Part 1: Summer School. ----------------------
After hearing a garbled conversation
between two evil-sounding people, you see Lan and his PET, MegaMan, race into class for the last day of school before
summer. It's report card day, too. In any case, you're free to wander around class. Check out the bookcase in the top-left
corner of the room and talk to the girl standing beside the front row of desks if you're new to the game or just want
to freshen up on PET basics. After talking to the girl, you'll receive today's MailNews, "More viruses". Seems like
the net of the future is just as annoying as today's (Klez appeared! Norton threw an antivirus! Klez captured!). Check
the rightmost desk for a chip: PanlGrab P! It belongs to the kid near the storage bins on the left. He'll let you have
it. It's not like a 5 grader could beat you up...hehehe. In the back of the class, Yai will force you into a conversation
about Netopian fans. What good will those do? Anyway, talking to Dex reveals that he has a plan, but the bell will
ring and the kids will have to race to their seats before Ms. Mari, the teacher, walks in.
After some chitchat,
Ms. Mari will pass around Report Cards...uh-oh. Lan and Dex have some pretty bad grades, it seems, but put that aside
for now. Speak to Dex and agree to meet up later to head to the Square and take the City Netbattler test. After speaking
with everyone, you can take either exit and leave school.
Part 2: Little City Remix ------------------------- Explore
the now-groovyrific ACDC town. The town is essentially the same, except some new people have moved in. Mr. Higsby's Chip
Shop is temporarily closed, huh. Too bad. Also, a bus connection has been made near the Metroline Station. No one's
home yet, but you can visit your friends later. You can't skip town just yet, even though the bad grades in your pockets
tell you otherwise. Swallow your pride and head home. Standing in front of your house is a Repairman. DenCity must be
proud to have such evil-looking repairmen. Talk to him, then go into your house. Talk to your mom, who'll have trouble
remembering something, then sprint up the stairs. Home free! But wait...she's remembered. Watch a familiar scene take
place. You can almost feel her yelling. After she takes off, you'll have to do your summer homework. Explore the house
if you wish, but when you're done, jack in to your computer with the R Button.
Part 3: That was a PC of cake. ------------------------------ Ms.
Mari's NetNavi will appear and begin to give you lessons on Virus- Busting. A few thing have changed, though, so I'll tell
you as we go along.
Battle 1- Selecting Chips? It's about the same. Now you can press L to try to run without
an Escape Chip. It works against weaker enemies. However, the RPG Run rule still applies: You CANNOT run from boss Battles.
Get it through your heads. Oh, and you can't run from the lesson. Sadly. After a bit of tutoring, you'll have to defeat
2 Mettaur's. Yes, you CAN DIE in these training fights, but if you do, then obviously you need to stop playing video
games. Forever.
To defeat these guys, you don't even have to move. Simply press A when a Met moves into your row
and blast it, then blast the other one behind it.
Battle 2- Selecting Chips with the same code remains the same.
A new code type is *, which means it can be used with any other type.
With AreaGrab, you'll steal a column, limiting
the virus' moving range to 6. Then Wide Sword will kill of 2 of the Mettaurs. Now, you have no Chips left. No Chips?
No problem. Use the B Button to fire your Mega Buster. It's slow and weak, only causing 1 damage to that last Met, but
use it to pare down its HP until your Custom Meter fills up. Then press L or R to return to the Custom Screen and
grab an attack chip, preferably a Shotgun or Cannon. Fire away and clear the fight.
Battle 3- One of the most radical
changes in the game is the concept of Open Folder. In the last game, selecting ADD was effortless. All you had to
do was give up one turn in order to receive 5 more chips. Uh-uh. In Battle Network 2, you have to select chips and click
ADD. The selected chips would be discarded and you'll give up a turn. When you open the Custom Screen again, new chips
equaling the number of chips discarded will appear. For example, let's say you select a Shotgun K and a Minibomb K.
Then you select ADD. After fighting with only your Mega Buster for a single turn, you open the window again. In place
of the 2 chips will be 2 new chips, as well 2 more chips. This gives you 7 chips for a turn instead of the usual 5.
this scenario, you'll discard 3 Recov10s. Guard and shoot for a turn, then open the window when you've recharged. Select
3 Cannons and stay still, blasting those silly Mettaurs to oblivion. Lesson complete!
After the lesson, Dex will
mail you and tell you to hurry the $#%@ up. Speak to the program robots, then take the upper teleporter to the INTERNET.
4: If you thought Ebay was expensive... -------------------------------------------- Welcome to the Internet. Head north
past the robot and the roadblock until you reach a green square and a 3-way road. The northern path is a dead-end,
so head west.
By now, you probably have fought your first real battle, maybe against Mettaurs, Bunnies, or Canodumbs.
They have some good cards. Especially Mettaurs, which have multi-damaging Shockwavs and Canodumbs with their Cannons.
Can't have too many Cannons. Well, yeah, but you know what I mean. I find that Minibombs are hard to aim on moving enemies,
but cause one-hit kills on the non-moving Canodumbs. Cannons are great against Mettaurs, since they always try to
move into your row to attack, so they're easy to destroy with Cannons. Bunnies are the hardest, because they're always
hopping around. Wait until they charge their attack, then use a Cannon on them. I find the ADD feature still lacking.
Use it only in boss battles or when you have no attack chips in your hand.
Anyway, heading west, you'll pass a
purple bot and reach a green platform. That cube is a SecurityCube. You need a passcode to open them, but you'll get
them all open eventually. Take the bottom-left path to reach a mystery data (for lack of a better term). It holds an PanlOut1*!
Take the path above it afterwards. You'll see a second story up above you, which you'll explore later. You'll reach
a Navi and a billboard soon. Taking the path to the west will take you to a teleporter that warps you to a CyberStore.
Fat chance you have any Zenny, but you'll have some on your return trip. So return to the billboard and head east this
Back on the purple platform, go north now. The eastern path is blocked by Mayl's SecurityCube. Stupid net
had to be reformatted...
Take the only other available path to the next area of the Internet.
Part 5: www.downloadfreeviruses.com ----------------------------------- This
new area doubles the danger. Don't forget that the green program you see at the beginning will recover your health for
free. Very useful. Anyway, follow the path through the cyberforest until you see a path branching out with a mystery
data on it's edge. You'll get a Shockwav U! Now continue on this surprisingly straightforward track, busting viruses as
you go. Now you'll get to another purple platform. Keep heading north onto the next path to get a CrossGun S. Back on
the purple platform, follow the path east once more to reach another platform with a green Navi on it. North is Area
3, but it's blocked off and has nothing of interest for now. Take the lower path down to another billboard. On the way,
you might find a BugFrag. Ignore the fact you picked up a dirty, useless thing off the grimy road. Dex's PC is also blocked
off, but the eastern way is free and clear, and has an entrance to THE SQUARE!
Part 6: Press any key to
continue ----------------------- Upon entering the Square, you'll find Roll and Gutsman (Mayl and Dex's NetNavis)
waiting, and angry. After they run off, you can explore this area. Two of the four teleporters are "under construction",
so take the north one to reach the main Square.
No viruses here, so explore freely. On the west side of the area
is The Board. However, it's under construction (It seems everything is under construction. Lazy Navis). To the south
is the shopping area. You may be able to afford some subchips, but subchips aren't really necessary if you practice
busting defensively.
On the east side is the Zlicense exam room. Gutsman is already there. Talk to the Navis to
get some info, then talk to the green one and select "Yes!" to begin.
You must find "HeroData" and "HopeData",
without getting deleted by viruses once. Sounds epic, but they're just floppy disks. Heheh. Exit back to the first
area of the station, then out to the Internet again.
Part 7: www.dotcom.com ---------------------- Back already?
Whoa. Return to the purple platform with the green robot, then go north to Area 3 of the Internet.
Follow the path
up to the billboard, Navi, and two SecurityCubes. See the red spinning thingy? That's HeroData. Yoink. Now return to Area
Make your way back to beginning of Area 2. Head past Gutsman, past the yellow robot. Remember the healing program?
Talk to it and restore, then continue back to Area 1 of the net.
Back in Area 1, you can make your way up to the
Net Merchant and buy something and speak to Roll. I suggest you save your Zenny for something USEFUL. Continue south...You
should know your way by now, thanks. When you get to the fork you saw near the entrance to the net, take the dead- end
north. You'll find the green HopeData there.
Time to head back. Make your way back to the Square. You might find a
mystery data underneath a bridge containing BugFrag. Whee. You should also heal with that friendly program. Now let's
Part 8: License to Kill ----------------------- The instructor will give you your Zlicense after coming
back with both sets of data. He'll also give you a chip selection system, which lets you equip a chip so you always
have it in every turn of battle. You'll receive mail from Mayl. She'll hand you her PC code (ooooooh) and wish you
luck. Talk to the pink Navi to get the lowdown on Chip Selection. Now, you can head into The Board, over on the west side.
Speak to Guts and Roll if you wish, then head into the board.
Scan the topics (what a cool idea, hm?) and then
be sad. Despite what the robot says, you can't post your own topics...I mean, YOU can't. Maybe MegaMan or Lan can,
but NOOOO. Not the player. Okay, I'm done ranting.
Now return to the Internet.
Part 9: It's Part 9! -------------------- If
you fear for your life, don't care about chips or your level, or you're just damn lazy, you can jack out right away with
R. However, if you wanna get something special for that NetNavi in your life, keep reading.
Make your way back
to the Net Merchant. Hopefully you have at least 1000 Zenny. If not, run around a fight some enemies. Once you have 1000,
buy HPMemory. Your Max HP will increase to 120! That's it for now. Either jack out or run back to the entrance, which
will net you some Chips and Cash.
Here's something of use: Don't return to your PC: Head over to Mayl's PC!
Head north from the Netdealer and check the SecurityCube: It's Mayl's! Now that you have the code, unlock it and take
the warp to her PC.
In her PC, head down and grab the data: a MiniEnrg Subchip! Move onto the purple bridge
thing and continue on. You'll reach the warp, but it's not turned on. Eh. Leave a trip to your girlfriend's house for
later and jack out/return to the beginning.
Part 10: My friend's dying from gas inhalation? I nee- Ooh, Chip
Data! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon exiting the computer, you'll get a
call from Glyde, Yai's NetNavi. Yai's been in the bath too long, and the water heater's messed up. Mayl will also
call you, and tell you to get going. But RPGs let you do something very evil: Collect powerups while listening to tense
Head outside the house. You can jack into the doghouse! Like in the last game. Duh. Inside,
head to the bottom-right corner and collect the FullEnrg Subchip, then jack out if you don't wanna risk a battle with
a Fishy. However, if you wanna fight it...The best counter to fighting these powerful guys is...SWORD. Equip it, then
when it dashes to hit you for mega-damage, take one good swipe at it. Boom, it's down.
Time to collect our dues:
Head next door to Mayl's house. You might wanna jack in to her PC. You've already been there, but you should just go
in to activate the warp connection.
Dex's house is the yellow one near the Metroline Station and Bus Stop. He's
not home, but his Game Boy Advances are. Hehehe. Jack in! They're on the table. A MiniBomb* waits inside. One unique thing
about battles in here is that 4 of the panels on each side are missing, so the battle areas look like two plus signs.
Ghosts abound here! These disappear and appear often. When they disappear longer than usual, they're gonna attack
you in the face, so be read to slash them with a sword or any other weapon.
After jacking out of the GBA, jack
into Dex's blue computer of mystery.
Inside, run north along the path. Watch out for the Beetanks. They're slow
but fire heavy bombs. Right before the warp to the Internet are 2 mystery datas. One contains GutPunch B, another gives
you 800 Zennys (!). You can warp out to the Internet, but Dex's annoying SecurityCube is 2-way. Can't get out either.
Jack out.
Back outside, people will be talking about a weird smell coming from Yai's Mansion. A scientist will
be walking around outside, who sells Subchips. You have 2 good ones, so you don't need to buy any. That weird guy
that was standing in front of your house is hiding in some trees to the north of Yai's house, muttering about his plan.
Unfortunately, there's no "ass-kicking" button, so you'll have to go help Yai instead. Approach the door to her house
to talk to Mayl and Dex.
Dex will run in by himself. After 5 minutes, Lan decides to go look for him. Sigh...Doesn't
having Dex as a friend really suck? The auto-locking door will shut, meaning you're locked inside. The same happened to
Dex, so he must be trapped and breathing gas! And so are you, by the way. So get moving.
Part 11: Gasses
and Hackers and Fans, oh my! -------------------------------------------- Mega will download a gas sensor to your PET,
so you'll see the gas and avoid it. Lan won't deliberately run into a cloud, so you can forget about killing him.
You'll also get mail from Mayl, containing a Roll R chip. Didn't we have all these chips last time??? Looks like Lan sold
them all or something.
The stairs are blocked off, so go north instead. Upon entering the bathroom, you'll
see the bath shrouded in gas and Dex passed out on the floor. Checking the panel to the left will be no good, so jack
into the fan and get ready for your first real challenge!!!
