I. Revision
History II. Frequently Asked Questions III. Walkthrough Chapter I: The Meager Chapter II: The Manipulator
& The Subservient Chapter III: The Valiant Chapter IV: Somebody to Love Cloud Subquest
Deep Dungeon IV. Battle Strategies Chapter I: The Meager Chapter II: The Manipulator & The Subservient
Chapter III: The Valiant Chapter IV: Somebody to Love Cloud Subquest Deep Dungeon V. Jobs
Standard Jobs Special Jobs Monsters VI. Ability Strategies Ability Combos Character
Strategies Party Strategies VII. Items Weapons Shields Armor Helmets
Items VIII. Propositions IX. Reference Poached Items Zodiac Compatability Status Changes
Geomancy Chart Prime Numbers Character Quotes Spell Quotes Zodiac Stones
FF References Mistranslations Various Tricks X. Credits / Disclaimer
******************************************************* I.
REVISION HISTORY *******************************************************
Version 5.2 (8/25/98) - First of all,
please note that my e-mail and web page addresses have changed. My e-mail address is now erggibbon@aol.com,
and my site (Cosmo Canyon) can now be found at http://come.to/cosmocanyon. Now, on with the FAQ! -
Finally explained where to get the Javelin II and Escutcheon II (they're at Nelveska Temple) - Added Gafgarion's
dismissal quote - Added the JP costs for a few abilities I was missing - New battle strategies: Roof of Riovanes Castle -
Better explained how axes and maces and the Dragoons' Jump ability work. - Propositions list corrected and revised -
Dismissal quotes updated - Various other minor corrections
Version 5.0 (5/13/98 | 7/30/98) - Ability Strategy
(for lack of a better name) section created. A few of these are stolen from PSM Online's reader
tips, but I figured if people sent them into PSM Online they wouldn't mind them being used. If anybody
has a problem with them, let me know and I'll remove them. The section is a bit thin at the moment, so
I need contributions! - Job evaluation / ability changes: Dragoner, SOLDIER - Spell quotes section overhauled and reformatted
with ALL spell quotes, thanks to Matt Hobbs - Wild Boar monster abilities added, and the effect of
"Moldball" Virus - New battle strategies: Inside of Limberry Castle, Murond Death City - Uribo poaching items
fixed - More dismissal quotes added - Other minor corrections - Revive the Living trick added - Credits section
Version 4.0 (4/12/98) - Thanks to Jacob Carson (Zebra-38@worldnet.att.net), the poaching
list is now complete! - New battle strategies: Inside of Riovanes Castle, Roof of Riovanes Castle (::shudder::),
Bervenia Free City, Germinas Peak, Underground Cemetary, Inside of Igros Castle, St. Murond Temple, Graveyard
of Airships no. 2 - Chapter 4 walkthrough revised a teeny bit - Job evaluation changes: Knight, Monk, Time Mage, Oracle,
Bard, Dancer - 2 Frequently Asked Questions added - After about the sixth e-mail telling me that Reis CAN
equip bags, I finally added a short note on her job about them. (Yes, she can equip them, no, I didn't list
them because it's not part of her job just because of her being a female character). - Bonus Gil and Stepping
Stone tricks revised, and Thunderstorm trick added - For those of you who are interested, I've also done a
complete transcription of the Zodiac Brave Story, along with the characters, job reports, treasures, etc.
It's really big, so I didn't include it here, but you can find it at my page, Cosmo Canyon (address above). -
A few things added to mistranslations list - Three new FF references: Falgabird and Touzas Village, both from
FF3, and the Assault/Trap Door from FF4. - More spell quotes added - This will most likely be the last update for a
while, because I'm going to be doing a Breath of Fire 3 FAQ. Look for it soon! Feel free to continue
contributing to this FAQ, however.
Version 3.5 (4/4/98) - Poached items list! - Filled in the abilities
for the monsters I was missing. I'm still missing their range (and the effect of Morbol Gem), however. -
Added JP to Master to each job description. Also, I changed all the abilities that you start with to 0 JP
instead of ? JP. - Job evaluation changes: Agrias, Reis, Worker 8 - New battle strategies: Graveyard of Airships (no.
2) - Bonus Gil trick added (actually, it's not a trick, but I didn't know where else to put it). The Shoot
Enemies Close to You trick also revised to work in every situation. - Mistranslations list added 'cause
this game is loaded with them. - Added more spell quotes and the rest of the character dismissal quotes. -
Things I still need: Any place you see ? marks (items list, monster list, poaching list) is missing information.
Also, I thought I read somewhere that Reis had an ability to turn back into a dragon, but I guess not...
3.0 (3/29/98) - I've completed the monster list, except for four monsters that I couldn't find anywhere.
I haven't done the poaching part yet but I'll try to get to it (maybe). If anybody has a poaching list
(or even a partial one) they would like to contribute, that would help me out a lot. - It turns out
that there ARE items on level 10 of the Deep Dungeon (the Chaos Blade and Chirijiraden). I was wrong.
There aren't any traps over the items as on the other floors; that's why I thought there weren't any.
I feel stupid now.... - Added the stats on the Chirijiraden, Chaos Blade, Kaiser Plate, and Masamune. - Revised
the walkthrough slightly. - Added new battle strategies for Araguay Woods, Zaland Fort City, Golgorand Execution
Site, Inside of Riovanes Castle, Bethla Garrison North Gate, and Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor. -
John LaRusic has created a HTML version of the FAQ (the address is above). It's very well-done so take
a look at it. - Added the Pause Battles trick. - A few job evaluations have been changed, I think. The
Mime job evaluation has been added. - I finally figured out what being invisible does (the enemies can't hit
you until you act). - I also added character dismissal quotes to the Character Quotes section. - Fire 4, Bolt
4, and Ice 4 can't be reflected or calculated, as I had said in previous versions. I fixed this. -
Added a lot more spell quotes and changed that section's formatting a little. - Changed the formatting of the
Random Battles section as well, and added to it. - Corrected a few more typos.
Version 2.0 (3/15/98) -
The Deep Dungeon section is here! My next goal is to finish the Monster section, but don't expect that for
a while. - All the Deep Dungeon items and characters (Byblos) have been added as well, along with the stats on
Zodiac. - It turns out that the propositions give you random items and unexplored lands, not specified ones.
However, it IS set whether a prop. gives you a treasure, unexplored land, or neither. I've changed
the Propositions list to reflect this. - Many of the job evaluations have been changed. The most noteworthy
ones are Samurai, Calculator, Beowulf, Rafa, and Reis. - Added the stats of the Genji equipment and the Vanish
Mantle. - I also have the name of Chapter 2 now: The Manipulator & The Subservient. - Added two extra
tricks: Worker 8 As Stepping Stone, and The Stone Gun (the latter is really weird). - Some spell quotes have
been added. - I'm missing the following items' stats: Chaos Blade, Kaiser Plate, and Chirijiraden. If anybody
could send them to me I'd appreciate it. - Minor typo corrections
Version 1.0 (3/8/98) - First version! -
I'm still missing a lot of stuff: the Deep Dungeon and its items/characters (I'll get to the Dungeon in
the next version), the Genji equipment's stats, the name of Chaper 2, and a big chunk of the monster list.
Any contributions would be greatly appreciated.
******************************************************* II. FREQUENTLY
ASKED QUESTIONS *******************************************************
Q. Is is true you can get Cloud? A. Yes.
How do I get Cloud to join my party? A. See the "Cloud Subquest" section of the walkthrough.
Q. How do I beat Wiegraf? A.
Equip the Auto-Potion ability and a gun on Ramza. Run from Wiegraf and keep using the Yell command to
boost your speed. Repeat until you are getting seven or eight turns in a row, then start
shooting at Wiegraf. Against Velius, stand still and shoot at him until he dies.
Q. How do I
ride a Chocobo? A. Move the character onto the same square as the Chocobo.
Q. How do I use the Samurai's ability
Draw Out? A. First learn the ability you want to use. Then buy several of the corresponding Samurai
sword. During battle, you can use the ability if you have the appropriate type of sword
in your inventory (NOT equipped). Note that his may break the sword, so I'd buy several
Q. How do I learn Ultima? A. Only Ramza can learn Ultima, and he can only get it from the
assassins in Limberry Castle in chapter 4. He must be in the form of a Squire; then, when the
assassins cast the spell on him, he will learn it.
Q. Where is the Deep Dungeon? A. After you beat Murond Holy Place,
go to Warjilis Trade City. You will see a scene at the bar, then the way to the Deep
Dungeon will appear.
Q. How do I beat / find items in the Deep Dungeon? A. See the cleverly-titled Deep Dungeon
section of the walkthrough. ^_^
Q. How do I beat the Lionel Castle Gate? A. Give Ramza the Chakra
ability and have him use it every turn. Don't open the gate until the fight outside is
finished. For more tipes, see the Battle Strategies for Chapter 2.
Q. How do I learn Zodiac? A.
You can only learn Zodiac from Elidibs, the boss of the Deep Dungeon, by having him cast it on one of your
Summoners. Equip the MP Switch ability to survive it.
Q. Can you get Aerith to join? A. Aerith is in the game,
but you cannot get her in your party, unfortunately.
Q. Is it possible to find Mog in Sweegy Woods? A.
Nope; this is just another one of those false rumors. With a Game Shark, you can get every job in the game
(even the enemy ones), and Mog is not there. Sorry.
Q. How do I recruit monsters? A. You need a Mediator.
Then just use their Invitation skill on the monsters.
Q. How do I poach enemies? A. Equip the Thief
ability "Secret Hunt" and kill a monster with a regular attack. Then go to a Fur Shop in a trade
city and you can purchase what you've poached.
Q. Where do I get all the Zodiac Stones? A. Look in the Zodiac Stones
list near the end of the file. Be warned that this list contains some spoilers.
Q. Why don't
any of the characters have noses? A. Your guess is as good as mine. Some genetic defect or something,
I suppose.
******************************************************* III. WALKTHROUGH *******************************************************
writing Chapter I from memory, so I might make a few mistakes)
The game begins at Orbonne Monastery.
A band of enemy knights shows up, and you have to fight. This battle is pretty much automatic. Gafgarion
and Agrias will take care of most of the enemies. Just throw stones at the enemies for a couple turns. Afterwards,
Delita will capture Princess Ovelia and flee. Ramza then has an (extended) flashback about Delita.
I: THE MEAGER%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
All of Chapter I is a flashback to Ramza's days as a Hokuten
Knight-in-training. You (Ramza) and Delita will be at the academy in Gariland, where you receive the assignment
to defeat some thieves in the town. You are automatically joined by four squires and two chemists, then the first battle
begins. See "Battle Strategies" for tips on the battles. After you win the battle, you will go to the map screen.
If you lost any characters in the fight, go to the Soldier Office and recruit some new ones to replace them (or just
reset the game). This is the only time you should use the Soldier Office -- if you lose anybody later in the game,
you're better off resetting. Buy some Potions and a few (1-2) Phoenix Downs and head west to Mandalia
Plains. As soon as you leave the city, you'll have a flashback (yes, a flashback in a flashback) to the death
of Ramza's father Balbanes. After that sequence has ended, you'll move on to the Mandalia Plains. Here, you'll
meet Algus. Choose to save him, then beat up the enemies while protecting Algus. Back on the map,
go on up to Igros Castle. You'll have a brief chat with Dycedarg, then you'll be sent to go to find Marquis Elmdor.
Buy new equipment (if there is any; I can't remember) and stock up on Potions. You may want to gain some levels
on the Mandalia Plains before proceeding (BTW, you don't have to deploy Ramza during random battles, if you didn't
know). Head down to the Sweegy Woods at complete the battle there. Before proceeding, make sure all
your troops have the Throw Stone and Dash abilities. When you get the JP, pick up Accumulate, Move+1, and Counter
Tackle. Ramza can also use the Yell ability, which you'll want to get as well. Chemists should have Potion
and Phoenix Down. All the condition-curing items are useless (except Remedy); don't bother learning them.
Also, having Algus learn a basic Black Magic spell would be useful. AVOID job changes at this time.
As soon as you enter Dorter Slums, you'll enter a pretty tough battle. If you don't win, that's okay -- try again,
or build up your levels first. Upon your victory, you'll be able to visit the town. Buy new equipment and
stock up on items. You'll want at least 10 Potions and 4 Phoenix Downs. Again, you may want to build levels
before proceeding to the next battle. When you're ready, go on up to the Zeklaus Desert, where you'll have a battle
at Rat Cellar. After you win, you'll rescue the Marquis. Return to Igros Castle. Dycedarg
will send you south to the Thieves' Fort. Thieves' Fort is easier than Sand Rat Cellar, so you shouldn't have any
trouble. Following the battle, there will be a cutscene at Igros in which Teta (Delita's sister) is kidnapped.
Strip Algus of all his equipment, as he'll be leaving your party shortly. Go back up to Igros. A series of scenes
will follow in which Ramza and Delita decide to rescue Teta, and Algus leaves. At this point, you'll probably want to
start changing Jobs, if you haven't already. If any of your characters can become Monks, do so; they're very
strong fighters. Ramza I would recommend as a Knight. It would also help to have a Black Mage and Archer.
However, you will still want to have a healer, so give one of your characters the Item ability and the Chemists' Throw
Item support ability (so your items have a longer range). Make sure to buy equipment for the new jobs!
Return to Gariland. While you're here, buy plenty of Potions (12 or so) and Phoenix Down (6 should be sufficient).
Go north to the Lenalia Plateau. You'll have another battle against Miluda (Wiegraf's sister). After the battle,
check your item supply. If it's sufficient, just go on ahead to the Fovoham Plains. If it's not, go back
to Gariland, but you might have a random battle on the return trip. At Fovoham Plains, you'll
square off against Wiegraff and his Chocobo Boco (from FF5). This battle isn't too difficult if you have good
Jobs. Again, if your item supply is okay, you can continue directly on to Fort Zeakden, the final battle of the chapter,
where you'll have to fight Algus. You will need non-basic Jobs (particularly a Monk and Archer) for this battle.
If you need JP, go to Sweegy Woods or the Mandalia Plains and fight random battles. At Fort
Zeakden, you'll find Teta being held captive by a Golagros, a Death Corps knight. Algus and Dycedarg arrive with some
troops, and Algus shoots Teta and Golagros. You then fight Algus. After you kill him, the fort will blow
up, and the chapter ends.
You now return to the present, at Orbonne Monastery. Your curren mission is to rescue Princess Ovelia. Rad
and Agrias' two Knights will join your party, and Agrias and Gafgarion will join as Guests. You still have all your
characters from Chapter I (except Delita). If you have any abilities to learn, get them, then
go north to Dorter, where another battle awaits you. Win it (well, obviously) and you'll have access to all of
the map again. At this point, you should not have any characters with basic Jobs (Squire
or Chemist), and you'll want to have a Monk, Archer, Wizard, and Priest somewhere in the party. A Mediator is
also useful, but might take some time to get (you have to get Oracle up to level 2, and Oracle requires Priest).
If you want to take the time to get it, you can also get the Thief Job. You now have the
ability to take Propositions at bars. You can earn a lot of gil and some JP from these jobs, so take them up (never
more than one at a time, though). Always use the maxinum number of days possible. While the characters are
away, you can have the main group build up job levels with random battles (or just continue on without them).
All the stores in the three towns have new items, so pay them a visit to get supplies for your characters. Don't buy
any equipment for Gafgarion (Agrias is okay, but her equipment is already really good). Stock up on Hi-Potions
(you'll want the Hi-Potion ability by now) and Phoenix Downs. Note: you can have random battles
at Fovoham Plains and the Zeklaus Desert that are entirely different from the set battles there. They also feature
some advanced monsters, so try recruiting them with a Mediator. Just make sure to keep an eye on the number of
eggs they produce; wipe out the majority of eggs before they clog your roster. When you feel
confident that you've got some good characters, go to Araguay Woods, east of Dorter. BTW, this is now up to where I'm
writing while playing the game and not just from memory. Anyway, here you have to save Boco (the chocobo) from
the goblins (pick the second choice). You shouldn't have any trouble. After the battle, Boco will join.
Back on the map, go into your formation screen and change Gafgarion into a Time Mage (this should cause him to lose
all his equipment). Then continue on to Zirekile Falls. The graphics here are simply incredible. Here
you'll find Delita and Ovelia being attacked by some Hokuten Knights. The Knights demand that Gafgarion join them,
and he does. You then have to fight him and the knights to save Ovelia. After the battle,
Delita will leave you with Ovelia. Ramza decides to go to Lionel Castle. On the map, help yourself to Gafgarion's
equipment (if you didn't earlier). If you need items, go back to Dorter. The next battle is a toughie, so
be prepared. I recommend having an archer, a Black Chocobo (Boco will lay eggs and they may be black chocobos), and a
priest or wizard. If you use a wizard, make sure somebody can heal. When you're ready, go to Zaland Fort
City. You'll meet Mustadio, who is being chased by some bad guys. You get a choice whether
to help him or not. Choosing the second option means that you have to keep Mustadio alive to win the battle, while the
first doesn't. So choose the first. No matter what you pick, Mustadio joins you afterwards as a Guest.
When all the talking is finished, go back into Zaland to pick up supplies and equipment. There's not very much
in the way of selection, but you can get a new staff, hat (only give the Triangle Hat to magic users; the Headgear is
better for fighters as it raises their attack), and armor. Your next stop is Bariaus Hill.
When you first get here, there's no fight, just some dialogue. Afterwards, you'll be back on the map, but Bariaus Hill is
still red. This time when you go there, you do get a fight. Following the fight, a cut scene will pop up
back at Igros Castle with Dycedarg and Gafgarion scheming. You can now finally get to Lionel
Castle (don't worry; there's no fight). You'll chat with Draclau and learn about the Zodiac Stones. Agrias
and Ovelia will then leave the party. Then you get to go shopping! There is a lot of really powerful equipment
you can get here, so load up on it (you should have a lot of money by now). Also, you may want to send some of
your characters out on a proposition if you haven't been doing them -- you can earn a lot of money from some.
One way to pass time and complete the propositions is to walk back and forth between Dorter Trade City and Orbonne Monastery; there
are no random battles but you increase the days counter quickly. On to the swamp. Fight
your way through here, but don't go to Goug. Instead, return to Zaland -- the shop has some new equipment (Platina
Daggers, Green Berets [don't give them to magic-users] and Wizard Outfits). Then move onto Goug. Upon arriving
in the city, there will be a brief scene and then you're back on the map. The store doesn't have much of anything,
but if you've got a Mediator or Chemist, be sure to buy them a Romanda Gun. There's also a lot of accessories
-- you might want to pick up a Wizard Mantle or two for your magic users. Make sure you're stocked up on Hi-Potions
and Phoenix Downs; you'll need them. Try to leave the city and you'll be immediately thrust into
a battle. Deploy your Mediator (if you have one), somebody with a bow, and somebody with black magic. Rudvich,
the leader of the Bart Company, will appear with Mustadio and Besrodio (Musty's father) captive. Mustadio reveals
the location of the Zodiac Stone. Ramza forks it over and you find out that Draclau was in on the plot. It's fight
time. After the battle (a tough one, I might add), you check on Besrodio. Mustadio reveals
that the Zodiac Stone that Rudvich got was really a fake. Mustadio will now join as you a normal party member
-- now you can control him! The only downside to this is that he can be permanently killed. Musty's equipment
is all gone, so be sure to re-equip. Also, if you learned any skills while he was a Guest, they're gone for some
reason. Take the ship (well, just walk across the ocean) over to Warjilis Trade City.
Upon getting off the ship, you'll bump into Delita again. After that scene's ended, you can explore the town.
To make some easy money, go to the bar and accept the proposition (to find the Highwind!), then go back to Goug and
get the job there as well (there will be a cutscene when you leave Warjilis the first time). Just go back and
forth between the two cities until both jobs are complete. If you weren't able to afford everything back in Goug,
pick it up now. Now go up to Bariaus Valley, where you'll find anohter fight. You'll
deploy two squads here to save Agrias from the Hokuten; this is a really easy fight, so you might want to deploy some
weaker characters to give them a boost. Agrias will rejoin, this time as a normal (non-guest) character.
By the way, somewhere around here I picked up a Giant Axe (sorry, not sure where); it's a VERY strong weapon, give somebody
the "Equip Axe ability and have them use it. Your next stop is Golgorand Execution Site.
Male sure you're ready; this is a tough battle. The execution turns out to be a trap, and you have to fight Gafgarion.
Good luck, you'll need it. Eventually (probably after a couple of tries), you'll win.
There will be a long scene back at Lionel Castle in which you find out more about Ovelia's past and Draclau's plans.
Then you're back on the map. Return to Warjilis, where you'll find some new armor available. Equip your characters
and restock your items. Then make *sure* that Ramza has the Chakra ability and Punch Art equipped (either because
he is a monk or as a secondary action ability). Equip the Arrow Guard ability on any characters that have it.
When you've done all that, it's time for the final battles of the chapter. Note: if you want, you can walk all
the way PAST Lionel Castle to the destinations behind it -- just don't click on Lionel Castle itself until you're ready
to fight. When you do, you'll have no choice but to attack the gate... Ramza will go
to open the gate, but Gafgarion shows up yet again and surrounds the castle. If you thought the Execution Site
was bad, here's more fun. Actually, the gate isn't quite as bad if you play your cards right (see the battle strategies).
The save game screen will pop up at the conclusion of the battle -- there's another battle right after this one.
It's your call as to whether you should save. I'd recommend saving in a separate slot in case you need to go back
to get more JP. Your formation screen then shows up, allowing you to learn new abilities or do anything you need
to. When you leave the formation screen, you'll go to the next battle and start deploying your characters.
This time you're up against Draclau, who uses his Zodiac Stone to turn (with some incredible special effects) into Queklain.
Beat him and he'll blow up (more nifty effects) and drop another Zodiac Stone. You'll see a scene with Delita
and Prince Goltana in which the Lion War begins, then Chapter 2 ends.
%%%CHAPTER III: THE VALIANT%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Chapter III begins with more of Goltana's plotting. You'll then cut to Ramza in Dorter. The shops have a lot of
new stuff (as weird as it seems, those Cashmere Bags are *really* powerful, although spendy), plus the Fur Shops are
open -- you can now use the Thief's "Secret Hunt" ability to poach enemies and get items from them at the Fur Shops.
For additional shopping opportunities, visit one of the castles (Lionel or Igros). All this stuff is expensive, so
luckily there's a whole slew of new propositions -- at least one in every town. I recommend spending a while completing
them, buying stuff, and building up your characters. If you're offered any "contest" Job, take it right away,
because you won't have the chance for very long. When you're ready to get on with the game, go to Goland
Coal City. There's a "fight" (using the term loosely) here where you have to rescue Olan (although I can't imagine
he'd need much rescuing). You might want to use some of your weaker characters here to build them up, because
this is the easiest fight in the entire game. After you "save" Olan, you'll chat briefly, and then Olan will head
off to the south (doh!). There's no new equipment in the Goland shops, so you can probably just head straight
on to Lesalia. There's no fight when you first get here, just a short chat with Zalbag. However, as soon as you
leave, you'll have to fight Zalmo. It's a pretty easy battle. Alma then joins up as a Guest. When
you have a chance, de-equip her Healing Staff, Barette, and Red Shoes. If you want to complete
some propositions, just go back and forth between Goland and Lesalia until they're done. Then go down to Dorter.
Purchase some new equipment (if you want to make another stop, Igros and Goug have new stuff as well), then go to Orbonne
Monastery. Go to the Underground Book Storage (it's the only option available), where you'll find Simon wounded.
He tells you about Funeral's plot, and Ramza chases after the troops looking for the Virgo Stone. You'll have
a chance to save your game; don't do it (to avoid being stuck in the monastery); all you'd have to repeat if you died
is that short scene with Simon. The Formation screen will come up, then you will go down to the second floor and
have a fight. After beating the second floor, you have a save opportunity -- save in a separate
slot -- and then you go to the third floor for another battle. Upon winning it, you have yet another battle, this
time with Wiegraf. Meanwhile, Izlude escapes with Alma captive (and the Zodiac Stones). Outside, the Aries Stone
will take over Wiegraf and turn him into Velius. Simon will then show up, give you the Germonik Scriptures, and
die. Back on the map, go to the Brave Story option and check out your Treasures. Examine the
Germonik Scriptures and press Triangle to read it. After you read it (takes a while), go to Dorter. A wizard
will demand the Germonik Scriptures and ask if you've read them. I said yes; I don't know if it matters.
The route to Riovanes Castle will now be open. Go anywhere (it doesn't matter). You will cut to a scene
with Delita and Ovelia. After the scene concludes, go into Dorter and check out the shops, which
once again has some new equipment. Upgrade your stuff, but keep the Holy Miters for your magic-users, as they
raise their MP significantly. Don't miss the White Robe for your magic-users; you'll have to scroll down a ways
to find it. Go up to Lesalia, where there is more new stuff (bows, daggers, and swords). Then continue to
Grog Hill. Smash through here (I actually felt kind of bad killing those guys off) and you'll meet up with Olan again.
Your next stop is Yardow Fort City. Here you'll meet Malak (the guy you met in Dorter) and Rafa. You have
to save Rafa (Malak is on the other side) from the Riovanes guys. Deploy lots of magic-users; skip the archers.
Malak will teleport away when you defeat him and you and Rafa will hide... but not for long. Malak, in the form
of a frog, will deliver an ultimatum, then disappear. Before you leave Yardow, stop at the shop and
pick up some Golden Hairpins, which raise both your HP and MP a lot, and get Rafa a better weapon. Fight through Yugou
Woods and its undead inhabitants, but don't go to Riovanes Castle just yet. It contains some very powerful bosses,
so you've got to boost your characters up (I recommend you fight at the Zeklaus Desert). Make as many Dragoons
(Lancers) as you can. You'll also want the Chemist's Auto-Potion ability for Ramza. Red Chocobos are also
a big help, if they're at a high level. Finally, go back to Lesalia and outfit your characters with the best
equipment you can get, and buy lots (30+) of X-Potions. Also, buy some accessories that increase your move range
or speed. Also, if any of your characters are close to reaching the requirements to becoming a Ninja, build them up
to a Ninja. This isn't necessary, only useful. When you think you're ready, save your game,
then pay a visit to Riovanes Castle. You'll see a scene with Barinten, then have a chance to save -- save in a
separate slot from your main game. You then go to the first of a series of battles. Equip the Arrow Guard
on any characters that have it. After you defeat everyone outside the gate, a wounded Knight will crawl out.
