here forever. Upon entering, Bartz will freak out and start gasping for breath, then says that he can only
stay down here for about seven minutes or so. (Seven minutes? O_o Most people can't stay underwater for more than
*one* minute! He must have some powerful lungs. =P) With that, a timer appears for the said amount of time, and you'll
regain control. Unlike the last major timed area (Karnak Castle), you *can* take advantage of a thief's extra running
speed here, so having one in the team will help out here. Just be careful, as there *are* monsters here. They appear to
be nameless 'shadows' of various enemies you've encountered here and there. They're not that difficult, though; they
mainly seem to be here to learn Blue Magic from. If you've missed any Blue spells, take advantage of this. =P
aside from the fact that you start at the *top* this time, Walz Tower is exactly the same as it was when you first came
here. It's fairly linear, and there aren't any treasures here, so just head straight down. Along the way, you'll see
a closed chest that you can reach by climbing up the hard-to-see vine on the pillar in the room below it. There's no treasure
inside, but it you open it, your air will be replenished, and the timer will reset to seven minutes. At the very bottom
of the tower, where the entrance used to be, you'll find the missing crystal shard. Of course, just allowing you to
take it and run would be no fun, so as you go to pick it up, a voice speaks out. It says that the crystal shard gives
him great power, then asks you if you're willing to challenge him for it. It'd be a waste of time to have come all the
way down here just to run away, so accept the challenge.
- Boss Battle - Gogo - Lv: 77 HP: ????
Weakness: Water
You'll need a couple minutes to spare on your timer, but this battle is easy. At the start of the
fight, Gogo (and yes, this *does* seem to be the same character from FF6) says that he'll mimic all your moves, and that
if you want to beat him, you'll have to mimic *his* moves. This may sound like a game of Simon Says, but the thing
is...Gogo doesn't *do* anything! Therefore, to complete this challenge, you have to do the same thing he does... Absolutely
nothing! =P After a couple minutes, Gogo says you succeeded, then casts X-zone on himself. You win the battle, earning
a whopping 50 ABP in the process!
Following the "battle", the crystal shard will *finally* come into your possession,
and with it, you'll be able to use the Mime job. Time is still ticking away, however, so hurry up and get out of that tower!
Telepo works, so use it for a quick exit. =P
--- "The Eternal Phoenix's Flame" ---
Once you have the
Black Chocobo, fly straight south from Mirage Village. You'll soon come to a vast desert, with a patch of forest in it.
Land in the forest, then make your way to the southwestern corner to find a tower. The enemies in the desert are rather
strong; they're the same as the enemies in the first section of the N-Zone, though, so the same strategies will work here.
Phoenix Tower - Treasures: Phoenix Down x4, 5000 GP, 10000 GP, 15000 GP, 20000 GP, 25000 GP,
Ab Splitter, Phoenix (Summon Magic)
When you enter the tower, you might be stumped; it looks like there's no way up.
There is, though; walk up to the wall just above the entrance, go left a space, and examine the wall in front of you to
reveal a stairway. You can also try examining the wall on the right, but if you do, you'll be dragged into a fight
with a strong enemy, and you won't be able to run away. This is the general pattern for most of the floors of this tower;
there are two sections of wall to examine, and if you examine the wrong one, you'll get into a fight. I'll split the
tower up into groups of five floors; on every fifth floor is a treasure room, which I'll get to in a minute.
first... The enemies. They're not all that difficult, but they're noteworthy for two reasons. First, you can learn several
Blue Magics from them; if you control the Disablers or Sherries, in fact, three of their commands are Blue Magics. =P
Also, the Serpentinas will cast Roulette, but it's not in their Control list, so you'll have to wait for them to use it (and
hope it hits someone with Learning). The second thing to note about the enemies is that you can steal some *very* good
items from them. The Disablers have Wall Rings and Ribbons, the Sherries have Red Shoes and Elf Cloaks, and the Serpentinas
have Prism Dresses and Coral Rings. That's about all there is to say about the enemies, so let's get back to the tower.