Follow the path, checking on the green robots. One
of them will try to cross the path of a device shooting clouds of gas. It'll get smacked down. Badly. Time to try
it out. Time your run and hopefully you'll get across. On the other side is mystery data containing 200 Zenny. Check on
the unlucky program, then continue on. You'll reach two of the blowers. Go north this time, and try to avoid the gasses.
If you get pushed down, you'll have to try again. On the other side is Recov10*! Now return to the blower and let
yourself be pushed across.
This next move is tricky. You'll have to run DIAGONALLY across the path of a gas blower.
Position yourself on the edge of the tannish yellow square and RUN! It's easy after a try or two. Back on the yellow,
cotton-y insulation, run on. Follow the yellow road to end for a V-Gun A chip, then return to the road you saw going
Here, you'll find GutsMan. Dex won't answer. Let him be, then press A on the unactivated blower nearby. You'll
turn it on! Head to where you can get in the gas's path and use it to cross the hole. Now talk to the program and
then go up to the green box and press A. That's the ventilator's controller. You'll fix it!
Lan will help Dex up,
then run off to unlock that blasted door. Time to help Yai!
You'll return to MegaMan. Follow the path up and to
Area 2 of the system. The left route is blocked by gas, to go to the right and speak to Yai's Navi, Glyde. He can't
pass gas! Hehe...Okay, it's not funny. Get pushed down intentionally to get access to an HPMemory! Your Max HP should
rise to 140. Return to Glyde and get ready. Stand on the bottom side of the tiles and dash across when it's firing gas.
You should pass both of them. To reach the next safe area (with mystery data), stand on the north side of the path
and press against it diagonally. You should slide along the edge and up to the safe area. Wow, BugFrag...Remember the
diagonal dash? Use it to get to the next safe area. Head up the path and grab the MiniEnrg. Then go around the back of
the gasser and turn it off. Head past it, now that it's off, and continue north. A concentrated cloud of cybergas
is in the way, so take the other road. It leads to another ventilator box. Clear the error!
The ventilator will
start, but not the right one. Time to get a fan! Taking control of Lan, return to the main hall. The gas blocking the
stairs is gone, so go upstairs to Yai's room. The fan is the first room, inside the drawer near the door. Return to
the bathroom and get to waving that fan around. You'll see Yai, but before you can pull her out, the gas will return.
MegaMan will spot a blue robot arrive.
Back as Mega, you'll see that the cloud of gas is gone. Head south and over
to the stopped gas shooter. Turn it on and ride the cybergas to a new platform. Time your run across the next stream of
gas, then collect the RegUP1, which will add 1 Megabyte to your chip space. Follow the path to another gas shooter
you have to turn on. Now use the previous gasser to return to the platform, then use the stream coming from the one
you just turned on to get to the final platform.
Airman's waiting. That weird guy is his operator, and you're gonna
have to fight him to save Yai's life. Let's Execute!
HP: 300
You can play it from afar and blast him with Cannons, Shotguns, Crossguns, and Shockwavs or use Swords, WideSwrds, and
GutsPnchs to hit him when he comes close. You'll have to do a lot of dodging with the Swords, but you'll inflict more
damage. I suggest you pick the tactic that goes with your first 5 chips: More close-up attacks, go with Plan B. More
projectiles, go with Plan A.
Watch out when he uses his fiery gas attack, which travels the whole row. His 3-Tornado
attack is easy to dodge. Simply stand at the back of your area. The tornadoes travel at different speeds, meaning a gap
will appear that you can go through. The annoying thing is that they'll deflect any attacks, so don't waste your chips.
Also, watch out for his Twister attack. When tiles flash, and long thin tornadoes come down, move outta the way. They
home in on you.
300 HP later...
Mr. Weird will tell you that he'll
get revenge before running off. MegaMan will clear the final Ventilator and you'll go off and save Yai.
12: M0re P0rn ------------- Lan, Mayl, and Dex will be at Yai's bedside after rescuing her. Yai accuses Lan of looking
at her naked. Thankfully (?), Mayl carried her to bed. R. Kelly would have loved this.
Meanwhile, the guy (named
Arashi) is trying to skip town. Talking to his boss from the Metroline Station, he goes out with a BANG when a suitcase
bomb blows him into dust. Man, the Netmafia sure knows how to throw a party.
Back at Yai's, it's time to download
some more chips. Check Yai and you'll get a passcode for her Cube. Jack into the old phone nearby.
In the bottom-left
corner is mystery data containing 100 Zennys (!!), and the top-left corner has a RegUP1 thing! Exit the phone.
go and jack into Yai's orange laptop!
Follow the path. Ghosts are common here, so be careful. You'll get to a wide
open area at the end. Go north past the teleporter and snatch some HPMemory: It's 160 now! Now get to the net.
the code to unlock the cube...and get conveniently placed near the Net Merchant! You can buy another HPMemory for 2000.
Don't bother getting chips, plenty can be earned through battle. Now go to the Square, you lazy bum.
The Board
has 2 new posts at the Battle Board, so read on those. You can buy yet another HPMemory for 2000! We've hit the 200 HP
mark. Battles should be survivable now.
Train until your HP gets low, or just jack out. Now go to Dex's house.
is there. You can NetBattle his Gutsman. Your HP is pretty good, so get ready!
Tactics: Use Swords, Guns, anything. Fire blindly. You're bound to win. Easy fight. Exactly the same as last
game except you're stronger and better equipped.
If you got a good
rating, you'll get a GutsMan chip. You'll also get a DexCode, good for unlocking his Cube. It allows easy access to the
net. Now, you can use Mayl's PC to get to the NetMerchant quickly, and Dex's PC to get to the Square quickly. Now
you can explore, or just go home.
Upon entering your house, you'll get MailNews on the station bombing. Read it,
talk to mom, then go upstairs. You can level up on the net a bit if you'd like, or just explore. When you're positively
done, go to bed and save your game. Day 1, done!
Part 13: This Lan is my Lan, This Lan is your Lan ------------------------------------------------- Lan
and MegaMan decide to go camping with their friends. However, talking to Mayl's friend reveals that Mayl took her books
and went somewhere. Go to the school, and there she is, doing her summer homework. Let's check on Yai...or not, since
her house is locked up and she left a note saying that she's gone on a trip around the world... Dex says that he can't
go because his mother wants him to keep house. That sucks. After talking to Dex, you'll see Lan sulking at the park. Soon,
you'll get an e-mail from the Center over in Marine Harbor, declaring that all Zlicense holders should come and try to
become an official netbattler. After you've done everything you want to, head to the Metroline station, get a ticket,
and take the train to Marine Harbor.
As soon as you step off the train in Marine Harbor, Dex will mail you and
agree to a camping trip bright and early tomorrow. Talk to everyone, and when you're ready to fight, talk to the cute
television reporter. She doesn't mind a commercial break, as long as the commercial involves netbattling.
HP: 300
Tactics: Toadman's tricky. At the beginning, you'll see two lily pads floating
back and forth. Toady will appear on one of them. Fire away! Beware of those little sper- I mean, tadpoles. When he ribbits,
avoid the musical notes (???) by moving forward, because they home in if you're in the back. The ribbit attack is
the most dangerous, especially when the floors crack. I used Gutsman, and well...I barely escaped. Be careful.
After you trounce Ribitta's Toadman PET, you'll get RibiCode, which obviously is her SecurityCube
code. Now, go and jack into her remote truck!
Again, just follow the path and remember to pick up 1000 Zennys in
a mystery data. Beware of those Shrimpys, they have 100 HP and shoot annoying bubbles. They move like Mettaurs do
(They move into your row to shoot bubbles at you), so you can blast them with Shotguns, Shockwavs, and the WONDERFUL
Dash Atk to deal heavy damage when they're lined up. Before warping out, go behind the teleporter and get an ElecSword
Welcome to floor 2 of the internet! If by any chance you got an Unlocker Subchip, you can unlock the data here.
But if you didn't (and you shouldn't have), you can get one later. Just follow the roadways, passing a green robot
and a NetDealer (expensive...), then to the next area. Collect mysterydata on a platform. This one's random: I once got
1500 Zennys! Sometimes you'll get Sword or 200 Zennys...it's a random data. Beyond here is the link to Koto Square,
but it's under construction. Jack out or just run back.
Back in the real world, enter the Official Center building.
by the door is a red box, a coffee machine. Jack in.
Right up there, in the upper-left corner of the cyber-area, is
a RegUP1 item! You should have 7 MB of memory now. After speaking to the programs and nabbing the RegUP1, leave.
in the Center, people are talking about a kid called Chaud. If you've already beaten Mega Man Battle Network 1, you know
Chaud is an S- Class Netbattler.
You can't use the elevator, but you can jack in to that big supercomputer,
which is the main server for the Square. It'll take you to the main area of the Square, where The Board and Shop is. Check
all of the Boards for a lot of new posts. Jack out when you've read them all.
Back in the center, speak to
the lady at the counter and answer "Yes I am!" (common sense...). Show her Mega, and you'll get a test form. Take the
southern door and go down the stairs. Remember that red door near the water? You can now use it for easy access to this
room. There's a request Board, but it's empty. You'll get to see what it's about later. For now, talk to the man at
the counter and enter the room beside him. Now jack in anywhere in the room.
Part 14: Training Day ---------------------
will appear at the Square, but in a new area. Yai will send you some mail, agreeing to go camping tomorrow. Now walk forward
and talk to the Navi up ahead. It's a three-part Blicense Test! Part one is a 5- Round survival battle!
1- 2 Mettaurs. Easy. Slightly harder if you don't have any cannons in your first hand. If you lose any HP in this round,
you need to practice some more.
Round 2- 2 Canodumbs. Easy, maybe even easier. Use MiniBombs and Cannons to
take them out. Don't stay in their rows too long, and move down to the safe center row when their purple crosshair is
in the square before you.
Round 3- 3 Mettaurs. Normal difficulty. 3 Mettaur, all in different rows. It can
get frenetic. Take out at least one right from the start, then use your MegaBuster until you get a second draw of chips.
4- 3 Canodumbs. Normal difficulty. They're in the same layout as the Mettaurs in the previous battle. Use Minibombs, Gutsman
or Roll, or several guns (Shotgun, CrossGun, Cannon, etc.) to take out one or two in the first turn, then take out
the last one on the second turn.
Round 5- 3 Bunnys! Normal/Hard difficulty. The difficulty depends on what your
first 5 chips are. Watch out for their shocking rings, and use guns to fire quickly.
After these battles, you'll
be asked to find a Navi in need, located in the Den area. Now, the laser bars separating this area from the rest of the
Square disappear, so go to the teleporter and warp to the entrance of the Square.
Now you can use the teleporter
in the top-right corner of the area! It leads to the second floor of the Internet. On the second floor, take the left
path to reach a WideSwrd Y chip, then take the other path. Go past the NetDealer, then talk to the Navi on the corner
of a green platform. He says some bad Navi stole his walking program, which he needs to move. Agree to help, then
read Mayl's mail (I can't help it. I have a thing for her, hehe...stop looking at me). She agrees to go camping.
run all the way back to the Square, and take the southern teleporter, which you've used to go to the first floor of the
net. Now run back to the purple platform near the beginning of Area 2. You'll see a purple Navi, who's part of the
Netmafia! He'll send some viruses after you. I don't know if it's random, but I got 3 Beetanks!!! Youch. After deleting
them, the bad Navi will give up and give you the WalkProg. Now return to the Square entrance AGAIN, and take the second
floor teleporter. Find the Navi who the WalkProg belongs to and return it. You'll get NiceData in return. Now run
back to the Square once more. Go back to your instructor and show him the NiceData.
The final part of the exam
is another 5-Round survival battle, but with harder monsters. Get ready!
Round 1- Mettaur 2, Flappy, Canodumb.
Hard. Mettaur2 occasionally hides under his hat, which nulls all your attacks. Flappy moves around quickly and transforms
into a huge weight, which will crush you if it falls on you. However, while it's slamming down, the transformed Flappy
is open to attack, so get behind it and fire. The Canodumb is just plain annoying and will pick away at your HP while
you try to deal with the other guys. Good luck.
Round 2- 3 Mettaur2s. Normal/Hard. Three Mettaurs. Who don't move,
since they're all in one column. Firing damaging SuperShocks. Yay. Fortunately, you can see their attacks coming from
far away, so dodge and fire.
Round 3- Bunny, CanoDumb2, BeeTank. Very Hard. You have Bunny running around,
paralyzing you. While you're paralyzed, Canodumb2 is firing. And BeeTank is firing huge explosions. And even if you're
not paralyzed, you have to avoid BeeTank's bombs while the coward hides behind Canodumb and Bunny. Be very careful,
and take your time.
Round 4- 3 CanoDumb2s. Normal/Hard. This is sort of a breather. Run back and forth firing.
Just don't get hit, k?
Round 5- 2 HardHeads, Beetank. Hard. Hit HardHead when it opens its mouth to fire. I can't
say much except move quickly.