You'll then get a chance to save your game. DO NOT SAVE IN YOUR MAIN SLOT or you will regret it (as you may have
to start again from scratch... doh!). SAVE IN A DIFFERENT SLOT. Now, make sure you're prepared.
You're about face a Zodiac-charged Wiegraf, and he is rather powerful. However, if you know what you're doing, he isn't
that hard to beat. Turn Ramza into a Chemist and equip him with a Mythril Gun, then set his secondary ability
to Guts. Drop all your Potions and Hi-Potions, so that you will only use X-Potions when you Auto-Potion.
Make the other characters Dragoons. If you want to be specific, here is I what I had (Philo and Jennie are just
generic characters):
Ramza (Chemist): Guts/Auto-Potion/Equip Armor/Move-HP Up Philo (Dragoon): Punch Art/Counter/Attack
UP/Move-HP Up Jennie (Dragoon): Item/Speed Save/Concentrate/Move-HP Up Agrias (Dragoon): Item/Caution/Gained JP Up/Move+1 Mustadio
(Dragoon): Item/Auto-Potion/Gained JP Up/Move+1
When you defeat Wiegraf, you'll go to the next battle,
on the roof. Be sure to save the game because the next battle is even harder. Equip any accessories that
you have to boost speed or move. You have to fight against Marquis Elmdor and two assassins while protecting Rafa,
who has incredibly bad AI. This is the hardest battle in the game, in my opinion. It will take extreme luck
to survive, unless you've got a Ninja (in which case it's a piece of cake). All you have to do is take out one of the
enemies, but are you lucky enough to get a chance to attack? Anyway, after you (eventually) defeat
Elmdor, he retreats with his two assassins. Rafa will use the Zodiac Stone to revive Malak, then they will join
you and you get your Zodiac Stones back, along with the Aries and Pisces stones. Don't worry; it's all downhill
(mostly) from here.
%%%CHAPTER IV: SOMEBODY TO LOVE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Chapter IV begins
in Zeltennia Castle in a scene with Orlandu and Olan. Then you're back on the world map (haven't seen that for
a while, huh?) Ramza has a new appearance, as well as a new ability (Scream), so be sure to learn
it. You'll note that Squire does not appear as a Mastered job -- that's because Ramza is missing the Ultima spell,
which you'll have a chance to get later on. Be sure to change back to your normal jobs if you're still altered
from the Wiegraf fight. While you're still at Riovanes, you can do a bit of equipment upgrading
(stick with the Aegis Shields, though; they're good against magic). There's also a number of propositions you
can take in the various towns, but most of them aren't worth the time they take (and you sometimes LOSE money on them),
so don't bother. Go up to the pass near Lesalia. This is a routine battle against some Nanten
Knights. Whip through here and continue on to Bervenia Free City. Before you enter the town, equip the Maintenance
ability on everybody who was it, and give Arrow Guard to the people who don't. Also, I strongly recommend you
have a thief along. In Bervenia, you'll encounter -- and fight -- Izlude's sister Meliadoul, accompanied by some
ninjas. Meliadoul will teleport away when you defeat her. Bervenia's shops don't have anything
new, so move on to the Finath River. After beating that, you can finally get to Zeltennia Castle. Ramza
will go to the church, where he'll meet Delita again. Delita explains more of the church's plan. Zalmo then shows
up, and it's fight time (did you really think you could go somewhere without one?). With Delita's help, it's pathetically
easy (I told you the game was going to get easier, didn't I?). After the battle, you'll meet with Balmafula, then
Delita will leave (bummer). Strangely, the shops *still* don't have anything new. Restock
your items (you'll need lots of X-Potions), then go to the Bed Desert, south of Bervenia. Here you'll encounter
another Shrine Knight, Balk, in a tough battle. This is one the last difficult encounters of the game, as pretty soon
you... well, you'll see. After beating Balk (it'll probably take you a few tries), go to the Bethla Garrison.
You'll have a choice as to whether to go to the south or north wall. Each is a different battle. I find
that the south wall is easier. Whichever way you go, you'll end up at the floodgate. Save your game in a
different slot, then continue. You have a really cool battle in which you have to open the dam and flood the garrison.
It's good for raising JP. After blowing up the dam, you, Olan, and Balmafula will rescue Orlandu. ORLANDU
THEN JOINS YOU! YAHOO!! If you just heard a giant sucking sound, it was all the challenge going down to
Mexico (er, unless you live in Mexico, then it all went to Zimbabwe). Orlandu is ridiculously powerful, and once you
have him, nobody in the game has a chance against you. He has all of Agrias's, Gafgarion's, and Meliadoul's sword techniques,
plus a full set of Crystal equipment and the Excalibur. He can also use every type of sword (katana, knight sword,
etc.) To put it simply, he is hell on wheels. Delita then offs Prince Goltana and frames Cid (Orlandu).
A cutscene pops up instructing you to go to Limberry and rescue Alma. A handy new path opens up between Bethla
and Zirekile Falls. Go back up to Bervenia, because -- get this -- the stores actually have new equipment!
It's only a bit of armor, but, hey, at least it's something! Keep the Golden Hairpin for your magic-users, though,
as it raises MP quite a bit. In addition, Zeltennia has even more new equipment, and it's a lot of good stuff! Will
the wonders never cease? Be sure to stop in for an upgrade. At your next stop, Zarghidas Trade
City, you'll run into a familiar face... it's Aerith! Buy a flower from her, then head into town (yup, there's no
fight). There's a couple of propositions and yet more new equipment, which leads me to wonder why the first chunk
of the chapter was completely dry. Square's equipment designer must have called in sick that day or something.
Before you leave, buy five Angel Rings (if you already have some, just buy however many you need to get five) or you
will regret it. Pop on down to Germinas Peak, where you'll have a run-in with some bandits.
With Orlandu in your party, this battle is a breeze. After the battle (before you continue on), you may want to
get into a random battle at Germinas Peak with the Move-Find Item ability equipped (make sure the character that has
it has a low Brave). Save first, though. Move to the very top of the peak and you should find the Vanish
Mantle, a mantle that makes you invisible... you might get a Potion instead, though, if you do, reset.
After Germinas Peak, you'll go to Poeskas Lake. This is another undead scenario, but it's really easy. You then see
a scene with Dycedarg, after which you can go to Limberry Castle. The first battle at Limberry Castle
is the gate (isn't it always?). This is really easy. You'll then see a scene with Elmdor (who bears an uncanny resemblance
to Sephiroth). Before you continue, save in a separate slot. Then you need to make a few prepartions. Turn
Ramza into a Squire (yes, a squire), and equip Angel Rings on all the characters you plan to use.
Elmdor says "it's payback time for all the disgrace from Riovanes Castle", and I have to completely agree. It
took me 14 tries to beat the roof, and at this point I wanted revenge very badly. Unfortunately, he won't go down
without another very difficult fight. Celia and Lede have 100% working death spells, and you only have a 10% chance
of hitting Elmdor (he has Blade Grasp). Oh yeah, and Elmdor has a never-failing teleport (Teleport 2). It just
ain't fair. After defeating Elmdor in the throne room, you'll go down the basement for yet another
battle against him, this time with him transformed into a Zodiac monster (don't you love the transformation effects?).
Meliadoul will help you out here. Thankfully, he isn't all that hard. After you defeat him, you'll get the
Sagittarius Zodiac Stone, and Meliadoul joins you. Limberry Castle is now a normal town, so you can go
to the bar and shop (although there's nothing new at the shop -- we're back in the old routine again). When you
try to leave, you'll see some long scenes. Now take a look at map. You'll note Igros Castle has turned red.
Hike all the way back there (I wish there was an airship in this game), but stop at Gariland on the way and buy Jade
Armlets for the coming battle. At Igros, Ramza will open the gate, and then you'll line up for a
fight (yay, no gate battle). Deploy Agrias, Orlandu, and Meliadoul. You'll have an easy battle against Dycedarg
to save Zalbag. When he is killed, Dycedarg will turn into Adramelk and zap Zalbag. You then fight a continuation
of the first battle against Adramelk. When killed, he will yield the Capricorn Zodiac Stone.
Now that you've defeated Adramelk, you can undertake a long subquest to get Cloud from FF7 in your party (and three
other characters in the process). For the walkthrough on this quest, see the Cloud Subquest section of the walkthrough,
below. It's optional, but there's no real reason not to do it, as you get some cool characters (Cloud does not
fall into this category). When you want to get on with the game, go to Murond Holy Place, south
of Gariland. Stop into Gariland on the way to buy some Thief Hats, and stock up on supplies (and buy some Holy
Water, you'll actually need it for once). At Murond, you'll be treated to a series of battles, beginning outside
the church (not that hard), and progressing inside, where you'll face off against Vormav, Rofel, and Kletian.
Vormav will teleport away after you beat on them for a while. If any of your equipment got broken in the last battle, you'll
need to replace it -- strip the gear from somebody you're not going to be using. You'll then go to
the chapel, where you'll fight a possessed Zalbag, an Ultima Demon, and two Archaic Demons. This is a fairly difficult
battle. After you defeat Zalbag, you will meet up with a dying Funeral. Funeral tells you that Vormav is
going to Orbonne Monastery, then dies. Back on the map, a handy route between Murond and Goug
Machine City has opened up. If you're still planning to do the Cloud quest, this makes it quicker, so do it now.
In fact, if you're going to do anything now, do it. Once you go to Orbonne Monastery, you're locked into the game's
final series of battles. Also, if you're interested, the Deep Dungeon is now accessible. I haven't done
the Deep Dungeon section of the walkthrough yet, but it'll be in the next version. Before you
go to Orbonne, make sure you're ready. Your characters should be at least level 40. Equip yourself with
all your best abilities, and change to your best jobs. Earning JP doesn't matter now. Actually, the last
sequence of battles isn't all that difficult, just long. The first battle at Orbonne is against some generic
enemies -- an easy battle. Save your game in a separate slot as always, then equip Jump+x abilities and/or Fly
on anybody that has them for the next battle. You'll now face a string of four battles against Zodiac Braves.
First up is Rofel. After you defeat him, he'll suck you through a portal to Murond Death City (apparently of no
relation to Murond Holy Place), then destroy the way back. Return your abilities to normal.
Your next opponent is Kletian. After that, you'll face Balk (brought back to life by the Zodiac Stones). After
that, you'll head to the Graveyard of Airships, which is really just a single airship, and a rather odd location for
a final battle (although it does bear an uncanny resemblance to Soul Edge's stage in SoulBlade -- coindence or "inspiration"?).
Vormav will use the Leo Stone to transform him into a giant lion, Hashmalum. Defeat him and you'll get the Ragnarok
sword. St. Ajora will then appear. You now have one last chance to save your game. Do so, and also
equip the Ragnarok sword. Another Alma will somehow appear (I have no clue why). Ajora summons four Ultima Demons
in response, then transforms into Altima (isn't that a kind of car?) Alma will join you as a guest for the final battle, against
the Generic Angel Boss (TM). After pounding on Altima for a while, Altima will (of course) reveal his/her/its
(?) true form, a skeletony-type of angel (the resemblance to SoulBlade is unmistakable now, even the music sounds like
Cervantes' music). Thankfully, the Ultima Demons disappear for this phase of the battle. When
you defeat Altima's second form, it will blow up (nice special effects). This Game Is Complete! You then get to
watch a nifty CG ending (although Olan's name is spelled wrong). Leave the game on after the credits for an additional
scene. But if you haven't beaten the Deep Dungeon, you're not done yet! Skip down to the Deep Dungeon section
for info on it.
%%%CLOUD SUBQUEST%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
You can get Cloud
any time after you defeat Adramelk. Note that you MUST have Mustadio still around, so don't dismiss him or let
him get killed! To start the quest, go to Goug Machine City, where Besrodio (Mustadio's father) will show you a steel
ball he's found (if you've already seen this scene, you don't need to repeat it). You must have Mustadio alive
to do this quest! Now go to Goland Coal City, in the center of the map. At the bar in Goland,
listen to the rumors "Ghosts of Colliery." You will be asked to fight a monster in the coal mines. Leave
the bar. Nothing will happen at first, but go to Lesalia. Ramza will go into the bar and learn more about
the coal mine job. He agrees to take it. On the way out, Beowulf will stop you and ask you to take him with
you. Agree and he joins you (as a Guest). You'll note that Goland Coal City has turned red. First,
go back into Lesalia and buy Beowulf some better equipment. Then equip Yin-Yang Magic as Beo's second ability
(he already has a bunch of Yin-Yang spells learned). Then return to Goland, where you'll be forced into entering
the Colliery Mines. You have to fight through three floors before you reach the sewers, where the Holy Dragon
Reis is being attacked by some demons. You have to save her. Reis and Beowulf then join you, and you get
the Aquarius Zodiac Stone. The quest continues... return to Goug. Cloud will put in the Aquarius
stone in the steel ball, which transforms into Worker 8. A comical scene will follow, then Worker 8 joins you.
On the way out of town, you'll get another scene in which Besrodio puts together another device that also requires a
Zodiac Stone. Now go to Zeltennia Castle (yup, all the way up there). Go to the bar and
listen to the "Cursed Island" rumor. This will open up a new path on your map to Nelveska Temple. Buy some
Softs before you leave town for the coming battle. Now find a character with a high Jump ability and equip them
with Move-Find Item; you'll need it. Go to Nelveska and you'll be attacked by Worker 7*new. After Worker
7*new goes down, you'll get his power source: the Cancer Zodiac Stone. When you try to leave Nelveska
Island, Beowulf will use the Cancer stone to restore the dragon Reis to her normal human form. She will then re-join
your party, keeping all her dragon abilities (and getting many new ones). Strangely, even in human form, she can't
use equipment. Hike all the way back to Goug. Besrodio will power up the weathervane with the
Cancer Stone and it will.... summon Cloud. Cloud, in typical Cloud fashion, will refuse to let you introduce yourselves and
run off in pursuit of Sephiroth (why couldn't they have summoned somebody cool like Rufus or Red 13?)
NOW you have to go all the way to Zarghidas Trade City (I bet you're getting real sick of those random battles, huh?).
Remember when you met Aerith here earlier? Well, she's back, and this time she's being accosted by some thieves.
Cloud comes to save her, but has another one of his schizophrenic breakdowns. You have to save him from the thieves. Afterwards,
Clod... er, Cloud will join you. You're still not totally finished with this quest. In order for
Cloud to be able to use his limit attacks, you need to find his Materia Blade. Equip the Move-Find Item ability
on somebody and go to Bervenia Volcano. Get into a random battle there. During the battle, move your Move-Finder
to the very tippy-top of the volcano, where you'll discover the Materia Blade. Then finish the battle.
Equipping Cloud with the Materia Blade allows him to do Limit attacks. However, Cloud really isn't all that great
a character. His Limit Breaks take a long time to charge, and he starts at level 1. But you did get some
cool other characters (Beowulf and Worker 8).
%%%DEEP DUNGEON%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
The Deep Dungeon is a dungeon (gosh!) with ten floors (each a separate battle), each packed with really powerful equipment.
It's completely optional, and in fact is more difficult than the actual end of the game. You can
only access the Deep Dungeon after you beat Murond Holy Place. Then go to Warjilis Trade City. When you
arrive, you'll automatically see a scene in the bar in which Ramza overhears a rumor about the Deep Dungeon. When
you leave town, a route will automatically pop up to the tiny island to the east, which contains the Deep Dungeon.
The Deep Dungeon has ten floors, all with fruity names like TERMINATE or MLAPAN (and for even more weirdness, press
Select on each floor's name) that for some reason all pertain to the movie Apocalypse Now (MLAPAN and NOGIAS are Napalm
and Saigon spelled backwards). To make things challenging, the Deep Dungeon is completely dark.
You can see your guys and the enemies, but you can't see the terrain. Crystals left by dead guys will light up
much of the area, but there's another way to see. Just choose an attack with a really long range like a gun attack,
Beowulf's Shock, Worker 8's Dispose, or best of all, Teleport (as this lights up the *whole* map). This will highlight
most of the panels on the battlefield, and you can study the terrain (you don't even have to use the attack, just select
it). Since you can do this every round, you shouldn't have too much trouble seeing what you're doing.
Oh, and not only do you have to beat the enemies on each level, but you have to find the exit to open up the next level
(if you kill all the enemies without finding the exit, you'll just back to the map screen and have to replay the level).
The exit's location is RANDOM; it's different every time. However, it usually on the enemy's side of the battlefield,
and often in a corner. The best way to find the exit is to use Beowulf's Chicken spell to turn one of the enemies
into a Chicken. It will stay Chicken-ified for quite a while, and you can just recast the spell when it's close
to wearing off (it lasts until the enemy gets back to 10 Brave). But wait! There's more!
Each level contains a number of cool items. You can only get these by using the Move-Find Item ability.
Also, you have to have a LOW Brave level, or else you will get Phoenix Downs instead. Rafa has a really low Brave
level, and Beowulf's is pretty low as well. You can also artifically lower your Brave level by using the Mediator's
Threaten ability, or the Oracle's Foxbird spell. I recommend giving your item-finder Germinas Boots to increase
their move and jump range. For exact item locations, see each level's battle strategy. In order to
use these locations properly, you have to rotate the camera so that your characters are facing down and to the left
at the start of the battle. Then (0, 0) is the lower left corner (the first number is horizontal and the second
vertical). Whew! I think that's all the instruction you need. Now head on in! The
first floor, Nogias, is just kind of practice, but you can get some good guns in it. Then you go to Terminate,
which is similar to Nogias. Be sure to pick up the Save The Queen sword on this level; I recommend giving it to
Agrias. The Blood Sword is on this floor as well, but isn't all that great. The third floor,
Delta, is easier than the first two. It contains two great pieces of equipment: the Yoichi Bow and the Mace of
Zeus. The Elixirs aren't really necessary to collect; you can do fine without them. On Valkyrie, you get
lots of good stuff: the Faith Rod (great rod!), Kaiser Plate, and the Fairy Harp (if you don't have a Bard, you can
skip it). The Deep Dungeon gets tough again on the oddly- named level 5, Mlapan. Be sure to come
prepared. Mlapan contains another Excalibur sword (be sure to get this one!), which is good for Beowulf. It also has
the best ninja sword, the Iga Knife -- but morning stars are stronger, so it's not really necessary.
Next stop is Tiger. You can pick up the Blast Gun, the best gun, here. The other items -- Secret Clothes,
the Cursed Ring, and an Elixir -- aren't that great but they're nearby, so pick them up. Floor seven is Bridge; be sure
to bring somebody with the Secret Hunt (poaching) skill. The items here aren't very good: a Sage Staff (not as
good as the Mace of Zeus) and the Koga Knife (not as good as the Iga Knife or a Morning Star). By now,
you're getting near the bottom, and the difficulty level is rising again. However, the next floor, Voyage, contains
some really useful stuff: the Ragnarok sword (not really as good as Excalibur as it doesn't cast Haste), Robe of Lords (a
GREAT robe), and the best bow, the Perseus Bow. The final normal floor is Horror. It holds the game's best armor
-- the Maximillian, Grand Helmet, and Venetian Shield. You want this stuff. There's only one level
left after this, appropriately named End. Before you go in, make sure you have a Mediator with the ability Solution. If
you want to learn the game's best call spell, Zodiac, you'll have to deploy your best Summoner (and they must be in
Summoner form). Equip him/her with the Time Mage ability MP Switch. When you enter End, you'll meet
some weird old guy named Elidibs, who will turn himself into a Lucavi. You'll be accompanied in this battle by
the Byblos (its name varies), a purple Apanda. After defeating Elidibs (and hopefully learning Zodiac from
him), you'll get the 13th (!) Zodiac Stone, Serpentarius. Byblos will then join your party as a normal character.
He's okay. Congratulations! You've beat the Deep Dungeon! There's a few more things to do.
Go back into End after you defeat Elidibs, and bring an item-finder. On the top level (where Elidibs was), there are four
items: two Elixirs, the Chirjiraden (the best samurai sword), and the Chaos Blade. The Chaos Blade is the best
weapon in the game; it has a whopping 40 attack points, automatically Regens you, and petrified enemies! And,
yes, I was wrong in previous versions about there being no items here. If you're into poaching, sometimes
you'll find a bunch of Uribos and Porkies on End. They're pathetically easy to kill, but poach them and you'll get
nifty stuff. Another thing to do once you've beat Elidibs is to go back into End and bring Reis along.
Use her Dragon Tame to recruit one of the Tiamats (if there aren't any, just try again). They're THE best monster in
the game, and they're almost as strong as (if not stronger than) Orlandu! Still haven't had enough?
Okay, equip all your characters with Catch and go to Horror. The Ninjas here will throw a variety of nice weapons
at you, which you can then obtain. If you're at a high enough level, you can even get Chaos Blades!
******************************************************* IV.
BATTLE STRATEGIES *******************************************************
%%%CHAPTER I: THE MEAGER%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1: Magic City Gariland-- The key in this battle is advance slowly and not to let your characters get spread out.
Stay on the left side (away from the bulk of the houses) and make good use of your Chemists. Attack from the enemy
from behind whenever possible. Don't worry about Delita; the Guest AI is incredibly incompetent and he'll get
killed in almost every battle.
--Battle 2: Mandalia Plains-- Send a Chemist up to Algus right away and heal him (after
he gets hit, that is). He'll probably run away, so your characters are free to concentrate on the enemies.
Attack from above if you can.
--Battle 3: Sweegy Woods-- I really don't remember much about this battle. It wasn't
very difficult, anyway.
--Battle 4: Dorter Slums-- Send three characters directly forward from your starting
position (down the street), and send Ramza and the other character up the building nearby (where Delita and Algus go).
Have Ramza move up to the top of the building and hit the Archer there, then, on his next turn, throw a stone at him
and you should be able to kill it. The other characters should concentrate on the Wizards, then the Archer.
If a character's counter gets low (0 or 1), use a Phoenix Down on them to keep them from dying permanently -- they'll
probably get killed again, but it resets the counter.
--Battle 5: Sand Rat Cellar-- This is a tough battle.
When deploying your characters, deploy somebody with the Item command (either a chemist or another character with that
command) in the second group. Have that character go with Delita to heal him, otherwise he'll get killed quickly.
Send the rest of your characters towards the other door. Algus will run into a suicide mission into the building,
but keep healing him anyway -- if you gave him magic as I recommended in the walkthrough he'll be very helpful. Don't
crowd the doorway or you'll get in trouble -- let the enemies come outside to you.
--Battle 6: Thieves' Fort-- If
you beat Sand Rat Cellar, you shouldn't have any trouble here. Just kill off the magic-users first, then concentrate
on Miluda. If you have the Sword Break or Armor Break Knight abilities, use them on her. I recommend standing
up on cliffs on the left side of the fort; you have a height advantage there. Because this level isn't very challenging,
you may want to let the enemies die completely so they turn into a chest or crystal for some freebies.
7: Lenalia Plateau-- On the first turn, attack the closest Knight as fast as possible; you should be able to knock her
out on the first round if you've got a Monk. Play the first few rounds defensively to prevent any early casualties
-- use the high ground to your advantage. Send one or two characters after the Wizards, and possibly the Time
Mage as well. If you have an Archer, send him/her up onto the tall ridge and shoot down on the enemies.
After knocking out the Wizards, concentrate on Miluda.
--Battle 8: Windmill Shed-- Again, the key is to go after
Wiegraf. Send Ramza along the bottom of the cliff to take out the Chocobo (Boco) and any other enemies down there
(if there are any; I don't remember). Then fight Wiegraf; archers and monks work well on him. Stay healed!
9: Fort Zeakden-- First of all, whoever you deploy on the seocond squad is virtually useless as they start far away
from the action. Luckily, you can almost beat the whole fight just using Ramza. Just go after Algus and
completely ignore the other guys. Ramza and Monk should be able to finish him -- use the Monk's Repeated Fist
--Battle 10: Dorter Trade City-- If
you've got good Jobs, this battle should be no problem. Just move up the path and take out the enemies as you
go. Agrias has a nasty habit of casting Blind indiscriminatly on your own people (yet more proof that the guests
are completely incompetent), so pay attention to which she enemy she is using magic on and move away. Even if you do
get blinded, this battle is a pushover.
--Battle 11: Araguay Woods-- Your mission here is to save Boco (Wiegraf's
Chocobo). The Goblins aren't very strong (especially with Agrias's and Gafgarion's help), so I recommend just rushing
them. Stay out of the ditches. Boco will usually retreat into a corner and will be chased by the lone Black Goblin.
He (Boco) can take care of himself, so don't bother going after the Black Goblin. As the enemies are undead, you
can use healing spells or items on them to damage them. Better yet, use a Phoenix Down -- it's an instant death
--Battle 12: Zirekile Falls-- First, take out Gafgarion. If you turned him into a crummy class
before the battle (heh heh), you should be able to take care of him in one hit. Send a healer character up to
Ovelia to heal her in case she gets low; have your other characters kill the two knights. One of the knights from the
far side will probably try to cross over, so put your archer (assuming you have one; you really ought to) on the corner
of the cliff and shoot down at the guy. Agrias may finish him off; if not, send a character or two down after
him. Delita will probably take care of the two knights on the far side of the falls all on his own.
