<!--StartFragment-->1A. Shana's kidnapped? Village on fire? Where have I been?
After the FMV opening you
will be in the forest there will be a dragon, a big dragon. The woman sees it and then she sees our hero. The Red dude
will haul ass, and so will the soldiers. This strange but hot woman will save you from the dragon, she will tell Red
Dude that she is a Dragoon. She will also tell him that about the recent attack on the village nearby, Red Dude will run like
he stole something (but he forgot to get her phone number, what a moron). Finally after 20 boring minutes you can
control this red dude. (This was the point I wrote my first review on the game) Go down and enter the village. You will
see some soldiers beating up some dude, we have to stop that fight time.
These guys were pretty easy not too much
struggle my red friend. At this point you will find out his name is Dart. (I prefer Red Dude but hey Dart is dumber)
After talking to the beat up dude a save point will be near save here. Now keep going you will come upon the mayor after
a few more fights he will say Shana was kidnapped. A big scary dude will see you, and tell you she went to Hellena.
He will also want to fight (This is your first boss)
############################################################################# Boss
Fight I: Sarge and the boys Element: Void Suggested Party: Dart Difficulty: Easy Item:
This guy is a push over since at this point you don't know how to use Additions or if you do this guy will
be a pushover. You should have got a burnout or some other generic magic item, if you do use it on him. A few of these
and he will drop, his soldiers will then pick up their skirts and leave if you already didn't kill them.
############################################################################# After
you beat these punks talk to the guy near the exit of the town he is a master at karate and will teach you about Additions.
You are now on the world map and on a yellow line follow that yellow line to you gets to a forest. Once entering the
forest you will see a man, he looks queer but these guys willbe useful in your quest. He will also uselessly show you how
to use the items during battle time; this is useless who the hell doesn't know how to use items? Go to you reach a bridge
a treasure chest awaits! Get the lack luster item and head out of the screen. A sort of a lame maze waits this maze is pretty
easy to get through a little trial and error.
Once you get out get your treasures you will be back on the world map.
Follow the yellow brick...uh dotted line to Hellena prison. At first their looks to be no way in until a merchant cart
comes jump on the back of that it (it goes slow so you can run and catch it) ok your in. Now go back to the room where the
merchant is. He will be afraid and call a guard by making too much noise, time to fight some guards. After you destroy
these dudes go back to the merchant and he will sell you some stuff buy from him if you didn't or ran out of supplies
from the forest. This is a random battle free zone. What I mean is this you have to actually get caught to get into a fight try
not to get caught if you can.
(Plus no dumb chickens or crazy rats attacking you here, how can a crazy rat beat
a man with a sword?) Now go to the right exit then across the bridge and that glow in the dark save point eye sore will
be there. Save here. After you save you can fight those guards and go in the room if you want but you can go out of
the screen and take the lift too. Head left and a sequence will start. A Green Dude who kicks mega ass will be beating
up guards. He seems noble and trustworthy you guys get into a battle together (not against each other) and he decided
to come with you his name is Lavitz (My favorite character and one of the only ones I liked.)
When you leave it
will be a loop sort of, finally you will come to an exit. When you go through the next screen a guard will meet and greet
you, he's unavoidable. Head left and there will be about 20 guards, don't worry you won't fight these guys there is
too many. Go towards the left set of guards you will notice something sparkle, it's a key, a key to Shana's cell! Possibly
or it could be a key to a can of sardines anyway take it along, and get out of there before these slow guys find you. Now
the first cell will be nothing but a skeleton I think and a treasure take the treasure. Now go to the next screen an
unavoidable fight with 3 guards will presume.
Beat the tar out of them and someone will hear your voice open up the
cell and here comes Shana! She has been saved!!! After a little hanky panky in her cell she joins you. (She is very
weak and all she uses is a bow and she never gets an addition so only use her in must situations likes this one.) Ok now find
your way back to the entrance I suggest to save and speak to the merchant for some kick ass items. Now you will enter the
fight with Fruegel, this is a little tougher. #############################################################################
Fight II Fruegel and some Guards Element: Freugel: Earth Element: Guards: Void Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz,
and Shana Suggested Attacks Strategy: Difficulty Easy Items Knight Shield 4 Heal Leaves
Pound away on the
first 2 easy guards have your strongest character (should be Dart) fighting Fruegel. After those guys bite the big one
two tougher ones will come. Just have Shana hitting Fruegel in the gut with arrows and Dart and Lavitz wailing away
with Additions. If you have any attack items left use them on Fruegel. After a while all these guys will be gone.
############################################################################# Everyone
will exit the Prison! =============================================================================
1B Getting outta
Jail Free with Shana
Don't go towards the forest and try to go back to the village your way will be blocked (well
you can't see it but the game says it...) A Fantastical new route will await you can go to a prairie. The wardens from
the jail will be waiting, one will shoot Lavitz, and everyone hides and seeks time! A rabbit or cat or something jumps
out of no where and the guards guard is down. (Moronic guards they know they hit someone) Take the left path, there will
be a nice shabby hut there. Dart will tell a sequence about his past. *Minor Spoiler Alert* ******************************************************************* Dart
will tell of his past about how he grew up in Neet. About how he is searching for the Black Monster, and how the Black
Monster destroyed his village of Neet. How the Black monster killed his parents, how the Black Monster did terrible
things. He also has his father's momento a red shiny stone. Lavitz will go into a spew about how he's a high knight for
King Albert (No relation to Prince Albert) about the war on Serdio, about how he must return to the King. ****************************************************************** After
10 boring minutes of Shana having to listen to these guys tell their life stories you gain control back. Go North, and
you will see a falling tree, did you go off path and see a little lake, beautiful stream but you couldn't cross it well,
you can't knock the tree down either. So the next thing is to go back to the hut examine the place and you will find an
axe. Well Lavitz and Dart believe that they can cut the tree and carry it across the lake, (men we are morons Shana
knew better) the Tree falls down, it was a good attempt but useless. Head backs to the lake what's that! The tree did
the work for you go across the Tree Bridge.
Now exit through the screen on this screen or the next a family should
be waiting there at first them seem afraid, but then they don't because you prove to be "nice" people. Lavitz offers
them a stay at his house, and that's that. Now leave this place. Now you're back on the dotted line follow it until you
come to the cave. Enter the Cave. There will be a treasure chest waiting for your greedy little palms, there is some generic
item in it. Anyway you will fall into the stream there will be a treasure chest with something in it I think the sword
I'm not sure. Now fall into the stream again hold right then down. This chest contains some money or the sword (I can't
understand my notes so you get one or the other)
Anyway leave this place and there will be a series of rocks. Lavitz
will almost fall through the cracks. Dart will save him from falling. After this get the treasure chest on your way
their. After this exit the screen you will see a treasure chest it contains something generic go the center path for the recovery
point. Some people will train here I know I did its really worth it! When you're done beating the pants off of people go
towards the right near the bottom. There will be a treasure here as well go back and a small animal should be running
around catch it for a lameo item. Exit to the right there will be a save point here, I suggest you save. Now go up, and
a huge Snake will appear yikes! #############################################################################
Fight III Urobolus Element: Void Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, and Shana Difficulty: Medium Item: Wargod Amulet
snake will be your hardest battle yet he won't be easy. He uses quite a bit of poison attacks. Your best bet is to use
your strongest addition, if you trained at the recovery point this guy will fold pretty quickly. When he gets down to
about half energy you'll get into trouble he will hide him self around a rock structure and Lavitz and Dart can't reach
him. Have Shana keep using her trusty bow, (good thing you brought here for this fight ;) This is the time you will
need all those items just have Lavitz and Dart throw items on him and have Shana attack as normal. Finally this guy should
be toast. #############################################################################
Being curious Shana will
look at the dead snake, itt was not really dead, all of a sudden Shana will turn into a human glow stick and that kills
the snake. Whatever happen it sure packed a wallop( I know some you were thinking she did something else but she doesn't).
Go left after this gets the items in the chest and proceed to the world map. =============================================================================
Lavitz's Shack and Rosie the Dragon Slayer
Indels Castle, Capital Bale is the name of Lavitz home. This is a nice sized place
and you should do some heavy duty exploring. After the first screen head to the left house a girl will be there she will
paint a picture of Lavitz (a little too young for Lavitz but hey whatever makes his boat float...). Now go near the
fountain, a wino will be there blocking the path. Now go to the right and use the item shop. After stocking up go to the
inn rest of you want, then there should be a bar buy some booze (you can't drink them).
Go to the next house where
a man will be that there he will tell you about that stardust you have. When your finish chatting with him. Go to the right
and you will find Lavitz's house but Lavitz wants to see the king. Go back to the beginning and head left then across
this bridge until you reach the castle. There is also a hospital and a weapon shop too. Get healed and upgrade whomever
you can. Now enter the castle, and there should be a new bow for Shana equip her with this. Continue upstairs until you
find the King. After the introductions you will get a short FMV sequence explain the Dragoon Campaign or something to
that effect.
Now he will show you to your rooms, Shana will look out over the balcony. Soon Lavitz will join you
again. The group will decide to go a town called Hoax for more info. Leave the castle and head towards Lavitz's House.
Enter the house and Lavitz's mom will think that Shana is his bride and Dart is some vagrant (well not the vagrant part
but what is he doing there????) Yes or no answers either way Shana will get pissed, she wants to make you some lunch, and Shana
will help. Lavitz will give you four options 1. Fight with the swords. 2. Watch a porno flick in his room with him 3.
Beat up some old ladies 4. Tour of the house.
The middle two I made up =) seriously take the 4th option. Walk around
the house he will tell you about things and about the castle and him growing up. The women will call you for the grub.
After the grub Lavitz's mom will baby him, finally you can leave. Head back to the first screen and back to the world
map time to go to Hoax. Follow the yellow dotted line to Hoax. Explore the town first, go around the city and up
some stairs until you come to a run down looking small house. An old woman will be there
old woman will tell you about Emperor Doyle, Doyle is the Uncle of King Albert. She will tell you how and why the war started,
speaking to the old windbag and checking the houses and talking to the commoner's head to the war strategy house. Discuss
with a dude name Kaiser he will tell you about defense and things nothing real important. Since you explored already
you should be ready so tell Kaiser of Lavitz that you're ready to relieve the guard. It will be nighttime now. Some arrows
will be seen and the enemies are attacking. You will have a couple of random battles then one with the leader.
############################################################################# Boss
Fight IV Sandora Elite Element: Dark Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz Difficulty Medium Item Healing Breeze
guy may or may not be tough depending on you. You should be basically healed up before you face this guy so don't threat
too much. The basic idea is to keep your Hp's up and hit him with your best Additions if you have light based multi
items use them he has Dark as his element. When he gets weak about half of his Hp's he will split into 3. This is where
things gets a tad bit trickier, sometimes you have to just take a random gguess and miss, but your best bet is to wait
for him to use magic and guard until then the one that uses magic attack. He will continue to do it until he is toast. #############################################################################
after the fight you don't have much time to breathe because a big Giant named Kongol waits. Kongol is the last of the Gigantos
race. He wants to kill you this guy is a little tougher than the last fight.
fight V Kongol Element Earth Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz Difficulty Hard Item Power Wrist
This guy
looks tough and he's is tough. His only fault is even though Dart and Lavitz are pretty slow this guy is slower. At first
he will bash you with his Axe, when you take away half of his Hp's he will fling the axe and do the charging attacks.
These charging attacks are pretty ruthless. Finally you can drop this big fella Dart will rush in and finish him like usual
but Kongol will deflect this. ############################################################################# Remember
the hot chick that saved you from the Dragon, well she's back to save you from the Gigantos! She will grab you and suddenly
you will turn into a Dragoon. This is enough to stop Kongol and everyone stares at you like you were the fat kid in
gym class who hit a home run. Well you will be knocked out. Then when you awaken you will know her name is Rose, Shana
will think Rose is trying to get in on her man, Shana set's her strait. She will tell you of some recent events like
the Dragon, and about Dragoons. When you get up Rose will be waiting by the exit, like the old man did in the beginning
with Additions she will teach you everything about Dragoons.
After you're done and learn all you need to know its
time to go. ============================================================================= 1D. The Knight Hood and The
Rose will be in your party you can now effectively use replacing command on the menu screen. Now its time
to effectively replace Shana, and leave her there. (This was my main party through out the game) Level up and practice using
Rose. Then head to the Marshlands. Walk Through you will see a lot of fighting going on, help out all the knights in the
fight. You will have a lot of them back to back so make sure to do all your curing and blocking in battle. Finally
you will face the Commander. #############################################################################
Fight VI Commander and a couple of scrubs Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, and Rose Other characters: Shana Difficulty
Easy Item
This guy shouldn't be a problem, and if you decided on using Rose instead of Shana it would be a good
idea because she is much stronger than Shana. Anyway the commander is the only real threat so have Dart use Dragoon Magic
on him, have Lavitz use his best addition (should be Rod Typhoon) and have Rose use Whip Smack. This should definitely
put a stop to all these guys.
If you decided on keeping Shana, things are slightly different but not
by much this is the first boss battle where you have a choice. Since these guys are pretty easy I think that Dart and
Lavitz can handle it and have Shana get a few attacks in but mainly cure when necessary. She should be faster than Lavitz and
Dart and the possibilities of her getting a 2nd turn here are great. So if she does cure then have her get an attack in. #############################################################################
go out of this screen and you will see the strong hold there will be some curative items in the treasure chest nothing
major. Go towards the bottom and talk to the soldier who is on his last legs he will give you some accessory, talk to
all the soldiers you can find (3 I think) Get all the treasure chest and go back to the original screen when you entered
the strong hold. Get to the big oddly shaped tree and walk along the branches, this will take you to a before unreachable
path go north from here. Shana will get ill and Dart will have to carry her the rest of the way, keep going to you get
to the world map. Follow the dotted line to you reaches ha volcano save out side or enter.
A huge fire Phoenix will
come from no where, he will not see you, a minor sequence here. Go into the second screen a treasure chest should be on
this scene. The next scene should contain a fork take the right path. A save point will greet you save here. Then exit
this screen to the next screen. Keep going left Shana will run ahead of you, see where the slut went. She will be kneeling
next to a huge statue. Rose will inform you that the Winglie's used this in the Dragoon Campaign, all of a sudden it comes
to life. (Hope you saved earlier)
fight VII Virage Element: Void Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, and Rose Difficulty: Hard Item: 2 Healing, Body
You can go for his arm to get rid of his powerful arm attack but it isn't necessary, you can simply turn
into Dragoons and stomp this guy into oblivion, using Rose's Astral Drain is quite effective plus it gives back HP. So
use it twice if she is a Level 2 Dragoon. Keep gunning for his head his body and arm in my opinion are a waist of time,
because that won't kill him only his head will. Try to use both of your Dragoons magic and try to become Dragoons as much
as possible. Use Lavitz for curative items. After a while this guy will topple. #############################################################################
to the right where you couldn't previously go there will be a man calling for help, you may have seen him before but you
couldn't reach him any way speak to the man. Dabas is his name and Dabas will give you a Sapphire Pin. Now go back and
SAVE another boss fight awaits proceed to the next screen. #############################################################################
Fight VIII Phoenix Element: Fire Suggested Party: Dart, Rose, and Lavitz Other Characters: Shana Difficulty
Semi Hard Item: Red Eye Stone
This guy just doesn't seem as hard as the previous Virage fight. He has a few entire
crew damaging attacks but nothing that will destroy you or kill the whole party. If you have a spear frost or two good
use it on him, and have Rose turn into a Dragoon if you want but not Dart, because he is fire based the effort isn't
worth it. After a few well placed Astral Drains and some additioning this guy will be toast.
If you
decided to use Shana for this battle, then you must be a Shana expert. Anyway I really wish I could have gotten rid of
Dart instead of Rose or Lavitz because he is fire based and doesn't do much damage. Have Shana if you have them throw
water items at Phoenix. Anyway it will take a few hits and leave Shana is your "curative character" for this fight.
I suggest using Rose because at this point in the game she can become a Dragoon, and do damage to Phoenix. #############################################################################
the boss fights that go to the next screen Dabas will be waiting he is selling items get them while there hot. Anyway exit
to the north and welcome back to the world map. =============================================================================
Greham and his faithful...uh Dragon
Once you entered go North, Shana will feel ill again from the stagnate Dragon air.
Take her to the next screen automatically and she will be fine (damn this slut has problems :P Anyway go out of that
screen and continue North you will fall in what looks like a Spider web. You will be in a weird looking room, and these
strange mushroom looking things will be there touch all the mushrooms in this room. Also a recovery pond will be to the
south I say do some serious leveling up down here trust me its worth it. This place has easy navigation, you basically
just pick a route when you touch all the plants you will be able to reach the save point (SAVE here)
Now go North
a man name Greham who knows Lavitz will confront you time for a good ol' fashion boss fight! #############################################################################
Fight IX Greham & Feyrbrand Element: Both: Wind Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, and Rose Other Characters:
Shana Difficulty: Hard Item Platemail, Green Dragoon Spirit
Ok this is a real battle none of that sissy stuff
from earlier. These guys both have close to 500 hp I think. So together that's close to a thousand. Anyway hack away
at the dragon first, using Rose's Astral Drain is a GREAT idea. Also use Dart's level 2 Dragoon magic. At first focus
your attacks on the dragon. Then on Greham since the dragon has lower Hp's. Finally after a few Gust of Wind Dances
(you should have reached it if you leveled properly by the recovery pond) some Dragoon Magic these guys bite the big one.
you decided on using Shana for this battle, then use her to cure Lavitz and Dart. I'm 99% sure Lavitz was mandatory for
this fight, since he has a rivalry and a problem with Greham. So Have Lavitz using his best addition but focus in on
blocking, because Greham will go right for Lavitz. Have Shana using her bow on Feyrbrand for some reason it did decent
damage on this boss. #############################################################################
<!--StartFragment-->After the fight Lavitz will inherit the green Dragoon Spirit Yah you know have 3 fully functional
and kick ass Dragoons at your disposal. Go back and save just incase your running low on energy, and exit this place. ============================================================================= 1F.
Sharlie Shana and a Silver Dragoon Walk into a bar...
Once on the world map head to Lohan, Once you get there you will
be brought to the infirmary. Unfortunately to the doc it seems Shana days of hoing are over, and the only thing that
can save her is some Dragoni Grass. Time to explore this crazy place!There is plenty of treasure, but I suggest hitting
the inn item and weapon store. The weapon store is selling some pretty righteous stuff. But at the current time you
will not have sufficient funds to afford these pricey and great weapons and accessories. Go out of the place and head to the
southern right. And enter the shop I forget which one.
Anyway one of them will have Dabas in it, he will tell you what
he knows about Dragoni Grass. Anyway go to the street vendor and he's trying to sell you the water bottle for only a
million Gs. Don't buy it keep this guy lower and lower to he finally gets it down to a reasonable FREE price. Leave this
crazy place.
Go back to where the dragon was at when you get back fall down the pit on purpose and use your newly
required water bottle to fill with water. Now get out of the hole. Remember the place where the slut got better? Anyway
there should be a big nasty plant in the road use the water on that.Once back on the world map follow the yellow line
to the Shrine of Shirley. Anyway once there Rose will feel another Dragoon's presence in there. Don't bother with the treasure
chest their all empty. Go north after you enter the place until you reach a set of stairs. There will be a key pad requiring
a numeral password (no it's not Shana's birthday backwards!)
Anyway go on up the stairs. Go up the stairs and open
the treasure this will drop the floor and you will fall on a cart. The numbers 3 5 and 2 will be what you will see,
which in coincidence is the number to the password. Go back down the stairs and enter these 3 numbers (actually since
the password never changes you don't have to take the long yet fun cart ride) Now their should be a new passage way
go their. A set of spiral stairs should be open go up them and you will slide back down. Hmmm check the two statues.
Some where around here there are two identical statues but I went off of memory. Turn the gold one front and the silver
statue left.
The stairs are now climbable. Climb up the stairs a save point will be near by. SAVE here, you know
a boss battle will be coming up. Keep going strait a man by the name of Drake will think you are thieves well its time
to kick his ass!
############################################################################# Boss Battle X Drake Element:
Wind Suggested Party: Dart Lavitz Rose Difficulty: Medium Item: None
Immediately become Dragoons hopefully
everyone's Dragoon Level is full. Become Dragoons immediately, to take off major life. Have Rose use Astral Drain. Have
Lavitz use a Dragoon Addition and Dart if his level is 2 for Dragoons use the magic. This guy will use tricks when he gets
down to half-life. He will throw 3 Bombs that roll towards you. Destroy them before they get their because if you don't
these bombs will take off major damage. After he will put up a "wall" attack this wall because you can't attack him, he will
continue to do this to he's about to die. He will also use curative items turn into Dragoons at every giving opportunity.
He will perish
############################################################################# After he is defeated,
you will find out Sharlie has no Dragoni Grass, bummer. Anyway she will off you her Dragoon Spirit if you defeat her, do
not hit her just block.