Congratu-frickin-lations! You have the BLicense, and you're now an official City
Netbattler! You'll also get a yummy RegUP1! Chaud will mail you, and decline to go camping (When did Lan tell him???),
but it's alright. Lan hates him anyway. Jack out, you must be tired.
Part 15: World's Wildest NetNavi Chases! ---------------------------------------- Bad
Bugs, bad bugs, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when Lan comes for you? Bad...okay, I'm done.
Now that you're
fighting cybercrime, you can take requests. Remember the request board? You'll see it on your way out of the center. Read
it and take any requests. If you feel up to it, take the first request.
---Request 1---
Head to the cafe,
at the entrance to the Metroline. Talk to the guy in the red jacket. He wants a virus Navi deleted. Time for Lan the Hitman
to take out a suspect. You might be thinking "I have to run all over the net AGAIN???" but it's simple! Return to
the Center and jack into the main server. Exit the Square through the southern warp like usual. The purple Navi near
the teleporter is the suspect. He's right there! Talk to him and delete the 2 Fishys and the MettFire. The Fishys can
be struck down with Swords. Watch out for Mettfire's flamethrower, which toasts a full row, and his fire attack, which
is signaled by flashing squares. They fall down quickly, so move!
Now jack out and exit the Center. Talk to the
guy by the cafe again to receive an HPMemory! Now return to the Request Board.
---Request COMPLETE---
2--- Back at the Request Board, accept the second job. Now use the MetroLine to return to ACDC Town.
Back at
your hometown, skate up to the school. Talk to the girl beside the door. Hey, remember her? She's Mayl's friend. Her little
cousin took a ride on the Metroline, and is probably somewhere else. Return to the Metroline and ride back to Marine
Go up to the top-left of the area, where you talked to the guy that had a crush on Ribitta. The little
girl is there. Talk to her, then ride back to ACDC, and return to the girl that gave the request. You'll complete
the request, get a RegUP1, and if you want, you can go back to the Request Board and read the replies for you.
Now, finally return to ACDC. You can speak to Mayl and go on the net. After doing your business, go
to your house and get to bed.
Part 16: Campfire Tales ----------------------- That night, Chaud's Navi, Protoman,
will spot a "troll" on one of the message boards at the Square. And what a troll it is! Gospel, the Netmafia, is planning
an attack somewhere in Electopia tomorrow. Chaud talks about some secret file before moderating the message and going
to bed.
Lan will oversleep. Read the e-mail that Dex sends you, then get moving. Speak to the townspeople,
then meet up with your friends at the bus stop. The bus will arrive soon, and you'll board it and ride to the campsite.
Once you get to Okuden Valley, you'll get off the bus and spot Chaud. He'll join up, if somewhat reluctantly,
and you'll be left to play. Head through the archway.
Continue past the mother and her kid. But LOOK OUT! Hehehe...well,
there's a swarm of bees blocking the way to camp. See that guy in red? He tells you that trash is everywhere. Check
the tree he's standing next to: Newspaper??? Take it and talk to the woman with her child. She says you might be able
to scare away the bees with fire. Okay! Use the ramp to get down to the riverside, then go down and jump onto the rocks
in the middle of the river. Check the rock for a stick. Now as far up the river as far as you can until you get to
the edge of the area. You'll notice a lighter in between the rocks. Collect it, then return to the bee swarm. Use
Lighter+Stick+Paper on them to scare them off. Now continue down the road.
Hey, check out that statue by the waterfall.
Jack into it!
The top-left corner of the area has HPMemory! 240 now! Explore if you'd like, then jack out.
to anyone, then continue down the road. HOLY HECK! IT'S A BEAR! Yai will wet her pants, but you'll all escape safely.
The Bear is still blocking the path, though. Remember the little kid down by the river who said his dad lost his binoculars?
Time to find them! See the waterfall? Go to the north side of the falls and go behind the water. Press A to pick up
some binocs.
Approach the bear and take a good look. It's a robot! Move in and jack into the doppelganger bear.
go down to the bottom-right to get another RegUP1 (I believe we have 10 MB of space now), then speak to the program near
the center. Just as he finishes telling you what's going on, the virus will attack!
You're dealing with 3 Spikeys
now (Why does everything end with ey?). Avoid their fire shots and hit them with ShockWavs and Shotguns when they
line up. Simple.
After deleting them, you'll turn off the robo-bear and continue on. Go up into the next area.
you'll have to gather supplies for an old-fashioned Barbecue. Talk to all 3 of your friends to learn about their problems.
To get wood for Dex, talk to the old man on the other side of the river. He'll cut some up. Bring the wood to Dex,
who's running around near the entrance. Talk to the woman with her little sister (hanging out by the river on a picnic
blanket) to get a cutting knife for Mayl.
While you're at it, jack into the rightmost stove near Mayl and Yai. Collect
the MiniEnrg behind the teleporter, and in the middle on the top of the area, is a Bubbler R Chip.
Now, to find
some fish for Yai, talk to the strong-looking guy on some rocks in the river. He'll teach you to catch fish. Get one.
you return to Yai, notice that Ribitta is here. If you beat her already, she won't fight you. The scientist on the other
side of the stream will give you a Bubbler J chip and tell you that the Dam beyond him is only for authorized personnel.
Now, bring the fish back to Yai and eat up!
But...as you finish eating, you hear a huge explosion! Mega says it's
most likely from Okuden Dam! You set off to find Chaud...sigh.
Part 17: Dam it --------------- Time to find out what the heck's happening up at the Okuden Dam. Speak to everyone,
then go to the dam through the place the scientist was.
Run through the forest (There's a SubChip peddler near the
sign) and across the dam. Check the door to the control center to find out that it's off limits. Chaud will call you
now, asking you to find remote detonators to the bombs planted right in the dam. Time to find some detonators!
leaving the Dam Area, Chaud will mail you a simple message: Find 4 bombs! Run ahead until you see a "bridge" of rock,
and a green PET on the rocks. Jack into it.
Your mission is to find a round control detonator. However, explosions
destroy the path often. It's like a maze. Here are the directions:
Since the game has a 3D Isometric view, North/South
might be confusing. WEST is the direction that your HP Box is. That should help.
At 22, take the path West. At
21, take the path North for 500 Zennys, then return to 21. At 21 again, take the path West. At 20, take the path North. At
10, take the path East. At 11, continue East. At 12, take the path North. At 02, take the path West. At 01, take
the path South for Cannon C, then return to 01. At 01 again, take the path West. At 00, take the path North.
run across the green path and press A at the console. After MegaMan deactivates the bomb, jack out.
Continue ahead,
but wait! Remember that canteen and backpack that belonged to no one? Jack into that canteen!
At 61, take the path
north all the way to 91, and collect 600 Zennys. Return to 61. At 52, take the path to 62. At 62, go to 63. From
63, go north to 93. Then go up to 92. Cross the bridge... You'll be at 32. Run to 22. Head east to 23. You'll
find some HPMemory to the north, at 13. Go to 03, then race west through the long path. 02 will almost blow you up.
Go to 12. From 12 to 11. West from 11 leads to a WideSwrd L! South from 11 takes you to 21. Hey, keep going, it's
31! (It's obvious I'm getting bored?) Just go west, round the corner, and keep heading north.
You'll get to the
controls and deactivate them. Then jack out.
Run back to the waterfall area. Remember how you found the Binocs? Search
behind the falls and jack into a new device.
You start at 03. Go to 02. South to 22. East to 23, then cross
the green bridge. At 33, go west to 32. Go south now, and collect the PanlGrab L, then keep south. At 52, go east
to 53. Go south again. Go west at 63. All they way to 60. Then go get 1500 Zennys from the mystery data. From
50, go east to 51. North to 91. West to 90. North to 30. Go east, then cross another green bridge. On the
other side of the bridge is a RegUP2 (!). That's 12 MB. Go west to 20. North to 20. East to 11. Now just run around
the blown-up holes and cross the final green bridge leading to the control console.
After turning off the detonator,
Chaud will tell you that the last bomb is probably on the person carrying it. If you've already solved the mystery
of who it is, congrats. If not, hehe, too bad.
After jacking out, return to the first area of the forest. See that
guy in red? That's him. "Ask Again" and "Get Suspicious". Dave will be curious to see if you can stop Quickman, so
he'll let you jack in.
Oh, come on! This maze is huge...Navigate it yourself. It's not HARD, just walk and if the
path blows up in front of you, go back to the number you came from and try another road. Keep an eye out for Recov50 N
near number 31. There's a PowerUP at 95. You should increase your attack with it. There's a BugFrag on the green bridge
between 22 and 23. Near 03 is an Atk+10*. Near 01 are 3000 Zennys (I kinda forgot to double- check if it was random
or not...)! At 00, you'll find a LONG green bridge that leads to...Dave and his Quickman!
>>>Boss: QUICKMAN<<<
400 (!)
Tactics: Pretty fast and very hard. He deflects ALL attacks, and he's only open to damage right after attacking
or while he's moving (more like teleporting) around. Frustrating, eh? Bide your time, fire when he's just finished
attacking (or while he's moving, but it's hard to aim). His main attack? Tossing his Quick Boomerang. It's fast, so when
he finishes jumping around, move up and down quickly. Then hit him for damage. Persevere and you'll take him down
really QUICK. Pun intended but reluctantly put forward.
Dan tells you that
destroying QuickMan was like pressing the detonation switch. The dam's gonna blow! Wait...Protoman jacked in and cut Quickie
in half before he could blow. Great. Game over for Speedy Dave!
Part 18: Croissant --------------------- Lan
will be shyly interviewed by Ribitta, while Gospel foams at the mouth for the defeat of both its lower-rank members. Time
to bring out the big gun: Dark.
Meanwhile, Lan relaxes in the park at sunset. He finds a balloon. It's a letter
from Yumland, a foreign country! Lan decides to do his summer project on food, meaning you'll have to visit Yumland.com...
you log on, though, go to Dex's house and battle his Gutsman! Dex seems to have bought a new chip for Gutsy, so be on
HP: 500 (!)
Tactics: Guts is faster now. He'll also use
AreaGrab to pen you in a smaller space, so be careful. His Rocket GutPnch will send his fist flying at you for 100
DAMAGE! Yikes. Use fast weapons against him, and Roll is handy, too. It gets difficult, since he uses AreaGrab and his
attacks are fast. Just Hack and Heal, my friend. I managed to deleted him with 10 HP remaining...
If you survived, you'll most likely get a GutsmanV2 chip. Congrats.
Now, if you'd like,
take the Metroline to Marine Harbor. A kid at the Harbor Station will tell you about a new chip trader. Upon entering
the Official Center, you'll get a forwarded message from Mr. Higsby (huh) also stating that a new trader has been
set up in the Center.
There's a shady-looking guy from Hikari Labs (Your dad's lab) who's been sent to the Center
to battle City NetBattlers. His name is Mr. Famous, and he uses Gateman. If you think you're up to it, battle him.
HP: 600 (!!)
Tactics: You might wanna level up some more if you lose at least twice. For
now, do your best. Gateman's attacks include him depositing 3 robots onto the field, which seek you out and hit you for
30 each. They're easy to destroy with a good Mega Buster. Later on in the fight, he'll use RemoGate to create a shield.
It moves up and down and gets in the way, blocking your attacks. Shoot around it carefully. The gate can attack you,
as well! It rushes toward you and a hand reaches out of it, hitting you for 40 damage. Also later in the fight, he opens
up his chest and fires a blast at you. Be careful. As far as I know, the RemoGate can't be destroyed.
I advise
you to use Gutsman to limit his running area, allowing you peg him with guns. Swords and Dashes are riskier, but more
damaging. If you lose, at least you tried your best. Come back later in the game. If you won, you've obviously either
beaten MMBN1 or are just really really good.
If you win, you'll get a cool
HPMemory. Now, look around the floor. See anything different? Your good friend Mr. Higsby has left a Chip Trader down
there. It's all luck of the draw, but beware: Your game is saved every time you use it, so there's no going back. After
you're done screwing around, go back to the Station.
Now, you can either explore around the Camp and Dam, or head
back to ACDC to continue with the real storyline.
Back in ACDC, you'll notice a broken toy lying in the playground,
near the climbing dome. Jack in!
In the southwest corner of the area, you'll find 3000 Zennys!!! On the eastern
side is mystery data containing a RegUP1 upgrade. Warp out when you're done.
Now go to your house, climb upstairs,
and jack in to your computer.
When you first enter the net, you'll see that the roadblock is gone, leading to 4
teleporters. They're all unactivated, and you need a key to turn them on. However, you can use the new area as a shortcut
to the other side of Area 1. Yum. Anyway, continue to Area 2.
Collect any mystery data you find (Some mystery data
regenerates in the same spot you collected them before), and continue on. Stop by at the Square (don't be freaked
when you see the entrance empty- everyone's at the main Square), and buy all the HPMemorys you can (I had 2 left, and
got them both). Check the board for a lot of new posts, then you can head up to the second floor of the net to check
for mystery data (if you're in the mood). After wrapping that up, head back to the net and up to Area 3.