13: Zaland Fort City-- This is a toughie. The enemy has some really powerful mages. Use magic, bows, and
the Black Chocobo (if you have one) to take them out immediately. Don't forget, if you chose the second option
you have to keep Mustadio alive, so send a Priest or Chemist (or someone with those abilities to the side of the wall
to throw items / spells up to him). Don't attempt to enter the city through the gate -- you can climb on the walls
via the ramp if need be (or fly in on the Black Chocobo), but try to take out some of the enemies inside first.
One cool trick is to land a Black Chocobo next to Mustadio -- he automatically has the Monster Skill ability, so you
can use Choco Meteor on the enemies. Ramza's of little use here, but have him use Yell on your other characters.
If you get the chance, try to pick up some of the crystals / chests left by the enemies.
--Battle 14: Bariaus
Hilll-- This battle is harder than it looks. On the first turn, Mustadio should go after one of the Summmoners.
Send a fast and/or magic-using character (only one) around the opposite side of the hill after the other. If you
survive the first few rounds you should win -- just stay healed. Keep Mustadio alive, as his gun is really powerful.
15: Zigolis Swamp-- This is a fairly normal battle with a few quirks. First, if you end your turn in the swamp,
you get poisoned. This isn't that bad, but if you a choice, stand on land. Second, almost all the enemies (everyone
except the Molbol) are undead -- that means you can use heal spells and items to damage them. It's quite effective.
Other than that, there's nothing here you haven't seen before.
--Battle 16: Slums in Goug-- This level is the
one of the toughest battles so far. Mustadio will be almost invariably killed at the start of the battle -- he has no
equipment and starts right next to the enemies. Don't worry about him. Move your guys up onto the roof.
Use ranged attacks to take out the Summoners. Kill any unit that moves onto your roof; thieves first, archers
second. Don't chase enemies over to the other roof (use ranged attacks, but don't move guys over there).
Your highest priority is to keep your guys healed, not to hit the enemy. Useful abilities here are Chakra, Counter,
and Fire (or Ice or Bolt) 3.
--Battle 17: Bariaus Valley-- Kill the wizards first (using range attacks if you have them),
then the archers. This fight is really easy; just make sure Agrias stays alive. Because it's so easy, let
the enemies' counters run out and pick up the loot they leave behind (paralyze Agrias or something to keep her from
finishing them off).
--Battle 18: Golgorand Execution Site-- Big Tip #1: The goal here is not to defeat just Gafgarion, but
ALL the enemies... I learned this the hard way (pay attention to the goal at the start!) Deploy strong fighters
in the second squad and your other characters in the first squad. Agrias is very useful here, as are Monks and
Geomancers (use Hell Ivy; it stops the enemy and it almost always works). Move up on top of the gate and kill
the Time Mages first, then stay up on the gate and attack the enemies as they come up to you. The trick is to
limit the number of guys you are fighting at once: use spells to freeze enemy guys and remain clustered together.
Concentrate your attacks on a few enemies at a time, especially those annoying archers. Save Gafgarion for last
as he just keeps healing himself, unless you have a really powerful attack spell (like Fire 4 or Holy or something).
However, if you have Weapon Break, use it on Gafgarion to stop him from using his sword techinques. You'll be
taking a lot of hits, so a good way to heal yourself is to not have your healer move -- this lets him/her get more turns.
Fighters are the most useful type of character here, but Mustadio is good if he has Arm Aim (Leg Aim isn't bad either);
just keep him healed up. If you just can't win, try getting some better abilities like Raise 2, Equip Armor, Auto
Potion, Chakra (which you really need by now), etc. It took me six tries to beat this level, so don't feel bad
if you're having trouble.
--Battle 19: At the gate of Lionel Castle-- Move down Ramza down towards Gafgarion and
have him use Chakras on every turn to heal the damage Gaf is doing to you. Don't attack Gafgarion or open the
gate; just sit there and use Chakra. Meanwhile, your other four characters have to take on the gang outside the
gate. Black magic and summon spells (if you have them) are useful because of their wide range. So are Mustadio's
Arm Aim (use on the enemy summoner), Agrias's Stasis Sword, and every Time Mage spell. The trick here is in choosing your
characters and abilites well, if you have them, it's not that difficult. Once the melee outside the gate has ended,
move Ramza up to the switch on the left side of the gate and he will open the door. Then have your whole gang rush
through and attack Gafgarion. Try to break his weapon, or even better, steal it. He shouldn't be too much trouble --
the hard part is the fight outside the gate.
--Battle 20: Inside of Lionel Castle-- Spread your characters out in
your initial deployment -- Queklain will begin the battle by casting Nightmare, which will give you various nasty status
changes. Use the Esuna spell (if you have it available) to remedy them. If you don't, just wait for them
to clear up (or hit your sleeping characters to wake them up. I wouldn't recommend deploying magic-users in this
battle; they're not much help. Don't bother healing your characters (Queklain can kill them in one hit anyway),
but revive anybody who dies. Use hit-and-run tactics whenever possible. There's not really much strategy
to this battle, just brute force and some luck. Queklain has about 350 HP.
%%%CHAPTER III: THE VALIANT%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
21: Goland Coal City-- Deploy lots of fast character (or use the Geomancer ability Any Terrain). Actually, it
doesn't really matter who you deploy because Olan possess the ludicrously powerful Galaxy Stop spell, which will freeze
at least half the enemy forces every time he casts it. The Mediator and Chemist *do* have guns, but it doesn't matter
in the least. You'd have to try really hard to lose this battle, and even then I'm not sure you could manage to.
Just try not to get any of your items stolen, and pick up as many crystallized/chestified enemies as you can.
22: Back gate of Lesalia Castle-- Your other characters are behind the gate (if you were wondering where they were).
Don't move them down off the front of the castle; let the enemies come to you. The majority of them will come up the
right side, so position your characters there. If you stand on the railing, you have a height advantage.
Because the ememies are often in clusters, magic (and geomancy) works well on them. The annoying part of this
battle is Zalmo, who can cast Cure 2 and Raise 2. When you have the chance, start attacking him. He'll go
down quickly. The enemies in this level have some nice equipment, so if you have a Thief, you might want to try some
--Battle 23: Underground Book Storage Second Floor-- This is your first encounter with Lancers (Dragoons).
They have a two-square range attack, and they can also jump. If one of them jumps at a character, move that character away
before they land (if you have a chance, that is). The Haste spell is very useful in evading jumps, and Auto Potion is
great for healing. Take out the enemy Chemist so he can't heal the enemies, but save the Time Mages for last.
If you have a Red Chocobo, use them; they're really strong (Choco Meteor!) -- just keep them healthy.
--Battle 24:
Underground Book Storage Third Floor-- If you have a Thief, you'll probably want to deploy him/her -- Izlude has some
cool equipment you can steal (you might want to Speed Break him to make it easier to steal). Your first order
of business in this maze-like level is to kill the Summoner -- Choco Meteor works well if you have a Red Chocobo.
After the Summoner, go after the archer that will have come up behind him. At this time Izlude and his gang will
be nearing you from behind. Watch out; Izlude has an incredibly long jump range. Haste is useful to avoid
it. Ignore the other guys and attack Izlude. When he's low on HP, he'll teleport away and you win.
25: Underground Book Storage First Floor-- There are two halves to this level -- the half where you start and the half
where the bad guys start. Just go after Wiegraf; there's not a whole lot of strategy here. If you can't
kill him in two or so rounds, the other enemies will show and up and you're in trouble.
--Battle 26: Grog Hill-- This
is a run-of-the-mill battle, and it's an easy one too. Use your weaker characters to build them up. The only thing
remotely challenging about it is the chemists; kill them first and you're home free.
--Battle 27: Yardow Fort City-- Deploy
somebody with healing abilities or you're toast. Block the gate to prevent the enemies from hitting Rafa, and heal her
ASAP. The enemies start out clustered together, so use wide-range attacks (like summon spells or Agrias's Holy
Explosion) on them. If you've got anybody with an attack that can go through the wall (like Choco Meteor), try
to kill the Summoners. Stay out of hand-to-hand range when possible; the Ninjas can hit pretty hard. It's
tougher than it looks, but still not particularly difficult.
--Battle 28: Yuguo Woods-- Use cure spells (particularly
Chakra) to do damage to the undead (note: the Revenant is NOT undead, but everybody else -- including the humans --
is). The two Black Mages are your toughest opponents. Summon spells also work well, as the enemies are usually
packed together. You have to win this quickly, because the undead guys will revive when their counter runs out.
29: At the gate of Riovanes Castle-- Deploy your faster characters in the second squad (Red Chocobos are very useful
here). Send them up the stairs to join Ramza's group at the drawbridge. Try not to take out Malak right
away, as Rafa will teleport away when you do. Go after the knights instead. When the knights get low enough
that they start running away, rush the castletop and use range attacks on the archers. Keep your close-range fighters
in the rear to fight off the knights. If you keep killing off one of the knights, the other ones will keep bringing
him back with Phoenix Down, thus wasting their turns. The Monk's Revive ability is useful in bringing back your
dead guys. Once the archers are dead, go after the remaining knights.
--Battle 30: Inside of Riovanes Castle-- Despite
all the hype surrounding him, Wiegraf really isn't that difficult at all, if you know how to beat him. For his
first form, you have just Ramza. Run from Wiegraf and keep using the Yell ability to boost your speed. If you
can, sucker Wiegraf into going into the water and you'll be safe for a turn. If need be (when Auto-Potion doesn't activate),
use X-Potions on yourself to heal. Eventually (after you keep Yelling), you will get fast enough that you will get
two turns in a row frequently. Use these extra turns to get further away from Wiegraf (out of Lightning Stab range),
and keep Yelling. You will reach a point where you will not have to use all your moves to get out of Wiegraf's
range. Now you can wait those extra moves and get even more turns, allowing you to Yell more. Keep going
until you are maxed out at 50 speed. Then use Accumulate a few times to build up your attack power. Now
start blasting at Wiegraf with your gun (and still moving when necessary). About four shots should do the trick.
Wiegraf will disappear, only to return shortly later as Velius. Yup, it's not over yet. Your other characters
will now show up, but Wiegraf summons three Archaic Demons. You still have all your speed and power increases,
so just stand still and shoot away. You should be able to kill him before he gets to move (he has about 1000 HP).
If not, have your other guys start attacking him (if they can get close enough) or jumping at him (if they can't).
You may still be able to beat him. The Lich summon spell also does a lot of damage to Velius, if you can get it
--Battle 31: Roof of Riovanes Castle-- If you've got a Ninja, simply go kill Elmdor and you win. Otherwise,
it is entirely possible (and actually highly likely) that Rafa will be killed before you ever get to move, causing you
to lose. It took me six tries before I actually got a turn (and then it took me another eight tries after that
to beat this stupid level). When you do finally get to move, HEAL RAFA. If you're using a Priest as your healer, cast
a Cure spell on an empty square within Rafa's move range. Rafa will move to the square to receive the spell and thus you
can make her move away from the assassins. Then use a decoy to draw the enemies away from her. This level is
almost all luck. Concentrate one of Elmdor's assassins -- once one of them goes down, you win. You either
win it in one round or die in one round (usually it's the latter).
%%%CHAPTER IV: SOMEONE TO LOVE%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
32: Doguola Pass-- There's not a whole lot to say about this fight, because it's nothing you haven't seen many times
before. Send one or two characters up to the top of the pass while your other guys fight the main group of enemies.
33: Bervenia Free City-- Deploy fast and/or shooting characters in the second squad, and fighters in the first squad.
Use your thief (you brought one, right?) to steal the Defender and Chantage from Melaidoul. Then, as in the most
boss battles, just rush her. Spread your characters out to avoid taking too much damage from the summon spells.
34: Finath River-- When deploying characters, don't put anybody on the solitary square in the second squad; it's in
the middle of the water. This battle is against nothing but chocobos (and one pig). Yup, chocobos.
It's actually kind of annoying because the chocobos can keep healing themselves -- so concentrate on one choc at a time. The
Red Chocobo is the toughest, kill him first (or invite it into your party; red chocs are good). However, this really
is another no-brainer level, if a long one.
--Battle 35: Church outside the town-- You'll have Delita as a guest
in this battle. He has most of Agrias' sword techniques, except his are much more powerful. Without him,
this would be a tough battle, but with him, it's a pushover. Don't stand between Delita and the enemies or you'll
get hit with his Holy Explosions (and they're *strong* Holy Explosions). A cool trick to use is to stand next
to the guys that Zalmo is going to cast Cure 3 on (you can find out in the AT list, just click on Zalmo's name) for
free healing.
--Battle 36: Bed Desert-- You start this battle with all your characters poisoned. If you've
got somebody with the Esuna spell, use it, but don't bring somebody just for that spell. However, I would bring
somebody who can steal, as Balk has a lot of cool equipment (Blaze Gun, Flash Hat, Light Robe). Your strategy here
is typical of bosses -- just kill off the head honcho and leave everybody else. Balk makes it a little more interesting
by retreating to the back of the battlefield and sniping at you. Try to cast Slow on him at the start of the fight
-- not only does this reduce his speed (and allow you to catch up to him), it makes it easier to steal his gun. Others
useful ability here are Counter Magic, as a powerful mage will be casting spells at you from a distance, and Move-HP
Up (to offset the damage you take from the poison). Your strategy here really depends on what Balk does -- one
time he ran into the corner and the other guys came towards me, another time they all gathered on the ruins and took
pot shots at me. However, once Balk picks a position, he usually stays there for the duration of the battle.
37: South Wall of Bethla Garrison-- Get up on the walls as soon as you can; it's a very advantageous position.
This works especially well if you've got archers -- station them up there, don't move (to fill up your CT faster), and
just shoot at the enemies. Leave the magic-users behind (unless they have Equip Armor or some other such ability) on
this one; they'll get killed easily.
--Battle 37: North Wall of Bethla Garrison-- (strategy provided by Justin McKennon) If
you don't have the Ignore Height movement ability, you'll have a bad time because of the Summoner on the ramparts. Give
Ignore Height to one or two units and immediately send them up after the enemy Summoner. A Ninja, if you have one,
can take care of him in the first two rounds. Send the others over to the 'step' of sorts to get over the low
point of the wall, and start attacking the Lancers and Archers, and try to either deal with the lone Monk on the
ground quickly, or otherwise save him for last.
--Battle 38: In front of Bethla Garrison's Sluice-- All you have
to do in this level is open the dam, but since the switches to do so are located on the far side of the dam and have
knights standing on them, you basically have to kill all the enemies to do so. Split up your characters and go
up the paths. If you have a dragoon, a fun trick to do is stand under the dam wall and use jump attacks on the
knights. As long as none of your other characters gets close to them, the knights won't move and will just sit
there while you jump on them. Once you do kill everybody, let them decompose and pick up the crystals or treasure
chests (since there's nobody around to hurt you). Also, if you want some easy JP, just stand around, hit each other,
and heal yourselves. Once you are ready to end the level, move Ramza onto each of the switches (the brown
squares where the knights were standing) and stop him there. He will then open it -- only Ramza can flip the switches
(no, that doesn't make a lot of sense). You then get to watch some really cool effects as the dam blows up.
39: Germinas Peak-- This is the first time you get to use your new buddy Orlandu. For a good taste of his power,
deploy him in squad 1. Move him up the mountain as far as he can and then use Night Sword on the ninja leader.
Bang, he's dead. You almost have to feel sorry for the poor bandits... almost. Heh, heh. With Night Sword
you can kill one whole bad guy each turn just with Orlandu and also refill Cid's HP by 270 or so. Besides Orlandu's
debut, there isn't much to speak of in this level besides one little trick. The archer that starts in the back
corner is carrying an Ultimus Bow, a strong bow. If you have a thief along, you can steal it (might want to slow
or stop the archer first). If you don't; don't worry, there's plenty more you can get later.
--Battle 40:
Poeskas Lake-- This is a really easy battle. Use Mustadio's Seal Evil ability and you can gun down all the ghosts
in one shot (note: the Revnants are not considered undead). This is a good chance to get some weaker characters
up. The only thing really tricky about this level is that the Revnants will keep coming back to life if you don't kill
all the other guys (which isn't particularly difficult). Both the archers have Ultimus Bows if you're in the mood
for a little stealing.
--Battle 41: At the gate of Limberry Castle-- This battle looks hard at first, but it's not.
All you have to do is weaken Celia or Lede and the battle will end. Use Orlandu for an easy win. Other than Orlandu,
try to deploy female character (especially Agrias) to avoid Celia and Lede's Allure attack.
--Battle 42: Inside
of Limberry Castle-- It's just you versus Elmdor, Celia, and Lede. Spread out your characters as much possible
to avoid Elmdor's Muramasa Draw Out. I hope you are wearing Angel Rings like I suggested, because otherwise Celia
and Lede will use Stop Bracelet (an 100%-working death spell on you) -- if you do have the rings, they'll "only" Stop
you. First, let Celia or Lede cast Ultima on Ramza -- if they start casting it on somebody else, just move Ramza
over to stand by them. When Ramza gets hit by Ultima (and he must be a Squire), he will automatically learn it.
You will notice the cursor flick briefly on him, signifying that he's learned it. Once you've learned Ultima,
concentrate on killing Elmdor (don't kill Celia or Lede; they'll turn into Ultima Demons). Physical attacks are
nearly useless, but Orlandu's and Agrias's sword techniques will work great. Also, whenever Celia or Lede starts casting
Ultima, have the targeted character sttand next to Elmdor so he takes some damage too (100-200).
Note: Elmdor is
equipped with the Genji Armor, Helmet, Shield, and Glove. This is really powerful equipment, but it's very hard
to steal. If you do decide to try, cast Haste on your thief or Slow on Elmdor, lower Elmdor's brave as much as
possible (to stop Blade Grasp), get behind Elmdor, and then steal the Shield first (as it will raise the success rate
on the other items). You could also try using a Dancer and Slow Dance to lower his speed to 1, then use Last Dance
to reset his CT over and over. I don't recommend trying to get the Genji gear, but it's there if you want a challenge.
43: Undergrond cemetery of Limberry Castle-- Deploy Mustadio and have him use Seal Evil on the Knights (don't bother
killing the skeletons -- let them fight with Meliadoul). Attack Zalera with Lich, Holy Explosion and Orlandu's
sword techniques (especially Night Sword and Crush Punch). Don't bother healing your characters, just pound on
Zarela. He has about 1100 HP.
--Battle 44: Inside of Igros Castle-- The victory condition for this battle states
that you must defeat "Dycedarg's elder brother". Luckily (as Dycedarg doesn't HAVE any elder brother), you just
have to defeat Dycedarg instead (I think they meant "defeat Ramza's elder brother Dycedarg"). This level is really easy
to beat with the right strategy. Just use sword Agrias's, Orlandu's, and Meliadoul's sword techniques to hit Dycedrag
from down below. Don't bother running up onto the arch; you can kill Dycedarg in two rounds (or less) from below.
Things will get a bit more interesting when Dycedarg turns into Adramelk. Start this battle as you did the last
one (using sword techniques). Adramelk will move, however, rendering this technique useless. Leave your
weakest character there as a decoy, then send the rest of your team under the arch and up the stairs. If somebody
gets confused, hit them to unconfuse them. Like all Lucavi, Adramelk is vulnerable to Lich. He has 1500
HP and is pretty tough -- it might take you a couple tries to beat him.
--Battle 45: St. Murond Temple-- This
battle is noteworthy because it is (I believe) the only time the enemy has Geomancers. Deploy Agrias in the second
squad. Send the other member of the second squad up after the Mediators (give this person Finger Guard, if she/he
has it), while Agrias uses a Holy Explosion down the side of the church to hit the Geomancers. Send the first
squad up the steps towards the Summoner and Priest. Those two are the most annoying opponents, so use your best
attacks on them (Orlandu can each of them in one hit). The Summoner has a Dragon Rod you can steal (the only one
in the game except by poaching; you should try to get it).
--Battle 46: Hall of St. Murond Temple-- All you have
to do here is weaken one of the three and they all will retreat. Attack Kletian, 'cause he's the weakest.
Rofel and Vormav have an annoying habit of breaking your equipment, so finish this up as fast as possible.
47: Chapel of St. Murond Temple-- Unlike most boss battles, you should kill off the flunkies (in this case, the demons)
first. The demons are actually more powerful than Zalbag, especially the Archaic Demons (the Ultima Demon has
some really cool-looking spells, though, like Almagest and Nanoflare). Zalbag has Move-HP Up, but you can nullify
this with Don't Move. He will also Blood Suck your characters; cure this Holy Water. A weird thing that
happened to me when I played this level was that Zalbag Blood Sucked Orlandu, and then Blood Sucked him a second
time, causing Zalbag himself to become Blood Sucked and thus keeping him from using Move-HP Up. However, I can't
guarantee that this will happen, as it seemed like a glitch to me. Worker 8 is useful in this battle as he is
immune to Blood Suck (I think) and has a very long range.
--Battle 48: Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor-- Your
first priority is to kill off the guys down on the floor on the other side of the room, especially the monks.
The archer has Yoichi's Bow (even stronger than the Ultimus Bow), if you have a thief along. Use Holy Explosion
and Earth Slash to blast the knights as they come across the narrow bridge. Mighty Sword techniques (Meliadoul and Orlandu)
are also useful against all the enemies here. This isn't a particularly hard battle.
--Battle 49: Underground
Book Storage Fifth Floor-- Now it gets interesting. Deploy lots of characters with range attacks for this battle.
First of all, the black spots on the floor are holes -- this may seem obvious to you, but I didn't realize it at first.
Unlike most bosses, you should try to kill the other guys (especially the Summoners) before you take on Rofel.
If you have Hellstar Punch, use it on Rofel -- it will break his Save The Queen sword and thus remove his Shell spell.
I've also heard of the strategy of removing all your armor so Rofel can't use his breaking attacks, but this seems like
it would do more harm than good. I haven't tried it, so I can't really say.
--Battle 50: Murond Death City-- Put
your fast characters (or long-range guys like Worker 8) in the second squad. Kletian has really strong spells
and a range of the whole battlefield. Go back to the old rush-the-boss routine. Kill any guys you can, but
concentrate on taking on Kletian. If somebody dies, don't try to revive them, as Kletian will just kill them again.
Try to use as few attacks to kill Kletian as possible, as he gains magic power each time you hit him. If you have
any MP-draining abilities (like Orlandu's Dark Sword), simply use them on Kletian and drain away all his MP.
51: Lost Sacred Precincts-- Deply ONLY characters with strong long range attacks. Squad 2 is almost useless, don't put
your good characters there. If you cross over to Balk's side of the arena, his monsters will tear you to shreds,
so don't do it unless you can finish Balk off with your attack. This level is basically a big firefight between
you and Balk. If you have good range attackers (cough cough ORLANDU cough cough), you should be able to beat him
without too much trouble.
--Battle 52: Graveyard of Airships-- Hashmalum has some powerful spells, but you have an
ace up your sleeve... can you guess what it is? No, not Orlandu... Worker 8! He's immune to magic! With Worker
8 and Orlandu blasting at him (and Lich if you have it), you shouldn't have too much trouble killing Hashmalum. He only
has 1200 HP. You will receive the Ragnarok sword when you win the battle.
--Battle 53: Graveyard of Airships-- Be
sure to deploy your best characters for this, the final battle. If you have Beowulf, USE HIM. His Drain attack
does a *lot* of damage to Ajora's second form. Lich is extremely effective as well. Note that Alma will fight
on your side in this battle. However, all she will do is cast Mbarrier, get killed, come back to life (because Mbarrier
includes Regen), and repeat. Just ignore her and leave her as a target. You should also ignore the Ultima Demons,
pests though they may be. It only takes about 1300 points of damage to defeat Ajora's first form, but if it teleports
to the other side of the ship, you're toast. You then take on the second form. This one has a whopping 3000
HP, but is actually easier, because there aren't any Ultima Demons around. Altima will teleport back and forth;
if you can't hit it, stay to the middle of the ship as it will move again on its next turn. Once you defeat Ajora's
second form, you win the game. Congratulations!
%%%CLOUD SUBQUEST%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Battle 1: Colliery underground third floor-- For some reason, you are being attacked by a large band of chemists (and
this doesn't really look very "underground", does it?). There really isn't any particular strategy here.
Calculators are good here though, as they can hit the far-away chemists with Calculated spells. It's helpful if
you can paralyze some of the chemists (although Beowulf will often do that for you -- just stay out of his way).
And having fast characters helps.
--Cloud Battle 2: Colliery underground second floor-- This level is a lot like
the previous, except all but one of the chemists are replaced by two thieves and two behemoths (the second behemoth
is hiding in the cubby-hole behind the thief near your start position). The only noteworthy thing here is that the chemist
is carrying a Blaze Gun (which shoots ice... don't ask); try to steal it from him.
--Cloud Battle 3: Colliery
underground first floor-- This time, you're fighting two chemists, two Blue Dragons, and a dancing pig (huh?).
Just ignore the pig; it can't do any harm. The Blue Dragons, however, can, and will, do harm. Use fire attacks
on them, and do NOT use ice attacks. Agrias's and Cid's sword techniques are your best offense on them (as usual).
Battle 4: Underground passage in Goland-- Kill the Plagues first; they will petrify or death sentence you if given the
chance (they're weak against ice). If the enemies get lined up in the narrow passage, use Earth Slash or Holy
Explosion on them. After taking out the Plagues, go after Sinogue (Reis should take care of the Molbol-type enemies).
Make sure to keep Reis healed. Sinogue uses Giga Flare a lot, which isn't nearly as powerful as it looks (although
it does do a number on the frame rate ^_^). He doesn't have very much HP, so you might be able to kill him with one
shot with Orlandu. This battle isn't as tough as it looks (a rarity in this game).