############################################################################# Boss Fight
XI Sharlie Element: Void Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, and Rose Difficulty: Very Easy Item: White Dragoon
Basically Guard and you will get a question, I don't remember the questions exactly but will tell you which
to pick. Question 1: 1st Choice Question 2: 2nd Choice Question 3: 1st Choice Question 4: 1st Choice Question
5: 2nd Choice Question 6: 1st Choice
The next 3 questions are individual and you can answer anything. Remember to keep
guarding. She will be defeated
you defeat her check you will help revive Drake, then check the building behind them for all the treasures that should
of been in those chest nothing real major but there worth it since they are right there. =============================================================================
Hero Contest and a Mournful Event
Head back on the World Map and go back to Loan. There will be a sequence where
the Dragoon will "accept" Shana. Anyway go towards the Tent where the Hero Contest is being held. It's near the spot where
the street merchant is at a few screens to the left. Go to the Registration Desk. Just like EVERY RPG that features
some sort of contest only the main character will be able to enter. Lavitz will inform you of not becoming a Dragoon you
will start with full energy so there are no need to use a curative item. You will meet a friend that Dart goes back
with his name is Master Haschel he enters the tourney as well. Talk to the man and the first round will start.
############################################################################# Dart
vs. Goraga
What a Big Cheater he will throw a poison item at you in the first round, not even giving you a chance
to guard. If it poisons you use the purifier to get released of the poison. This guy shouldn't be a problem, just use some Additions
on him and he will yield.
Dart vs. Serfius
He's a breeze guard when necessary and wield out Additions like there's
no tomorrow. This guy does use some cheat items like power up when he hits half energy. If you have a water item use
it on him, and just stick with the powerful additions.
Dart vs. Danton
Ok the competition is up a notch.
Destroy him with Additions until he decides to start guarding. If he does, guard your self he will counter you with a throw
or a punch. After a while he will drop this and attack like normal with Additions. After a while he will fall too, he isn't
that powerful you just have to make sure you pull off every addition.
Dart vs. Atlow
Runner up in lasts years
tourney and it shows why. Unlike the wimpy Shana he has a killer bow and arrow. He targets your pressure points with his
bow and arrows these are pretty tough. You may have to use a few curative items; even tough this guy isn't that tough.
If he catches you with his 5 pressure point attack you might as well say this is goodbye because if your weak this can kill
you. Hopefully you can finish him off before it gets that deep.
Dart vs. Lloyd
This guy is IMPOSSIBLE to defeat.
He has an incredibly high Evade rate in other words you can't hit him. So just guard and guard until he gets tired and you
guys do your final blows Lloyd will win the Final Attack. #############################################################################
the end of the tournament Lloyd will be first Dart will be 2nd and Haschel takes Third. After a short scene Lavitz will
tell you everyone is waiting. Haschel will be introduced and he will be a playable character at this point. He also
thinks you are dating Shana. To satisfy him you will walk with her to play the games, and not to look strange Lavitz gets
with Rose, of course Rose doesn't want anything to do with Lavitz(heh watch him try and put his arm around her hilarious
stuff!). Anyway play the games if you like their not a lot of fun well beaning the monsters is the other ones are one time
only fancy's. When you're done goofing off its time to leave.
Save at the save point first. Now head towards the
exit and a solider will be there, King Albert has been kidnapped time to go back to Hellena! You can change Rose for
Haschel but I suggest trying him first. I kept using Rose personally.Back on the world map head towards Hellena. When you
get their the Bridge will close Lavitz will go for it kill the guards and let you all in. Everything is the same as
the last time except the guards have been taking steroids and are a bit stronger to represent your new levels. Also like before
all the battles are touched based which means you have to be caught and stopped in order to face a guard.
The guy
who was selling items in the beginning is still here, buy from him, especially some curative items. Remember that elevator
that was "Out of Order" It's now in order and you have to use it. You can stop and get all the treasure chests if you
chose its pretty tough getting them all and you will need a lot of going in out, their are a few worthy items to get but
nothing major. When you are through collecting your gifts take the elevator UP. You will be in the part where all the
cells were and Shana cell (well its looks about the same) Anyway you have to speak to the punk ass guards, they will
drop the floor on you and speak of a beast.
When you get back up talk to everyone and when you talk to Shana she will feel
a shaft (maybe she should of opted not to wear the Short Shorts) Anyway check the wall behind her, and you will feel a
draft too. But before this check the treasure chest for a Sachet. When you check the wall the beast that the guards
spoke of will come.
############################################################################# Boss Fight XII Jiango Element:
Earth Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, and Rose Other Characters: Haschel, Shana Difficulty: Hard Item: Sachet
guy isn't easy not by a long shot. Immediately use the Sachet on him and turn into Dragoons. Let Rose use Astral Drain,
basically everyone should be using Dragoon Magic especially Lavitz. When that Sachet wears off their will be hell to
pay because this guy kicks major ass. Hopefully your levels will be high enough to defeat this monster. If not get into
some of this Random battles with the guards and get your levels up they should be around 14 or so if I remember correctly.
If not someone tell me. Anyway a lot of Astral Draining will make this guy timber. Also make sure to keep Lavitz healthy
in this one we don't want him dropping here, his level 1 Dragoon attack is pretty powerful against him.
II: Haschel & Shana:
Since this Shana's debut boss fight as a Dragoon, her Dragoon curing will come in handy.
She should have the power to at least heal one character, which is better than nothing. Haschel should attack with Additions.
Cure when neccesary. #############################################################################
After the
fight everyone will leave. Shana will walk behind slowly. A small scene will occur where she reveals to old man Haschel
her feelings Dart. After that go strait some guards will greet you immediately the unavoidable type. After you defeat
these guys the rest of the way is spelled out for you and just follow the path until you get to the save screen. SAVE here,
and go into the next screen a boss fight will presume...
Fight XIII Fruegel, Guftas, Rodriguez Element: Freugel: Earth Element: Guftas: Dark Element: Rodriguez:
Wind Suggested Party: Dart, Lavitz, and Rose Other Characters: Haschel Shana Difficulty Hard Item: None
you have Gust of Wind Dance it does wonders to Fruegel. My personal thing was to kill the dog first since he is pretty
weak. Then get rid of that Bird because he does some pretty nasty attacks like one that messes with everyone plus one
that picks a person up and drops them. Once you get rid of those guys Fruegel should be easy. Whenever you are able to
become a Dragoon do so, especially using Rose's Astral Drain its marvelous on those weak times when you don't have many
curative items. Finally this big guy should drop.
Party II: Shana Haschel
Have Dart turn into a Dragoon, and
have Shana turn into one when necessary. Haschel uses his best Addition. I say have Dart turn into a Dragoon immediately,
and have Shana wait for it, because the only down fall of her curing is that when her turn comes and you don't need it
you wasted a cure. So when Haschel and Dart gets weak use Shana's Dragoon transformation then and only then, will it
is really effective. Get rid of the dog first because he will cause problems but he usually goes first anyhow, then the
bird save Freugel for last. With his two henchmen I mean henchpets gone, he really doesn't have nothing left. A few
good attacks but this crew can stand up to it. ############################################################################# MAJOR
the fight a sequence will begin where them with the hood who was seemingly over the High Warden will be there. He will
jump in and take the Moon Gem away from King Albert. Lavitz must protect his king and he runs become a Dragoon and goes
for the hooded man. The hooded man pulls out one dynamo sword and slays our Lavitz. Lavitz died =( and the hooded man will
now you should be back in Seles. A small scene will occur and you control Dart talk to everyone there. Now Albert is in
your party and he suggests going after Emperor Doel. Now you will be back on the world map SAVE here. ============================================================================= 1H.
End of the First Disk
Now follow the yellow dotted line to Kazas. Once there you will be in a dark town setting
there is much to explore here. You have a weapon shop, you also have a small place to your right that ask if you are a
mercenary, say yes and get 100g. Go to the Weapon shop and this dude will claim he is the one who slain the dragon,
he will then be arrested, moron. Anyway you can search in out and get equipped I highly suggest hitting the item shop for
curative items. Now go north you will realize you can't barge into the castle. Bummer anyway might as well turn around
and cry right? Wrong go in the opposite direction until you reach a secret looking town.
Explore this place there
should be an item shop here and even a fake weapon shop. Don't buy from the fake weapon shop those items barely work. Near
here to the left actually is where you want to go. There will be a small boy here who I forget his name. He also asks
questions the answers are 3rd 3rd and 2nd. He will then proceed in telling you things (I forgot what I played this part
at 4 in the morning). SAVE at the near by save point you can go back into the small town and get any necessary items,
but if you don't need anything just save and speak to him, he will show you the secret path to inside the castle. There
are a lot of items here but none are really important you can live with out them.
Head right until you see a really
long rope, climb down that run strait to the ring and there should be some ladders shortly climb up those and exit this place.
This is another random battle free zone. So if you want to have some fight just incase your levels were low you can but
if you are low on curative items try your best to avoid these guys. Once you get into the next screen you will be near
the front of the castle two guards will be to the north run up the stairs if you are fast enough. Then go north, once you
enter you will see a few elevators on the bottom and a guard he's unavoidable head into the right room.
you get into the room you will see a huge purple column, two scientist will be talk to you. When they are done they will
give you a very useful item that makes the elevators run. Go to the white flame to get cured then go down the stairs
talk to the scientist down there and go down another elevator. You will see a machine you have to be fast to avoid the
rocks and get to the other side. If you do get the Red Stone out of the chest You can go down to the dump underneath
for a couple of items which aren't necessary. Go all the way back up the main level two guards will be controlling the
big door instead use the one to your right.
When you get up there kill the guard and go into the door. A scientist
that the other two scientists spoke of called Mr. Magi will have a talk with you he will try to turn himself into a
Dragon but ends up a dog moron. Anyway take the Blue Stone from the treasure chest behind him. Go back out to the main
area kill the two guards patrolling the main elevator. Once you go up you will be in a place with many rooms. Go left
there will be a woman in there speak to her and take the elevator up the third floor. You will be that in a training area
3 guard will practice they're training on you beat these guys and take the elevator again.
You will be in a room
with another man he is their leader plus he's the guy who kidnapped Shana. Dart will want to fight but then he decided
not to the guy was just doing his job. He will say that Doel has changed and he wants you to stop him he will also give
you a Yellow and very useful stone. These 3 stone Yellow blue and Red are important for the castle. Anyway go back down
and towards the right. There will be an unavoidable fight with a guard <HHH>Beat his Ass</HHH> and go right,
you will fight a different type of guard he's pretty tough but not by much.
Keep going right and a small lift looking
thing will be there take this and you will be in a small area with some treasure chest take the chest and leave this
place. Now go all the way back to where the first 3 guards were and take the lift up to the 4th floor. You will be a nicely
decorated room with a man in there and also a nice save point save at the point. Speak to the man once he is done yapping
about his life save at the point. There will be a special machine where you have to put the yellow blue and red stone in.
Which will open the door to the statue. Go in the elevator inside the statue follow the stairs until you meet up with
our favorite Gigantos Kongol ############################################################################# Boss Fight
XIV Kongol Element: Earth Suggested Party: Dart, Albert and Rose Other characters: Haschel, Shana Difficulty:
Hard Item: None
This guy won't be easy not by a long shot. Your best Defense is a good offense and a lot of wind
items. After he gets hit with magic since he hates magic he will put up a magic barrier. Also you better have that Gust
of Wind Dance learned pretty well if you want to take off massive damage. Kongol is a bit faster this time he might
be slightly faster than Albert is now but overall he isn't really fast. He has no group attacks but some devastating personal attacks.
I don't remember that Dragoon Magic breaks through the wall I think it doesn't so stick to the most powerful additions
and pull them off so he won't counter.
Party II: Haschel & Shana
He is a lot tougher with this team but
on the other hand he is too slow to do much to this group. So you really don't have much to worry about here, have Dart
unleash his best Dragoon attack while in Dragoon mode. Have Haschel break him down with superior speed on Kongol. He is
a bit faster but not much faster if you ask me. After one magic attack a magic barrier will go up, and this is critical
to you sense this team isn't that physical. So I suggest you try and do as much damage as possible and since he can't put
a wall up for Shana healing and Dragoon ADDITIONS he isn't much of a threat here. So have Shana heal whenever needed
or user her stronger Dragoon bow. #############################################################################
will want to finish him but Shana has feelings for the ol' Brute and you decide to leave him be. Go and SAVE at the save
point, and go back where you fought Kongol at you can talk to him if you want but he doesn't say much. Keep going until
you run into Doel
############################################################################# Boss fight XV Emperor
Doel (Humanlike Form) Dragoon Doel (Dragoon) Element: Both: Thunder Suggested Party: Dart, Rose Albert Other Characters:
Haschel Shana Difficulty: Human: Easy Dragoon: Very Hard Item: None
He has two swords he knows
how to use him, bash him with Additions and if you have any Spirit Potions use them you want to have the special ready
at your disposal. Keep hitting this guy with strong Additions and he will give up and...
into a monstrous Thunder Dragoon. This guy is a wicked Dragoon and even though Thunder based he still loves to use whole
party damaging All element attacks. Turn into a Dragoon immediately or you can wait for Dart's Turn to come up and use
the special because whoever uses the special has the most powerful attack. I suggested using Albert's Rose Storm every
time his Dragoon comes up and Rose's Astral Drain and Dart's Final Burst a wicked combination of that will get him pretty
bad and his all out elemental attack won't do much damage until Dragoon's wear off. After 2 or 3 rounds of Dragoon Magic
he will put up the shield (I hate when he does this and I have to attack him because I'm still a Dragoon) at this point
pretty sure Albert will be back to normal just guard until his Shield Drops. The bastard loves to keep using that shield
and some times it comes at inopportune times, well Guard whenever you see it. To regain energy and to only take that
lovely half damage on his all Element attack. This will be the longest battle ever fought and in my opinion one of the
hardest in the game. After some well-placed Additions kiss this Thunder Bastard Goodbye
Party II: Shana Haschel
everyone attack like normal, with additions and Shana's bow. He can take off decent damage with the two swords but nothing
really life threatening, a curing item will make everything better here. He will be licked and turn into a Dragoon...
he is tough with this party. Have Haschel attack him fast and hard with his best Additions, turn Dart into a Dragoon, and
if you took too much damage during that human mode have Shana turn into a Dragoon, and heal whoever is needed. Dart's
Final Burst does wicked damage to him. When he gets down to half-life this fuckin' bastard will use a shield. You can't
penetrate it with weapons, Dragoon Magic, Dragoon Additions, items nothing. So just block if you still have Shana or
Dart as Dragoons do, just basically have them do an addition on him so they won't waste the magic. This guy is tough and
with this team the battle seems twice as long although they are faster than the previous.
He also likes to bring
the shield back so be weary of that some times it happens just as you turn into a Dragoon again which is very annoying.
When you get him weak he shouldn't be much of a threat any more. Whoa was this a tough battle!
Dart's Final Blow, Doel's Final words will be to stop Lloyd. He knows Lloyd is going to Tiberoa and that's where you will
have to go. When he dies Haschel will inherit the Thunder Dragoon but none of his kick ass Elemental Attacks (damn...)
Anyway after a short sequence you will be prompted to enter the 2nd Disk +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Chapter II. Platinum Shadow
2a. Tiberoa's Most Wanted...Lloyd
Explore the beautiful town well first go towards
the right and the party will notice a bridge its called "Claire Bridge". Strange Haschel's daughter is named Claire
and Dart's mother is also named Claire. Huh? Anyway Albert who knows all will explain that the probability of that being
the same person is not good, plus they don't look alike. Anyway explore this large town and all the people you will
find out about this gang who have been disturbing the town lately. Head towards the bar but its closed at this town and
mostly of the houses is closed as well. You can go into the big building with the doors that is a planetarium, which
is quite similar to a church.
Go into the room on the right and watch a young couple in love, seems like they were
about to have a wild time but a group of peeping toms were gawking peeping toms = Dart & Comp. Head to the left room
to get a short display about the stars and astronomy this town is big on that. After leaving here go north and enter
the various open shops to stock up on items and other things to tickle your fancy. Now go north everyone will see Princess
Emil coming. A small scene will occur with Princess Emille (she is quite the bitch =) anyway after that is over you
can't get into the castle, you can climb the ladder to have a looksee.
When your done fooling with the castle go
back to the bar that was closed it is now open. Go in the bar and meet Kaffi, she talks a mile a minute speak to her
a few times until it is night time. She will tell you to meet Fester who is big on stars and constellations and such. At
first you will get no answer, finally he will open the door. When he does proceed in he will speak to you he is also
an important figure at the castle. Anyway look through the telescope at the moon that never sets. Go back out of here and
explore the town at night you will notice that nearly all the houses are now open but only one is of real importance.
house is where a man named Nello lives. Nello seems to love greenery (not cash) but flowers and such, this guy can sure
talk a mouthful he bores poor Albert's face off all the way to the morning. When the morning arrives it seems that Albert
has not visited this town, and everyone will agree on going to the Flower City of Donau. If you check the bar Martel will
be there if you have collected some Stardust on the way then you might get an item, if you haven't it doesn't matter,
exit this town. A new land equals new monsters bash on them if you want if your levels are a tad on the low side or if
that battle with Doel was a barely surviving one then you need to level up.
When you are done SAVE on the World
map and go towards the barrens. When in the barrens go into the cave on your right to get the treasure from the chest.
When you are done collecting your treasure head north. When you get there a guy named Mappy and few of his Gehrich gang
goons will meet you time to do some battling...
############################################################################# Boss
Fight XVI Mappy and Bandits Element: All: Dark Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, and Haschel Other Party: Rose/Shana Difficulty:
Medium Item:
This battle is an easy one turn into Dragoons if you feel its necessary. Its not really but if you
want to beat these guys as fast as possible. I decided to use Haschel as the main suggested person cause this battle is
more power based than the previous ones. So really the key here is to focus on the fast Mappy. When you get rid of him
I don't think you have to beat the bandits all though it is possible, you should get rid of them first so they won't be
much of a problem any longer.
Party II: Shana and Rose
If you decided on not using Haschel, then Rose is
a nice choice for this battle. You can turn her into a Dragoon, since Astral Drain is still a very good idea in this
particular battle. Shana should be left as the white mage as always and only attacking when everyone is at a conformable
level of Hp's. This battle shouldn't give you that much difficulty so basically treat these guys like hard regular enemies.
you are done with them Dart will go for his Death Blow but he accidentally drops his Red Dragoon Spirit, Dart and Mappy
will run for it but Mappy gets it, bummer. Now exit from this places go towards the north over the small hill like thing
and then to the right. You will be back on the world Map. =============================================================================
Babe in the Valley
Follow the dotted line to Donau a flower city, there are flowers all over this place and it's
quite colorful. Before you can do anything you will get a sequence where some of the gang were scaring a woman. Lloyd to
the rescue! He saves the woman and scares off the gang she is highly thankful of the platinum hair wonder. Once that's
over he isn't around so don't bother looking for him. Go to the house on the right the first one when you enter. A woman will
be that there she will speak of the Mayor's son going to stop the Gehrich gang. She will give you a letter to show to the
mayor. When you are done with her check out the church and the inn then go up the stairs to the north.
If you want
you can go to the left I think that's where Lloyd was there is a Weapon and Item shop here. There across from each over
get tooled and weapon up. No go out of this place and go to the north up the stairs. When you get their show the letter
to the doorman he will take you to the mayor. Once inside the mayor will give you some info on the Gehrich gang it seems
they hang past the Valley of Zero Gravity more importantly the home of the Gigantos! Leave the mayor's house and go
down the stairs.
A woman will be that there with a few Gang members she will claimed someone grabbed her non-existent
ass. Heh, anyway she will scare them off she will also ask to join you. Dart will be hesitant at first because I mean look
at her? She looks like a prostitute if you ask me. She says she knows the valley pretty well and will guide you there.
Meru is her name and she is now a selectable party member. Now go to the world map.Once there you can put her in your
party to test her, I did she sucked and she hit Skid Row. I still kept the kick ass party of Dart Rose and Albert. Head
through the barrens and back to the castle.
You must go and see the king to get a permit to get to the valley so
don't even bother going over there. Go towards the castle where you seen the guard. He won't let you in Naive young
Meru will try to run him over he won't move an inch (I wish I had this dude instead of Meru :P ) Then a little more persuasion he
will get "attracted" to Shana (Him catching boners looking at Shana won't help on the battle field) He maintains composure
but won't let you in. You will get two options either one will do, either way you are not getting in.
Now you need
to find some one who can get you into the castle. Hmmm lets see Nello lets see what he can do. Nello is a dead end he doesn't
want you going to the Valley plus he can't get you in. What about Kaffi! Even though the whole town knows her she still
can't get you into the castle dang. Lets see hey didn't Fester mention he had a position surely he'll let you in! Of course but
he isn't home... Oh well you tried you could of always said "Hey this is the King of Serdio here! Let us in!" But Albert
doesn't want to be identified. Well try and find Fester (I had a tough time myself :P ) He's in the item shop looking
in the telescope. He says he can get you in so follow him to his house and he will take you their pass the stalking guard.
inside you will be taking to the main area and you can't save at the save point yet. Every time you move and try to do
some 'ploring he won't let you so just follow his old wrankily ass. The king will think you are a bunch of thrillseekers
but even so he will give you the pass all right. Now you can do some 'xploring' so now you can go nuts at that save point
hey you can save as much as you want now! Ok once the thrill of that is over keep searching this place there are some
people to talk to but no one is real important. Now leave a maid will call you back because the princess wants to meet
Lisa will tell you why her sister as acting so strangely after a bump on the noggin a half of year ago she
flipped. She is also 'cool' with the bandits and her 21st birthday is fast approaching, when a young royalty reaches their 21st
they get the Moon Dagger. She will then invite you to a royal dinner. At the dinner she is only 'interested' in Dart and
Albert, she cares not for the lap dancer the slutty girl the scary girl or the old geezer heh. Anyway she eats like
an animal and if I were Dart and Al I wouldn't be interested in her either. Anyway after dinner its time to go to sleep.