Floors 1-5: I covered the first floor a minute ago, and the stairs are clearly visible on the second, so there's
nothing to say. =P On the third floor, examine the left section of the wall to go up without fighting; on the
fourth floor, take the right side. On the fifth floor is the first treasure room; there's two pots here. The pot on the
left has 5000 GP, while the pot on the right conatins a monster: Magic Pot. It keeps asking for Elixirs; keep giving
them to it until it escapes. When it does, you'll get a *very* nice 100 ABP. Then you'll get the treasure from the pot:
a Phoenix Down. Joy. =P As you can probably tell, the ABP is a bigger deal than the treasure. =P Incidentally,
the Magic Pots are *extremely* hard to steal from, and all you get from doing so is a Potion, so... don't bother. =P
Go upstairs...
Floors 6-10: The stairs on floor 6 are clearly visible, so go up. On floor 7, the left side
takes you upstairs without a fight; on floor 8, take the left side again, and take the right side on floor 9. The tower
sticks to this pattern until floor 20, so remember it. =P The tenth floor is another treasure room, with the
same layout as Floor 5; the pot on the left side has 10000 GP, and the pot on the right is another Magic Pot. Defeat it,
and you'll get a Phoenix Down.
Floors 11-15: Floors 11-14 are exactly the same as 6-9. Floor 15 is another treasure
room. This time, the *left* pot contains the Magic Pot (and a Phoenix Down), while the one on the right has 15000 GP.
Go upstairs.
Floors 16-20: Floors 16-19 are the same as 6-9 and 11-14. Floor 20 is... yep, you guessed it, another
treasure room. The Magic Pot and Phoenix Down are back on the right, and the pot to the left contains 20000 GP. Noticing
a trend yet? =P Go up.
Floors 21-25: Okay... on Floor 22, the *right* side is the way to go. Other than
that, 21-24 are just like the other sets of intermediate floors, and Floor 25 is another treasure room, with 25000 GP in
the pot on the right, and a Magic Pot on the left. This time, though, you'll win an Ab Splitter, a decent bow, from
it. Time to go up some more...
Floors 26-30: Take the left wall on Floor 26, left on 27, right on 28. On Floor 29,
there's another wall. Examine the very center of it to find a stairway leading to Floor 30... Be warned, you may still
get attacked when you open it. Surprisingly, Floor 30 *isn't* a treasure room, but the top of the tower!
At the
top of the tower, find a dragon, and after a long flashback to Reina's youth, you'll get the Phoenix summon, courtesy
of Krile's amazing dragon language skills (has this become a running gag yet? =P) When prompted with the question during
the flashback, it doesn't matter what you answer; you'll get Phoenix either way. You're restored to full now, but even
so... get the heck out of there! =P
--- "King of the Dragons" ---
There's more to the big desert than
just the Phoenix Tower. In the northern section, you'll find a mountain; however, it's a *long* walk from the forest.
You may want to use a few Tents/Cottages on the way. Anyways, this is North Mountain, where you got your dragon waaaaaayyyy
back in the first world.
- North Mountain - Treasures: Bahamut (Summon Magic)
The layout of the mountain
hasn't changed at all, and neither have the enemies. So you shouldn't have any trouble getting through here. =P Use the Save
Point when you get to it, and you'll reach the top of the mountain shortly after. Bahamut appears, and challenges you to
a fight.