--Cloud Battle 5: Nelveska
Temple-- This battle, however, is tougher than it looks. The enemies hit hard and hit fast. You just have
to hit harder than them. Attack on the Hydras with your first attack and you should be able to kill off one. You
will then be swarmed by the Cockatrices; kill them next. Finish off the other Hydra next, then go after Worker
7. His attacks are really strong so watch out, and he can't be harmed by magic. When you kill him the first time,
he'll come back with 1 HP, so kill him again. The battle should be interesting, but not too hard. However,
there are a bunch of hidden items you can find on this stage, so you may want to pick them up as you can't come back here
after defeating Worker 7. On top of the two pillars where the Hydras start (you need a jump of 7, or you can use
Worker 8 as a stepping stone), you'll find the best spear and shield. They're called the Javelin and Escutcheon,
but they're really totally different items. You'll need a LOW Brave to get them, however, or you'll just end up with
a regular Javelin and Escutcheon. Also, on the pillars in the back of the level, you'll find the Sasuke Knife katana
and Nagrarock sword.
--Cloud Battle 6: Zarghidas Trade City-- If you can't win this battle, you shouldn't be playing the
game. Just make sure Cloud stays healthy. Meliadoul's Mighty Sword techniques are useful here.
%%%DEEP DUNGEON%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1: NOGIAS-- Because you start out on the top, you can use lots of ranged attacks on your opponents. They're early-game guys,
anyway, so they shouldn't be that difficult. It's a good warm-up for the tougher Deep Dungeon battles, though.
Remember, if you kill all the enemies without finding the exit, you'll have to redo it (which is okay if you're in danger
of losing). (2, 2) Blaze Gun (0, 9) Glacier Gun (9, 4) Kiyomori (0, 6) Elixir
--Level 2: TERMINATE-- This
level is a head-on confrontation between you and your opponents, although you still have a bit of a height advantage.
The enemy's forces are usually comprised of Archers, Ahrimans, and Skeletons, so you'll need your own strong range attackers
(or the Arrow Guard ability), particularly Worker 8. Take out the archers first, then go after the Ahrimans, and
finally the Skeletons. If you fight mages or Ghosts instead, it's a much easier battle. Both groups of enemies
are significantly more difficult than NOGIAS, however. (6, 7) Blood Sword (2 ,10) Elixir (0, 1) Save the Queen (4,
0) Elixir
--Level 3: DELTA-- Delta is really easy! All you need is some range attackers (Mustadio, Worker
8) and you're set. The level is made up of three islands surrounded by pits. From your starting point, you can
hit almost all of the enemies with guns. Since they have to navigate around the pits, you can just stand there
and blast away, waiting out your moves. Bring along a good close-range fighter (like Orlandu) as well. (5,
3) Elixir (1, 6) Mace of Zeus (2, 15) Elixir (7, 9) Yoichi Bow
--Level 4: VALKYRIES-- This level is really
big, which makes finding the exit even more of a pain than usual. Like Delta, it's got a lot of holes in the floor.
Also like Delta, there are usually two groups of four enemies. Use the same strategies you used in Delta and you
should be fine. Sometimes you'll fight large groups of Molbols here instead; in that case, you can probably nail them
with wide-range attacks (Lightning Stab works well) as they tend to bunch up. (2, 12) Elixir (8, 4) Faith Rod (10,
5) Kaiser Plate (10, 4) Fairy Harp
--Level 5: MLAPAN-- It sounds stupid but Mlapan is tough! It's basically a
King of the Hill level. You're up on top of a cliff, which is surrounded by loads of enemies. There's only one
path up onto your ledge, which winds around the whole level. What you want to do is hold the pass in one of the
corners of the level -- it's the one that's only one or two blocks wide. You can just send Holy Explosions down
this corridor and rip the enemies. If you have both Agrias and Orlandu you can cover the entire pass. The
worst enemies are the Priests as they will keep healing / reviving the other guys, so kill them first. Don't try
to shoot the enemies from up on top of the mountain; I've tried it but it doesn't work at all. This level is tougher than
it; you'll really want Orlandu here. With all the carnage going on, finding the exit can be tough. Try using a
Dragoon with Ignore Height and jumping down to the far end of the path right away. (8, 2) Excalibur (11, 0) Elixir (11,
6) Iga Knife (0, 6) Elixir
--Level 6: TIGER-- Tiger seems really small at first, but scroll around to see
the whole picture. It's a mostly flat level with three big rock ridges. Use a long range attack to get a
feel for where they are. You'll have to wind your way through the ridges to get across the level, but a much better
strategy is to just cast magic through them. Lightning Stab and call spells work great for this purpose. Note
that all the hidden items are right in the starting corner -- there's no excuse not to pick them up. (9, 9) Secret
Clothes (10, 9) Elixir (10, 8) Blast Gun (9, 8) Cursed Ring
--Level 7: BRIDGE-- Bridge is a flat level
with a big rock ridge through the middle (the bridge, I guess). You start off next to one of the ends of the ridge.
Cross the level the long way and fight off anybody there, using the height to your advantage. Don't let your characters
get spread out or you are dead meat. There's no real need to climb up onto the top of the ridge except to find the
items stashed up there (be sure to have a high Jump height). This can be a tough battle (especially given that
you have to find the exit), so it make take you a few tries. If you fight any monsters called Sacred, poach them
for the best spear in the game. (4, 4) Elixir (10, 4) Sage Staff (12, 4) Koga Knife (14, 4) Elixir
8: VOYAGE-- This level is basically a cliff with two levels; you start on the high one. You'll either fight a
small group of humans (and possibly low-level monsters), or some really powerful monsters (Behemoths, Dragons, Hydras).
Against the latter, just try to survive -- use call spells, Holy Explosion, and Break. Don't go out of your way
to find stuff, although go for it if you can. Fighting the humans will give you a chance to find the exit and
the items. Be sure to check all the humans to see if they have the Move-Find Item ability; if they do, put Don't
Move on them or kill them right away to prevent them from picking up the items before you (and, yes, I've seen that
happen -- I reset when it did). If the enemies (of any time) appear below you, don't try to shoot down on them
-- walk the long way around the battlefield. Depending on who you fight, Voyage can be a tough battle or a pushover. (6,
4) Perseus Bow (7, 6) Robe of Lords (8, 9) Ragnarok (10, 10) Elixir
--Level 9: HORROR-- "Horror" is not
an accurate name for this level. It has two pillars (with a tiny one in between) and a lower level, and is usually
swarming with ninjas and samurai. They don't have a lot of HP and are easy to take out. Kill the ninjas
first; they're the ones that can throw stuff. Be aware that enemies like to hide between the pillars where they
are difficult to see; don't forget about them. Sometimes, however, instead of the ninja and samurai convention,
you get dragons and cockatrices. Then it's tougher. Try to stay in a tight group on the pillars and
use your best attacks. Attack the cockatrices first, then go for the dragons closest to you. Finding the
exit in this level is tricky; equip Ignore Height to get in more easily. If you don't have it, you can reach the
lower level from the lowest point of the plateau where the Maximillian armor is located. Two of the items are down
there as well. (4, 3) Grand Helmet (5, 3) Venetian Shield (0, 9) Maximillian (10, 3) Elixir
--Level 10:
END-- This level is just a confrontation with Elidibs and a whole pile of Apandas. Big Hint #1: The purple Apanda behind
you, Byblos, is on your side. Don't kill him; he's your friend. Fight your way up the stairs (Lightning Stab
works wonders on the Apandas). Bring a Mediator and use Solution constantly to lower your faith. The Apandas
aren't hard to kill, so you'll reach Elidibs quickly. He casts the extremely powerful Zodiac call spell (700+
damage). If he starts charing something up, it's Zodiac -- get out of the way if you can! Split your guys
up so he can't take out too many at one time. Healing is pointless because he will kill you no matter how much HP
you have (Byblos will also take care of some of the healing). Do, however, revive dead characters, and pick up
the crystals left by the dead Apandas to restore your HP and MP (especially if you used MP Switch to escape Zodiac).
Angel Rings are a big help in this battle. If you're using Beowulf, DON'T heal him so his Shock does more damage.
If you are trying to learn Zodiac, don't do too much damage to Elidibs until you get the spell so you won't kill him on
accident. Elidibs has 2600-2700 HP; if you can keep Orlandu alive you shouldn't have too much trouble beating
him. A note about the items on this level: Yes, there are items (contrary to what I had stated in previous versions). However,
there are no traps over the items -- if you don't have Move-Find, you won't see a thing. That's why I thought
there weren't any. Oh, and DON'T try to get the items during the battle with Elidibs -- come back after you beat
him. (7, 10) Chaos Blade (5, 12) Chirijiraden (7, 12) Elixir (5, 10) Elixir
******************************************************* V.
JOBS *******************************************************
A few (well, many) words of explanation... the R column
stands for range. The first number is how many panels the ability reaches (the range value), the second is how
big the impact area is (the effect value). An "A" as the first number is Auto, that means it can only target the panel
you're standing on. "4Dir" is 4 directions; the ability has an unlimited reach, but only in the cardinal directions.
abilities have been marked with * or +s. A * means the ability is one of the job's best, a + means that the ability
is automatically used by the job, it's only used by other jobs (for example, the Ninja doesn't need its Two Swords ability
to equip two weapons).
Finally, for spells, you may see an "R" and/or a "C" after its MP cost. R means
the spell can be reflected, C means it can be caluculated.
%%%STANDARD JOBS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Requirements: none Weapons: Knife, sword, axe, hammer Armor: Hat, clothes
A/1 300 Phys. attack + 1 Dash
1/1 75 Weak physical attack Throw Stone *
4/1 90 Weak ranged physical attack Heal
1/1 150 Cures Dark, Silence, Poison
180 Counter w/ dash when attacked
170 Can equip axes Monster Skill
200 Nearby monsters gain abilites Defend
50 Reduce damage received Gained Jp UP *
200 Raises JP received
200 Move range + 1
JP to master: 1615
Evaluation: Squires are what you'd expect from a starting job
-- functional, but nothing all that special. Their abilities are useful early on, but there aren't very many that
you'd use later on (Gained JP Up, and possibly Equip Axe and Move+1). However, I recommend that you Master, or come
close to Mastering, the Squire job before you move on, as you need all the abilities you can get at the start of the
Job Requirements: none Weapons: Knife, gun Armor:
Hat, clothes
SPD R JP EFFECT ----------------------------------
30 Can use Potions Hi-Potion *
200 Can use Hi-Potions X-Potion *
300 Can use X-Potions Ether
300 Can use Ethers Hi-Ether
400 Can use Hi-Ethers Elixir
900 Can use Elixirs Antidote
70 Can use Antidotes Eye Drop
80 Can use Eye Drops Echo Grass
120 Can use Echo Grass Maiden's Kiss
200 Can use Maiden's Kisses Soft
250 Can use Soft potions Holy Water
400 Can use Holy Water Remedy *
700 Can use Remedies Phoenix Down *
90 Can use Phoenix Down
400 Use lowest potion when damaged
350 Increases item range Maintenance
250 Equipment can't be broken Equip Change
0 Change equipment during battle
100 Find items at destination
JP to master: 5140
Evaluation: Despite being a "basic" job, Chemists are great!
You'll always want at least one person with Chemist abilities in any battle (and be sure to give them Throw Item so
they can function properly). Item is also a good secondary ability early in the game. Skip the condition-curing
items (Eye Drops, etc.); they're useless.
Job Requirement:
Squire lv. 2 Weapons: Sword, knight sword Armor: Shield, helmet, armor, robe
N/A 300 Destroys target's helmet Armor Break
N/A 400 Destroys target's armor Shield Break
N/A 300 Destroys target's shield Weapon Break * N/A 400
Destroys target's weapon Magic Break N/A
250 Lowers target's MP Speed Break * N/A 250
Lowers target's speed Power Break N/A 250
Lowers target's phys. attack Mind Break
N/A 250 Lowers target's mag. attack
200 Parry attacks with weapon
500 Can equip armor + helmets Equip Shield
250 Can equip shields Equip Sword *
400 Can equip swords
JP to master: 3750
Evaluation: The Knight's greatest
asset is not its abilites (most of which are crummy), but its inherent power to equip swords, armor, helmets, and shields
(a power that can be transfered to other jobs with its support abilities). They're a good job late in the game,
when you've learned all the abilities you want and now just want to maximize your characters' power (especially because
knights are the only job that can equip Knight Swords, the game's most powerful weapons). When you first get the
Knight job, just learn Equip Armor and Equip Sword, then move on. However, later in the game, you can make a powerful
Knight by giving him/her the Equip Gun ability and using long-range breaking attacks.
Requirements: Squire lv. 2 Weapons: Bow, crossbow Armor: Shield, hat, clothes
N/A 100 Charge up attack Charge+2 *
N/A 150 Charge up attack Charge+3 *
N/A 200 Charge up attack Charge+4
N/A 250 Charge up attack Charge+5
N/A 300 Charge up attack Charge+7
N/A 400 Charge up attack Charge+10
N/A 600 Charge up attack Charge+20
N/A 1000 Charge up attack
800 Raise speed when damaged Arrow Guard *
450 Evade arrow attacks
350 Can equip crossbows Concentrate *
400 Can't miss
200 Jump height + 1
JP to master: 5200
Evaluation: I like archers. Their Action Ability (Charge)
isn't that good, but their Reaction and Support Abilities, and they can equp bows (note that no other job, even with
the Equip Crossbow ability, can use longbows). When equipping archers, never use crossbows, always go with the
Job Requirements: Knight lv. 2 Weapons:
none Armor: none
SPD R JP EFFECT ----------------------------------
A/2 150 Physical attack Repeating Fist 1/1 300
Physical attack Wave Fist 3/1
300 Magic attack Earth Slash * 4Dir/8 600 Earth attack Secret
Fist 1/1 300 Causes Death Sentence Stigma
Magic * A/2 200 Cancels most abnormal status Chakra *
A/2 350 Restores HP and MP Revive *
1/1 500 Revives dead
500 Restore HP when critical Counter *
300 Counter-attack when attacked Hamedo *
1200 Turn enemy's attack into yours
200 Raises unarmed attack strength
300 Restores HP each move
JP to master: 5200
Evaluation: Monks rock! In my opinion, they have the
best selection of abilities in the game. Chakra is the second-most useful ability in the game (after Chicken) and
will save your butt many a time. Get it right away, especially for Ramza (who makes a great Monk, BTW). In
fact, almost all of the Monk abilities are useful, especially Revive, Move-HP Up, Counter (a must have), and Hamedo (spendy,
but it's lots of fun). You can't go wrong with Monks. For best results, give them the Knight's Equip Armor
ability to offset their lack of defense -- or give them Two Swords instead for two punches!
Requirements: Chemist lv. 2 Weapons: Staff Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
6 RC 25 4/2 50 Restores HP Cure 2 * 10RC 20 4/2 180
Restores HP Cure 3 16RC 15 4/2 400 Restores HP Cure
4 20RC 10 4/2 700 Restores HP Raise *
10RC 25 4/1 180 Revives dead Raise 2 * 20RC 10 4/1 500 Revives
dead, full HP Reraise * 16RC 15 3/1 800 Gives Reraise status Regen *
8 RC 25 3/2 300 Gives Regen status Protect 6 RC 25 3/2
70 Gives Protect status Protect 2 24 15 3/2 500
Gives Protect status Shell 6 RC 25 3/2 70
Gives Shell status Shell 2 20 15 3/2 500 Gives
Shell status Wall 24RC 25 3/1 380 Gives Protect
and Shell Esuna 18RC 34 3/2 280 Cures most status
ailments Holy 56RC 17 5/1 600 Holy attack
ABILITIES Regenerator * 400
Get Regen when attacked
400 Lowers magic damage received
JP to master: 6310
Evaluation: Perhaps
in keeping with the general theme of the game, Priests suck. They're basically a poor man's Chemist -- Chemists
don't have to charge their abilities, don't use MP, and have more HP. I've starred some Priest abilities; these
ones are okay but still not very good (except Raise and Raise 2). You can easily play the entire game without
ever using Priests.
Job Requirements: Chemist lv. 2 Weapons:
Rod Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
6 RC 25 4/2 50 Fire attack Fire 2 * 12RC 20 4/2 200
Fire attack Fire 3 * 24RC 15 4/2 480 Fire attack Fire 4
48 10 4/3 850 Fire attack Bolt * 6 RC 25
4/2 50 Lightning attack Bolt 2 * 10RC 20 4/2 200 Lightning
attack Bolt 3 * 24RC 15 4/2 480 Lightning attack Bolt 4
48 10 4/3 850 Lightning attack Ice *
6 RC 25 4/2 50 Ice attack Ice 2 * 12RC 20 4/2 200
Ice attack Ice 3 * 24RC 15 4/2 480 Ice attack Ice 4
48 10 4/3 850 Ice attack Poison 6 RC 34
4/2 150 Causes Poison status Frog 12RC 20
3/1 500 Causes Frog status Death 24RC 10 4/1 600
Instant death attack Flare 60RC 15 5/1 900 Fire
800 Counter w/ same spell
400 Raises magic damage
JP to master: 8090
Evaluation: Well, they're
better than priests. In general, magic in FF Tactics is not that useful, and wizards do nothing to change that.
Their spells are good early on the game (where, in fact, they are quite useful), but quickly grow obsolete. Counter
Magic is useful, though, and with Math Skill as a secondary ability, Wizards kick butt.
---Time Mage-------------------------------------------
Requirements: Wizard lv. 2 Weapons: Staff Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
8 RC 50 3/2 100 Causes Haste status Haste 2 30
15 3/2 550 Causes Haste status Slow * 8 RC 50 3/2
80 Causes Slow status Slow 2 30RC 15 3/2 520
Causes Slow status Stop * 14RC 15 3/2 330 Causes Stop
status Don't Move * 10RC 34 3/2 100 Causes Don't Move status Float
8 RC 50 4/2 200 Causes Float status Reflect * 12RC 50 4/1 300
Causes Reflect status Quick * 24R 25 4/1 800 Instant
turn Demi 24RC 17 4/2 250 Target loses 1/2
HP Demi 2 50RC 12 4/2 550 Target loses 3/4 HP Meteor
70 8 4/4 1500 Magic attack
700 Instant turn when low on HP MP Switch
400 Lose MP instead of HP
800 Speeds CT charge
600 Teleport through obstacles Float
540 Permanent Float status
JP to master: 8320
Evaluation: The enemy seems to be able to use Time Mages a
lot more effectively than I can. Perhaps that's because the computer doesn't get annoyed, whereas I do. And Time
Mages are really annoying to fight against -- they speed up their allies, paralyze your guys, teleport around, etc.
They're definitely better than Wizards or Priests, but you need some good abilities from other jobs to back them up.
(One cool trick is to use Don't Move to keep enemies from moving, then use a big call spell or Meteor on them).
Give them a try and see what you think.
Job Requirements:
Time Mage lv. 2 Weapons: Staff, rod Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
8 50 4/3 110 Restores HP Shiva
24 25 4/3 200 Ice attack Ramuh * 24
25 4/3 200 Lightning attack Ifrit 24
25 4/3 200 Fire attack Titan * 30 20 4/3
220 Earth attack Golem * 40 34 All 500 Avoid
physical attacks Carbunkle 30 25 4/3 350 Gives Reflect status Bahamut
60 10 4/4 1200 Magic attack Odin 50
12 4/4 900 Magic attack Leviathan 48 12 4/4 850
Water attack Salamander 48 12 4/3 820 Fire attack Silf [Sylph]
* 26 20 4/3 400 Causes Silence status Fairy *
28 25 4/3 400 Restores HP Lich * 40
12 4/3 600 Darkness attack Cyclops 62 12
4/3 1000 Magic attack Zodiac * 99 10 4/4 N/A Magic attack
400 Restores MP when near death
900 Halves spells' MP cost
JP to master: 9250
Evaluation: While call
spells don't have nearly the power in FFT as they did in FF7 (where's KOTR?), they're still strong. They have
a wide impact range, do a lot of damage, and don't hurt your own guys (or heal the enemies). The only downsides
to this job are its abilities' high JP and MP costs (the latter of which can be remedied through the job's own Half
of MP support ability).
Job Requirements: Archer
lv. 2 Weapons: Knife Armor: Hat, clothes
1/1 10 Steal gil Steal Heart * 3/1 150
Charms opposite sex Steal Helmet * 1/1 350 Steal target's
helmet Steal Armor * 1/1 450 Steal target's armor Steal
Shield * 1/1 350 Steal target's shield Steal Weapon *
1/1 600 Steal target's weapon Steal Accessry 1/1 500
Steal target's accessory Steal Exp
1/1 250 Steal EXP from target
200 "Defend" when attacked Gilgame Heart
200 Receive gil = to damage Catch
200 Obtain items thrown at you
200 Poach killed monsters
520 Movement range + 2 Jump+2
480 Jump height + 2
JP to master: 4460
Evaluation: Thieves are cool. They can steal stuff from
enemies (necessary for getting some of the best equipment in the game), are fast, and can poach enemies (which also
lets you get some cool stuff). Unfortunately, they tend to get killed really easily. Not a great job, but a good one
nonetheless. Oh, and use female thieves, not male thieves, as there are more male enemies in the game and subsequently
Steal Heart is more effective.
Job Requirements:
Oracle lv. 2 Weapons: Knife, gun Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
3/1 100 Enemies join party Persuade
3/1 100 Resets targets' CT Praise
3/1 200 Raises brave* Threaten *
3/1 200 Lowers brave* Preach
3/1 200 Raises faith* Solution *
3/1 200 Lowers faith* Death Sentence 3/1 500 Causes
Death Sentence status Negotiate
3/1 100 Receive gil from enemy Insult
3/1 300 Causes Berserk status Mimic Daravon 3/2
300 Causes Sleep status
300 Protects from Talk Skill
750 Can equip gun Train
450 Force weak enemy to join Monster Talk +*
100 Can talk to monsters
JP to master: 3800
* Note: The faith and brave
abilities change faith or brave by 4. 3 points of this change remain only for the battle, but 1 is permanent.
Mediators have two purposes: a) to recruit monsters and b) to use guns. a) is only partially necessary, but b)
is important. You can safely learn just the starred abilities from this job and nothing else. The Brave-
and Faith-altering abilties are usefull, but not critical.
Requirements: Priest lv. 2 Weapons: Staff, rod, stick, dictionary Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
4 RC 50 4/2 100 Causes Darkness status Spell Absorb 2 50 4/1 200
Drain MP from target Life Drain 16 50 4/1 350 Drain HP from target Pray
Faith * 6 RC 25 4/1 400 Causes Faith status Doubt Faith * 6 RC 25 4/1 400
Causes Innocent status Zombie 20RC 20 4/1 300 Causes
Undead status Silence Song 16RC 34 4/2 170 Causes Silence status Blind Rage
16RC 20 4/1 400 Causes Berserk status Foxbird * 20RC 25 4/1 200
Lowers target's brave Confusion Song 20RC 20 4/1 400 Causes Confusion status Dispel Magic
34 C 34 4/1 700 Eliminates positive status Paralyze * 10RC 20 4/2 100
Causes Don't Act status Sleep 24RC 17 4/2 350 Causes
Sleep status Petrify 16RC 12 4/1 580 Causes Petrify status
ABILITIES Absorb Used MP 250
Receive MP used to cast spell
400 Lowers physical damage received
200 Ignores weather effects on magic Move-MP Up
350 Restores MP as you move
JP to master: 5850
Evaluation: There's no kind way to put this. Oracles are
completely useless (even more so than priests). Their spells just give the enemies various status problems, but take
too long to charge and cost too much MP (whereas Geomancers have a longer range, don't charge, don't use MP, and still
do the same things). Defense UP is useful, but that's about it. Stay far away from tis job and prod it with a
sharp stick.
Job Requirements: Monk lv. 3 Weapons:
Sword, axe Armor: Shield, hat, clothes, robe
5/2 150 Damage, causes Don't Move Water Ball
5/2 150 Water damage, causes Frog Hell Ivy *
5/2 150 Damage, causes Stop Carve Model * 5/2 150
Damage, causes Petrify Local Quake 5/2 150
Earth damage, causes Confusion Kamaitachi * 5/2
150 Wind damage, causes Don't Act Demon Fire *
5/2 150 Fire damage, causes Sleep Quicksand
5/2 150 Water damage, causes Death Sntnce Sand Storm
5/2 150 Wind damage, causes Darkness Blizzard
5/2 150 Ice damage, causes Silence Gusty Wind
5/2 150 Wind damage, causes Slow Lava Ball
5/2 150 Fire damage, instant death
300 Counter phys. atks. w/ Elemental
400 Raises physical damage
220 Move at same speed on rough terrain Move on Lava
150 Can move on lava
JP to master: 2870
Evaluation: A lot of people pass off Geomancers as weak magic
users, but they fail to realize that Geomancers are also good fighters -- they can equip swords and axes, and use shields.
They also have the Attack UP ability, which is really useful. Coupled with the status-affecting powers of their
Nature attack, they're good in the middle of the game. After that, they rapidly become less useful, as geomancy
does relatively less and less damage.
---Lancer (Dragoon)------------------------------------
Requirements: Thief lv. 3 Weapons: Spear Armor: Shield, helmet, armor, robe
150 Jump attack* Level Jump3
300 Jump attack* Level Jump4
450 Jump attack* Level Jump5
600 Jump attack* Level Jump8 *
900 Jump attack* Vertical Jump2 * 100
Jump attack* Vertical Jump3 200
Jump attack* Vertical Jump4 300
Jump attack* Vertical Jump5 400
Jump attack* Vertical Jump6 500
Jump attack* Vertical Jump7 600
Jump attack* Vertical Jump8 * 900 Jump attack*
ABILITIES Dragon Spirit * 560 Casts
Reraise when attacked
400 Can equip spear
700 Infinite jump height
JP to master: 7060
* Note: The speed of a Jump is equal to twice the user's
Evaluation: I've always liked dragoons (and was disappointed to find no Jump materia in FF7), and FFT's lancers (a
mistranslation; they were dragoons in the Japanese version) are just as cool. They have a great range with their
jump attack, which never misses and puts the Dragoon temporarily out of danger. They also have Dragon Spirit,
which casts Reraise when you get hit. I'm sure you can see the value in that. Dragoons are what Knights should
have been. I recommend them very highly. The only downside is that they become pretty useless later in the
Job Requirements: Knight lv. 3, Monk lv. 4, Lancer
lv. 2 Weapons: Katana Armor: Helmet, armor, robe
A/3 100 Magic attack Koutetsu
A/3 180 Magic attack Bizen Boat
A/3 260 Lowers enemy MP Murasame *
A/3 340 Heals party Heaven's Cloud * A/3 420 Magic attack,
causes Slow Kiyomori A/3
500 Gives Protect and Shell status Muramasa *
A/3 580 Mag. attack, causes Confusion
and Death Sentence Kikuichimoji 4Dir/8 660 Magic attack Masamune
* A/3 740 Gives Regen and Haste status Chirijiraden
A/3 820 Magic attack
200 Max HP dmg. when critical Blade Grasp *
700 Avoid phys. attacks
400 Equip Katanas Two Hands *
900 Use one weapon in two hands
300 Move on water as if land
JP to master: 7100
Evaluaton: Samurais are pretty good; they're basically the
next progression of the Knight and Lancer type. They're good fighters once you get Two Hands (learn this first), and
Blade Grasp is one of the best (if not the best) Reaction Abilities around. Draw Out is innovative, but not all
that great, as the swords have a tendency to break.