There's one of those SecurityCubes blocking the way, and you need an Alicense to deactivate it. Jack out and take the
Metroline to Marine Harbor.
Part 19: Virus Hacking for fun and profit ----------------------------------------- Once
at the Harbor, use the southern door to return to the exam hall. Talk to the man behind the counter, and he'll tell you
to finish the requests on the Request Board. Then you can take the test. Well, it seems like in a magical second,
3 new requests have appeared on the RB. Check them. Let's do Mission 1 first.
---Request 3 (Mission 1)--- You'll
have to meet this poster in person. Use the Metroline to return to ACDC Town, then talk to the guy waiting right outside
the Station. This scientist needs you to find 3 Navis that escaped. They're not on the internet, but they're jacked
in to some appliances connected to the internet. First up: That broken toy in the park.
The Navi you need to attack
is waiting in the top-left corner of the area. It sends 3 Spikey2s after you. It's a pretty challenging battle, so
use summon chips to deal some heavy damage. Swords are useful, if you're quick. After deleting the viruses, the Navi will
vanish and you can jack out.
The next evil Navi is in Dex's Game Boy Advances. Go to his house and jack into
them. The Navi is in the same position as the last one: Top- left corner. 3 Handys. Watch out for their bombs. If they
lay their bombs all at once, sacrifice your chips and use them on the bombs to stay alive. Use AreaGrab to claim their
most prized column (the one nearest to you) and deal some damage.
The final Navi took me a while to find. Go to
school and jack in to the blackboard. Check the northernmost area for a Sword L chip, then fight the Navi, who's in
the same exact position the other two were in. He unleashes a Flamey2 and a Flamey3. Pretty advanced stuff. Chip away
their HP and watch out for their divebomb attacks.
After all 3 are in the recycle bin, return to the scientist
and he'll give you a RegUP1 for your troubles.
---Request COMPLETE---
---Request 4 (Mission 2)--- Now,
return to the Center and take on the second job. Time to head to Koto Square! Use the main server in the Center to head
to Den Square, then use the second floor warp and take the north path. Buy a PowerUP from the NetDealer on the way.
If you can't afford it, just head south to Area 1's second floor and pick up the mystery data, which offers a random
amount of Zenny, or a chip. If you have at least 5000, you'll afford the PowerUP. Upgrade your Rapid, so you can fire
your Buster even quicker (Hopefully you're around Level 20 now). Now head south and cross into the next area.
now in the Koto area! You'll know when the background becomes orange. You can't cross over the rolling blue tile because
it's one way. Go to the left and cross the pulsing yellow path over to the black platform. Take the left yellow path
to a mystery data. Be careful. It's random, but it also may be a virus in disguise.
Return to the black platform
and take the yellow path to the right of the one leading to the data. Continue down the wide road, ignoring the yellow
branch leading to a SecurityCube, and take the green ramp to a second floor. You'll find a friendly Navi a little further
up this second floor walkway, who tells you about one-way moving walkways. Use the one above him to reach a new platform.
Take a new green ramp back down to floor one, and speak to the purple Navi. Before stepping into the warp, grab the
mystery data nearby for a LongSwrd L chip. Now use the warp to Koto Square (which is supposed to be a main hub and easily
accessible. But look what you just went through. It's like driving across 8 bridges to get to Wal-Mart).
you're in the safe Koto Square Entrance. It's just like the one you have in Den, except a orange hue. Take the only other
active warp to the main Koto Square.
Here, there's a room with an entrance like the one for the board in Den which
leads to the Shops (A purple girl Navi is standing next to it). You can use your BugFrags to buy stuff from the Navi not
standing behind the counter. I had 4 when I got here. That ZeusHamr looks really tantalizing, but it's way too expensive.
Save up if you want it badly, but I just bought a Recov80 and saved 2 BugFrags for later. When you're done, talk to
the purple Navi standing by himself (opposite the purple girl Navi), and he'll reveal himself to be the poster of the
request. Heh, almost forgot amidst the hustle and bustle of getting here, hm? He'll ask you to take out an evil Navi
hiding inside the Coffee Machine at the Center. So jack out.
Hey, you're already in the Center! How convenient.
Head over to the Coffee Machine nearby and jack in.
This Navi you need to defeat is on the north part of the area.
Just head straight from the teleporter and head past the colored center. He's right there. In one of the cooler pre-battle
conversations, he'll give you back the program and then give you a sucker punch when you thought it was getting simple.
In this unexpected battle, you'll have to fight 3 Spooky2s all lined up in a wonderful row. They'll move out quickly,
though, so unless you have a summon chip, they'll disperse before you can attack.
After deleting this guy,
jack in to the server again. Now you'll have to trek ALL THE WAY BACK to Koto Square. Have fun!
After returning
the OddProg to the purple Navi in Koto Square, jack out with your new Recov30 L and return to the Request Board to take
on the final job.
---Request COMPLETE---
---Request 5 (Mission 3)---
This time, you'll have to return
to Okuden Valley (the campsite). Take the Metroline there, then head to the back of the camp, where all the tents
are. Talk to the guy standing on the bridge of rocks, and he'll tell you that his son has lost a PROGRAM (ughhhh...) on
the net. Metroline yourself to ACDC. Fortunately, finding the program will be simple. Go to Dex's house and borrow
his PC. Jack into it, then head up to Area 3 of the Internet. Talk to the green program going in circles to inform
him that help is on way. Then take the Metroline to Okuden again. Return to the man and speak to him to complete your
final mission. He'll give you an HPMemory and his thanks. You should have 340 HP by now...oh, yeah, go back to the
man behind the desk you talked to before back in Marine Harbor to confirm that you've completed all the missions.
Part 20: F is for fantastic --------------------------- Your A-Rank is in sight! Talk to the
man in the Exam Hall behind the desk and he'll check your PET and tell you that you're able to take the exam now.
Head through the door nearby and jack in anywhere!
Head down the silver path and speak to the Navi. He'll sign you
up. From now on, you can take tests whenever you'd like. Cool. For now, though, try out the Alicense Exam.
face 5 survival battles first.
Battle One pits you against a Swordy and Hardhead. Easy stuff.
Battle Two is
against a Spooky and two Spooky2s. Medium stuff. Their constant vanishing is annoying, but when they get right in front
of you, strike them down.
Battle Three is a fight against 3 Handys. Medium-Hard stuff. Their bombs are a major
pain in the ass. Just use summons and swords.
Battle Four is a simple one. 2 dashing Fishys and a Beetank. Medium stuff.
Sword the Fishys first, then take on the Beetank.
Battle Five has you on the receiving side of an onslaught by 3 Flappys.
Easy-Medium stuff. Their high HP is annoying, but not dangerous. Stay off the back column and remain in the first
2. When they pound down in their weight forms, dodge and get behind them and attack.
Congrats. Now for the second,
and most irritating part of any exam: The Internet search. There are two bad Navis out there. Search and Destroy them.
first naughty Navi is on the first floor. Simply head up onto the purple platform near the warp to the Den Square Entrance,
then take the blue pathway to another purple platform. The Navi in question is currently standing in the corner. This
battle is tough, with a Swordy of every kind: 1, 2, and 3. Their high HP is worthy of a #@$%! And they also have AreaGrab,
which they used to pen me in to the back column and then used their WideSwrds on me, which brutally beat me down to 40
HP before I managed to beat the last one.
After the battle, the baddie will drop a BadDataA. Now, return to the
Square Entrance. Use the second floor warp, then make your way to the Koto Area. Follow the path towards the first
green ramp. The Bad Navi will be standing near the ramp. Attack...again. This time around, there are 2 Mettaur2s and
a Metfire behind a rock. Take out the Mettaur2s while dodging Mettfire's comets. Then kill off Mettfire. You'll snag a
BadDataB. Now return to the instructor. A cool shortcut is to simply jack out and jack in again. You won't fail the
The final problem is yet another survival battle.
The first battle is against a Sparky. Medium Stuff.
All he does is move in a zigzag across the whole battle area. But I wouldn't know. I used a Dash and an Attack+10
and killed him in one hit. Hehehe.
The second fight is against a Spikey2, a Spikey, and a WindBox. Hard. Take out
the Spikeys first, and then destroy the WindBox.
The third one is versus two Shrimpys. Beware the bubbles and hit hard
and fast.
Fourth: 3 TuffBunnys. Medium Stuff. Like Bunnys except quicker and with more HP.
The fifth
and final fight will have you dealing with a Sparky, Swordy, and a Mettfire. Very Hard. The Mettfire's fireballs will
be whaling on you constantly, Sparky will be running in zigzags like a retard, all while Swordy slashes. And slashes.
And slashes. Sigh.
Congratulations! You know get your Alicense and a RegUP2!! That's 16 MB of memory. Now, go back
out and talk to man behind the desk. You'll get a Recov50*.
Now you have to head on over to Yumland. On the net
that is. The fastest way to get there is through Dex's link. So get on the Metroline and go to ACDC, into Dex's house,
and into his computer.
Run through the Canodumb infested computer and get on the net. From there, just head up
to Area 3.
Go north and unlock that SecurityCube! Ahh, the satisfying beep and whoosh makes me feel so proud of
my Alicense!!! Okay, stop staring. It's a good game, and I think I'm blasted awesome for writing an FAQ. Anyway, follow
the new road a little ways and you'll be on Yumland Internet!!!
Part 21: Nothing but net ------------------------ Something's
going on. The Navi near the entrance will tell you that the area is unusually empty. It seems like it, too. Well, empty
except for those blasted viruses. These people need Norton badly. Anyway, you should see three other paths. The one
heading up (This isometric view is getting annoying) by itself leads to 2 sets of mystery data, one of the locked.
Use an unlocker if you have one: I don't. So...uh...surprise me. The mystery data that doesn't need unlocking is a random
one, so be jealous of my 1500 Zennys I got from it. When you're done there, take the any of the other two paths. Now,
you see that blue rolling tile? Use it to get to a path that heads down and eventually leads to a RegUP1 powerup.
W00t. Use the other blue roller to return to the main path. Now head up past the blue tiles.
You'll see a sign.
Behind the sign is a sparkling BugFrag! Now, take the path to the right of the sign to reach a NetDealer. All he has are
chips, so indulge in them if you'd like. If not, take the blue tile to get back to the billboard and take the left
Keep heading past the wrong-way rollers and the dead ends until you get to a brown platform with a purple
robot on it. Again, she's about to turn back due to the lack of Navis. Continue on. You'll see a teleporter and 2
rollers. The rollers lead to a locked SecurityCube, so don't use them. Instead, warp.
The new area you reach will
lead to a path, which will take you to the second area of Yumland net.
Now in Yumland 2, take the rollers to the
next platform. You'll see 2 accessible blue rollers: A long one with 3 in a row, and a single one. Take the single
roller to a path that lets you grab mystery data: It's random again. After snagging your prize, use the roller up ahead
to get you to the platform you would have gotten to had you taken the long rollers. Take the path in the corner of
the platform, and use the really long bridge of rollers to get to an area with locked mystery data. Again, unlock
it if you can. If not, take the rollers right ahead of you to another brown platform.
The roller bridge north
of here takes you to a locked Cube and back to an earlier platform, so use the one near the bottom. Now, to your left
is a path with three branches heading up. The center branch leads you to the previous platform, but the paths on the
left and right lead to two mystery datas. The one on the left is random (I got 3000 Zennys, neener neener), but the
one on the right has a Navi+20* chip. Now to continue with this $#%& maze. You'll reach a confusing tangle of pathways.
Don't use the blue roller, or you'll be taken back to the beginning. Instead, go up as far as you can until you can
climb up a green ramp to a second floor of this place. Finally, a warp, which according to the purple Navi, leads
to Yumland. However, as you approach...
It seems like the president or someone similar is under attack by a single
Navi. Just as he summons his loyal troops to attack, evil Navis jack in and take them all out. Then this Navi slices the
guy in half. Ouch. The Navi reveals himself to be under the control of that Mr. Dark dude we've heard about. After
the assassin jacks out, a good robot comes to the aid of this guy: The King! Unfortunately, the King loses all his strength
and is deleted.
Meanwhile, MegaMan has reached the safety of Yumland Square. Take the path pointing down and teleport
to the main Square. However, upon arriving, it's also empty! You hear someone typing on a keyboard, which is weird,
considering that no one's here. Just follow the path around the area, past the counters the NetDealers were using. You'll
hear the clattering getting louder, so keep going and go into the door shaped like a house. Inside, you'll find that
yellow Navi. He'll tell you Yumland was DESTROYED (!!!) by an evil Navi. After a bit of speaking, a mysterious Navi
(and my favorite) will beam down. This is Cutman, and he's hear to clean up any survivors that Mr. Dark couldn't delete.
Time to cut the rug with Cutman!