- Boss Battle - Bahamut - Lv: 99 HP: 40000
This guy is *tough*. At the start of the
battle, cast Guardian to cut down on the damage done by Mega Flare. Even with Shell up, Mega Flare will *still* hit
your team for over 1000 damage, so you'd better have someone with Cure 3. Haste 2 will be important, as well; if you don't
have it up, you might get hit by a second Mega Flare before you get a chance to heal. Offensively, use whatever you've
got! Holy, Flare, Meteo, L.3 Flare, Flare Sword, Odin, $toss, Jump, Store and Throw are all very good attacks here. Basically,
just hit him with all your big attacks! On a side note, he can use Aqua Rake, but you probably already have it, and there
are easier ways to learn it if you don't. =P As long as you can use Guardian, Haste 2, and Cure 3, you should
be fine. If you *don't* have any of those spells, get them. =P When you defeat Bahamut, you'll get 25 ABP, and possibly
a Dragon Fang; you can also steal a Dragon Fang during the battle. However, these are easy enough to get at Dragon Valley,
so don't make a big fuss over getting them here. =P
After you defeat Bahamut, you'll get him as a summon spell.
And a very good one, at that. =P That's it for this place, so just teleport out (yeah, it's easy, but why waste
time? =P) and make your way back through the desert to your Chocobo so you can get the heck out of here.
"The Ultimate Battles" ---
Are you ready for a challenge? If you answered 'yes' to that question, then you might
just be ready to take on Omega and Shinryu, FF5's two optional bosses. These two are far stronger than Neo X-Death, and
will easily kill an unprepared team. In order to stand a chance against them, you'll probably need the following:
Very high levels (at least 48). It's essential that your max HP at least exceeds 3000, and you won't have time to
use Giant Drinks. - As many jobs mastered as possible. If you have the time and patience, you may want to master
them all. If not, at *least* have everyone master the Ninja job so you can equip two weapons. When you're satisfied,
turn your characters into either Travelers or Mimes in order to take advantage of their high stats,
their (or rather, the Traveler's) ability to equip anything, and the fact that they can set more than one command.
- The Guardian spell. If you don't have it, you'll literally have no chance of victory. Haste2 is also *extremely*
useful. - The Sorcerer's Bolt3 Sword. Make sure the same person also has 2-swords and Sshot. (In other words,
have the same person master Sorcerer, Ninja, and Hunter.) This is only necessary for Omega, however. - Four
Coral Rings. Shinryu opens with an obscenely powerful Tidal Wave that does over 7000 damage to your entire team.
These will let you survive it. You can buy them in Mirage Village for 50000 GP each. - As many Dragon Lances
as you can get. While not *essential*, these weapons do about 5000 damage per hit to Shinryu, which helps greatly.
You can steal them from Crystal Dragons sometimes.
A good general setup for fighting Omega is to give one
person Sword Magic, Sshot, and have him/her equip the Brave Blade and the Excalibur. Another person should have Blue
Magic and the Masamune, so you'll move first, and can cast Guardian right off. The third person should have Time Magic.
Considering how fast Omega is, Haste2 is *very* useful. Return also helps in case you need to start over, since you
can't run from this battle. The last character should have White Magic (at level 6), as well as Redx2. (Yes, that means
you'll have to master a Red Mage.)
Against Shinryu, ditch the Excalibur and Holy Lance in favor of Dragon Lances.
Shinryu absorbs Holy attacks, so those weapons will do little good, while the Dragon Lances do *more* damage to him. Otherwise,
the same basic setup also applies. Shinryu is *far* stronger than Omega, however, so you may want to consider using
an extra healer. Jump is also a nice alternative, since most of the fighting will probably be done with spears. You can
run from Shinryu, so you won't need Return, but keep the time magic anyway, just for Haste2 and possibly Meteo. Also,
you'll *need* to equip those Coral Rings, or you more than likely won't survive Shinryu's first attack.
after the preperations have been made...it's time to fight! Omega is the little robot that looks like a MechaHead wandering
around the cliff just outside the save point room in the "Dark Cave" section of the N-Zone. Walk into him, and the
battle begins.