First Haschel will ask Rose about her coldness and never smiling, she forgot how.
Then Albert decided he's going
to hit the hay himself. Then Shana will nod off talk to Meru she's convinced Dart is a perv but she will eventually go
to sleep. Then speak with Haschel he will speak about his daughter then he will go to sleep. Dang this room only appears
to have 3 beds but some how 6 people are in them hope the fellas didn't have to double up =)
After the awkward sleeping
arrangements its time to do some exploring there still nothing of real importance rats leave this castle save at that save point,
what fun! (For some reason I saved here like 6 times because I couldn't before) Now leave the town snatch up any items
want and head towards the barrens. Once in the barrens go left instead of right, then go towards the mountains if you
haven't checked this place out it looks like a lot of non descript mountains. Well its not look above you ahhh, enter the
Speak with the guard and he will open the gates. Wow this place is pretty crazy rocks floating all over
the place things upside down those damn Winglies! Anyway a small sequence will occur when Meru kicks a rock and it 'kicks'
her back, stupid kid. Anyway you can go snag that nearby treasure chest but that isn't really important. Follow the
rocks until you exit the screen. Ok things getting rougher now, go up the small branch like thing, and wait for a small rock
to come near when you get the! Icon jump on it with X it will take you to another landing. There is only one rock here
so take that too. Take the last rock out of the screen.
Things get pretty smelly here and this area really confuses
me badly. There are 3 different routes each one is pretty difficult to get through one two ways lead to some generic
items and the third will leave you to a boring save point. The items are good but no worth the trouble the third way is
the ticket, it is sort of self-explanatory from here on. But you will have to go upside a few times to get to the save
point. Once you get their SAVE. Notice that big statue? Yep it's a Virage all right. Does it kick a lot of ass? You better believe
it. ############################################################################# Boss Fight XVII Virage 2 Element:
Void Suggested Party: Dart, Rose, and Albert Other character's Shana, Haschel, Meru Item: Moon Serenade
guy like the other one has Arm body and head. His Head is the ticket to killing him but his arm is a bit more deadly that
ever, Especially the left one, even though it can regenerate concentrate your attack on that left arm a well placed
Madness Hero(if you have it) on it will get rid of it quickly the body can give you 'Fear' But don't fear just have some
mind purifiers and block a lot. Albert's Rose Storm is quite effective just like it is through out the game. Astral
Drain his head a lot and use Crush Dance on his arm. I think at this point Albert is your weakest Dragoon, so when he becomes
normal and you are a Gust of Wind Dance whiz use that a lot especially on that arm. Keep going for his head this guy
will crumble eventually.
Haschel & Shana Meru
Well go for his arm immediately if you are weak from some
of the enemies in the valley I highly advise you to turn Shana into a Dragoon as fast as possible so she can use her
healing powers. Haschel's purple Dragoon is effective but not really effective. Dart should use his best addition's possibly
Crush Dance, at this point Madness Hero isn't that powerful. Keep going for the left arm, then go for his head you can
have Shana curing for anything his other body parts do to you. If you decided to use Meru, she is very fast, and if you
like speed over power then she is the ticket. If you at this point have a physical ring equip it to her since she has
the lowest Hp's. Use her most powerful Addition it should possibly be her first one if you stuck with it. Meru is fast so
have her get rid of that left arm as fast as possible #############################################################################
the battle speak to everyone especially Rose surely knows a lot about Virages and stuff. Save at the save point or the
world map. =============================================================================
2C: A Couple of Sole Survivors
to the The Home of Gigantos. When you enter a lot of arrows will be fired at you, you have to dodge dip and do whatever
to avoid these. Go towards the treasure chest, get the treasure but do you notice something shiny? Well press yes and
the arrows will go away. Run towards that gate it will be blocked the other exit is the same deal. Soon you will get into
a fight, even though it seems like a boss fight it isn't Dragoons aren't even necessary so just ice these guys off with
your best additions and magic item save your special for the real fight shortly. After the fight Haschel will question
him about his technique apparently only students of Haschel know about that stance. The guy claimed he learned it from
his leader Gehrich. Then Haschel will use his technique to smash the huge gate with his fist (Hey he couldn't do that before I
guess him and Meru had a wild night =) Anyway continue on.
Haschel will complain about his back and he needs to sit
down a bit, Meru ask to "watch" him heh. Everyone will go in the room and he will hit her over the back of the head.
He will also run pretty fast back problems my ass. Anyway when everyone comes out they will notice Meru knocked out and
Haschel is no where to be seen. If you had Haschel in your party you will be prompted to replace him. Now then go the
same pat he went and when you go through the door Kongol will appear (Jeez you haven't beaten this guy enough?) Anyway
when you get in there a small sequence with Haschel and Gehrich will occur. Fight Time!(You get the option of putting
Haschel back if you choose)
############################################################################# Boss Fight
XVIII Gehrich & Mappi Element: Mappy: Dark Element: Gehrich: Earth Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, and Haschel Other
characters Rose, Shana, Meru Difficulty: Hard Items: None
These guys are pretty tough really tough. Take out
Mappi he can use an instant death attack on any party member plus he is very fast. Have Al use his trusty Gust of Wind
Dance on Gehrich. If you have some light magic use it on Mappi, get rid of him and this battle won't be so tough. Hit Gehrich
hard and fast. He is pretty powerful having Haschel turn into a Dragoon is a good idea since this boss seems to be suspect
to Haschel's Dragoon additions.
Rose Shana Meru
Well you have to use Haschel in this battle so you have to pick
either one of these. If you went with Rose Astral Drain is _very_ effective against Mappy. Plus it has that great curing
side effect. She also has wicked additions so she is a nice. At this point of the game Rose could have her final addition
if you used her as much as I did during my second play through. If you decided on Meru then use her most powerful addition
at this point she should have her second and possibly her 3rd Addition right about now, but you should focus on her
speed since both Mappy and Gehrich are pretty fast. If you decided on using Shana then have her do her usual Dragoon curing,
or if its not needed her Dragoon Bow can take off some decent energy from these guys. Remember to get rid of Mappy as
soon as possible since he has that annoying habit of instant death. #############################################################################
the battle the ground will start to shake a huge rock will fall, Kongol to the rescue, he will save you from the rock with
his brute strength. He saved you because you didn't kill him in Doel's castle. He then joins your party woo hoo! Gehrich
will tell you that Princess Emille is a fake and the real one is inside the castle! Now go down the stairs. When you go
down there the Mayor's son will be there, Meru will kick his cage but as simple as flicking a light switch Albert will
open the cage. The Dragoon Spirit must be around search for a shiny thing and now Dart is a Dragoon again! Now go back
up and Kongol and Haschel will be waiting for you. Now exit this place.
When you are back on the world map trudge
through the Valley and then the barrens. When you get to the Barren's the Mayor's son will ask you to attend his wedding.
Attend the wedding you don't have to but I did.
When you get to Donau the wedding will already be starting so all you
have to do is sit their and watch, when Lynn throws the bouquet Dart will grab it. Anyway go speak to the people in
the town and stay at the inn if you got beat up during the last battle. Head back to the Barrens. You can head back to
the castle but if you have over 1000g go back to Serdio. Go back to the town where the man gave you the water bottle
the town name is Lohan and its in South Serdio. At first he will try and sell it to you for 100g but when Kongol touches
it, it glows so he ups the price to a 1000g. Buy it anyway it is worth even though Rose will detest it. Head back to Tiberoa.
you plan to use Kongol now that you have him practice with him and his Dragoon, he may be slow but if you are the type
who likes some one with vast strength a high HP value and Defense value then Kongol is your Gigantos. When you get back
in Fletz hit the item shop hard (I hope Kongol's Dragoon didn't break your pockets) Anyway make sure your starting 3 has
the best equipment money can buy sell other equipment if you need to.
SAVE at the Inn, not in the castle because
if your levels aren't high you won't be able to leave once you are in. Head for the castle when you think you are ready.
The big guy will tell you vagrant guards have replaced all the normal guards. These guys will stop you whenever possible
there is a strategy. Anyway take the right staircase to the outside stay behind the wall and when the guard isn't looking
run to the next staircase. You have to have impeccable timing here you have to watch each guards pattern and when you know
what they are about to do make a break for it. Finally you will be at the top at Princess Lisa's tower. Make your way
in her room, and Dart will tell her about the switch.
She will join you even with Lisa you will still have to avoid
the guards make your way down her tower and then back into the main hallway with the fun Save Point. Now head towards
the over tower the opposite of the original one, the one on the left. Emille's tower, guards will be stiff like always
so your best bet is to use the same wait strategy. When you hit the top there is no avoiding those guards, but Rose
will scare them off. Now hit Emille's room. Kongol's too big to fit in the room, to avoid him getting lonely Meru and Haschel
will wait outside with him. Now search the room, notice the painting, and well press action next to it to be transported
to another place.
Once inside Shana will want to fly across using her Dragoon but this place seems to have a magic
force field around it so turning into Dragoons is impossible. So speak to everyone and when you are through look next to
Albert there should be a shiny spear press it and a bridge will appear everyone will cross it. Albert and Lisa will
awaken Emille. Now she will join you there will be no stopping you from the guards. SAVE at the fun save point and continue
on. You will be in the middle of the ceremony with the king handing the Moon Dagger to the fake Emille. The real Emille
will stand next to her. The fake will no the gig is up but everyone surround her, she will reveal her true form... a
regular looking woman...no way that's a Wingly!
<!--StartFragment-->Boss Fight XIX Lenus Element: Water Suggested Party: Dart Kongol & Albert Other
2 Parties: Shana & Haschel, Meru Rose Difficulty: Extremely Hard
This won't be an easy fight by a long shot.
I used this team to beat her because they boosted the highest HP level even though even with speed items she can still
run circles around these guys but its worth it. So I decided on them anyway, she uses magic quite well, and most of the
item she can get a good 4 hits in that might kill someone (probably not Kongol) Anyway if you have Dart's Red Eye Dragon
summon use it as much as possible. Have him call the special since Kongol should only be a level one Dragoon he will morph
after one attack. So have him feed Dart some sun Rhapsodies basically keep Kongol blocking and feeding Dart Sun Rhapsodies
so he can continually unleash the dragon.
After about 4 Red Eye summons and a few good gust of wind dances she will perish
but she can get in up to 28 good hits before these slow pokes do it so you have to make sure you hit her hard and fast.
A maxed out Gust of Wind Dance which each move connecting can get you about 700 Hp's off of her at this point of the
game you can get close to that maybe 500 Hps. Either way its a good idea. Finally after a real tough fight and one of the
toughest in the game she will drop.
Shana & Haschel:
If you decided to use Shana and Haschel you have
a lot of speed on your side. You will definitely need Shana's Dragoon healing powers in this battle. Dart can do some
heavy damage to her with his Dragon so use that a lot. Have Haschel NOT become a Dragoon because in my opinion you will
need Shana for curing and Dart for his summon, and Haschel to give them as many Sun Rhapsodies as possible.
& Rose:
Meru's speed is almost as fast Lenus's speed. So she is an ideal character for this battle too bad her
HP's don't match Lenus's! So your best bet is to give her the Physical Ring. If at this point you have gotten a good Meru addition
then use it on Lenus. Once during this battle Meru had two chances in a row, her speed comes in handy during this battle.
Have Rose becomes a Dragoon for the high defense since I'm 99% you don't have two Physical Rings. Allow Dart to do his
attack like I mentioned earlier. This will be your main form of attack through this battle Dart, and since this is the
fastest or near the fastest team I had they had a good chance but the first team iced her off quicker since they had
Alternative Lenus Strategy! By: GMan 14
pretty easy if you use my strategy! use it you wont be
disappointed! ok your party shold be: dart (of course) albert (gust of wind dance) and... MERU! use meru because she
can take lenus' attacks like 123... expessialy the ice attacks! most of the time guard with her till shes at full life
only at that time attack with her! mostly always attack with albert (unless hes really hurting a few guards wont hurt!)
and use his rose storm when i tell you to. right when lenus starts to use her magic attacks (very helpful) and once it wears
off and shes doing some nice damage... and when your about to finish (this will make sure you secure the finish without
losing anyone!)
If dart has half hp or more attack with him. so probaby als gonna fall about once or twice no prob!
get meru to use angels prayer, dart to use healing breez then you get a chance to attack with big al. mostly always use
meru with the magic. dart with some healing breezes. oh ya pull off some of darts final burst all the times you can
(get meru to use the magic to restore darts mp!) this match wont take long at all... if you follow my stradegy! actually this
will be pretty easy if you do what i said! good bye lenus! oh ya! try to use the bandits ring on albert. elude cloak on
dart (if you have it) it works! #############################################################################
the hard battle she will still escape with the Moon Dagger. Rose will give you some info on Winglie's. The king will want
the Dagger back, and you have to go by sea to get it. Where do 7 goofs like these find a ship? Donau of course lets
go! ============================================================================= 2D: A Couple of Ships
on the world map and head to Donau going back through the barrens again and making a right at the fork. Once there if you
explored last time you were here like I told you, you will know where the dock is. Anyway head to the dock, you will
see the ship waiting for you. Like the ship is you mother or something :) so dock ship already!When you are on the ship
you will hear Shana's thoughts guess what else? You are Shana and here is where everyone is located in the order I fount
Shana: Main part by the save point.
Kongol: Down the stairs that are next to the save point.
In the room behind the kitchen
Haschel: Inside the Ship up the stairs and siting on the next set of Stairs, which
lead to the control, room.
Dart: Control Room
Rose: Go up the ladder from the control room, keep going up she
is on a small platform.
Albert: Right above the room Meru is in, (he is hard to see because he is praying or
Shana will find Dart, Dart need's to find Rose to ask about the Black Monster. Rose isn't telling and
she goes for a walk she finds Haschel, he's deep in thought about his daughter. He decided to go and find Kongol, Kongol will
want to know more about Humans. Kongol wants to find "King of the Humans" Kongol wants to know what a friend is. Albert
then hears Meru complaining so he goes to see what she's up to, he was victim to her little game. After that she wants
to find Dart, she decided to play a game on him. He has to "Guess who?" I picked "This is highly unlikely but Kongol?"
heh. Now she wants to go an adventure to find everyone, play along and go and find Rose.
When you do you will see
a FMV of a Ghost Ship approaching. ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= [Author's
Rant: (This is a small rant written by Dyson) Does every fucking RPG have to have a ghost ship or some ghost filled place? I'm
so sick and tired of busting up a ship just to see the shit sink. It's the same thing over and over. Other games that included
ghost ships that i know of are Wild Arms, Breath of Fire IV, Grandia, Final Fantasy V. On the subject of ghost BOF III
had the haunted mansion, Final Fantasy VI had the haunted train. Final Fantasy VII had the haunted place where Red XIII
was from. Chrono Trigger also had a haunted place. I'm sick of ghost, ghost ships, and haunted things, Leave the crap
back in the 80's!] ~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-=~-= (Back to the FAQ) The
engine has been badly damage so you are stuck next to the ghost ship. Everyone will be on the main deck except Shana. Everyone
gets on the ghost ship Shana is being attacked by 3 skeletons, 3 ghost knights protect her. She will join you again,
jump back to the Queen Fury if you go down the stairs you can purchase some weapons you should already have the weapons
they are selling. There is also an item shop and a free rest gets some curative items and some Angel Prayers they will
be needed.
Rest at the inn and save at the save point. Go back to the ghost ship, look around you will see white
shadows floating touching those will result in a battle, so this is another random battle free zone. But this one is little bit
harder than the other ones some times its nearly impossible to avoid the fights since the ghosts like to group together.
There is a pattern involved though. At the ghost ship some doors are locked some are not. One door will contain a chest
and a small message will appear on the bottom of the screen ignore this door. Now exit the screen and go down the stairs.
Avoid the ghost and you will go to the captains quarters, you can't get in now without the proper key.
So head
up the stairs again. Then go left, when you are up their you will see a ghost that looks like a Purple Slimer follow him
into a room. If you searched this area before you will notice there wasn't a treasure chest here before, try and open
it and it will move. He will make three ghost come to life beat those guys up and he will run away. Follow him again to
the next room. Grab the chest like you did the last time two ghost and a purple slimer will fight you. This guy is tougher
than normal enemies if you are using Albert have him use his Gust of Wind Dance on the Purple one, have Dart and your other
character beat up the skeletons. He will leave again, follow him to the next room, now 3 of them will pop out, and this
is a pretty tough battle.
Not a boss battle but I suggest turning into a Dragoon and trying your best these guys
like to cast fear and other status aliments. When you are done with them you will get a sequence with the captain. See
that sparkling thing near the top of the screen? Press action and you will see 4 ghost, each will give you a number
jot down these numbers. Head out of this room back to the area where skanky Shana was about to be attacked and SAVE. Go
to the room with the combination Treasure chest that I told you not to open. You have 10 chances to imput 3 numbers
in a certain order. You can keep going back when you crack the numbers but you get less and less chances. When you are
done with that SAVE again.
Now go back to the Captains Cabin it should be open for you, he will tell you that
the Black Monster has killed everyone. Once he's gone get the shiny object which is a key and head out of this room. There
should be one more room which is still locked go to that room. When you go in their and enter to the left some more
ghost knights will appear they will think Shana is a Princess who they are trying to save and that the rest of you are
the Black Monster. Its go time!
############################################################################# Boss
Fight XX Ghost Commander & Ghost Knights Element: All: Dark Suggested Party: Dart Albert Rose Other Parties:
Kongol & Meru, Haschel & Shana Difficulty: Medium Item: Night Raid
I suggest becoming a Dragoon immediately
have Dart fire off the Special. If he is Level 5 already then that's perfect have him use two Final Burst on The Commander.
He should drop after that then let everyone else just do more Dragoon Magic on the rest of the knights if that doesn't
kill them one Red Eye Dragon summon should.
Kongol & Meru:
An unlikely pairing but an effective one,
at this point Meru should be able to do some damage to the Commander with some good additions, basically have Kongol
and her focus in on the Commander if you chose. Then once he's gone have Dart become a Dragoon and unleash the Dragon.
This is the ideal strategy against this boss since the knights will always regenerate, and you have speed and power.
& Shana
If you went with Haschel and Shana you again have some speed on your side. This team is pretty well
balanced when it comes to speed although the ghost knights aren't slow pokes. So the basic idea is to attack the commander
you should hack away at him as much as possible, and when he gone have Dart unleash the Dragon. This is the best and
only way I found that could really ice off all the guards at once. ########################################################################
after these fights just incase you don't have much recovery left in you. Head back to the room and proceed into the next
room which was blocked by the ghost earlier there should be a treasure chest here and a cradle. Go to the cradle you
will get a small sequence with a Ghost Mother. The ship will soon start to sink everyone will make it back except Dart
Rose will try and grab him but she can't and they will both fall into the water. ============================================================================= 2E:
What happen to Dart & Rose?
and Rose made it to a cave, Rose will go deep into thought. She will look at Dart and think of Zieg. A FMV will start here
where you see Rose trying to save Zeig but Zieg gets turned into stone, she looks at Dart because she thinks he resembles
Zieg, and Zieg was also a Red Eye Dragoon. Apparently Rose is 11,000 years old and her and Zieg were two of the original
Dragoons from the Dragoon Campaign. That explains why she knows so much about Virages and Dragoon history.
over ok she will fall asleep with Dart's head in her lap awwww. Anyway when the morning comes a dog will awaken them accompanied
by his master Pete. He will take you back to his village he will think you and Rose are Warrior Lovers (think about
it they sort of have the same thing on Dart with one arm cut out Rose with the one leg hmmm). Anyway his mother is ill
and she needs to be taken to the nearby city because of the hot springs. Now there is a little boat next to Pete's house
you will get a couple of choices chose to go to the shore and leave town their isn't much here. Pete will stop you he will want
you to help him and his Mother get to Fueno for the hot springs.
Take them along, you will see a small; cavern go through
it and you will be on the main land and a fairly large town will be there. Pete will take his mother to the clinic so
explore this place with Rose. There is a weapon shop here buy weapons for Rose and Dart if needed come back here their
are some good ones for the other characters as well. check the item shop they have some good stuff, this is a great
place it blow a lot of money unless you are saving up for one of those 10,000 dollar items. Now head north through the
town until you reach the dock the Queen Fury will be there. Kayla will be glad you are alive Meru will be getting off
the boat speak to her she will tell you everyone is back at the inn.
Go to the Inn and Kongol Haschel and Albert
will be there. They will also be glad you are safe they will tell you Shana is up stairs Dart will go up there on his
own. He will speak to Shana, Haschel, Meru and possibly Albert will be eavesdropping heh, when they are spotted they will
run away. The conversation will continue and the lights will go out and...well who knows?. Anyway go back to the dock
to speak to the captain he will give you info on Lenus apparently she is on a small island which can be reached by the
undersea caverns. Go back to that weapon shop and equip everyone you use with new weapons there are some good choices
here. Visit Pete's mother to see if she is all right. ============================================================================= 2F:
End of Disk II
Head to the cave it seems that there is no way to get passed and Albert thinks something is artificially
making the water do what it does. Anyway head back to Lidiera to speak to the mayor take the boat that takes you to Pete's house
to the 4 gentleman playing cards, one of these wino looking guys is the mayor. Tell him you want to see the monster and
he will get one of the villagers to open the gate for you. Now go to Pete's house around the right side to reach the
Gate that was opened there should be a couple of treasures and a valve here. Get the treasures and turn the valve. Head
back to the shore and go to the world map.