HP: 600
Tactics: Cutman will
send out a homing cutter, which will follow you as you circle around the rock in the middle of the area, and hits for
80. Destroy the rock if you want, but you can use it as cover from Cut's attacks. Cutman will also use a boomerang
attack for 100 damage, and if you get too close, he'll slice you for 100 as well. The only way I know of to destroy
that pesky homing cutter is to use Guard against it. The most evil enemy in this battle is not Cutman, but the confined
quarters of the battle. Stay alive, and heal as much as you can. Good luck.
tells you that Mr. Dark's Shadowman is already on his way to Electopia, and will delete everyone there too. Then Cutman
goes boom. The green robot reveals that he was the sender of that balloon. Wow. Lan will promise to return, then Mega
will jack out.
Part 22: Checkmate ------------------ Meanwhile, at the Center, a telegram is received which
details the destruction of Yumland by Gospel and their intended visit to Electopia! Chaud will run off, and you'll
see Lan's dad getting ready to start up the high-security measures.
Back at home, your long-absent Dad will e-mail
you, telling you to come to the Center. But didn't Mr. Hikari work at the Government Center (It must have been closed
due to asbestos influx =P).
Anyway, you can explore the town, which is quiet for now, but the citizens are slowly
realizing something bad could happen soon. You should go to Dex's and challenge him one last time: His best form of Gutsman!
HP: 800 (!!!)
Tactics: Gutsman is real tough this time around. His attacks are faster than
ever, and with a single pound, he can shatter every tile in your square. Use quick attacks and use a lot of healing chips
as well as guards. Be quick and practice. I think you should level up a bit more before taking him on. I lost about
5 times and beat him on the sixth. Good luck.
>>>BOSS DELETED (?)<<<
From now on, you
can fight Gutsman3 anytime you want, over and over...
When you're done here, head to the Station. Mr. Higsby will e-mail
you again, and this time, he's set up a Retro Trader. This trader lets you insert Mega Man Battle Network 1 chips
to get a very valuable chip in return. To find this Trader, simply take the train to Okuden. Go around the bushes
to the left of the entrance gate and it's right there. Weird place. Use it if you'd like...I can't. Heh. Can you guys
e-mail me and tell me about your experiences with the trader? Thanks.
Explore the camp if you'd like. Heh, you
might be surprised when you see a NetNavi walking around the camp, but it's just a guy rehearsing a play.
you're at the Center, you can speak to Ribitta to fight against her leveled-up Toadman.
Not THAT hard. Avoid those pesky tadpoles and dodge his croaking. Heal and Hack, as I always say. A little practice is
good, too. I beat him on my first try, though. Not to brag. Heh. The notes are almost impossible to dodge. Good luck.
I'll spare you all the directions. You should know your way around by now. The Request Board
has some new requests. You can complete them now, if you'd like. The "Chip Please!" request requires a FireSwrd F.
now, let's take on the next request.
---Request 7--- Scoot in through the crowd of NetBattler gathered around the
server and jack in. At the Square, read up on posts at the Board. You have to meet the Navi at Yumland 1, so go to
Area 3 of the Den net and then to Yumland. Head through the area as if you were going to Area 2. You'll find a purple
Navi looking at a billboard. Answer yes and it'll give you the GateKeyB. However, it turns on you and tries to take all
of your Battlechips! Fortunately, defeat its viruses (Sparky, Flamey2, Flamey2) and you'll take it out. Now you can
jack out. You've completed the request-by killing the requester. Good job. ---Request COMPLETE---
8--- This next request will have you playing matchmaker. Accept it, then take the Metroline to Okuden.
It turns
out to be an old man. After Lan gives him some advice, he'll write a love letter and ask you to take it to her. He doesn't
know where he is, but she's always near flowers. Think: Flowers. Nothing yet? I'll save you the time and tell you
to go to Marine Harbor. She's standing in the flower path. Deliver the letter, then take the reply back to the old man.
Then check it out: YOUR REWARD IS 10000 ZENNYS! YAR! You're stinkin' rich! I'd advise you to wing it and head online,
then go to the second floor of the Den net. Find that expensive NetDealer and buy all three HPMemorys from him. You
should have 400 HP now! Yar! ---Request COMPLETE---
Now you can head upstairs using the elevator to meet your dad.
Go down and into that office. Your dad's there. There's also another Retrochip Trader here. That thin hallway leads
to that large monitor. Speak to everyone, then jack into the small green button to the right of the monitor.
is inside mystery data to the left of the entrance teleporter. BugFrag's inside another data in the top-right corner of
the area. When you're done here, jack out.
Back in dad's lab, go to his cubicle and guiltily search is lab coat
on the wall for a PowerUP! Now upgrade MegaMan's Charge! You can now hold down the B button to power-up your MegaBuster.
go and talk to your dad in front of the big monitor. He tells you to be careful, and find a program called Chng.bat, which
will make MegaMan even stronger. In the meantime, jack in to the big screen (even though you're not supposed to, ehehe).
in the top-left corner is a RegUP2 item, so snag it. You should have 19MB of memory. Jack out.
Now return to the
first floor via the elevator and jack in to the server.
Now enter the Board. Remember where the Street Board is?
Check it and Mega will post a message there asking for help on finding Chng.bat, but you have to wait for a reply.
Trust me, waiting for a reply is just like in the real world...long and boring. Run around the net and level up...or
just run around. Or just go back out and come back in. Hehehe.
You'll get a reply. Guess what? Some nerd comes in and
tells you to introduce yourself before asking a question. AUGH! Just jack back out and back in.
Now talk to
all the Navis in the Square. After they all tell you that they don't know any programmers, return to the Board and see
if IronMan has posted a reply.
If he has, he'll tell you that a good programmer can be found at ACDC park.
So jack out, get on the Metroline, and go to the park at ACDC Town.
Find the guy in the green shirt at the park.
His wife is the programmer you're looking for. He'll give you a battery for her PET, and ask you to give it to her
at Okuden Camp. So head to Okuden.
Once here, run all the way to the back where the tents are. She's standing at
the farthest tent. Talk to her, give her the battery. She says that the .bat file should be in Koto Square. Forgot all
about it, huh? Hehe.
Use the Metroline AGAIN, this time to Marine Harbor. Go to the Center, go to the Square
via the server, then go to the Den Net's second floor. Follow the path to Koto Square like before.
Make your way
through Koto net again. Once at Koto Square, you should have enough $$$ to buy a PowerUP from the NetDealers. Upgrade
your Attack, then go to the bottom-left corner and speak to the girl Navi. The purple one. The scavenger hunt continues,
as it tells you to hike yer ass all the way to YumSquare again. Fortunately, you'll get a Yumkey, good for...opening
something in Yumland. Now go to Yumland again.
Back at YumSquare, head into the area where the penpal Navi was.
Then use the Yumkey to unlock the purple bars, and continue ahead. You'll see a purple mystery data, but don't fear:
You don't need an unlocker. Just pick it up and get Chng.bat! However, an alarm will start blaring, and you'll discover
that you've just stolen Yumland's national treasure! You can't jack out either, so it's time to escape the way you came.
Just run!
On your way out, a Navi will stand in your way. It'll send some viruses at you. Two Spooky3s! Delete
these warping wackos, then continue on. Another Navi will appear and will send 2 TuffBunnys and a Mettfire at you.
Take them out like you did before, then fight a Swordy3 and two Spooky2s when the next Navi comes to defend the .bat file.
The final Navi beams right in front of the only exit out, so defeat the viruses it sends out (Mettaur2, TuffBunny,
and Mettfire). Then get in that teleporter and warp to safety!
Back at the entrance, jack out.
23: Mother of- -------------------- Now go up to the second floor and speak to your dad. He'll painfully install
the file on Mega. However, an alarm will ring! Navis have invaded DenSquare!!! Go down and talk to all 5 officials near
the server. One of them will give you a FireBlde R. Jack in to the server!!!!
Too late. The evil NetNavi has
already deleted everyone. However, when you talk to that purple Navi, he'll attack!
The enemy will be a GoofBall.
Whoa. The only way to damage it is when it detaches its mask. Attack then. It has high HP but is rather weak. Its mask
shoots a poison gas that decreases your health rapidly! Stay away and hit it with summons and cannon attacks.
go upstairs and speak to your father again. He'll tell you to help the NetBattlers fight off the virus at the Mothercomputer.
Run to the other end of the hallway and enter the door that was locked before.
After Lan finishes gawking at the
Mother Computer, run ahead and talk to the three officials standing near a console. After some Official Barbarossa
uses the Dangerous Barbarossa Cannon (I wonder how much this chips costs. X_x), the officials delete the virus and deactivate
the security door. They'll run ahead, so keep following the path to another console. They need some help, so jack
The Mother Computer has several layers of protection. You'll need to input passwords to pass these layers.
The first two programs you see will tell you about this protection, and give you the first clue.
1. Curiosity killed
the ---! Answer: CAT.
To input your answer, you need to step on the right letters on the orange panels. When
it's correct, the 4 panels will light up and let you pass.
Now follow the long path, warding off viruses...You'll
reach a blue tile which will warp you to a new area. Now keep running along...You'll reach a fork in the road. Going
to the left will take you to the next password. Taking the other path up leads to 800 Zennys and a Navi with no useful
When you've grabbed the mystery data, go to the new password area.
2. I lie in bed but never sleep.
What am I? Answer: RIVER.
After solving that one, you'll see a program who says that the next password will
deal with the letters that fill in the blanks...but he's forgotten the question. I love you, program. Before going up,
take the path that splits, and take the upper path (the lower leads to an unuseful Navi). You'll grab an HPMemory
from the mystery data. That's 420 HP. Return to the forgetful program and take the other path up through more viruses
and to the next Password.
But wait! Another fork! But it shouldn't be that hard. Just grab the Recov30* and speak
to the purple Navi at the end of the short path.
3. What are the 2 missing letters? "-et-attler" Answer: NETBATTLER.
lost my Mega-Virginity! Well, not really, but a bit of news: I ran into a battle I couldn't run from after getting the
clue, and afterwards, I got the AquaGuts style! Is this battle preset or did it just happen because I fulfilled the
requirements for the style? Please help!)
Anyway, the password is just ahead. Pick the N from the 4 letters available,
then the B from the next 4. Now continue on.
You'll find a green console. Activate it and you'll jack out just as the
Official Navis arrive, belonging to the 3 Officials that came in ahead of you. They'll sacrifice themselves to save
the Mother Computer. Sniff.
As Lan again, continue past the gate you turned off. The Mother Computer is just ahead,
but there's one more gate. Jack in to turn it off!
As soon as MegaMan jacks in, so does Chaud's Protoman. After he
accuses you of not being a real NetBattler, Proto will run off. Take control of Mega and follow the path, then get
ready to be confused.
To the right of the path split are 4 programs in little squares. They all tell you passwords,
but they all say different passwords and tell you that the other 3 are lying. Ignore them for now and go all the way past
Program D to find mystery data with Spreader P in it. Now go the other way, ignoring the Programs, and follow the path
to the next Password. There's another program here who will tell you which programs are more honest. But program Slick
is more honest than all of them! Okay, that was corny. But you get it.
4. One hell of a confusing riddle. Answer:
That was easy. Hehe. Now follow the path a little ways to another split. The one going down takes you to
this riddle:
5. Clue A: 2 Hands, no arms. 1 face, no nose. On your arm. Clue B: What do you call a
chronometer you can wear? Answer: WATCH
Hehe, that was a fun one. After clearing this one, collect the nearby mystery
data for 600 Zennys.
Up ahead is a fork. The south path takes you to 3 programs with clues to the next Password,
and mystery data for Wrecker Q. Listen to all of the programs, then go up to the Password.
6. Just shut up and
look below. Answer: ALMOSTTHERE
Almost there? It feels good to have the game reassure you, doesn't it? Run ahead.
find ProtoMan about to fight Mr. Dark's Navi, ShadowMan. Chaud will tell you to get to the Mother Computer, and leave
Shadow to him.
Back as Lan, run to the Mother Computer and jack in!
Shortly after jacking in, you'll run across
a program warning you that grass (GRASS?) has been spread all over the Mother Computer. Great. Anyway, at the fork,
you should take the right path to find mystery data with a BugFrag, and a program with a clue (MASK WIG). Return to the
fork and take the left path, and then you'll find another split. The bottom path takes you to a Shotgun*, and a teleporter
which leads to a program with another clue. Now head to the Password and input this (IN ORDER).
7.In the bottom-left
square of letters, input WIG. In the bottom-right square, input GEM. In the top-left square, input MAS.
In the top-right square, input K.
(Be careful! The Ks look a lot like Hs. An H has straight lines going down,
but the K has its left vertical line crooked. I know it's weird)
Go back to the bottom-right square, input K. Go
back to the top-right square, input NIFE.
That was confusing, I know. Sorry if I couldn't explain it better.
you managed to solve this tough one, continue on. The green console says that you can't escape now. Ignore the warning
and go ahead. Another password. The program tells you to read the letters on the green consoles. Keep going past the
Password to read more console warnings and get a PanlOut3*, and get a clue from another program. Now input this:
Read the warnings. Answer: UCANGO ^Use the rightmost N,
the one not touching letter 3, the A.