Requirements: Archer lv. 3, Thief lv. 4, Geomancer lv. 2 Weapons: Knife, ninja sword, hammer Armor: Hat, clothes
5/1 50 Throw shuriken Ball
5/1 70 Throw magic balls Knife
5/1 100 Throw daggers Sword *
5/1 100 Throw swords Hammer
5/1 100 Throw flails Katana
5/1 100 Throw samurai katanas Ninja Sword
5/1 100 Throw ninja swords Axe
5/1 120 Throw axes Spear
5/1 100 Throw spears Stick
5/1 100 Throw polearms Knight Sword 5/1 100
Throw knight swords Dictionary 5/1
100 Throw dictionary
900 Become invisible when hit Abandon
400 Evade % up
900 Equip weapons in both hands
420 No movement penalty in water
JP to master: 3840
Evaluation: Ninjas are like knights in that their
greatest asset isn't their learned abilities but their inherent ones. They can equip two swords (in practice,
two morning stars; they're more powerful) and are REALLY fast. Throwing shurikens is good too (especially Yagyu Darknesses),
and so is throwing swords (buy Rune Blades, they do a goodly amount of damage when chucked). A note with ninjas:
the damage estimate when you go to attack somebody is usually far too low -- the first attack alone sometimes more damage
than the estimate, let alone the second one.
Requirements: Priest lv. 4, Wizard lv. 4, Time Mage lv. 3,
Oracle lv. 3 Weapons: Stick, dictionary Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
250 Base equations on CT Level
350 Base equations on level Exp
200 Base equations on EXP Height *
250 Base equations on height Prime Number *
300 Selects by prime number 5
200 Selects by multiple of 5 4 *
400 Selects by multiple of 4 3 *
600 Selects by multiple of 3
200 Give extra HP from heals to party Damage Split *
300 Enemy takes half damage
350 Receive more EXP
400 Earn EXP as you move Move-Get JP
360 Earn JP as you move
JP to master: 4510
Evaluation: Calculators are potentially very powerful, but
they require a lot of time to build up. First of all, you need a lot of spells from the lower magic-using jobs,
then you have to learn all the Math Skill abilities to make them truly useful. The problem is that Calculators
are really pokey (give them an accessory that boosts their speed) and have a low magic strength. To remedy the
latter problem, change the Calculator into a Wizard after you've learned all their abilities and set their second action
ability to Math Skill. In this highly-evolved form, they can toast enemies around the battlefield or heal your
whole party, without even having to charge or use MP! In other words, Calculators are great if you want to spend
the time to build them up, but you don't need them to beat the game.
Requirements: Summoner lv. 4, Mediator lv. 4 (male
characters only) Weapons: Musical instrument Armor: Hat, clothes
17 All 100 Restores MP Life Song * 17 All 100
Restores HP Cheer Song * 13 All 100 Raises Speed Battle
Song 13 All 100 Raises phys. attack power Magic Song
10 All 100 Raises magic attack power Nameless Song * 10 All 100 Gives
Reraise, Regen, Protect, Wall Last Song * 5 All 100
Fills CT to 100
450 Raises mag. pwr when damaged Face Up
500 Faith up vs. magic
1000 Move range + 3 Fly *
1200 Can fly over terrain
JP to master: 3850
Evaluation: Well.... Bards really aren't that great. They've
improved since Edward's day, but they're just kinda blah. Dancers are more effective, in my opinion. One
cool trick with both Bards and Dancers is to equip Sing/Dance as a secondary ability and use it to gain JP quickly (since
you get turns much faster than using regular attacks).
Requirements: Geomancer lv. 4, Lancer lv. 4 (female
characters only) Weapons: Knife, cloth Armor: Hat, clothes
17 All 100 Lowers enemy MP Wiznaibus 17
All 100 Lowers enemy HP Slow Dance * 13 All 100 Lowers
enemy speed Polka Polka 13 All 100 Lowers phys. attack Disillusion
* 10 All 100 Lowers mag. attack Nameless Dance *
10 All 100 Causes status ailments Last Dance 5
All 100 Empties enemy CT
550 Raises attack pwr. when damaged Brave Up
500 Raises brave when attacked
1000 Jump range + 3 Fly *
1200 Can fly over terrain
JP to master: 3950
Evaluation: Dancers are much better than Bards, as their abilities
work on the enemy, not you. You can give them various status ailments, and slow them down. And (if you earn
a lot of JP), you can fly. Dancers work well with the Knight's Weapon Guard ability, as their Cloths have a VERY high
parry rate (50%). You can also use Dance to build JP quickly (see the Bard description). Dancer is a good, not
great, job.
Job Requirements: Squire lv. 8, Chemist
lv. 8, Summoner
lv. 4, Mediator lv. 4, Geomancer lv. 4,
Lancer lv. 4 Weapons: None Armor: None
NO ABILITIES The Mime mimics every action that your other characters take.
Mimes aren't quite as good as you'd think. They only mimic abilities in the exact direction and range that they were
originally used, which means they usually miss. However, if you use them carefully, they can be useful, as they
could potentially double the number of actions you take. Try using a Mime with a Calculator -- everything spell
the Calculator calculates, the Mime will repeat for twice the effect (of course, you could just make two Calculators
%%%SPECIAL JOBS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
All the special jobs have the same reaction,
support, and movement abilities as the Squire job (which they replace). Therefore, I haven't bothered to list
them, except for the Arc Knight, Steel Giant, and Byblos Jobs, which have different abilities.
By: Ramza Weapons: Knife, sword, knight sword, hammer Armor: Shield, hat, helmet, clothes, armor, robe
A/1 300 Phys. attack + 1 Dash
1/1 75 Weak physical attack Throw Stone *
4/1 90 Weak ranged physical attack Heal
1/1 150 Cures Dark, Silence, Poison Yell *
3/1 200 Speed + 1 Wish *
1/1 0 Heals target, lose 1/2 of amt. Cheer Up (ch. 2+) 3/1
200 Raises Brave Scream (ch. 4) * A/1 500 Raises Brave, attack
pwr, speed Ultima 10 20 4/2 N/A Magic attack
to master: 2515
Evaluation: Ramza's Squire job is just a basic Squire with some extra abilities, some of which are
good (Yell, Wish) and some of which aren't (Cheer Up, Ultima). Note that Ultima can't be bought with JP, it can only be
learned in a certain battle. Despite the extra abilities, this is still a Squire job. Good early on, but
not later (except against Wiegraf).
Used By: Delita
(ch. 1) Weapons: Sword, hammer Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
A/1 300 Phys. attack + 1 Dash
1/1 75 Weak physical attack Throw Stone *
4/1 90 Weak ranged physical attack Heal
1/1 150 Cures Dark, Silence, Poison Wish *
1/1 0 Heals target, lose 1/2 of amt.
JP to master: 1615
Evaluation: Again, Delita is just
a slightly-improved Squire. He only has one extra ability, Wish. It's a good one, though.
By: Algus Weapons: Sword, axe, hammer Armor: Hat, clothes
A/1 300 Phys. attack + 1 Dash
1/1 75 Weak physical attack Throw Stone *
4/1 90 Weak ranged physical attack Heal
1/1 150 Cures Dark, Silence, Poison on self Head Break
N/A 300 Destroys target's helmet Armor Break
N/A 400 Destroys target's armor
JP to master: 2315
Evaluation: Head Break and Armor Break would be cool, but
Algus is in your party for such a short time that it's unlikely you'll learn either one of them. Instead, give
him some black magic (he starts with enough JP for the Wizard job to buy Fire, I believe).
---Dark Knight-----------------------------------------
By: Gafgarion Weapons: Sword, knight sword Armor: Shield, helmet, armor, robe
3/1 100 Dark damage, drain HP Dark Sword
3/1 500 Dark damage, drain MP
JP to master: 1600
Evaluation: Gafgarion is cool, but he's only in your party
for two battles (plus the intro battle at the start of the game). He's good while you have him, but I can't really
comment on him.
---Holy Knight-----------------------------------------
Used By: Agrias, Delita (ch. 2+) Weapons:
Sword, knight sword Armor: Shield, helmet, armor, robe
2/2 0 Holy damage, causes Stop Split Punch
3/1 400 Holy damage, causes Death Sntnce Crush Punch
3/1 500 Holy damage, instant death Lightning Stab * 3/2 700
Lightning damage, causes Silence Holy Explosion * 4Dir/5 800 Holy damage, causes Confusion Wish
(Delita only) 1/1 0 Heals target, lose 1/2 of amt.
JP to master:
Evaluation: Agrias is one of the best characters in the game thanks to her Holy Knight abilities (Delita is
even better, but he only shows up as a Holy Knight in two battles). All of her abilities are useful, especially
Stasis Sword (early on) and Holy Explosion. However, later in the game, once you get better characters like Orlandu
and Beowulf, she will see a lot less use.
Used By:
Ovelia Weapons: Staff Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
25 3/1 0 Gives Reraise, Regen, Protect,
Shell, and Haste status Deathspell 2 20 25 4/1 0 Cures negative status
to master: 1000
Evaluation: Well, Ovelia only fights in one battle, but she's actually a useful character (you wouldn't
expect her to be, but...). Mbarrier is a great spell; too bad you can't control her.
By: Mustadio Weapons: Knife, gun Armor: Hat, clothes
N/A 200 Causes Don't Move status Arm Aim *
N/A 300 Causes Don't Act status Seal Evil *
N/A 200 Petrifies undead
JP to master: 1700
Evaluation: Until you get Orlandu, Mustadio is the best character
you'll have. His gun has a very long range, and Arm Aim is cheesy, but effective (it basically prevents one enemy
from doing anything for a couple turns and works about 75% of the time). Seal Evil is only useful in certain occassions,
but is a lifesaver then (it not only kills undead, but prevents them from coming back to life). Once you've learned
all three Sniping abilities, Mustadio makes a good Chemist, as he doesn't need a seperate ability to keep his gun
(without the gun, he can only snipe 1 square).
Used by:
Olan Weapons: Dictionary Armor: Hat, clothes
All 0 Stop, Don't Move, Don't Act Accumulate
A/1 300 Phys. attack + 1 Dash
1/1 75 Weak physical attack Throw Stone
4/1 90 Weak ranged physical attack Heal
1/1 150 Cures Dark, Silence, Poison
JP to master: 1815
Evaluation: Olan shows up in one battle, and you
can't control him, but he nevertheless is ludicrously powerful, thanks to Galaxy Stop, which will paralyze most of the enemies
on the board every time he uses it (I went a little overboard on its star rating). It doesn't cost MP or anything,
and results in the easiest battle in the whole game.
By: Alma Weapons: Staff Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
25 3/1 0 Causes Reraise, Regen, Protect,
Shell, and Haste status Deathspell 2 20 25 4/1 0 Cures negative status Wish
1/1 ? Heals target, lose 1/2 of amt. Ultima 10
20 4/2 N/A Magic attack
JP to master: 1000
Evaluation: Alma is almost identical to Ovelia, except that
she has Wish. Again, Mbarrier is an effective spell, but you can't control her. I really thought she would
join, too. (BTW, de-equip Alma of her all stuff before she leaves, you can't get it elsewhere). When she rejoins
during the final battle, it is possible for her to learn Ultima from Altima casting it on her, although unlikely.
Used By: Rafa Weapons: Staff, stick Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
ACTION ABILITIES: TRUTH Heaven Thunder * 34 4/2
100 Random lightning damage Asura
25 4/2 200 Random fire damage Diamond Sword (ch.4) 20 4/2 300 Random wind damage Hydragon Pit
(ch.4) 17 4/2 400 Random water damage Space Storage (ch.4)*20 4/2 500 Random damage, status
problems Sky Demon (ch.4) 15 4/2 600 Random earth damage
JP to master: 3100
Rafa has one purpose and one purpose only. That purpose? The Deep Dungeon. With her low Brave level, she
makes the perfect item-finder, especially when equipped with Germinas Boots. She also makes a decent magic-user
thanks to her high Faith. Your best bet with her is to change jobs right away, as her Truth abilities really suck.
Don't bother with them.
---Hell Knight-----------------------------------------
Used By: Malak Weapons: Rod,
stick Armor: Hat, clothes, robe
4/2 100 Random lightning damage Asura Back 25 4/2
200 Random fire damage Dia Swrd Back 20 4/2 300 Random wind
damage Dragn Pit Back 17 4/2 400 Random water damage Space Str Back
* 20 4/2 500 Random damage, status problems Sky Demon Back
15 4/2 600 Random earth damage
JP to master: 3100
Evaluation: Take this character. Please.
Not only is Malak the worst character in FF Tactics, he's the absolute worst character in any game I've ever played. He's
like Rafa, but much worse. His Un-Truth doesn't ignore Faith like Rafa's Truth does, he has a higher Brave level
(making him less useful in the Deep Dungeon), and he's just completely incompetent. Dismiss Malak as soon as he
joins your party. Even a blank spot in your roster can fight better.
---Holy Swordsman--------------------------------------
Quite Effectively By: Orlandu Weapons: Sword, knight sword, katana, ninja sword Armor: Shield, hat, helmet, clothes,
armor, robe
SPD R JP EFFECT ----------------------------------
Holy damage, causes Stop Split Punch 3/1
400 Holy damage, causes Death Sntnce Crush Punch *
3/1 500 Holy damage, instant death Lightning Stab * 3/1 700
Lightning damage, causes Silence Holy Explosion * 4dir/5 800 Holy damage, causes Confusion Shellbust
Stab 3/1 200 Destroys armor Blastar Punch
3/1 400 Destroys helmet Hellcry Punch 3/1 500
Destroys weapon Icewolf Bite 3/1 800 Destroys
accessory Night Sword * 3/1 0 Dark
damage, drain HP Dark Sword 3/1 500
Dark damage, drain MP
JP to master: 5800
Evaluation: From Malak to.... ORLANDU! Those are the exact
opposites of the usefulness spectrum. Orlandu is by far the most unbalancing character I've seen in any game.
He can kill almost any regular enemy in a single blow (healing himself in the process), and do severe damage to bosses.
You could almost beat the entire game with just him. People complained about Knights of the Round being too powerful,
but Thunder God Cid could beat them all with one hand tied behind his back -- and he must have, because he has their
sword. Excalibur just further adds to Cid's power by giving him an automatic Haste and also hitting really hard.
The only reason you would ever not want to use Orlandu is if you were to trying to roll up points for your other characters
(but who needs other characters?) or if you wanted to make the game harder.
---Divine Knight---------------------------------------
By: Meliadoul Weapons: Sword, knight sword, crossbow, spear Armor: Shield, helmet, clothes, armor, robe
3/1 200 Destroys armor Blastar Punch 3/1 400
Destroys helmet Hellcry Punch * 3/1 500 Destroys weapon Icewolf
Bite 3/1 800 Destroys accessory
JP to
master: 2900
Evaluation: Well, Meliadoul's no Orlandu, but she's not bad. Her sword skills (which Orlandu
also has) are cool as they break the enemy's equipment and never miss, but they don't work on monsters, which severely
hampers her usefulness. Thus, she is only useful in certain occasions. Meliadoul would also make a pretty
good magic-user, thanks to her high Faith.
---Arc Knight------------------------------------------
Used By:
Zalbag Weapons: Sword, knight sword Armor: Shield, helmet, armor, robe
34 4/2 0 Lowers target's MP Speed Ruin 20 34 4/2
0 Lowers target's speed Power Ruin 20 34 4/2 0
Lowers phys. attack Mind Ruin 20 34 4/2 0 Lowers
magic attack
300 Attack back when attacked Counter Tackle
180 Use Dash when attacked
400 Can't miss Maintenance
250 Equipment can't be broken Short Charge
800 Charge time speeded
200 Movement range + 1
JP to master: 2130
Evaluation: Zalbag doesn't really do much. He's only
in one battle, and it's a very short battle (you can win it in one or two rounds). In fact, I only saw him do
one thing: attack one enemy with his sword. He has some cool abilities, but you'll never see them.
Used By: Beowulf Weapons: Knife, sword, knight sword Armor: Shield,
helmet, armor, robe
SPD R JP EFFECT ----------------------------------
4/1 50 Causes Darkness Aspel 2
4/1 0 Absorbs enemy MP Drain 12
4/1 180 Absorbs enemy HP Faith 10
4/1 200 Causes Faith condition Innocent 10
4/1 200 Causes Innocent condition Zombie 14
4/1 150 Causes Undead condition Silence 16
4/1 90 Causes Silence Berserk 16
4/1 200 Causes Berserk Chicken * 12 4/1 500
Lowers enemy Brave Confuse 14 4/1 200
Causes Confusion Despair 20 4/1 300
Cancels positive status Don't Act 14 4/1 50
Causes Don't Act status Sleep 20
4/1 170 Causes Sleep Break * 24
4/1 300 Causes Petrify Shock! * 20
8/1 600 Less HP = more damage
JP to master: 4190
Evaluation: One word for you. CHICKEN!!!!!
Beowulf is basically an Oracle on steroids -- he has similar abilities, but they don't have to charge. Also, Beowulf is
a good fighter (especially with an Excalibur) with a fair amount of HP. Those attributes are totally irrelevant,
however, when faced with the mighty power of Chicken. Chicken will cause an enemy to lose FIFTY BRAVE and works
70%-100% of the time! And it only costs 12 MP! Furthermore, if you reduce an enemy's Brave below 10, they'll
turn into a chicken and run into a corner, regaining 1 Brave each turn, until they get back up to 10 Brave. This
ability is essential in the Deep Dungeon, and extremely useful everywhere else. Top that off with Break (petrifies
enemies; works most of the time!) and Shock (a potentially very strong spell and it has a great range) and you have
the second-best character in the game (after T.G. Cid). Never underestimate the power of Beowulf.
Used By: Worker 8 Weapons: none Armor: none Worker 8 has the
inherent Any Ground and Any Weather abilities and cannot enter water.
1/1 0 Physical attack Compress
1/1 0 Instant death attack Dispose *
8/1 0 Physical attack Crush
1/1 0 Physical attack
REACTION ABILITIES Counter Automatically eqppd.
Counter-attack when attacked
SUPPORT ABILITIES Defense UP Automatically eqppd. Lowers phys. attack damage
JP to master: 0
Evaluation: I don't know why nobody likes Worker 8; I think he's great.
Sure, he can't change jobs, and his abilities do consume some of his HP, but he's still really powerful. His Dispose
attack has a range of 8 panels. He also has NO Faith (as he is a robot), which means that he is nearly impervious
to magic. His physical attack is very strong as well. He's not Orlandu, but he certainly deserves a place
on your team.
---Holy Dragon------------------------------------------
Used By: Reis Weapons: none Armor:
R JP EFFECT ----------------------------------
ABILIIES: BREATH Ice Bracelet 2/1 0
Ice attack Fire Bracelet 2/1 0 Fire
attack Thndr Brcelet 2/1 0 Thunder
JP to master:
Evaluation: I can't really evaluate this job very well as Reis is not a dragon for very long. Her three breath
attacks are powerful and she has a lot of HP. In some ways, she's actually more useful as a dragon.
By: Reis (after transformation) Weapons: none Armor: Ribbon The Dragoner attacks twice and has inherent Train and
Monster Skill abilities.
Note: Reis *can* equip Bags, not because of her jobs, but just because she's a woman.
You can stop e-mailing me now.
2/1 0 Ice attack Fire Bracelet * 2/1 0
Fire attack Thndr Brcelet * 2/1 0 Thunder attack Dragon
Tame * 2/1 300 Dragon joins party Dragon Care
2/1 300 Heals + cures dragon Dragon PowerUp 2/1 400
Raises dragon's stats Dragon LevelUp 2/1 400 Raises dragon's
CT Holy Bracelet 4/3 900 Random holy damage
to master: 2300
Evaluation: Reis keeps her breath attacks in her human form, which are still her best attacks.
The four Dragon abilities only affect dragons, and thus have a limited use. One trick is to use Dragon Tame to recruit dragons
to help you in one battle (and also save you from fighting them), but don't add them to your party at the end of the
battle. Reis can attack twice (as if she were a Ninja), and her attack can invite enemies (she has Train).
Reis is really slow, however, and has a slow move range, so she almost never gets to hit. She's generally worthless
and second only to Malak as the crummiest character. If you do want to use her, change her to another job that
can use equipment and set her Dragon abilities as a secondary ability.
By: Cloud Weapons: Sword Armor: Hat, ribbon, clothes
34 2/1 150 Physical attack Cross-slash * 25 2/2 200 Magic
attack Blade Beam * 20 2/1 250 Less HP = more damage Climhazzard
15 2/1 450 Target: less HP = more damage Meteorain
10 3/3 560 Magic attack Finish Touch * 20 3/2 670 Causes Dead,
Petrify, Stop Omnislash 7 3/3 900 Magic
attack Cherry Blossom 5 3/3 1200 Magic attack
JP to master: 4380
For being a hidden character, Cloud could be better. His Limit Breaks take forever to charge, and they can only
target panels, so the enemy will just move away. Give him the Time Mage's Short Charge ability to make up for
this. Even with that, he himself is slow, and his attack is weak (since he has to equip the cruddy Materia Blade
in order to use his limit breaks). Finish Touch is very powerful, though -- it petrifies or kills enemies, and
can hit a whole group. Cloud starts at level 1, which means that you'll have to spend a lot of time bringing
him up to snuff. Personally, I don't think it's worth the trouble, but other people seem to like him.
By: the Byblos (name varies) Weapons: none Armor: none Byblos ignores height and cannot enter water. It also poaches
any monster it kills.
4/1 0 Heals by 2x Byblos's HP Parasite
4/1 0 Causes many status problems Shock
5/1 0 Less HP = more damage Difference
5/1 0 Changes target's MP to
the amount of damage dealt
to enemies
REACTION ABILITIES Counter Automatically eqppd. Counter-attack when attacked
JP to master: 0
Evaluation: Hmmm... the Byblos isn't as
good as I thought it would be. It only has a few attacks. They're okay, but they have a fairly short range
and only hit one guy. Byblos can't change jobs, either, so you're stuck with four abilties. Worker 8 does good
things with four abilities but Byblos doesn't. Maybe I'm just missing something.
just refers to the level of monster (i.e., a Chocobo is a rank I chocobo, a Black Chocobo is rank II, and a Red Chocobo
is rank III). Abilties that are listed in parentheses are only usable if a character with the support ability "Monster
Skill" is standing next to the monster. All monsters have Counter as an inherent reaction ability. Most monsters
have other inherent abilites (traits), such as ignore height, float, halves fire, etc.