Save on the world map and head to the cave your way should be opened.
So go North when you reach the next screen go left. Until you reach a fork in the road. Take the southern path keep
going and another fork will be here. Now take the right path soon you will be at a staircase. Take a right here and soon you
will come upon a save point. SAVE at the save point make sure you have some Fire items like Burn out and stronger ones.
Make sure not to take Meru if you leveled her up she won't work well in the fight. If you still have a heat Blade use
it and maybe even get into a random battle so your special will be up.
Hopefully you will have a Level 5 Dragoon as
Dart. Now proceed on, you will see Lloyd (Finally after all that searching you fount him) The sequence will show her
giving Lloyd the Moon Dagger. She will want some lovin'(Listen close and you can hear her unzip Lloyd's pants) from Lloyd
and he getting ready to give it to her but Dart and Company interrupted it. Lloyd will turn into a Wingly and fly away;
Lloyd's a Wingly! Wow, this isn't a spoiler since it's clearly printed in the manual. Lenus will turn into a Dragoon the
Sea Dragoon and the Sea dragon will be with her.
############################################################################# Boss
Fight XXI: Lenus(Dragoon) and Sea Dragon Element: Both: Water Suggested Party: Dart, Albert Kongol Other Parties:
Haschel & Meru, Shana & Rose Difficulty: Hard Item: Water Dragoon Spirit
She isn't as tough here but
she has a Dragon with her, too bad that Dragon is weaker than my dead Grandfather. Turn Dart into a Dragoon, two that's
right two Red Eye Dragons will kill the Sea Dragon. Leave Kongol as normal since his defense is almost as high as the
Dragoons. Hopefully you have an Accessory that can increase Dart's MP's. Hopefully you can at least use it two times,
leave Kongol to feed him Sun Rhapsodies. Have him keep using the dragoon or Final Burst on Lenus. If Albert isn't that
powerful as a Dragoon when he turns back to normal Gust of Wind Dance is VERY powerful. A few Gust of Wind Dances and
Red Eye Dragon Summons she will die.
Haschel & Meru
Well the key here is to ICE off the dragon. That's Dart's
job two Red Eye Dragons can kill this Dragon pretty easily. Have Meru feed Dart Sun Rhapsodies and when he doesn't need
one have her get physical with a few well timed additions of her own on Lenus. Allow Haschel to hit her hard and fast he can
become a Dragoon if you want him to, or you can just practice Additions on her :)
Shana & Rose
favorite skirts Rose and Shana. Well Rose is a bad ass, and her final Addition at its highest level can do heavy damage
to this bitch. Remember to have Dart ice off the Dragon with a couple dragons of his own, then concentrate on Lenus
it isn't that difficult. Have Shana maintain her healing job and have Rose turn into a Dragoon to ice this scantily clad
female Dragoon off. Dart's Final Burst does premium damage to the water based Lenus. Finally after some battling this
battle will be over. #############################################################################
Meru will now
be able to become a Dragoon and you should have 7 Dragoon Spirits. So everyone is a Dragon now, at this point she's will
run around for like 10 minutes over it. No one else really cares they just want to report about the Moon Dagger.
head back to Fuena See how Pete's mom is doing. Apparently even at Pete's very young age he knows Dart's ho's are hot and
wants hot babes like those when he gets older (Heh that's what being an Warrior is all about =). Pete will want to know
how it is to be surrounded by beautiful women all the time you will get 3 choices
Jealousy- This will make Shana
mad, hilarious! Some times they are scary- This will make Rose mad. Some times they are loud- This will make Meru mad
and she will chase Dart around the room!
After the womanly fun go back to the ship to speak to the captain then
speak to Kayla when you are ready. You can 'Control' the Queen Fury for 2 seconds. No free roaming just follow the yellow
line again. Head back to Donau. Nothing of real importance here just go back to Fletz. Once you are back in Fletz go to the
castle you will see Emille coming again like your first time here, but the real one is much nicer. Albert will be speaking
to himself about how beautiful she is. (Notice when she names the pregnant child if it's a boy name it 'Al' hmmm) Now
get pass the guard who has a crush on Shana he will let you passed automatically now.
Go to the chamber of Sun but
you can save your brains out at the Save point if you chose I know I did. =) Even though you couldn't retrieve the Dagger
he doesn't care you did a lot by ridding the bandits and the Sea Dragon. He decided to hand down the story of the 7
Dragoons from the East as the new coming of age method. The King will also decide to throw a party for the heroes.Now
it will only be Dart & Shana. Shana will express her deepest feelings towards Dart, Dart will lean in for a kiss but
they will get interrupted by someone. He will make his 2nd attempt but will get interrupted again by a maid who said
the party would be starting soon.
You decide to continue this 'later' and look for everyone else. I forgot to mention
that at this point everyone in the castle knows that Albert is the King of Serdio. So go up the tower that has Emille's
room in it and Albert will be there, telling her a story but he will interrupt it because only "Serdio Royalty" gets
to hear it. Pull him away from her, and go back down the stairs go near the kitchen and Meru and Haschel will be shoed
out. Go to the Guest Room and you will see Rose she will be thinking about Dart awww. Anyway take her with you, now
that's everyone except for Kongol where can he be? Go down to where the training area is to find him practicing.
will be thinking to himself about his human friends he seems to like having human friends, anyway take him with you. Now
go to the lady making the dresses. She will offer a dress to Meru but she will decline because she can't dance
in a dress. Rose will also decline because she will be naked without her sword, Shana will take one though. At the party
Albert will be talking to Emille The King thinks its a good thing and that this insures the well being of the two lands.
Kongol will be there speak to him speak to Haschel and a couple of women will surround you Haschel will take care of the
skirts. Go towards the balcony and the maid will say Miss Rose wants to speak to you. She will be out on the balcony
she will point you towards Shana. Rose will walk off and Dart kisses Shana. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Chapter III: Fate & Soul
3A: Saving a village boy
You will enter the small water town called Furni. There
is not much you can do here without access to a boat. So just go to the north and you will see a small sequence with
a few of the local men and their leader Harris. Apparently a wolf has gone wild and is in the forest the wolf is owned
by a boy named Teo. There is a large reward for the man who can bring down the wolf and rescue the boy. Well a big burly
man will have some words for Dart but he is all talk. Now go to the left that until you reach the inn, goes to the bottom
you will see a man behind a desk near a boat. At first he will think you are some of the men who are going to rescue
the boy.
He will give you an option chose that you are not the hunters, he will then realize that you are the 7
heroes who defeated the sea dragon. He will give you the boat permit for free, now its time to explore. From the inn go
north then go to the item shop there is also a weapon shop near by so stock up on what you need for the rest of this
journey. Finally head to the Mayor's House. The mayor will be excited to meet the 7 Dragoons from the east and will tell you
about how the wolf bit his daughter Fa and how the boy Teo was her best friend. The girl is attracted to Shana, anyway
she will sleep with the girl and the rest of the party has to speak to the mayor so they can sleep at his house for
Then a scene will occur where Haschel over hears a song that Shana is singing to Fa. Haschel will want to
know where she learned that, she says Dart taught her it, he got it from his late mother. Haschel will remember hearing
his daughter singing that song and she was going to teach her daughter it, he will need some fresh air. Dart will be
on the room and Albert will tell her to join him. Meru will follow Shana and listen in on the conversation. Shana will start
feeling dizzy and will pass out Dart carries her back into the house. When you go back on your boat head to the place where
the man blocked you earlier and get off, you can talk to the people there they aren't too important.
Just head
out of the screen and you will be on the world map. SAVE on the world map if you haven't while you were in town and go
to the forest since there isn't anywhere else to go.When you are in the forest you will notice 3 different paths, two
of those leads to plain old items. Go towards the upper right path and you will be in another screen with even more paths.
The path near the bottom has a guard blocking it, the path towards the top is just a dead end at the moment go towards
the place where you the little boy, that's Teo. When you try to speak to him he will run all the men from the town will surround
him and the wolf Kamuy will run through all the men.
Then he will leave with Teo on his back. Now take the left path.
You will get another 3 paths the one to the north id the correct one, make sure you have your additions and characters
healed before you go north.When you get their Shana will tell Teo that Fa really cares about him and wants him to come
back home. The men will be back and the Wolf will once again bowl them over. He will also come after you so its boss
fights time!
############################################################################# Boss Fight XXII Kamuy Element:
Void Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, and Kongol Other Character's Rose & Haschel, Shana & Meru Difficulty:
Very Hard Item: Darkness Stone
This guy isn't a walk in the park or a forest. This guy has a high magic defense
so Dragoon magic is almost useless against him. So if you do turn into Dragoons to defend against some of his physical
attacks. Just bash this guy with your most powerful addition but even then it still doesn't dent him. Too bad this is
a long fight and some curative items maybe needed. But if you have all 3 of them as high Dragoons and you are bash him
with your best attacks you can possibly make it through it with everyone intact.
Rose & Haschel
is one bad ass wolf, and he is very strong. Dragoon Magic is pretty ineffective here so if you want Dragoons use the additions.
Haschel should have 5 rings shattering and a possible Hex Hammer. If you do use this on Kamuy, he is very tough, Dragoon
Additions are basically the key this battle is long and drawn out additions will have to be done perfectly in order to
Meru & Shana
I wouldn't use Meru & Shana for this battle but if you have to you have to. Meru
should use her best Addition at this point possibly if you level her up enough, Hammer spin, Cool Boogie just doesn't do
enough damage. Have Shana do the curing in this battle and you may possibly live to tell about it. You will need a lot
of curing from Shana, Meru dropped a few times in this long battle so make sure you have a plentiful stock of Angel's Prayer. #############################################################################
when you are through with this guy he will be dead. But Shana has compassion for him and decides to use her Dragoon
Spirit to revive him, when she does he turns back into a cub. When she does Harris okay's Teo and Kamuy going back to
Furni. Go back to Furni and speak to Harris he gives you some g, talk to Teo and Fa if you want to as well. Go back on
the world map and save. ============================================================================= 3B: History Lesson
Note: If you felt this game has been low on FMV's you get eleventy billion of them here =) If you explored the forest
you would of fount the way that went to Deningrad when you do Rose will excuse herself because she has to run errands Meru
will do the same she wants to go and visit her parents. Now leave the forest and save on the world map if you were using
Meru or Rose you will be prompted to change your party. Now follow the yellow line to Deningrad, which is a fairly large
town. They have a Weapon shop with awesome armor, if you have 10,000g to blow then get some of the great and fandamntastic
shit they got here!
But don't forgetthose curative items. (You know if you have been using Meru or Shana or even
Rose throughout the game curative items aren't that necessary since all 3 of them have magic that can cure your party.
Since I used Rose but not Meru and Shana I needed them.) Go North until you reach a Church speak to the man on the left
and a short story FMV will begin. Go to man near the top of the screen he is the librarian, the library is the building
that was locked. Speak to him and he will open the library for you. When you are in the library you will be only able
to control Dart. When you do speak to Kongol first he will be looking at the pictures in a book about the Winglie's.
will tell him what the book says. Go up the ladder to speak to Shana she was reading a book about the Divine Moon Objects.
Go up the next ladder where Haschel the Librarian and Albert are. Speak to Albert he will be reading a book about Politics,
but he tells you about the book he read previously about Dragons. Go over to Haschel and he will tell you about the Dragoons.
When you speak to everyone speak to the Librarian. A FMV will start and he will tell you about the Dragon Campaign.
He will now tell you to go upstairs to another room to know more about the Dragon Campaign. Go up stairs and he decides
to tell you more about the Black Monster.
Also the 2nd Sacred Sister is also from Neet and she survived the Black Monster
attack. There was some special glass in the church in Neet and yet another boring FMV will begin telling you about that.
When that's over you will be switched to Rose, who will be in Neet.You will control Rose there isn't much to do in Neet,
so go north to meet the second sacred sister. She will be at the large grave honoring everyone who died during the Black
Monster attack. You will get a sequence of the Black Monster attack. The Black Monster is looking for the moonchild
the 2nd sister's mother will be killed by the Black Monster but she will not be killed. After this sequence Rose will offer
to accompany them back to Deningrad.
(This is a spoiler too, but I can't explain the game without spoiling this
so I am sorry some spoilers are game effecting and some of them I can't keep secret, you can not read this section but
I will talk about it later in the guide)You will now control Meru and a fireball will be thrown at her. A Wingly by
the name of Guaraha threw the fireball and doesn't want Meru in the forest. He will let her in even though he doesn't want
to so go north use the slick transporter and you will be in a village full of Winglies. The Bardel's will want Meru
to leave because once a Wingly leaves the forest they aren't welcome.
That's right Meru is a Wingly! The leader of
the Winglies will come down and restore order. Meru's parents will come, Meru's mother will want to see her daughter
but will be stopped by her father because she is a disgrace( I think dressing the way Meru does is more of a "disgrace"
than leaving the village) After the spoiler a man named Guaraha will tell her about the Divine Dragon, they have a way
to stop the Divine Dragon and this sequence will be over. Another but cooler FMV will begin of the Divine Dragon trying
to break his chains. Now you will be back to the main people, save at the inn and go out of town you will see the two
sisters with Rose.
You will go back in town and start to speak them but then something will happen. Another FMV
will start with the Divine Dragon flying over Deningrad and doing some minimum damage.Now Meru will rejoin your party and
the sisters will invite you to go and see the Queen when you tell her that you are Dragoons. Now off to the castle you
can save here to if you wish. When you go in the castle go north then up a flight of stairs into the Queen's Chambers, you
will meet the Queen and a bitchy girl named Miranda. She is also a sacred sister, the 1st actually. The Queen will want
to know how you plan to stop the attack.
Rose will tell her about the Dragon Block Staff. Meru will tell them that's it's
in the forest of the Winglies. You will be out of this room and find that Shana is missing, Go back near the throne room
and take a right to find Shana on her knees and the White Dragoon Spirit in the air. She will feint and the White Dragoon
Spirit will find Miranda. It will glow for her like it did with everyone else. She will now be a Dragoon, since Shana is
powerless with a Dragoon, and even more powerless without one she will not be in your party any more. Now Miranda is
so you trade the sarcastic bitch for the whiny ho. No difference really they have the same powers.
Now head back
to the world map and back to the forest. Now remember that dead-end? Well its still a dead end, but this time Meru will
reveal she is a Wingly and she can open the path (I'm sorry I couldn't get around it =(. Now enter the forest of the
Winglies. When you are there you will get fireballs thrown at you but eventually these two idiots will stop, so take the transporter
to the main part of the village, you can now save at that save point where you couldn't before. Now speak to one of those
guys and he says he has the permission of the elder to fly you to the top, at the first room there are Winglies.
the next room you will find Meru's parents she will tell them that they are good humans and Gigantos and that they take
care of her. There are transporters all over the place one leads to the weapon and item shop the other leads to the
Bardel brothers' home. So take that one then one to the north. Apparently the Bardel's had a sister and the humans killed
her. He will get mad and use a fireball on you, Dart will become a Dragoon and scare this punk ass off. Now leave here
and speak to a Wingly who will bring you further up, you can now speak to Ancestor Blano, you don't get much words in because
he tells you about the Divine Dragon escaping and he already knows you want the Dragon Block Staff. Blano shows you
where it is and now it's your job to retrieve it. ============================================================================= 3C:
Meet the Staff that blocked The Dragon!
Ok speak to Blano and you will be brought to the Forbidden City where the Dragon
Block Staff is held. Once you are there everything is strait forward until you reach a fork in the road. One goes south
and it leads to an item the other one goes to another area with teleporters things get a little confusing here so you
have to listen carefully if this place confuses you. Take the teleporter on your left it will take you to a place that's
next to a teleporter so take that one and go inside the building.Inside there is a lot of teleporters so you have to
pay attention. Don't take any teleporters unless you want what's in the treasure chest, if you don't care just go into
the next area.
In this area take the teleporter which will take you below where you were. Take the teleporter
on the left once you are down there. Now go through the door. The next area is strait forward meaning you don't have two
paths so just take he teleporters until you get to the exit.You will be in a large room, both or either Kongol and Rose
will sense blood in this area. This was a coliseum where Winglies use to watch Humans; Gigantos and other species fight
to the death. Once that's over head north towards the transporters and you will be in the next area. When you are there
you will see a save point and a red transporter looking thing.
Use that it's like a recovery pond. I would level
up here and get my additions up to speed if you haven't done so then SAVE.Optional Area: (You do not have to do this
part but advise it)Now go north and you are in the next area you will see 6 blue transporters, and you have to use a certain
order. The trick is the pictures over the teleporters, each one represents each being Void, Minitos, Gigantos, Humans,
Winglies, Dragoons. So basically it's like this using number 1 to 6, from left to right.
X 3 4 6 5 2 1
Head to the "X" Its an elevator the next area has strait forward transporters so keep using them until you are near a door
way a small sequence will start but that's interrupted by a Virage!
<!--StartFragment-->Boss Fight XXIII Virage 3 Element: Void Suggested Party: Dart Albert Kongol Suggested
Attack: Every one Block Difficulty Easy Item: Healing Rain
Just Block, that's it do nothing else unless you
want to kill it you can but you don't need to. He has 10 lives and every round he loses one, so after 10 rounds and
blocking he will die especially if you go into the fight with full energy. This fight is worth it if you are low in the
levels. You need a pick up fighting him well guarding will give it to you.
Haschel & Miranda
Like above
all you have to do is block for 10 rounds I advise equipping Miranda with a physical ring. Because this Virage can do some
heavy damage if things come down to it in the later rounds have her turn into a Dragoon as Miranda to do a mass curing
if Miranda's Dragoon level is high enough I don't really advise this though
Meru & Rose
Like the previous
two just block you will need to definitely put a Physical Ring on Meru and hope for the best with Rose. After 10 rounds
he's defeated. #############################################################################
Assuming you fought
him or not you should be back at the save and recovery point. Don't go north instead take the other path. If you fought
the Virage then a wise idea would be to save here and recover instead of wasting your healing rain. Head into the next
area you will see some red devices and many robotic enemies. The object is stepping on the red devices so they can not catch
you it sounds hard or it made seem hard but it isn't, you usually can make it to all of them with out them getting you.
Once you turn each one blue a door will open. Go through it, and you will be in a room with blocks in it. These blocks
are pretty strait forward if you take a wrong path is generally lead to an item or accessory.
When you are done
you will be taken back to some transporters. You will be transported to the next area. Here there will be a strait forward
pathway you will see a funny looking thing coming out of the ceiling. Meru will recognize that as the Dragon Block Staff
she will have a hard time getting it out, when she finally pulls it out it will turn around and reveal itself. ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XXIV Grand Jewel Element: Earth Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, Kongol Other Characters: Rose Meru &
Haschel Difficulty: Extremely Hard Item: Spectral Flash
I hate this fucker, it took me days to beat him, and
I wanted to break the Dragon Block Staff in half and cry. This guy is mega tough and one of the hardest bosses in the
game. Logic should tell you that since it blocks Dragons it also blocks Dragoons. So all you can do is Additions, if you
try to turn into a Dragoon you will barely touch him since he is a Dragon Block Staff. He will use some all-elemental
attacks on you and if you are not prepared these can devastate you. I beat him the first time with just Albert standing
and a well placed Gust of Wind Dance. So I suggest if you fail your first time that you think about leveling up or getting
your additions as strong as possible if you want to make it through this fight. This fight will not be easy, especially if
you depend on turning into Dragoons to win your battles.
Rose, Meru, And Haschel
Good Lord this was a TOUGH
battle, and he is even harder with this team. So basically don't use Miranda because she gives barely any energy with her Dragoon
curing. Have all 3 of these characters hit him hard and fast with whatever you got make sure you have your best and only
your best additions ready at the beginning of the battle. If you feel your level's are low and you didn't fight the
third Virage fight him for easy EXP. Anyway his all element attack were the death of me, I couldn't see a way around most
of what he was doing. So basically these 3 are the weakest HP wise characters you can use so one of them has to have
some high defensive magic stuff and the other character has to have a Physical Ring there is no other way jabroni. #############################################################################
defeating him you will get a Dragon Block Staff now head right out of this screen. There will be a teleporter here use
the teleporter to take you back to the beginning of this area, go out of this screen. Exit out of this place you will
be on regular ground and it will start to shake. You will see the shadow of the Divine dragon everyone will run back to
the forest of the Winglie's. Ancestor Blano will be there and he will give you a free trip back to Deningrad, but he
is feeling weak. Meru's parents and other Winglie's will help.A FMV will show the Divine Dragon attacking Deningrad and
the castle. Everything fallen to pieces bummer.
After the cool FMV is over you will be in Deningrad. Miranda will
leave your party to go strait to the damaged castle. Explore the newly shapened town, everything is still there but
there in different places. The item and weapon shop and the inn are close to the exit of the town, I think the vast majority of
items and weapons are still intact (Armor of Legend is still here and still expensive). When you are done looking at this
garbage heap go and see what is left of the castle.Once there you will see Miranda slap a guard and she will find the
other 2 sacred sisters. Go up the stairs things are slightly different in the destroyed crystal palace but not by much.
go up the new path you will meet the other sister Wink. She will inform Dart that Shana is ok and is in the chamber with
the Queen. You will get a small sequence of Shana glowing when the Divine Dragon attack. After the sequence you will
be at an make shift inn, and Shana will be resting there. After this is over its time to head to the mountains to face
the dragon, the Divine Dragon! ============================================================================= 3D:
3D= DA Divine Dragon!