After that tricky one, go up. Another split, with the north path leading to
mystery data containing Recov80 F! The left path leads to a new Password.
9. A quick brown fox. Answer: DUMPS.
(Dumps? Hmm, wow.)
After that Password is in the green, go up and into the second area.
The 4 programs here
are all chanting something. This should be easy.
10. Itsy Bitsy Answer: SPIDER.
After that simple Password,
you'll reach a fork. The one going down eventually nabs you mystery data containing 1000 Zennys! Back on the other
path, head over to the next Password.
11. What did William Tell hit with his arrow? Answer: APPLE (All the letters
are in a straight line)
The next one...
12. What insect starts bathing, and ends up drab? Answer: B. (hehehe)
ahead are 3 paths. The leftmost one has a password, OTIEP, and the center one has mystery data with WideSwrd L and a program
with the password DNGVU. The rightmost path leads to a Password area, where you should enter this:
13. Answer:
Heh, don't give up. Now keep going, young one, you're almost there. Collect the Hammer T mystery data
that's in plain sight, then go up ahead to Area 3.
The next Password is up ahead.
14. I'm an animal. I wear
a mask. Answer: RACCOON
At this next split, take the right road to a program with a clue and 1400 Zennys. The
left path takes you to a Password:
15. Answer: CIHMOQSUWY
Continue on to yet another split. The path going to
the left takes you to a program with a hint. The north path goes to the next Password. Use the leftmost S to begin.
System ahead? Yay. Continue on, past the Password (talk to the two programs for clues) and
go into the blue warp. This new road has a RegUP2 item!!! Yay, that's 21 MB! Follow this path to a program with another
hint, then go back to the Password via the warp and enter this:
17. Answer: SYSTEM Then right after it is another
Password field... Answer: CLOSE
After this one, you'll find a program telling you that this next
Password is the last lock. Take the path with the dots nearby to 3 Robots who will give you tips on the Password and
on ShadowMan. Collect the FullEnrg subchip and use it if you need it. Now enter this final Password:
18. Answer:
Congrats! Now SAVE, and step onto those red tiles...
ShadowMan tells you that ProtoMan is currently fighting
a fake version of himself. Meanwhile, Lan's dad comes with the weapon he was working on: The Ultimate Blaster. Lan
will install it on MegaMan.
There's a problem. It has only one shot, and if you miss, you'll hit the Mother Computer
Core and...screw everyone. So don't. Then Lan will say "Damn". Which is amusing, hohoho. Just in time, though, ProtoMan
will jack in and hold ShadowMan. He'll be deleted along with Shadow, but can be revived, so Mega takes the shot. But
it fails, because 3 of those annoying Shadow Puppets come down and take the blast. Proto will jack out due to heavy
damage, and you'll have to fight ShadowMan on HIS terms.
HP: 800
Tactics: ShadowMan has a 40 HP fire attack, and can duplicate himself until the real one is damaged (but the
real one has an HP count, so it's easy to tell him apart). Shadow also fires Shadow Blades at you from above, but
if you keep moving, they'll all miss. Later on in the fight, he'll summon blue ghost duplicates, which will appear in
YOUR area, so watch out! I don't know of any way to destroy or get rid of these blue duplicates, but I managed to
win the battle. It's a hard one, so good luck.
ShadowMan will blow
up, and MegaMan will jack out. Back in the real world, Chaud will refuse dad's help and leave with the injured ProtoMan.
Anyway, Dad will tell you that all the deleted Navis had backups and were safely restored.
Meanwhile, that
evil voice returns, and uh..."destroys" one of his scientists who failed him. You find out that these people are in some
sort of "chat room" for evil masterminds. Someone new shoes up and swears revenge on Lan and Chaud. Whoowee, we're
in for it now.
Part 24: Airport Security, Muggers, and non-taxed Alcohol!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------- One
lazy afternoon, Lan will get an e-mail from the Official NetBattlers inviting him to a global meeting in Netopia. Coolness.
You'll get a plane ticket, too.
Dad will send you some mail about styles, so check it out. Now go downstairs,
say goodbye to your mom, and talk to everyone in town. Then head over to the Metroline Station. You'll get mail from your
Dad and from Mr. Famous (with Gateman). Read them, then board a train for Okuden Valley.
Go all the way to
where the tents are, then talk to the girl you gave the battery to. She'll give you GateKeyA. Now explore if you want,
or head to Marine Harbor.
You'll see Chaud at the Marine Station, but he won't be in any mood to talk. Exit
the station, then go down the stairs. If you stand near the red door going to where the Request Board is, you'll see a
girl peek around the corner of a wall. Speak to the hidden girl for a Geddon3 Y chip! Now enter the Center.
here, you can challenge Mr. Famous to another battle against his Gateman! Watch out!
Tactics: Same as last time, except with more HP. Also, his RemoGate no longer moves up and down; It actually
BLOCKS You constantly. Oof. Use summons and quick moves to get around this. Difficult fight.
you win, you'll get Mr. Famous's very own FOLDER! Now you can Equip different folders as you please.
You can jack
into the Square and read up on new posts on the Board, which I advise you to do.
Now go upstairs and to your dad's
office. He's not there, but check his desk anyway: He leaves you a SilvFist I chip!
Go downstairs and talk to
the lady at the counter (The one by herself, not with the guy). You'll receive your passport!
Before you leave,
let's do some requests!
---Request 6--- Remember this one? We skipped it because we didn't have a FireSwrd F. Well,
now we do, so accept the request. Make sure the FireSwrd is in your PACK and not your Folder. Then go to the lobby of
the Center and speak to the large woman there. If you DON'T, go get one by beating a Swordy2 with a high rating (8
to S). ---Request COMPLETE---
Anyway, now you can go to the Airport! Go to the Metroline Station and grab a
ticket for the Airport, then take a train there!
Go up the stairs. Aww, how sweet! Mayl is here to say goodbye. She'll
give you Roll V2 R chip, and a Wireless. Chaud is also here, and he's been invited to the conference as well. Now
go to the blue board and jack in!
To the right of the entrance teleporter is a BugFrag. Now talk to the programs
or just jack out.
Now you can board your flight! Go through the turnstile and insert your ticket. Now you're on
the concourse, so be happy. However...
As you pass through the metal detectors, it buzzes (hehehe...priceless), and
you'll have to go back through again. The attendant will notice your PET and take him away! You'll have to leave MegaMan
here and get a MiniPET in exchange, so you'll have to pick up Mega when you come back.
All you can do with this
MiniPET is read mail, check on your key items, and Save the game. You'll get mail from Yai, so read it. Then talk to the
man behind the desk. Answer honestly to leave the country, heh. On your way through the Airport, a French man will bump
into you. You'll drop your MiniPET, but the nice man will pick it up for you. After he leaves, you'll notice that
all your Zenny is gone!
Bummer. Go talk to Chaud and answer "Go away!" and he'll give you a new PET, with MegaMan
already in it! Great! However, you'll see that other people have also been robbed, heh. Talk to the little kid near the
gift shop. His name is Quiz and if you answer his questions right, you win something cool! Answers:
1. Elephant 2.
The Selection 3. 3 4. Restaurant 5. Zeta Cannon
You'll get a Cannon*! Now board your plane!
A short,
10-hour flight later...
Welcome to Netopia! The people here talk weird, but that's because they're foreigners.
Go down the stairs and talk to the man behind the desk. Mega will start up the translator if you want. If you choose to
NOT translate, just answer yes to both questions and MegaMan will be stunned that you can speak Netopian! Hehehe.
you continue through the airport, you'll find that French man who stole all your Zenny! Talk to him twice to fight him
for your hard- earned money! You'll have to deal with a Fishy3, Fishy, and Flamey. Be careful, it's a tricky fight.
deleting his viruses, he'll apologize and give you your money back! Now, a little further on, you'll see Ribitta and her
cameraman. Now you can challenge her final version of ToadMan!
900 (!!!)
Tactics: It's Toadman again. This time, though, his NEAR-IMPOSSIBLE to avoid "Musical-Note" attack takes
away 200 DAMAGE! You'll be dead in less than 30 seconds if you get hit twice. The Tadpoles take away 50 damage if
they slam into you. His GRABBING attack, when he pops out in front of you, hits for MORE (I don't know exactly) THAN 220
This battle is totally end-of-game material. Take him on once or twice to see if you beat him by luck,
and to study his moves. But there's a 90% chance of you being decimated now. Fight him just to scout him out. Don't
expect to win.
When you're done here, head down to the red
exit. As you look around for a bus into town, some big guy pushes you back in. He'll offer Lan a ride, but before
he can say no, the man pushes him into his car and roars off.
Lan arrives at Netopia Park in one piece, but something's
wrong! The car door won't open! Lan's trapped! The guy grabs Lan, steals all the chips in his Pack, pushes him out,
and roars off.
Fortunately, Lan and Mega are all right, and you still have the 30 chips in your folder. So, after
your money's been stolen, your PET almost lost, and most of your chips lost as well, how do you feel? I bet you won't
be sending any postcards soon, that's for sure.
Part 25: Foreign Pains ---------------------- You can explore the area now. A blonde girl near where you are also
had her chips stolen. The little black boy will tell you that Electopians are targets of robbery here, so be careful.
Now go up and enter the Castle.
In here, you'll find a friendly scientist peddling SubChips, so that should
make you feel a little more at home. You'll also find Chaud, who doesn't want to hear your story. Before heading upstairs,
go and jack in to that beautiful gold angel statue!
Fortunately, the square format of appliances you can jack into
is the same here. In the northernmost area of this place is an Unlocker SubChip. After speaking to all the programs,
jack out. Leave the castle and make your way to the road to the left of the castle. Take the white/green path
to the City.
Near the entrance is a guy who looks like the thief, but just looks like him. Everyone looks alike
in this game, so forget it anyway. Farther up, past the Bank (which you can't enter...darn), is a Chip Trader Special.
It works like the one in MMBN1: Insert 10 chips and get 1 back. You SHOULD try it out, when you can, since right now
all your chip are in the backseat of a dang car, heh. The hotel is up ahead, so go in if you want. If you'd like to
keep exploring, keep reading.
Next to the Hotel is a dark path. We'll come back at the end of our tour. Notice
a guy that looks like the one who stole your chips go in. Ignore him and continue down the path. There's a restaurant
up ahead, but you can't enter. There's another alleyway entrance, but don't enter just yet. Continue up, and you'll
see a jewelry store. Enter!
Speak to everyone and check everything if you'd like. In a small sideroom is Mrs. Millions
and her bodyguard. She won't talk to "commoners", but you can jack into her handbag! Hehe.
Looks like Mrs. Millions
has a thing for snakes. The battlefields you fight on are pretty grassy, too. Follow the path, making sure to grab the
Wood+40* on the way, then take the teleporter.
You'll be in Netopia's Internet. You can't go past Million's SecurityCube,
and if you head left into the next area, there's another SecurityCube in the way too, so all you can do now is fight viruses.
When you've had enough of that, jack out.
Exit the store and enter the alley nearby.
Yep, these are the
slums. From the drunk Yumlanders to the kid that says "Who the hell are you?", there's mystery and danger in the air.
Before doing anything, go down to where you can see 4 Dumpsters in a row. Check the topmost one to find a rat, and...A
REGUP2! Heh. That's 23 MB of Memory now.
Next to the kiosk is a radio you can jack into. Do so.
Follow the
weird path until you get to a large open area. Search this area for a Navi+20* chip! Further on, through a new path and
to a new open area, is another mystery data holding a BugFrag! There's a warp to the internet, but you need Raoul's
(the leader's) passcode to bypass the SecurityCube afterwards. Jack out.
The two doors in this area only throw
stuff at you, and you can't enter. Go back to the main City and into the Hotel.
Lan will go up to the room, then
notice that the hotel is...different. Lan and MegaMan will get angry at each other, and Lan will toss his Pet into
a corner. Lan will walk out of the hotel without Mega, but walk back in anyway.
Check out the room, and especially
the desk near the bed. You'll get HPMemory! 440 HP so far...Lan will refuse to pick up MegaMan, so don't try to. Exit.
many things left to do in the city, so return to the Park/Castle.
Surprise! Standing in the Park is none other than
Mr. Higsby himself, from MMBN1, and trainer of NumberMan! It seems he closed his shop temporarily and went around
the world to find rare chips! Lan will tell Mr. Higsby everything about their horrible trip, but Higsby will convince
Lan to return to the hotel and apologize to MegaMan.
Return to the hotel and speak to MegaMan in his PET. Problem:
Someone came into the room and jacked into your PET! MegaMan managed to fight off the virus that was sent in, but
the guy stole your passport! #@$%!
Now that Lan and MegaMan are teamed up again, talk to the old woman by the hotel.
She'll tell you to see *HIM* in the park.
