<!--StartFragment-->----------------------------o - JOB CLASSES/DRESS UP
- o----------------------------o
Note: There are going to be more as I know about more.
Order is like this: Name What
it is Where to find it - Special Dresses will only get: Name Where to find it
---> Job Class #1 - Magic
Gunner <--- - Just like the Gunner job class (which is mentioned to the below), but this one deals with more magical
type of attacks. - Skip the Moonflow when you are in Story Level 1. Once you have seen Yuna do her dance in the next
story level (2, of course), make your way over to the Moonflow now and aid in selling tickets to receive it. Get the Kyuso
Neko Kami by shoving the bird-like guy running fast into the lift (more on what it does in the Accessories section).
You can also find it at Moonflow by when you arrive here, go to the right to see a person there who askes you to help him search
for a caravan. After this protect the Hypello's cart from the bandits and you get the Dress Sphere (Note: using second
method you can't get Kyuso Neko Kami accessory). Here is how the Kyuso Neko Kami is received (info sent in by Fake Flame):
o- Kyuso Neko Kami -o Makes your attack and healing to 9999 if your HP is 1/3 (yellow color) --> How to get: DON'T
do the Moonflow Sidequest at chapter 1. Right before Yuna's singing, you must push Musicians to the elevator. Push the
smallest fast moving duck looking guy to the elevator. he's so fast and very hard at the beggining
Here's a bit
of advice: I B I Y : Yuna IY I
B : Shop Keeper I? I ? : Fast moving duck looking guy I
I I : the room I I I
Make sure you push him like that! Put
him in the corner and push him NOT from his NORTH but push him slowly From his NORTH EAST! If he moving to the center,
block him. But TRY NOT to make him moving to the center.
He's hard at the beginning but if you know how to push
him, it's such an easy job.:)
And make sure you push them from the smallest size: a. the short guy b. the
trumpet c. the harp d. the drumer
You get the item once you put them all in the elevator. The item is so useful,
and if you equip it to a GUNNER, the Gunner will be a monster with QUICK TRIGGER ability, you can kill BOSSES very easily
Job Class #2 - Gunner <--- - This job class deals with gun-type weapons. This is a very basic and can be rather weak
later in the game job. So I only recommend this job for when you are more in the early stages of the game. - This is
Yuna's beginning job.
---> Job Class #3 - Black Mage <--- - This job deals with most of the elemental and
more damaging magical type of spells. This is not a good nor fit class to be using if you are planning and prefer to
be more physical in the game. Only use this class when you're only using elemental or opposing magic (ie. Fire, Thunder
etc...). - Finish the mission called Sphere Hunter's Combat.
---> Job Class #4 - Soldier (Warrior) <--- -
This class is the one in the beginning to be using if you're into real physical attacking. This isn't the best or toughest
job class in the game, but can be rather useful in some dire situations. - This is Paine's beginning job.
Job Class #5 - White Mage <--- - This type of job class deals more with healing, and restorating kind of the magic.
This job is almost the exact opposite of the job, Black Mage, except with the fact that it has "mage" in the name of it.
Do not use this class if you are using physical attacks, because they are not good at utilizing any physical attacks
whatsoever. - Finish the mission called Sphere Hunt. You do this at Besaid.
---> Job Class #6 - Thief <--- -
This is a rather agile job class, and is also sorta powerful when it comes to physically attacking. What it mostly is used
for is to steal items as well as Gil from your adversaries. - This is Rikku's beginning job.
---> Job Class
#7 - Pop Star (Singer) <--- - This job is pretty fast in its own regards. What this job does is sing and dance in
order to damage their opponents. It is good in a few things, but not my favorite class, though. - In the start of the
game, the LeBlanc gives it up to you.
---> Job Class #8 - Animal Trainer <--- - This job I have found to be
ok in just about all categories imaginable but is not recommended to late in the game. - If you have visited Kimahri
in both of the Story Levels 1 as well as 2, he will give you this Dress Sphere when you are to begin the mission called
"Stop Ronsos" which is done in Story Level 3.
---> Job Class #9 - Gambler <--- - What this job does is
not really anything but damaging thr enemy in battle. Everything about this class is rather mediocre, but still an alright
class overall. It rolls dice and deals sum in damage count. If same exact numbers have been rolled again, damage doubles
totally. - In Story Level 3, go and pay the city of Luca a little visit. Challenge a player in your area to Sphere Break,
then you have to beat Shinra in the final. Then you get this Dress Sphere. --> Here is some info sent by Mr. Nox: First
of all, you can save between the first two battles, but you have to play the third and last battles in a row. So my tips
are : 1) play the third battle against the blue guy to your right when you've just walk down the stairs, because he's
so easy you won't even need the 10 rounds to screw him : ) 2) when playing the final battle, you CAN'T WIN if you play
like a rookie, so you HAVE TO use combos bonus and you may win quite easily. The easiest way to use combos bonus is
by playing a turn with the same amount of spheres than the previous turn. The best way is to always use 4 spheres, but
you can use 3 spheres-combos if there are only few remaining. The combo works even if you've only used the gold center
coins, so don't hesitate ! The best way to quickly reach the norma number (which is 50 in 15 turns for the last battle)
is to use one gold center coin and three (or two, for a combo of 3) external spheres. If the computer gives you a 1, mess
this turn (because any number is a multiple of 1, right ? : ) and start the next turn with 3 or 4 spheres again. Stick
to building multiple with 4 or 3 spheres, make it a rule of thumb, and you're assured to win! : )
---> Job Class
#10 - Dark Knight <--- - The best job class in the whole game in my opinion (and I bet in many, many others' opinions
just as well). This job class is very good in every stat, especially in physical attacks and even magical. The speed is
good too. I mightily suggest that you use this job class alot later in the game or from when you get it and on from
then, because it is simply awesome. - This Dress Sphere can be located in the mission that you are looking for the Vegnagun
in, and that of course as you should know is beneath Bevelle. Is found in a chest before confrontation with Baralai. You
must activate the blocks to get to that area and to do that you must obtain the key that is in the elevators before.
Once you do this, you can open the chest and finally attain your most desired Dress Sphere. Hurray!
---> Job
Class #11 - Berserker <--- - A rather powerful job class that I don't yet know much about because I never really
have used it. I will list more when I use it more, just know that it is a rather good and powerful class for in the battle.
But here is some good info on it from Mr. Nox: 1) Counter, Mahô Counter, Kaihi Counter (the enemy misses then you counter) !
I have to add that EVEN if you just got Counter, you DO counter even if the enemy misses !!! 2) Auto Regen ! 3) Freaking
amazing speed and high Kaihi rate (don't know how to translate "kaihi" in english, "escape" or something) ! 4) You'll
be so fast and powerful with a Berserker the enemy won't have time to hit you ! 5) High HP !! enough said ! -
For this Dress Sphere you must finish the mission in Macalania that is called "SOS" or just called "SOS Mission".
Job Class #12 - Item Shooter <--- - This class is one of my personal most favorites simply because in my perspective,
it is more up to par than most of the other jobs in the game. What it does is really what the name implies and should really
be put to use alot in my opinion. - First thing to obtain this Dress Sphere that you must do is go to the Mushroom Rock
Road and locate Clasko (you rememeber him from the last game, right?). All you need to do to first finish the mission is
speak to him there. Now once you have let him onto the Celcius, this initiates a mission in the Calm Lands region in
the second Story Level, which once you beat the boss there, you get the Dress Sphere finally.