Go to the Forest and remember the path that the dumb guard wouldn't let you through? Well
that's the way to the Mountain of the Mortal Dragon, after getting back on the world map save on it if you never did back
in Deningrad. When you enter everything is strait forward so just keep going along the path. Until you reach a fork
that is =P Take the right path to get an item, take the north path to get to the next screen. Head strait forward when
you get into the next area there will be a few caves here. There is one on your left, which leads to a weapon or something
for Kongol. There is also a cave near the top which leads to a item (Sun Rhapsody I think)
Then their is a path
take the path to get to the next area. After this everything else is strait forward until you get a small sequence
where you hear some fighting. Now continue along the path until you reach the save point SAVE here. Select your party
and equip your best Additions even if you are trying to level up earlier additions. Now head north until you hear some
more fighting, everyone will stop and they will see that its Lloyd going toe to tow with the Divine Dragon. You now
learn that the cool ass sword is the Dragon Buster, and just like its name implies it bust up dragons. A FMV will start
of the Divine Dragon attacking.
Everyone will recover after the attack and go full steam at the Dragon. ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XXV Divine Dragon Element: Void Party I: Albert and Kongol Party II: Rose Albert Party
III: Meru, Haschel (Do Not use Miranda she is USELESS for this battle) Difficulty: Extremely Hard Item: Flash Hall
This was the party I used and it wasn't a picnic. During the first round Dart will automatically use the Dragon
Block staff which reduces his attack and defense to a normal bearable margin, which in turn like the Grand Jewel your attack
and defense are reduced. Now have Albert using his Gus of Wind Dance is that at this point you have failed to obtain his
best Addition. Have Kongol using his best if he doesn't have his best a full power Inferno can be devastating. Have
Dart using his best if you don't have his best use one that's preferably over 250% like Volcano, or Crush Dance. Take out
everything on the Dragon Ball, the Dragon Ball is what allows him to do a very powerful attack on the whole party.
this gone go for the Cannon, which won't be easy to get rid of. After that if you use these 3 he's reduced to a weak arm
swipe which shouldn't do too much damage to high defensive characters like these.
Party: II
Well much like
party I but you are using Rose, Rose is much more faster than Albert and Dart and if you have the dancer shoes on her she
is almost as quick as Meru, but pretty even with Shana. Equipping Rose with a Physical Ring is the idea since her hp
isn't even in the same league as Kongol's. Like I said above have Dart use his most powerful addition, one that hits over
250% Albert using his most powerful or Gust of Wind Dance which can deliver 350% of power (If you are not a whiz at
it invest in an Ultimate Wargod).
I'm in a 3rd play through so I haven't tested it as of this moment, if it does
work then it is very useful. Plus the fact she gives some HP's back to the party making Astral Drain still a useful form
of magic. Like I said earlier defeat the canon and ball first they should go down easily. Then with those gone the rest
of him should be easy.
Party: III
Well, if you are using Dart, Meru and Haschel things are a wee bet different. Since
besides Miranda this is the fastest party but weak on strength. If you have Meru on level 20 I advise you to master Cat's
Cradle since its nearly impossible to have her last one at this moment. If You don't Hammer Spin can do some damage,
if I had Meru with some things to improve her sped even more you can get 2 turns and a possible but unlikely third turn
use her as the healer. Have Dart doing his mastered or one that this over 250%. Have Haschel using Hex Hanger or Omni-Sweep
if you have it, these will hit him hard and fast.
Takes out his components first heal when you need and then go
for the rest of him. Meru should be equipped with a Physical ring to help her very low HP and the arm sweep will do
some serious damage to Meru.
Alternate Divine Dragon Strategy! By GMan 14
if you follow this stradegy your
difficulty for him him will change from fucking hard to very FUCKING EASY! you can win in atleast 5 mins! you are right
dont change into a dragoon! use as your party: dart (obviously) albert (gust of wind dance) and well i used haschel cause
i like him but i know you like kongol so you can use him. stack up on healing breezes and angels prayers! THE ONLY THING
YOU DO WITH ALBERT IS ATTACK! it doesent matter is he has 1 hp attack! use the red eye dragoon stone (which brings down
fire based attacks to half on haschel, well in your case, kongol) and use the bandits ring on albert (increases speed
of him WICKED)
and the thing that increaeses a guys hp by 20 points on dart (i dont know if you have that but if
you do then this will work perfectly) remember always attack with albert. if you use the thing that increases darts hp
by 20 points you barely even have to guard with dart (i didnt have to at all i dont i know about you though) use kongol
(in your case) for all the magic (attack with him too if you like) oh ya and same as lenus use dart for the healing breezes after
you revive someone cause then you know it...... GUST OF WIND DANCE! use alberts gust of..... and darts volcano and this
battle should take a few minutes! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EASY!!!!!!! #############################################################################
the only reason I didn't use Miranda was because she had no additions and in addition mandatory battles she will not work
well at all. When he's finished Dart will do the deathblow but Lloyd will cut out his eye. He will get the Divine Dragon's
Dragoon Spirit although it has no reaction to him he keeps it anyway. Lloyd will disappear now go all the way back to the
2-cave area. Lloyd will be there everyone will surround him but he throws a fireball at you. Dart & Rose will fall
down off the ledge. She will be talking to herself and when she wakes up Meru will be there to fly you back to join the
rest of the party.
Miranda will tell you about the Moon Object of her kingdom and everyone will figure that is
Lloyd's next target. Now follow the path out of the Mountain and SAVE on the world map. Now head to the evergreen green
forest and a sequence will begin where Wink (one of the sacred sisters) will be attacked by Younger Bardel. Bardel will
throw a fire ball at the guards knocking them all off the ledge. He will prepare one for Wink but Lloyd to the rescue using
his Wingly powers he will deflect the fireball. He will then whip out his umm Dragon Busterino and slay Bardel. But
before he does he uses a huge economy size Wingly special fireball to seriously hurt Lloyd. Wink will offer to have him
looked at, in the castle.
When you gain control go towards Deningrad and some guards will stop you they will inform
Miranda that the Queen has been taken away by Lloyd! You were too late so rush back to the castle! If you have been collecting
Stardust Martel will be in this town so you can cash those in for an item. When you get to the castle go to the Queen's
quarters once there speak to the guards. They will all talk about how unstoppable Lloyd was and what he could do a sequence
will begin where they show Wink introducing Lloyd to the queen. The 2nd sister will sense that he is an evil presence.
When his cover is blown by her the guards come after him he grabs the queen and disappears. Miranda well tell everyone where
the Moon Mirror is located its in the Tower of Flanvel. =============================================================================
Lloyd Man Hunt
Time to head to the Tower of Flanvel, which is inside the Kashau Glacier on your world map, Save
on the world map and head there. Despite the Heat blade being hot as the name applies well actually it kicks ass here.
Once you are in the Glacier you will get a conversation among your party when that is over, take the path out of the
screen and continue left until you reach a fork. Take the left path and keeps going left then go strait. You will encounter
a couple of faggot merchants churning butter to keep their hands warm. They have some good weapons and items if you
would like them. When you are done with these nuts heads back out of this place.
You will be in a place with a lot
of icicles hanging from the landings. This is place is slightly confusing but a little know how and you can make it through
you can go for the treasure chest if you want. But if you are like me you probably used up all your free spaces and have
no place for the items, and I hate throwing away an item that I was using. So when you reach the bottom you will get
a Save point, SAVE here it usually means a long road or a battle fight is coming. If you are this far into the game you
can assume which one it will be =) Now go up the landing as usual Kongol will detect the monster presence and the boss
fight will presume! ############################################################################# Boss Fight XXVI Windigo Element:
Water Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, and Kongol Other Parties: Haschel & Miranda Rose & Meru Difficulty:
Medium Item: Brass Knuckle
Well this guy can be a pain in the ass for a long time sense it will take a beating
to keep this guy down. He has quite a few nasty attacks, which can do major damage to you. One good thing he doesn't have
an attack that can destroy your whole crew which is quite a relief. He has one attack where he puts one of your characters
inside him, which can be deadly to the person. Don't attack while he does this block and attack the two cannons because
your are only attacking your character and not him. Dart's Final Burst does tremendous damage to him close to 2000 hp's
can be taken off with it, and at this point you can just about defeat him with 5 of those. Albert's Gust of Wind Dance
or his final Additions is very useful here as well. Kongol's high defensive rate will come in handy if he decides to "pick
on" Kongol. Heal when necessary and basically have Dart be the main form of attack in this battle.
Haschel &
If you decided on using Haschel and Miranda then give Miranda a physical ring to help her low HP's. You
should have Miranda be a Dragoon as much as possible if you want to keep everyone energy as high as possible. If Miranda gets
trapped with no curative items, you might as well run away. Because this is one battle where Miranda will come in handy.
His trapping attack is his deadliest and one of the things that makes this boss so hard. But a lot of Dragoon Magic
from Dart can turn this bastard out. Especially Final Burst you don't even need to use Red Eye Dragon, since they take
off identical Hp's. Have Haschel as normal and be the curing character when Miranda can't be a Dragoon. But at this
stage in the game if you have been leveling up Shana/Miranda throughout the game one hit and she should be able to come
a Dragoon, keep her healthy as long as possible.
Rose & Meru
If you were a person who always used Meru
well... she is very ineffective in this battle sense the boss is water based and so is she. So your best offense with
her is making her do the curing of everyone, and it won't be a big deal if she gets captured by Windigo since like in most
battles Dart is the main offensive weapon here. Use Dart as much as possible since Final Burst kicks more ass than a
little bit. Basically this guy will crumble if you do everything correctly. #############################################################################
along the path and get the treasure cheats if you want. You will get a small conversation with Rose, she will explain how
the Winglies used that building in the dragon campaign. Forget that and keep going on your path. Now exit out of this
place. You will be in a place with circular balls. Basically the one usually to the right inside the ball will get you
to the right place. It's pretty easy getting through this even though it may look sort of difficult. Finally when you
get on ground everyone will know Lloyd is up there.
Make sure you have your best equipment equipped, and make sure
to come in the battle with full energy and a high enough level. Also make sure you have your best Additions ready. You
should at this point have stumbled across a Talisman equip your best Dragoon (usually Dart) with that. There is no where else
to go so use the teleporter to get where Lloyd is at. ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XXVII Lloyd Element: Void Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, Kongol Other Parties: Haschel & Rose Meru &
Miranda Difficulty: Extremely Difficult Item: none
Lloyd will not be easy at all. Since he uses a wicked Dragon
Buster sword which causes INSTANT DEATH to anyone foolish enough to become a Dragoon. He has an extremely high evasive
rate and can get out of tight situations with ease. The only trouble with this group is that they are too slow and you
will miss about 35% of your attacks. But he has a nasty elemental attack which makes a dome come over your party and
not only does it take off tremendous HP, it is all elemental so you know this thing will be difficult to get around. Then there
is the fact that if you stay a Dragoon for more than one round he will kill you literally an instant death hit with his
Dragon Buster
it seems like it can bust a Dragoon too =( But, if you equip Dart with a talisman he will always miss
the instant death blow, and he will concentrate his attack on Dart which allows the other members to get cured and block while
he concentrates his attack on the Dragoon. So that's your basis for of attack is to turn Dart or whoever has a Talisman
into a Dragoon. Have Albert using his best additions, and have Kongol using his final if you have it and have him curing
whenever necessary.
Haschel Rose
This team is a LOT faster than the previous one and the evasive rate of Lloyd is
reduced a lot in this one. You will have to give Rose that Physical Ring for her to even stand up to the some of his attacks.
Like the other strategy with Dart, he will allow the two faster character to get in some great Additions on him. Rose
and Haschel have good magic defense so this won't really kill you but Haschel dropped a few times in this battle when I
was playing. I think since he has an obsession with killing the Dragoon then you will do great against him. He won't
have much of a chance to even attack Rose except with the Dome. He usually cast Dome before he dies, so if anyone survives
have them turn into a dragoon and kill him.
Miranda & Meru
You can give the talisman to Miranda if her
Dragoon Level gives her few turns, and have Dart and Meru do all the additions. Since this is the fastest team he basically
has nil evasive rate, since Miranda and Meru are very fast. Meru should have Cat's Cradle at this point if you been using
her a lot then it should take off decent damage to Lloyd. His magic will still do some decent damage on the rounds he
decides not to damage the Dragoon. The only reason I suggest you have Miranda have the Talisman is because she has no addition skills,
and she can cure Meru & Dart and this also raises her defense which in turn you can allow Meru to wear the physical
ring. If you follow this strategy Lloyd won't be that much trouble except when he uses that damn Dome. #############################################################################
the battle Dart will go for his finishing blow but Lloyd will evade the attack. Dart will go for it again, and Wink will
save Lloyd. Wink will tell Dart that Shana has been captured by Emperor Diaz. Lloyd will give Dart the moon objects
and tell him to take them to Vellweb to take them to Emperor Diaz. He will also want Dart to kill him, but Dart just punches
him in the face. You will be outside and a guard will take the two sisters, Wink and the queen away. Dart will want
to know from Lloyd why did he save Wink twice, he will say he had no reason. Now make it allllll the way back to the world
map its a hard road and even though Lloyd has now joined you, you can't use him (damnit) When you are back onto the
world map you should save here. ============================================================================= 3F: End
of Disk III
Go to the snowfield when you are there the weather
will be too inclimate so everyone will seek shelter in a near by cave. Lloyd will tell you about the moon child the
black monster and other things. Fascinating stuff, anyway Meru will notice that its not snowing that bad and they can continue.
Now you can enter the cave again it's a recovery point from now on you can do some leveling here if you want. Now continue
on until you get to a stone tablet. No one will understand the writing though, but there will be a door to the north. This
door leads to a side quest, which I will explain about in the optional section when I type the optional section.
after the side quest continue along the path and you will be back on the world map. Go to Vellweb, when you get there a
long sequence will begin. Proceed along the pretty strait forward path until you see a tower that is floating, Rose
will explain to you those humans fired arrows at that tower during the Dragon Campaign. You will run into a couple of faggot
merchants, they sell items they sell weapons. Stock up on what you need and go along your quest. Now go back and go
left when you do you will see Shirley she will tell you about the souls of 4 of the original Dragoons who died in the Dragoon campaign
reside here, she has saved them from Mayfil.
You can't at this point go on this quest. By the way Sharly will heal
your party so she is a Recovery Point, if you have anyone who can't do their final Addition right now would be the place
the monsters are defeatable you can gain levels while in the process. When you are finished head to the right towards
Emperor Diaz. Proceed along the strait forward path until you go down a staircase which leads to 4 separate paths. The
1st is a dead end the 2nd leads to an item the 3rd leads to Emperor Diaz the 4th also leads to an item. When you collect
your items head to the 3rd doorway to confront the Emperor. There is no boss fight ahead, and there is nothing but Spoilers
ahead so skip to the 4th disk or find this stuff out through reading or playing I warned you...
you go in the Emperor Diaz Room, you will see Shana floating, Dart will demand Shana back. He will oblige for the Moon
Objects so reluctantly Dart gives them to him. He will release Shana from her confinement, now he will explain his plot.
He wants to release the 108th race and true ruler of the world. The Virage Embryo will destroy the world, and create a
new one where it would be the dominate race. Lloyd wanted to rebuild the world he lived in so he goes for Emperor Diaz,
but he stops Lloyd and drops him off the tower. The FMV will begin where he decided to take off his mask and reveal his
true form...
Rose: Zieg! Dart: Father! DTurner:What the fuck! Apparently its safe to say that Zieg Rose's lover
is also Dart's father! Now Zieg (From this point on for the sake of those who didn't read this he will be called Emperor
Diaz) will explain what he means more in-depth.In the beginning Soa the Creator created the major races. Major races
being Gigantos, Minintos, Dragons, Humans, Winglies. Winglies were the 107th and presumed last race, a 108 race threatened
them. Virage Embryo would be the last race and 108th race that would destroy the world so that Soa can start a new world.
So the separated it so that this 108th race would never be born.
There was a Crystal Sphere kept by Melbu Frahma.
Humans decided to stop Melbu Frahma by harnessing the power of Dragons, known as Dragoons. The Dragoons took down Melbu
Frahma, and before Emperor Diaz died he was turned into stone. Now after this when they destroyed him the soul of the Virage
Embryo was released. Every 108 years the Moon That Never Sets glows bright red. This is when the Moon Child is being
born, and every 108 years a Dragoon from the Dragoon Campaign killed the Moon Children. The only Dragoon from the Campaign is
Rose! She is the Black Monster! She also says she had to destroy Neet to kill the Moon Child.
Now that's bad right
well how about this Rose thought she killed the moon child she had a sister... Shana! Shana is the moon child! Now Diaz
will take Shana back and Rose will try and kill Shana. But Rose will be blocked by Diaz's powers. Zieg and Shana will
disappear and you will be prompted to insert Disk IV! Your almost there! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Chapter IV: Moon & Fate
4A: Sand Trap!
(Note: My Map isn't as coherent as Happy Matt's or Desmond
Xie's, so I don't tell you were items are. If you want more about items look at theirs if you just want to get through
this thing look at mines!)
At the beginning Rose will tell you this is called the Death Frontier, and this place
is a huge sand pit that many don't make it out of. This place is confusing, but one good thing is the battles are touched
based, but its extremely difficult to avoid getting touched when you are almost about to fall down a pit.
In order of which block you go on first second third etc.
X- Sand traps or inaccessible places, or a place that ahs
nothing to do with getting out of here.
S- Save R- Recovery
_____ |
| | 20
| |
| _____|_____|
| | |
| 18 | 19 | |
| | |_____|XXXXX|
| | |
| X | 17 |
|_____|_____ | |
| | | S/R | START
| 16 | 15 | _____ |_____|_____|XXXXX | |
X | | | | X
X 14 | 13 | | 1 | X
| | |_____|XXXXX X_____|_____| |
| X | | |
2 | 3 X X | 12 | |
| X | | |_____|_____X
______|_____| | X |
| | X | 4 X | 10 | 11
| | X | |
| |_____X XXXXX|_____|_____| |
X | | X | 5 X 8
| S/R | X | X | 9
| |_____X _____|_____| |
| X X | 6 | 7 X X
| | X |______|_____X
you are out of this place, explore the area round you not too many places you can go but to that town. Well there are some
pretty righteous enemies on the world map. Don't do what I did get to the near the end and my levels were too low to
beat any of the bosses. My first play through when I was around here I was weak, I had Dart on Level 31 and everyone else
was only high 20's from 26-29. There are Magical Jars here that can give you great experience you may run into a rainbow
bird here as well these are rare. Work on these jars on my 2nd play through in this area alone I increased my levels with
everyone. If you have any ultra rare sachets save those for the birds. If you encounter a bird here, use it on the bird.
The magical jars can be beaten, with a poison needle, and a magic signet stone. It's tricky but it will pay off. Enough joking
around and let's hit Ulara! =============================================================================
The Beginning of the End
Enter Ulara when you do you will get a sequence with Rose. She will use her magic choker
to open the city up for you. When you are there Caron will greet you, Caron knows Rose. As a matter of fact everyone knows
Rose in this town. Caron will mention about Charle Frahma wanted to see her. Now go towards the right into the next
area. You will see two paths and a teleporter. The teleporter leads to some stores you can come back to these later. Now
take the right path, you will meet a Wingly who knows Rose. Rose will want to know where Charle is, she will tell you
about the Signet, not much but some. Now go up the stairs there.
Speak to the Wingly to your left, he will tell
you about a lot of things, which at this point I do not remember. Now go left and take the transporter. You will be
next to a large transporter, use it to take you across the way. You will meet Charle Frama, she likes to cause Rose "Rosie".
will greet Rose strangely with the Rosie talk. She will give you some options to talk to her about choose, Signet Sphere
first. She will tell you there are 3 Signet Spheres left in the world. There were originally 5 one got destroyed during
the Dragoon Campaign the other was destroyed when the Divine Dragon attacked Deningrad. The 3 Signet Spheres can be destroyed
by using 3 of the Divine Moon Objects.The 2nd option is about the Moon That Never Sets. She will explain that was the
108th fruit from Soa. During the Dragon Campaign that was destroyed and the Soul of the Virage Embryo leaked into humans.
The Moon Child would go to the Moon That Never Sets and that will be the end of the world.
The 3rd option about
Dart's Father. Charle will tell you about how Zieg and Rose were lovers and they fought together, and they were in love
together. This ruins Rose's mystique and makes her less "cool" So she doesn't want to speak about this.
The 4th
Option will arrive. This is pretty logical why would Winglies make objects that could destroy the Signet Spheres. Charle
will tell you that her brother Melbu wanted them, he was using the soul to help him rule the lesser races. So Charle
created the Signet Spheres to weaken the power of the Moon. When Melbu fount out what Charle did he created the Moon objects
to destroy the spheres.Now Dart will want to know where the other 3 Signet Stones are at they are in Mayfil, Zenebatos,
and Aglis.Night time will come, and you can leave so take a teleporter out there. You will get a sequence that happened
the night before in the Death Frontier.
Apparently Dart and Rose, had a battle in the Desert, and Dart beat her,
after the talk with Charle and exit after the sequence, it will be just Dart & Rose. Go back to the place where there
were 2 paths and a teleporter. Take theteleporter and you will be in the shops. Kongol and Albert decided to get some
weapons, armor, and a hooker or two since its been a while. When you are finish with them get some weapons and armor and
make sure to go the item shop too, to get some curative items. Now go back to the place with the teleporter and the
paths. Take the path that you didn't take earlier and a teleporter will be there and you will find Haschel & Miranda.