Back in the park, the little black boy will talk about some "Queer Electopian"
that ran off. Hehehe, silly censors. *HE* is the old man in the top-right corner of the park. The man will tell you to
see Jim in the back streets. So go to the city and into the dark alley.
Jim is the boy who told said "Who the hell
are you?", hehe. He asks you to give him a Guard* in exchange for help. Fortunately, he'll ask to be paid AFTER you
get your Passport back. Phew.
Jim says that your Passport is probably in the Undernet already. Now, go to Raoul
(near the basketball hoop) and talk to him. You'll need to beat his ThunderMan to get his passcode! Shocking, isn't it?
Tactics: Doesn't ThunderMan look like a lame 50's spaceman? Hehe. He has clouds
that can shock you for around 60 damage and block your attacks. The clouds use a + shaped shock that hits around it, and
sparks that move in a straight line. Thundy himself will raise his arms to signal his thunderbolt attacks. When a
tile flashes yellow, move away or be thundered for 160 DAMAGE! Keep moving and dodging those mother$#%@ clouds. The
most annoying and damaging thing you're in for is if you get stuck between two clouds while ThunderMan's thunderbolts
are raining down. This really SUCKS. A tip: If you have AquaGuts, AquaCust, AquaShld, or AquaTeam as your style, you'll
take DOUBLE damage from this guy's attacks. Use another style or NormStyl to fight.
somewhat tiring and awkward, but still slightly gratifying move I tried out was dodging attacks while constantly pressing
START. It gave me more time to react to some of the nastier attacks.
If you're using an emulator, and have a Joystick,
you're even more in luck. Assign the START button to a regular button and you can press START easily, so you can survive
attacks easily as well. I tried this out on both the GBA and the emulator, and can safely say this: Concentrate on
winning the battle normally on your GBA. ***CHEAP MOVE FINISH***
It took me 5 tries to beat this guy. Good luck,
this is one of the toughest bosses yet.
Raoul will give you his code.
leaving, exit through the left side of the alley (next to the restaurant and jewelry store), and speak to Mr. Higsby,
who will give you 3 cool chips! Quake2 W, TreeBom1*, and SonicWavI! Huh.
Now go to the radio and jack in, then
follow the path to the Internet.
Part 26: Web site under construction- FOREVER! ---------------------------------------------- Once
you're in the net, unlock Raoul's SecurityCube and continue ahead. The Navi up ahead tells you to search NetSquare for
your passport.
Although NetSquare is to the right, you might wanna go to the left to nab some mystery data. If
you don't want to nab some extra goodies, skip the next two paragraphs. Now, after heading left and entering a new area,
follow the path, then take the roller to a random mystery data. Take the other roller out of the platform, and continue
on. You'll come across 4 rollers in some sort of a maze. Take the one pointing down to continue on the path. Cross
the pinkish bridge. Pass the SecurityCube and take the roller south. Further along the road is a billboard that says
"Den Area 3". Yep, you'll be able to return home- slightly. Pass that billboard and keep going until you see a long row
of red rollers. Ride them to a locked mystery data. Use an Unlocker if you wish, then return to the previous path
via the next roller. Continue along this path and take another long row of rollers down.
If you head left from
here, you'll reach Den Area 3! Ah...a reminder of home. That blasted SecurityCube is still in the way, unfortunately.
Return to the Netopian Internet, then take ANOTHER line of multiple rollers to a platform. There'll be two paths to
the north and a single one to the east. Take that east path to a BugFrag, then go north. You'll pass a few rollers
along the way, but they all return you to this path anyway, so ignore them. You'll pass that SecurityCube you saw earlier,
then head to a billboard. Take the path going down to a little mazelike area. Go all the way west, ignoring all the
rollers that will return you to the same path you just passed through. When you see a triangle of rollers, take the
one east and you'll soon find mystery data containing Recov50*! Return to the triangle and go west now. You'll be back
in the path again, but now you can actually backtrack and leave the Area. Do so, returning to the previous area near
where you got in.
Back at the Navi who tells you to search NetSquare, take the southern path. You'll see two rollers:
One going up and one going down. Take the one going down, then go along the path. Use the long bridge of rollers to
reach a platform with a random mystery data on it. Now, use the small roller above to return to the main pathway, then
follow the path AGAIN. Man, how many times have I said "follow the path"? I need other words...
Anyway, sooner
or later you'll find a white ramp. Take it up to a second floor, then use the rollers to get to another ramp leading back
down. Keep on going, and you'll see a platform to the north. If you're keen on getting BugFrags, continue on the blue
path. Take the roller to another path, then pick up the BugFrag at the rectangular platform. Use the other roller
to return to the platform we passed, then head up and onto that platform.
Now, simply keep going north to another
billboard. You'll see a road going up, and one going right. Take the one to the right to a NetDealer. This NetDealer's
a good one, since all his chips are of the * code. Sadly, no HPMemorys or PowerUPs. When you're done, return to the billboard
and take the other path.
Use the rollers smartly: I'm sure you should know how to get around on them. Use them
to reach another ramp to the second floor. You'll see a purple roller leading to a familiar-looking Navi. Use it! It's
NumberMan! Buy if you want, and pick up the random mystery data. Now return to the second floor path via the roller.
Use the teleporter nearby to warp to another section of the second floor, then use another teleporter to reach the
NetSquare Entrance!
In here, speak to everyone, then take the warp to the Main Square (a green Navi stands in front
of it).
Search the Square, and talk to everyone. I few people saw a thug Navi with a passport leave the Square.
Buy stuff if you have the money and the time. Then return to the Square Entrance. Use the other teleporter near where
the purple Navi is walking to reach Net Area 3.
In this new area, you'll see 4 rollers. Take the third one from the
top to find a random mystery data, then use the teleporter. You'll be warped to a path that will lead back to the
4 rollers. Take the bottom roller to a new platform with two evil Navis! One of them is selling a passport to the
other- YOUR passport! He'll attack!
The battle is against 2 HardHead2s and a FullFire. Avoid the FullFire's attacks,
and attack the HardHead2s when they open their mouths to spit flames.
After defeating these viruses, the Navi will
return your passport and jack out. Now, if you're interested in the Undernet...I can arrange a tour, but it's not
for the squeamish. If you don't want to go, just jack out and skip ahead until you see the beginning of Part 27.
you're going to the Undernet, huh? Alright. Take the teleporter nearby to a new path, then follow it straight to mystery
data containing an HPMemory! Now, take a few rollers to a white ramp. Climb up it, then grab the locked mystery data
if you'd like. Otherwise, take the line of 3 rollers to a path you can follow. You'll see a split. One leads to a teleporter
and another to random mystery data. Grab the data and warp!
Just follow the rollers, down two ramps, and along the
path. You'll come upon Mrs. Million's SecurityCube, heh. Now, our tour is about to- Crap. A program is blocking the
way. Hey, you wanted the tour. No refunds! Well, at least you know that as soon as you open up Million's SecurityCube,
you're just a step away from the Undernet. Now jack out!
Part 27: Chip on your shoulder ------------------------------ You
should go back to Jim now. However, he'll ask for his Guard*! Hand it over. Jim will tell you that some millionaire woman
bought some rare chips the other day. Remember Mrs. Millions? Go to the jewelry store and talk to her. Pick the top
option and she'll challenge you to a battle, and to the victor go the spoils. Or in other words, your battlechips. Fight
>>>BOSS: SNAKEMAN<<< HP: 600
Tactics: Whoa, what happened to cool SnakeMan? Oh,
well...Guess it's still him, in some ways. His attacks are pretty fast. Little snakes pop out of the holes in front
of him and dash out, so be ready to fire at them: They can be killed in one or two Buster shots. He's tricky to damage
because whenever you move into the middle row to fire, he retreats inside his pot thingy. Use MiniBombs and Quake attacks.
When you move to another row, he raises his hand and fires his weapon at you for some damage. A cheap but effective
way to win: Keep moving back and forth between the top row and the middle row while constantly firing your Buster.
You'll avoid having to deal with his hand gun attack, and you'll deal a little damage every time you move into the middle
row before he retreats into his pot. It'll take a while, but you'll avoid 95% of all damage. Later on in the fight,
he'll use a claw-out-of-the- pot attack, so beware. It's a cheap way to win, but I beat it on my first try and only
lost around 150 HP. It's easy.
Mrs. Millions will feel gratuitous and give
you all your chips back, her SecurityCube Code, and 10000 Zenny! Cool. Hang around to hear her talk dirty to Lan...hehe.
You got me so stimulated...heheeh. Silly Capcom.
Well, you've solved the mysteries. Return to the Hotel. Before going
to bed, jack into the Refrigerator!
Inside, go to the top-left corner and collect the BugFrag. Unlock the mystery
data in the middle if you can, then jack out and go to bed!
Part 28: The meeting of doom, destruction, and poorly-made
coffee. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Lan will wake up, ready to head to that
NetBattler conference. It's a perfect morning in Netopia (Check your new mail, too), so take a walk around the city
listening to everyone, then head to the park and stroll as well. When you're ready to go an important conference, where
NOTHING can go wrong, enter the castle.
In order to increase security at the conference, officials have created
a "fake" entrance to the conference via those closed-off stairs. The "real" entrance is on the north wall. Simply
touch the golden bells to warp into the room!
Talk to everyone in the room, and the meeting will start. After some
discussion (That princess...get a load of her! Er...I mean...Oh no!), the main screen will black out and everyone
will fall into trap doors located right beneath the table.
Lan will land in an old dungeon cell. After recovering,
head out the door nearby. As you head forward, Mega will warn you of danger, and Lan will jump back as a spear slashes
in front of him. To disable the trap, jack into the green control panel.
In this ancient network, one of the first
ever created, vampires lurk and floors crack by themselves. Be careful. Follow the path until you reach another green
program. Right after passing him, a shadowy vampire will appear. Don't touch him! Even touching one accidentally will
damage you for 100!
If you have fast reflexes, you can do this: Walk forward slowly, then when you see the
vampire begin to appear, run THROUGH the shadow and back behind him. He'll head up by himself.
If not, Keep running.
You'll see two paths you can take, but one of them is a dead-end and will trap you, thus leaving you in the hands of the
100-Sucking Vampire (if he's chasing you). Keep going straight, ignoring the one to the left, and keep going up. After
passing a locked purple gate, a vampire will appear FACING YOU! Meaning you'll have to put the foot to the soot and
run away if you prize your HP. If you run far enough away from him, he'll disappear. Return to where you came from and
keep following the path.
You'll reach a loop, and most likely the vampire will be following the loop, too.
Dodge him and grab both mystery datas: One will have 1000 Zennys, the other, the CyberKey you need to open that laser
door. Go back and unlock it. Along the way, you'll hear of zombies from a program that was caught by one of them and
brought to a tomb. Man, poor program. You'll see two paths beyond the grave thing. One has a program, the other is
empty. Talk to the program, then take the other path. Keep running! A zombie robot will appear, and if you're caught,
he'll warp you back to the tomb. Uh-oh. Further on, A path split! Quickly take the one to the right to reach a loop
that contains a CyberKey and the next CyberGate. Grab the key, unlock the gate, and pull the lever near the large
cog to stop the trap! Lan will tell you to jack out, but before doing so, go up and take the path you skipped to reach
an HPMemory powerup! THEN jack out.
As you approach the door, Johnson (the blonde guy) comes on the phone. Just
as Lan goes to help him, he gets...go-go-goed. That sounds painful. In the next room, you'll see the Princess! And the
ceiling will start closing in, which is the same way Johnson got smashed! Well, are you gonna let the Princess's fine
arse get crushed? I thought so! So jack in and let's save that $#%@&!
Back with MegaMan, follow the path straight
up. A zombie will appear behind you! Run and when you see a branch pathway leading off, RUN THROUGH all the way to
the end. A vampire will begin to appear, but run through it and collect the mystery data, Repair C. Return to the main
path and follow it, then go up the next branch. Go to the back and watch as a TEAM of one zombie and one vampire start
going down the path. RUN YOUR MEGABUTT to that twisty branch you got the Repair from and hide at the very end. Both
enemies should pass, giving you a chance to return to where you came from and take the path they took.
The vampire
will most likely turn around and go back. Follow him from behind (he won't turn around and bite) and when he takes a path
split, take the other path, since he'll turn around when he gets to a locked CyberGate that you'll be opening in a
minute. At the end of YOUR path, you'll find the CyberKey. Then run BACK to that twisty branch, wait for vamps to
pass, then run (with Mr. Vampire behind you) and unlock the CyberGate. Farther ahead, you'll find a program who will tell
you about a new enemy: Bandit. He'll steal Zenny! Eeyick. Take the path with another program on it to learn that bandits
love left turns, and further on, you'll grab a mystery data containing a FullEnrg!
Back on the main path, a fast-moving
bandit will appear behind you. The more Zenny you have, the more he'll steal! Be careful! RUN and ignore the first
branch, and keep on the path. The bandit will run up the branch you ignored, then double back and chases you again, albeit
from farther anyway. A little further you'll see a twisty branch, so go up to the middle past the first turn of the
branch and watch the bandit go past you. After he passes, follow the path to a branch with a CyberKey at the end.