---> Job Class
#13 - Samurai <--- I personally love this class, and it easily qualifies for being my second favorite job class in
the whole entire game (first of course is the great and powerful Dark Knight). What this job is all about is really power
and speed which always as most people know, make for a truly deadly combination in the battles that you fight. Samurai
is a real bastard, since the job does a lot of damage and the charge gauge for killing everybody (Shin Zantetsu) may be
the shortest charge gauge of all jobs !!! And a samurai does damage to every enemy that is close to the enemy he's going
to slash (that's why they do large circles with their sword, very effective in melee! : ) - This will be found in room
which you had beaten the two enemies to stop the flames from burning which was of course done inside of the Kilika Temple.
Job Class #14 - Mascot <--- - Well, not much can be said about this job as I haven't yet really gotten it, much less
use it. So if someone can send in info on it, that'd be great. - You must achieve and Episode Complete in every Active
Link in the fifth Story Level to get it. It will be on the Celcius.
---> Special Dress Sphere #1 - Zankio (Paine)
<--- - For this sidequest you are to make your way over to yet another very familiar place which is Macalania Woods,
and from here you go to the area where in Final Fantasy X you recieved the first Jecht Sphere (well, at least that's how
I myself remember it), you may recall it as when the coolest video game character [Auron], cut through a rough batch
of bush). But anyhow, here's how this mini- quest works: Here you are going to meet another cognitionable face, and that
is Tromell Guado (you know, Seymour Guado's butt-kisser from FFX). Well after you have spoken to him three times consecutively,
he hands over the goods, or, a special dress for Paine. You can get this too by finishing "Where are my Musicians?"
in Macalania Woods, but I prefer to do it like I just mentioned before that.
---> Special Dress Sphere #2 - Flora
Fleur (Yuna) <--- - Fly over to the Guado village of Guadosalam once you are in Story Level 2, and then once you
are here, speak to the Guado people that are standing in the front of the big mansion, his is where all of the Guado maesters
lived during Final Fantasy X (you can also remember it by it being the place that Seymour had propsed to Yuna in Final
Fantasy X). Now you must go to Djose Temple from this point since the Guados currently will not let you pass through there. Now
take Shoopuf and then go to where you find a few Al Bhed people. Get the guidelines for the Machina Muzzle (Rikku's own
special Dress Sphere), and then go down this path until you see a few people near some machines. Take the sphere that
is here and then beat Sano and Uno next to get Rikku's disguise for Guadosalam.
---> Special Dress Sphere #2
- Machina Muzzle (Rikku) <--- - Fly back to the temple of used-to-be Yevon in Djose using the Celcius airship first
of all. Now get in line so that you are able to get into the tent right outside of the Djose Temple. Now that you're in,
speak to the person at the counter and don't choose any other option except for the very first one available, this will
enable you to finally be able to get into the temple here. Inside of here you will encounter a person who is name is Gabriel,
speak to him and after you've done that leave the temple of Djose and continue to make your way down the path. Here there
will be Gabriel there again and you will see that he is talking to another person. Now you have to speak to him yet
again and then choose the first choice here as well. He now hands over a pass for you to initiate yet another Active Link
on the NavMap, which you will be put back on the airship automatically proceeding the talk with Gabriel. Now use it
to fly on over to Bikanel Desert and then speak to the women aside the vehicle here and then take the second choice the
appears, now talk to the man beside her and choose the first choice. Doing this will automatically take you to the Oasis,
and then here you will receive Rikku's Special Dress Sphere which is of course called the Machina Muzzle. Now Sano will
show his ugly self. Beat him and then you get the disguise and end this mission for good. Great job!
o----------------------------o -
IN-BATTLE PROCEDURES - o----------------------------o
This section will be huge, so when I finish
it up, I will list it here.
=============================================================================== 6F)
Weapons Listing) ----------------------------------------------------(#6WLF ===============================================================================
=============================================================================== 7G) Accessory Listing) --------------------------------------------------(#7ALG ===============================================================================
=============================================================================== 8H) Item Listing) -------------------------------------------------------(#8ILH ===============================================================================
o--------------------o -
ITEM EFFECTS - o--------------------o
| COST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potion
| It restores 200 HP to one character. | 50 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi-Potion
| It restores 1000 HP to one character. | 500 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mega-Potion
| It restores 2000 HP to every character in the | None
| party.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Potion
| It restores HP fully to one character. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turbo
Ether | It restores 500 MP to one character.
| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ether
| It restores 100 MP to one character. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elixir
| It restores HP as well as MP to full on one | None
| character.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megalixir
| It restores HP as well as MP to full on all | None
| characters.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mega-Phoenix
| Revives the entire party when KO'd. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phoenix
Down | Revives one character when he/she happens to be | 100 Gil
| KO'd.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soft
| Negates the the status imperfection, | 50 Gil
| Petrification.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antidote
| Negates the status imperfection, Poison. | 50 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy
Water | Negates the status imperfection, Curse.
| 300 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Echo Screen
| Negates the status imperfection, Silence. | 50 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eye
Drops | Negates the status imperfection, Darkness.
| 50 Gil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pasarna Greens
| Heals a chocobo when you use it on them. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mimett
Greens | Heals a chocobo when you use it on them. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sylkis
Greens | Heals a chocobo when you use it on them. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gysahl
Greens | Heals a chocobo when you use it on them. It can | None
| also be used to capture a chocobo. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stamina
Tonic | Doubles the entire Max HP of the whole party. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana
Tonic | Doubles the entire Max MP of the whole party. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana
Tablet | Doubles the entire Max MP of one character that | None
| it was used on.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stamina Tablet | Doubles
the entire Max HP of one character that | None
| it was used on.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healing Spring | It casts
the spell/status Regen on the entire | None
| party.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stamina Spring | This
item absorbs some HP from one of the | None
| enemies.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Spring
| This item absorbs some HP as well as MP from one | None
| of the enemies.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Curtain
| This item uses Reflect spell on entire party. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mana
Spring | This item absorbs some MP from one of the
| None | enemies.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lunar Curtain |
This item uses the Shell spell on entire party. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light
Curtain | This item uses the Protect spell on entire party.| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farplane
Shadow | This item uses Death on one opponent. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocobo
Feather | This item uses the spell Haste on one party | None
| member.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocobo Wing
| This item uses the spell Hastega on the entire | None
| party.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Hourglass | Casts
Slowga onto the entire row of enemies. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candle
of Life | This item casts the spell/status Doom on one | None
| enemy.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Hourglass | Casts the spell
Slow on one opponent. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining
Gem | This does some medium amount of damage to all | None
| enemies.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison Fang
| Does Poison status and damage too to one enemy. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blessed
Gem | This item does damage by using Holy spell on all | None
| enemies.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon Scale
| Does some damage to one enemy with Water element.| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water
Gem | Does some damage to one enemy with Water element.| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow
Gem | Takes away 1/4 of enemys' current HP.
| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Gem
| Does some damage to one enemy with Thunder | None
| element.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fish Scale
| Does some damage to one enemy with Water element.| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning
Marble | Does some damage to one enemy with Thunder | None
| element.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electro Marble | Does
some damage to one enemy with Thunder | None
| element.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arctic Wind
| Does some damage to one enemy with Ice element. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice
Gem | Does some damage to one enemy with Ice element. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire
Gem | Does some damage to one enemy with Fire element. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antarctic
Wind | Does some damage to one enemy with Ice element. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb
Fragment | Does some damage to one enemy with Fire element. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb
Core | Does some damage to one enemy with Fire element. | None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence
Grenade | Does Silence status and does damage to all of the| None
| enemies.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness Grenade | Does Darkness status
and does damage to all of | None
| the enemies.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep Grenade |
Does Sleep status and does damage to all of the | None
| enemies.