Miranda will explain how she didn't like "Roses" because her mother had a lot of them.
(This is the only time Miranda
didn't act like a bitch so soak it up) Haschel will tell Miranda about his runaway daughter and that's why he is on this journey.
Since they are going to Haschel's hometown which he hasn't been to for over 20 years he wants to get wired before he gets
there =).That's everyone but Meru, where could she be? Dancing topless for the local Winglies? Of course not she lacks
boobs! Anyway you will see her speaking to Caron about her Forest. She is brushing Caron up on the latest Wingly Fashions,
and such. Well you have to get going so Meru now joins you. Caron will say as far as they can get you is to Kongol's old
stomping grounds
Home of the Gigantos. Well everything will be prepared in the morning, so it's time to rest!Yawn!!!!
Everybody up? Ok, you get to pick your party, it doesn't matter at this point since you aren't going to get into any battles
go with who you usually use and get going on your way. You will be in Charle's house so make your way back to the entrance.
Guess what a whole town of Winglies will be there. You will be transported back to the world map.Once back there you
will encounter some Rainbow birds birds you can't do much with them right now. So now head into the Home of the Gigantos
you will see no one at first but then Kongol will move a huge rock allowing you access.
Kongol will take a small
look around but he is with friends and the sequence is over. There are piggies here that sometimes drop Sachets. This is
a wonderful leveling up opportunity, since you have the recovery point. So use that gather a lot of sachets 10-20 will
do perfectly. You can get a few of those magic pots but I wouldn't advise you waste it on them. When you are done in
this area, make it back on the world map.Looks familiar! It should you are back in Tiberoa! (If I knew about that rock
earlier we could avoided the entire 3rd disk!) Now head to the Valley of Courpted Gravity. This place is still hard to
figure out but the enemies are the same, and now you can basically beat the shit out of anything here, since you are much
stronger than your first trip. (Refer to the 2nd disk or another guide for in-depth help back through the valley)
you are back on the world map go to barrens. Work your way through back to Fletz. You might want to visit Kaffi, she doesn't
have much to say you should visit Nello, he has done some things while you were gone. Proceed to the castle, the boner
catching guard is there, he will let you pass because you are heroes. Now go to the Kings quarters, he has already gotten
word about you needing the Queen Fury to save the world, so he lets you use it. Oh yeah don't forget to save at the
ultra fun wacky save point its more fun now to save here than ever before! Hey remember those two doors that wouldn't open?
Now they do that's the access to the ship.
Speak to Kayla when you are ready to leave. Control the boat like you normally
would it would he highly advisable in this area if you have collected Sachets to use them on the rainbow birds that are
encountered here. They are easily defeatable with them. So the characters that you want to raise levels considerably
would be a great idea here if you collected a lot of them. I had about 15 and was able to get levels higher than normal,
so that I would be prepared for that difficult 4th CD battles. When you are done with the birds enter Rogue.Once in
Rogue everyone will be excited because people normally don't come to this small border town.
Now the mayor will
remember Haschel, and Haschel wants to speak to him more. He wants to see him in his house. Now its time to explore! Go
up the ladder to your right and exit the screen you will find two men selling items and weapons, stock up what looks
good. Now up a ladder into the next area. Haschel will speak to the Mayor about what has happened in the town. He will
also want to know of any strange structures have popped up recently. Someone will mention a "stick", in a weird place
in the ocean which looks out of place but its not reachable by boat because of the strange water activities around this
Now SAVE at the save point near here. Now leave this area and explore a near by house. Martel will be there,
there is also a star dust near her place. Get that stardust if you have been collecting stardust through out the game.
Give this to Martel and if you have al l50 she will be able to cure her sick daughter. She gives you a vanishing stone
in return. Remember where that guy blocked you? Well you can now pass you will see a forest type area, go up the stairs.
The screen will change and you will see the "Stick" in the ocean. Rose will recognize the stick as the Magic City Aglis.
She will decide to tell you about Birth City Crystal Place. The City was used to judge babies only ones with the most
magical power could be born.
She when then tell you about Mayfil the Winglies sent souls there to be judge. She
will tell you more and you will get choices:
Forbidden Land, Kadessa- it was the capital of the Winglies, it was the center
of everything.
Birth City Crystal Palace- nothing new
Death City Mayfil- Nothing New
Law City Zenebatos-
this is the place where Wingly laws were made, and trials were.
Magic City Aglis- it's a city where they study magic
well that's self-explanatory.
There has to be way there hmmm, well you will automatically leave this area, and sequence
will occur where you are being watched. Rose will sense it some how. Now the ground will begin the shake, go back up to
see what happen the ocean opened up, and the stick is now larger than ever! Go back to your small boat, and go back
to the Queen Fury and save. Also get some important items from Rogue before you go that you may need if you are running
low somehow. Once you saved head towards the city. =============================================================================
Magic City Aglis
Once there Rose will ask Dart to open the door since there is nothing else to do you might as well,
you can speak to your whole party first. When you open the door Meru will examine the area. She will inform you that this
city is under the sea and there is a lot of magic being used to keep it that way, in other words you can't go back to
the regular world yet. Take the two teleporters out of here, you will meet a creature. His name is Ruff, Ruff will tell
you that they have been waiting for the 7 Dragoons to come. Meru will find out that this creature is pure magic, anyway
he will want you to follow him so do so.
Go into the next area and there will be many transporters. Take the transporter
in front of you to get to a lower platform. Take the treasure and take the next transporter, to get you to the platform
across the way. Then go through the exit, you can use the other transporters to get the treasures there aren't a mandatory
item in them though. In the next area take the teleporter across the exit through the doorway, you will meet another creature
here. His name is Phewey and he will tell you about the psychedelic bomb. Now go through the exit out of this room.
Take the teleporter to a platform with 4 teleporters on it.
Take the teleporter to your left to reach another platform.
When you are finished you will meet another magic creature named Spino. He wants you to meet a man named Savan. Now
go the next area.You will be in the place where you were being watched earlier. There is a creature here named Decal, he
will speak to you about Savan. Now leave this area to your left. Now take the transporters out of this area, there aren't
any "Fork" teleporters here. When you are in the next area take the teleporter. You will see quite a few in front of you,
so take the one on the left.
This will take you after a few more transporters to the next area.You will meet
Savan finally, he will talk about the Signet Sphere, and it is safe so there is no worry. There is a creature called Kraken
protecting it. Savan is immortal basically since he has been around since the Dragoon Campaign. He has been in this
city all this time trying to construct and activate Moot and Psychedelic Bomb. The only thing missing is the courage from
the 7 Dragoons, that's where you come in. When the conversation is over speak to the creature named Lulu, she will open
a path for you. Now go to the new path.
It's an area where you will see 7 colorful transporters. Savan needs each
one of you to do a courage test. Dart will be last, you have a chance to save here so do so. Kongol's test will be the
Kongol will see Rose, and he is sort of remembering when she wanted to kill him in Emperor
Doel's castle. He will know that's an illusion, and she will disappear. Then he will see Emperor Doel, Emperor Doel will
want to know why he was following the enemy, and he will attack Kongol for his disobedience. Chose (Take Doel's Sword)
Kongol will pass.
She will be impatient about taking her test. A creature named Buckle will confront
her, he will tell her she is annoying [Thank goodness someone told her]. Then he will ask her why she is here. Choose the
2nd option (For the World). Then Buckle will "kill" her and himself. She doesn't buy it though, Then he will ask her
another question choose the 2nd option "I cannot die now" Miranda will pass.
Albert will see Minister
Noish, from his castle. Minister Noish says the Eastern Country has attacked Serdio and he has to report back to his castle. Choose
the 2nd option (I cannot do that) Albert passes the test.
Younger Bardel will confront Meru. He wants
revenge for the humans who killed his baby sister. He will use a powerful Wingly strength fireball on her, but Guarahha
will block it. Then you will get a choice choose the 2nd option (I Cannot die..) Meru will pass the test.
will remember when he trained his daughter Claire and she left. Someone will ask him if he could go back what would he
do? Choose the 2nd option (I Could not stop her) Haschel will pass the test.
Savan will be there with
Rose since she did what she did (read the spoiler to find out) she will pass the test.
Shana will appear,
Dart appears to be controlled and raises his sword in anger sort of like a pimp would slap a ho. Dart will put his pimp
anger aside and get a choice choose the FIRST option (I will save Shana no matter what) Dart will pass the test.
will be waiting for you, Savan has already went to the Psychedelic Bomb. Save at the save point and continue. Once in the
next area take all the transporters to the next screen. Savan will greet you there. Savan will calculate the scores
if you get them all right and took my advise on the answers you will receive a psychedelic bomb X. If not you will receive
an ordinary Psychedelic Bomb. Now continue, you will Savan. He will disappear when you come too close continue to follow
Savan until you reach a Save point, SAVE here. (Usually means a boss fight so make sure your Hps are good your mps are
good and your best additions are equipped.)
Now go to the next area you will see a sequence Kraken the Signet Protector will
be there. Everything is set to help save the world but Emperor Diaz will appear. He is also using Mind control over the
last Kraken so you have to stop it! ############################################################################# Boss
fight XXVIII: Last Kraken Element: Water Suggested Party: Dart, Kongol, and Albert Other Parties: Haschel Miranda,
Rose Meru Difficulty: Hard Item: Pretty Hammer
This guy won't go down easily, after all he is the Last Kraken!
So try and stop him with whatever you got in you. Dart is the Dragoon of choice here, he can deal extreme damage with
his Dragoon Magic. Kongol ahs a very high physical Defensive rate and just incase things get tough have Albert use a Rose
Storm and this guy is down to nothing. If you have a power down it could be helpful here. Allow Dart to use his Final
Burst because it can do tremendous damage if you use a power down and have Dart start the Special. If you don't have a
power down its ok the damage is still pretty good without one.
Now I suggest having Kongol working with curing or
Dragoon Additions here, he isn't needed much. His high HP's come in handy with this boss. Since at this point having
Kongol with a physical ring will give him a tremendous amount of HP like the mid 4,000's close to 5,000. Dart should be
your main form of offense in this battle though.
Haschel Miranda
Have Dart do the strategy above where he
ignites the Special and uses Final Burst, Red eye Dragon isn't good because they both take off the same number of Hps
from the boss and you get more turns with Final Burst. Have Haschel doing his strongest magic or an addition. If Haschel's
level wears off the quickest have him doing his best addition on him like Hex Hammer. Have Miranda do the uring if you
are low on curative items, make sure she has a physical ring or a therapy ring to deal with her low HP level. This boss
has some nasty attacks and the 3 times I fought him he goes after Miranda a lot this may just be an isolated incidence.
& Meru
Have Dart doing the mentioned strategy. If you decide not to use the Special have Rose doing her Final
Addition on him, and have Meru doing Cat's Cradle or her final Addition. It isn't wise to turn Meru into a Dragoon since
she is water based so she isn't very useful for this battle, as a Dragoon using magic. So I used her as a curare and
let Rose and Dart focus in on main attacking and things. #############################################################################
Savan will teleport you out of the room automatically he will die in the room because of an explosion =(. SAVE at the save
point and cure any beat up characters. Now try your best to work your back to the point where you met Ruff. (Ruff was
the first of the creatures) There is a door to the left that can transport you to Law City Zenebatos. Now get transported! ============================================================================= 4D:
Law City Zenebatos
Once you get there, a robot will be there and it will confront you ignore it for now. A flying
creature called 'Wings" or Coolon will appear. This is sort of like a lame airship/teleporter. You can use it to go to
selective cities in the game, but unlike other multi-CD games you have to switch CD's for certain places so have those
previous CD's handy you will need them. You can do a side quest now (Which I may explain in a side quest section). Well
when you are done tinkering with Coolon, head to the green transporter next to room you came out of. Speak to the robot
The robot will speak of Wingly Code 703, which prohibits humans or any non- Winglies from going to the signet
sphere. Rats! While I'm here I'll tell you about all the Wingly codes you should jot these down or print this page.
Code 703: Signet Sphere Access Wingly Code 339: Allows you to use shops* Wingly Code 666: Stops Random Battles Wingly
Code 659: Allows Non-Winglies to roam freely *= Already activated
There is another code, which I will discuss later
since the game won't allow you to activate it early. Go to the screen on your right, you will see a robot there, he
will give you 4 choices:
1. Quit-self explanatory 2. Law Factory-where laws are made/amended 3. Law Launcher-Where
amended laws are publicized 4. Legislation Center- Where Laws are granted
First go to the Law Factory there is a
shop there stock up on any necessary items and go back to the Transporter Etc. Then go to the Legislation Center. There
are sorts of robot guards and they are pretty fast. There only flaw is they have to move on a certain pattern, if any non
Wingly comes across that pattern then they will arrest you try to avoid being arrested for now. Make your way through
the guards the guards can't touch you when you are not on their paths. If you are near a transporter door or treasure then
you can avoid them easily. When you get there you will have to wait on line, make sure not to pass the "velvet rope"
or you will be ignored heh just like real life!.
Now you can go for getting 659 passed which will stop you from being arrested.
If you think these guards can't touch you, then forget it. Get 703 passed, say no to the first option and yes to the second.
He will then ask you to input the numbers, so do so. He will give you a form to give to the Law Factory. After you leave
her purposely get arrested. A sequence will start where everyone is trying to figure out how to get out of jail, then Kongol
will break through the wall like it's a piece of paper. He was too heavy for the robot to transport, so he saved you.
Now get the treasure outside speak to the robot and he takes you back to the main transporter.
Now go to the Law
Factory, try to avoid the guards because you don't want to make Kongol do extra work. When you get there, they will give
you a form to take to the Law Launcher. Again get purposely caught so you can be brought to the main transporter. Now
go to the Law Launcher which isn't that difficult to make it through, and speak to them. Get purposely caught on your way
back. Go to the transporter near the robot on top of the room that brought you there. When you are there they will recognize
that humans can go to the Signet Sphere. Save at the save point (make sure you have the best equipment you know the
drill here) and enter the room. When you get into the room there will be a trial and they will know your names.
will give you the death sentence and get 3 executioners to kill you! But... your Dragoons so kicked their ass! ############################################################################# Boss
Fight: XXIX Vector, Kubila, Selebus Elements: All: Dark Suggested Party: Dart, Rose, and Albert Other Parties:
Haschel & Miranda Kongol & Meru Difficulty Semi-Very Hard Item: None
Well, these 3 won't be easy. Get
rid of Kubila first has everyone focus on his me is the one on your left and the tallest one. He is the one who likes to call
a creature from another dimension, which is a pretty powerful and hard attack to avoid. He also cast instant death with
a tombstone so ice him off quickly. Next get the one in the middle Vector. Get him before Selebus kisses him and makes
him into a giant, he will be pretty big for a while so you want to get rid of him before he does that. I had Dart as a
Dragoon doing magic on Vector since he is weak to magic, a few Final burst iced him off. Rose remained normal so I used
her best addition which was her final at its peak of power, it did tremendous damage.
I had Albert be a dragoon
and use Flower Storm to protect everyone. When you get rid of Vector and Kubila Selebus is a breeze. She hasn't have any
real power a few devastating magic attacks, and since she can only cure the other 2 and not her self her cure is a waste
of a round. So get rid of her fast you can just go with all out power here if you want. She has a high magic defense like
Meru, so just worry about physical attacks.
Haschel & Miranda
Basically since this team is pretty quick
and they are almost a carbon copy of your 3 enemies. Since Miranda can cure, Haschel is fast for a male and small, and
Dart is average. Have Haschel turn into a Dragoon if you want its not necessary he was more effective as his regular self
because he is faster than all of them like that. Have him use his Hex Hammer, have Miranda turn into a Dragoon and cure.
Just incase Vector decided to become a giant and hit you with physical attacks make sure Miranda has a physical ring to
improve her low Hps.
Meru & Kongol
Give Meru a physical ring first off. Secondly have Kongol remain normal
here his massive strength with a fully powered Bone Crush should be enough with a few turns. Problem is Meru's speed
will get her plenty of turns in this battle so use Cat's Cradle or her final Perky Step. Have Dart be a Dragoon, and ice
these guys off with some well place Final Burst Red Eye Dragon isn't really needed. I did pretty well with this team except
for Meru dying occasionally make sure you have a lot of Angel's Prayers on hand. If you want you can use Meru as a Dragon,
and have Kongol feeding both of them but, I dislike Meru as a Dragoon it seems she turns back to normal quickly since she
has the least turns and the fastest speed. #############################################################################
go to where the Signet Stone will be, damn Emperor Diaz has already been there and he destroyed it Rats! You will then
see Emperor Diaz he has gotten here by air, and the 108th being is about to be created. Dart will try and attack the
Emperor but will be blocked, there is nothing more you can do. So exit out back to the save point SAVE there. Speak to
the robot there, he will tell you have to change Article 410 to get to Mayfil. So that's what's next go hrough the whole
law process you know waiting on line, avoiding guards meeting robots (sounds like a regular ol' day at the bank to me).
When you are finalizing the law go to the transporter that got you here from Aglis and use it to get you to Mayfil. =============================================================================
Before you can do anything you will see Emperor Diaz going to destroy the last Signet Sphere. Now you will
able to control Dart. Use the teleporters and go to the next area, you will see a thing that looks like a small bug in
the middle of the room. Albert's Jade Dragoon responds to it. It is the spirit of the Green Dragon Feyrbrand. He can't
die because he has been defeated by humans guess what? Kill him again! (You don't have to these fights are optional, but if
you need some good exp. then my all means) ############################################################################# ~Boss
fight XXX Dragoon Spirit Element: Wind Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, and Kongol Other Parties: Haschel &
Meru, Rose & Miranda Difficulty: Medium Item: Down Burst
Well he is harder than the last time you fought
him, but at this point in the game you can beat him without turning into a Dragoon. Just have these 3 using their Final
Additions, Blasting Dynamo, Blossom Storm, and Bone Crush. That's it just keep working at him and hacking away that is
the easiest way to do plus if these aren't mastered these help them get mastered. That is if you didn't already, its
a great chance. You will need to save your Dragoon Level for upcoming fights. He does all the same attacks he did while
he was still alive so refer to that if you want to know more about his attacks and such.
Haschel & Meru
say let Meru become a Dragoon, because she takes off tremendous power with her magic, because for some reason he seems
to be suspect to her attacks. Her best magic does unbelievable damage, and can get rid of him quickly. Just fight some
random battles to get her level back up if you want to use them again. Have Haschel use Hex Hammer or Omni Sweep if you
have it. Just have Meru become a Dragoon not anyone else it isn't really important you will need it for later.
& Miranda
Have Miranda use a physical ring in the beginning. You should have her be a Dragoon because you may
need some of her curing abilities in this battle. Have Rose use her best Addition Demon Dance or Hard Blade if you aren't
quite there yet. This is probably one of these easiest battles you will get this late in the game so soak it up. #############################################################################
the Wind Dragon will be saved, so continue on your path. Heal who needs it if you are running low head back to Zenebatos
for more curative items. If you decided to when you get back take the two transporters into the next area, there are
also hidden paths similar to the one in Aglis where you had to take the challenges. These lead to some generic attack items
nothing is real necessary. Also if you never got Dart's Soul Eater which is his most powerful sword an enemy called
Loner Knight drops it at a 20% rate or so. I ended up with 4 Soul Eaters when I got finished with this place. If you have
a Therapy ring equip that to Dart to combat the energy dropping with it on you will get neither an energy drop nor an
energy increase.
All you get is a powerful sword, which is the side effect I like =). When you enter the room another
Dragon Soul will be in there this is the Sea Dragon, Meru will ant to release it too. So go and do that! ############################################################################# Boss
fight XXXI Dragoon Spirit Element: Water Suggested Party: Dart, Albert Meru Other Parties: Haschel & Miranda
Kongol & Rose Difficulty: Hard Item: Frozen Jet
Remember how you could beat the previous one with a couple
of Red Eye Dragon summons? Well that doesn't hold true here. It seems since its death it has improved its magic defense.
Red Eye Dragon Summon or Final Burst still works well here, but the fact is they aren't as effective since this spirit
has a high HP. I liked using Meru for this fight if she has her Dragon Summon use it for some reason it kinda worked
here. The Dragon Spirit does the same attacks as it did when it was alive, but it is faster now. It even does that attack
with the water dome and it is quite more deadly. If you have a physical ring on Meru she will more than stand up to it.
Have Albert be a Dragoon for this fight that's the best way to defeat the Dragon, cause you will definitely need Rose
Storm for this battle, to stand up to some of its nastier Magic attacks.
Haschel & Miranda
Have Dart
ignite the Special you will definitely need it because the spirit will go for the water dome magic attack very often. More
than you would think possible because that's its favorite type of attack, it also has a few other crew damaging attacks.
Have Miranda cure when needed as a Dragoon when she gets back to normal have her turn into a Dragoon when the going gets
rough. I say let Haschel handle some extreme magic attacks, like his Dragon summon if you have it if you don't just
use either his Dragoon Addition or a lesser magic.
Kongol & Rose
This is a pretty powerful team, but
Rose will need a Physical Ring even though she puts up the highest female HP's. Have Kongol block a lot, in this fight
that Water attack can nearly kill him at least take off 3/4 of his life that is why I did not recommend him or suggest
him. He is also pretty damn slow so he won't get that many turns. Have Rose as a Dragoon will be a good idea as well,
even though her magic won't do much to it, still she needs it for her defense, it will make her better at defending against
the magic attacks. #############################################################################
Ok the Water Dragon
is free and so are you now I definitely need you to work your way back to Zenebatos sell all unwanted attack items, or
any other item you don't ordinarily use. By as much curative items as possible you will need during this next fight.