Chocobo Type: Chocobo
Rank: I Traits: Move in water ABILITIES: R
EFFECT Choco Attack 1/1 Physical attack Choco Cure
A/2 Restores HP (Choco Esuna) A/2 Cures negative status
Chocobo Type: Chocobo Rank: II Traits: Fly ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Choco Attack 1/1 Physical attack
Choco Ball 4/1 Physical attack Choco Esuna
A/2 Cures negative status (Choco Meteor) 5/1 Physical attack
Chocobo Type: Chocobo Rank: III Traits: Ignore height ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Choco Attack 1/1 Physical attack
Choco Ball 4/1 Physical attack Choco Meteor
5/1 Physical attack (Choco Cure) A/2 Restores HP
Type: Goblin Rank: I Traits: Ice weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Tackle 1/1
Physical attack Eye Gouge 1/1 Causes Darkness status
(Goblin Punch) 1/1 Physical attack
Black Goblin Type: Goblin Rank: II
Traits: Ice weakness ABILITIES: R EFFECT
Tackle 1/1 Physical attack Turn Punch
A/2 Physical attack (Goblin Punch) 1/1 Physical attack
Type: Goblin Rank: III Traits: Ice weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Tackle 1/1
Physical attack Eye Gouge 1/1 Causes Darkness status
Goblin Punch 1/1 Physical attack (Mutilate)
1/1 Drains enemy HP
Red Panther Type: Panther Rank: I Traits: Ignore height,
can't enter water, earth weakness ABILITIES: R
EFFECT Scratch 1/1 Physical attack
Poison Nail 1/1 Causes Poison status (Cat Kick)
1/1 Physical attack
Cuar Type: Panther Rank: II Traits: Ignore height, can't
enter water, earth weakness ABILITIES: R EFFECT
Scratch 1/1 Physical attack Cat Kick
1/1 Physical attack Poison Nail 1/1 Causes Poison status
(Blaster) 3/1 Causes Petrify or Stop status
Type: Panther Rank: III Traits: Ignore height, can't enter water, earth weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Scratch 1/1
Physical attack Cat Kick 1/1 Physical attack
Blaster 3/1 Causes Petrify or Stop status
(Blood Suck) 1/1 Drains HP, causes Blood Suck status
Bomb Type: Bomb
Rank: I Traits: Float, can't enter water, absorbs fire, halves ice,
water weakness ABILITIES: R EFFECT
Bite 1/1 Physical attack
Self Destruct A/3 Self-destruct, causes Oil (Small Bomb)
1/1 Physical attack
Grenade Type: Bomb Rank: II Traits: Float,
can't enter water, absorbs fire, halves ice, water weakness
1/1 Physical attack Small Bomb 1/1 Physical attack
Self Destruct A/3 Self-destruct, causes Oil (Flame Attack) 3/1
Fire attack
Explosive Type: Bomb Rank: III Traits: Float, can't enter
water, absorbs fire, halves ice, water weakness
1/1 Physical attack Self Destruct A/3 Self-destruct, causes Oil
Spark A/3 Fire attack, drains HP
(Small Bomb) 1/1 Physical attack
Skeleton Type: Skeleton Rank: I
Traits: Absorb darkness, fire weakness, holy weakness, undead
1/1 Physical attack Thunder Soul 3/1 Lightning attack
(Aqua Soul) 3/1 Water attack
Bone Snatch Type: Skeleton Rank: II
Traits: Absorb darkness, fire weakness, holy weakness, undead
1/1 Physical attack Aqua Soul 3/1 Water
attack (Ice Soul) 3/1 Ice attack
Living Bone
Type: Skeleton Rank: III Traits: Absorb darkness, fire weakness, holy weakness,
Hand 1/1 Physical attack Ice Soul
3/1 Ice attack (Wind Soul) 3/1 Wind attack
Type: Gull Rank: I Traits: Fly, can't enter water, halves wind, earth weakness
1/1 Physical attack (Feather Bomb) 3/1 Magic (?) attack
Steel Hawk
Type: Gull Rank: II Traits: Fly, can't enter water, halves wind, earth weakness
1/1 Physical attack Shine Lover 1/1 Steals money
(Beak) 1/1 Causes Petrify status
[Cockatrice] Type: Gull Rank: III Traits: Fly, can't enter water, halves wind,
earth weakness ABILITIES: R EFFECT
Scratch Up 1/1 Physical attack Beak
1/1 Causes Petrify status Feather Bomb 3/1 Magic (?) attack
(Beaking) 1/1 Lowers phys. attack
Pisco Demon Type:
Mage Rank: I Traits: Move underwater, absorbs water, lightning weakness ABILITES:
R EFFECT Tentacle 1/1
Physical attack (Black Ink) 2/1 Causes Darkness
Type: Mage Rank: II Traits: Move underwater, absorbs water, lightning weakness
1/1 Physical attack Black Ink 2/1 Causes
Darkness Odd Soundwave A/3 Removes positive status (Mind Blast)
3/2 Causes Confusion and Berserk
Mindflare Type: Mage Rank: III
Traits: Move underwater, absorbs water, lightning weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Tentacle 1/1
Physical attack Black Ink 2/1 Causes Darkness
Mind Blast 3/2 Causes Confusion and Berserk (Level Blast)
4/1 Lowers [experience] level
Bull Demon Type: Minotaur Rank: I Traits: Can't enter
water, water weakness ABILITIES: R EFFECT
Shake Off 1/1 Physical attack (Wave Around)
A/1 Physical attack
Minitaurus Type: Minotaur Rank: II Traits: Can't enter water, water
weakness ABILITIES: R EFFECT Shake
Off 1/1 Physical attack Wave Around
A/1 Physical attack (Blow Fire) 2/1 Fire attack
Type: Minotaur Rank: III Traits: Can't enter water, water weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Shake Off 1/1 Physical
attack Mimic Titan A/3 Earth attack Gather Power
A/1 Phys. attack + 2 (Blow Fire) 2/1 Fire attack
Type: Ghost Rank: I Traits: Teleport, float, can't enter water, absorbs darkness,
fire weakness, holy weakness, undead ABILITIES: R
EFFECT Throw Spirit 3/1 Magic attack Sleep Touch
1/1 Causes Sleep status (Grease Touch) 1/1 Causes Oil status
Type: Ghost Rank: II Traits: Teleport, float, can't enter water, absorbs darkness,
fire weakness, holy weakness, undead ABILITIES: R
EFFECT Throw Spirit 3/1 Magic attack Grease Touch
1/1 Causes Oil status (Drain Touch) 1/1 Drains target's HP
Type: Ghost Rank: III Traits: Teleport, float, can't enter water, absorbs darkness,
fire weakness, holy weakness (note: is NOT undead!) ABILITIES: R
EFFECT Throw Spirit 3/1 Magic attack Drain Touch
1/1 Drains HP (Zombie Touch) 1/1 Causes Undead status
Type: Ahriman Rank: I Traits: Fly, can't enter water, halves wind, ice weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Wing Flap 1/1 Physical
attack (Look of Fright) 3/1 Lowers brave
Ahriman Type: Ahriman Rank: II
Traits: Fly, can't enter water, halves wind, ice weakness ABILITIES: R
EFFECT Wing Attack 1/1 Physical attack Look of Devil
3/1 Causes Petrify, Darkness, Silence,
Don't Move, or Don't Act status Look of Fright 3/1 Lowers brave (Death
Sentence) 3/1 Causes Death Sentence status
Plague Type: Ahriman Rank: III Traits:
Fly, can't enter water, halves wind, ice weakness ABILITIES: R
EFFECT Wing Attack 1/1 Physical attack Look of Devil
3/1 Causes Petrify, Darkness, Silence,
Don't Move, or Don't Act status Death Sentence 3/1 Causes Death Sentence status
(Circle) 4/1 Lowers magic attack
Woodman Type:
Dryad Rank: I Traits: Can't enter water, absorbs earth, fire weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Leaf Dance A/2 Magic (?)
attack (Protect Spirit) A/2 Gives Protect status
Trent Type: Dryad
Rank: II Traits: Can't enter water, absorbs earth, fire weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Leaf Dance A/2 Magic (?)
attack Spirit of Life A/2 Restores HP (Clam Spirit)
A/2 Gives Shell status
Taiju Type: Dryad Rank: III Traits: Can't
enter water, absorbs earth, fire weakness ABILITIES: R
EFFECT Leaf Dance A/2 Magic (?) attack Protect
Spirit A/2 Gives Protect status Clam Spirit A/2
Gives Shell status (Magic Spirit) A/2 Restores MP
Ochu Type: Molbol
Rank: I Traits: Move on water, ice weakness ABILITES:
R EFFECT Tentacle 1/1
Physical attack Goo 1/1
Causes Don't Move status (Lick) 1/1
Gives Reflect status
Morbol Type: Molbol Rank: II Traits: Move on water, ice weakness
1/1 Physical attack Lick
1/1 Gives Reflect status (Bad Bracelet) A/3 Causes various status problems
Great Morbol Type: Molbol Rank: III Traits: Move on water, ice weakness
1/1 Physical attack Bad Bracelet A/3 Causes various status
problems (Moldball Virus) 1/1 Turns target into Morbol (permanently!)
Type: Behemoth Rank: I Traits: Can't enter water ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Stab Up 1/1
Physical attack Sudden Cry 1/1 Physical attack, instant death
(Giga Flare) 4/3 Magic attack
King Behemoth Type: Behemoth Rank: II
Traits: Can't enter water ABILITIES: R EFFECT
Stab Up 1/1 Physical attack Sudden Cry
1/1 Physical attack, instant death (Hurricane) 4/3 Wind
Dark Behemoth Type: Behemoth Rank: III Traits: Can't enter water ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Stab Up 1/1
Physical attack Sudden Cry 1/1 Physical attack, instant death
(Ulmaguest) ?/? Magic (?) attack ^---THIS SHOULD BE ALMAGEST!
Dragon Type: Dragon Rank: I Traits: Can't enter
1/1 Physical attack (Tail Swing) 1/1 Physical attack
Dragon Type: Dragon Rank: II Traits: Can't enter water ABILITIES:
1/1 Physical attack Ice Bracelet 2/1 Ice attack
(Thunder Brcelet)2/1 Lightning attack
Red Dragon Type: Dragon Rank: III
Traits: Can't enter water ABILITIES: R EFFECT
Dash 1/1 Physical attack
Thunder Brcelet 2/1 Lightning attack (Fire Bracelet) 2/1 Fire attack
Type: Hydra Rank: I Traits: Fly, can't enter water, ice weakness, wind weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Triple Attack 1/1 Physical attack in three
directions (Triple Brcelet) 2/2 Magic attack in three directions
Hydra Type:
Hydra Rank: II Traits: Fly, can't enter water, ice weakness, wind weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Triple Attack 1/1 Physical attack in three
directions Triple Flame 4/2 Random fire damage (Triple
Thunder) 4/2 Random lightning damage
Tiamat Type: Hydra Rank: III
Traits: Fly, can't enter water, ice weakness, wind weakness ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Triple Brcelet 2/2 Magic attack in three directions
Triple Thunder 4/2 Random lightning damage Triple Flame 4/2
Random fire damage (Dark Whisper) 4/2 Random dark damage + Dead, Sleep
Type: Uribo Rank: I Traits: Can't enter water ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Straight Dash 1/1 Physical attack
(Oink) 1/1 Revives dead character
Type: Uribo Rank: II Traits: Can't enter water ABILITIES:
R EFFECT Straight Dash 1/1 Physical attack
Pooh- 1/1 Causes Confusion and Sleep
(Nose Bracelet) 1/1 Causes Charm status
Wild Boar Type: Uribo Rank: III
Traits: Can't enter water ABILITIES: R EFFECT
Straight Dash 1/1 Physical attack Nose Bracelet 1/1
Causes Charm status (Please Eat) 1/1 Target's level up 1, user becomes
******************************************************* VI. ABILITY STRATEGIES *******************************************************
Equip Gun (Mediator) + Battle Skills (Knight) ------------------------------------------------------ The
Breaking techniques are a lot more useful when used at a distance.
Don't Move (Time Mage) + Meteor (Time Mage) or
Summon Magic (Summoner) or Limit (SOLDIER) ------------------------------------------------------ Spells that
take a long time to cast are usually pretty worthless. But not if the enemies can't move out of the way...
(Priest) + Move-HP Up (Monk) ------------------------------------------------------ You want HP? You've got HP...
but if it's still not enough, throw in Chakra.
Counter Magic (Wizard) + Magic Attack UP (Wizard) ------------------------------------------------------ If
you're going to counter it, why not make it stronger?
Steal Weapon (Thief) + Throw (Ninja) ------------------------------------------------------ This
isn't that great a combo, but there's a certain joy in stealing somebody's weapon and then turning around and killing
them with it.
Weapon Guard (Knight) + Silks ------------------------------------------------------ Silks have
a 50% evade rate, so equipping Weapon Guard on a dancer means you can avoid half of all attacks.
%%%CHARACTER STRATEGIES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
MONK Counter
Ability: Hamedo Support Ability: Two Swords Move Ability: Move-HP Up ------------------------------------------------------ You
get two punches with Two Swords! Because this leaves you without Equip Armor, Move-HP Up is needed. As for Action
Abilities, it's up to you, but I'd recommend Draw Out.
WIZARD Action Ability: Math Skill Counter
Ability: Counter Magic Support Ability: Magic AttackUP Move Ability: Move-MP Equipment: Faith Rod, Robe of Lords,
108 Gems ------------------------------------------------------ The ultimate magic-user. Be sure to have all the
Math Skills, and get as many spells (Black, White, Yin-Yang, and Time) as you can.
LANCER Action Ability:
Throw Counter Ability: Hamedo Support Ability: Attack UP Move Ability: Move+2/3 Equipment:
Javelin II, Reflect Mail, Genji Gauntlet ------------------------------------------------------ Aside from the special
characters, this is about the strongest fighter you can get. You might want Blade Grasp instead of Hamedo (more
protection, less offense); it's your call. Throw could also be substituted with Draw Out or some other ability
(Geomancy?), but Throw is more useful IMHO.
NINJA Action Ability: Steal
Counter Ability: Sunken State Support Ability: Secret Hunt Move Ability: Fly Equipment: Scorpion Tail (x2), Setiemson
(if female) ------------------------------------------------------ Oh no! It's the Flying Ninja Corps! Just
fly around and chuck stuff (duplicated Chaos Blades, heh heh) at people, or get up close and poach stuff with the two Scorpion
Tails. If you're at a low level, you might want Equip Armor as a support ability instead.
NINJA Counter
Ability: Abandon Support Ability: Equip Shield Equipment: Crystal (or better) Shield, Feather Mantle ------------------------------------------------------ It's
almost impossible (if not actually impossible) to get hit. Imagine a party of five of these...
Chemist Action Ability: Snipe Counter Ability: Auto-Potion Equipment: any
gun ------------------------------------------------------ Mustadio makes a great healer, because being a Chemist allows
him to keep his gun (and consequently sniping abilties).
RAFA ------------------------------------------------------ Get
her a new Action Ability as soon as you can. Then just follow the "Wizard" recommendation above (she makes a good
magic-user, she has high Faith). You might want to give her a Chantage so she can't be killed.
Holy Swordsman Action Ability: Item Counter Ability: Blade Grasp Support
Ability: Two Swords Move Ability: Teleport Equipment: Chaos Blade, Excalibur, Maximilian, Grand Helmet, Angel
Ring ------------------------------------------------------ The ultimate character. With this combination of abilities, you
can win almost any fight in the game with just Orlandu. If you want to poach, ditch Two Swords (and the Chaos Blade)
and give him Secret Hunt instead.
AGRIAS Job: Holy Knight Action Ability: Item
Counter Ability: Blade Grasp Support Ability: Two Swords Move Ability: Teleport Equipment: Chaos Blade, Excalibur,
Maximilian, Grand Helmet, Chantage ------------------------------------------------------ Same as Orlandu, but with
the Chantage (which gives you a PERMANENT Reraise), she might actually be stronger...
REIS Job: Dragoner Action
Ability: Punch Art Support Ability: Equip Armor Movement Ability: Move+2/3 ------------------------------------------------------ Because
Reis fights with her fists anyway, you don't need to equip Martial Arts to use Punch Art effectively. Give her Equip
Armor to boost her weak defense and a move upper (she's really slow). Accompany her with a Tiamat (or Dark Behemoth),
if you have one.
CLOUD ------------------------------------------------------ Just make sure he has Short Charge
or the Limits are useless...
%%%PARTY STRATEGIES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
w/ Chameleon Robes Wizard w/ Math Skill, Holy learned, Chameleon Robes ------------------------------------------------------ Have
the Wizard calculate Holy on as many targets as possible; it will do lots of damage to the enemies but heal all your
characters! (Chameleon Robes absorb holy)
PHANTOMS OF THE OPERA 4 Dancers w/ Wiznaibus and Sunken State Ramza
as a Mime ------------------------------------------------------ At the start of the battle, have all the Dancers dance Wiznaibus,
which will damage all the enemies. Have them Wait out all their turns and they will keep Wizanibusing. When
the Dancers get hit, Sunken State will turn them invisible. Now, if you act while invisible, you'll become visible
again... but if you just wait, you keep using Wiznaibus, and it doesn't count as an action! In other words, you
can stay invisible (and consequently inVINCible) and keep damaging the enemies. You can't lose! Well, except for
Ramza... just have run and hide; he'll Mimic all the Wiznaibuses. (in non-story battles, you can dump Ramza in
favor of another Dancer).
******************************************************* VII. ITEMS *******************************************************
---Knives---------------------------------------------- Used
By: Squire, Chemist, Thief, Mediator, Ninja, Dancer 2-Swords: Yes 2 Hands: No
Range: 1
EVD SPECIAL Dagger 100 3
5% Mythril Knife 500 4 5% Blind Knife 800
4 5% Add: Darkness Mage Masher 1500 4
5% Add: Silence Platina Dagger 1800 5 10% Main Gauche
3000 6 40% Orichalcum 4000 7
5% Assassin Dagger5000 7 5% Add: Death Sentence Air Knife
8000 10 5% Wind elemental Zorlin Shape 12000 12
10% Add: Sleep
---Swords---------------------------------------------- Used By: Squire, Knight, Geomancer 2-Swords:
Yes 2 Hands: Yes Range: 1
1 5% Add: Toad Broad Sword 200 4
5% Long Sword 500 5 10% Iron Sword
900 6 5% Mythril Sword 1600 7 8% Coral
Sword 3300 8 5% Lightning elemental Blood Sword
2500 8 5% Drains HP Sleep Sword 5000
9 5% Add: Sleep Ancient Sword 5000 9 5%
Add: Don't Move Diamond Sword 8000 10 10% Materia Blade 10
10 10% Enables Cloud's Limit Platinum Sword 11000 12 10% Ice Brand
14000 13 10% Ice elemental; Magic: Ice 2 Rune Blade 20000
14 15% Magic AT+2
---Knight Swords--------------------------------------- Used By: Knight 2-Swords:
Yes 2 Hands: Yes Range: 1
PRICE ATK EVD SPECIAL Defender 40000 16
60% Save the Queen 10 18 30% Always: Protect Excalibur
10 21 30% Always: Haste; Absorb: Holy;
Strengthen: Holy Ragnarok 10 24 20%
Always: Shell Chaos Blade 10 40 20% Always: Regen; Add:
---Axes------------------------------------------------ Used By: Squire, Geomancer 2-Swords: No
2 Hands: Only Range: 1
0% Giant Axe 4000 12 0% Slasher
12000 16 0% Add: Slow
Note: The damage for an axe can be 1/5 more or less than what
the damage estimate is (or it can be the same).
---Staffs---------------------------------------------- Used By:
Priest, Time Mage, Summoner, Oracle 2-Swords: Yes 2 Hands: Yes Range: 1
15% White Staff 800 3 15% Cancel: Death Sentence Rainbow
Staff 2200 5 15% Wizard Staff 4000 4
15% Magic AT+1 Healing Staff 4000 4 15% Restores HP Gold Staff
7000 6 15% Mace of Zeus 10 6
15% Physical AT+2, Magic AT+1 Sage Staff 10 7
---Rods------------------------------------------------ Used By: Wizard, Summoner, Oracle 2-Swords: Yes
2 Hands: Yes Range: 1
3 20% Thunder Rod 400 3 20% Lightning
Strengthen: Lightning,
Magic: Bolt Flame Rod 400 3 20% Fire elemental;
Strengthen: Fire; Magic: Fire Ice Rod 400 3
20% Ice elemental;
Strengthen: Ice; Magic: Ice Poison Rod 500 3 20%
Add: Poison Wizard Rod 8000 4 20% Magic AT+2 Dragon
Rod 12000 5 20% Faith Rod 10
5 20% Always: Faith; Add: Faith
---Bows------------------------------------------------ Used
By: Archer 2-Swords: No 2 Hands: Only Range: 5
4 0% Silver Bow 1500 5 0% Ice Bow
2000 5 0% Ice elemental Lightning Bow 3000 6
0% Lightning elemental;
Magic: Bolt 2 Mythril Bow 5000 7 0% Windslash Bow 8000
8 0% Wind elemental Ultimus Bow 22000 10 0%
[should be Artemis Bow] Yoichi Bow 10 12 0% Perseus
Bow 10 16 0%
---Crossbows------------------------------------------- Used
By: Archer 2-Swords: No 2 Hands: No Range: 4
3 5% Night Killer 1500 3 5% Add: Darkness Cross
Bow 2000 4 5% Poison Bow 4000
4 5% Add: Poison Hunting Bow 8000 6
5% Gastrafitis 20000 10 5%
---Guns------------------------------------------------ Used
By: Chemist, Mediator 2-Swords: No 2 Hands: No Range: 8
PRICE ATK EVD SPECIAL Romanda Gun 5000 6
5% Mythril Gun 1500 8 5% Stone Gun
10 16 5% Petrify Blaze Gun 10
20 5% Ice elemental Glacier Gun 10 21
5% Fire elemental Blast Gun 10 22 5%
Lightning elemental
---Sticks---------------------------------------------- Used By: Oracle, Calculator 2-Swords:
No 2 Hands: Yes Range: 2
PRICE ATK EVD SPECIAL Cypress Rod 1000 6
20% Battle Bamboo 1400 7 20% Musk Rod
2400 8 20% Iron Fan 4000 9
20% Gokuu Rod 7500 10 20% Add: Innocent Ivory Rod
10000 11 20% Octagon Rod 20000 12 20% Cancel: Many
status ailments Whale Whisker 37000 16 20%
---Spears---------------------------------------------- Used
By: Lancer 2-Swords: No 2 Hands: Yes Range: 2
8 10% Spear 2000 9
10% Mythril Spear 4500 10 10% Partisan 7000
11 10% Oberisk 10000 12 10% Holy Lance
18000 14 10% Holy elemental; Magic: Holy Dragon Whiskers44000 17
10% Javelin (II) ? 35 ?
---Katanas--------------------------------------------- Used
By: Samurai 2-Swords: Yes 2 Hands: Yes Range: 1
PRICE ATK EVD SPECIAL Asura Knife 1600 7
15% Koutestu Knife 3000 8 15% Bizen Boat 5000
9 15% Murasame 7000 10 15% Heaven's
Cloud 8000 11 15% Kiyomori 10000 12
15% Muramasa 15000 14 15% Kikuichimoji 22000
15 15% Masamune 10 18 15% Chirijiraden
10 25 15%
---Ninja Swords---------------------------------------- Used
By: Ninja 2-Swords: Yes 2 Hands: Yes Range: 1
PRICE ATK EVD SPECIAL Hidden Knife 3000 8 5% Ninja
Knife 5000 9 5% Short Edge 7000
10 5% Ninja Edge 10000 12 5% Spell Edge
16000 13 5% Add: Don't Act Sasuke Knife 10
14 15% Iga Knife 10 15 10% Koga
Knife 10 15 5%
---Hammers--------------------------------------------- Used
By: Squire, Ninja 2-Swords: Yes 2 Hands: Yes Range: 1
9 0% Flame Whip 4000 11 0% Fire elemental;
Magic: Fire 2 Morning Star 9000 16 0% Scorpion Tail 40000
23 0%
Note: The damage for an hammer can be 1/5 more or less than what the damage estimate is (or it
can be the same).