Get back on the main path. When you see a turn up ahead, a bandit will come soon, running in your direction! Turn on your
heel and race back to the branch where you got the CyberKey. DON'T ENTER THE BRANCH! Instead, run PAST IT. The bandit
will enter the branch. Now go BACK THE OTHER WAY and continue along happily, with your Zenny safely in your cyberpocket.
Take the next branch to a lovely Sword S, then continue on the main path, unlock the CyberGate, and hit the lever!
to the Princess, then enter through the door that opened. You'll get a call from the Princess, but the phone was just
turned on by accident. She's fighting a Gospel Navi, but KnightMan will be destroyed and Lan will say DAMN IT again!
God, I love it. However, soon you'll hear the dreaded go-go-go sound and the Princess will be pancake. Sniff...she
was cute, too.
Up the stairs, you'll find Jennifer, who's been badly wounded. She'll tell you that a Gospel NetBattler
actually HID amongst the real NetBattlers! Eeyack! In the next room, Lan will be surrounded by flames and say DAMN
IT again! That's two times in one level already. Growing up, I see. Anyway, Lan will remember his Wireless that Mayl gave
him, and toss it into the control panel beyond the fire! Press R to jack in in style.
The Zenny-Stealing fun
will begin right away. As you head forward, a bandit will appear. If you remember the appearance trick...That's right.
Run forward, and when you hear the appearance sound, run back, Bandit will run past ya. Now take the path to the right
(>) and go down. Collect the mystery data with a Submem, which will increase the number of Subchips you can hold
by one! Continue along and snatch the CyberKey. As you grab it, a vampire will appear, so run up to the gate and unlock
it! A bit forward and Raoul will call...you can guess what'll happen. Now that everyone's gone, Lan will notice that
he's next to die, and the only other NetBattler left if Chaud. That's right, Chaud's in Gospel. Surprised me too.
that thought to rest and continue along. Up ahead, a bandit will appear. Use the run-back trick on it, then go a little
further and use the same trick on the zombie. Take the branch nearby and grab a RegUP1, then follow the path...augh,
I'm sick of saying path X_x. In any case, use the trick on the vampire that appears after the bend, then take the path
going down and grab the CyberKey. Immediately turn around to get away from the vampire coming your way. Get back on the
main path, only to see a zombie coming at ya. Return to the teeny-weeny one-tile branch nearby. The zombie and vampire
will both pass you. You'll reach an intersection. Go to the right to nab 1200 Zennys, then go up, slam the lever,
and jack out.
The flames are gone, so go through the door. Up here is Raoul. He's a little crisp, but alright.
After checkign on him, Chaud will walk in, accuse YOU of being the Gospel infiltrator, and sic ProtoMan on you. Time
for some satisying JUSTICE!
HP: 800
Tactics: ProtoMan can use
his sword to throw a 2-row wide wave of power at you for 60. Move into the top or bottom row, depending on where he fires
it. After that attacking, he'll get in your row and slash, which covers the whole row and deals 40. Sometimes, he'll move
into your area and slash a 2-tile wide area, so dodge and attack if you can. He also has his red shield, and he'll
abuse that when you get him around 500 HP. He's fast, and damaging, but nothing too hot to handle.
Chaud will tell you that he's weak, and failed to defeat you, the villain. Raoul will wake
up and tell you that SHE was the real villain. She who? Not my pretty princess? Er...go up through the rightmost door,
up the stairs...and there she is. That lying b- Oh, heh. Anyway, she'll admit it, and then open the floor for you.
But wait! Lan will toss his wireless into the board! Now jack in!
This is the final computer. Yay! Take the left
path. A vamp will appear, but run through it is it does, head into the left branch, wait until it goes down, then
grab the mystery data, a CyberKey! Return to the start and take the right path. Run through the next vampire as it appears,
wait for it to take the next road, then follow it. It will go up a branch near the CyberGate, so hide next to the
Gate. When it leaves, collect the LongSwrd L and go through the gate. Up ahead is a tomb and a zombie. Trick the zombie,
then continue through the area. After a small corner, a bandit will appear. Trick it as well, then keep along.
next area is an infernal conglomeration of paths, enemies, and mystery data. Dodge everyone, collect the BugFrag near
the bottom, and the CyberKey in the middle. Then go to the right, pick up the PowerUP and upgrade the stat that you
have less in (It depends on the style you have). Head through the arrow to the next location.
Another screen of
hell. Collect the FullEnrg on the outer rim of the swirly area, then snatch the CyberKey from the center. Go to the top- right
of the place and go through the Gate. Welome to hell or something like it. Dodge the baddy parade, collect the Recov120
U and some other chip I didn't even bother to read, then go to the right and meet another vampire. I was so sick of
them I just ran into him and gave up my HP. Now you'll get to a fork. Take the one to the left and dodge everyone that
will be aiming for you. Collect the CyberKey, get to the CyberDoor, go through the CyberPath, and get ready for a CyberFight.
It's about CyberTime.
HP: 800
Tactics: The KnightMan attacks!
Finally. KnightMan changes colors often. When he's gray, he'll only take 1 DAMAGE per hit. When he's purple, he'll
take more. His attacks include firing his Mace for 60 damage and firing his Mace at the roof and rain down rocks for 40
damage each. To hit him constantly, keep running up and down through the middle row, firing each time and keeping
him purple, while dodging his Mace. When he's around 600 HP, he'll jump and crack the whole playfield! Er...tough tough
>>>BOSS DELETED (?)<<<
I got busting level 1 and left with 10 HP! W00t! Heh. Anyway,
the Princess will scare you into thinking that you'd have to turn off the traps again, but she'll turn one on herself
and she'll fall. Hehehe.
Back in the SAFE castle, you'll learn that the other people are safe, including the Princess.
Chaud will tell you the story of Creamland, and tell you that he won't team up with you. Instead, he wants to defeat you.
Nice kid.
Part 29: Dancing with SnakeMen --------------------------------- The next morning, Lan will wake
up all rested up. Your vacation's over. Leave the hotel.
Before leaving the city, try to challenge Raoul, in the
back alley, and Mrs. Millions, in the jewelery store.
HP: 1000
Tactics: ThunderMan's back. His clouds are back, too. He has the same attacks, but he's just hard. Er...good
HP: 900
Faster. Smarter. Not much harder. Oh, that rhymed. Just do your best and kill those damn snakes before they kill you.
After some gratuitous moaning from Mrs. Millions, you'll be ready to either continue with your
adventure or explore the Undernet. Now, I TRIED to explore the Undernet and write a walkthrough for it, but I was utterly
evaporated by the first virus I fought =P. I advise you stay away from the place until the end of the game.
leaving downtown, talk to the man on the street corner, near the restaurant. He'll sell you 3 items, all for 1000 Zenny
each. Buy all 3 of them, then speak to everyone in town, and leave.
Back in the park, you can speak to everyone
and enter the castle. The invisible door still works, and you can use a small doorway in the meeting room to return
to the dungeons.
Talk to the man next to the board in the meeting room, and he'll give you the ONBACode. This
allows you to open that last SecurityCube!
Once you're done in Netopia, return to the bus stop and select "Departure
Talk to everyone here (especially that lady behind the counter, XD), then check out the scientist reading
the departures board. Poison? Oh, nothing to worry about, nothing BAD ever happens to Lan, I'm sure. Chaud's ready
for another fight, so prepare to fight- and most likely lose.
1200 (!!!)
Tactics: That's a lot of HP. And a single close-up slash will knock 200 HP out of your life. However,
if your chips are damaging enough and you're fast enough, you'll get through. Be careful you get him down to around
400, because he'll start getting cheap and move around and attack more often. Okay, that's not really cheap, MegaMan does
it, but still...
After Chaud makes up an excuse for losing, run through
the gate and into the departure area. Pass through the X-ray machine, then you'll reach one of those guys who asks
you those questions. Answer correctly if you don't wanna be stuck in Netopia forever...
In this waiting room, speak
to everyone, including the two suspicious looking ones, then check out the little shop where the old lady is. The counter
to the left of her can be jacked into! Took me a while to find it. In the top-left corner is a program and a Lance P chip.
Jack out!
Now check out the white postcard stand next to the lady for a RegUP2! You should have 26 MB now. Now
go and board the plane.
Part 30: Aero-chnophobia. ------------------------
Watch the cute little cutscene...You'll
actually be on the plane heading home. MegaMan will wanna see the cockpit, so wake up. Speak to everyone, especially
the blonde guy in the blue shirt for a Repair L. Jack into the TV in the back of the plane, head forward, and grab the
BugFrag. You can also buy Subchips from a Subchip dealer in here. Jack out and go to the door on the other side to
reach Business class.
Check the yellow curtain for an HPMemory (500! W00t!), then talk to everyone and continue
to 1st Class. There's a Retro Chip Trader here, just so you know. Head down into the cockpit. Talk to the captain...and
watch as the plane hits turbulence. Lan will be asked to sit down.
Fortunately, it isn't TurbulenceMan, so after
the bumpiness, Lan will get up and you can keep walking around the plane. In Business class, you'll see the Bug Scientist
is gone, and the bearded man will tell you about the plane's HighPower program. You'll find that scientist in first class.
Now go into the cockpit again. Talk to the pilots, then return to Business. Talk to the man in the back, with the green
shirt, to get a SilvFist E! You'll go back to your seat for lunch afterwards.
Lan will be in trouble after eating
too much...so take him to the bathroom. Er...okay. Anyway, a huge spider will escape, according to a stewardess you
heat while Lan's in the bathroom. But it's no big deal. MegaMan will want to ask someone about spiders, so talk to everyone
(again) and talk to that bug expert in Business.
As you talk to him, you'll hear a scream from the back. Get moving!
Run to where the bathroom was to find a flight attendant bitten by the spider. MegaMan will ask you to find a doctor.
Remember the doctor who gave you the SilvFist E? Talk to him again. Now run back to the guy who was bit. The doctor
will treat the man, while Lan offers to catch the spider himself. First, though, talk to the bug expert...again. He'll
ask you to collect a box (or hat), a stick, a string, and whiskey.
To get the whiskey, go back to the rapper.
Answer Hellz ya! Hehe. Then... 1- Chicky-chick BABY! 2- Make me go KABOOM! 3- Can ya digit LADY! 4- Oh my Lovefire! 5-
Comin' to ya SOON!
After that jam session, you'll get the whiskey. Now go ahead into the cockpit, and grab that
captain's hat hanging on the wall. Now return to Economy and speak to the old lady next to the scientist. She'll tell
you about her booming chopstick business and her husband, then give you some chopsticks. Now, for the string...Return
to the stewardess in the back of the plane, near the bathroom. Speak to her for some thread.
With all 4 items,
return to the bug scientist. After handing your stuff to him, you'll hear a scream and learn that the spider scuttled
into First Class. Run in there and watch as you set up that trap and see the spider crawling around. The spider will
get drunk on the whiskey and subsequently be captured. Lan will return to his seat.
A few hours later, the plane
will go into severe turbulence. The right wing is being attacked by viruses, and the only NetBattler on board was bitten
by the spider! Oh, wait, YOU'RE a NetBattler! Get up and talk to everyone, then head off to the cockpit. Speak to the
captain and you'll jack in.
Part 31: Magnetic Mofo ---------------------- Welcome to the Plane Computer.
A path split leads you to a red and blue strip thingy. I'll call these MagFields. Take the blue magfield to a program
you can speak to. Continue on to a 4-way split. Take the nearby blue magfield to a round NAL platform, then head up. Ignore
the red and blue magfields and follow the path to mystery data holding 800 Zennys. Now return to the blue magfield
you skipped and roll down it. You'll reach a red circle with a plane symbol inside it- this is just a teleporter.
Take it to area 2 of the Plane Comp.
Follow the path to another teleporter, this time taking you to Area 3. Talk
to the program who tells you what to do, then take the blue magfield ahead. At the NAL platform, go left and then down.
You'll see two red magfields. Take the first one to mystery data with 3000 Zennys! Now return to the two red magfields
and take the other one. You'll reach a split. Take the first branch you come across and follow it. When you see a
blue console on a black platform, go up to it and deactivate these magnets! After the blue magfields are gone, head back
left and run past the red magfield. Keep straight to collect a FullEnrg Subchip, then take the nearby red magfield.
Then return to the beginning of the area, near the program that explained the system to you. Remember the little path
blocked by the blue magfield? The field is gone now, allowing you to reach another NAL platform. Take the next red
magfield to a new path. Go all the way down and snag mystery data for GrassLne N! Go up, past the red magfield going
in the opposite direction, and across to a path leading to another console. Turn it off! Now return to where the program
was, and head up to the Right Wing Control. Fix it!
The right wing will stabalize, but now the rudder's acting
Back as MegaMan, go to the left and into the teleporter. Follow the path through a couple teleporters until
you get to area 4.