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb (L)
| Does damage to all enemies.
| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb (M)
| Does damage to all enemies.
| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb (S)
| Does damage to all enemies.
| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheap Grenade
| Does damage to all enemies.
| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grenade
| Does damage to all enemies.
| None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panacea
| This item negates all status effects that are | None
| currently present.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
o----------------------o -
ITEM LOCATIONS - o----------------------o
Under Construction for the time being.
=============================================================================== 9I)
Shop Lists) ---------------------------------------------------------(#9SLI ===============================================================================
=============================================================================== 10J) Character Bios) ----------------------------------------------------(#0CBJ ===============================================================================
Yuna Normal Weapon: Al Bhed Gun Place of Birth: Bevelle Age: 19 - Yuna first made her unforgettable debut in the
original in this 2-game sequel, Final Fantasy X. She is the beautiful daughter of High Summoner Braska, who together
with Auron, and sir Jecht defeated a mysterious force known as "Sin" 12 years ago on their pilgrimage. Then, 10 years later,
her along with her guardians, Tidus, Auron, Rikku, Kimahri, Wakka, and Lulu did the same after Sin's reincarnation.
She learned the abilities to summon forth great entities of power known as "Aeons". She became somewhat of a princess of
the land of Spira after her and the gang beat Sin for good 2 years ago, and once believed in Yevon, but now those principles
no longer exist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Paine Normal
Weapon: Sword Place of Birth: Unknown Age: 18 - She is a rather mysterious girl who no one knows that much of a great
deal about. When Sin attacked her home a long time ago when she was a very little and young kid, her parents were then
killed tragically killed by the onslaught, as were many, many others. She has sadly lived her life by herself, and she has
developed a very strong physical attacking nature, as well as fighting in general for the most part. She is a mysterious
and dark girl who likes to keep a good bit to herself (sorta like a female Auron for the most part). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.
Rikku Normal Weapon: Twin Daggers Place of Birth: Al Bhed Home Age: 17 - Another young girl, and she has once
served as one of Yuna's guardians two years ago during the Sin destroying incident. She is an extremely fun and expressive
young girl who always speaks her mind in most of any tough situation no matter how depressing for enraging. She was a perky
thief from the people of Al Bhed and is rather strong. She is afraid of the element Lightning because of an "incident"
with her Brother along time ago on a beach where he mis-fired and hit her as opposed to the fiend he was really attempting
to hit with the spell. She never believed in the Yevon teachings because of her Al Bhed descent, and in the beginning
of her job as a guardian 2 years ago, she was not really liked nor sppreciated too much by one of Yuna's other main guardians,
Wakka. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=============================================================================== 11K)
The Menu Screen) ---------------------------------------------------(#1MSK ===============================================================================
for starters, here is a crude ASCII rendering of the new Menu Screen...:
| HELP | | Shows character name, picture, level, job, |
|------+ | HP, MP
| | Item +----------------------------------------------|
| White Magic | Shows character name, picture, level, job, |
| Equipment | HP, MP
| | Resuit Plate +----------------------------------------------|
| Ability | Shows character name, picture, level, job, |
| Accessory | HP, MP
| | Dress Up +----------------------------------------------|
| Config
| |
| |
Play Time:
| | Location:
| |
| +--------------------------------------------------------------+
o------------------------o -
WHAT DO THEY DO? - o------------------------o
Item ----- This opens up the item menu and
lets you access any of the curative items that you have in the pack now. The others are for use later in battle, or the
key items are used later on in the story some how, or for other specific uses.
White Magic ------------ This
lets you have complete access to all of the white magic you have obtained so far in the game.
Equipment ---------- This
lets you have complete access to all of the equipments you have obtained so far in the game.
Resuit Plate ------------- Shows
the Resuit Plates in the game.
Ability -------- Shows all of the abilities for a specific job class that any
character has at a current part of the game.
Accessory ---------- Shows all of the Accessories that you have
in the game thus far.
Dress Up --------- This is the screen where you control most of jobs and their changes
throughout time.
Config ------- This is of course short for "Configuration". Here you are able to change most anything
of the settings of your own particular game. These areas that you can change range from all of the following: Dress Up,
ATB, ATB Speed, Cursor, Help, Vibration, Name Subtitles, Subtitles, Sound, Guide Map...
=============================================================================== 12L)
Game Walkthrough) --------------------------------------------------(#2GWL ===============================================================================
This section is nowhere near completed, and will be updated more heavily than any other section until it finally is completed. Note:
Sidequests will all be listed at the end of each Story Level, and in the Sidequests section.
I. Active Links
1. Mt. Gagazet
2. Besaid
3. Kilika
4. Zanarkand Ruins
II. Sidequests
1. Luca - Man in Uniform
2. Moonflow - Defend the cart!
3. Macalania - Paine's Dress
4. Chase down O'aka
5. Akagi Sphere #9.
------------ 1st Mission. ------------
After all of the first scenes that are there
to get you ready and introduced to the game, there will even be a few more scenes (don't worry, most Final Fantasy games
are like this). Eventually you see that Paine is chasing Yuna *coughfake cough*, when you are in full control of Rikku.
Along your way, you'll first encounter your first battle to begin this awesome game (very classic, you have an easy
fight to really get you acclimated to a game). I suggest just not putting too much effort nor strength into beating these
guys (only a few normal attacks at best), and then when you finally have overcome your first enemy in the game, continue
on your path here...
After you have defeated them with the greatest of ease and now that you're all proud of yourself
that you have beaten and triumphed in your very first battle, keep going until you start with a new scene in which the
actually Yuna (the girl we all knew and loved in the masterpiece known as Final Fantasy X). You are also being introduced
to two men here, one's name is Uno, you'll know him because he is rather tubby, and there's Sano who is actually quite
tall (just though I'd let you know about them so if you didn't know Japanese language, you'd know who they are through
and throughout the whole entire game). Take them out in your next battle, and then proceed to watch the beginning of the game
unfold before your very eyes...!
When the imposter Yuna that I had evidently mentioned above reveals herself, you
will be introduced by the game to the leader of the sphere hunting group which you just beat to members of them already,
and her name is LeBlanc. You now get into yet another battle with her (this one is just a tad bit more fierce than the
ones you've just fought in. But nothing to worry about if you are at least a semi-decent player). Once you have defeated
LeBlanc, your job here is done. Mission Complete!
------------ 2nd Mission. ------------
After first
mission, you will be now aboard your awesome-looking airship called the Celcius, and what to do should be rather obvious
to you. What you are going to need to do is speak to every character located on this airship, and after you have spoken
to the guy taking a rest down the elevator lights and sirens will start going off in the Celcius. Head back to the very
front of the airship and press the Active Link to enter your 2nd mission of the game thus far. After the movie when
you landed, run down the path and when you arrive at a pair of stairs, just head down them.