---Dictionaries---------------------------------------- Used By: Oracle, Calculator 2-Swords:
No 2 Hands: No Range: 3
PRICE ATK EVD SPECIAL Battle Dict 3000 7
15% Monster Dict 6000 8 15% Papyrus Plate 10000 9
15% Madelgelm 30000 11 15%
---Musical Instruments--------------------------------- Used
By: Bard 2-Swords: No 2 Hands: No Range: 3
PRICE ATK EVD SPECIAL Ramia Harp 5000 10
10% Add: Confusion Bloody Strings 10000 13 10% Drains HP Fairy Harp
30000 15 10% Add: Charm
---Cloths---------------------------------------------- Used
By: Dancer 2-Swords: No 2 Hands: No Range: 2
8 50% Cashmere 15000 10 50% Ryozan Silk
40000 15 50%
---Women's Bags---------------------------------------- Used By: Women (any
job) 2-Swords: No 2 Hands: No Range: 1
12 0% Always: Regen C Bag 53000
10 0% Magic AT+1 H Bag 58000
14 0% Speed+1 FS Bag 60000 20
Used By: Knight, Archer, Geomancer, Lancer
PRICE PHYS MAG SPECIAL Escutcheon 400 10%
3% Buckler 700 13% 3% Bronze Shield
1200 16% 0% Round Shield 1600 19% 0% Mythril
Shield 2500 22% 5% Gold Shield 3500 25% 0% Ice
Shield 6000 28% 0% Absorb: Ice; Half: Fire;
Weakness: Lightning Flame Shield 6500 31% 0% Absorb: Fire; Half:
Weakness: Water Aegis Shield 10000 10% 50% Magic AT+1 Diamond Shield 12000
34% 15% Platina Shield 16000 37% 10% Crystal Shield 21000 40%
15% Genji Shield 10 43% 0% Kaiser Plate 10
46% 20% Strength: Fire, Lightning,
Ice Venetian Shield10 50% 25% Half: Fire, Lightning,
Ice Escutcheon (II)? 75% 50%
--Hats------------------------------------------------- Used
By: Squire, Chemist, Archer, Priest, Wizard, Time Mage, Summoner, Thief,
Mediator, Oracle, Geomancer, Ninja, Calculator, Bard, Dancer
8 0 Feather Hat 350 16 5 Red Hood
800 24 8 Headgear 1200
32 0 Physical AT+1 Triangle Hat 1800 40 12
Magic AT+1 Green Beret 3000 48 0 Speed+1 Twist
Headband 5000 56 0 Physical AT+2 Holy Miter
6000 64 20 Magic AT+1 Black Hood 7000
72 0 Golden Hairpin 12000 80 50 Cancel: Silence Flash Hat
16000 88 15 Magic AT+1, Speed+1 Thief Hat 35000
100 0 Speed+2; Cancel: Don't Move,
Don't Act
---Helmets--------------------------------------------- Used By: Knight, Lancer, Samurai
PRICE HP MP SPECIAL Leather Helmet 200 10
0 Bronze Helmet 500 20 0 Iron Helmet 1000
30 0 Barbuta 1500 40 0 Mythril
Helmet 2100 50 0 Gold Helmet 2800 60
0 Cross Helmet 4000 70 0 Diamond Helmet 6000
80 0 Platina Helmet 8000 90 0 Circlet
10000 100 0 Crystal Helmet 14000 120 0 Genji Helmet 10
130 0 Grand Helmet 10 150 0 Cancel: Darkness,
---Ribbons--------------------------------------------- Used By: Women (any job)
PRICE HP MP SPECIAL Cachusha 20000
20 0 Cancel: Some abnormal status Barette 20000
20 0 Cancel: Most abnormal status Ribbon
60000 10 ? Cancel: All abnormal status
---Clothes--------------------------------------------- Used
By: All except Knight, Lancer, Samurai, Monk
5 0 Leather Outfit 300 10 0 Leather Vest 500
18 0 Chain Vest 900 24 0 Mythril Vest
1500 30 0 Adaman Vest 1600 36
0 Wizard Outfit 1900 42 15 Brigandine 2500
50 0 Judo Outfit 4000 60 0 Physical
AT+1; Cancel: Dead Power Sleeve 7000 70 0 Physical AT+2 Earth
Clothes 10000 85 10 Absorb: Earth;
Strengthen: Earth Black Costume 12000 100 0 Cancel: Stop Secret Clothes
10 20 0 Speed+2; Always: Transparent Rubber Costume 48000
150 50 Absorb: Lightning
---Armor----------------------------------------------- Used By: Knight,
Lancer, Samurai
HP MP SPECIAL Leather Armor 200 10 0 Linen Cuirass
600 20 0 Bronze Armor 800 30
0 Chain Mail 1300 40 0 Mythril Armor 2000
50 0 Plate Mail 3000 60 0 Gold Armor
3600 70 0 Diamond Armor 6000 80 0 Platina
Armor 9000 90 0 Carabini Mail 13000 100 0 Reflect
Mail 18000 130 0 Always: Reflect Crystal Mail 19000
110 0 Genji Armor 10 150 0 Maximillian
10 200 0
---Robes----------------------------------------------- Used
By: Knight, Priest, Wizard, Time Mage, Summoner, Mediator, Oracle, Geomancer,
Lancer, Samurai, Caculator
10 10 Silk Robe 2400 20 16 Wizard Robe
4000 30 22 Magic AT+2 Chameleon Robe 5000 40
28 Cancel: Dead; Absorb: Holy White Robe 9000 50
34 Half: Fire, Lightning, Ice Black Robe 13000 60 30
Strengthen: Fire, Lightning,
Ice Light Robe 30000 75 50 Robe of Lords 10
100 80 Physical AT+2, Magic AT+1;
Always: Protect, Shell
---Shoes----------------------------------------------- Used
By: All except Mime
EFFECT Battle Boots 1000 Move+1 Spike Shoes 1200
Jump+1 Rubber Shoes 1500 Cancel: Don't Move, Lightning Feather Boots 2500
Always: Float Germinas Boots 5000 Move+1, Jump+1 Sprint Shoes 7000
Speed+1 Red Shoes 10000 Magic AT+1, Move+1
---Gauntlets------------------------------------------- Used
By: All except Mime
EFFECT Power Wrist 5000 Physical AT+1 Magic Gauntlet 20000
Magic AT+2 Bracer 50000 Physical AT+3 Genji Gauntlet
10 Physical AT+2, Magic AT+2
---Rings----------------------------------------------- Used
By: All except Mime
EFFECT Defense Ring 5000 Cancel: Sleep, Death Sentence Magic Ring
10000 Cancel: Silence, Berserk Reflect Ring 10000 Always: Reflect Angel
Ring 20000 Cancel: Dead, Darkness;
Always: Reraise Cursed Ring 10 Physical AT+1, Magic AT+1,
Speed+1; Always: Undead;
Cancel: Invitation
---Armlets--------------------------------------------- Used By: All except Mime
PRICE EFFECT Diamond Armlet 5000 Physical AT+1, Magic AT+1;
Cancel: Slow Defense Armlet 7000 Cancel: Don't Move, Don't Act N-Kai Armlet 10000
Cancel: Petrify, Stop 108 Gems 15000 Cancel: Undead, Blood Suck,
Poison; Strengthen: All
---Mantles--------------------------------------------- Used By: All except Mime
PRICE PHYS MAG SPECIAL Small Mantle 300 10% 10% Leather
Mantle 800 15% 15% Wizard Mantle 2000 18% 18%
Magic AT+1 Elf Mantle 8000 25% 25% Dracula Mantle 15000
28% 28% Feather Mantle 20000 40% 30% Vanish Mantle 10
35% 0% Always: Transparent
---Perfumes-------------------------------------------- Used
By: Women
EFFECT Cherche 30000 Always: Float, Reflect Salty Rage
30000 Always: Protect, Shell Chantage 30000 Always:
Reraise, Regen Setiemson 30000 Always: Haste, Invisible; Mag AT+1
rocks, the Reraise never disappears so you can just keep coming back to life an infinite number of times!)
---Potions--------------------------------------------- Used
By: Chemist (Item)
EFFECT Potion 50 HP Restore:
30 Antidote 50 Cancel: Posion Eye Drop
50 Cancel: Darkness Echo Grass 50
Cancel: Silence Maiden's Kiss 50 Cancel: Frog Soft
100 Cancel: Petrify Hi-Potion 200
HP Restore: 70 Ether 200 MP Restore:
20 Phoenix Down 300 Cancel: Dead Remedy
350 Cancel: Many status ailments Hi-Ether 600
MP Restore: 50 X-Potion 700 HP Restore: 150 Holy
Water 2000 Cancel: Undead, Blood Suck Elixir
10 Restores HP and MP completely
---Bombs----------------------------------------------- Used
By: Ninja (Throw)
ATK SPECIAL Fire Ball 250 8
Fire elemental Water Ball 250 8 Water elemental Lightning
Ball 250 8 Lightning elemental
---Stars----------------------------------------------- Used
By: Ninja (Throw)
ATK SPECIAL Shuriken 50 4 Magic
Shuriken 300 7 Yagyu Darkness 1000 10
******************************************************* VIII.
PROPOSITIONS *******************************************************
The amount of gil and JP you receive for completing
a Proposition is based on which Jobs you send on the proposition. Use fighting jobs (like Knight) for the fighting-oriented
propositions ("This job required a lot of strength!"), but magic-users for the ones that require intelligence.
If you use the correct Jobs, you'll get a lot of gil of JP. If you use wrong ones, you won't get very much at
Girl in Gulg Volcano Chapter: 2 Days: 15-16 Location: Igros Castle Cost: 3100
Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Trap of the Bandits Chapter: 2 Days: 11-13 Location: Dorter Trade City
Cost: 600 Reward: Gil, JP
Orders of Coast Guard Chapter: 2 Days: 8-9 Location:
Magic City Gariland Cost: 3050 Reward: Gil, JP
Testimony of Ex-miner Chapter: 2 Days:
8-11 Location: Magic City Gariland Cost: 600 Reward: Gil, JP
Salvage the Trade Ship!
Chapter: 2 Days: 8-15 Location: Fort City Zaland Cost: 100 Reward: Gil, JP
Embassy Chapter: 2 Days: 10-12 Location: Fort City Zaland Cost: 6000 Reward: Gil, treasure,
My Little Carrot Chapter: 2 Days: 15-16 Location: Lionel Castle Cost: 100
Reward: Gil, JP
Vacancy! Chapter: 2 Days: 7-9 Location: Goug Machine City Cost:
100 Reward: Gil, JP
Destiny of the Company Chapter: 2 Days: 5-8 Location: Warjilis
Trade City Cost: 1050 Reward: Gil, JP
Discovery Race Chapter: 3 Days: 14-16 Location:
Dorter Trade City Cost: Free Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
Discovery Race 2 Chapter: 3
Days: 14-16 Location: Dorter Trade City Cost: Free Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP Note: Must complete
above job first
Discovery Race 3 Chapter: 3 Days: 14-16 Location: Dorter Trade City Cost:
Free Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP Note: Must complete above job first
Stolen Ancient Writings
Chapter: 3 Days: 12-16 Location: Gariland Magic City Cost: 11000 Reward: Gil, JP
Sad Traveling Artist
Chapter: 3 Days: 13-16 Location: Igros Castle Cost: 50 Reward: Gil, JP
Artist Mameko Chapter: 3 Days: 15-16 Location: Igros Castle Cost: Free Reward: Gil, JP
Note: Must complete above job first
Rolade Ore Company Chapter: 3 Days: ? Location:
Zaland Fort City Cost: 1100 Reward: Gil, JP
Trade Ship Douing Chapter: 3 Days: ?
Location: Lionel Castle Cost: 100 Reward: Gil, JP
Challenge of Zero Chapter: 3
Days: 8-9 Location: Lionel Castle Cost: 50 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Heir of
Mesa Chapter: 3 Days: 10-13 Location: Goug Machine City Cost: 10000 Reward: Gil, JP Note:
This job is a rip-off.
Concerns of a Merchant Chapter: 3 Days: 14-15 Location: Warjilis Trade City
Cost: 2000 Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
Will of Elder Topa Chapter: 3 Days: ?
Location: Goland Coal City Cost: 8000 Reward: Gil, JP
Sunken Salvage Tour Chapter: 3
Days: 10-14 Location: Lesalia Imperial Capital Cost: 3000 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Mine Excavation
Tour Chapter: 3 Days: 10-14 Location: Lesalia Imperial Capital Cost: 1000 Reward: Gil, treasure,
Sailor Tour Chapter: 3 Days: 10-14 Location: Yardow Fort City Cost: 5000 Reward:
Gil, JP
I Saw It Chapter: 3 Days: 14-15 Location: Lionel Castle Cost: 1050 Reward:
Gil, unexplored land, JP
Storm of Zigolis! Chapter: 3 Days: 13-14 Location: Lionel Castle
Cost: 1100 Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
Deep in Sweegy Woods Chapter: 3 Days: 11-13 Location:
Zaland Fort City Cost: 1100 Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
Ringing of the Bell Chapter:
3 Days: 11-13 Location: Igros Castle Cost: 2000 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Sea of Gredia Island
Chapter: 4 Days: 9-11 Location: Riovanes Castle Cost: 4000 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Trade Ship Chapter: 4 Days: 8-13 Location: Riovanes Castle Cost: Free Reward: Gil, JP
Note: Must complete above job first
Fiar's Request Chapter: 4 Days: 12-14 Location: Riovanes Castle
Cost: 3000 Reward: Gil, JP
Secret Society Chapter: 4 Days: 2-3 Location: Riovanes
Castle Cost: 600 Reward: Gil, JP Note: Use thieves and ninjas for this job
Letter to
my Love Chapter: 4 Days: 10-12 Location: Riovanes Castle Cost: Free Reward: Gil, treasure,
Master Math! Chapter: 4 Days: 10-13 Location: Gariland Magic City Cost: 50
Reward: Gil, JP Note: Use Calculators for this job
Legendary Monster Chapter: 4 Days: 14-15
Location: Igros Castle Cost: 1000 Reward: Gil, JP
Minimum's Melancholy Chapter: 4 Days:
12-14 Location: Dorter Trade City Cost: 600 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Minimum's Melancholy
Chapter: 4 Days: 12-15 Location: Dorter Trade City Cost: 1000 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP Note:
Must complete above job first
Minimum's Melancholy Chapter: 4 Days: 11-12 Location: Dorter Trade City
Cost: 600 Reward: Gil, JP Note: Must complete above job first
Protect the Little Life
Chapter: 4 Days: 15-16 Location: Lionel Castle Cost: 1500 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Salvage the
Trade Ship! Chapter: 4 Days: 11-14 Location: Goug Machine City Cost: 100 Reward: Gil,
treasure, JP
Devil in the Dark Chapter: 4 Days: 8-10 Location: Goug Machine City Cost:
3050 Reward: Gil, JP
Mountain of Rain Chapter: 4 Days: 13-16 Location: Warjilis Trade City
Cost: 600 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Within the Darkness Chapter: 4 Days: 12-14 Location:
Warjilis Trade City Cost: 1500 Reward: Gil, JP Note: Use priests for this job
Wandering Gambler
Chapter: 4 Days: 9-12 Location: Warjilis Trade City Cost: 15000 Reward: Gil, JP
Miners Wanted!
Chapter: 4 Days: 4-6 Location: Goland Coal City Cost: 50 Reward: Gil, JP
Note: Use archers for this job
Miners Wanted! 2 Chapter: 4 Days: 4-6 Location: Goland Coal
City Cost: 150 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP Note: Most complete above job first, use archers
Ramzen Chapter: 4 Days: 12-16 Location: Goland Coal City Cost: 1100 Reward: Gil, unexplored
land, JP
Discovery Tour Chapter: 4 Days: 10-14 Location: Lesalia Imperial Capital Cost: 5000
Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
Envoy ship, Falcon Chapter: 4 Days: 7-9 Location: Yardow
Fort City Cost: 3500 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Sullen Experiment Chapter: 4 Days: 15-16
Location: Igros Castle Cost: 1100 Reward: Gil, JP
Hidden Trap at the Maze Chapter: 4
Days: 12-14 Location: Bervenia Free City Cost: 8000 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
One Activity
Chapter: 4 Days: 7-15 Location: Bervenia Free City Cost: 500 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Note: Use geomancers for this job
Ruins at Bed Desert Chapter: 4 Days: 11-15 Location: Bervenia Free
City Cost: 550 Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
Adventurer Wanted! Chapter: 4
Days: 8-12 Location: Bervenia Free City Cost: 100 Reward: Gil, JP
I Saw It! I Swear!
Chapter: 4 Days: 12-15 Location: Bervenia Free City Cost: 3050 Reward: Gil, JP
Larner Channel
Waves Chapter: 4 Days: 9-13 Location: Zeltennia Castle Cost: 3100 Reward: Gil, treasure,
Mother Chapter: 4 Days: 8-12 Location: Zeltennia Castle Cost: 3050 Reward:
Gil, JP
Phantom Thief Zero! Chapter: 4 Days: 8-9 Location: Zeltennia Castle Cost:
100 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Thief Zero Returns! Chapter: 4 Days: 8-9 Location:
Lesalia Imperial Capital Cost: 500 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP Note: Must complete above job
Thief Zero Reborn! Chapter: 4 Days: 8-9 Location: Igros Castle Cost: 5000
Reward: Gil, treasure, JP Note: Must complete above job first
Thief Zero's Last Stand Chapter:
4 Days: 8-9 Location: Limberry Castle Cost: 10000 Reward: Gil, JP Note: Must complete
above job first
Himka Cliffs Chapter: 4 Days: 8-12 Location: Zarghidas Trade City Cost:
1500 Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
The Lord's Ore Chapter: 4 Days: 9-11 Location: Zarghidas
Trade City Cost: 13000 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Poeskas Lake Bottom Chapter: 4 Days: 12-14
Location: Limberry Castle Cost: 1500 Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
Ominous Dungeon Chapter:
4 Days: 11-13 Location: Limberry Castle Cost: 3000 Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
My Treasure
Chapter: 4 Days: 8-13 Location: Limberry Castle Cost: 3050 Reward: Gil, JP
Chocobo Restaurant
Chapter: 4 Days: 2-4 Location: Limberry Castle Cost: 100 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Gambler Chapter: 4 Days: 11-13 Location: Limberry Castle Cost: 15000 Reward: Gil, JP
below only appear after beating Dycedarg*
Legendary Traces Chapter: 4+ Days: 13-14 Location: Igros Castle
Cost: 200 Reward: Gil, unexplored land, JP
The Greatest Plan Chapter: 4+ Days: 8-10 Location:
Riovanes Castle Cost: 3050 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Hard Lecture Chapter: 4+ Days: 8-12
Location: Riovanes Castle Cost: 200 Reward: Gil, JP Note: Use various magic-users for this
Defeat Golden Gotsko! Chapter: 4+ Days: 14-15 Location: Goland Coal City Cost: 1000 Reward:
Gil, JP
Terror of Assault Cave Chapter: 4+ Days: 13-14 Location: Goland Coal City Cost: 1500
Reward: Gil, JP
Dream of a Miner Chapter: 4+ Days: 12-14 Location: Goland Coal City Cost: 150
Reward: Gil, JP Note: Must complete above job first
If Wishes Come True Chapter: 4+ Days: 15-16
Location: Lesalia Imperial Capital Cost: 6000 Reward: Gil, JP
Son, Pappal! Chapter: 4+ Days:
12-15 Location: Lesalia Imperial Capital Cost: 3000 Reward: Gil, JP Note: Must complete above job
Secret Door Chapter: 4+ Days: 8-11 Location: Lesalia Imperial Capital Cost: 3050
Reward: Gil, JP
Good Workplace and Job! Chapter: 4+ Days: 9-14 Location: Yardow Fort City
Cost: Free Reward: Gil, JP
Miner's Tour Chapter: 4+ Days: 10-14 Location: Yardow Fort City
Cost: 1000 Reward: Gil, JP
Miner's Tour 2 Chapter: 4+ Days: 10-14 Location: Yardow Fort City
Cost: 1000 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP Note: Must complete above job first
Defeat Behemoth!
Chapter: 4+ Days: 13-15 Location: Bervenia Free City Cost: 500 Reward: Gil, JP Note: Use monks
for this job
Attractive Workplace Chapter: 4+ Days: 6-10 Location: Zeltennia Castle Cost:
1000 Reward: Gil, JP
Dream Child Chapter: 4+ Days: 15-16 Location: Zeltennia Castle Cost:
3500 Reward: Gil, JP
How Much is Life Worth? Chapter: 4+ Days: 8-9 Location: Zeltennia
Castle Cost: 550 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Death Canyon Chapter: 4+ Days: 9-14
Location: Zarghidas Trade City Cost: 13000 Reward: Gil, JP
Defeat Whirlwind Karz! Chapter: 4+ Days:
10-13 Location: Zarghidas Trade City Cost: 11000 Reward: Gil, JP Note: Use knights for this job
of Beasts Chapter: 4+ Days: 11-13 Location: Zarghidas Trade City Cost: 10000 Reward: Gil, JP
Chapter: 4+ Days: 10-12 Location: Zarghidas Trade City Cost: 100 Reward: Gil, JP
Shy Katedona
Chapter: 4+ Days: 14-15 Location: Zaland Fort City Cost: 500 Reward: Gil, JP Note: Use mediators
for this job
Emissary of Lionel Chapter: 4+ Days: 14-15 Location: Lionel Castle Cost: 4000
Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
*the following "contest" propositions aren't associated with any particular chapter;
instead, they only show up at certain times of the year*
Machinist Contest Chapter: * Days: 11-13
Location: Goug Machine City Cost: 100 Reward: Gil, treasure, JP Note: Use chemists for this
Meister Contest Chapter: * Days: 14-16 Location: Goug Machine City Cost: Free Reward:
Gil, JP
Win the Yardow Fight! Chapter: * Days: 14-16 Location: Yardow Fort City Cost: Free
Reward: Gil, treasure, JP
Win the Magic Contest! Chapter: * Days: 14-16 Location: Gariland Magic City
Cost: Free Reward: Gil, treasure, JP Note: Use magic-users for this job
Win the Zaland Fight!
Chapter: * Days: 14-16 Location: Zaland Fort City Cost: Free Reward: Gil, JP Notes: Use monks
for this job
******************************************************* IX. REFERENCE *******************************************************
Each monster can give you one of two items when you poach it.
One you get most of the time (the common one), and one (the rare one) you only get occasionally -- about 15% of the
time or so.
A place where the monster is commonly found has also been listed. Most monsters show up in many
locations, but there are certain locations where they show up the most frequently.
COMMONLY FOUND Ahriman Magic Shuriken Air Knife
Bervenia Volcano Behemoth Defense Armlet P Bag
VOYAGE Black Chocobo Eye Drop X-Potion
Bariaus Valley Black Goblin Hi-Potion Small Mantle
Sweegy Woods Blue Dragon Cashmere Dragon
Rod VOYAGE Bomb Fire Ball
Flame Rod Sweegy Woods Bone Snatch Hi-Potion
Partisan Zigolis Swamp Bull Demon Battle Axe
Giant Axe Bariaus Hill Chocobo Phoenix Down
Hi-Potion Mandalia Plains Cockatoris Soft
Feather Mantle HORROR Cuar Soft
Germinas Boots Germinas Peak Dark Behemoth Wizard Rod Stone Gun
???? Dragon Jade Armlet H Bag
VOYAGE Explosion Lightning Ball Fire Shield Poeskas
Lake Flotiball Shuriken Platinum
DaggerLenalia Plateau Ghoul Ether
Ninja Knife Araguay Woods Gobbledeguk Mage Masher
Ancient Sword MLAPAN Goblin Potion
Hi-Potion Mandalia Plains Great Morbol Elixir
Madelgelm VALKYRIES Grenade Hi-Potion
Water Ball Poeskas Lake Gust
Water Ball Main Gauche Araguay Woods Hydra
Setiemson Rubber Costume VOYAGE Hyudra
Blood Sword Scorpion Tail VOYAGE Juravis
Potion Rubber Boots Zeklaus Desert King Behemoth
Ultimus Bow Cherche VOYAGE Living Bone
Wizard Mantle Elf Mantle Zeklaus Desert Mindflare
Hi-Ether Dracula Mantle Zirekile Falls Minitaurus
Coral Sword Slasher Bariaus Hill Morbol
Platinum Dagger Ice Shield Dolbodar Swamp Ochu
N-kai Armlet Chameleon Robe VALKYRIES Pisco Demon Echo Grass
Hi-Potion Zirekile Falls Plague Yagyu
Darkness Zorlin Shape Bervenia Volcano Porky
Chantage Nagrarock END Red Chocobo
Barette Remedy
Finath River Red Dragon Salty Rage Dragon Whisker
Bed Desert Red Panther Antidote Battle Boots
Mandalia Plains Revnant Hi-Ether
Mythril Gun Poeskas Lake Sacred Holy Lance
Ivory Stick BRIDGE Skeleton Holy Water
Ether Zigolis Swamp Squidlarkin Small Mantle
Sleep Sword Zirekile Falls Steel Hawk Phoenix Down
Hunting Bow Zeklaus Desert Taiju Defense
Ring Defender VOYAGE Tiamat
Whale Whiskers Ryozan Silk END Trent
Gold Staff Fairy Harp VOYAGE Uribo
Maiden Kiss Cachusa END Vampire
Holy Water C Bag TIGER Wild
Boar Ribbon FS Bag
Breeding only! Woodman Eye Drop
Healing Staff VOYAGE
%%%ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Ar T G Cn Le V Li Sc Sa Cp Aq P Aries
X O ? O X Taurus
X O ? O X Gemini
X O ? O X Cancer X
X O ? O Leo O X
X O ? Virgo O X
X O ? Libra ? O X
X O Scorpion ? O X
X O Sagitarius O ? O X
X Capricorn X O ? O X Aquarius
X O ? O X Pisces
X O ? O X
O: Good X: Bad ?:
Worst (same sex), Best (opposite sex)
%%%STATUS CHANGES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
None; charging up spell Performing Sing / dance Charging up song or dance Defending
Guarded pose Lowers damage received Float Floats in air
Can fly Reraise Angel icon Cast Raise when killed Transparent
Transparent Can't be attacked until you Act Regen Glows blue
HP up each turn Protect Triangle symbol Lowers phys. damage received Shell
Square symbol Lowers magic damage received Haste Fast animation Speed
up Sleep "ZZZ" Can't do
anything Poison Glows green HP down each turn Darkness
Eye icon Low hit % Oil Turns
black Raises fire damage Petrify Turns gray
Can't do anything or take damage Silence "..."
Can't use magic Frog Become a frog Can't use abilities; get hurt
easily Slow Slow animation Speed down Stop
No animation Can't do anything Don't Move "DM"
Can't "Move" Don't Act "DA" Can't "Act" Death
Sntc. Countdown Die when countdown expired Blood suck Bat icon
Undead, act confused Undead Purplish color Heal spells do damage Chicken
Become chicken Run from enemies Charm Heart
Fight for enemies Invitation none Join enemy's
side Critical Kneeling None; just low on HP Dead
Lying down Disappears after counter gone Berserk Red frown
Attack up, can't control Innocent Ankh down sign Low Faith level Faith
Ankh up sign High Faith level Reflect none
Spells bounce off you Confusion Weird animation Acts randomly
%%%GEOMANCY CHART%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Natural Surface, Wasteland, Road Water Ball: Waterway, River, Lake, Sea, Waterfall Hell Ivy: Grassland, Thicket, Water
Planet, Ivy Carve Model: Gravel, Stone Floor, Stone Wall, Mud Wall,
Tombstone Local Quake: Rocky Cliff, Lava Rocks Kamaitachi: Book, Tree, Brick, Bridge, Furniture, Iron
Plate, Moss, Coffin Demon Fire: Wooden Floor, Rug, Box, Stairs, Deck Quicksand: Swamp, Marsh, Poisoned Marsh Sand
Storm: Sand Area, Stalactite, Salt Blizzard: Snow, Ice Gusty Wind: Roof, Sky, Chimney Lava Ball: Lava, Machine
2 3 5 7
11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41
43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83
89 97
%%%CHARACTER QUOTES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Obtained by pushing Select on a character's
status screen and then selecting their name.
Ramza: "Always check active turn, it's a short cut to victory!"
"Let me know when you're hurt. I'll cure it with a 'spell'."
Algus: "Use Break to smash the ememy's armor!"
"If the 'Brave' level is high, you've a higher chance of using reaction ability!"
Alicia: "In someplaces, you can
'Attack' from the top not the bottom."
Lavian: "Remember you can't use 'Act' in water level 2."
"In close combat, don't forget your shield!"
Agrias: "Evanescence... What a sad word......"
Boco: "Feels like
we've met before... 'Zzz...zzz...' "
Ovelia: "I hope everybody gets a little more kind-hearted."
Mustadio: "Just
aim. You don't need to charge your gun!"
Alma: "I love the era I was born in. And I truly love Yvalice!"
"'Truth' is a dangerous skill that ignores Faith!"
Malak: "'Backtruth' damages enemies with little Faith. Trust,
or you'll be sorry!"
Orlandu: "I learned long ago to cover my back and attack from behind."
Meliadoul: "When
you feel someone's more important than yourself, it may be love..."
Beowulf: "'Temple' means shrine. It's
also the upper part of the face." (um.... yeah!)
Reis (Dragon): "Grrrr..."
Reis (Human): "!!"
8: "Unintelligible! Command cannot be executed!"
Cloud: "It's hidden at the top of the volcano!"
Standard human quotes: "Sorry we have to say goodbye. You sure about this?" "Hey, come on.