I barely survived it every tem I play it. This is one of the hardest fights in the game coming up but its optional remember
that so if this guy beats the shit out of you, you don't have to take it again. When you come back proceed you will
see another Dragon spirit ignore it and save at the save point right outside of its door. When you come back Miranda will want
to free this spirit... ############################################################################# Boss Fight XXXII Dragon
Spirit Element: Void Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, and Kongol Other Parties: Rose & Miranda Haschel & Meru Difficulty:
What Dragon do you know has a Void element. Only the biggest Mayfil Bad Ass there
is, he's big his mean and only a staff and a buster could stop him. He's that Damn Divine Dragon uh Spirit. Guess what
else unlike when he was living when you could kill his cannon and his ball, you can't here. He's also faster and more
powerful and he has a higher HP. How do you beat him? Turn off the Playstation and he is gone! Seriously though you are
going to have to full power from the start, and be able to use Special. When I played this I got a nice break, Albert
got first go, He used a Power Down on him. Then Kongol went I used a Power Up on Dart.
Then Dart went and I started
the special with him. This took off tremendous HP, close to half with just a regular ol' Final Burst. It took maybe 4 rounds to
officially kiss that big divine bastard good bye. *Hey Dyse I don't have any of that shit!* Well, buddy its going to be
tough...real tough. With out it still have Dart use the Special Final Burst is still pretty powerful but not as powerful
without those items. So keep him using it make sure Albert use Rose Storm and every freakin turn. Have Kongol pray... Seriously
have Kongol destroy him with Dragoon Additions since his magic will do beans to him. If you make it out of this with
one surviving character consider your self lucky.
Rose & Miranda
Like before use those items to finish him
easily. If you don't have him then well.. this will be even tougher. Have Rose using her Dragoon Addition and don't
worry Miranda will always have to use her Dragoon Magic to cure as long as she doesn't die. I suggest giving her the physical
ring and if you are using Miranda stock up on Angel's Prayer's incase she falls during battles. You can make it smoothly
before you have to turn back into humans, because then since there defense is low and I think they count the Dragon Ball
as physical it does major damage. He uses his Dragon moves the most and barely relies on his physical attack.
& Haschel
If you decided to use them pray. If you have those items then this will be easy since I'm 99.9% sure
Haschel and Meru will get a turn before Dart does, if you don't then this will be tough. Meru may fall on the first round
if you don't get a chance to turn her into a Dragoon. If you do you will have to try your best to use her magic it will
take off some life not much though. Have Haschel use his Dragoon Addition since its pretty powerful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here
is also some good tips on this fight by :Agni
First off, Never put a Physical Ring on Meru. Use the Dragon Helm instead.
The Dragon Helm does the same, but it Also frees up her Accessory slot, for something better, like a Phantom Shield. Anyways,
my party suggestion is Kongol, Dart and Meru. Kongol, of course, will die unless you have a Legend Casque equipped on him,
and then he's nigh-invincible to the Divine Dragon's attacks, Especially in his dragoon form. Now, whatever you do,
if you are going to use my strategy, make sure that Kongol does Not have a Dragoon Level higher than 1! Most of my strategies require
that someone has a Dragoon Level of 1, and you'll see why, later.
Dart should have a Therapy Ring equipped, no ifs
ands or buts unless you decide to put a Physical Ring, or a Phantom Shield on him. A Legend Casque is also nice, but
not necessary. But the Phantom Shield on Meru ~is~ necessary, so is the Legend Casque on Kongol. Dart doesn't ~Have~ to
have any of these, but they ~Are~ nice. I had a Therapy Ring and the Red DG Armor. The First thing that usually happens,
is that the Divine Dragon gets his turn first and hits you for a physical attack that did about 400 to 450 to everyone in
my party, including Meru. Kongol took only like 300 though, I think. Then, what happened to me is that Meru got her turn,
and I told her to Defend if I remember right.
I think the DD went next, using his machinegun-like attack on my party,
which hurt like hell, but didn't kill anyone....then Meru went and I used a Healing Breeze. FINALLY, Dart went and I
told him to fire off his Special. Well, I regret doing this, but I had Meru use her Rainbow Dragon spell. I should have
told her to use a dragoon addition instead, and saved her MP for healing. That's what you're Supposed to do, now that I
think about it...Anyways, after Meru did that, I had Dart cast Red Eyed Dragon which wailed for a bit of damage....like
2,000 or so.... Meru and Dart kept pounding him with dragoon additions (I always sucked at those.....sigh) and did a
little damage....and then Finally Kongol got his turn, used his addition and turned back into a hu......erm......giganto....and Meru
had 300 SP left, and Dart had like 400 SP left.
By this time, the Divine Dragon still had a Blue Arrow (more than 50%
HP left). Meru was hurting, in the yellow...but she was still goin.....I continued to wail on him with dragoon additions....and
Meru turned back into a wingly. Dart still had 200 SP left, and Meru was in the red, with 240 some HP left. I was praying
for Kongol's turn, and I'm glad Kongol only had D'Lv 1 because I needed healed, badly. Kongol got his turn right after
Meru died, so I told Kongol to use an Angel's Prayer which revived Meru. Meru got a turn as soon as she got back up.
Healing Breeze Time. Ahhh, that's refreshing. Well, it was time to wail on him with normal additions, as I didn't have
any Moon Serenades or Sun Rhapsodies so I didn't bother to use Dragoons again even if I did get full SP back.
was my medic unless we badly needed healing and couldn't wait for Meru to get a turn, even though she DID have Dancer's
shoes, the boss STILL was getting double turns. Most people would expect Meru to be the hard one to keep alive, but
DART was the one who kept dropping to his knees every other "round". He was the main reason I ran out of healing items,
but this would have been better had I a Legend Casque on him, but I only had 20,000 gold at the time so I could only get
2 of those items. So, I Perky Stepped, Blazing Dynamoed and Bone Crushed him the rest of the way, it took a few turns,
but he went down.
And then I saw the EXP and Gold obtained, and I just rolled my eyes. And then I scowled at finding
a DESTONE AMULET.....Gawd..... *Rolls eyes* So I'd have to say, that except for getting me a few experience points, and
a few uses of my Perky Step and Bone Crush (Dart's B.D. was already maxed), the fight was just about worthless.
these tips are very helpful and they should stop some of those damned BUT I can'T BEAT H1M! e-mails...) #############################################################################
SAVE again and take the transporters into the next room, you will see a large grid with red spots hitting it, and blue
spots. This is the key to the grid RED spots are SAFE Blue spots are holes, if you fall down you will be in a small
room with a chest. While on the grid you can't encounter any random battles. Here I'll try my best to make a dinky map
Exit2 Room 2
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Room 1: It contains a treasure, and a recovery point
Room 2: Some souls will know Rose and glad she is
down there in Mayfil.
Once you are through go to the transporter. Now when you get there you will see a save point
but you will automatically be brought to a soul. Albert and Dart will have a feeling about him, then you will know for
certain when he materializes! It's Ass Kicking Green Dude! uhhh Lavitz! (Ok, at this point I'm 99% sure everyone reading
knows what happens, if you don't know what happen to him then why are you reading in the 4th disk?) Lavitz will tell you
to stay away from him for now, so go back to the save point and pick the party with the best additions. Make sure everyone
is cured, and prepared. Now use the transporter, when you get there you will see Lavitz. He has a thing on his back,
she recognizes its smell as Devildom its go time! ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XXXIII Lavitz's Spirit/ Zackwell Element: Lavitz: Wind; Element: Zackwell: Dark Suggested Party: Dart Albert
& Kongol Other Parties: Rose, Miranda, Haschel, Meru Difficulty: Lavitz: Easy Zackwell: Hard Item: Halberd
off Do NOT turn into Dragoons. Not only is this fight easy enough to defeat with just powerful additions. Lavitz will speak
to you choose talk to him when he does he will then turn around and expose his back, which is when you attack. Equip
an accessory that stops confusing, you will need it, and some mind purifiers. That is the only attack you will get is confusion.
( I should know Kongol got confused and killed everyone including himself my first time through =( Anyway make sure
one person won't be confused, just hit it with additions there is nothing more to it. when he turns around just guard until you
get an option. Always choose talk to him, to try and break him free of the spirit eventually he will be free. Then
will come out and mock you for the emotional moments and that he granted him life for this. Bastard kill him! Have Dart
ignite the Special, and wail off. With everything you got have Albert using his Rose Storm, to help with some defending.
He likes to make his staff into a skeleton spider but as Dragoons this was useless. He has a high defense and he is beatable.
Use Dragoon Additions to take off major life from this boss. Just keep Dart with his magic it shouldn't run dry if you
have Albert's Jade Dragon magic you might want to use that a turn too. this guy wasn't too tough and will drop soon.
Haschel, Miranda, Meru
Albert was mandatory for this battle so you have a choice of these 3 I went with
Kongol. If you go with Rose have her use Hard Blade or Demon Dance to take off major life, that is a good addition. If
you went for Haschel Omni-Sweep, or Hex Hammer works fine. If you decided on Miranda have her equipped with a accessory
to guard against the confusion so she can cure the others. If you decided on Meru Perky Step at 600% does decent damage,
but make sure you are not using the Pretty Hammer.
Miranda is great here, with her best at the
time Arrow, and her White Element took off a nice chunk of life so she wasn't totally useless, under the influence of
Dragoon she was quite deadly. Make sure you have Dart ignite it since he is very powerful with magic unless you went with
Meru. Have Meru ignite it and if you have her Final Magic then use that it takes off tremendous life. If you went with
Rose here, use her additions the Dragoon ones, or Astral Drain is pretty nice since this boss is aligned with Dark. If you
went with Haschel then his Dragoon Additions are his best shot. #############################################################################
the fight Lavitz will come after Dart. They will have a fight and you will Dart's sword fly. Dart will scream "Lavitz!"
He will stick the spear in his chest to kill Zackwell. Now Dart will say how he lives in their hearts, and Lavitz is
glad to see Dart and Majesty Albert in his afterlife. He will use his last strength to bring you to the Signet Sphere.
After a "handshake", Lavitz will be gone.(You can revive him, you will need the following: A purple Chocobo's feather,
the same Holy Materia that Aeris dropped in the water, a million stardusts, An entire Phoenix, 6 billion gil coins, the
shirt that the real sephiroth didn't have, a 70's "Bring Back The Funk" 8-track tape, and one million unsold Chrono
Trigger SNES carts. Have these items and Lavitz will be as good as new ;)
Now I suggest you start a new save here
just incase you didn't fully complete the side quests, or there are some stops you want to make because once you go up
to the the signet sphere there is no return. So if you want to find out what happens next just don't over write the save
if you done everything you need then continue. Even though you made need some healing items.
When you climb the
beam of light you will see the Signet Sphere safe from Emperor Diaz's grasp. So of course Diaz shows up. Dart will turn
into a Dragoon but will be knocked back. There is nothing to do but watch him destroy the signet sphere. He will disappear.
The ground will star to shake I guess Soa's rule got through. But Coolon your Wings will show up. Take us to the Moon!
An awesome FMV will start after this you will see the moon falling on top of the tree, like it was made to fall there.
You will then see many Virages coming from the moon, and you will; see a scene that is in the instruction manual where
everyone is sitting on the back of Coolon.
He will keep avoiding many of them he will finally be attacked. He will
hit the ground and the FMV will stop he dies so just continue to on. =============================================================================
Big Blue Moon
Well at least you made, it so lets go. Now get to the next area, keep following along this path. You
will see a shiny object in the pool, examine it Rose will tell you its a dried up fruit from the tree, all creatures came
out of a fruit like that. Now go north there will be another fruit from the tree, now go left. Follow the path and you
will reach a hole in the tree it is a stream of sorts. Everyone will go really fast and be shown going up the stream last
but not least Kongol everyone will land. When you are about to leave Kongol will come thundering down. This will shake
the entire tree. A Caterpillar will wake up and looked pissed and walk up the tree.
So what Kongol woke his fucking
ass up, the Divine Tree is no place to sleep. Once you are in control of Dart go to the shiny object it is a Silver DG Armor.
Equip that to Miranda, and go to the pool which is a recovery point. If you haven't been leveling up good now is the chance.
When I was here in my first play through my levels were in roughly in the 30's for everyone, the characters I used most
like Dart, Kongol, Rose, Albert. Were in the late and mid 30's. I'm pretty sure Dart was level 37. I had my main 4 characters
final additions and had everyone's mastered except Rose's she was level 4 on her final.
I had everyone of my
main characters except Kongol's final Dragoon Magic. If you a have it like this or better for your characters then leveling
up here really won't be necessary. Now leave out of this area when you are finished there will be another shiny object
in a pool its just another dried fruit from the tree. So keep going until you reach a fork, go right to get to the save
point SAVE here (Be sure to have a Talisman Equipped, and some Angel Prayer's) Go left to continue but save first. No go
right the caterpillar will be there, as you remember it it remembers you from waking its sleepy ass up. Its fight night! ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XXXIV Caterpillar/ Pupa/ Imago Element: All; Void Suggested Party: Dart, Kongol, and Albert Other: Parties:
Haschel & Miranda: Meru & Rose Difficulty: Cat: Easy/ Pupa: Very Easy/ Imago: Medium Item: Moon Serenade, Sun
Rhapsody, Healing Rain
This guy is a push over in this form, he doesn't do anything magical so
this team should stand up to it effortlessly. If you are still lagging in additions then is a guy to practice some of
those difficult ones like Blossom... I mean Flower Storm. He does poison you but other than that he doesn't do much
else. He can stun you and he hits a lot of physical attack but I'm certain at this point only a few rounds with perfect
additions should destroy him.
Now this is really just an addition practice Kongol and Albert defeated
him single handedly, with just a couple of their best additions seriously. This thing doesn't even attack, it can evade
to a point but other than that it doesn't do much else. Just pound on it to it morphs again.
Now its
a butterfly like creature called Imago I figured that would happen. Even so I didn't even turn into Dragoon for this fight
I wanted to see fi I could destroy it with additions it was a success because I did. This thing couldn't be easier than
it was. Even so its stats are even with its first form but it uses more magic now since its a butterfly. It can fire a
beam of light at one character and take up about a 1,000 or close to it Hps, you need to watch out for that one. Also
it likes turning you into a two dimensional character and instantly killing you. The first time I fought it I had it near death
and it did that 3 times in a row. So you will need a talisman in order to revive your friends, or just heal. This is not
a Dragoon fight, it isn't required to become Dragoons, you won't need it here you can pretty much kill it without being
a Dragoon. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Haschel & Miranda
turn Miranda into a Dragoon on her first turn save it for later on in the fight you will need it for other things. So just
have her use her bow and arrow on it, and have Haschel working on his additions and Dart do the same. This doesn't have
much going for it in this form, either equip Miranda with physical defense and a little strength burst. This thing will
falter and turn into...
You normally don't get enemies who do nothing so soak it up. During this particular
play through I decided on blocking to everyone got full strength then giving it a power up, so I can sharpen Haschel's
Additions. Just keep hacking at it until it turns into...
Ok, this is where that Talisman on Haschel
will kick in. I say put it on Haschel because Dart should be wearing a therapy ring to combat the Soul Eater's side
effect. Have Miranda be the only one to become a Dragoon you will need her stronger Dragoon Bow and Arrow for this fight.
You will also need her first magic which revives a character just incase you run low on Angel Prayer's just as long
as she doesn't get it. It didn't happen while I was using her. Have Haschel and Dart be your main offense, and that's the
key to victory here. This thing likes to cast dispirit to decourage you from becoming a Dragoon. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Meru
& Rose
Have Meru come out and immediately hit it with Perky Step, if you have it at its
600% percentile then this should for some reason rock it. Rose's Demon Dance is also pretty effective on it, with a good
enough weapon that is. Dart should use Blazing Dynamo on it, this should be enough to get rid it, in a couple of rounds
I would say. It can cast stun and poison so watch it out for it. Definitely give Rose the physical ring, and have Meru
using a Gigantos ring to combat its aggressive physicalness. On to the next form!
Block until you have
a normal HP rating if Meru got battered in the last battle. Then wail away in a few rounds this 2nd and very weak form
should be dead it may take longer since Meru will get a few turns and she isn't that powerful even though the Gigantos
Ring should help that slightly.
This is where Meru pays off since this form is mostly magic it shouldn't really
harm Meru's lap dancin' ass after all. Rose has a decent magic defense as well so she is a nice choice for this battle.
The only trouble is are red friend Dart. His magical defense is average and with this boss it seems to target the person
with the weakest magic defense. At this point I really don't know of too many effective items that raise magic defense.
So you are sort of stuck with him constantly dying or give him the talisman and ignore the Soul Eater's effect. Basically
here, having Meru as a Dragoon won't be necessary I'm pretty confident that her additions can help you kill it. #############################################################################
you are done with this loser head back to the save point and save recovery any characters that need it blah blah blah.
Now head back to to wear you fought the caterpillar, and continue out of this screen. You will get a sequence where
Rose will tell you that the moon is spreading poison on earth and it will be kind of hard to reach Shana. Dart will not
hear of this and will be determined to reach Shana!
When you are in the moon just continue along the path until
the ground starts shaking. Flashes of lights and things like that will happen, fight time? No... you will end up in
a forest. Everyone will figure that the moon had brought them back to Earth. Rose will know its an illusion of sorts because
she can still hear the heart beat of the Virage Embryo. When this is over you can proceed through the forest there is
a treasure go and get that and go to the next screen.
You will see a grassland in the next area, now ignore this
and keep going right out of this screen. when you are in the next screen Miranda will recognize where you are. It appears
to be Mille Seasua and she knows this forest. she will want to proceed alone, so now you will control Miranda ort of. You
will be in the next screen automatically. You will see Miranda's past, a little girl will be there running after her mother
who is with a man. The Man will not want a child and just want's Miranda's Mother. Miranda's mother will leave Miranda's
Father for the man because Miranda's Father is sort of a bum. Now they will disappear examine the rose on the ground...
Boss Fight Time! ############################################################################# Boss Fight XXXV Death
Rose Element: Void Suggested Party: Miranda Difficulty: Easy Item: None
This isn't a tough battle at all
just attack the flower. the Death rose is pretty weak and should only take off 100 Hp's, so it isn't much to worry about
at this point. I'm 99% sure even if you haven't used Miranda you still can beat it. It will open the rose to reveal Miranda's
mother's face. Then it will close keep attacking if you have a weak Miranda use an item on it, to take off some life
even though its of the void element, it will still take some HP off this rather weak boss. Finally there will be an option
choose (I forgive you and it will be defeated. #############################################################################
the fight the rest of your party will be there, she seems to be back to normal well more feminne after this fight. She
used her anger to not let ion to her sadness so inturn she has become more of a likable character and she is not a bitch
any more. You will get prompted to adjust your party so do so. Now exit this area and go South, along the path grab the
treasure, and go continue south. You will be in a strange area so head left when you get there, you will be in an area
with other humans. Rose will pull out her sword and cut herself to show that this place is real ( a pinch would of been
more traditional) Haschel will feel that this place is in Serdio because the people there look Serdian.
for one girl who disappears. You will finally regain control, so SAVE at the save point or you might want to rest at the
inn first whatever way you choose. Head down the stairs stock up on any items you need I suggest selling some of this
attack items that you are not using or aren't doing much damage any more. So stock up on plenty of curative items. Then
hit the weapon shop there is a lot of next to last weapons here so give everyone an upgrade. Speak to the man next to
the table its Dran the Rich Albert knows him. There will be a guard by the door so the only place you can go is through
the portal the girl went through.
You will see strange people here, they are the minitos, the 2nd species with intelligence.
There is only two of them and one of them is a dike and the other loves Gigantos women so that's why there isn't any left?
=) Now head south out of here. Proceed along the path there is a branch that takes you to an item get it if you want.
But if you don't just continue along the path you will see the girl. Dart will attempt to find out about her, but Haschel
knows who she is. She will run from Dart, Rose will inform Dart that she doesn't know him and doesn't want him. You
will be switched to Haschel now. Haschel will tell her he wanted her to get through discipline, but Claire wanted to do things
like the other girls did and not be a fighter.
No matter how well Haschel puts it she will want to fight Daddy Dearest... ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XXXVI Claire Element: Lightening Suggested Party: Haschel Difficulty: Medium Item: None
She is
quite a bit tougher than what Miranda went through. she uses the same attack over and over, when she becomes demon like.
She has been possessed by the Wargod, and Haschel is amazed anyone has stood up to the Wargod like she did. She uses
a forbidden art as the Wargod which can almost kill Haschel it drops his HP's to one. That's the only real damage she does.
Keep Hex Hammer going and cure only when she does that attack, her stats are almost even with Haschel and their speed
is quite similar. She can block your Additions and she does it quite often. When she is nearly defeated you will get a
choice choose the 1st option (Mind's Eye Awaken) She will come at Pops with the forbidden attack but he will stop it. #############################################################################
will rejoin your party and you will be prompted to arrange the party so do so. At this point everyone realizes the moon
allows you to see a feel what is in your heart so you can conquer it. Now that Haschel has faced the past he doesn't
feel so bad now. Anyway if you continue you can get an item it isn't important so just go back to the room. Save at the
save point and stock up on some more items like Healing Fogs and such. The guard is gone now and you get a sneak peak
of Bale. The guards won't let you into the castle. So just jump into the vortex to your left. You will be in a strange
looking place, just go to the door.