When you see the blue
switch, press it and then when you fall down to the area below, keep going to drop down the first cliff and make your way
to the very top of the cliff to the Northeast area. When you reach a sorta empty area you will run into the LeBlanc
group again (you didn't think that you'd get rid of them that easily, did you?). You are now on a limit of 6 minutes only
to reach the group of sphere hunters. Keep heading in the direction you are facing and pick up what is in the chest
that you find. Now, go back to where you just were, argh...! Now jump over to the other pillar (using the action button,
silly), and then now make your way into here.
A band of soldiers accompanied by the annoying Sano (oh my gosh, what
a darn surprise *rolls eyes*). What you're going to have to do is beat them (duh), and then enter the big tower. In
here, click both switches in here on (you might want to look at map first), doing so will cause a jumping platform to descend
for you and for you to then jump on and then chase after the group some more. After you make your way to other side of
the tower, make your way on top of the busted down pole, climb up this tower here and save at the save point located
Hopefully you reach here before the end of the set 6 minutes, if this is the case (as it was with me the very
first time), you will find that the LeBlanc gang will be hanging on the edge of a hill, and now you pick up the item that is
found right in the treasure chest and fight the LeBlancs. Not much of any strategy is here, so beat them by healing and
attacking until you finally reach victory against them (again)... Go into this next room and pick up the sphere in here
to end the mission finally!
------------ 3rd Mission. ------------
This is your next mission and is another
place in Spira that should look very familiar if you happened to have played the first game, this place is none other
than Besaid island. in the tent to the right of this village, you will find the person you need to meet, and that is none
other than another very familiar face, the beautiful Lulu, and right after you have your conversation with her, she
will exit the tent and you have to fo speak to her yet again. I also suggest that you explore around Besaid a bit to refresh
your memory of locations and other things of the sort. Now find and talk to Lulu once again.
You will now get a
short little scene with you and her at the top of a cliff, and during this scene, she will hand over a sphere to you, and
then after the scene, Lulu will be back in the village of Besaid, or more specifically, back inside of her tent where
you first saw her. So anyway, you now have your next mission which is to find and locate good ol' and tubby in the off-season Wakka
which is not presently to be found in Besaid Village. Instead you must lok around for four different numbers (which I usually
like to just call codes) to open up the door near the beach of Besaid. The locations are as follows:
- The first
one is located on the top of the cliff which you just recently had a short little conversation with Lulu up there (the
place she gave you the sphere). Click here and then you will receive your first one. - The shores of Besaid beach (where
you first boarded SS Liki in the first game) and there will be women here as a land mark for you (at least to me). Press the
action button (obviously) to get to it. - The shores of Besaid beach (where you first boarded SS Liki in the first game) near
the farther side of here where the dock is. You'll find the third one there in that location. - The next one is found
on a rock and is pretty unmissable for you, as the rock and the item you need are rather big and stick out like a sore
thumb. Press the action button for this one too to get it.
Now go back to the door before the entrance to the beach
in Besaid, and then you will be able to finally locate Wakka's butt inside of here. Talk to him (of course) and then
do a little bit o' explorin' in this cave and you will find yet another sphere, which this will be initiating another rather
easy boss battle for you to beat. Not much strategy for this one, just healing and pounding away until you have dropped
it mercilessly. Go back and talk to the former blitzball coach/captain of the Besaid Aurochs, Wakka, and then you have
beaten yet your third mission of the first story level.
------------ 4th Mission. ------------
Right when
you enter the area of your fourth mission of the game which is located in none other than the area of Zanarkand Ruins.
As you approach here, you will view that there are many, many people right there in the beginning, but your main attention
is to be focused on making your way up on top of the cliff here and speaking to another familiar face from the last game,
and this one is none other than a former fellow summoner/rival, Isaru. When he asks you the question of whether or not
you recall his name during the conversation, choose the second choice.
Once all of the chit-chat is done and over
with, go inside of the Zanarkand Ruins (recall this fond memories...) and in here you fill find 3 small children talking
to one another. You will need to follow them into the chamber as they walk and talk. Now once you are in here, use the
elevator to go down, and when in here, speak to Cid and then talk to the person next to him. After all the boring talking
is through, head over to the place where you had fought the Lady Yunalesca in the previous game, the Zanarkand, Dome: Chamber
of the Fayth.
Now there will be a voice talking to you, and you are to choose the second choice available which
will get you a Resuit Plate (more on those later on in the guide). Once this is completed, continue to make your way down
the steps and proceed into the chamber which you would reach by going straight. In here you will encounter yet another
boss duel. This is slightly more challenging than the previous boss fights, but, since you are probably a good bit stronger than
then, the same strategy applies, simply you might have to do it more times over to end the fight finally. This ends mission
4 of the game...
------------ 5th Mission. ------------
This area for the mission 5 is yet again, another
location which those who have played the first game should recall, Kilika island. When you gain control in Kilika, head
through the gates here and you will see lots of people and other things of the sort with tons of bustling (Kilika is alot
different than in the last game, it's based alot more on Machina with the fall of the Yevon teachings and priciples).
You might feel the urge to just explore around the village of Kilika before getting back to the mission, if so, that's
fine, I did, but when you are ready to get back on track, do so by...
Taking the leftward path from where you and
I last left off where you first came in through the gate and then finally making your way upward from here. At the end
of this path, there will be a stop to where you can't go any further at all, but what you do is choose the first option
you are given and this will make you stealthily cover you behind trees so that you can and are able to evesdrop on what
those soldiers are talking about to each other. Once all of this is complete, go save, and then talk to the soldiers and
give them the correct passcode and they will let you go through to the next area.
Each time you offer them the correct
answer to the password, you get an item for your effort, *but*, if you get the answer incorrectly, you must do battle with
them which is actually kinda easy (at least to me it was). Make your way up to the of this new area and you will get a
short little movie to watch succeeded by a battle with a boss. After you defeat it using same tactics as all of the
previous boss battles, the short mission is over.
---------- Sidequests ----------
1. Luca - Man in Uniform ------------------------ The
first scene plays, and then after it you once again gain control of the lovely Yuna. But now, you notice that she is in
a classic Moogle suit!? After you get over the shock, run your way down the steps there and then a man will encounter
you in another little scene. Succeeding this, you have to find and locate this guy yet again, but fret not, it's not hard
to find him at all, especially with me about to tell you where he is.:) He is next to a women who herself is near a
booth/stall (whatever you wish to call it). Now speak to him for the second time and he will ask you nicely to give away
balloons for ten different people. After you finish up with doing this job, the mini- mission is over. Good job!
The Moonflow - Defend the Cart! ---------------------------------- In this mission you will receive a Dress Sphere for
the Magic Gunner job class. Where you go is right before the area before the Moonflow wharf. Now what you are going
to need to do to commence is speak to the one person peddling along this road. Choose the option to agree and comply with
his request of you accompanying him on his journey. You will now see that thieves are trying to get to his cart whic
from the name I gave the sidequest, you know you are going to have to protect it to get your reward. So after you defend
the cart from the rotten thieves, if you have done this sidequest right, by the time you arrive at the end of the path,
you will be awarded with the new Dress Sphere, the Magic Gunner. Great job, because now the mini-mission is done.