... You really mean it?" "I thought I'd keep on helping you..." "What!? Why do you think I came along with you?!" "So,
you're sure about that? I thought we were friends..." "J, Just wait! Can you go on without me?" "...I
see. Then, I'll go. But, don't regret it later." "...Why don't you think it over? We've been through
a lot together."
Monster quotes: "Fight! Fight! Fight! And keep on fighting! Am I wrong?" "...expel?? Is Expel...
good??" "I protect you. You protect me. Isn't that right?" "Are humans and monsters too different to be
together?" "What's this feeling? I don't want to leave. Is it sadness?" "Go home? Where do I go
now? I've got nowhere. I'm sad..." "You mean it's a different world from that of humans?" "Good bye?
Must we say, good bye... now?"
Ramza (ch. 1): "I'm a Beoulve, nothing happens without me!"
Ramza (ch. 2 + 3):
"If you want historical 'truth' then you'll need me!"
Ramza (ch. 4): "Remove me? No way. I'm you and
you are me."
Delita: "If you're going, so am I. We're buddies, right?"
Algus: "I won't leave until
I repay you. That's just my way!"
Agrias (guest): "A knight can't turn his back on a mission...!"
(normal): "I said I'm on your side. Is that really what you want?"
Gafgarion: "Shut your big mouth!! I won't
obey your orders!!"
Ovelia: "I have Atkascha blood. I'll judge my own actions."
Mustadio (guest): "Wait!
You can't do that! You're saving my father, aren't you?
Mustadio (normal): "Are you serious? I thought we'd
be good friends..."
Alma: "No, I'll go with you. Don't you need me?"
Rafa (guest): "No. You want
to save your sister? I'll go with you!"
Rafa (normal): "I haven't repaid you for saving me. Can I do something?"
"You've done a lot for me. Can't you let me help you?"
Orlandu: "You mean, you don't need T.G. Cid's power?"
"You're saying I should go back to hunting, eh?"
Reis (dragon): "Nothing's going to change. All will return to darkness?"
(human): "Alone again... And this time I thought I'd finally found it."
Meliadoul: "I'm sorry you misunderstood.
Won't you forgive me?"
Cloud: "There ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on."
%%%SPELL QUOTES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
by Matt Hobbs (YelseyKing@aol.com), with additions from a couple of other people (see credits).
------------------------------------------------------------------- WHITE
MAGIC Cure: "Life's refreshing breeze, blow in energy! Cure!" Cure 2:
"Life's refreshing breeze, heal from the sky! Cure2!" Cure 3: "Blessing breeze, blow in energy!
Cure3!" Cure 4: "Mighty breeze, heal from the sky! Cure4!" Raise: "Spirits
of life, return us! Raise!" Raise 2: "Spirits of life, give a new life to the soul! Raise2!" Reraise:
"Inject life's energy! Reraise!" Regen: "Share lives with all things in nature.... Regen!" Protect:
"Precious light, be our armor to protect us! Protect!" Protect 2: "Shining light, shield from all directions!
Protect2!" Shell: "Silent light, shield from evil! Shell!" Shell 2: "Enduring
light, shield from roaring magic! Shell2!" Wall: "Ancient light, rise and revive!
Wall!" Esuna: "Heavenly wind, carry us to fountain of power! Esuna!" Holy:
"Bright light, shine down on bloody impurity! Holy!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- BLACK
MAGIC Fire: "Destruction of nature, gather in flame! Fire!" Fire 2: "Out of the ground, raze all greenery
with flame! Fire2!" Fire 3: "Star fire, awake and deliver your judgement! Fire3!" Fire 4: "Smouldering flames
far below, punish the wicked! Fire4!" Ice: "Scatter your chilly sharp blades! Ice!" Ice
2: "Drifting breeze, come down with fury! Ice2!" Ice 3: "Freezing wind, speak of forgotten truths!
Ice3!" Ice 4: "Effortless water, break your silence, attack! Ice4!" Bolt: "Strip away the ground
with glistening blades! Bolt!" Bolt 2: "Swirling bolts, gather and strike with power! Bolt2!" Bolt 3: "Heavenly
bolts, bring God's justice! Bolt3!" Bolt 4: "Angry spirits of the world strike now! Bolt4!" Poison: "Filthy
blood of revenge, inject!! Poison!!" Frog: "Know, live, become a frog! Frog!" Death: "Death
gods carving life, take their souls! Death!" Flare: "Inscript the dark god into a rotting body! Flare!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME
MAGIC Haste: "Layer upon layer make your mark now...Haste!" Haste 2:
"Time's current, place me in your whirlpool! Haste2!" Slow: "Time, rest and give
your kindness to the worthy! Slow!" Slow 2: "Obey the sky's will, slow time down! Slow2!" Stop:
"Spirits of time, hide us from the judging hand of God!
Stop!" Don't Move: "Land of all lives, suppress all rebels! Dont' Move!" Float:
"Land of mercy, loosen tight fists! Float!" Reflect: "Spell break, turn into an avenging light!
Reflect!" Quick: "Restore lost time in the spiral line...Quick!" Demi:
"Revenge with dark-evil spell! Demi!" Demi 2: "Black sheep of evil times, cover our light!
Demi2!" Meteor: "Time has come...crash down on the wicked! Meteor!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- YIN-YANG
MAGIC Foxbird: "Cowards, weak, those rushing to die! Foxbird!" Sleep:
"Lose conscious, wash away into the silent sea....
Sleep!" Blind: "All light, fall into darkness! Bound Darkness!" Pray
Faith: "God is watching.... have faith! Pray Faith!" Zombie:
"Great tree of life, inject rotten extract! Zombie!" Silence Song: "Conjurors seek truth in silence!
Silence Song!" Confusion Song: "Smash all who hunger for destruction.... Confusion
Song!" Dispel Magic: "Illusions, lies to Heaven! Dispel Magic!" Paralyze:
"Mindless, spiritless, hear the immutable
beat...Paralyze!" Petrify: "Suffering spirits, to eternity! Break Seal!" Doubt
Faith: "Seek the true tone to form our will.... Doubt Faith!" Life Drain: "Lost
energy... raise the heartrate! Life Drain!" Spell Absorb: "Guiding light, shed magic power from above!
Spell Absorb!" Blind
Rage: "Reason with confusion, judge with recklessness!
Brave Insanity!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMON MAGIC Moogle:
"Kupo! Round and round you go! Moogle!" Shiva: "Wind, fade to silence and light,
give us power! Shiva!" Ramuh: "Master of creation, impart thy help! Ramuh!" Ifrit:
"King of flames, bear down upon the enemy! Ifrit!" Titan: "Bear down with land energy!
Titan!" Golem: "Earth-minded soul, protect us! Golem!" Leviathan: "Sea fang,
attack with water's power! Leviathan!" Bahamut: "Scorch with dragon flame! Bahamut!" Silf:
"Windy god, strike enemies silent! Silf!" Fairy: "Shiny crystal light, energize!
Fairy!" Lich: "Death song, death door, death river awaiting! Rich!" Salamander:
"Evil flames, entrust your power to us! Salamander!" Cyclops: "Scatter frozen blades of air!
Clops!" Zodiac: "Attack by the master of commandments! Zodiac!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUTH
/ UN-TRUTH Heaven Thunder: "Deadly rumbles, strike from the sky! Heaven
Heaven Thunder!" Asura: "Flames, gather and destroy! Asura!" Diamond
Sword: "Clear with a mighty breeze! Diamond Sword!" Hydragon Pit: "Cut open the water-filled sky
and pour! Hydragon
Pit!" Space Storage: "All becomes illusion after this evening-bell!
Space Storage!" Sky Demon: "Underground souls, rumble! Quake! Sky Demon!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- STARRY
HEAVEN Galaxy Stop: "Destiny lies in my hands! Stop movement! Galaxy
Stop!" -------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAW
OUT Asura: "Legendary sword that kills freely! Asura!" Koutetsu:
"Evil souls of the dark, gather here...Koutetsu!" Bizen Boat: "Nihilistic sky, inhale magic power...Bizen
Boat!" Murasame: "No more loss of precious life! Murasame!" Heaven's Cloud:
"Yagumo rising, all who know God! Heaven's Cloud!" Kiyomori: "Innocent sword,
slash evils and protect! Kiyomori!" Muramasa: "Summon all ghosts of the sword!
Attack! Muramasa!" Kikuichimoji: "Brave weapon, turn to a deadly blaze! Kikuichimoji!" Masamune:
"Sword of fury, inject power! Masamune!" Chirijiraden: "Flame-eating sword, swipe away the evils.
Cirijiraden!" [sic] ------------------------------------------------------------------- PUNCH ART Repeating Fist:
"Fight for justice...fists of fury! Repeated Fist!" Earth Slash: "Earth's anger running through
my arms! Earth Slash!" Secret Fist: "Cast down to hell with your fingers! Secret Fist!" Wave
Fist: "Burning anger rising...Burst! Wave Fist!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLY
SWORD Stasis Sword: "Life is short...Bury! Steady Sword!" Split Punch:
"The devil's spirit of restlessness... Split Punch!" Crush Punch: "The doom of a planet...Crush
Punch!" Lightning Stab: "Absorb power in the sky and strike! Lightning
Stab!" Holy Explosion: "Heaven's wish to destroy all minds...Holy
Explosion!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- DARK SWORD Night Sword: "Master of
all swords, cut energy! Night Sword!" Dark Sword: "Dead or alive .... slash magic power! Dark Sword!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- MIGHTY
SWORD Shellbust Stab: "Armor won't help the heart stay sharp! Shellbust
Stab!" Blastar Punch: "Curses from all directions! Blastar Punch!" Hellcry Punch: "Demolish weapons
with fury! Hellcry Punch!" Icewolf Bite: "Disaster cries out to smash all.... Icewolf Bite!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTROY
SWORD Speed Ruin: "Destroy all time! Speed Ruin!" Power Ruin: "Stop with a mighty blow! Power
Ruin!" Magic Ruin: "Destroy evil magic! Magic Ruin!" Mind Ruin: "Destroy magic attack power!
Mind Ruin!" -------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------- BIO
Bio: "Go to the land of the dead! Bio!" Bio 2: "Here's a drop of evil from me!
Bio2!" Bio 3: "Say good-bye to your souls.... Bio3!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- DARK
MAGIC Dark Holy: "Aurora, exhale bloody air! Dark Holy!" Lifebreak: "Here's my hatred and charm...
Lifebreak!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- NIGHT MAGIC Ulmaguest: "My
spirit of rest will consume the purest of souls!
Ulmaguest!" Nanoflare: "Open the doors to where power lives! Nanoflare!" Ultima:
"Brush off vanity and show reality! Ultima!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- FEAR
Death Cold: "Inject evil spirits! Death Cold!" Darkness: "Mercy?
...not from me! Darkness!" Spell: "One step closer to hell!
Spell!" Nightmare: "On the verge of death.... Nightmare!" Lose Voice: "Know
the world of silence! Lose Voice!" Chicken Race: "Run for your lives! Chicken Race!" Loss:
"Unseeing, unthinking brains.... Loss!" Seal: "Suck away the spirits...
Seal!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- JA MAGIC Toad 2:
"Join the froggers! Toad2!" Flare 2: "Flames from hell, gather and fire away! Flare2!" Gravi
2: "Attack with a silent cry! Gravi2!" Confuse 2: "Listen to the Mad King.... Confuse2!" Sleep
2: "Fall into the dark world of unconsciousness.....
Sleep2!" Blind 2: "Turn off Heaven's light! Blind2!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- DIMENSION
MAGIC Melt: "Dissolve into a fiery world of chaos... Melt!" Quake: "Assailants
in the ground, it's time to rumble! Quake!" Tornado: "Gusting winds, hear what I say! Tornado!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- DARK
CLOUD Poison Frog: "One unaware of their true self .... they pity
themselves!" Midgar Swarm: "Rays in the dark sky, let's see your dignity!
Midgar Swarm!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- ULTIMATE MAGIC Ultima (2):
"Open 7 doors to reach the tower of power! Ultima!" Mute: "Cease
the evil flow.... Mute!" Return 2: "Gods of time and tide, give me your power! Return 2!" Despair
2: "Spirits behind breeze.... wipe out all evil magic!
Despair 2!" Grand Cross: "Inject tons of evil spirits! Grand Cross!" All-ultima: "Shimmering
life-light, be a tower of power! All-ultima!"
I'm just listing the categories of monsters that appear here: i.e.,
"Chocobo" means all three colors, "Panther" means Red Panthers, Cuars, and Vampires all appear, etc.
Mandalia Plains:
Chocobo, Goblin, Panther Sweegy Woods: Goblin, Bomb, Skeleton, Minotaur Zeklaus Desert: Bomb, Gull, Minotaur, Skeleton Lenalia
Plataeu: Panther Fovoham Plains: Mage, Gull, Minotaur, Goblin Araguay Woods: Ghost, Skeleton, Dryad, Panther, Gull,
Molbol, Goblin Zirekile Falls: Mage, Panther, Chocobo, Skeleton, Ahriman,
Minotaur Bariaus Hill: Chocobo, Bomb, Minotaur, Panther, Gull Zigolis Swamp: Panther, Ghost, Ahriman, Minotaur, Skeleton,
Molbol, Bomb Bariaus Valley: Chocobo, Goblin, Mage, Panther Grog Hill: Chocobo, Bomb, Ahriman, Dragon Yuguo Woods:
Ghost, Dryad, Panther Bervenia Volcano: Ahriman, Chocobo, Ghost, Behemoth, Bomb Doguola Pass: Chocobo, Panther, Gull,
Minotaur Finath River: Chocobo, Mage, Dragon Bed Desert: Bomb, Dragon, Behemoth, Panther, Skeleton,
Ahriman, Gull Germinas Peak: Chocobo, Panther, Dragon Poeskas Lake: Bomb, Ghost, Skeleton, Behemoth Dolbodar Swamp:
Goblin, Mage, Dragon, Skeleton, Minotaur,
%%%ZODIAC STONES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Aries -- Get when you beat Wiegraf in Riovanes
Castle. Taurus -- In Mustadio's possession; you get it after
the battle in Goug Machine City. Re-obtained in Riovanes Castle. Gemini
-- Received after defeating Elmdor. Cancer -- Received after defeating Worker 7. [optional] Libra -- T.G. Cid (Orlandu)
has it, get it when he joins Scorpio -- Received after you defeat Draclau. Re-obtained
in Riovanes Castle. Sagittarius -- Meliadoul has it, get it when she joins. Capricorn -- Obtained after killing Adramelk. Aquarius
-- Given by Beowulf when he joins. [optional] Pisces -- Received from Izlude in Riovanes Castle. Leo -- You never get
this one, Vormav has it. Virgo -- See above. Serpentarius -- Receive after you defeat Elidibs in the
Deep Dungeon. [optional]
%%%FF REFERENCES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
I haven't included FF series
mainstays like the classes, Call monster gang, Chocobos and other monsters, Cid, etc. just the references to specific
Final Fantasy 1 Unexplored Land: Mirage Tower, Castle of Trials, Matoya Cave,
Shrine of Chaos Treasure: Rat's Tail
Final Fantasy 2: Unexplored Land: Pandemonium, Semite Falls,
Shrine of Chaos
(Jade) Treasure: Minu Orb
Final Fantasy 3: Unexplored Land: Forbidden Land Eureka, Crystal Tower,
Falgabird, Touzas Village Propositions: Enterprise, Yggdrasil (World Tree), Chocobo
Restaurant Gizarl Other: Salonia (Materia)
Final Fantasy 4 (2 US): Unexplored Land: Tower
of Babel, Castle of Trials, Chocobo Forest Treasure: Calcobrina, Rat's Tail Propositions: Enterprise,
Anna and Gilbert [Edward], Assault
Door ("Minimum's Melancholy")
Final Fantasy 5: Unexplored Land: Ronkan Ruins Treasure: Excalipar
Other: Almagest spell, Boco, Byblos, Apanda, Mosfungus (Mosfungus is an
enemy in the Cleft of Dimension)
Final Fantasy 6 (3 US): Unexplored Land: Magic Train, Magic Continent
Propositions: Setzer, Blackjack
Final Fantasy 7: Treasure: Materia, St. Elmo's Fire [attack used by Ghost
Ships] Propositions: Black-caped man ("Mother"), Highwind Other: Cloud and Aerith (duhhh.....), Adamantainmai
(mentioned in a work history, it's an enemy near Wutai)
Ogre Battle:
Other: Zodiac Stones, Zeltennia (looks like we have some disgruntled programmers here...)
108 Beads Altima
Ultima (debatable) ___ Bracelet
___ Breath Clops
Cyclops Cockatoris
Cockatrice Cuar
Cougar (can you believe they messed Gizarl
Gisahl this one up?) Gobbledeguck
Gabbledegak Gulg Volcano Gurgu
Volcano Gust
Ghost Juravis
Jura Ibis Kimera (proposition) Chimera Lancer
Dragoon Lune Knight Rune
Knight Midgar Swarm Midgarsworm Mindflare
Mind Flayer Mogri
Moogle Moldball Virus Molbol Virus Morbol
Molbol Mythril
Mithril Orlan
Olan Revnant
Revenant Rich
Lich Rudvich
Ludwig Salty Rage
Sortilege Silf
Sylph Trent
Treant Ultimus Bow Artemis
Bow Ulmaguest
Almagest Vaccas Liquor (proposition) Bacchus' Wine Velius
Bariaus (or vice versa) Viggs
Biggs Wiznaibus
With Knives Wyberns (proposition) Wyverns
%%%VARIOUS TRICKS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
BATTLES If you push Triangle while the enemies are moving, the game will pause after the current enemy stops moving. You
can check out the status of everybody. When you're done, just click on any character and choose End to resume.
ENEMIES NEXT TO YOU Normally, you can't shoot enemies close to you with a bow, but all you have to do is target a square
in a straight line behind the enemy you want to hit (there doesn't even have to be anybody in the square). You'll end
up hitting the enemy in front of you.
STEPPING STONES You can use Worker 8 as a stepping stone to reach high places
-- another character can move onto his head as it were a normal panel, and move from there to somewhere else. You can't
END your move on top of Worker 8, but you can use him for a mid-move boost. In addition, molbols and hydras can
be used the same way... even enemy ones!
BUY UNPURCHASABLE ITEMS This is NOT an item duplication trick. It
only lets lets you buy weapons you couldn't normally buy, and only certain ones. To do it: 1) Equip the Two
Swords ability on a character 2) Equip the weapon you want to duplicate in your LEFT hand (second slot). 3) Equip
a shield in your RIGHT hand. 4) Go to a shop. Note that the weapon you're duplicating MUST be stronger than anything
you can buy at the shop. 5) Choose fitting room, then go to the character with the weapon you're duplicating.
Choose Best Fit. You will note that the weapon has moved to your top hand. Choose okay 6) Go to your inventory.
You'll note that you have an extra copy of the weapon! (one being equipped, and one not)
is REALLY weird, and I cannot guarantee that it will happen to you. But here's what happened to me. I was just
goofing off at Germinas Peak and got into a seemly routine random battle against some Chemists and Mediators. Then I
noticed one of the Chemists was turned to stone (at the start of the battle), which was a little weird. I checked his
statsd and he was equipped with a "Stone Gun". By first using a Remedy on him to de-stone him, I was able to steal
the Stone Gun. It's a gun with medium attack strength, but if you equip it, you become petrified. If you
de-petrify the character with an item or spell, you can fight normally, but the gun does not do anything particularly
special (it doesn't petrify enemies, as I had hoped). I have no idea what caused the guy to have the Stone Gun
(it's probably random), nor whether it can happen at other places besides Germinas Peak, but I wouldn't waste your time trying
to get the gun as it's not any good. You can also get it by poaching a Dark Behemoth.
BONUS GIL The amount
of bonus gil you receive at the end of the battle seems to be the combined level of the enemies times 100.
a thunderstorm, lightning spells do 120% normal damage and fire spells do 80% normal damage (unless the caster has Any
REVIVE THE LIVING Annoyed by long charge times for Raise spells? Well, who says you can't start
charging the spell before the target dies? If somebody's low on life and you know they're going to die, start
charging up a Raise or (preferably) a Raise 2. And if they fail to die for a Raise 2, kill them! (why waste the
******************************************************* X. CREDITS / DISCLAIMER *******************************************************
FAQ is copyright 1998 by Fritz Fraundorf. FF Tactics is copyright 1997 and 1998 by Square and Sony. This FAQ is
not associated with or endorsed by Square or Sony. You may freely distribute this FAQ for noncommercial purposes if
it is not altered in any way and I am credited. This FAQ is distributed by weight, not volume, and some settling of
its contents may have occured during shipping.
- Alex
Jennings (ajenning@isd.net) for one FF reference. - Andrew Schoonmaker (neon@eskimo.com) for general corrections,
the Bonus Gil info, and the Shock trick on the final battle. - Ben Ford (bhford@ibm.net) for improving the Shoot
Enemies Close to You Trick. - Billy Sauls (doomsday@citynet.net) for tips on the "Roof of Doom" (Riovanes
Castle Roof). - C.J. Showers (CaptainAndy98@yahoo.com) for info on the Bloody Strings draining HP - cobblerob@softhome.net
for the suggestion to use Teleport to light up the Deep Dungeon - Dan Polcari (magus@cyberverse.com) for the
Chaos Blade's stats, the Stop Galaxy quote, and the Deep Dungeon / Vietnam War connection. - David
Artman (tzombie@netrox.net) for correcting which option to choose on the battle to save Mustadio. - D. B. Brown
(dbrown1@stny.lrun.com) for suggestions on the Knight job. - H. Clower (SeigfriedH@hotmail.com) for tips on the
Riovanes Castle roof, dismissal quotes, a lot of thoughts on various jobs, and correcting my mistake on
Fire/Ice/Bolt 4. - Henry LaPierre (freeza@ix.netcom.com) for writing the Alundra FAQ. This has nothing
to do with FF Tactics, but I never would have gotten through that game without it. - Jacob Carson (Zebra-38@worldnet.att.net)
for most of the rare poaching items. - James Yoon (daedelon1@hotmail.com) for some JP costs. - Jason Narad
(rdnarad@aiusa.com) for where to get the Escutcheon II and Javelin II. - Jason Wong (pchwong@netcom.ca) for stats
on the Zorlin Shape and Scorpion Tail. - Jeff Smith (snsi@win.bright.net) for the suggest to Weapon
Break Gafgarion. - Jeremy Frey for some Draw Out quotes. - jerid23@aol.com for the poaching list, as well as the
stats on the other perfumes. - jjukil@aol.com for tips for the Riovanes Castle Roof, the Wild Boar abilities,
and the effect of Molbol Gem. - joas@nbnet.nb.ca for some spell quotes and Riovanes Castle roof tips. - John
LaRusic (johnlr@telusplanet.net) for making the excellent HTML version of the FAQ. - Joshua Kodroff (jjk209@psu.edu)
for the suggestion to use Phoenix Down on the undead. - Justin Kudo-Pfeiffer's (endymion@linex.com) Deep
Dungeon Guide for a lot of background info on the Deep Dungeon and the location of the Kaiser Plate. - John Jung
(locke@wam.umd.edu) for the effect of the Wild Boar's Please Eat ability. - Justin McKennon (xhacker_m998@hotmail.com)
for spell quotes, character quotes, the item stats I was missing, and the strategy for the Bethla Garrison
north gate. - Ken Bernardo (DBnoise@aol.com) for noting that you need Mustadio to do the Cloud subquest. -
Ladotheus (frivest@ibm.net) for the Monk / Two Swords suggestion. - Marcin Szymanski for the Wiznaibus / Sunken
State strategy (stolen from PSM Online). - Masumo's Final Fantasy Tactics page (https://members.tripod.com/~masumo)
for some info on some of the poaching items, and stats on the Rubber Costume. - Matt32 (teletech1@mindspring.com)
for reminding me to add Golagros's name to the walkthrough, and for the dismissal quotes I was missing -
Matthew Weng (agent99x@bmw.autobahn.org) for tips on stealing the Genji gear. - Matt Hobbs (yelseyking@aol.com)
for the Commonly Found part of the poaching list, a lot of the poached item stats, the JP costs for the
abilities I was missing, propisition info, dismissal quotes, where to get the Sasuke Knife and Nagrarock,
and for revamping the ENTIRE spell quotes list. - Mike Stucke (mastucke@concentric.net) for explaining the meaning
of the Deep Dungeon floor names. - neelixbeta@aol.com for the Bard / Dancer JP trick and using Don't Move with
call spells. - Not Me (nineteenounces@hotmail.com) for the explanation of how Jump and axe/mace weapons work. -
oblivion@pegasus.rutgers.edu for being the first to point out that there really ARE items on level 10, and
for the "Holy Justice" team. - Patrick Chalnik (pat@fur.com) for the stats on the second Escutcheon. - Paul
Nathans (elyzhutch@aol.com) for poaching info and pointing out the Wild Boar monster. - PlayStation Gamer (http://www.sol.no/games/psgamer)
for the instructions on how to get Cloud. - PSM magazine for the location of the Vanish Mantle. - PSM Online
(http://www.psmonline.com) for the "buy unpurchasable items" trick, and many of the ability strategies. -
Rori Bryant-Raible (CaitSith88@aol.com) for numerous tips and advice, plus the weather effects. - rpgskills@aol.com
for the monster abilities I was missing, and some poaching info. - Shane Lile (ShaneLile@aol.com) for mistranslations
info. - shinra2@yahoo.com for some poached items. - t.g.cid@mindless.com for general info, stealing a Defender
and Chantage from Meliadoul, and the unhittable ninja. - The Falcon (Falcon@kktv.com) for how JP and gil is determined
on propositions. - The Mighty Octopus (tmo42@usaor.net) for one FF reference and the Brave/Faith permanent change
info. - Tony Barath (serpent@wizardsinc.net) for where to find Dark Behemoths. - Zachary Piper (zpiper@student.umass.edu)
for strategies for Golgorand Execution Site. - And Square, for making one of the best games I've ever
played. I still think buying out Quest was pretty low, though.