- Boss Battle - Omega - Lv: 119 HP: <60000> Weakness: Bolt
let the normal battle music fool you -- this 'bot is no lightweight. For his very first attack, Omega will probably either
use Beam Cannon for about 1800 damage to your entire team (and this ignores defense, including Guardian) or Delta
Attack, which petrifies a character (and which I've never seen fail). If he petrifies anyone except the one with Time Magic,
you might just wanna cast Return. Surprisingly, the damage you take from Beam Cannon isn't as bad as being petrified
here. ^_^ Omega's other attacks consist of Atomic Ray, which does about 2600 damage to your entire team (halved by
Shell), Burn Ray, which does about 1400 damage to one member (also halved by Shell), Missile (you know what this does),
Rainbow Wind, which causes Blind and Silence to one member (big deal), and, of course, what optional super boss would
be complete without the obligatory single-digit HP attack? Yep, Omega can use Maelstrom. He may have other attacks, but
these're all I've seen. Once you get a chance to move, cast Guardian, Haste2, and use Bolt3 Sword. After this, you're
pretty much set. Omega has inherent reflect status and absurd defense, so most attacks will either do 0 damage to him or
heal him. Don't waste time having anyone else attack, just stall for time until your "Sword Mage's" next turn comes
up, and have him/her unleash Sshot. Each attack should do between 5000 and 7000 damage, though despite what it may seem,
this isn't *quite* enough to kill Omega. After the attack sequence ends, Omega counters four times by using either Rocket
Punch (reduces HP by 1/3, causes confusion), Mustard Bomb (does damage equal to 1/4 of one character's max HP), or
Encircle (blows a character out of the battle). If he uses the latter on the one with Sshot, you might as well just reset
or cast Return, because you're probably not gonna win without him/her. If you manage to survive the onslaught of counters,
a second Sshot will kill Omega. Your rewards are 50000 GP, 100 ABP, and the Omega Badge, which does little more than
show that you beat Omega. You also get the satisfaction of knowing you killed an incredibly powerful monster that even
those who sealed Enuo couldn't defeat. ^_^
Now for Shinryu... He's a "monster-in-a-box" in a chest near the end
of the crystalline section of the N-Zone. It's directly at the bottom of a flight of steps. Open it to begin the battle.
Boss Battle - Shinryu - Lv: 97 HP: <55000>
Unlike Omega, there's no real "trick" to beating Shinryu...he's
just damn strong, and you'll have to be stronger! On the first turn, Shinryu uses Tidal Wave. This does 7000+ damage
to the entire team, though with the Coral Rings equipped, it *heals* you instead! After this, cast Guardian and Haste2 immediately.
Truthfully, I'd hate to see what kind of damage Shinryu does if you're *not* protected. His Blizzard spell did 2800+ damage
to my entire team *with* Guardian in effect, so I'm willing to wager that it'd kill an unprotected team outright.
Shinryu's physical attack is also incredibly powerful, having done 2500+ damage to a heavily-armored character who had
Protect status. He can also use Roulette, which...well...sucks. (And no, he can't kill himself with it. ^_^) This
is all I've seen him use, but I'm sure he has other attacks. As for what *you* should do... Just go all out. Use Flare,
Sshot, Flare Sword, Meteo, Bahamut, whatever. Just avoid Holy attacks, which Shinryu absorbs. A character with a mastered
white magic command, Redx2, and a HairOrnament will be able to take care of most of your healing, but it's best to
keep a second healer on hand in case Shinryu kills your main one, and Phoenix Downs just aren't gonna cut it, as Shinryu
will probably kill him/her again almost immediately. This battle will take a while, but eventually, Shinryu will fall.
You won't get any money here, but you'll get 100 ABP and the Dragon Seal, which like the Omega Badge, is just to prove
that you beat Shinryu. Of course, the rewards here are much better, as you'll obtain Ragnarok, the ultimate sword, from
the chest Shinryu was in after the battle.
If you successfully beat both Shinryu and Omega, then I can pretty much guarantee
that X-Death won't stand a chance against you. ^_^
(Note: As I said above, these battles were fought using a
team that was on level 50 and had all jobs mastered. If anyone has beaten them with a more reasonable team, please let
me know. Also, since the battles were over pretty quickly for me, I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me if there're
any attacks they can do that I'm unaware of.)