Macalania - Paine's Special Dress ------------------------------------ For this sidequest you are to make your way over
to yet another very familiar place which is Macalania Woods, and from here you go to the area where in Final Fantasy
X you recieved the first Jecht Sphere (well, at least that's how I myself remember it), you may recall it as when the coolest
video game character [Auron], cut through a rough batch of bush). But anyhow, here's how this mini- quest works: Here
you are going to meet another cognitionable face, and that is Tromell Guado (you know, Seymour Guado's butt-kisser from
FFX). Well after you have spoken to him three times consecutively, he hands over the goods, or, a special dress for
Paine. You can get this too by finishing "Where's My Musician" in Macalania Woods, but I prefer to do it like I just mentioned
before that.
4. Macalania - Chase Down O'aka ------------------------------- Again, this sidequest as well as
the "Paine's Special Dress" sidequest take place in the shiny Macalania Woods. Here you must take the glistening path to the
next end of the woods and then you must leave the woods to progress to a scene in which you see that a band of soldiers
is ambushing a house, and this house belongs the merchant extrodinaire, O'aka XXIII (you ought to remember ths guy from
the original Final Fantasy X, right?). This initiates the mission finally, and you have to follow O'aka (well actually,
it's chasing him) to the beginning of Macalania Woods and then continue to chase him until you get the next little scene.
Now there are four different routes which you are able to take, take the Northward direction. You will now view that there
is a figure other than O'aka located in this area, but remember, we're here to find and catch O'aka, so pay no mind
to the other person. O'aka will be found not so cleverly hidden in a tree towards the left side of your TV screen. Now
when you are able to reach him by taking Yuna over there, take the very first choice to now make Mr. O'aka XXIII available
on the Celcius and that concludes this little mini-mission for good.
5. Akagi Sphere #9. ------------------- For
this Akagi Sphere you are going to have to fly all the way back to Mushroom Rock Road and you will first encounter a band
of soldiers that are grouped together, and will now have to speak to their commander in charge to begin the mini side
mission here. Now after you have done that, you must speak to Clasko (hey, you know him from the last game, FFX) who is
right behind them on the road. In the next little movie that you get here you will again see Uno and Sano running, your
objective is to simply follow them and when you reach the end, you get the sphere. Get back onto the path and then take
the lift up and go to Nooj's base to get a mini-movie, and that's it for this mini-mission.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I. Active Links
1. Guadosalam
2. Guadosalam
3. Bevelle
II. Sidequests
1. Besaid - Shooting
2. Mi'ihen Highroad - Catch Chocobo
3. Moonflow - Ticket Selling
4. Macalania Woods - Where are my Musicians?
5. Mushroom Rock Road - Beat Those Soldiers!
6. Zanarkand Ruins - My Lovers
7. Djose - Yuna's Special Dress
8. Bikanel - Rikku's Special Dress
9. Mt. Gagazet - The Bath
10. Akagi Sphere #7/#10
11. Ribbon Accessory
12. Dark Knight Dress Sphere
13. Get-Rich-Quick (80000 Gil)
Once the scene in the beginning is finally over, head over and speak to Shinra and
while talking, make sure that you have chosen the first choice and this is what initiates the next movie. Once it is over
you are to speak to Brother, now head to sleeping quarters. In here there is a musical band, this is where you have
to talk to the one who is playing the drum. While talking, make the very first choice that is avilable which makes the
Hypello show in this room. Now this next part is rather fun (well, at least to me anyway), what you are to do is really
quite simple, you must shove the whole musical band into the lifts in accordance to their heights. Start off by shoving
the smallest in there first and make your way up to the tallest musician.
This now initiates a nice scene in which
the beautiful Yuna is singing at the top of the airship and then you'll be back in bed thereafter. Now continue to make
your way down the steps and once you're all the way down you have to speak to O'aka, he is needing to pay off a rather
large amount of debt (100000 Gil to be more precise). If you buy stuff off of him that all equals a final total of 100000
Gil he will then sell you stuff majorly cheap.
Now go back to the very front of the Celcius and then again speak to
Brother and again take the first choice to make to Active Links available on the NavMap. This continues the plot right
away. Now you will find yourself located in the Engine Room of your airship, and this makes scene occur which of course
leads to the starting up of your next mission.
------------ 6th Mission. ------------
If you go back
to Guadosalam, you notice three Guados in front of the Guado mansion (where all of the Guado maesters once lived). They
will not let you pass...yet. What you must do is pick three dusguises to get your way through there. This takes rather
long to do but is still sorta easy if you really think about it. Here is where I will make an exception to the "wait-until-end-of- story-level-to-see-sidequests"
rule, as I will be posting them right here to make it easier on you to find the three different disguises instead of having to
scroll all the way down there.
1. Bikanel - Rikku's Special Dress ---------------------------------- Fly back
to the temple of used-to-be Yevon in Djose using the Celcius airship first of all. Now get in line so that you are able
to get into the tent right outside of the Djose Temple. Now that you're in, speak to the person at the counter and don't
choose any other option except for the very first one available, this will enable you to finally be able to get into the temple
here. Inside of here you will encounter a person who is name is Gabriel, speak to him and after you've done that leave
the temple of Djose and continue to make your way down the path. Here there will be Gabriel there again and you will
see that he is talking to another person. Now you have to speak to him yet again and then choose the first choice here
as well. He now hands over a pass for you to initiate yet another Active Link on the NavMap, which you will be put back
on the airship automatically proceeding the talk with Gabriel. Now use it to fly on over to Bikanel Desert and then speak
to the women aside the vehicle here and then take the second choice the appears, now talk to the man beside her and choose
the first choice. Doing this will automatically take you to the Oasis, and then here you will receive Rikku's Special
Dress Sphere which is of course called the Machina Muzzle. Now Sano will show his ugly self. Beat him and then you get
the disguise and end this mission for good. Great job!
2. Djose - Yuna's Special Dress ------------------------------- Fly
over to the Guado village of Guadosalam once you are in Story Level 2, and then once you are here, speak to the Guado people
that are standing in the front of the big mansion, his is where all of the Guado maesters lived during Final Fantasy
X (you can also remember it by it being the place that Seymour had propsed to Yuna in Final Fantasy X). Now you must go
to Djose Temple from this point since the Guados currently will not let you pass through there. Now take Shoopuf and
then go to where you find a few Al Bhed people. Get the guidelines for the Machina Muzzle (Rikku's own special Dress Sphere),
and then go down this path until you see a few people near some machines. Take the sphere that is here and then beat
Sano and Uno next to get Rikku's disguise for Guadosalam.
3. Mt. Gagazet - The Bath ------------------------- Take
your Celcius airship and fly your way over to the sacred mountain of the Ronsos, Mt. Gagazet. Once you have finally arrived
here, speak to everyone's favorite Ronso, Kimahri, and once the little chit-chat is over, use the teleportation device
located directly behind him and this will make you appear near the very top of the mountain. Keep going and when you then reach
the hills here, you will now see that there is a women climbing the mountain, this is your cue to start following the women.
Climb, and then when you reach the top, go into the caverns. Now run through it and then leave through the cave at the
other side and then you get yet another scene of the same women running. Proceed to follow her until you get to one
of my favorite scenes in the game where there are two women taking a bath inside of the spring here. Now you must fight
Uno once he shows himself here, and then right after you have defeated him and two other guys you get the next disguise
and concludes the mission.
--> Here's some info that IiNcX.z contributed: Go to Mount Gagazet and talk to Kimahri.
After the conversation, go to the teleporter behind Kimahri, choose the first option and you'll be transported to the
top of the mountain. Go up the hill and head on straight. A scene will occur when you reach the cliffs. You'll see that
there'll be a female soldier climbing the mountains. There are 2 choices that you can make here.