When you exit everyone will crouch down because they seem to be pretty high
up, but the floor is invisible. You can see the cracks off it and there aren't any drop pieces so just continue to the
left path near the north when you are finished with the sequence. In the next area Rose will call out the name "Michael".
She is referring to the huge Black Vassal Dragon shooting at you she will tell you to run, there will be two vortexes,
Albert, Kongol, Haschel, Meru & Miranda jump into the one on the right and Rose & Dart go left.
you are back you will control the larger party. Meru will fly around and inform you that this appears to be the Land of
the Gigantos. Kongol will confirm this and tell you that its their holy land. You will see a few guys running away,
and some one saying to kill them. They will be all dead there will be one Gigantos Child who comes out of a cave, at first
he won't be acceptable to Emperor Doel's attempt. Young Kongol realizes that he has saved his life, and goes with Doel.
After this proceed north, Kongol will want to go alone. He goes to the Gigantos Sanctuary, there is another Gigantos there. He
is a lot smarter than Kongol when you hear him talk.
Kongol will tell him how he is much stronger now, but like Gigantos
they will have to fight to see who is stronger... ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XXXVII Indora Element: Earth Suggested Party: Kongol Difficulty: Easy Item: None
Kongol's brother
Indora is pretty tough but at this point in the game Kongol had over 5,000 Hps so this boss couldn't harm him. He is very
powerful and carries two axes, he is faster than Kongol as well. He has two normal attacks, plus an attack where he
makes a pillar rise, wraps the axes around Kongol's body picks up the pillar with Kongol on and throws it across the room. Which
is an incredibly strong attack, this shouldn't even hurt you that bad since its physical. If you haven't been using Kongol
shame on you! Heh, if you have some Bone Crush's will finish this guy off in a few he isn't that powerful and Bone Crushes
successful ones take off major life. Just like when you had to fight Kongol, if you miss the addition he can counter. Finally
in a speechless battle this guy will die. #############################################################################
brother will admit that Kongol is the strongest Gigantos ever, Kongol will be sad that he died. But, he will be happy to
have this off his conscious so that's what has been depressing the big brute? His big bro' must have picked on him about
his pint size. Heh anyway go down the stairs remember when you had to save the Mayor's son 20 years later? Well press that
switch for a treasure namely the Golden Dragon Armor, equip this to Kongol and go up the stairs. Then exit the holy
Gigantos land. When you go left you will see a small vortex in the pool jump in it.You will be at a place you see before
where Haschel had his scenario so head to the left path and you will be back into town.
Meru suggest you wait for
Rose & Dart there since there are people there. Now it will switch to Rose & Dart, make sure you have rose equip
with some good weapons and armor. Anyway there will be a sequence and proceed to the right. She will see pseudo dragons,
these are her favorites but they didn't make it to the present time. so just continue along the path. There is an unreachable
treasure chest to your right in the next screen so ignore it for now. So continue along the path to the right there is
a reachable treasure chest so get it, if you want. Now continue along the path into the next screen, you will see some
stairs and a vortex to your right Rose will say she will want to continue so do so.
Now go to the next screen,
Rose will see her dragon lying there. The screen will switch to 10,000 years ago when her and Zieg killed the black dragon
for its Dragoon Spirit. After she did so a baby black dragon appeared hearing Zieg speak he sounds A LOT like Dart back
then. After this is over it will switch to the present time. When it does Michael will wake up and not recognize Rose
it's fight time! ############################################################################# Boss Fight XXXVIII Michael Element:
Dark Suggested Party: Dart, Rose Difficulty: Hard Item: None
This fight is difficult you can't hurt the dragon
and for some reason you can't become a Dragoon either. What to do now? Block that's what or if you feel confident about
your exp. you can practice your additions on it, even though they do no damage. There will be a few conversation sequences
Rose is reluctant to tell Dart about its weak spot. You learn that her Dragon is the fastest the strongest and the best
defensive Dragon of them all. You then learn that its sort of wearing armor, then you finally get a choice, tell Dart about the
Blind Spot is the response. Its Blind Spot is its heart it will open up after it does the attack where it picks you up
in the air and shoots a black beam at you. So attack that, if Rose's level is high and you have perfected her final
you can beat it with just one round with her and Dart. #############################################################################
will be sad she killed her dragon, she had to though. So exit back out of this screen and go to the place where Rose DIDN'T
want to go earlier you will be in familiar territory so head back to the Item shop. Everyone will greet each over. They
will exchange what happen to them, they will be talking about the Land of Gigantos and Emperor Doel in the morning. So
Save here and get any items you need from the item shop. Leave out the door, they will be expecting Albert at the castle.
Albert like the others will want to do this alone. Doel knows you are Albert, his nephew. Albert will demand answers about why
did Doel kill his father, he won't tell he said maybe if you fight him he will! ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XXXIX Dark Doel Element: Thunder Suggested Party: Albert Difficulty: Medium Item: None
He has
two swords a light one and a dark one much like he did the first time you had a fight with him. He does the same attack
and probably has the same amount of HP. Since you are much stronger than you were when you were in the first disk than
you can defeat him easily. Take out the swords first he will be stuck with a thunder magic attack it isn't that powerful.
Nail him with Blossom(Flower) Storm all day and he will die. #############################################################################
the fight Albert will rejoin the party, select your party again. Go back to the inn and save, and do what else you need.
Now head into the vortex where you met Michael the first time. Take the upper left path again. Now continue pass the
point you were stopped by Michael and up the stairs. Continue up until you reach a fork either way is good, and you will
come across a castle. A very large beautiful castle I might add. Meru will recognize it as Wingly Palace, you will be
gin to cross the bridge but as soon as everyone steps on it disappears and Meru will disappear as well, know one gets hurt since
they didn't go that far. Meru will not know what happened a Wingly called Archangel will be there, she will tell her she
has lost her Wingly Pride hanging with filthy, disgusting, barbaric humans. She will fight Meru! ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XL Archangel Element: Light Suggested Party: Meru Difficulty: Medium Item: None
This can and will
be a tough fight for those who never touched Meru until now. I was one of those on my first play through, on my second
this fight was very easy since her level was like 39 and she had Perky Step at a 600%. Anyway she does some magic attacks
that can damage Meru pretty badly but none compare to her ultimate attack. She calls a whole army from some unknown place
she is then on top of a 3 headed elephant and the whole army attacks you, this is a _VERY_ cool attack. This attack
also reduces your HP down to one. Since Archangel has a high magic defense rating, you might want to stick to physical. A
Gigantos ring would of been good for this fight to make Meru quite a bit stronger than she is. Even though you don't have
one she still can do some damage. Eventually after Meru admits to loving humans the battle is over... ############################################################################# Meru
feels Super and the end is near, but first go back to the save point and save before you go on from here. =============================================================================
Wrapping it Up
The next area looks pretty weird to be on a moon, there are monitors all over the floor and when
you first get there a conversation will start. Rose will insure you that this place is the moon. Well anyway continue along
the path into the next area. Grab the item in the chest and continue to the north. When you are there, you will see
a save point. SAVE (Have your party ready for a fight) and go right. Everyone will hear a voice, but its in their minds.
Dart has a feeling that Shana is calling them. When you go into the next area a Super Virage is there, its go time!! ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XLI Super Virage Element: Void Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, Kongol Other Parties: Haschel & Miranda,
Meru & Rose Difficulty: Medium Item: None
For some reason this guy wasn't that hard at all, immediately become
a Dragoon and have Dart use the special. Use Final Burst on his head. This takes off massive damage. Have Albert using
his usual Rose Storm, you can use Jade Dragon but its not really important. Try not to use much healing items in this battle
in fact you should save all of them you will definitely need them. Super Virage uses a devastating attack where he shoots
a beam a light at you this could be very damaging if you aren't a Dragoon. You will need to heal if you are not a Dragoon.
Other than that this guy really isn't that much tougher than a normal virage. He just has a very high HP. Also if you kill
his head it causes an explosion which can almost kill your party if your HP is low. You can kill it if you decide to
go strait to the body instead of the head, but it takes longer that way.
Haschel & Miranda
The same strategy
with Dart have him start the Special. Miranda should be equipped with a physical ring to combat her lower than average
HP level. Haschel may need a Gigantos Ring to make him a little bit stronger but its not mandatory, you could equip
him with anything you like. As Dragoons you should have Miranda using her usual curative powers because this Virage uses attacks
that damage your entire party you will definitely need some of her cure all attacks here. Haschel should summon his dragon
if you have it if not, his Dragoon Addition is pretty powerful if you have the Gigantos Ring.
Rose & Meru
before have Dart start the Special off. Have Rose using her Dragoon Addition since her magic doesn't do much damage to
it, unless you have her Dark Dragon it does some damage to it. Have Meru either using her Dragon or her Dragoon Addition,
I prefer the Dragon and her other magic since she does more damage with it. Although Dart should be the focus with his
Final Burst attack, at either his head or his body. #############################################################################
the battle you will get that last heroic conversation or at least one of the last. In the next area you will see Zieg (I'm
pretty sure if you are reading in the last chapters you should know the deal with Zieg if not the why are you reading
this?) Zieg will attack Dart from the start and Dart will drop his Dragoon Spirit for the second time. Guess who picks
it up. Zieg, and it recognizes him as a Dragoon. He turns into one and the fight is on! ############################################################################# Boss
Fight XLII Zieg Feld Element: Fire Suggested Party: Dart, Albert, and Kongol Other Parties: Haschel & Meru,
Miranda & Rose Difficulty: Hard Item:
Dart will have to come out at Zieg first he will mock Dart on his weakness and
become a Dragoon. Zieg will then use his Dragoon Addition on Dart, Dart will realize where he got the skills from. Zieg
does everything Dart can do Dragoon Addition, Final Burst, yes even Red Eye Dragon. Red Eye Dragon is always more fun
when some unsuspecting Boss gets it but it is quite a pain when you experience it. He never turns back to human form so
this cat has a lot of spirit points. Even so have Albert turn into a Dragoon for the Rose Storm protection, have Dart
use Blazing Dynamo, and Kongol using his Dragoon Addition.
Even if you have the Golden Dragon, its useless with
Kongol's low magic ability. He is tough but he doesn't call on his Red Eye Dragon often he uses Dragoon Addition mostly
and for some reason he kept hitting Kongol in it which did practically nothing to him. Dart's Blazing Dynamo damages him
pretty bad if you have your levels exceeding 40. He is faster than these 3 that's the only thing, he is just about even
skilled with Dart. He looks EXACTLY like Dart when he does things only slight differences. Anyway with Kongol D. Addition
to him, and Dart's Blazing Dynamo this guy will fall pretty soon.
Haschel & Meru
Dart will have to addition
him which will do nothing so he will turn into a Dragoon. Have Haschel turn into one soon after. Have Meru follow along,
since he is fire based Meru's Dragon can ding him up badly. Have Haschel using his Dragon too, and have Dart additioning
and throwing them Sun Rhapsodies if you still have some. These attacks take huge chunks of life off of our Ziegy friend
here, so keep at it. Although like most battles Meru fell twice but that's nothing an Angel Prayer couldn't cure, so this
is still a good team. This team combated his speed, which made him slightly slower than he was.
Miranda & Rose
does his addition blah blah blah. Have Rose become a Dragoon and addition but have Miranda stay normal. You should of just
got Miranda's final arrow it does a decent chunk of damage. Wait until he actually does damage to you before having
Miranda become a Dragoon. This team also has good magic defense so the choice his Red Eye Dragon is tough but it probably
won't kill you. I say have Rose call on the Dark Dragon to help you defeat this worthy foe, it does a nice bit of damage
to it. Soon he too will have to give up. ############################################################################# Spoilers
will drop and a spirit will fly out! Its the brother of Charle Frahma! Melbu Frahma possessed his the Dragoon Spirit 11,000
years ago when he thought to have killed him and made him petrified. He needed a body that he could be immortal in
but he chose the spirit. He waited 11,000 years for Zieg to use his Dragoon Spirit again, hen Rose came to Neet to kill
the Moon Child he had become a Dragoon. When he did Melbu Frahma got released and his soul had went into Zieg's. Now
Melbu when take Shana's powers and make him self the God of Destruction. Out of no where you will see Lloyd! Lloyd will
fly over there and get into a fight with Melbu, but Lloyd will be killed you don't even get to use Dart. Lloyd
will give Rose the Dragon Buster, and Dart the Divine Dragon Spirit. Speak to everyone and then Melbu are you prepared
no. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX =============================================================================
Final Fight
NOTE: It has been confirmed You can go back to Bale for more supplies! plus use your new Dragoon and
Everyone level should be at least in the 40's or above especially the characters you want to use. Everything
should be prepared. Make sure to relieve your self grab some snacks boil some coffee because you will be here an hour.
FIGHT Part 1 Melbu Frahma Element: Void PARTY I USED: Dart, Rose, and Kongol on the 1st play through Other Parties:
Albert & Miranda Meru & Haschel Difficulty: Extremely Hard Item: None
His first form is tough but beatable.
DON'T Have Dart use the special have him turn into a Dragoon. Use Dragon Cannon on him, this should take off about close
to 3,000 Hps. Have Rose use Demon's Dance, to take off massive damage. Have Kongol use Bone Crush which is also very powerful
allow Dart to get two turns before throwing him a Sun Rhapsody to bring his HP's back. Have Kongol become a Dragoon
if you choose now, and make sure that Rose is definitely equipped with a physical ring to help her poor HP level. Just
have at least one NON dragoon. Soon Dart will turn back to normal when he does Blazing Dynamo is effective.
has a very high physical and magical defense. On his first form he will like to block your attack, which is highly annoying.
While he does this you cannot do anything to him so just block. He has an attack here he summons 3 huge Virages which
can take off mega life especially to Kongol. Even though at this point Kongol should have HP's in the near 5,000. Finally
the background will change to First Generation.
Albert & Miranda
Miranda did quite well in this battle,
she can hurt him pretty badly, but what hurt even more is her curing you when you needed it. Keep her as a Dragoon as
long as possible you will certainly need her wonderful curing abilities. Albert although Slow his Rose Storm which has
been effective since day one does wonderful work here as well. When he blocks Miranda's final arrow can pierce his defense
so if he is blocking and you don't need curing use that instead. Albert's blossom Storm addition also does a nice and decent
amount of damage to him. Dart's Dragoon magic especially canon can take a lot off of him use these two as your main
form of attack.
Haschel & Meru
Meru is faster than her magic abusing Wingly friend. So she will come in handy
especially if you user her as a Dragoon, for some reason she was a lot faster than Melbu. She could attack him all day
if only Kongol was as fast as her. Haschel is a pretty good Dragoon choice for this battle. The Dragoon helps Haschel's
low defense which is a good thing. He also stood up to the 3 Virages better than anyone else I had used. Have him summon
his dragon for a nice bit of damage. but if you decide to keep Haschel normal have him be the one to feed Dart the sun
Rhapsodies, you will definitely need Meru as a Dragoon for her to even stand a chance in this long battle. Make sure you
have Meru equipped with a physical ring as well, and if you have any of those dang Legend Casque now would be a time
to use them. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FINAL FIGHT Part 2 Melbu
Frahma 1st Generation Element: Void PARTY I USED: Dart, Rose, and Kongol on the 1st play through Other Parties: Albert
& Miranda Meru & Haschel Difficulty: Extremely Harder Item: None
This form he has some slightly but not
much different attacks. This time one of his favorites things to do is hit you with a physical beam of light. If you are
using Rose this can pretty much reduce her HP's to half. On Kongol its like a mosquito bite, for some reason he kept doing
it to Kongol. He has another new attack where he will suck one of your allies inside of his body don't worry about the
captured they are protected while inside of him. Eventually he will spit the character out which will do tremendous
damage to the character and you. This one is hard but the battle isn't as long as the previous one, I used this form
to get Dart back to fully charged then let him have it in the next round. Have Rose be a Dragoon in this round her
Dragoon Addition did some serious damage to Melbu.
Albert & Miranda
Have Albert cast a Rose storm if
he is still a Dragoon you will need it and have Miranda cure when and who needs it. Have Dart just hit him with Additions
I'm pretty sure you are out of SP, don't turn Dart into a Dragoon this round you should save it for the next round. Miranda
should be a Dragoon as much as possible hen I used her and Shana through out the game in only one attack with her boy
she could become a Dragoon. Don't become one immediately though please you should save this for when everyone has low HP.
Make sure she has full MP through out this battle. If she gets captured by Melbu you are in serious trouble you will
have to resort to curing items as Plan B.
Meru & Haschel
I'm pretty sure both Meru and Dart should be spent
so have them worry about damaging Melbu with additions. Make sure to feed Meru curative items whenever necessary. Meru
can drop with a seconds notice in this battle especially with his laser or if he decided to swallow her or spit a swallowed
ally at her. Either way she may die so have her at full energy as much as possible. Also turn her into a Dragoon every
time she gets two or more SP levels. When she does use it because she may get attacked physically and it won't hurt as much.
Have Haschel be your curing man only use a curative item when your other two characters are down to red health or near
death. Finally it will switch to the 2nd generation then the 3rd then its another form of Melbu in the 4th... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FINAL
FIGHT Part 3 Melbu Frahma 4th Generation Element: Void PARTY I USED: Dart, Rose, and Kongol on the 1st play
through Other Parties: Albert & Miranda Meru & Haschel Difficulty: Hard but this was his easiest form Item:
For some reason I had no trouble icing off his third form. Since this form goes down quicker than the previous
two forms. Unload Dart's Dragoon in this form if you want it's not mandatory here though. You can beat it with additions.
Occasionally he will summon two creatures that cause serious damage when you see them kill them fast, they are very powerful
but will go down with a couple of strong additions. For some reason Kongol was a Dragoon for a very long time, since
his turn didn't come up often and yes it took all the way to here for him to go back to normal. Anyway have him use Additions,
and have Rose using her additions as well. Basically a few rounds of additions can ice off this form. He also uses an
attack here he changes it from night to day. The difference in day time is he uses fire attacks, but Dart will have no
trouble with these. Even Dart is now a Void Dragoon he is still for the fire element.
Albert & Miranda
should of went down a few times, here and there is so hopefully you have a few Angel Prayer's on tap. Since this is the
half way point if this long tedious battle this crew was the most cured. At this point I was almost out of Sun Rhapsodies
so, if you don't then you will have to stay with some back up curative items. Have Albert keep using Rose Storms, its good
to actually count every time you get 3 turns then use a Rose Storm, and always use it on your last turn. Albert's Dragoon
also works well now, that he is weaker than he was before so use it more now.
Meru & Haschel
should have died quite a few times by now even if she did its no need to panic. If you have Angel Prayer's. Using her Water
Dragon in this fight is a great idea because when it goes to day time it does more damage than normal although the fire
attacks burn her pretty bad, just don't have her as a full fledge Dragoon a few SP levels are good enough for now. Have
Haschel use his Omni Sweep, it shouldn't take a while so he can get his level all the way up, that way it will be easier
for him to block some of those nasty elemental attacks. The scenery will change again, 5th generation. Then the 6th and final
Generation. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FINAL FIGHT Part 4 Melbu
Frahma 4th Generation Element: Void PARTY I USED: Dart, Rose, and Kongol on the 1st play through Other Parties:
Albert & Miranda Meru & Haschel Difficulty: Undefinable hardness Item: None
He is so fucking tough...
He is physically strong, powerful he has everything. Everything, if you are weak at this point he can and will kill you. This
is his toughest form, and he has even more deadly attacks. He can toss you in the air and slam you back down,
which takes off mega damage to Rose, Kongol and Dart laughed at it. Have Dart unleash the special now if you have it,
and have everyone do there best magic from the door, that means summon all the best dragons, and have Dart use the Cannon.
This will put a nice over 6,000 HP dent into him. he has another attack where he takes a picture of a character then
he cuts the picture in half.
This is a very powerful attack, and can kill weaker people. At this point with this
party everyone as on there last legs no type of anything left. He also takes a page from the Dragon Block Staff, by reducing
your Dragoon att & De. If you get caught with this in mid Dragoon he can kill you even with full energy. He can
summon two monsters, and they can instantly kill you. So make sure youhave a few of those Angel Prayer's on tap. He can
also posses a character and you cannot attack him while he does this, but you can control him sort of which is pretty
cool. Finally he will fall...
Albert & Miranda
Hopefully you have some Sun Rhapsodies left for the final
form, this final form can be critical. It is very annoying sitting there 50 minutes and losing to this form. If you
do let Miranda use her level 1 magic or something to conserve her HP's you will need it throughout. Have Albert Dragoon
Addition, or his Dragoon magic, especially Rose Storm. At this point Albert's Blossom Storm did major damage to him,
so use that when you are trying to get him to his max spirit. It does way more damage than you would think. Hopefully you
can survive this battle, and not run out of magic or curative items. This crew can be killed off easily if not properly
cured every other round.
Haschel & Meru
Well, its been a long fight a hard fight. If you have Meru still
alive you are the man. Its hard to keep her living cause his physical attack can just about instantly kill her, since
this is his most physical form. Only the protection of a Dragoon can save you here. Keep to the tried and true Divine Ball,
or Cannon when the monsters come up. Have Haschel not become a Dragoon just use his Omni-Sweep as much as possible it can
hurt him pretty badly. You will need him to cure or if he decides to use the Dragoon Block he will be your whole offense.
Hopefully after a long fight you won't be starting over