1st Choice - Follow
her. Climb up the cliff and enter the cave at the top.
Exit the cave and you'll see another scene of that female soldier
running pass the save point. Follow her again. Another scene will
occur showing two ladies bathing in the hot spring. Uno (plump
guy) will appear. Boss fight! Defeat him as well as the two other
soldiers to get your uniform. Mission completed.
2nd Choice - Follow her. Climb up the cliff and enter the cave at
the top. Exit the cave and you'll see another
scene of that female soldier running pass the
save point. Do not follow her. Instead, keep on
climbing up the cliff to the top right side of the mountain.
Enter the gaps between the mountain. There will be a scene
between Uno and 2 female soldiers. Yuna and the gang will
suddenly fall into the hotspring causing Uno and the soldiers to
run away. You'll get the uniform left by them. Enjoy the rest of
the scene. Rikku seems to be examining Yuna's and Paine's skin,
saying that hers is smooth and beautiful. Indirectly insulting
Paine and Yuna, saying that they are getting old. ^^ After the
scene, descend the mountain. On the way down, you'll be ambushed
by 2 female soldiers. After defeating them, Boss fight! Mission
You will now be back on Celcius and Paine, Rikku, and Yuna will be fitted in their soldier disguises
(more covered, drat). Now go back to Guadosalam for your seventh mission of the game.
------------ 7th Mission. ------------
once again, go up to the Guados that are guarding that door into the Guado maester (or used to be that) mansion, and when
you speak them, make the very first option that is given to you. Now after this, the mission seven finally begins. Now
as you are in the mansion you will get yet another scene that is with Nooj and LeBlanc, proceeding that, LeBlanc goes away
for a while, and now you have to go through doors and into the room that is on the bottom floor of this mansion (you
know, the purple one).
In this room, you again run into Sano and Uno who are having a little chat with each other,
now get back out of here back into the big room which you were just in with Nooj and LeBlanc and then enter the room which
LeBlanc had walked off in to up the stairs. In here when you go up to her, as little scene happens and you have to do
a little game in which you actually get to massage her (yay!). The way this goes is you have nine different boxes to choose
from and you must try to figure out which area of her body she wants to be massaged on. Find the Yellow and keep pressing
that spot, this will award you more points, but, the Red is what will make you start over from beginning.
Once you
go over the points that are given here, you get a little scene there afterwards. After, make your way back over to the
room you were just in in which Sano as well as Uno were having the talk (downstairs), and while you are in here you
should investigate around the blue wall towards the left of your screen, doing so will open up a passage leading downward.
In this scene that follows, you get back into your old, normal outfits which we all love and then beat the boss battle
which takes place after, and once beating Uno, go into the room and pick up the accessory located here and then follow
the arrow.
In this area which you had followed the arrow to, you get yet another boss fight, and right after
it you go to an area with climbable walls, which your objective here is to start all of the switchs between thw walls in
this area. Now head over to the other side of this room and wait. After the scene that takes place here, you will then
transported into another different room, flip the two switches in here which opens up one more path and then take the path
down by following the arrow again. Eventually you arrive at yet another boss bout, beat it, mission over...
------------ 8th
Mission. ------------
Once the little scene is done, fly over to the huge city of Bevelle, and this will start
up your next mission which you have to start it off by going into the temple here at Bevelle (where you got the decimating
Bahamut in the last Final Fantasy X) and once in, make your way down to the right direction. There is going to be a
switch down here which you of course supposed to push, and then after you have to run back to the area where you first
came into this temple and then take the left direction as opposed to the right direction which you had just taken now.
if you start the hologram to the bottom here, it will bring down the elevator here. Now go back again to the area where
you first entered the Bevelle Temple and take the direction which just takes you straight down to an area where you
can take the elevator down to a lower level of the Bevelle Temple, and if you go to the right way you are going to receive
three Remedy items in both of the two chests located there. Once you have picked them up, take the left direction instead
this time and head down until you can pick up 3000 Gil amount in yet another treasure chest. Now go up again and pick the
six Hi-Potions in this next chest.
Now once you have gotten all of those useful items, you are going to want to start
and go to where the arrow there points and leads you to, and when you arrive there, use the elevator to go to the second
area and then move through the right direction which you will eventually be able to go into the Chamber of the Fayth,
and proceeding that, you'll find yourself in somewhere else. Now make your way through the pathway until you get to your
next little scene. Now get up to the more area of this place until you see that Yuna starts falling (or sliding. However
you want to put it) down a steel chain, and once down here, start up the tower to the right of where you are right when
you first fall.
This activates a platform (don't you worry about it just now, it is used a bit later on in the game).
Once you are done with activating the first tower, start to activate every other tower and not the ones directly after),
this starts up a duel against another boss. Now save and proceed until you finally Baralai, this is another boss fight
which you can Steal a good accessory from, this one is called the Encounter None (No Encounters), and once you finally
defeat the boss (you are going to need to heal a few times and attack with a few powerful attacks such as Reverse Shot
amoung a few other better ones).
Save again, this is mainly because you're really going to be put to the test in the
next room where you fight yet another boss battle, and after this one, you will have completed yet another mission.
---------- Sidequests ----------
Besaid - Shooting -------------------- Before I tell you the objective, I will list controls and give the 411 on this mini-sidequest:
Circle - Fire, X Button - Target Lock, R1 - Weapon Change Mode, Death Shot - It kills an enemy, Single Shot - Hits one
enemy, Double Shot - Hits two enemies at once, Volley Shot - It kills multiple enemies. Fly all the way over to the
isle of Besaid and there is going to be a band of blitzball players that are around there. Once you go up to them a short
little scene will occur in which another guy the appears on the scene, and then he is going to question you and you
have to (like most often) choose the very first choice that is given to you, this makes you take him up on the challenge
that he offers. Now what you do once the mini-mission has begun is always try to score higher than what he sets it up
to be. The way to rack up alot more points is to keep your bar at the bottom (combo bar) high as you can, this will
reward you with more points if it is high enough. Mission complete...
2. Mi'ihen Highroad - Catch Chocobo ----------------------------------- Go
back to the Mi'ihen Highroad (as it says above), and then go into the inside of the Travel Agency up the road, and in here
you will find that there will be a girl talking about Chocobos at the desk, after that is done, go and talk to Hikari.
She will then ask you what is your name?, choose the second option (of course you know what this would be, right?), next
you are to pick the first choice she gives and this will finally initiate the mission that you are here to do. Now you
have to chace a Chocobo and follow Rikku, she will eventually ask you to stop however, but are to still make the second option
and proceed to chase after the Chocobo on the run, and, Rikku asking you this will occur three times in total by the end
and you must always, always, choose on the second option that Rikku provides to you. In the next area and scene you
will have to go up to the Chocobo you've been in pursuit of for the last little bit and then you must carefully make the
decision of which way the Chocobo is going to run towards next, this can be done easily, simply use the directions on
your PS2 controller. And then, after you have finally guessed right after at least three (I got four) times, you are ready
to go onto the upcoming part of this mini-mission finally (it's been kinda long so far, hasn't it?), in which you must
follow after Paine and Rikku at all times, then, the Chocobo makes off, go down and talk to the man that is located here and
when he asks, take the top choice. Now go over to the girl that is nearer to the machine here and again, make the very
first choice that is given to you by her. After this next scene, you mist beat the boss that comes (not much strategy
goes into this one really), and proceeding the battle, go to where the arrow is and pick up the Resuit Plate as a just
reward for your efforts. Make your way to where you first approached and encountered Hikari, she is now with Clasko,
and they're making out (hehe, just kidding:), she'll also be with a Chocobo. Speak to Clasko and make first choice to have
them both on Celcius (pretty big group on the ship so far, eh?).
3. Moonflow - Ticket Selling ---------------------------- Back
over there in the Moonflow which you of course access by using your trusty airship the Celcius and then once you reach
the area, there will be a rather small guy who definitely didn't eat his vegies, who is dressed up in a red- colored
pair of clothes--talk to him as the first thing you do in this mini- mission. The whole entire point and purpose of this
quest is to aid him in the selling out of the tickets that he happens to be selling at that time. If you are wanting
you help him out a bit, you must make the first choice that is made available to you to choose from when he asks you. Time
for a list!: - Mi'ihen Road: There is a man there that will be able to pay you a good 200 amoutn of Gil to you. There
will also be a women near the end whom will give you a much more impressive 1500 Gil. - The Docks: On the steps here
there is going to be a rather quite elderly man who will be paying a beautiful 1500 Gil (like the women on Mi'ihen Road). There
is even a man there that is going to pay out an even better 2000 Gil. - Small Guy Vicinity: There is going to be a women
that is with her bicycle thing which will be paying 1500 Gil for ticket. There is even a women here that is with her
little kid who pays 1000 Gil for it. - Around the Save: On top of the seats that are found here in this area, he will
give 1000 Gil. Don't forget about the women with her kid who will pay up for 1500 Gil (not bad, huh?). - Next Moonflow
Wharf: You must "ride ze Shoopuf" to the other Wharf which is of course on the other side and there is a women that pays
an amount of 200 Gil (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't remember correctly I don't think). There is also a man that pays
200 Gil (again, fix me if I'm incorrect). There is now two rewards for this mini-quest (or a possible two, may only be one
for some people though), one will always be a Resuit Plate, and the next may be Magic Gunner Dress Sphere if you had missed
it before. That's it!
4. Macalania - Where are my Musicians? -------------------------------------- This, as
you can see evidently from the above, you have to fly back to Macalania in your airship before anything else. Then go to
the woods are like with a few of the previous side missions you've done earlier in the game. Now speak to the person
along here and then make your way back over to where you had spoken to Tromell Guado earlier and received Paine's Special
Dress (the Zankio), of course this is also where Auron cut through in the previous Final Fantasy X. Now there is a fat
funny-looking guy here (from the last game) who just happens to be playing a harp (you remember him, ya?). Now go up to
him and speak with him, and you learn that your mission is to find his fellow musicians. If you speak with him just
one more time, he tells where one of them already is. Locations are as follows to the below (Hint: Search around for places
with those butterflies which many people pulled their hair out trying to do the Butterfly Catching mini-game in the previous
game:): - There are some near the area where you had just now spoken to the wierd guy that is playing his harp instrument. -
There is some along the new path in Macalania, this is the glistening walkway to those who may not know. - If you go
near the hill near the old path in Macalania, you will have to use the action button to jump and be able to get to them,
however. - The final batch is in the Spring. You probably best know this buy being the place where Yuna and Tidus spent
their kissing scene in the last game, Final Fantasy X (which also played the music Suteki Da Ne, sung by Rikki). Your only reward
for this is Paine's Special Dress (Zankio) if you missed it from Tromell in the first Story Level of the game. Mission
is now complete.
5. Mushroom Rock Road - Beat Those Soldiers! -------------------------------------------- Before
we start off with anything of the information in this sidequest section, I would like to warn you that this game is only
made accessible after playing the game for a second time. Now we get back on track--fly over to Mushroom Rock Road of
course via your airship, Celcius, and then, run over to the soldiers that are standing right there. Now what you are having
to do next is speak with good ol' Clasko that is located around here and then go into the next place to finally begin
with this new mini-mission. What you must do in order to clear this mission and receive your reward is to annihilate all
of the warriors that are here, hence the name, "Beat Those Soldiers!". Simplistic enough, isn't it not? Well, the next
thing you must do in order to finally complete this mission is to just run over to the elevator and if you want to, save,
and as a reward for beating the sidequest, you attain another Resuit Plate. Congratulations!
6. Zanarkand Ruins
- My Lovers ------------------------------ For this sidequest you must now fly all the way back over to the ruins in
the once wonderous and bustling metropolis, Zanarkand. Now you must now enter into the ruins area and then approach
and speak to Isaru, he's right there, you can't miss him. Now that you have just started up the sidequest after speaking to
him, you are made to match up the little creatures found literally in every place you can possibly fathom in Zanarkand
Ruins (sure, there are some places without them, but you get my drift... right?). Here's how to do it right: - This
one is found right in the section where you had originally had your talk with the once summoner, Isaru. - In the area
close up to the elevator in the Zanarkand Ruins (you should be able to remember, you've used it once before, and it's very
easy to spot). - This is found and located in the section where the lift is located in the Zanarkand Ruins (not that
far from the previous one). - This one is in the area where you had little meaningless chit-chat with the former airship
piolet, Cid earlier in the game, remember? - This one should be easy to spot because of the fact that you have a really evident
and noticeable landmark--oodles of chests (I just said "oodles"... *runs away embarrassed*). - This is in the area where
youhad had the epic fight with Yunalesca in Final Fantasy X. And if you had picked up FFX: International, you also probably
had a fierce battle with Dark Bahamut there as well. This place is the Zanarkand Dome: Chamber of the Fayth. Time
for another pieces of information for you. This is going to list where to match up each pair of creatures at. Let's start!: -
Match one in the section where you fought with Yunalesca (FFX) and the one in the place where you had had the talk with
Cid earlier in the game. - Match one up in the section with many chests with one in the area that is before the lift
area of the Zanarkand Ruins. - Now it's time to pair up the one in the area where you first talked to Isaru to one found
in place where you fought and killed Yunalesca in the previous game, Final Fantasy X. - Time to match up one in the
area with many, many chests to the one in the area with the lift in it. - Match up on in the section which you find
the elevator in to one in the area where you had killed Yunalesca in Final Fantasy X two years before this. - It is
now that time where you have to match up one in the section that the elevator is located in to one that is found in the
place where you had found all of those many treasure chests in. - The next pair is where you had to talk to Cid earlier
in this game and then match it up with one in the area where you first met Isaru here. - Now it is the where you had
first spoken to Cid in this game to one in the area where you see the lifter in the Ruins. - The next pair is by matching
up one in the room with tons upon tons of treasure chests in there to one in the area where you first had the little conversation
with Isaru. - Time to match up one in the area where you can find the elevator here to the one in the place where you
spoke to Isaru. - Now match up one in the place where you had talked to Isaru to one in the place where you had spoken
to Cid previously. - Now you can match up your very final pair in this mini-mission. These ones are one that can be
found in the place with all of those treasure chests found in them, and then the other will be located near the place where
you had originally talked to Isaru. If you match them all up correctly, you will attain an accessory which enhances Magic
with an ability. Mission completed... (finally).
7. Akagi Sphere #7/#10 ---------------------- #7: This one is
a really simple on to obtain, so do not fret. What you have to do first (for #7) is to fly back over to Mushroom Rock via
Celcius and then go into Kinoko Canyon there afterwards upon arrival. Now if you go over into the place where you obtained
beginning Akagi Sphere #9, you will again encounter Nooh there, talk to him, and he gives up the spoils of your efforts. #9:
After defeating Uno for the last time in Mission seven in Guadosalam, enter the room there and you will view that the Akagi
Sphere is just lying there for the taking on top of the table in this room, grab it and then the scene in here starts.
Ribbon Accessory ------------------- After the very first boss battle that you encounter in Bevelle during the eighth
mission of the game in the second Story Level, there is still three towers that remain un-started. So now that you activate
them in a pattern well suited for getting up to the room in which you obtain Ribbon accessory. Arkbeetle1 has suggested
to me that you align then spiraling for maximum efficiency of getting to that room where your reward is awaiting your duly arrival.
Now start using those newly activated platforms to go down into the next area, and eventually, you will run into a fork
in the path, take the right way to activate a set of blocks (if you want a Resuit Plate, take the left way first, though).
When down the right path activate switch on the left and then the right, in that very order. In the next area you make
your way into, there will be a quite large machine in the center of the place, now you can use it by activating the
switch here and then you can control it and attain your accessories for this mission.
9. Dark Knight Dress Sphere --------------------------- This
Dress Sphere can be located in the mission that you are looking for the Vegnagun in, and that of course as you should know
is beneath Bevelle. Is found in a chest before confrontation with Baralai. You must activate the blocks to get to that
area and to do that you must obtain the key that is in the elevators before. Once you do this, you can open the chest and
finally attain your most desired Dress Sphere. Hurray!
10. Get-Rich-Quick (80000 Gil) ------------------------------ Fly
back over to the village of the Guados, Guadosalam, and then go over to near where the save point is and then make your
way all the way into the below- ground room here. Now that you are in here, go up and speak with the guy located at
the desk and then when you are given the choices, take the second one, ok? He is now going to describe and give you clues
on another person that you must find during this sidequest. You must pay him a whole amount of 10000 Gil first before
he even lets you have the job! Now you must go out and find this guy who is sneaking around. Your controls here are to
go up to whom you think is the guy you're looking for and press on the Square button on your controller to try and find
him (you have only three tries at this though, and each one you get incorrect, that's 10000 Gil out the door of the final
prize). If you don't get the guy right in all of the three tries, you are out of cash 100000 Gil! (greedy bastard).
Every time you begin a new game, the guy will be someone new, ok? So you actually have obtained 70000 Gil in total (80000
- 10000 = 70000 Gil).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I. Active Links
1. Besaid Island
2. Kilika Island
3. Djose
II. Sidequests
1. Mi'ihen Highroad - Out of Control Machina!
2. Guadosalam - Greetings Maechen... Again
3. Moonflow - Paine...? What's up?...
4. Berserker Dress Sphere
5. Calm Lands - Save the People!
6. Item Shooter Dress Sphere
7. Mt. Gagazet - Ronso Test- Trainer Dress Sphere
8. Luca - Coin Game- Gambler Dress Sphere
9. Thunder Plains - Speed Minigame
10. Akagi Sphere #1
11. Samurai Dress Sphere
12. Akagi Sphere #2/#3
------------ 9th Mission. ------------
Where you have to go for this mission is
back over to Besaid Island via your Celcius of course. Now go through everywhere and then when you finally get to the
village here, go into the tent here you spoke to Lulu a bit earlier in the game and then talk to her yet again, and then
thereafter, leave the tent again, this will start a little chit-chat with Shinra. Next, there is a little scene with
a man dressed up in a blue-ish attire (his name is Bechrem) who is talking to good ol' and tubby Wakka. Then, after all
of this has occured, go to the Besaid Temple of the former Fayth, and then enter it, in here you must then have your
own talk to Bechrem, the guy who was just talking to Wakka.
Now that that is over, head into the Chamber of the Fayth
in this temple in Besaid, and keep running through here and you will eventually encounter Wakka down on the ground because
he is tired and exhausted. Now have a conversation to him, and the use the lift to go down to the lower level of the Chamber
of the Fayth. In here in this area, a boss fight will commence (you may need to heal a few times and amplify a few technical
moves to emerge victorious as well). After you have finally won, a scene happens here and then this finally will be
the conclusion to this mission.
------------- 10th Mission. -------------
This next mission will be taking
place in the island/village of the new and improved Kilika, and the first thing you are going to have to do while here is
pay a little visit to where Dona resides and then go up to her and have a little talk with the former summoner. This initiates
a scene that you have to get through a group of soldiers in order to be able to get to the temple here in Kilika. This
next path can be tricky, but if you are good enough and sneaky enough and you know how to time things, you'll do just fine.
What this is is when Dona is getting the soldiers' attention by flaunting herself (again, just kidding around with ya:),
and then when you see that the time is just right, you must make a break for the Kilika Temple without being spotted by
the soldiers - you can even change your current view with R1 button in order to help you out a bit here and you use
Circle button to bust through them.
If you fail, fret not, all that you have to do to continue is to press the X button
to continue, oh, and do not forget to choose the first choice when given the choices though. After you pass through, you
will find that you are in yet another very familiar locale, this is the Kilika Woods. Now go up to every gate here to
trigger a scene (Note: All pathways are currently guarded by the same type of annoying soldiers), and Paine will help you
up tree to the other end of this area. Now, once you are there, go inside of the temple of the Fayth in Kilika (this
is where you first met Dona and Barthello in FFX).
Once in here, this initiates the mission (which is sorta shorter
than what you did to activate it), and then you must go inside of the Chamber of the Fayth to proceed. You will now
encounter the buffed up Barthello again, and then you w will witness that there are fires preventing entrance to here,
go up and this will start up battles with Varunas (the semi-difficult battles from FFX which were found inside Sin and
in Omega Ruins). There are two of them, and a few good and useful tips for taking them on is to always try and maintain
decently high HP value as their attacks can really hurt. You can use Power Break to lower its Strength stat and Mental
Break to lower Magic Defense and follow up with Black Magic. Shell and Protect are good to use here to with a White Mage.
you have defeated them, you then make your way where you needed to go, which is of course this temple's Chamber of the
Fayth, and in here, there will be a boss bout that ensues. There afterwards, you have finally accomplished your goal
of finishing this mission once and for all!
------------- 11th Mission. -------------
Now, for this mission,
you must make your way over to Djose and then into the Djose Temple. And now, once you are in the temple, make your way
over to and enter the Chamber of the Fayth. Now, you should use the lifter to go to the second level of the chamber,
and then go over to the side of this new area where there are five of those push-able pedestals that there was many of
in the previous FFX, and you have to make the right decision of which is the correct one to push in and disengage the
lightning barrier forcefield which prevents entrance to the chamber.
Note that if you happen to push the wrong one,
that there will be a battle that is going to ensue thereafter. So once you are done pushing in the right one, you must
do battle with yet another boss. Now, once the movie and once the conversation with Gabriel and Nooj is finally over, there
is an eerie light that is all around Yuna (I never though I'd want to be light:), and you are having to keep using Circle
button. This will make you hear some whistling and stuff and you will be able to hear it a good five times at the very
most. Proceed to press the Circle button on the controller non- stop, and then now there will be someone looking alot like
someone we all know very well, this looks like Tidus, and he then guides Yuna out of here. That is the ending of this